Update: Behind the Scenes on Jan 28th 8PM ET OWN Channel / Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

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Re: Update: Air date Nov. 8 th / Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

What is wonderful to see is the children being at peace somehow... They have an inner light that exudes on the outside, vivid testimony of Michael watching over them with God. I am going to keep praying for all of them and shake off negativity as much as I can. I trust the children's strength and maturity, even though they're only children... But I'm tired sick of worrying and hurting, so, I'm just going to be at peace for now like these babies seem to be and have continued faith.

me too !
Re: Update: Air date Nov. 8 th / Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

The Jacksons are a family that insisted their 5 year old son (that would be Michael Jackson)
perform in strip joint; so nothing they do surprises me.

That's very true,we should expct more of this in the future,they are cool with anything that can generate cash.children be damned.just feel so sad for PPB,cash register 2.0
Re: Update: Air date Nov. 8 th / Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

I'm really taken back by this. I don't know what to think. I WANT to support Katherine. I know Michael loved his mother, and I want so much to support her. I want to support the family. I can't believe what has happened since Michael's death. I CAN NOT believe what his own mother is doing. Joe, I can understand him doing this. Latoya and some other siblings, I can understand. But Katherine? Katherine?! I am praying the her intention is to defend Michael and nothing more. I am praying that she isn't doing this to promote her book, and I'm praying that she isn't USING Michael's children to help her do it. I am praying.

I can't believe it. I really can't. How in the world did this happen? Michael was one of the most photographed men on the planet, this time 18 months ago, people would have offered huge amounts of money for those children's pictures. Paparazzi tried desperately to get a snapshot of them unmasked... and despite all that, Michael, the most famous man on the planet, with a spotlight on him at all times, was miraculously able to keep those children out of the spotlight. For more than 12 YEARS, he protected them from the media. 12 YEARS. He didn't have to isolate them and lock them up to do it. The masks were genius, and looking back in hindsight, probably one of the better decisions. Now, I'm sure the masks would have come off them at some point, and if you remember before his death, he was kind of easing them out of the masks anyway. And he did say he would show them to the world on stage one day. But, even so, I'm certain that at 13, 12 and 8, these children would not have been giving interviews if Michael was still here. And it just amazes me that a little more than a year after Michael's death, everything Michael worked so hard for has been undone. These kids now have posers, they have fan sites, they have videos dedicated to them, they have fans, they have outsiders hacking into their computers and somehow stealing videos and pictures, they have assistants, bodyguards, paparazzi, pictures in magazines, magnets with their faces on it in stores, they can't go to a karate class or on vacation without being photographed, they have people claiming to be their biological parents, they have their pictures analysed and posted on various sites where they are judged, where people comment on vitiligo and skin colour and resemblance and similarities between them and their father or various people claiming to be the father, they got ex-bodyguards using them to get attention to build martial arts schools and whatnot ... This is the "normal life" the world wanted for them? I just... I can't believe how far this has gotten. I can't believe it and forgive me for ranting, but you know, I've had it. Seriously. And Oprah knows better too. She knows Michael would have not wanted this.

yup u said it all "this is their normal life" smh .
i think i am going to go bonkers *loosing my sanity*
Re: Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

Her show is broadcasted in 145+ countries. She and her show are very influential.

I would like to disagree with this statement once again.
The fact that her show is broadcasted in all these countries, doesn't mean at all she IS important in all those places. For instance, her show might be broadcasted in my country but if you go and ask anyone randomly, changes are 9,5 out of 10 people have seen the show once, if any.
So don't get confused by the numbers. REality is much, much more than numbers, but of course, I imagine they always sell the tale this way. But I tell you: it is NOT that way.
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Re: Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

Funny you should mention that. I remember when Oprah recently traveled out of the country in order to campagain for the Olympics (I think it was for the Olympics) to come to Chicago and she really thought her being present would matter on a WORLD STAGE. At the time I thought to myself: "Dorothy you ain't in Kanasas anymore." LOL!

The problem is US forget the world is much, much bigger than them. I beg to our US friends in the forum to forgive my comments if they sound any rude to you. I say this in a very nice way, I have friends in the USA, I've been there and I admire them in many ways (I love one sweet US man whose name you might all know :wub:). But for some reason they tend to think if someone is big there, then that means that person/thing/issue is important/big EVERYWHERE becasue besides the US, what else is out there? Well, the rest of the world. It's like the song: "if you can make there, then you can make it anywhere" :D

Certainly, Oprah's name might be "familiar" to many people outside the USA, but to say or to imply her sayings or her actions have any importace or any impact in the rest of the world or in the said "145 countries" where her show is broadcasted.... maaaan!!! That is simply not the case at all!! :doh:
Re: Update: Air date Nov. 8 th / Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

do guys really think Mrs. Jackson and mj's kids aware what has been said about over the last years in his life b/c i think in 2003 or 2004 when latoya was on larry King she said her mother stop watching tv b/c of the cheap shots thrown at michael and she couldn't take all the negativly and just stop watching day and prime time televison and michael always had his children tv's monitored
Re: Update: Air date Nov. 8 th / Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

do guys really think Mrs. Jackson and mj's kids aware what has been said about over the last years in his life b/c i think in 2003 or 2004 when latoya was on larry King she said her mother stop watching tv b/c of the cheap shots thrown at michael and she couldn't take all the negativly and just stop watching day and prime time televison and michael always had his children tv's monitored
I don't know about MJ's children, but I would have to say that Ms. Katherine knows full well what Oprah's attitude has been regarding Michael.

The Jackson's are a large family, and even if Ms. Katherine doesn't watch much television, I'm sure one of her children and/or grandchildren have reported to her the things Oprah has said and done when it comes to Michael. And I'm not talking about having someone on her program to talk about Michael, I'm talking about when she interviews folks that have nothing to do with Michael, it seems that she ALWAYS finds a way to bring up Michael's name so that she can rag on him.

Aside from that, Taj recently TWEETED that his family is aware of Oprah's actions. He also thought that the children would not be on the program and said as much via Twitter, but had to come back and amend is previous comments when he found out that the children had in fact spoken to Oprah.

It's just a sad scene all around, in my opinion, and I'm sure before all is said and done, the Jackson family will be FURTHER divided because of this interview.
Re: Update: Air date Nov. 8 th / Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

I'm sorry but I think Katherine is as vulnerable as the kids.

Leeches surrounded MJ while he was alive, and sadly now they surround Katherine and the kids, his principal heirs.

agree. But I am conflicted and will watch it. It is so hard to know what the right thing is as a fan of Michael to do.
Re: Update: Air date Nov. 8 th / Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

I wonder why Joe Jackson is the only one with no chair in that picture.

I'm SURE Oprah is the one who set that scene up, was she trying to send Joe Jackson a message or something.
CHICAGO — Katherine Jackson will discuss the death of her son, pop superstar Michael Jackson, in an interview with Oprah Winfrey.

Harpo Productions said Monday that Winfrey's interview with Jackson's mother will air Nov. 8 on "The Oprah Winfrey Show." Jackson's father, Joe Jackson, and his three children will also appear during a backyard visit taped for the episode.

Winfrey and Katherine Jackson filmed the interview at the family's home in Encino, Calif. The Chicago-based production company says Katherine Jackson talks about the day her son died and reflects on his life as a childhood star.

Michael Jackson died unexpectedly in June 2009. He gave an interview to Winfrey in 1993 in which he first disclosed suffering from the skin condition vitiligo.

Re: Update: Air date Nov. 8 th / Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

Oprah knows the world is watching. I am sure she stayed clear of controversial stuff. No way she ambushed the kids.
Re: Update: Air date Nov. 8 th / Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

Oprah knows the world is watching. I am sure she stayed clear of controversial stuff. No way she ambushed the kids.

don't be surprised
Re: Update: Air date Nov. 8 th / Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

I can't say I'm happy to see this photo. I initially thought it was bad enough that Katherine had granted Oprah an interview then when the rumour came out about interviewing the children I was hoping it was untrue so when I heard it was only a rumour that was the case closed but now this photo...In my opinion I very much doubt if Michael would have been comfortable with Oprah speaking to them at this time, however I do understand that his kids want to feel like they are doing something. I just wish these pressures didn't exist around the family, one being Joe.
Re: Update: Air date Nov. 8 th / Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

ohhhh *SIGH*
Re: Update: Air date Nov. 8 th / Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

Oprah knows the world is watching. I am sure she stayed clear of controversial stuff. No way she ambushed the kids.

I don't think she would try and ambush the children and if they do make it in front of the camera, I'm thinking that it will be for a short while.

Now Joseph and Katherine Jackson is a whole other ball game. Oprah Winfrey is not in the business of playing nice. Her behind is looking for some dirt and she just might get it with Joseph Jackson in the mix, because Lord knows, interviews are NOT his strong suit.

Will Joe Jackson pull out a picture of Omer Bhatti and swear on a stack of bibles that he IS Michael Jackson's son. LOL! When it comes to Joe Jackson you just never know what to expect, in my opinion.
Re: Update: Air date Nov. 8 th / Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

Thanks to everyone first of all for keeping the tone what it should be despite this picture coming up. Can I say I am happy about this, not one bit. Oprah has significantly changed her tune regarding Michael and yes it angers me that the family seem to seemingly think its ok to brush that all under the carpet. It's not. I just hope that one day that she will apologise for it. I just pray that the kids are healthy and happy. It breaks my heart to see all the appearances they are making when Michael did so much to keep them hiddden. Yes they're not young kids any more but I just feel that Michael's wishes are simply not being respected.
Re: Update: Air date Nov. 8 th / Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

I don't think she would try and ambush the children and if they do make it in front of the camera, I'm thinking that it will be for a short while.

Now Joseph and Katherine Jackson is a whole other ball game. Oprah Winfrey is not in the business of playing nice. Her behind is looking for some dirt and she just might get it with Joseph Jackson in the mix, because Lord knows, interviews are NOT his strong suit.

Will Joe Jackson pull out a picture of Omer Bhatti and swear on a stack of bibles that he IS Michael Jackson's son. LOL! When it comes to Joe Jackson you just never know what to expect, in my opinion.

Joe is going to say there was foul play involved and AEG is responsible.. We all know what he's going to say
Re: Update: Air date Nov. 8 th / Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

They are grieving kids fro Kryss' sake. They can do it when they are older if that is what they want, MJ did not use his kid for his image, others shouldn't either.

It's TACKY...no matter how you slice it. Exploiting young children...is never appropriate.

Is that a microphone on Paris?



*Yes. I think so. You can see the same black mic on everyone in the picture but Blanket because his arms are covering that part.

Re: Update: Air date Nov. 8 th / Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

Seeing this picture it makes you realize that Michael Jackson is indeed dead
Re: Update: Air date Nov. 8 th / Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

Joe is going to say there was foul play involved and AEG is responsible.. We all know what he's going to say
Well if that does happen, he better be ready for Oprah's follow-up questions. She's gonna want to know "who," "when," "why," and "where." Which means Joe Jackson will not be able to MUMBLE his usual response regarding the others and Murray being the fall-guy.

This ain't Larry King where MUMBMLING is the norm. And Leonard Rowe won't be there to fill in the answers for Joe. LOL!

P.S. I don't think Oprah likes Joe and she will be more than happy to make him look like a know-nothing silly old man on her program. Just so she can confirm what everybody already thinks.
Re: Update: Air date Nov. 8 th / Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

This is so wrong!!!!

and it hurts so bad to see this happening. I never, ever, ever in my life thought I would live to see the day Michael would not be around and I never thought that OW would ever sit in his house, drinking HIS lemonade, using HIS chair and using HIS name once again this way. All that's there belongs to Michael. ALL!!!!

That woman knows no shame.

And MJ's family.... I don't want to be banned, but I must admit I can't but think of all the harsh comments shared in the thread over the days and see.... see what happens now :(

This system shows no mercy. This system is evil.

I have no more words now.
Re: Update: Air date Nov. 8 th / Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

Seeing this picture it makes you realize that Michael Jackson is indeed dead

Gosh.... you are so right on that

:weeping: :weeping: :weeping: :weeping:
Re: Update: Air date Nov. 8 th / Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

I don't even know what to think.. :no: I want to support Katherine, but she's making it really hard for me to.
Re: Update: Air date Nov. 8 th / Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

I want to see how the kids are doing, i dont like Katherine that much now, but the kids are an extention of Michael, so, i would love to see how are they now, i guess they are fine, i mean, Michael must be protecting them from above :)
Re: Update: Air date Nov. 8 th / Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

seeing all these drama since Michael's death made me so angry, and this is what Michael had to deal with since he was 5 years old :no:.
Re: Update: Air date Nov. 8 th / Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

OMG that picture. I can't help but think what Michael would think of this.
Re: Update: Air date Nov. 8 th / Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

I'm shocked and disgusted, to tell you the truth! Not because of Oprah trying, because it's quite understandable that she would. But for Katherine allowing it! She's the children's guardian and she made a mistake in my eyes.

I knew that PPB eventually would open them selves to the media, probably even make a much publicized interview. But I never thought it would be so soon! And certainly I never dared to think it would be Oprah!

If only they decided to chose someone like Larry King, before he goes in retirement!