Update: Behind the Scenes on Jan 28th 8PM ET OWN Channel / Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

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Re: Update: Air date Nov. 8 th / Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

the family are using the children just like they used mj. groundhog day. they ignored all his wishes and do what they like cause all they see is $ god help those kids cause they will end up brainwashed and used just like their dad.the only ppl that can defend his legacy will lose everything he taught them and in the worst senario believe what those with agendas in that family want them to believe about their dad.

This is my fear too... :no:

However I hope that they will be strong enough to find out the truth when they grow up. Tv Shows of Oprah and many others about their father named weirdo, pedo etc, those are there as proofs of hypocrisy and lies.

The kids will eventually found out that some friends of Jacksons were in fact enemies of their own father. They will be astonished then eventually begin to question other things, including the addiction myth....

So I end up this saying "Father forgive them, because they do not know what they are doing", as Jesus once said. At human level maybe they know, but deep spiritual level, they know nothing about....
Re: Update: Air date Nov. 8 th / Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

u know i try to give katherine the benifit of the doubt but how many more times is she gonna get a pass. taj stated the family knew how mj felt about oprah and certainly knew how he felt about protecting his kids. as apple said this show was about selling her book and shes allowed the kids to be used to garner more attention for that. nothings changed since mj was a kid and allowed joe to beat the crap out of them.now his kids are being used as the cash cow

I repeat. I think Katherine is as vulnerable as the kids.
I really do.
Re: Update: Air date Nov. 8 th / Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

I know it is not exactly the same but can you imagine Jackie Kennedy sitting down for some interview with a young Caroline and John? Did they ever?
I hear a lot of people asking how do we know what Michael would want and maybe he would be fine with this. But for me Michaels actions regarding his
children all of their lives seem to suggest to me that he wouldn't want this.
But I am just a nobody fan who still cries everyday...

Yeah this is how I feel too... Poor nobody crying everyday....
Re: Update: Air date Nov. 8 th / Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

I could be wrong but I believe that Ms Winfrey's mind has been made up about Michael for YEARS. She is good friends with Quincy Jones and others who would have no doubt influenced her opinion on him.

It says alot about the entertainment industry when a talk show host can be personally repulsed by someone but still be keen to talk to his mother, father and children.

This interview is solely about grabbing those ratings and ending her show on unforgettable high! Long and short.

Was the 1993 interview her highest rating?
Re: Update: Air date Nov. 8 th / Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

I find that photo highly upsetting. It's like a sick joke/mock-up. It symbolises everything to me, just everything about this awful situation we're in. I am absolutely in shock.
Re: Update: Air date Nov. 8 th / Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

Yeah this is how I feel too... Poor nobody crying everyday....
yeah agree. and some of them had the cheek to say. you are fans but we are his family. mj knew. who did he spend more time around.

Was the 1993 interview her highest rating?
no doubt

I find that photo highly upsetting. It's like a sick joke/mock-up. It symbolises everything to me, just everything about this awful situation we're in. I am absolutely in shock.
yeah same here. its like they are dancing and spitting on his grave all in one go.with a smirking joe with $$$ in his eyes as he looks at blanket and thinks he reminds me of someone
Re: Update: Air date Nov. 8 th / Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

The children could not possibly know the entire context of how badly Oprah tried to damage their father. Just imagine how they will feel as adults, looking back at how they were used/abused by appearing on this show? How will they feel as adults, knowing that in that week, "their" show was in juxtaposition with one (or more?) about molestation?

How will they FEEL about this, once they are old enough to understand? This is just incredibly sad. . ..
Re: Update: Air date Nov. 8 th / Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

what is Katherine doing putting the kids on oprah !! Michael would not be happy, how are they ment to have a normal childhood when they're never out of the public eye?
Re: Update: Air date Nov. 8 th / Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

I feel Katherine is pulled a lot of ways by other people, I feel that she is the victim here. If five years ago and someone said to me 'do you think the kids will be appearing on Oprah in five years' I would have immediatly said no way in hell would Michael allow that. Maybe in another five when Prince is 18. But what all she's done and the convinient programming schedules leaves a very bad taste in my mouth. The family knew how much she hurt Michael and they are allowing his children to do interviews with her? Its just wrong.
Re: Update: Air date Nov. 8 th / Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

The children could not possibly know the entire context of how badly Oprah tried to damage their father. Just imagine how they will feel as adults, looking back at how they were used/abused by appearing on this show? How will they feel as adults, knowing that in that week, "their" show was in juxtaposition with one (or more?) about molestation?

How will they FEEL about this, once they are old enough to understand? This is just incredibly sad. . ..

agree. what will it make them think about their own family. well that may not be a bad thing. i wish they knew now so they could turn and ask why are you talking to that woman after what she did to daddy.the stage is being set for them to walk away from that family just like mj did. but i hope by the time they are old enough to it wont be to late
Re: Update: Air date Nov. 8 th / Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

Oprah Winfrey may mean this interview for exploitation purposes,
but Michael's children are his Glow here on Earth;
and they are Stronger than Oprah.

We fans, as the Spiritual Guardians of Michael's children, must pray
and send out our positive energies to make this interview POSITIVE. :angel:

This Interview WILL BE FOR GOOD!!!!!

Re: Update: Air date Nov. 8 th / Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

please peoples there no need to hate on peoples :no: in this world ever one is different in there minds of speak.
Re: Update: Air date Nov. 8 th / Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

The children could not possibly know the entire context of how badly Oprah tried to damage their father. Just imagine how they will feel as adults, looking back at how they were used/abused by appearing on this show? How will they feel as adults, knowing that in that week, "their" show was in juxtaposition with one (or more?) about molestation?

How will they FEEL about this, once they are old enough to understand? This is just incredibly sad. . ..

Yes, this is what will happen. :(

Well, I feel so sad about it. It's still unbelievable that this happened. It is difficult to digest. I just can not understand. :no:

The good thing is that looking at the picture, is as visible as they are getting beautiful over time. :heart: May God bless them... always.... :angel:

Well, let's see how it goes this "interview". :( :puke: *big sigh*

Oh Michael, I'm sorry this has happened. :cry:
Re: Update: Air date Nov. 8 th / Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

MON 10/18: "Exclusive: The 16-Year-Old Boy Who Killed His Molester"
WED 10/20: "First TV Interview - Tyler Perry Speaks Out About Being Molested"
THU 10/21: "Lisa Marie Presley Speaks Out About The Death Of Michael Jackson"FRI 11/5: "200 Adult Men Who Were Molested Come Forward."

:no::no::no::doh: This family should be shamed of themselves. Everything for Money! Since the day they asked his children sign those belts to milk his fans, they lost all respect from me. Michael Jackson was just the cash cow in their eyes, never changed.
Re: Update: Air date Nov. 8 th / Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

I do not follow a lot of MJ news anymore, let alone participate in discussions... It's frankly too painful and destructive to my current health.

But, my heart sank to a new low when I learned that Katherine Jackson had gotten herself tangled up in the scams of Henry Vaccaro and affiliates (Howard Mann)--including the entire "Michael Jackson Secret Vault" premise which is exactly what MJ successfully fought to have shut down in court back in 2003-2004 and again in 2006-2007.

Oprah seems determined to make the world believe that Michael was a hardcore drug addict and that it was this massive, decades-long drug intake that caused his death--of course she won't reiterate the findings from the official autopsy/coroner report but instead seems to find willing participants to at least nod their head in agreement to her lead-in questions about drugs etc. I was unable to sit through the entire LMP interview with Oprah for this very reason.

After all this time, I am devastated to see that Michael's family and close associates remain as oblivious as ever with regards to the detractors and vultures from Michael's life, and the ulterior motives they hold. I became physically ill when I witnessed Frank Dileo and other close associates mingling with and posing for photos with Ian Halperin at Michael's memorial just days after Ian made some of the most outlandish and sickening claims against Michael. The sick feeling grew as people like Corey Feldman were invited by the family to the private funeral. And then there's Joe who happens to hire Bryan Oxman as an attorney. Still, even after all these months nothing has changed as far as the family's insight into who they should or should not associate with for the good of Michael's image and for the beliefs that he worked so hard to abide by when he was here. Either that, or they simply put money above all else. I am gutted.....
Re: Update: Air date Nov. 8 th / Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

nice to see u TSCM and well said
Re: Update: Air date Nov. 8 th / Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

What an obsession Oprah has with child molesters. To think she even interviewed some of them before, asking for really really graphic details... simply sordid, that belies human comprehension. It was just a remark I had to make.. And I find it so appaling and tragic, that depression cannot simply not come up often... I mean, to hear some people say how can one be depressed ocver things they can't control anyway. As though we're made of stone and should only care about ourselves. Seeing how so many.. I should say American people got molested as children, how many famous people, too... Thinking how so many lives got destroyed because of such horrible, devilish actions... Oprah definitely has got an anger in her when it comes to all child molestors and alleged child molestors, be they innocent. This horrible thing may have turned her into the flawed person she is today, as well as other people, that, who knows, could have had all the chances to grow differently, and not hurt other innocent people in turn, as a means of revenge, perhaps..

Sorry for being this philosophical... Such topics burn me.. and Michael, one of this world's few wonder innocents, had to be labeled with the most horrifying opposing label ever... How truly destroyed he must have been, that most tender innocent, what an insurmountable pain must have dwelled in him... To be hurt and accused of the worst things against those he loved the most in this world - the children...

*leaves thread*
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Re: Update: Air date Nov. 8 th / Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

my mum has just looked at the pic of PPB and exclaimed Prince looks just like Michael.
So I suppose some people's minds might be changed by this programme in a positive way.
(btw my mum is not a hater, but not a fan either)
Re: Update: Air date Nov. 8 th / Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound


Somebody should ask Taj, or Latoya on Twitter, if the family has been aware of Oprahs history of calling MJ a peado or indicating such a thing....

They should watch TV before agreeing with an interview...
Re: Update: Air date Nov. 8 th / Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

I thought the same thing about Prince, he always reminds me of his Dad
Re: Update: Air date Nov. 8 th / Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

If Oprah tries to damage Prince, or Paris, or Blanket, in some way,
I know this time the "Backfire" is going to be on Oprah Winfrey herself. :yes:
Re: Update: Air date Nov. 8 th / Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

Just found out about Oprah interviewing Michael's kids. I feel sickened by it! Michael tried so, so hard to protect them from the media; and now, here they are, in front of all the cameras being interviewed by none other than Oprah Winfrey!! If only they knew what she has said and implied about their Father in the past.

These children have lost their Father. Do the decent thing Oprah and leave them alone and stop using them for ratings/money/personal gain. Its sick.
Re: Update: Air date Nov. 8 th / Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

Each morning right after I wake up and while preparing for the school/work day ahead, I half sleepy visit MJJC to see the latest news.

This morning I saw this picture and to tell you the truth my heart broke in pieces and I cried thinking why Michael had to die and why his children were in this position.

I too think that Oprah's mind about Michael is already made up and not in a good way as we all already know. I also do not think that the children really knows what Oprah thinks and did and said in regards to their father. I do not think that Oprah will be negative towards the children or ask them any serious/hard/emotional questions but on the other hand I for some reason expect to see a blatant use of the children for ratings.

I have a strong belief that Michael wouldn't like his kids to be shown/interviewed in any TV program, and this is even more true for Oprah. I also do not buy "if the kids wanted to do it , it's okay" logic. If that made sense every child in the world would be playing computer games rather than studying and eating desert rather than vegetables.

Anyway I'm highly upset because of this picture. It's sad, so sad.
Re: Update: Air date Nov. 8 th / Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

Have you ever noticed that when you see Prince sitting next to
his grandmother, Katherine, it is like he is trying to take care of her
and his brother and sister, instead, of the other way around?

Re: Update: Air date Nov. 8 th / Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

I can't wrap my head around this situation. How is it possible that the family doesn't know about Oprah and her opinions about Michael? This woman is highly influential in the US. There is no way they are not aware about her past history. All those years he cared for them, out of the spotlight...wanting to have normal lives, all those years have been quickly wiped out.

I don't want to feel like ALL the work Michael did was in vain. (As in protecting them and hiding their faces.) But that's how I feel... :'(

These kids are most likely the most famous children in the whole world. Everyone "wants a piece" from them. All those years...ALL those years he hid them. All worthless. Now they're in interviews. What's next. *sobs out of the thread*
Re: Update: Air date Nov. 8 th / Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

Honestly, I think this is so disgusting. The actions by alot of people in Michael's world this past year have made it seem as if losing Michael wasn't terrible enough. The pain his fans feel gets compounded again and again and again. And I don't trust Oprah at all. I am still reeling from how the LMP interview made Michael look when all was said and done. This will be just more of the same, only worse. I really think so. If I'm wrong, and I seriously hope I am, I wil gladly take it all back and eat my humble pie in one gulp. But I have not seen or heard anything thus far that tells me that I should have faith in anybody. Let alone Oprah. Like I said in the LMP thread, I seriously hate it that almost if not every interview always seems to end up in some way making a mockery of his memory. This one is no exception for me. I had this very same feeling before the LMP interview and I'm still wishing that I had been wrong. I hate to be negative. But with everything that's happened, I see no reason to believe anything different at this time.
Re: Update: Air date Nov. 8 th / Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

Words fail me to describe my feelings. Just as Ivy, I try to take a took at the forum early morning, to know what's on. I have been following all this OW-Kath talking, twitters, comments, fights, hoping for the best, but knowing the worst will come. And here we are now. Totally powerless, puzzled, but most of all, hurt.

I have cried for Michael today again. Out of nothing, just while walking down the street. Any street. Then back home. Why is all this happening? I know there's no good answer, but as some of you have said, and I hate to say it, the only good side of this is the fact he is not here to see this.

But even that is terrible and horrible to say. Michael should be here with us. Wait, not with us, WITH HIS KIDS!!! Protecting them, sharing his all with them. Instead, they are in the hands of people who keep showing they are doing exactly the opposite to what Michael did all his life.

How can this be?
How is to go on?

Everytime I think the worst has come, then soon comes something even worst and lower.

This is soooo harddddddddd!!!!!! :weeping:
Re: Update: Air date Nov. 8 th / Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

I can't wrap my head around this situation. How is it possible that the family doesn't know about Oprah and her opinions about Michael? This woman is highly influential in the US. There is no way they are not aware about her past history. All those years he cared for them, out of the spotlight...wanting to have normal lives, all those years have been quickly wiped out.

I don't want to feel like ALL the work Michael did was in vain. (As in protecting them and hiding their faces.) But that's how I feel... :'(

These kids are most likely the most famous children in the whole world. Everyone "wants a piece" from them. All those years...ALL those years he hid them. All worthless. Now they're in interviews. What's next. *sobs out of the thread*

$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$. what other reason is it with that family. they hated the way mj raised them and protected them and are now showing him we are in charge from now on. for what other reason would they disrespect his wishes over something he felt so strongly about. while his fans mourn and are caused even more pain by those who claim to love him selling him out at every oppotunity they then invite that woman into his house and let her around his children. that is the ulimate betrayal and no excuse will change the way members of that family have acted since 09. all it does is confirm why mj stayed away from them. but now his kids are the cash cows and will be stuck there until they are old enough to leave.but by that time they maybe brainwashed into the families way of thinking. and spend their lives being the cash cow of that family like their dad was.no doubt reminded that u owe us just like mj was