Update: Behind the Scenes on Jan 28th 8PM ET OWN Channel / Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

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Re: Update: Air date Nov. 8 th / Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

I do not think Oprah would dare to ask those harsh questions to his kids..

But she got lot of liberty through possible voice overs and subtle insiuations. She can conduct the interview in some areas that fit her agenda without being too harsh.... she can be sneaky...
Re: Update: Air date Nov. 8 th / Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

If all the grandchildren are equal like Janet and the rest of the siblings keep saying, then why aren't they in a private picture with Oprah?
Answer: You already know it.

I just want to cry. The world is messed up. Never thought I'd see the day that Michael would be gone, now this. Good people suffer, bad people get over. There's no hope.
Re: Update: Air date Nov. 8 th / Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

I'm in TOTAL shock over that picture.

I look at the picture and think: "Ms. Winfrey got EXACTLY want she wanted."

Oprah is not interested in hearing what Ms. Katherine has to say about Michael. In my opinion, all Oprah ever wanted was to get her grubby little hands on Michael's children.

I can't believe Ms. Katherine fell for that! I'm just shocked!

I know this story has been bouncing around, but I never in a million years thought that Oprah would have gotten enough access to actually film Michael's children. I'm very disappointed, to say the lease. VERY DISAPPOINTED!
Re: Update: Air date Nov. 8 th / Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

Don't blame Oprah someone let her in someone let her go through Michael's things someone let her sit in the backyard with Michael's kid's. How did we go from Michael would never want his kids on some reailty TV show to letting them be o Oprah?
Re: Update: Air date Nov. 8 th / Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

I don't think I like Oprah very much really.
Re: Update: Air date Nov. 8 th / Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

Unbelievable! Shame on you, Oprah and mostly shame on the family for letting this happen. If only Michael was still here..I cant believe this
Re: Update: Air date Nov. 8 th / Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

I have a very BAD feeling that this entire thing is going to backfire.

I mean, didn't Taj get negative/nasty tweets when the story regarding the children being on Oprah's program was just a rumor.

I can only imagine the negative/nasty tweets he (and other members of the family) are going to receive once THAT PICTURE makes it's rounds today.
Re: Update: Air date Nov. 8 th / Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

I hate Oprah. She is a real bitch. When she was talking with LMP she was so on her side and when she was talking to Michael in 1993 she didn't believe him anything he was saying. She thinks that she is the Queen of the world and doesn't give a damn about other people feelings.. I am worried that she might ask the children about drugs and about pedophilia.. She has no moral at all, she does anything for the ratings. I hate that bitch.
Re: Update: Air date Nov. 8 th / Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

Really, can we express our feelings of the situation without resorting to calling the family members/ Oprah all kind of nasty names? We can still understand the anger at the situation without this. Thanks!
Re: Update: Air date Nov. 8 th / Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

Really, can we express our feelings of the situation without resorting to calling the family members/ Oprah all kind of nasty names? We can still understand the anger at the situation without this. Thanks!

I'm sorry but I was very frustrated when I saw that photo. I didn't know that b***h is so nasty. And I really think what I've said..
Re: Update: Air date Nov. 8 th / Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

Really, can we express our feelings of the situation without resorting to calling the family members/ Oprah all kind of nasty names? We can still understand the anger at the situation without this. Thanks!

Thank you for reminding everyone. I didn't think that would be allowed anymore. I am on the opposite side as most as I don't see this as a big deal and actually look forward to it. I am guessing it will be a very short segment with the kids and not a big deal.
Re: Update: Air date Nov. 8 th / Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

I'm sorry but I was very frustrated when I saw that photo. I didn't know that b***h is so nasty. And I really think what I've said..

Yeah, it is considered pretty nasty here. I am not saying don't voice your opinion, (that's why we come here afterall) but just watch how we say things.

Thank you! :)
Re: Update: Air date Nov. 8 th / Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

Mike is rolling in his grave...

"The kids must have wanted to do this themselves. They're not little kids anymore." Don't give me none of that. Seriously, do you think they can see through the media game and stand up for their father without giving in to what Oprah wants from them? They're not too young to handle some simple questions, but they're TOO young to effectively use the media to do whatever they feel they should for their father. You know what I mean?
Of course, Oprah is not that stupid. She would never ask them any sensitive questions. But in her mind, they're just for display to give a boost to the ratings.
Re: Update: Air date Nov. 8 th / Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

I never wanted to critisise Michael's family on here, and I have kept my opinions to myself but this is the last straw, I think they are disrespecting his memory for financial gain, they know he would never have let anyone from the media near his children in this way, and to let someone like Oprah Winfrey, who wanted him thrown in jail becuase she took the popular media view that he was a pervert preying on children, into the children's lives just disgusts me. It has made me question how much support he ever really had from the family, unless it suited them. He was their meal ticket and they can't even have the decency to respect his wishes.

There, I've done it, let off steam over his family who up till this I have always respected and supported.
Re: Update: Air date Nov. 8 th / Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

I never wanted to critisise Michael's family on here, and I have kept my opinions to myself but this is the last straw, I think they are disrespecting his memory for financial gain, they know he would never have let anyone from the media near his children in this way, and to let someone like Oprah Winfrey, who wanted him thrown in jail becuase she took the popular media view that he was a pervert preying on children, into the children's lives just disgusts me. It has made me question how much support he ever really had from the family, unless it suited them. He was their meal ticket and they can't even have the decency to respect his wishes.

There, I've done it, let off steam over his family who up till this I have always respected and supported.

Exactly... I don't think MJ had much support at all from them. That's why I don't believe the 'intervention' story from Janet. She hadn't spoken to Mike in years how the heck was she intervening? Mike was all alone and the family only wanted him to participate in that family concert event. They only wanted Mike for their own financial gain and I think it is getting clearer and clearer. No wonder he didn't leave his siblings or father anything. It has all become so clear.. Instead of appearing on Oprah they need to be down at the medical board trying to strip Murray of his license to practice for killing their son.
Re: Update: Air date Nov. 8 th / Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

I'm sorry but I think Katherine is as vulnerable as the kids.

Leeches surrounded MJ while he was alive, and sadly now they surround Katherine and the kids, his principal heirs.
Re: Update: Air date Nov. 8 th / Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

What is wonderful to see is the children being at peace somehow... They have an inner light that exudes on the outside, vivid testimony of Michael watching over them with God. I am going to keep praying for all of them and shake off negativity as much as I can. I trust the children's strength and maturity, even though they're only children... But I'm tired sick of worrying and hurting, so, I'm just going to be at peace for now like these babies seem to be and have continued faith.
Re: Update: Air date Nov. 8 th / Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

Deleted. I've decided to reserve judgment until after the show airs.
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Re: Update: Air date Nov. 8 th / Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

I believe we can make ourselves the Spiritual Guardians of
Michael Jackson's children.
Please say a prayer for the protection of Prince, Paris and Blanket.
I believe our prayers will be answered. :angel:
Please surround them with your Heavenly Angeles.

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Re: Update: Air date Nov. 8 th / Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

Oprah thought Michael was nothing but dirt on her shoe. But she was invited into his home went through his things and sat and talked with his Mother and Father and children. And some see nothing wrong with that
Re: Update: Air date Nov. 8 th / Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

Oprah may get told off by little B at least i hope he says something to her. And i think these kids know a lot more then what some of us think they do. And Paris is very protective of Michael i dont think she would let oprah get to far with out her speaking her mind.

They are very beautiful children and very bright.
Re: Update: Air date Nov. 8 th / Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

how bout everybody here thats angry about this doesnt watch i'm not gonna watch i have only watched oprah a handful of times myself
Re: Update: Air date Nov. 8 th / Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

Oprah may get told off by little B at least i hope he says something to her. And i think these kids know a lot more then what some of us think they do. And Paris is very protective of Michael i dont think she would let oprah get to far with out her speaking her mind.

They are very beautiful children and very bright.

preciselyy. Paris is very protective of Michael. So I'm thinking she isn't aware that Oprah thinks michael is a pedo. Because if I was her and I knew what she has said I would probably have thrown my garden chair at her.

It's like the kids are blundering into a war zone with a blindfold on.

They might be mature and strong and wanted to do this etc but they don't have all the facts.

it's sick.
Re: Update: Air date Nov. 8 th / Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

You people have go to t be kidding you don't really believed Oprah said anything bad about Michael in front of the Jacksons? She was sweet has pie to them. Which makes her nothing more then a coward and makes them nothing more then sellouts
Re: Update: Air date Nov. 8 th / Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

I'm really taken back by this. I don't know what to think. I WANT to support Katherine. I know Michael loved his mother, and I want so much to support her. I want to support the family. I can't believe what has happened since Michael's death. I CAN NOT believe what his own mother is doing. Joe, I can understand him doing this. Latoya and some other siblings, I can understand. But Katherine? Katherine?! I am praying the her intention is to defend Michael and nothing more. I am praying that she isn't doing this to promote her book, and I'm praying that she isn't USING Michael's children to help her do it. I am praying.

I can't believe it. I really can't. How in the world did this happen? Michael was one of the most photographed men on the planet, this time 18 months ago, people would have offered huge amounts of money for those children's pictures. Paparazzi tried desperately to get a snapshot of them unmasked... and despite all that, Michael, the most famous man on the planet, with a spotlight on him at all times, was miraculously able to keep those children out of the spotlight. For more than 12 YEARS, he protected them from the media. 12 YEARS. He didn't have to isolate them and lock them up to do it. The masks were genius, and looking back in hindsight, probably one of the better decisions. Now, I'm sure the masks would have come off them at some point, and if you remember before his death, he was kind of easing them out of the masks anyway. And he did say he would show them to the world on stage one day. But, even so, I'm certain that at 13, 12 and 8, these children would not have been giving interviews if Michael was still here. And it just amazes me that a little more than a year after Michael's death, everything Michael worked so hard for has been undone. These kids now have posers, they have fan sites, they have videos dedicated to them, they have fans, they have outsiders hacking into their computers and somehow stealing videos and pictures, they have assistants, bodyguards, paparazzi, pictures in magazines, magnets with their faces on it in stores, they can't go to a karate class or on vacation without being photographed, they have people claiming to be their biological parents, they have their pictures analysed and posted on various sites where they are judged, where people comment on vitiligo and skin colour and resemblance and similarities between them and their father or various people claiming to be the father, they got ex-bodyguards using them to get attention to build martial arts schools and whatnot ... This is the "normal life" the world wanted for them? I just... I can't believe how far this has gotten. I can't believe it and forgive me for ranting, but you know, I've had it. Seriously. And Oprah knows better too. She knows Michael would have not wanted this.
Re: Update: Air date Nov. 8 th / Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

I really hate Oprah, she is so fake. I can't believe Katherine said yes to this. I feel very sorry for Michael .. He wouldn't let this happen.. Oh Jesh..
Re: Update: Air date Nov. 8 th / Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

Poor Michael.
Poor Prince.
Poor Paris.
Poor Blanket.

That's all I can say.
Re: Update: Air date Nov. 8 th / Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

The Jacksons are a family that insisted their 5 year old son (that would be Michael Jackson)
perform in strip joints; so nothing they do surprises me.
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Re: Update: Air date Nov. 8 th / Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

preciselyy. Paris is very protective of Michael. So I'm thinking she isn't aware that Oprah thinks michael is a pedo. Because if I was her and I knew what she has said I would probably have thrown my garden chair at her.

It's like the kids are blundering into a war zone with a blindfold on.

They might be mature and strong and wanted to do this etc but they don't have all the facts.

it's sick.

You people have go to t be kidding you don't really believed Oprah said anything bad about Michael in front of the Jacksons? She was sweet has pie to them. Which makes her nothing more then a coward and makes them nothing more then sellouts

Totally agree. There are no words to describe how heartsick I feel at seeing this mess.

*leaves thread for sake of own sanity*