Update: Alejandra responds /MJ Estate asking court to remove Alejandra and her kids from Hayvenhurst

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I'm not sure if this was already posted, but on page 21 of Alejandra's response, it says:

"Claimants further request this Court appoint a GUARDIAN AD LITEM for the minor children Jaafar jackson and Jermajesty Jackson while at the Residence, AT THE EXPENSE OF THE ESTATE."
I'm not sure if this was already posted, but on page 21 of Alejandra's response, it says:

"Claimants further request this Court appoint a GUARDIAN AD LITEM for the minor children Jaafar jackson and Jermajesty Jackson while at the Residence, AT THE EXPENSE OF THE ESTATE."

(I guess she figures if Prince, Paris, and Blanket have a guardian ad litem, then her children should have one also. She REALLY does want her children to live like PP&B!)
This confidentiality agreement also made me think the same that estate is working with or for the Jacksons. Why not limit it to MJ and his kids? They added all the Jacksons and in the court documents Alejandra says it specifically included Randy and Jermaine. It seems like her goal is to write a book about them and the estate is trying to stop it.

who says Michael supported them? Alejandra's older court documents for child support she says Katherine gave her $100-200 for groceries and that she and her kids didn't have any health insurance etc. She didn't have money for tutors etc.

My understanding is that Michael (or his companies) paid the mortgage on the house (sometimes they/he didn't even pay that) and he gave some money to his mother. However that money wasn't for or enough to support them.

- Probably the house becomes overcrowded
- Causes problems with DCFS
- they increase the costs

I think the thing is estate is offering condo to her for a certain duration - such as till the kids all turn to 18 but the confidentiality agreement last all her life. And when you read the documents it seems like the confidentiality agreement is the main issue. For example the documents say what happens if the executors remove her from the condo after a certain time and that they can't talk due to confidentiality.

Plus when you read later on she mentions promises and how she didn't pursue legal action against Jermaine and Randy. I think the pattern is clear here.

I too think that the money Katherine says she needs is for the other people. By all accounts Katherine and MJ's kids is taken care of. She needs money for other people. When you think about 6-10 other people and all their expenses it's clear that the cash she's getting wouldn't be enough to support all those people.

I wasn't saying MJ supported them as in he payed fir all of their stuff, but he supported them by letting them stay in a home he was paying bills for. Also maybe jermaine and Randy are in the confidentiality agreement per Katherine?

And how do you know she did not do that? And let me say this to you no way in hell I do I agree with what she is doing with Michael's kids but just the fact that on June 25 she took those kids to her house filed papers to be there guardian before we even found out Michael wanted her to take the kids if anything happened to him means she was willing to to get to know those those kids. Where was P&P's mother? Nowhere to be found so you back off in that regard

True debbie hasn't been around for a long time. Se took a payment and went away

In my opinion, when Alejandra AND Randy broke-up, she should have left the home right then and there.

Why did Randy leave the home and leave his EX-girlfriend there? That's the real question.

Maybe, just maybe, if Randy Jackson had provided for her and his children way back then, she would have been out of the home and she wouldn't have had the opportunity to get with Jermaine.

Jermaine was living in the home with her. That was just a bad combination from jumpstreet. Folks get lonely and start reaching for one another in the dark of night. LOL!

When Randy left, he should have taken homegirl with him, in my opinion.

When Randy was messing wthAeandra he was married. She was his mistress. I do t think he even cared for her besides the fact that she had two of hs kids.
I'm not sure if this was already posted, but on page 21 of Alejandra's response, it says:

"Claimants further request this Court appoint a GUARDIAN AD LITEM for the minor children Jaafar jackson and Jermajesty Jackson while at the Residence, AT THE EXPENSE OF THE ESTATE."
I wonder WHY she thinks that HER children need a guardian at Litem,,,,Michael was NOT their father..it is not THEIR estate.. She has some kind of nerve I'll tell ya. She needs to back off.
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I really want to sing "the kids not my sons~~~"
Jesus this woman is unbelivable.
The whole situation is unbelivable.
I wasn't saying MJ supported them as in he payed fir all of their stuff, but he supported them by letting them stay in a home he was paying bills for. Also maybe jermaine and Randy are in the confidentiality agreement per Katherine?

True debbie hasn't been around for a long time. Se took a payment and went away

When Randy was messing wthAeandra he was married. She was his mistress. I do t think he even cared for her besides the fact that she had two of hs kids.
Just because he tolerated all these leeches it doesn't mean he has to pay for all of them in death too. He died the circumstances have changed the leeching needs to STOP. Period.
I wonder WHY she thinks that HER children need a guardian at Litem,,,,Michael was NOT farther..not is it THEIR estate.. She has some kind of nerve I'll tell ya. She needs to back off.

I hope, when this case goes before the Judge, he will ask, point-blank, in open court:


I notice in Alejandra's response she has plenty to say about the Estate taking care of her and her spawn, but there is no mention of the fathers of her children.

If I didn't know better, I would think she was Michael's EX-WIFE and those were Michael's children. LOL!

In my opinion, EVERYTHING she wants the Estate of Michael Jackson to do, should be done by the fathers of those children. And just because some are 18 doesn't mean that you just drop them like a hot potato, in my opinion. You continue to nuture them until they are ready to go out into the world on their own.
Claimants further request this Court appoint a GUARDIAN AD LITEM for the minor children Jaafar jackson and Jermajesty Jackson while at the Residence, AT THE EXPENSE OF THE ESTATE."

WTF, what a cheeky bit**

id like someone to ask jermaine why he thought it was ok to dump his ex and his kids on his elderly mother and to expect his brother to pay for them? he passed th buck big time and back in the day took advantage of the two ppl who he knew wouldnt say no. while he swans off around the world like he doesnt have a care in the world. and even now after everything that has happened he lets the status quo go on
I agree... Alejandra is acting like Michael is her baby's daddy ( LOL..) That woman sounds insane. I swear the death of MJ has lifted the cloak off that family and it ain't pretty. It is so obvious that MJ was taken advantage of every which way. He was taking care of that whole damn family including sister in laws, cousins, girlfriends and everyone else. Poor MJ....
WTF, what a cheeky bit**

id like someone to ask jermaine why he thought it was ok to dump his ex and his kids on his elderly mother and to expect his brother to pay for them? he passed th buck big time and back in the day took advantage of the two ppl who he knew wouldnt say no. while he swans off around the world like he doesnt have a care in the world. and even now after everything that has happened he lets the status quo go on

and now Jerm is wanting us to support his mother in her fight against the estate and her relationship with Mann. Now we know why he wants us to support it. He doesn't want to take care of his own damn kids. It is sickening.
I agree... Alejandra is acting like Michael is her baby's daddy ( LOL..) That woman sounds insane. I swear the death of MJ has lifted the cloak off that family and it ain't pretty. It is so obvious that MJ was taken advantage of every which way. He was taking care of that whole damn family including sister in laws, cousins, girlfriends and everyone else. Poor MJ....
I mean look at the size of this 'family' this is a tribe of their own, I'm from Africa and I can assure you not even MY family is as big as this one, with brothers sleeping and impregnating the same woman yuck! That's just plain nasty, they've crossed all the limits.
please refrain from insulting kids - regardless of who their parents might be
I agree... Alejandra is acting like Michael is her baby's daddy ( LOL..) That woman sounds insane. I swear the death of MJ has lifted the cloak off that family and it ain't pretty. It is so obvious that MJ was taken advantage of every which way. He was taking care of that whole damn family including sister in laws, cousins, girlfriends and everyone else. Poor MJ....
Honey, you ain't lying when you say that the cloak has been lifted!

Another thing from Alejandra's response is Katherine Jackson Declaration regarding the divorce (Exhibit A):

"I have allowed the Respondent, Alejandra, to continue to reside in MY HOME since she and my son separated in November 2004."

(Alejandra's attorney thinks that this declaration by Katherine is some type of binding agreement between Katherine and Alejandra. The only problem is that the home does not belong to Katherine Jackson. The home belongs to the Estate of Michael Jackson.)

The declaration also states:

"My son Jermaine also CONTINUED to reside with me, but in a separate part of my property and not with Respondent."

(How akward must that have been. I guess Jermaine didn't have the money to move out. Grown man with children, can't leave his Momma, because he has no money to leave.)
My son Jermaine also CONTINUED to reside with me, but in a separate part of my property and not with Respondent."

(How akward must that have been. I guess Jermaine didn't have the money to move out. Grown man with children, can't leave his Momma, because he has no money to leave.)
deary me. i guess mj paid for him aswell
The Jackson family is pathetic. They are unemployed, somes, without brain, somes, thiefs...

The kids of the looser Jacksons brothers, will follow this tradition sadly.

They think they have talent just because their last name is Jackson.


Pathetic. It's genetic.

No need to bash the kids now. They didn't choose their parents, this situation is not their fault.

And may I remind you, Michael and his children carry those "Jackson genes" as well. Michael didn't turn out the way his father did, no reason to think those other kids will end up like their parents either.
deary me. i guess mj paid for him aswell

of course he did via the money he gave to Katherine. That is why Katherine needs so much more now. Mike was giving her close to 60,000 per month I believe, now she only receives 7,000 in cash
I don't insult kids. Jackson or others.

What I wrote, it's a fact. No talent but they think because they are Jackson they can....

A good way to do nothing in your life like this. It's sad for these kids.
Honestly , this woman is dangerouse and sadly in many tweets Geniveve was supporting her mother....i can swear to God that Michael would never want this woman around his kids ! also Randy and Jermaine visit MJ3 every time they want papz around them is stupid !
No this must stop and Kathrine must remeber that MJ loved her and deserve some love !
StacyJ;3278920 said:
his new girlfriend is only 22 years old?

Yes, her name is Miranda and she´s a fan of Michael. She hangs out with Samantha and her friends. I think they started to date around Christmas or earlier. They met in Vegas when Jermaine had his concert. I think she even have a tattoo of Michael on her arm.

So tasteless..
moodyblue97;3279763 said:
Yes, her name is Miranda and she´s a fan of Michael. She hangs out with Samantha and her friends. I think they started to date around Christmas or earlier. They met in Vegas when Jermaine had his concert. I think she even have a tattoo of Michael on her arm.

So tasteless..

Is that his MAIN girlfriend, or is he just messing with a "fan" on the side. (I wouldn't put it pass him.)

Because I always thought Randy was in a long-term relationship with a woman named Tanya "Something."

The same woman he was with when he CRASHED into Michael's gate.
Big Apple2;3279783 said:
Is that his MAIN girlfriend, or is he just messing with a "fan" on the side. (I wouldn't put it pass him.)

Because I always thought Randy was in a long-term relationship with a woman named Tanya "Something."

The same woman he was with when he CRASHED into Michael's gate.

I don´t know if she´s a MAIN subject, but she was with him when he went to court in Jan.

And maybe she turns 23 this year or if it´s 24, either way it´s a little too much..
moodyblue97;3279838 said:
I don´t know if she´s a MAIN subject, but she was with him when he went to court in Jan.

And maybe she turns 23 this year or if it´s 24, either way it´s a little too much..

Oh okay, thanks!

Sounds to me like Randy Jackson "may" be taking advantage of a young female fan. I remember reading many stories about how some female fans will do "anything" in order to get on the inside.

Some of those stories even involved that "Magic Guy" who is always hanging around Joe Jackson. He would bait them into believing that he would be able to introduce them to Michael and they would foolishly believe him.
I want to know who is paying her attorney's fees? I doubt it's her drug smuggler mother.
Just a reminder no bashing of the kids. Remember their parents may be questionable but its not their fault. They're minors-they don't have a say in where they live.
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