Update: Alejandra responds /MJ Estate asking court to remove Alejandra and her kids from Hayvenhurst

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exactly...ESPECIALLY about her child that has passed away and is STILL footing the bill for her ass to be sitting in that fine house and driving that fine car as she does. Talk about disrespect....that is disrespect to its fullest.
I don't know about a mother, but an ungrateful person for sure. Seems to me like no matter how much he did, and he did far more than his share of taking care of, it was perceived as to little, their sense of entitlement toward Michael and his money/estate is mind boggling he didn't achieve what he did BECAUSE OF THEM, he did it DESPITE OF coming from that same family. It's like they want to hold him accountable, like it was his fault that he hit the sky and they remained at the bottom, struggling. SMDH at seeing all the usual suspects defending the indefensible time after time.
whether it was the truth is irrelvent. the question is what sort of mother would say that about her child on t.v? heard the saying a face only a mother could love. u know u love and protect your child and even if things are said privatley they are things that would never be said publicly let alone on national t.v because you dont want to hurt you child. .would she had said it if mj was still here. knowing how hurt he would have been hearing something like that said. once again the indefensible is defended.

agree. i thought it was very insensitive of her to say that. she could instead have talked about LUPUS and the reconstructive work mj no doubt needed because of it
they (other grandchildren of Joe and Katherine) feel entitled to everything Prince, Paris and Blanket have.
So true; because their parents have told them that how it should be.
I suggest Joe's grandchildren ask Jackson family members (who do not have any children) to leave them their money.
exactly. whay cant mjs bros look after their own kids? they arent disabled. its not like they cant work etc. what the reason other than being deadbeats who dumped their kids on their mother and knew the bills would be paid cause mj was the one paying. its sheer laziness and nothing more.there is no excuse for it. i want one jackson fmaily fan to give me a reason why they should not be paying for their own kids.

whether it was the truth is irrelvent. the question is what sort of mother would say that about her child on t.v? heard the saying a face only a mother could love. u know u love and protect your child and even if things are said privatley they are things that would never be said publicly let alone on national t.v because you dont want to hurt you child. .would she had said it if mj was still here. knowing how hurt he would have been hearing something like that said. once again the indefensible is defended.

what the jacksons are doing to michael and his children is disrespectful to mj and his kids. but mjs not here anymore so it doesnt matter does it. the fact some fans will defend anything certain family members do no mater how it disrespects mj just confirms what flag u have pinned your colours to. dont be shocked if you come to a mj board and find mj fans have issues with that. like others said dont like it dont come here. just as mj fans have been pushed out of other supposed mj boards cause they dare to support that man instead of his family and their actions. find somewhere that suits your opinion.

I agree.

I hope the moderators are watching some fans here. They do not care about MJ and defend that disgusting family no matter what they do or say. MJ fans need to get the message that only MJ's legacy is important. The Estate must know by now that we support the last wishes of MJ, not that crazy family of compulsive liars. We do not care about that family, including Mrs. Jackson. We care about Michael Jackson, his children and legacy.
I agree.

I hope the moderators are watching some fans here. They do not care about MJ and defend that disgusting family no matter what they do or say. MJ fans need to get the message that only MJ's legacy is important. The Estate must know by now that we support the last wishes of MJ, not that crazy family of compulsive liars. We do not care about that family, including Mrs. Jackson. We care about Michael Jackson, his children and legacy.

I don't apologize in saying that if you truly cared for Michael, his children and his legacy as well as his last wishes then you would care about his mother. There is something drastically wrong with many of Michael's fans hearts beyond sorrow. We may not agree with certain things his family says and does but no one can ever deny his love for his mother and to not care about her is to not care about him or his wishes.
I agree.

I hope the moderators are watching some fans here. They do not care about MJ and defend that disgusting family no matter what they do or say. MJ fans need to get the message that only MJ's legacy is important. The Estate must know by now that we support the last wishes of MJ, not that crazy family of compulsive liars. We do not care about that family, including Mrs. Jackson. We care about Michael Jackson, his children and legacy.

Where the hell did you get the assumption that the fans that defend the family don't care about Michael? Where the hell did you get the assumption that we support every little thing they do? I don't like a lot of the decisions the family does either but bashing isn't gonna change them of help the situations.
I don't apologize in saying that if you truly cared for Michael, his children and his legacy as well as his last wishes then you would care about his mother. There is something drastically wrong with many of Michael's fans hearts beyond sorrow. We may not agree with certain things his family says and does but no one can ever deny his love for his mother and to not care about her is to not care about him or his wishes.

What are you talking about????

The FANS do not want bad things to MJ's mother. MJ loved his mother and we just want good things in her life.

Unfortunately Michael did not see the true face of some people. But we can not be blind.

What I am saying is that the only important thing here is MJ and his legacy.

I will not cheer the pathetic and outrageous acts of MJ's mother just because she is his mother. This is ridiculous. I will NOT support and applaud a woman who allowed Michael to be abused as a child. I will NOT support a woman who goes against the last wishes of her son and sell this son on TV. I will NOT praise a person able to use her own grandchildren for money. What will it take for you to see that children are being sold and used? A contract where Mrs Jackson also requires the grandchildren? Wait. The contract already exists!!!

I'm sick of seeing 'fans' supporting and praising this kind of people. Here's a novelty: they do not give a damn about you and the fans. Michael saw us as people. The Jackson family see us as commodities.

Because of people like you MJ continues to be disregarded, and his children sold to the press.
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Where the hell did you get the assumption that the fans that defend the family don't care about Michael? Where the hell did you get the assumption that we support every little thing they do? I don't like a lot of the decisions the family does either but bashing isn't gonna change them of help the situations.

One more fan of 'pointless'. I need a lot of patience here. I was clearly referring to fans who "defend that disgusting family no matter what they do or say". Learn how to interpret what is written before writing.
they feel entitled to everything Prince, Paris and Blanket have.

^^That is the scary thing. Sometimes I wonder if it was a good idea to have Michael's children live in the house with the cousins, because now they and their mother think they should have the same privileges as Michael's children. Sometimes I feel that when Katherine took the kids from the hospital, the next day she should have rented a house and take them there. The cousins know that Michael's children are rich and famous. This situation must make conflicts in the home. Alejandra was looking and becoming jealous. I am glad they are out of that house.

Alejandra reminds me of women who go and live in men's homes and when the men die the family kick them out of the home. These situations have been happening for centuries. The think is though, she lived in Michael's home, supported by his mother. In no way a court could allow the Estate to take care of Alejandra and her brood.
^^That is the scary thing. Sometimes I wonder if it was a good idea to have Michael's children live in the house with the cousins, because now they and their mother think they should have the same privileges as Michael's children. Sometimes I feel that when Katherine took the kids from the hospital, the next day she should have rented a house and take them there. The cousins know that Michael's children are rich and famous. This situation must make conflicts in the home. Alejandra was looking and becoming jealous. I am glad they are out of that house.

Alejandra reminds me of women who go and live in men's homes and when the men die the family kick them out of the home. These situations have been happening for centuries. The think is though, she lived in Michael's home, supported by his mother. In no way a court could allow the Estate to take care of Alejandra and her brood.
I agree..and I think that is what this whole thing is all about...she is jealous and she thinks that Her children are entitled to the same things that MJ's children are entitled to. Well if that s the case then she should take the fathers of her children to court for child support. I have never seen two fathers that owe so much money in back child support NOT get locked up in Jail for non-payment. She needs to get rid of her entitlement attitude and get her ass a job and start taking care of her own children. They may be the children of Randy and Jermaine Jackson..but if their own fathers cannot provide the lifestyle that they are use to..then that is not anyones fault BUT tier fathers. They may have to end up living in a normal neighborhood in a normal house just like the rest of us. Noone gives me free money so I can live in a castle..why should she be given that treatment. Maybe Jermaine and Randy should pool their money and buy a house for her and their children..so that she can stop mooching .
What are you talking about????

The FANS do not want bad things to MJ's mother. MJ loved his mother and we just want good things in her life.

Unfortunately Michael did not see the true face of some people. But we can not be blind.

What I am saying is that the only important thing here is MJ and his legacy.

I will not cheer the pathetic and outrageous acts of MJ's mother just because she is his mother. This is ridiculous. I will NOT support and applaud a woman who allowed Michael to be abused as a child. I will NOT support a woman who goes against the last wishes of her son and sell this son on TV. I will NOT praise a person able to use her own grandchildren for money. What will it take for you to see that children are being sold and used? A contract where Mrs Jackson also requires the grandchildren? Wait. The contract already exists!!!

I'm sick of seeing 'fans' supporting and praising this kind of people. Here's a novelty: they do not give a damn about you and the fans. Michael saw us as people. The Jackson family see us as commodities.

Because of people like you MJ continues to be disregarded, and his children sold to the press.

Because of people like me people like you are annoyed and throw stones. I am sure you would prefer I stay silent as you hurl your assault with statements supposedly depicting the thoughts of the fans and then hiding your hands asking me what do I mean in my statement as if you did not understand your own.

Please try to speak for yourself in what I feel is your disgusting opinions and interpretations of others motives.

I am utterly disgusted and sick and tired of perverts claiming Mrs. Katherine is"pimping" those children and assertions likle yours. Your words are as depraved against a mother of a man you claimed to love as the acts you accuse her of.

Please stop.
Because of people like me people like you are annoyed and throw stones. I am sure you would prefer I stay silent as you hurl your assault with statements supposedly depicting the thoughts of the fans and then hiding your hands asking me what do I mean in my statement as if you did not understand your own.

Please try to speak for yourself in what I feel is your disgusting opinions and interpretations of others motives.

I am utterly disgusted and sick and tired of perverts claiming Mrs. Katherine is"pimping" those children and assertions likle yours. Your words are as depraved against a mother of a man you claimed to love as the acts you accuse her of.

Please stop.

ask yourself this question...is Katherine NOT getting paid each and every-time she brings those children on a show??? Did .Katherine NOT talk about Michael in a negative way?? Do you REALLY think that Katherine would of been payed the sum of money that she was payed had she NOT brought the children to appear on that persons show? Now I have read alot of your writings...and actually I am impressed with your truth. So when it comes to you I am expecting an honest answer.
I agree..and I think that is what this whole thing is all about...she is jealous and she thinks that Her children are entitled to the same things that MJ's children are entitled to. Well if that s the case then she should take the fathers of her children to court for child support. I have never seen two fathers that owe so much money in back child support NOT get locked up in Jail for non-payment. She needs to get rid of her entitlement attitude and get her ass a job and start taking care of her own children. They may be the children of Randy and Jermaine Jackson..but if their own fathers cannot provide the lifestyle that they are use to..then that is not anyones fault BUT tier fathers. They may have to end up living in a normal neighborhood in a normal house just like the rest of us. Noone gives me free money so I can live in a castle..why should she be given that treatment. Maybe Jermaine and Randy should pool their money and buy a house for her and their children..so that she can stop mooching .

I agree. I understand that she was living a certain lifestyle while Michael was alive, because his mother shared her money with her. OK, but the situation has changed now. The money is gone, and most people would recognize this and try to find a job. The Estate was kind enough to offer her a place to live while repairs were being made. She claimed she was on vacation and heard about the intent of the Estate and came back. How does one go on vacation, if there is no income. Alejandra has money somewhere and the courts need to make her spend it.
I will not cheer the pathetic and outrageous acts of MJ's mother just because she is his mother. This is ridiculous. I will NOT support and applaud a woman who allowed Michael to be abused as a child. I will NOT support a woman who goes against the last wishes of her son and sell this son on TV. I will NOT praise a person able to use her own grandchildren for money. What will it take for you to see that children are being sold and used? A contract where Mrs Jackson also requires the grandchildren? Wait. The contract already exists!!!

I'm sick of seeing 'fans' supporting and praising this kind of people. Here's a novelty: they do not give a damn about you and the fans. Michael saw us as people. The Jackson family see us as commodities.

Because of people like you MJ continues to be disregarded, and his children sold to the press.
I have to agree with you. :agree:
Katherine Jackson knows Michael Jackson did not want his children to be exploited for money and paraded before the TV cameras; but
that is what she is doing.
Because of people like me people like you are annoyed and throw stones. I am sure you would prefer I stay silent as you hurl your assault with statements supposedly depicting the thoughts of the fans and then hiding your hands asking me what do I mean in my statement as if you did not understand your own.

Please try to speak for yourself in what I feel is your disgusting opinions and interpretations of others motives.

I am utterly disgusted and sick and tired of perverts claiming Mrs. Katherine is"pimping" those children and assertions likle yours. Your words are as depraved against a mother of a man you claimed to love as the acts you accuse her of.

Please stop.

What a bunch of nonsense. I give a lot of facts and you tell me that I have to stop because she is MJ's mother. You do not accuse me of lying. You only do not want the truth to be told. I will not stop. If you do not want to read about the facts, ignore my messages.
I don't apologize in saying that if you truly cared for Michael, his children and his legacy as well as his last wishes then you would care about his mother. There is something drastically wrong with many of Michael's fans hearts beyond sorrow. We may not agree with certain things his family says and does but no one can ever deny his love for his mother and to not care about her is to not care about him or his wishes.

oh...More BULLSH!T. I SEE.

What are you talking about????

The FANS do not want bad things to MJ's mother. MJ loved his mother and we just want good things in her life.

Unfortunately Michael did not see the true face of some people. But we can not be blind.

What I am saying is that the only important thing here is MJ and his legacy.

I will not cheer the pathetic and outrageous acts of MJ's mother just because she is his mother. This is ridiculous. I will NOT support and applaud a woman who allowed Michael to be abused as a child. I will NOT support a woman who goes against the last wishes of her son and sell this son on TV. I will NOT praise a person able to use her own grandchildren for money. What will it take for you to see that children are being sold and used? A contract where Mrs Jackson also requires the grandchildren? Wait. The contract already exists!!!

I'm sick of seeing 'fans' supporting and praising this kind of people. Here's a novelty: they do not give a damn about you and the fans. Michael saw us as people. The Jackson family see us as commodities.

Because of people like you MJ continues to be disregarded, and his children sold to the press.


Perfectly written. And 10000000000000% in agreement.

I will not support a greedy woman selling her grieving grandchildren to a pornographer.

I will keep calling her greedy, because that's what she is.

To those who can't see her for what she really is, you can pedal to hell. [sarcasm] With Love...of course [/sarcasm]

oh...More BULLSH!T. I SEE.


Perfectly written. And 10000000000000% in agreement.

I will not support a greedy woman selling her grieving grandchildren to a pornographer.

I will keep calling her greedy, because that's what she is.

To those who can't see her for what she really is, you can pedal to hell. [sarcasm] With Love...of course [/sarcasm]


Well I'm gonna have a good time at hell then. [sarcasm of course]

The only bullshit I see is you and your damn clique.
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On the topic of this woman's refusal to leave the house I am saying don't be shocked about what this woman will do. And don't be shocked about what this woman will say.
This is not hard to understand, is it? I'd say that 99.9 percent of fans were totally in support of Katherine when she gained custody of Michael's children. But, ultimately, this is a MICHAEL JACKSON board, and the majority of posters here consider the family to be peripheral, at best, and we are not automatically in support of ANY other "Jacksons." Including, and especially, Alejandra.

We saw events unfold. As any intelligent people would do, we thought of/asked QUESTIONS? I'm sure that Michael loved his mother, and what she did with the support he gave her, was her own business. But that support from Michael does not automatically translate into support of anyone else. Now, we know that Katherine endorses a charity that Michael did not support, and that is now subject of a lawsuit. We NOW know, that she's entered into a very questionable contract with Howard Mann, and in doing so, has put herself in a position that has become adversarial to the Estate. AND, Katherine has now subjected Michael's own children to control by these two entities. Alejandra is a minor player in all of that, in that she continues to depend on Michael's support, through the estate. Or, she wants to?

So, NO, love for Michael does not automatically transfer to support for his family. And with all due respect, I'd say if there are those who unconditionally choose to support his family, against the interests of his own children, that you start a separate board, and do just that?

If the numerous Jacksons think that they can tap into MICHAEL's fan-base for financial gain, they are quite wrong in that, and I do hope someone TELLS them that, and that they should develop their OWN lives, as individuals, and not continue to piggy-back on Michael's forty years of hard work, and his gifts to the world?
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What a bunch of morons these Jacksons.

Not sure now, that Mike was a real Jackson when I see the pathetic brothers, father somes nephews and his mother sell him and his kids to the press...

Gonna be worst and worst.

Happy to not give my money for these morons.

Well I'm gonna have a good time at hell then. [sarcasm of course]

The only bullshit I see is you and your damn clique.

I hope you enjoy it.

Really? That's the ONLY BS you read here...?

Here you go, making me question the "It takes one to know one" dogma.

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It's wrong to condemn someone to hell beccause their views arent the same as yours. Just hope and pray that you don't wind up there.

On the topic of this woman's refusal to leave the house I am saying don't be shocked about what this woman will do. And don't be shocked about what this woman will say.

I agree... I want more info to come out about it. It seemed like she was gonna move to the condo but when she found out that she won't be able to make any money off the Jackson name, she bailed out. That's pathetic. I believe Jafar turns 18 in like 3 years and Jermajesty in like 8. I think she should be able to find a job by then. If not there is always section 8.
So, NO, love for Michael does not automatically transfer to support for his family. And with all due respect, I'd say if there are those who unconditionally choose to support his family, against the interests of his own children, that you start a separate board, and do just that?
exactly. its not a difficult concept. if u dont support mj or his children then why are u on a mj board. create your own place
oh...More BULLSH!T. I SEE.


Perfectly written. And 10000000000000% in agreement.

I will not support a greedy woman selling her grieving grandchildren to a pornographer.

I will keep calling her greedy, because that's what she is.

To those who can't see her for what she really is, you can pedal to hell. [sarcasm] With Love...of course [/sarcasm]

Omg. Dead on!!!!! Scary huh??
The level of hate in this thread is scary...

I am so sorry the actions of all these people take us to this low level. Why can't they just pay attention to Michael and protect his kids?

Is that so difficult? :no:
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