Update: Alejandra responds /MJ Estate asking court to remove Alejandra and her kids from Hayvenhurst

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Michael and his children will ALWAYS be respected here...his family disrespect themselves when they start throwing around THEIR shit...you are aware that SOME of them have called him a "druggie" ..right?....His own mother did an interview and said his nose was like a tooth pick...is that ok for her to say??? NO its not. Then they say some shit about Michael.,,they disrespect themselves.

Oh stop it..Katherine was truthful in that interview and that is all.
Re: Alejandra: MJ Executors Tried to Starve Me Out!

Alejandra is a mess. She needs to get a job and move out of that house. Where is Randy and Jermaine and why aren't they banding together to get Alejandra and their children a place to live?

She needs to apply for food stamps and section 8 housing. She is at the end of the road.
Respect is earned not given just because

I know you didn't come up with it but whoever invented that cliche should be ashamed. Of course respect should be given and not "earned", that's exactly the kind of attitude that has caused people to be so rude and impolite in today's society. My parents taught me to respect anyone unless they do something that would make you lose respect for them, not the other way around. And that's how it should be imo.

Sorry, don't take it personal, it's just something that's been bothering me for quite a while :p
And whether any of you FANS (stay in your place) like it or not ALejandra is gonna get taken care of financially thats just how its gonna be. She has children by Jacksons that need to be protected

I have no problems with Jermaine and Randy taking care of her financially. However I have issues with Michael taking care of his brother's baby-mamas and kids. If you say "well he/ estate has money and they can pay" then you are simply classifying Michael as nothing more than a cash cow.
I have no problems with Jermaine and Randy taking care of her financially. However I have issues with Michael taking care of his brother's baby-mamas and kids. If you say "well he/ estate has money and they can pay" then you are simply classifying Michael as nothing more than a cash cow.
thats how I feel too...they made the babies ..THEY should be the one's to support them. Michael once said..:if you cant feed your baby..then don't have a baby"..:D...obviously...Randy and Jermaine..should NOT of made babies.
I know you didn't come up with it but whoever invented that cliche should be ashamed. Of course respect should be given and not "earned", that's exactly the kind of attitude that has caused people to be so rude and impolite in today's society. My parents taught me to respect anyone unless they do something that would make you lose respect for them, not the other way around. And that's how it should be imo.

Sorry, don't take it personal, it's just something that's been bothering me for quite a while :p

Uhh OK
So Michael should pay for them because they are Jackson kids? Well Michael did not see it that way and neither does the estate of Michael Jackson
Nah...I dont have a need to set up any website in defense of anyone, but what you guys are doing is wrong..this USE to be a reputable site, now all its known for is how its members talk sh*t about Michael's family. And whenever someone brings it up they get banned etc. First you claim TMZ is bringing down the family and its not to be trusted then you all run to it the second they post something and go by it like its the gospel. People here are talking horrible about children..then turn around and say how good of a song Human Nature is.. hypocrites. and what i noticed is that its the SAME group of people making the SAME comments like you dont even take a break from it.

Also when did I take up for anyone in regards to what is being said in this thread..? Reread my sentence and answer that lol My problem is how you Michael Jackson fans are addressing his family the sh*t is disrespectful to him and his kids. I AM IN NO WAY AGREEING WITH ALEJANDRA!!!!!!!

And whether any of you FANS (stay in your place) like it or not ALejandra is gonna get taken care of financially thats just how its gonna be. She has children by Jacksons that need to be protected ie. if any one of them were to see this thread they will be begging the estate for protection becuz you guys are typing like your crazy... I dont see how anyone can be UPSET by this..its not your money and you wont be seeing any of it anyway. Most rich people take care of their families, whats the difference with mj.

Please dont respond with ignorance because it will get ignored and you will have typed for nothing. And please rememeber MJ once visited this site, so type accordingly is all I'm trying to say. This board once represented something that looks to now be lost. People now visit this site and say they will never come back because all everyone talks about is HIS FAMILY. Some of you need to step back reread some of your comments and really think about what you have said because it doesnt look good. Doing bad is just as bad as judging.

One more thing dont respond with what the Jacksons hae done in the past. i dont wanna hear it, i know already. Focus on HIS music.

I know, it's sad that MJJC has such a bad reputation nowadays (I read on another board that members here are referred to as "crazy"). Most of the people here are rational and open-minded. It's just a select few that keep spewing the same hateful posts in every thread and seem to live on 2300 Jackson Street, but unfortunately they are the loudest and have thus created quite a following. I do think the family has made some serious mistakes and they should be discussed among the fans, but only if there is proof of their actions. TMZ does not count. Like I said a few pages before, extend the same courtesy to Michael's family that you would like others to extend to Michael :)
I know, it's sad that MJJC has such a bad reputation nowadays (I read on another board that members here are referred to as "crazy"). Most of the people here are rational and open-minded. It's just a select few that keep spewing the same hateful posts in every thread and seem to live on 2300 Jackson Street, but unfortunately they are the loudest and have thus created quite a following. I do think the family has made some serious mistakes and they should be discussed among the fans, but only if there is proof of their actions. TMZ does not count. Like I said a few pages before, extend the same courtesy to Michael's family that you would like others to extend to Michael :)

I have no problems with Jermaine and Randy taking care of her financially. However I have issues with Michael taking care of his brother's baby-mamas and kids. If you say "well he/ estate has money and they can pay" then you are simply classifying Michael as nothing more than a cash cow.

That's true. Michael's wishes should be respected, and Michael clearly stated in his will that he wanted his money to be divided among his mother, his children, and charities. He has supported his family financially for decades, now it is time for them to stand on their own two feet. Michael is not "obliged" to take care of anyone save his own children, the fact that he did for such a long time is a testament to his generous nature. I just really don't understand how Jermaine can be travelling around the world right now yet leave his dead brother to pay for his ex and children because he claims not to have enough money for child support. That's just indefensible. However, I don't think the whole family past should be brought up in every thread of this section, it gets boring and old after some time. Just keep the Janet threads about Janet and the Latoya threads about Latoya, etc. :)
I know, it's sad that MJJC has such a bad reputation nowadays (I read on another board that members here are referred to as "crazy"). :)

Most MJ sites have a bad reputation, so don't single this site out. I can't think of 1 site that doesn't have detractors.

Personally as someone who has been on the net since 97, I would say this is one of the better sites because they have at least stuck with keeping this site about MJ. So many of these other MJ sites changed up once MJ died.
I know, it's sad that MJJC has such a bad reputation nowadays (I read on another board that members here are referred to as "crazy"). Most of the people here are rational and open-minded. It's just a select few that keep spewing the same hateful posts in every thread and seem to live on 2300 Jackson Street, but unfortunately they are the loudest and have thus created quite a following. I do think the family has made some serious mistakes and they should be discussed among the fans, but only if there is proof of their actions. TMZ does not count. Like I said a few pages before, extend the same courtesy to Michael's family that you would like others to extend to Michael :)

I agree

Most MJ sites have a bad reputation, so don't single this site out. I can't think of 1 site that doesn't have detractors.

Personally as someone who has been on the net since 97, I would say this is one of the better sites because they have at least stuck with keeping this site about MJ. So many of these other MJ sites changed up once MJ died.

I agree somewhat. Most MJ fans have a bad rep but not most sites. The main one people complain about is MJJC. I think it's because this is the largest site and many people lurk and post here. I even lurked here awhile before I joined. It's sad though because most of us aren't bad people. It's just a few vocal ones that may rub people the wrong way when they visit.

Has there been any updates on this issue.
so I assume your are willing to take care of all the known and unknown baby mama's of those Jackson's, and their countless offspring good for you. I'm sure Alejandra and her outrageous demands will be thrown out you can sit crying then
so I assume your are willing to take care of all the known and unknown baby mama's of those Jackson's, and their countless offspring good for you. I'm sure Alejandra and her outrageous demands will be thrown out you can sit crying then

who are you talking too?
I am still blown away by her asking for a guardian for her children and asking the estate to pay for it. I have been reading about why guardians are appointed in California and I have some idea why she is asking but..
help us understand more justthefacts , why did she make that request ?
I am still blown away by her asking for a guardian for her children and asking the estate to pay for it. I have been reading about why guardians are appointed in California and I have some idea why she is asking but..

I'm not american, so I don't know how work the justice there, but this guardian for her children, it's a joke no?

Because these children have fathers no? Joe, Randy and Jermaine.

So why a guardian, when you have you both parents alive ?

This woman got a brain or no ? She's completly crazy. And the fathers completly a shame for their kids.

A judge normaly, must just say : Ok, where are the fathers of these children?
They have fathers, all of them, so the problem is between you ( crazy lazy woman Alejandra) and all the pathetic fathers.

That's it.

Michael Jackson was not the father of these children.
She can go to court and say that she can't take care of them and that Jermaine has abandoned them and she would like a guardian to be appointed to take care of them someone on the house like Katherine. But just the fact that she is asking the estate to pay for a guardian tells me something else
She can go to court and say that she can't take care of them and that Jermaine has abandoned them and she would like a guardian to be appointed to take care of them someone on the house like Katherine. But just the fact that she is asking the estate to pay for a guardian tells me something else

But she asked for a legal guardian right, a guardian ad litem? Someone who only looks out for their financial interests, like Margaret Lodise does for PPB? That's my understanding. Still, I don't understand why her children would need such a guardian or why Alejandra thinks it is the Estate's responsibility to pay for it. It doesn't make sense to me.
I bet even the raisin Jermaine is hoping she says he abandoned them, that way he can continue his life not taking any responsibilities as a father. Trying to get the estate to pay for a guardian for their own children when they should be taking care of them..They disgust me. :doh:
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I bet even the raisin Jermaine is hoping she says he abandoned them, that way he can continue his life not taking any responsibilities as a father. Getting the estate to pay for their own children they should be taking care of themselves?..They disgust me. :doh:

But how? I doubt a court is going to say: "Oh well, he abandoned his kids so he doesn't have any responsibilities as a father anymore". And he didn't really abandon them, he is still seen together with his children so he is still in their lives. He just doesn't want to pay for them, for whatever reason. Jermajesty and Jaafar are still young but I think when they get older and understand everything that's going on right now, they will hold it against their parents. So for Jermaine and Alejandra's own good, they should find a way to get out of this situation with whatever dignity they have left, as soon as possible.
the estate sstill woudnt be obligated to pay for her. whatever kathrine did with the money michael gave her was HER business she could still share HER share of the money with whatever known and unknown baby mamas their are.i hope the court throws alejandra out and holds whomever responsible to pay for her needs who has conceived children with her ,and it surly wasnt michael , period, period.
it's still a reputable site, especially after the staff allowed the members to speak the truth about the family and the stupid conspiracy theory .

That's now the "excuse " why we should stop preaching the truth about that family . I thought the kids were not real Jacksons . is not this what the Jacksons worked hard to plant in peoples minds? so why would speaking ill of them be considered a disrespect toward " the two Jewish and the Mexican boy?"
You can't have it both ways, they should have made up their minds regarding those kids long time ago. I'm sure talking about them not being his kids is much more disrespectful to them than saying Randy is a thief and Joe is a monster which are proven facts. Just saying

I think now their priority is to beg the estate for food lol

MJ in his will instructed his lawyers not to give his mother anything ANYTHING but a monthly allowance covering her basic needs ONLY , so MJ did not want them to take anything from him . We respect MJ's wishes.

If MJ was used and abused by his mother all his life , then credit to him not her. It shows how much he was taken advantage of , and it proves how greedy, ungrateful and opportunistic they are .

that's enough proof you only visit this section of the board to see whether our opinions of Randy's kids changed here and you always leave disappointed because they are exposed even further and liked even less . the case section is active, the news section is active, the album section is active, the board in general is very active , the board does not revolve around Gen or her brothers and after being fans of Michael Jackson for so long it is really impossible for us to 'understand' Gen's ' artistic potentioal' ( not that she has any) lol
But how? I doubt a court is going to say: "Oh well, he abandoned his kids so he doesn't have any responsibilities as a father anymore". And he didn't really abandon them, he is still seen together with his children so he is still in their lives. He just doesn't want to pay for them, for whatever reason. Jermajesty and Jaafar are still young but I think when they get older and understand everything that's going on right now, they will hold it against their parents. So for Jermaine and Alejandra's own good, they should find a way to get out of this situation with whatever dignity they have left, as soon as possible.

I'm just going on based what justthefacts said..If she goes to a court and says she can't take care of them and Jermaine has abandoned them then she wants the estate to pay for the guardian or w/e..Well, they may not be abandoned in the sense of Jermaine never seeing them, but it's a kind of an abandonment of refusing to take care of the children in a financial sense..Alejandra and Jermaine have to stop depending on others people to take care of their kids...I mean Alejandra even refused to take a free Condo because she is so set on staying in Encino..She is so damn ungrateful..I say just kick them out and let the parents actually take responsibility, rather than let them squirm away and let other people do it for them.
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