Today Show Recordings of Michael- Fearful of Dr. Thome

mj used the nation in 93 cuz cochran used them. thenhe did during teh trial. they're good guys. nothing wrong w/ teh nation.
I love it when people take a balanced view.

I bet you if I were to interview Joe, he would say the same thing. "Michael should have let me manage him."
John Lucas

No Joe would be the last person i would trust in terms of management. If anyone remembers the Joe Cola and other bad business ventures that put Michael's interest in jeopardy and caused him to be sued. Luckily since it was Joe and not Michael it turned out okay but Joe and Michael are like oil and water, they don't mix.
See, here's the thing.... Michael Jackson died on Frank DiLeo's watch. Sad, but true. Tohme and all the other people were out of Michael's life in May. Leonard Rowe, Tohme, the chef, etc. Branca, DiLeo and others were hired. This is around the same time Michael started drastically losing weight. This is the time when Michael started texting, calling, emailing and physically speaking to fans about his displeasure with the shows and a host of other things. Again, Tohme was GONE and out of the picture.

I don't need to know what Tohme did because, well, we already know. We already suspected that he was up to no good. Roger Friedman has been squawking about Tohme for months now. There is no reason for DiLeo to do this NOW. What I want to know is why was Michael upset and despondent when YOU, DILEO became manager.... And don't feed me that BULL that he was jovial, healthy, and ecstatic because too many people know the truth now.

Stop using Tohme as a diversion and tell us why you and others turned a blind eye to Michael's deteriorating condition!! I don't care what was said in Sept 08 because guess what? Michael died when YOU were his manager! What went WRONG???

I swear.....

Well hold on for one second, leonard rowe got kicked to the curb and the chef is who kept Michael healthy until she left for three weeks and that is when michael went down. she came back and he told her i need you to keep me healthy and give me my beet juice. Also Dileo is not to blame for the shady characters surrounding Michael. Dileo came in on the end of what was kinda already out of control. Michael finally pulled it together at the last minute hence the will and re-hiring the men that guided his career Dileo and Branca.
Part of me wants to look part of me doesnt..............still in safe place...............Conrad? A hole Soz been drinkin................missin MJ more than words can possibly say..................:-(
listenin to Keep movin History on i pod :)
Well hold on for one second, leonard rowe got kicked to the curb and the chef is who kept Michael healthy until she left for three weeks and that is when michael went down. she came back and he told her i need you to keep me healthy and give me my beet juice. Also Dileo is not to blame for the shady characters surrounding Michael. Dileo came in on the end of what was kinda already out of control. Michael finally pulled it together at the last minute hence the will and re-hiring the men that guided his career Dileo and Branca.

Do we KNOW that Frank and Tohme did NOT know each other? There Tohme WAS, at the hospital at a press-conference after Michael died. . . . . Was Tohme REALLY gone? There is so little info on Tohme that it's very, very strange. All we really know is that he is involved with Colony Capital. . . . and that he was THERE, at the hospital. I find that very, very troubling.

(Oh, and the will was not recent.)
Do we KNOW that Frank and Tohme did NOT know each other? There Tohme WAS, at the hospital at a press-conference after Michael died. . . . . Was Tohme REALLY gone? There is so little info on Tohme that it's very, very strange. All we really know is that he is involved with Colony Capital. . . . and that he was THERE, at the hospital. I find that very, very troubling.

(Oh, and the will was not recent.)

If there is a battle in the inner circle then Dileo and Thome did not know each other. Also frank heard about michael's death from a fan by the time he got to the hospital it was too late. Also Thome probably ignored the letter and thought it was a joke. Well Branca, Mcclain and Dileo didn't think it was a joke when they went after that 5.5 million dollars. All i am saying is if Dileo had not been fired in the early years, shady characters and nonsense would cease.
Seeing as Jermaine introduced Tohme to Michael, maybe Tohme has been getting in Jermaine's ear about turning Neverland into a Graceland type of museum with Michael's body stored there?
I tell you what - if I'd have had to have gone through half of what Michael did in his life, I'd have probably hanged myself. The poor guy had no childhood, an abusive father, tabloid trash written about him all the time, false allegations of child abuse, lawsuit after lawsuit, and if all that's not bad enough, one after another shady characters pretending to be his friend and yet only interested in what they can gain financially from him, not excluding his own family members. I am suprised that he was able to trust anybody.

I tell you, he dealt with all that stress and pressure really well.

That poor guy!

I know you can't judge a book by it's cover but Thome Thome always struck me as a shifty looking character.
Poor Michael I can't help but wonder how he got involved with all these shady people. I am so distressed by this I hope all the people involved in Michaels' death are brought to justice.

"deathly afraid of ... who this man is ... and what he may be ... capable of doing ..."

I'm wondering if Michael was so deathly afraid of this man ... and if a letter from Dileo didn't make him go away ... I wonder what was he capable of doing? ...and who else may have been "afraid" of him ...? ... and what exactly was it that gave him such an ominous "power" ?

This is too much handle. :cry:
I can't believe how much some people were so evil and mean to Michael.. :(
He didn't deseved that.
You can see on Thome's face that he's a bad guy..
Poor Michael. :boohoo:
I wish I could save him..
My heart is totally hurting right now. :cry:
I BELIEVE that Michael was fearful of Tohme. I also think that bringing up this stuff now, is a smoke-screen by Dileo.

There are various ways of "knowing." We can gather facts (although genuine "facts" are rare). We can also do a kind of visual analysis. Go back and LOOK at photos of Michael and Tohme, and you'll see what I mean. Attending the theater in London. Various meetings and shopping trips. Look at Tohme's demeanor. There never seems to be an expression of love for Michael, or caring, on his face. Now, look at his HANDS. He almost always seems to be gripping Michael's arm, HARD. Almost like a clenched fist. I don't recall a photo of Michael making eye-contact with Tohme. Tohme almost seems to have him "captured" in a physical grip. I was scared for Michael when I saw these photos!

So yeah, go back and look at the photos. I think they reveal a LOT.
You know... I remember seeing those pictures. I didn't realize that the man was Tohme then, but he looked weird. It seemed to me that he was mad about something always and didn't want Michael taking time with fans. Can anybody post those pictures in this thread? I'll try to find some.
I found one:
Don't know if this is true, but it certainly would not surprise me. I've had bad feelings about Tohme from the very beginning - because he was so secretive. Then came the Julian's auction mess. Michael came so close to losing things that were important to him. I don't think he realized exactly what Tohme had agreed to until close to auction time. MJ got lucky on that one. Then Tohme being the one to start things rolling with AEG - and fans saying Michael hadn't wanted 50 shows - well, I wouldn't be surprised if that was Tohme signing for him on that. Then Colony and Neverland??? Too much interconnection and way too shady. And yeah, I put some blame for it onto Jermaine. I don't think he would hurt Michael on purpose, but I sure do think his "helping" Michael was a huge mistake.

I, too, from the beginning had my eyes on Colony and Tohme. AEG has only a limited amount of profit they can make with Michael's estate. With Neverland, the sky could be the limit - that's more like where the money trail would lead.

Also, with Tohme supposedly signing checks, it'd be damn lucky if that 5 million he returned was all he had. He could have opened accounts anywhere under any name and deposited checks freely. Him showing up at the hospital is actually scary. Could be that he didn't WANT to be "out" and that being fired could bring out all sorts of scams he'd been running. Looks like motive to me. What I would like to know is how well he knew Murray. That would sure be an interesting piece of information.
Don't know if this is true, but it certainly would not surprise me. I've had bad feelings about Tohme from the very beginning - because he was so secretive. Then came the Julian's auction mess. Michael came so close to losing things that were important to him. I don't think he realized exactly what Tohme had agreed to until close to auction time. MJ got lucky on that one. Then Tohme being the one to start things rolling with AEG - and fans saying Michael hadn't wanted 50 shows - well, I wouldn't be surprised if that was Tohme signing for him on that. Then Colony and Neverland??? Too much interconnection and way too shady. And yeah, I put some blame for it onto Jermaine. I don't think he would hurt Michael on purpose, but I sure do think his "helping" Michael was a huge mistake.

I, too, from the beginning had my eyes on Colony and Tohme. AEG has only a limited amount of profit they can make with Michael's estate. With Neverland, the sky could be the limit - that's more like where the money trail would lead.

Also, with Tohme supposedly signing checks, it'd be damn lucky if that 5 million he returned was all he had. He could have opened accounts anywhere under any name and deposited checks freely. Him showing up at the hospital is actually scary. Could be that he didn't WANT to be "out" and that being fired could bring out all sorts of scams he'd been running. Looks like motive to me. What I would like to know is how well he knew Murray. That would sure be an interesting piece of information.

Wouldn't be surprised either if that is all Tohme had. I bet it's more like 15 million.
"deathly afraid of ... who this man is ... and what he may be ... capable of doing ..."

I'm wondering if Michael was so deathly afraid of this man ... and if a letter from Dileo didn't make him go away ... I wonder what was he capable of doing? ...and who else may have been "afraid" of him ...? ... and what exactly was it that gave him such an ominous "power" ?

If he is what people say he is, then Tohme is a sociopath and MJ had sociopaths swarming him like a bunch of vultures.

Sociopaths want complete control over their victims and don't see them as human beings but rather objects to control for their own selfish reasons. Sociopaths are the types that will use blackmail, guilt, verbal and emotional abuse, threaten physical danger, get people against each other and often are able to put on a false front to lure their victim in then that is when their games begin.
Don't know if this is true, but it certainly would not surprise me. I've had bad feelings about Tohme from the very beginning - because he was so secretive. Then came the Julian's auction mess. Michael came so close to losing things that were important to him. I don't think he realized exactly what Tohme had agreed to until close to auction time. MJ got lucky on that one. Then Tohme being the one to start things rolling with AEG - and fans saying Michael hadn't wanted 50 shows - well, I wouldn't be surprised if that was Tohme signing for him on that. Then Colony and Neverland??? Too much interconnection and way too shady. And yeah, I put some blame for it onto Jermaine. I don't think he would hurt Michael on purpose, but I sure do think his "helping" Michael was a huge mistake.

I, too, from the beginning had my eyes on Colony and Tohme. AEG has only a limited amount of profit they can make with Michael's estate. With Neverland, the sky could be the limit - that's more like where the money trail would lead.

Also, with Tohme supposedly signing checks, it'd be damn lucky if that 5 million he returned was all he had. He could have opened accounts anywhere under any name and deposited checks freely. Him showing up at the hospital is actually scary. Could be that he didn't WANT to be "out" and that being fired could bring out all sorts of scams he'd been running. Looks like motive to me. What I would like to know is how well he knew Murray. That would sure be an interesting piece of information.

Couldn't agree more Lacey, I feel Tohme might be behind something more sinister and they wanted to open Neverland like Graceland hence Jermaine pushing for Michael's burial there(for more profit...) This article I posted as a thread I believe everyone should read, it links Tohme, Colony Capital(who own Neverland) and the owner of AEG, it was written before Michael died and was in the LA Times(link to original article on thread)
This below is from the Daily Mail interview with Latoya, did Tohme fire the staff, if so why? as he had been fired himself in early May and why was he at the hospital with Jermaine the day Michael died...

"He told La Toya that her brother’s Lebanese-born, self-appointed business manager Dr Tohme Tohme had fired all the staff at the Beverly Hills property and at a second rented home in Las Vegas.
They need to investigate whether or not it was really just $5.5 million of Michael's money that Tohme had.

anyone with common sense knows... if he kept 5.5 million in cash .... there is MORE. the scum-bag is beyond sketchy!!!!!!!!!

Jermaine tried very hard to promote the idea of neverland being the final resting place for mj because colony knew they are going to make big $$$$ out of it .

out of respect for MJ I am not going to say how I feel about Jermaine.

but again no one but Murray killed mj

No one is saying yet that Thome Thome killed MJ. The sad story in this isn't just that MJ was taken away. From reading what some of the fans (knowledgeable fans) have been posting.... there was many different sorts of injustice and abuse MJ had suffered at the hands of his friends and inner circle.
even if you live under a rock .... you know murray gave the injection that killed MJ. but was there other people involved? beyond this question..... many fans want to understand the totality of what MJ had to deal with.

Is nobody paying attention to this picture of MJ and Tohme? :bugeyed:bugeyed:bugeyed:bugeyed

WOW! I don't say that in a positive way.
That is the first time I have seen a pix of them together.
Wow. I hope I never meet Tohme in a dark alley.
Why would you grab anyone like that?
How would that pr*ck like it if Michael had grabbed him like that??

If you find other pics, you'll see it's almost always like that. A tight grip on Michael's arm, like he's restraining him or shoving him around. Horrible.
Im surprised fans havent took action into there own hands about Murray and Tohme tbh.
I'd bury Dr Tohme myself. Im soo fuming now after watching that video off the first page. Michael was changing his life in the build up to these gigs. :(
I'm impressed the fans didn't stop him when they were there!!
They saw Michael getting grabbed and didn't say anything?!?!
Maybe I'm just stupid or way too brave, but I'd have called this guy out.
I would have slapped his arm or hit him in the chest (anything to make him let go!)and asked Michael if he was okay. It would have gotten nasty. :evil:
Emotions run high. "Guessing and Assuming" won't and can't help us understand the situation.
I can't say everything I know but I will tell you this.

Michael was a very private / secretive person... this somehow inspired people to "guess and assume".

The recording of the Michael's recording is very private... yes his is not praising Tohme, but we all in our very private express opinions on other... I believe at one point in my life I even criticized my parents ( rise your hand if you never did ).

Michael was very rich but he was compromising his assets with his debts, he was for real risking to loose everything. He asked Tohme to help. If you want to help a shopper like Michael you must take all his credit cards from him. He must trust you and you have to be in control.

Michael did fire Tohme in May... but on Monday ( 3 days before the tragic Thursday ) he called him back.

I don't want to say he's good nor will I say he was bad.
I'd just like this community, which experienced on its own skin what it means to be accused of things based on "guessing and assumptions", not to be like 'them".

Let's not judge other people.

Well unmano, I see my beloved Michael being grabbed like a rag doll.
That does not sit well with me. I would never for any reason let someone touch me like that. I would hope Michael would stand up for himself, but being the quiet gentle man he is, looks like he chose to take the high road and be gentle but firm about getting Tohme off his back. This jerk just didn't get it.
Emotions run high. "Guessing and Assuming" won't and can't help us understand the situation.
I can't say everything I know but I will tell you this.

Michael was a very private / secretive person... this somehow inspired people to "guess and assume".

The recording of the Michael's recording is very private... yes his is not praising Tohme, but we all in our very private express opinions on other... I believe at one point in my life I even criticized my parents ( rise your hand if you never did ).

Michael was very rich but he was compromising his assets with his debts, he was for real risking to loose everything. He asked Tohme to help. If you want to help a shopper like Michael you must take all his credit cards from him. He must trust you and you have to be in control.

Michael did fire Tohme in May... but on Monday ( 3 days before the tragic Thursday ) he called him back.

I don't want to say he's good nor will I say he was bad.
I'd just like this community, which experienced on its own skin what it means to be accused of things based on "guessing and assumptions", not to be like 'them".

Let's not judge other people.


Does the AUCTION ring any bells? Nearly cost Michael his precious belongings. Tohme set that up. Tohme works with Colony Capital. They now own a substantial portion of Neverland.

There are MANY pics of Tohme shoving Michael around. This is not rocket-science, and we're not operating in a vacuum here.

From what I've heard, the only one saying he was "hired back" is Tohme, himself. Frank Dileo was the manager of record. Tohme "came back" three days before Michael died? That's even worse!