Today Show Recordings of Michael- Fearful of Dr. Thome

"Murray had a long list of financial troubles. In the last 18 months Murray had over $400,000 in court judgments against him including credit card bills, education loans, failure to pay child support, and $135,000 owed to a leasing company. "

I wonder if anyone is linked into this leasing company that Murray owed money to? Obviously if you want to get someone to control someone else then you need to be able to control the controller.......
I remember when I first saw photos of Dr. Tohme Tohme (without knowing his name) with Michael, and I thought he looked like a nasty piece of work and just asumed he was the head of Michael's new security. I read the name Dr. Tohme Tohme as Michael's manager quite often but, and even saw him at the O2 for the press conference but I had no idea until Michael died that this nasty looking man was Dr. Tohme Tohme.

I do wonder how Michael could put his trust in the likes of Dr Murray and Dr. Tohme Tohme, they are too people who not only look untrustworthy but also sound it when they talk. Dr. Tohme Tohme has that Jack Gordon look about him (the man who beat LaToya up and told her to say Michael was a child abuser), and strangly enough Jack Gordon knew LaToya through Joesph Jackson, and Michael was introduced to Dr. Tohme Tohme through Jermaine. I hate to say it, but some members (not all, as Randy has excellent conntection like Tom Meserau) know some dodgy people. And Jermaine isn't exactly the most astute businessman, and I'm surprised Michael took his advice concerining his management and finances.

This Dr. Tohme Tohme stuff really makes me, because Michael should not be dead. I couldn't have cared less if he never tour, never released another album or lip-synced at the O2. I prefer living in a world with Michael Jackson and some bastards caused his death, if not on purpose then on complete incompetence.
I think its good we are all asking the questions that need to be asked and that the media are not asking at all(Well apart from the Today Show clip)

I agree with Victoria83 that the fans had no reason to lie but only to look out for Michael.

We need to keep asking questions for Michael's sake now he has died :(
This is horrible, just horrible. I feel so sad. Michael did not deserve this shiz. I don't even have the energy to be angry, just so unbelievably sad.
What motive would Murray or have for killing Michael?

I don't think Dr Murray had any motive or wanted to kill Michael. I believe Dr Murray killed Michael out of incompetence and nothing else. Dr Murray like many of Michael's empoyees over the last 15yrs or so were simply out of there depth and not suited to working for Michael. I think the likes of Dr Murray and Dr Tohme Tohme struggled to do the job they were being paid a lot of money for, and liked the prestige of working for Michael Jackson.
I'd still like to know why Thome was at the hospital? Seeing he'd being fired surely he would have been told or should have been told to f*** off?

Also, Thome has shares in Neverland, does anyone know exactly how much?
I agree with Victoria83 that the fans had no reason to lie but only to look out for Michael.

We need to keep asking questions for Michael's sake now he has died :(

Totally agree

This is horrible, just horrible. I feel so sad. Michael did not deserve this shiz. I don't even have the energy to be angry, just so unbelievably sad.

yeah....I don't have any energy left either...I can't believe everything that's happened :cry:
This thread scares me. I kind of want to rewind time and go back to the moments where we all thought nature had taken it's course and Michael's frail heart had simply stopped beating.

On the other hand, I want the damn truth out and I want EVERYONE involved in this to get what they deserve. Simply because Michael deserves it. He deserved it, and so much more than that.
How come Frank Dileo laughed of the question of Michael being controlled, and saying that no one was controlling Michael on the his interview with Larry King on CNN. And now he's saying that Michael was scared of Dr. Tohme Tohme who was controlling his finances and not letting Michael talk to his lawyers etc.

Joesph Jackson isn't very articulate, and Leonard Rowe looked like he was trying to force his way in to being Michael's manager for his own financial reasons. But both Joesph and Leonard Rowe appear to be making a lot of sense about Michael being controlled with who he could and couldn't see now etc now Dr. Tohme Tohme's name has been bought up.
He must have had a bad life.

Everyone just wanted a piece of him. So sad.
wow! I never trusted tohme.

This is so sad how michael's life ended. He was getting his life back together and then flatline. Ugh!

Michael had so much WEIGHT on his back its just so sad. This is so wrong. I do believe he would have pulled through...but thanks to murdering murry he didn't have the chance. sigh

oh and I don't buy that turn over of 5.5mill to from tohme for one second.
How come Frank Dileo laughed of the question of Michael being controlled, and saying that no one was controlling Michael on the his interview with Larry King on CNN. And now he's saying that Michael was scared of Dr. Tohme Tohme who was controlling his finances and not letting Michael talk to his lawyers etc.

Exactly! Good point, thats the 2nd thing he has been picked up on as saying different. The other being that Michael was healthy when Marlon Jackson is quoted as saying Dileo told them that Michael felt ill the night before... Why was Tohme at the hosptial stood next to Dileo if he had been sacked and was hated by people?!
How come Frank Dileo laughed of the question of Michael being controlled, and saying that no one was controlling Michael on the his interview with Larry King on CNN. And now he's saying that Michael was scared of Dr. Tohme Tohme who was controlling his finances and not letting Michael talk to his lawyers etc.

Joesph Jackson isn't very articulate, and Leonard Rowe looked like he was trying to force his way in to being Michael's manager for his own financial reasons. But both Joesph and Leonard Rowe appear to be making a lot of sense about Michael being controlled with who he could and couldn't see now etc now Dr. Tohme Tohme's name has been bought up.

Joe and Rowe are definitely making more sense than Frank's stupid ass.
........ well, well, well ....... I said it. You said it. A whole of lot of us were suspicious as hell of Tohme. He has always irked the hell out of me. Even from that pic we saw of him standing next to Michael when Mike was holding that umbrella. Remember that? Son a bi+ch.
I hate to say this, but did Michael really have no idea who he was working with? How on earth did he manage to gather so many scums around him???? He's had such issues for ages and still couldn't hire the right people.

I hate everything that happened and I don't understand why it happened. Why it was allowed to happen. Michael wasn't any more protected than a stray cat. He deserved better.
Y is it that all of the lowlife that managed to get in good had all of these financial troubles that no one managed to find out about. I thought background checks were done on new employees, Frank has never liked Togme because if you watch Larry king you will c when he asked about tohme, frank answered I don't want to talk about him in a manner that said he really disliked him and didn't trust him. My question is if people knew mj was so sick weak fragile and being held prisoner in2007-2008 why didn't they do something to help him? I do agree that once he started getting his old swagger back they felt threatened feeling that he was not controllable anyMore.
well then if he didn't want to talk about thome THEN y is he talking NOW? what is two or three wks gonna do?

he can run his mouth about th ekids, aboutmj, about this and that, but when he's on the spot, on live tv, he clammed up? this is DIVERSION from HIM onto THOME. if he knew it then, he should've spoken then and said he will provide proof later.
How come Frank Dileo laughed of the question of Michael being controlled, and saying that no one was controlling Michael on the his interview with Larry King on CNN. And now he's saying that Michael was scared of Dr. Tohme Tohme who was controlling his finances and not letting Michael talk to his lawyers etc.



I agree and I believe one of them hired Murray not Michael OR one of them paid him to give more drugs to keep Michael under control possibly...

im starting to agree with this. a month ago i would have laughed at this and thought anyone that wrote it was deluded.. the more i find out... the more likely this seems
I agree, that was his chance. I don't think jerm knew I think he is trusting too & not a good businessman. Did anyone notice that after the press conference ehen jerm announce michael's death, he hugged frank & walked past tohme who hugged je's wife but I could tell she was saying something in tohme's ear. Did he say something after jerm finished talking?

I wish Joseph could've gotten ahold of tohme. All of these people are interconnected, this was a plan that was in the making a long time.
yeah I saw this myself this morning and i heard Michael on that recording my heart broke.....he was afraid of Thome...THEY KILLED MICHAEL!!!!!!!!!!
Fishy, fishy, fishy!

Trust nobody right now!

Remember the whole debacle with the auction earlier this year? how ridiculous was that? Tohme signing off on the auctioning of MJ's stuff when MJ apparently had no idea he had made that move, hence MJ cancelling the auction and trying to get his stuff back!

I just keep wondering why in God's name did MJ find it so easy to hand over Power Of Attorney to people? he's quoted on that tape saying he has no idea whats in his accounts, why?
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it doesn't even sound like him. the pauses do, but then again, he's talking to a woman and he does tend to make his voice higher when he does that. but doesn't sound like shiitty at all, not to me
Wherever money is the crooks will gather. If Michael was so broke then why is everyone still fighting to get hold of the ruin? Dileo is covering up, he is trying to look innocent. Look at his hands and body language in the interview. He is trying hard to separate him self from Tohme. They are both just a guilty..
Michael died under his term as manager and now he wants to throw suspicion on Tohme so that he would look like the angel. Dileo is just as much a snake as Tohme is..
I want AEG and SONY to lose Big time..I want them crushed..and All these Mafia people they are hooked up with.
Wherever money is the crooks will gather. If Michael was so broke then why is everyone still fighting to get hold of the ruin? Dileo is covering up, he is trying to look innocent. Look at his hands and body language in the interview. He is trying hard to separate him self from Tohme. They are both just a guilty..
Michael died under his term as manager and now he wants to throw suspicion on Tohme so that he would look like the angel. Dileo is just as much a snake as Tohme is..
I want AEG and SONY to lose Big time..I want them crushed..and All these Mafia people they are hooked up with.

Same here.
Hello everyone, this is my first post ever... ...
I am in miami....
I followed everything... i am a big michael fan... you can google my name claudio bono miami and you'll see me at neverland...
I personally believe that that is michael's voice on that tape, that sounds like him but Man... the more you hear and see, the more big it becomes.... definitly he was killed..... knowing that dr. thome was no longer taking care of it all, i personally believe that they retaliated... i know.... crazy stuff.... but look around..... it's scary out there... :(

i love u michael... always...
Hello everyone, this is my first post ever... ...
I am in miami....
I followed everything... i am a big michael fan... you can google my name claudio bono miami and you'll see me at neverland...
I personally believe that that is michael's voice on that tape, that sounds like him but Man... the more you hear and see, the more big it becomes.... definitly he was killed..... knowing that dr. thome was no longer taking care of it all, i personally believe that they retaliated... i know.... crazy stuff.... but look around..... it's scary out there... :(

i love u michael... always...
I agree with you.