Today Show Recordings of Michael- Fearful of Dr. Thome

See, here's the thing.... Michael Jackson died on Frank DiLeo's watch. Sad, but true. Tohme and all the other people were out of Michael's life in May. Leonard Rowe, Tohme, the chef, etc. Branca, DiLeo and others were hired. This is around the same time Michael started drastically losing weight. This is the time when Michael started texting, calling, emailing and physically speaking to fans about his displeasure with the shows and a host of other things. Again, Tohme was GONE and out of the picture.

I don't need to know what Tohme did because, well, we already know. We already suspected that he was up to no good. Roger Friedman has been squawking about Tohme for months now. There is no reason for DiLeo to do this NOW. What I want to know is why was Michael upset and despondent when YOU, DILEO became manager.... And don't feed me that BULL that he was jovial, healthy, and ecstatic because too many people know the truth now.

Stop using Tohme as a diversion and tell us why you and others turned a blind eye to Michael's deteriorating condition!! I don't care what was said in Sept 08 because guess what? Michael died when YOU were his manager! What went WRONG???

I swear.....

That is exactly correct. Michael died on FRANK'S watch, and he's passing the buck. I'm sure Tohme does need to be thrown under-the-bus, but FRANK needs to tell the f xxxx ing TRUTH and putting the blame on Tohme does not absolve him of. . . . anything.

Among those who said Michael was doing just fine are: Frank Dileo. Kenny Ortega (who probably wanted to work in the industry AGAIN someday, and not shoot himself in the foot). Randy Phillips, and anyone connected to AEG.

Those not connected to Michael by money tried to speak up. The fans reported that they were fearful for Michael. That his weight was dwindling, and that he was unhappy about doing fifty concerts. Karen Faye would NOT step up when she should have, and used the backdoor of some Facebook posts. But she KNEW. Even though she knew, she tried to shut fans up. . . . . . .

Michael died on FRANK'S watch, and no one else's. If he was such a "good friend," why then, did he essentially watch Michael dwindle and then DIE?
See, here's the thing.... Michael Jackson died on Frank DiLeo's watch. Sad, but true. Tohme and all the other people were out of Michael's life in May. Leonard Rowe, Tohme, the chef, etc. Branca, DiLeo and others were hired. This is around the same time Michael started drastically losing weight. This is the time when Michael started texting, calling, emailing and physically speaking to fans about his displeasure with the shows and a host of other things. Again, Tohme was GONE and out of the picture.

I don't need to know what Tohme did because, well, we already know. We already suspected that he was up to no good. Roger Friedman has been squawking about Tohme for months now. There is no reason for DiLeo to do this NOW. What I want to know is why was Michael upset and despondent when YOU, DILEO became manager.... And don't feed me that BULL that he was jovial, healthy, and ecstatic because too many people know the truth now.

Stop using Tohme as a diversion and tell us why you and others turned a blind eye to Michael's deteriorating condition!! I don't care what was said in Sept 08 because guess what? Michael died when YOU were his manager! What went WRONG???

I swear.....
My 2 cents: Dileo and Tohme are part of the same diversion.
Where are the photos?

About the arm gripping. It reminds me of all those pictures of Michael with his security detail when they are constantly grabbing his arm. Even if he was just trying to wave to fans. Weird. I felt like they smothered him.

And I ask this question again. Why is DiLeo talking about Thome now when he refused to talk about him on LK?

There are many threads of photos, pages back, now. Photos of Michael going to and from meetings. Photos of Michael attending the theater in London. Photos of Michael shopping. In nearly all of them from the "Tohme-era," Tohme is right there, with a "death-grip" on Michael's arm. In the ones from the theater in London, I recall being upset at the time, to see how Tohme seemed to be, essentially, leading Michael around.

I think Dileo is talking about Tohme now. . because of US, on this board. We have been asking the hard questions and calling for an investigation of Frank. Frank is well-aware of this. Hence, prospective interview, on MJJC! He's afraid, and he's creating a smoke-screen, saying, "Tohme was a bad guy. I was Michael's FRIEND, but not this Tohme dude." I think Tohme IS a "bad guy," in my opinion. That does not absolve Frank from pushing and pushing Michael to do concerts when he was not physically strong enough. For just one thing. . . . . . .
There are many threads of photos, pages back, now. Photos of Michael going to and from meetings. Photos of Michael attending the theater in London. Photos of Michael shopping. In nearly all of them from the "Tohme-era," Tohme is right there, with a "death-grip" on Michael's arm. In the ones from the theater in London, I recall being upset at the time, to see how Tohme seemed to be, essentially, leading Michael around.

I think Dileo is talking about Tohme now. . because of US, on this board. We have been asking the hard questions and calling for an investigation of Frank. Frank is well-aware of this. Hence, prospective interview, on MJJC! He's afraid, and he's creating a smoke-screen, saying, "Tohme was a bad guy. I was Michael's FRIEND, but not this Tohme dude." I think Tohme IS a "bad guy," in my opinion. That does not absolve Frank from pushing and pushing Michael to do concerts when he was not physically strong enough. For just one thing. . . . . . .
Awesome post! We can make a diference! Maybe we don't have to hide from moles that much lol.
Maybe people have to read what we have to say???
i don't know who to trust anymore. I think a lot of hands helped with this outcome. One hand my be a little closer to Michael then the others.
Wrong...I trust Dileo
I don't Dielo could live with himself
if he had actually participated in Michael's actual murder.
I think Frank Dielo is remorseful due to his neglect in looking out
for Michael Jackson's well-being.

I believe Frank Dielo has a conscious and a "soul".
Unlike these other devils.
Remember folks when you are trying to solve a murder,
always follow the money. That brings us back to the profit makers at
Sony, AEG and and Colony Capital:
Time for a refresher video::yes:
Please click on the link below:
Awesome post! We can make a diference! Maybe we don't have to hide from moles that much lol.
Maybe people have to read what we have to say???

As it was during the trial, yes, I think we DO make a difference. Moles here include those from Dileo's camp, and also journalists. As long as we are intelligent and support our speculations with as much "fact" as we possibly can (given that there are so few "facts" out there), yes, I DO think people should know these things. There is a lot of power in writing, and in visibility. "They" underestimate the love for Michael, here. Oh, yeah.

Michael trusted fans the MOST. Fans have no "agenda." Fans (most of them) are not financially profiting from Michael. Fans have NO reason to betray him. Michael's fans number in the MILLIONS!
Part of me is wishing Frank and anyone associated with him cannot have access to reading threads like these...because this gives him time to think up a good story when we ask the hard questions. He knows we are onto him.

Exactly, that's why we need to join together and find a private meeting area where we can put our thoughts together with out the worry of spies. Vicotoria83 made a got point about us using logic and our MINDS to try to piece all this together. This is a public forum and any and everybody can read what we post.

We need a private meeting place to discuss these topics.
Although I feel Tohme is a nasty fellow...and I feel he was involved somewhere in this mess...this is true...why now? What's really going on? Something to ponder.

Joe Jackson has been trying to get something investigated by the media on Thome for awhile now. He's talked to Geraldo as Geraldo said so on Bill O'Reilly's show. On LKL he talked about Thome:

JACKSON: Of course I do. I want to find out all I can about his situation there with certain people. For instance, Dr. Thome...

KING: All right.

JACKSON: Dr. Thome, he's no doctor. And he was fired by Michael and this is a terrible guy, he got about nine -- eight or nine different aliases.

Joe's interview was on the 20th & Thome returned the money on the 24th according to TMZ. Kind of a coincidence.

My guess when he took the phone call, someone from the family was reminding him to mention Thome as one of his talking points. I really can't figure out why noone in the media, esp. CNN since Joe gave it to them, has done any real investigating on Thome. In this story it seems as though Dileo gave it to them, probably handed over the paperwork, contacted the spiritual adviser for them. I would agree Dileo is doing this as a diversion. I think he works for Branca because in LKL interview he says 'our attorneys'.

I am certain one of the first thing Joe & Katherine did was hire private investigators.

As far as Jermaine goes with Thome, I think he just got fooled. Thome is expert at fooling people (that's why there were all those lawsuits) & Jermaine like MJ is easy to fool. Scam artists really know what they are doing. Also, it was reported not just Jermaine liked the idea of Neverland - I think initially Joe & some brothers too - but I think the ladies of the family won - Latoya was really against it publicly & we don't really know about Janet & Rebbie.
I commented in another thread that I felt Michael had changed when DiLeo came back into the picture, you could just see it and I absolutely agree he passed on DiLeo's watch and that this is a diversion tactic, BUT why was Tohme still around? Why did he believe after being terminated on May 5, 2009, he still had the right to conduct any business on behalf of Michael? That I just don't understand, it's very odd...but then again nothing about this do I truly understand. -_-
See, here's the thing.... Michael Jackson died on Frank DiLeo's watch. Sad, but true. Tohme and all the other people were out of Michael's life in May. Leonard Rowe, Tohme, the chef, etc. Branca, DiLeo and others were hired. This is around the same time Michael started drastically losing weight. This is the time when Michael started texting, calling, emailing and physically speaking to fans about his displeasure with the shows and a host of other things. Again, Tohme was GONE and out of the picture.

I don't need to know what Tohme did because, well, we already know. We already suspected that he was up to no good. Roger Friedman has been squawking about Tohme for months now. There is no reason for DiLeo to do this NOW. What I want to know is why was Michael upset and despondent when YOU, DILEO became manager.... And don't feed me that BULL that he was jovial, healthy, and ecstatic because too many people know the truth now.

Stop using Tohme as a diversion and tell us why you and others turned a blind eye to Michael's deteriorating condition!! I don't care what was said in Sept 08 because guess what? Michael died when YOU were his manager! What went WRONG???

I swear.....

True , very good post
I am surprised no gutsy journalist wants to pick this up and investigate it further........
Michael put all his trust in him like he does everyone, but got burnt everytime. But this takes the cake.

This is an evil, evil, evil man.

When he said Michael is like and institution and should be treated as such. That showed me right then and there that this was a very bad man who cared nothing about Michael.

An Institution, WTF.

That is what a sociopath would say. Someone domineering and controlling who views someone as not a human being but an object to control.
I wonder if Michael actually read what was on the autocue? Or did he make it up as he went along? DId he go off script? Off a script that someone else had written!

The contract had been signed which we have seen, it allowed for the extension, yet he was very final with the This Is It - The Final Curtain Call.

Did the fact of the incredible sales give Michael the power and confidence he needed. After all they werent really certain how the ticket sales would go, obvioulsy the fans would buy them up - but the worldwide interest must have been overpowering.

Perhaps this was an incredible boost and perhaps he needed bringing back into line again, by those in control.
what a mess :doh:
after reading this everything,I'm really confused.
poor michael :( :sad:
i don't know who to trust anymore. I think a lot of hands helped with this outcome. One hand my be a little closer to Michael then the others.

I agree. I hope I'm just being silly. But I haven't heard anything that has made one ounce of sense to me from the day Michael died.
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Why the sudden diversionary tactics by DiLeo? Tohme is/was supposedly out of the picture and now we have DiLeo and this person releasing private sessions of Michael speaking about certain issues?


This was my thought too.

Tohme is bad news. I have no doubt about that. But how can DiLeo sit there and act like he had no connection to him when Tohme arranged the concerts with AEG, and DiLeo is employed by AEG? They're throwing Tohme under the bus, but I suspect he's only one part of the puzzle.
As has been already said previously- why the big hoo hah about Tohme now and I agree, it has to be a strategic tactic of some sort Frank is playing. It still doesn't make sense though. Then again nothing has since the start.

No doubt about it - Tohme is an extremely dubious character. A few minutes of Googling is all it took (before this latest revelation) to ascertain that. So why have they just done a public character assassination (if you can assassinate the character of someone who's character is already murky as mud that is) on him only NOW?

It had already been reported before Michael died and that press conference that Tohme had been sacked. So why the hell was Frank and Jermaine and co even allowing him in that room, let alone loose in front of the World's press?

I don't believe for a moment that billionaires of the likes of Anschutz and Barrack would not have background checks done on anyone before they allow them to get close. Those two HAD to know exactly how shady a man Tohme was. They'll know exactly who and what he is and will have known from way back too. Anschutz anyway - Barrack's another matter because HE allegedly had known Tohme for a long time before any involvement over Michael commenced.

Where no one managing to dig up anything on Tohme goes I think people most probably have. As already said, Friedman squealed for months. Either they dug and found out stuff but didn't for some reason reveal it...or they failed but the hints were there all the same. Either of those two options however, speak volumes about the man regardless. I recall one article which alleged before Jermaine dabbled with Grace, Grace was a former girlfriend of Tohmes! I'll try to find that story again or if anyone knows?

As for the spiritual advisor if she has one taped conversation she'll have the full set recorded, not just one.
This was my thought too.

Tohme is bad news. I have no doubt about that. But how can DiLeo sit there and act like he had no connection to him when Tohme arranged the concerts with AEG, and DiLeo is employed by AEG? They're throwing Tohme under the bus, but I suspect he's only one part of the puzzle.

Oh he needs to be thrown under a bus, but he is just a part of this. He works for Colony and this is the real culprit. They put up a lot of money for neveland, and that wanted insurance that they would get there money back (this is were AEG comes in), but when Mike fired this Tohme. That when the shit hit the fan. (This may need to be moved to investigation unit).
A couple of things, and apologies if they have been covered in other threads, but I missed them :

1. Dr Thome was holding $5.5m 'earmarked by Jackson for the purchase of what was to be his "dream home" in Las Vegas. He told the AP that he was in negotiations for the home when Jackson died. ' We also heard that there was talk of the Jackson estate starting another Neverland in Las Vegas. Hmmmm so was the $5.5m for the new Neverland, and was it another money-spinning idea from J? And was it being planned BEFORE June 25th?

2. I've not heard of these emails and texts from Michael saying he wasn't happy during rehearsals - is there a link to them somewhere? Or can someone paste the details in for me?
I'd like to know what MJ was saying.
I don't feel such a bad vibe from Frank ,(although maybe I'm missing something,)as I do from some of the others, ie Branca, Tohme, Barrack and Anshwutz although there are some dubious aspects ie being on board of sony and being around MJ during the weeks before he died. when he was losing weight, but Michael always lost lots of weight before touring in the past so why would anyone know he was going to die this time. He had been much thinner in the past IMO, so I still don't necessarily see this as directly linked to his death and still think it is possible he was deliberately murdered or drugged, I guess though if Frank was aware of that it doesn't look good for him. It is very confusing. I'll be interested to see what he says to those questions.
I remember when I first saw photos of Dr. Tohme Tohme (without knowing his name) with Michael, and I thought he looked like a nasty piece of work and just asumed he was the head of Michael's new security. I read the name Dr. Tohme Tohme as Michael's manager quite often but, and even saw him at the O2 for the press conference but I had no idea until Michael died that this nasty looking man was Dr. Tohme Tohme.

I do wonder how Michael could put his trust in the likes of Dr Murray and Dr. Tohme Tohme, they are too people who not only look untrustworthy but also sound it when they talk. Dr. Tohme Tohme has that Jack Gordon look about him (the man who beat LaToya up and told her to say Michael was a child abuser), and strangly enough Jack Gordon knew LaToya through Joesph Jackson, and Michael was introduced to Dr. Tohme Tohme through Jermaine. I hate to say it, but some members (not all, as Randy has excellent conntection like Tom Meserau) know some dodgy people. And Jermaine isn't exactly the most astute businessman, and I'm surprised Michael took his advice concerining his management and finances.

This Dr. Tohme Tohme stuff really makes me angry, because Michael should not be dead. I couldn't have cared less if he never tour, never released another album or lip-synced at the O2. I prefer living in a world with Michael Jackson and some bastards caused his death, if not on purpose then on complete incompetence.
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I recall one article which alleged before Jermaine dabbled with Grace, Grace was a former girlfriend of Tohmes! I'll try to find that story again or if anyone knows?

:wtf2 This gets more bizarre by the minute, good lawd! :wtf:
Victoria83 said:
Michael trusted fans the MOST. Fans have no "agenda." Fans (most of them) are not financially profiting from Michael. Fans have NO reason to betray him. Michael's fans number in the MILLIONS!

Exactly! This is why we are the key...and must keep investigating.

meena76_4MJJ_4Ever said:
We need a private meeting place to discuss these topics.


jrsfan said:
I really can't figure out why noone in the media, esp. CNN since Joe gave it to them, has done any real investigating on Thome. In this story it seems as though Dileo gave it to them, probably handed over the paperwork, contacted the spiritual adviser for them. I would agree Dileo is doing this as a diversion.


As far as Jermaine goes with Thome, I think he just got fooled. Thome is expert at fooling people (that's why there were all those lawsuits) & Jermaine like MJ is easy to fool. Scam artists really know what they are doing.

Why no one did real investigating on Tohme has got me too! Now for it to come up, in this manner, does make it seem like a diversion the more I look at it. In any case, to me, both Tohme and Dileo aren't to be trusted at this point. Perhaps they are part of the same diversion...

Jermaine getting fooled is another thing. Scam artists are smart - but there were blatant red flags when it came to Tohme that I don't see how anyone would put themselves around the man...unless threatened or there was some kind of gain to be had with MONEY. So often, all about the money. Bleh.