Today Show Recordings of Michael- Fearful of Dr. Thome

I've always thought Murray wasn't entirely responsible for Micheal's death. I think this was a setup and I feel he was framed. What motive would Murray or have for killing Michael? And then Dr Klein etc? Makes no sense to me at all. Yes they played a part in his death and should be held responsible for their actions. However I really believe there was someone else behind it. A mastermind who was gonna benefit from this enormously. Who could that be?
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Just a thought here, and then back on-topic. If WE (and some other boards) were not asking these hard questions, would ANYONE? The TV talking heads certainly are not digging any deeper than the shallow "leaks" they receive, from where. . .we don't really know!

I'd like to take just a moment to thank everyone here who is using logic and their MINDS, and their patience, to try to unravel this terrible event that should NOT have happened to Michael. I'd like to especially thank those who participate in the Investigative Unit with thoughtfulness. Michael deserves no less from us, for those of us who can even tolerate it at this awful time, to be raising these dificult questions.

And now, carry on,


having worked on the KING OF POP French Edition project, I can tell you firsthand he ruined many of our efforts to take the release to the next level.

And.... this is just the top of the iceberg.

Interesting... I know you probably can't say anymore on that but thanks for saying what you have.
Just a thought here, and then back on-topic. If WE (and some other boards) were not asking these hard questions, would ANYONE? The TV talking heads certainly are not digging any deeper than the shallow "leaks" they receive, from where. . .we don't really know!

I'd like to take just a moment to thank everyone here who is using logic and their MINDS, and their patience, to try to unravel this terrible event that should NOT have happened to Michael. I'd like to especially thank those who participate in the Investigative Unit with thoughtfulness. Michael deserves no less from us, for those of us who can even tolerate it at this awful time, to be raising these dificult questions.

And now, carry on,


I agree with Victoria as the media try and ruin his image more we seem to be the only ones questioning so much that happened around Michael's death and you can't say slander is the reason they don't print it as they print lots of slanderous things all the time tabloids.

We owe it to Michael, who himself spoke of conspiracy against himself - to look into every avenue of this. For Michael's sake and in the name of justice.
Why the sudden diversionary tactics by DiLeo? Tohme is/was supposedly out of the picture and now we have DiLeo and this person releasing private sessions of Michael speaking about certain issues?

I can’t believe this. Too many shady people are elaborately involved in this hit job. I can’t fathom as to why Jermaine would want to associate his own brother with crooks and thieves. I now understand why Jermaine is pushing for Neverland. He is a crook and a sad excuse for a brother. Unbelievable that Michael would allow this criminal around his children and allow him to control his life. I get it that Michael feared for his life but he should have talked to his lawyers and signed a restraining order or something. I guess Michael was too trusting and gave everyone the benefit of the doubt but when you’re MJ you just can’t. This all just makes me sick and confused. It looked like the TII concerts was more than just a gift to fans. It was going to restart his life and help gain his independence.

I am seeing a huge parallel between Britney Spears and MJ. Thome is MJ’s Osama Lufti. Osama controlled Britney’s life, almost killed her, threatened her, manipulated her, drugged her to no end, destroyed her finances, and alienated her from her family. Sounds all too familiar. I wish MJ could’ve finished the concerts and once and for all gotten control of his finances, assets, and his life. This is just one huge tradegy!
Why the sudden diversionary tactics by DiLeo? Tohme is/was supposedly out of the picture and now we have DiLeo and this person releasing private sessions of Michael speaking about certain issues?

That's exactly what I think.

But that's not to say that Tohme Tohme isn't the snake that he is either...
jermaine to me has always seemed false,i don,t trust him,i,m sorry i know he,s michaels brother,but i have never felt he had michaels best interests at heart,and i think he,s always been jelous of michael,poor michael he couldn,t trust anyone at all.
There were indeed VERY little people Michael could trust.

I am beyond sad and angry...i dont know what to say but at the same time this does not suprise me.
I didnt like this Tohme creep, never did...

(same goes for other creeps suck as Uri and Dieter).

Its a shame he trusted in assholes like this.
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Interesting... I know you probably can't say anymore on that but thanks for saying what you have.

Some of the comments can be found here :

There have always been a wr of interests around Michael.
There are very very few peole who have been looking after HIS interests.
Keep in mind that Tohme was described by many MJ close associates and advisors as "Michael's liquidator". That says it all.

Tohme wanted to sell his items (Juliens), Michael stopped it at the very last minute...
He never okayed this. He did NOT want his LIFE & his LEGACY to be sold...
its heart breaking to know that even at the end there were people in MJs camp working against him :(

I really had thought that after the trial, MJ was not going to go through that shit again.
This whole sad story is odd to me. Roger Friedman reported about Tohme months and months ago and now DiLeo and this spiritual adviser regurgitates the story? WHY NOW?

My mother would always say when someone is kicking up dust, they are trying to cover their own tracks. Something is waaaay off. We've known this about Tohme for a long time now. Why now? What is really going on?
myfavouritewintercoat said:
and so knowing this if anyone killed him with a drug then it would be the perfect cover up..


Victoria83 said:
Just a thought here, and then back on-topic. If WE (and some other boards) were not asking these hard questions, would ANYONE? The TV talking heads certainly are not digging any deeper than the shallow "leaks" they receive, from where. . .we don't really know!

I agree! I was just about to mention, I'm starting to feel like if ANYONE has a chance at REALLY getting out the would be the FANS. Ultimately we are the ones who really care about Michael, and care about justice. We can't trust anyone in the media or even the people that are hands-on with the investigation. There are cover-ups and lies at every turn...there is money on the line...there could be bribery, blackmailing and all kinds of other crap going on behind the scenes. But for us and other fan communities...nothing will stop us from questioning and using our own minds. We arent' gullible and our good motives cannot be swayed.

WE CAN make the difference...and we just might.
Why the sudden diversionary tactics by DiLeo? Tohme is/was supposedly out of the picture and now we have DiLeo and this person releasing private sessions of Michael speaking about certain issues?


Exactly. DIVERSION. Red-herrings.

I think Tohme was NEVER out of the picture. That he appeared, out of nowhere, at the hosptial is simply outrageous!
Karen Faye said that Michael was very angry with Jermaine before he died. However she didn't explain why.

Why is DiLeo talking about Thome now when he refused to discuss him on Larry King?
My mother would always say when someone is kicking up dust, they are trying to cover their own tracks. Something is waaaay off. We've known this about Tohme for a long time now. Why now? What is really going on?

Although I feel Tohme is a nasty fellow...and I feel he was involved somewhere in this mess...this is true...why now? What's really going on? Something to ponder.
Why the sudden diversionary tactics by DiLeo? Tohme is/was supposedly out of the picture and now we have DiLeo and this person releasing private sessions of Michael speaking about certain issues?


I sense that things are never what they seem!!
I'm sad, confused & angry.

I'm a little bit annoyed at Michael, why did you always end up with the wrong people, you weren't a fool, yet you let it happen to you :(

Jermaine is a nasty peice of work, end of.

Don't be annoyed with Michael, It was just his nature to trust people.

He took people at face value.

It's the people who took advantage we should be extremely angry with.

I feel you though, I ask Mike all the time why he trusted these people.
nobody but murray killed mj , the timeline between the calls to his assistants in Houston to remove boxes and the 911 call were 4 to five hours , why a hitman would wait till the last minute to cover his crime . the theories about the killing being planned are really absurd and don't make anysense whatever .

According to this info then, it would seem that jermaine would profit from making Neverland a burial place. No wonder he was pushing it so hard. He knew MJ didn't want anything to do with that place. Making NL a burial place to me is like making it a tourist attraction.That's not right Michael should be able to rest in peace, in private.
It would seem so yeah, and it would perfectly explain Jermaine's behaviour over the past few weeks.

This whole sad story is odd to me. Roger Friedman reported about Tohme months and months ago and now DiLeo and this spiritual adviser regurgitates the story? WHY NOW?

My mother would always say when someone is kicking up dust, they are trying to cover their own tracks. Something is waaaay off. We've known this about Tohme for a long time now. Why now? What is really going on?
Indeed. The only reason they're trying to turn Tohme into a scape goat is because they need to cover their own behinds big time.
Tohme is a sleasball no less, but this right here underlines the role Dileo playes in this somehow. Its still a puzzle, but it is clear that Michael was surrounded by a whole lot of dodgy people.

What a mess :doh:
I BELIEVE that Michael was fearful of Tohme. I also think that bringing up this stuff now, is a smoke-screen by Dileo.

There are various ways of "knowing." We can gather facts (although genuine "facts" are rare). We can also do a kind of visual analysis. Go back and LOOK at photos of Michael and Tohme, and you'll see what I mean. Attending the theater in London. Various meetings and shopping trips. Look at Tohme's demeanor. There never seems to be an expression of love for Michael, or caring, on his face. Now, look at his HANDS. He almost always seems to be gripping Michael's arm, HARD. Almost like a clenched fist. I don't recall a photo of Michael making eye-contact with Tohme. Tohme almost seems to have him "captured" in a physical grip. I was scared for Michael when I saw these photos!

So yeah, go back and look at the photos. I think they reveal a LOT.
See, here's the thing.... Michael Jackson died on Frank DiLeo's watch. Sad, but true. Tohme and all the other people were out of Michael's life in May. Leonard Rowe, Tohme, the chef, etc. Branca, DiLeo and others were hired. This is around the same time Michael started drastically losing weight. This is the time when Michael started texting, calling, emailing and physically speaking to fans about his displeasure with the shows and a host of other things. Again, Tohme was GONE and out of the picture.

I don't need to know what Tohme did because, well, we already know. We already suspected that he was up to no good. Roger Friedman has been squawking about Tohme for months now. There is no reason for DiLeo to do this NOW. What I want to know is why was Michael upset and despondent when YOU, DILEO became manager.... And don't feed me that BULL that he was jovial, healthy, and ecstatic because too many people know the truth now.

Stop using Tohme as a diversion and tell us why you and others turned a blind eye to Michael's deteriorating condition!! I don't care what was said in Sept 08 because guess what? Michael died when YOU were his manager! What went WRONG???

I swear.....
I want to know who this prick really is.
Where did he come from? How long had he been around Jermaine? How much of this guys life did Jermaine know about?
I'm with whoever said this ain't his real name. How hard will it be to find the real line on this guy?
I hate to say I told you so, but I have been saying this for weeks. This is much more than Murray.

I have tried to hold my tongue back when it comes to Jermaine (which I have not been very successful @), but his actions are too just questionable.

Why would he introduce a man like this to his brother.

I never understood why he was pushing for neverland so much.

I did not know he was at the hospital with Tome. (Even more questionable) This man should have never been allowed anywhere near Michael or the family.

Tome, just listen to how he refers to Michael. It's obvious he cares nothing about him. He's main objective was to make money off of Michael, at any means necessary.

He threatened Michael life isn't this motive?
I BELIEVE that Michael was fearful of Tohme. I also think that bringing up this stuff now, is a smoke-screen by Dileo.

There are various ways of "knowing." We can gather facts (although genuine "facts" are rare). We can also do a kind of visual analysis. Go back and LOOK at photos of Michael and Tohme, and you'll see what I mean. Attending the theater in London. Various meetings and shopping trips. Look at Tohme's demeanor. There never seems to be an expression of love for Michael, or caring, on his face. Now, look at his HANDS. He almost always seems to be gripping Michael's arm, HARD. Almost like a clenched fist. I don't recall a photo of Michael making eye-contact with Tohme. Tohme almost seems to have him "captured" in a physical grip. I was scared for Michael when I saw these photos!

So yeah, go back and look at the photos. I think they reveal a LOT.

Where are the photos?

About the arm gripping. It reminds me of all those pictures of Michael with his security detail when they are constantly grabbing his arm. Even if he was just trying to wave to fans. Weird. I felt like they smothered him.

And I ask this question again. Why is DiLeo talking about Thome now when he refused to talk about him on LK?
Exactly. DIVERSION. Red-herrings.

I think Tohme was NEVER out of the picture. That he appeared, out of nowhere, at the hosptial is simply outrageous!

That's because Tohme was never fired in the first place. He was made out to be the fall guy after the Julians situation when the whole Julian's deal was orchestrated deliberately by Tohme to ensure that MJ stayed put. At least that's what I think.

But all of this still doesn't explain Dileo's switch hitting.
we always knew murray was the scapegoat but trish is right. he's shouting about another to hide himself.

just like klien going on tv saying he a baby's to hide his guilt and to divert us from looking at him for that. same w/ dileo...tohme has nothing to do w/ this
Part of me is wishing Frank and anyone associated with him cannot have access to reading threads like these...because this gives him time to think up a good story when we ask the hard questions. He knows we are onto him.