Today Show Recordings of Michael- Fearful of Dr. Thome

this is just woah. everybody's Michael's 'friend' riiiiiiiight. I will reserve my judgment with regards this whole thing.
This is some crazy sh** :doh: :no: Another shady, crooked "friend" who "loves" Michael. Its unbelievable he said he is still in charge of his business. WTF? Doesn't he remember being cut off by Mike? What was he doing at the hospital hanging out with Jermaine?

:bugeyed WTF was he doing with keeping $5.5 mil of Mike's money? So from when Mike sent out that letter and cut him off, he was sitting on the money. He probably never intended to give it back and wanted to get back on good terms w/ Mike.

Exactly, he'd been sacked but still went on TV after Michael died saying he was still in charge of business... why was he at the hospital with Jermaine and why did he have those millions...
WTF? Doesn't he remember being cut off by Mike? What was he doing at the hospital hanging out with Jermaine?

Sure he does...him being at the hospital says nothing more to me than a scheme to try and look like a good guy!

I have a VERY bad feeling about Tohme. I feel he definitely played some part in Michael's death.
everyones trying to blame each other. frankly i dont believe anyone. murray is all that matters and this is a good diversion
:mello: I felt uneasy about him all along, among others, to say the least. :mello:
What I also want to know is... If Frank was in charge and knew Tohme was shady, why were they all together at the press conference when Michael died...? and why does Dileo still work for AEG now?(he said that on LK show)

I KNOW! It made no sense for Tohme to be at the press conference, after he'd been fired. I'd like to know the connection between Tohme and Dileo! Seriously!
I KNOW! It made no sense for Tohme to be at the press conference, after he'd been fired. I'd like to know the connection between Tohme and Dileo! Seriously!

Me too, but we'll probably never know. Just breaks my heart to know that Michael was murdered and more than likely his murderers will get away with it :cry: :cry: :cry:
First of all did anyone ever think that Thome Threatened Murray and his life if he didn't do what he wanted? Thome was the ring leader of all of this. If he didn't get what he wanted like he said he would shed blood.

I don't know what to think right now.

I will be back after i watch or listen to this interview.
thomes connection is through jermaine. i thought it strange how he turned up but others said oh jerm prob rang him but tbh i doubt that when that situation was happening. why ppl are trying to connect thome and dileo i dont know?
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We don't know for sure, but what about the fact Dileo confirm's Tohme was sacked and then the paperwork the TV channel found where Tohme's people threatened 'bloodshed' hmmm... also I wonder if they played those tapes of Michael talking to Dileo before their little interview with him on that video, I'm sure they did so he knew what the interview was about.

Well, I have come to a conclusion that no one can be trusted from this point. Everyone wants to be associated with MJ's name now coz its $$$$. Therefore every person who worked with MJ any capacity wud be try to question the credibility of their rival management team. I just hope that Brance, Mcclain & Londell have the Kids best interest in mind.

With regards to the family (apart from Katherine), how cud we possibly trust Joe, Latoya, Jermaine...etc?

On a lighter note... i guess the only way to find the truth is ask MJ abt it after our lives.. lol
Michael really did have no one that he could trust. It's just hard to believe that Michael gave Thome Thome so much control in the beginning. It's such a sad situation.
everyones trying to blame each other. frankly i dont believe anyone. murray is all that matters and this is a good diversion

with all these 'blaming each other' maybe there's something bigger, am I sensing a shocking outcome.
Sure he does...him being at the hospital says nothing more to me than a scheme to try and look like a good guy!

I have a VERY bad feeling about Tohme. I feel he definitely played some part in Michael's death.

Same here, I also think giving that money back was a bid to look like the good guy too... he is so shady and sinister!
THAT DOES NOT SOUND LIKE MJ TO ME....It sound like someone mimicing Mike... appears fake to me!!!
It's sounds fake to me also. The longer I listened to it, the faker it sounded to me. I'm no Michael Jackson voice expert, but I'm not totally sure that was in fact Michael Jackson.

And why do folks with no official title always say they are "spirtual adivisor." Wasn't Firrpo Carr also a "spirtual advisior" to Michael?
I KNOW! It made no sense for Tohme to be at the press conference, after he'd been fired. I'd like to know the connection between Tohme and Dileo! Seriously!

Dileo is doing damage control right now I swear it, this is based on my 'gut feelings' but my gut feelings were bad about Jermaine and Tohme. IMO only I think Dileo is covering something up too(especially as he said Michael was ok and had the body of an astronaut but he also told Marlon Jackson that Michael was ill the night before... conflicting stories... see here for the CNN article where Marlon says that maybe Tohme thought he'd be covered but now he and Murray will be the fall guys together... to take the focus off others...? I know some of you will roll your eyes at me saying that, but you roll your eyes when I say about Jermaine too... So I'm not saying agree with me as I have no proof and we all have to agree to disagree at times :) but... just remember I said this thats all.
Michael put all his trust in him like he does everyone, but got burnt everytime. But this takes the cake.

This is an evil, evil, evil man.

When he said Michael is like and institution and should be treated as such. That showed me right then and there that this was a very bad man who cared nothing about Michael.

An Institution, WTF.
Exactly, he'd been sacked but still went on TV after Michael died saying he was still in charge of business... why was he at the hospital with Jermaine and why did he have those millions...

I KNOW! It made no sense for Tohme to be at the press conference, after he'd been fired. I'd like to know the connection between Tohme and Dileo! Seriously!

I've been asking these same questions all throughout the investigation thread *sigh*

Why was he there at the hospital?

Why did he still have that "secret" money and use the excuse it was because he was negotiating a real estate deal, something he had no business doing after his termination on May 5th, 2009, it shouldn't have taken him 2 months after being terminated to turn that money back over?

Did Tohme hire the incompetent "Dr." Murray?

Did "Dr." Tohme have medical training in how to administer meds?

Another question I keep asking who had access to that house with keys/security codes that could come and go without being questioned any time they wish, including as people slept at night? :mello:

Did Tohme have a mole in the house?

Everyone is suspicious in my opinion and I swear some days this is all just too much for me to take in. Every f-ing day it's something new, creepy and unbelieveable, I can't imagine what Michael was put through on a daily basis by certain people.....Blahhhhh *sigh*
I haven't heard it yet.

I know Michael's voice when I hear it. I will decided then if it is a fake, but my gut is telling it is not.

This man is bad, bad, bad.
Same here, I also think giving that money back was a bid to look like the good guy too... he is so shady and sinister!

For all we know, this MF-er might have more of Mike's money and only gave back a part of it.

everyones trying to blame each other. frankly i dont believe anyone. murray is all that matters and this is a good diversion

Heck yeah everyone is trying to blame each other. Likely to keep attention off of themselves.
Ok For Thome to be declining and stop returning calls says a lot.
Also I do not think that Michael knew of the signing of the checks i'm just saying that this is what i think. Thome took huge advantage of Michael.

I think that him being at the hospital is a big thing. Because i think he was there to be sure that the job was done. This is like the Mafia and he is the ring leader. Murray may have been put up to it by Thome. Do it or your dead.

We all need to remember that this is a TAPE on a TAPE RECORDER. Things do not sound normal on those. This tape proves that Michael did not want this man hanging around him and when he tried to show him the door he didn't take the hint. Thome is a very controlling person they dont take hints. you have to be blunt with them and even if you do that it could turn dangerous.

This to me proves that people think Michael was stupid. Hes was not stupid he knew what this man was capible of yet couldn't do anything about it for fear for his own personal safty and or the safty of his family. When you have people in your life like Thome you do as they say and you dont get hurt. When you disagree with them or go against them is when things get messy.

Another thing on Thome... Hes not a doctor and the country he clames to come from and he says hes employed by something there has never heard of him. This to me puts up a GIANT RED FLAG. Michael was not a stupid man he knew what he wanted to do but this man wouldn't alow him to do it. In Thomes eyes Michael was nothing more then a human puppet.
I've been asking these same questions all throughout the investigation thread *sigh*

Why was he there at the hospital?

Why did he still have that "secret" money and use the excuse it was because he was negotiating a real estate deal, something he had no business doing after his termination on May 5th, 2009, it shouldn't have taken him 2 months after being terminated to turn that money back over?

Did Tohme hire the incompetent "Dr." Murray?

Did "Dr." Tohme have medical training in how to administer meds?

Another question I keep asking who had access to that house with keys/security codes that could come and go without being questioned any time they wish, including as people slept at night? :mello:

Did Tohme have a mole in the house?

Everyone is suspicious in my opinion and I swear some days this is all just too much for me to take in. Every f-ing day it's something new, creepy and unbelieveable, I can't imagine what Michael was put through on a daily basis by certain people.....Blahhhhh *sigh*

Exactly did Tohme hire Murray and did Tohme have a mole in the house and thats how he knew to get down to the hospital....? How else did he know what went on that day, who called him... Jermaine or Dileo?

I started this thread a little while ago as want to know where Michael's former assistant is now and where was he on the day, his name is also Michael. Did he work for Tohme too??

Also what happened with the guy who called 911 that day....?

@GinnyJackson - I don't think Michael was stupid at all, he was very clever - even warning us a few times of conspiracy against him. I think that evil manipulators were after him and took advantage of his low after the trial.