Today Show Recordings of Michael- Fearful of Dr. Thome

Im surprised fans havent took action into there own hands about Murray and Tohme tbh.
I'd bury Dr Tohme myself. Im soo fuming now after watching that video off the first page. Michael was changing his life in the build up to these gigs. :(

Where are trying to but only a few has even shown interest.

Go to the thread Power In Number.

YOu want to do something join us. We are about finding the truth and making them hear us.
I feel like Jermaine has a lot of explaining to do in why he introduce this POS to Michael and allow him to control Michael. Since Thome was fired back then, did Jermaine knew? If so, how can Jermaine justify having Thome back when he was fired?

That pic saddens & angers me to see that as our Michael is grabbed so harsh by Dr. Thome. Had I witnessed that, Dr. Thome would go home without balls. I want to see this man fully investigated.

My Heart aches to see that Michael's passing is the result of greedy people who claim they have the best interest for him. I believe Dr. Murray is not the only person involved. I believe Michael was taken advantage due to his dependency on painkillers.

Did not that pic, and others like it, ALARM anyone at the time? I had such a terrible feeling about this.
I knew it looked odd when I first saw the pictures like this, but I thought the guy was a bodyguard. Now put in the context of Michael being essentially controlled by this guy and not trusting him, it's a whole different ballgame.
I feel like Jermaine has a lot of explaining to do in why he introduce this POS to Michael and allow him to control Michael. Since Thome was fired back then, did Jermaine knew? If so, how can Jermaine justify having Thome back when he was fired?

That pic saddens & angers me to see that as our Michael is grabbed so harsh by Dr. Thome. Had I witnessed that, Dr. Thome would go home without balls. I want to see this man fully investigated.

My Heart aches to see that Michael's passing is the result of greedy people who claim they have the best interest for him. I believe Dr. Murray is not the only person involved. I believe Michael was taken advantage due to his dependency on painkillers.


I agree, why is Jermaine still close to this man, why was Tohme at the hospital with Jermaine on June 25th?? Has there been anymore on Tohme in the US media since the Today Show vid?
I agree, why is Jermaine still close to this man, why was Tohme at the hospital with Jermaine on June 25th?? Has there been anymore on Tohme in the US media since the Today Show vid?

There's been not a peep, that I've heard. It's like the guy simply vanished. Strange, also, is his almost total lack of an internet presence. The average college student has more internet references than Tohme! At one point (don't know about now, though) he was listed on the Colony Capital page as "an at-large ambassador for the country of Senegal." Senegalese officials have now denied it and say they never heard of him. Very, very. . . .. unusual.

I have no idea why Tohme thought he somehow had a "right" to be at the press-conference at the hospital, but I guess it's clear that he still has a connection with Jermaine. And then there Jerm was, soon after Michael's death, pushing for him to be buried at Neverland. I highly doubt that's what Michael would have wanted, but it sure would have made a lot of money as a theme park, for Colony Capital! See how that works?
seems to me that there were too many people @ the hospital. people that had nothing to do with it and who were there for what reasons anyway ?didn't they supposed to be somewhere else? just asking ...
well to be fair, alberto is also grabbing onto tohme.

Yeah, I saw that, but if you go back through past photos (shopping trips, going to meetings, etc.) it's always that same GRIP that Tohme has on Michael's arm, even when not pressured by crowds. I'm just sayin'. There are various ways of knowing things. Might not be "factual" as much as Tohme's description on the Colony Capital web-page ("ambassador-at-large?"), but a lot can be learned from the visual impressions.

My computer can't "embed" photos, so I wish someone would go look those up? I seem to recall a LOT of similar photos. Seriously, at first I thought Tohme was a body-guard or something. But he wasn't. I've never seen a body-guard have such a consistently tight grip on Michael. Also, Tohme's facial expressions. I've never seen a moment, youtubes or photos, where he looks at Michael with anything like fondness.

I read somewhere an analogy of Michael to a thoroughbred race-horse. Might be far-fetched, but it resonated with me. The horses are beautiful to look at, great at what they do, and they are emotional. But thoroughbred race-horses are worked too young (only two years old, when just babies). Like Michael? They have great earning potential, and as long as they DO it, they're pampered. When they can't, if they break-down, very often they are sent to slaughterhouses. This is a huge animal cruelty issue. They are worked too hard, until most are finally just "used-up." And then discarded, so carelessly. The racing industry is very brutal. The music business can be brutal, too. I'm just sayin'. . . . . . .

carry on,

Sorry, I don't have time to read the whole thread, but I find this guy Tohme pretty intimidating. He has powerful friends. Here's the old version of his company's website - note that one of his associates is Sig Rogich:

Assuming it's the same person, Sig Rogich has links to Las Vagas. Could just be coincidence but thought it interesting.

"Sig Rogich is the chairman of Rogich Communications Group, a Las Vegas-based consulting firm."
I have never ever seen any of Michael's body guards grab him in that manner.
I've seen them push him into a car or van. I've seen them hold the crowd back so he could walk by. I've seen them grab fans so they don't attack Michael.
Never, not even once did they seem to be harming anyone when they did their job.
You can bet if they had, they would have been fired. They put their lives on the line every day for Michael. If he can't trust them to do their job, let them go.
This Tohme, he has no business grabbing, pushing, shoving, anyone! Certainly not Michael. If they were business partners or friends, hell anything!
Unless (yeah right) Michael was trying to hit this guy, he's got no reason for holding onto Michael like that.
Its all soo to harsh that all this has to come out now. That we get that recording of Michael, that we clock onto Tohme in them pictures of Michael in London.

Why did Michael have to pay with his life? He was to precious to our lives.
There's been not a peep, that I've heard. It's like the guy simply vanished. Strange, also, is his almost total lack of an internet presence. The average college student has more internet references than Tohme! At one point (don't know about now, though) he was listed on the Colony Capital page as "an at-large ambassador for the country of Senegal." Senegalese officials have now denied it and say they never heard of him. Very, very. . . .. unusual.

I have no idea why Tohme thought he somehow had a "right" to be at the press-conference at the hospital, but I guess it's clear that he still has a connection with Jermaine. And then there Jerm was, soon after Michael's death, pushing for him to be buried at Neverland. I highly doubt that's what Michael would have wanted, but it sure would have made a lot of money as a theme park, for Colony Capital! See how that works?

Some pics of Tohme at the hospital press conference have him as 'Michael Jackson's spokesman' in the caption below... hmmm....

I agree with you about his internet presence - none at all, that is odd - wonder if Tohme was a new name for him and he had another name before...

I agree with you about the possible reasons Jermaine wanted Michael buried at Neverland, given Jermaine's links to this shady Tohme character and Colony Capital...

You'd think that the Today Show would try and dig up more on him... maybe like us they find it hard to get any information on this odd Dr Tohme Tohme guy...
Sorry, I don't have time to read the whole thread, but I find this guy Tohme pretty intimidating. He has powerful friends. Here's the old version of his company's website - note that one of his associates is Sig Rogich:

Assuming it's the same person, Sig Rogich has links to Las Vagas. Could just be coincidence but thought it interesting.

"Sig Rogich is the chairman of Rogich Communications Group, a Las Vegas-based consulting firm."

Thanks for the additional info walkaway - I'll have a read.

The links that Tohme's business associate have are interesting...
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Very interesting from March 2009... found this half way down this link - talks of his conflict of interest with Colony Capital who co-own Neverland and Michael,also the fact he kept 'shouting' and not answering questions....,2933,510258,00.html

*****’s Mystery Manager Revealed

For about a year, since right before the chaos involving his Neverland Ranch possibly being sold at auction, Michael Jackson has had a mysterious new manager.

The man known as Tohme (pronounced toe-may) called himself a doctor. Different sources said he referred to himself either as an orthopedist or orthopedic surgeon. But there was a discrepancy: who was this man, the latest in a long line of managers who seemed to Svengali the pop star?

Yesterday, after many efforts, I finally pinned the 59-year-old Tohme down. A little. He conceded that he is not a licensed physician. “Not at this time,” he said. He refused, after repeated attempts, to say what kind of doctor he might have been at any time. His associates declined as well.

“If you want to talk about Michael Jackson, fine,” he said. “The story isn’t about me.”

But the story is very much about Tohme, who has not only taken over Jackson’s life but has a certain conflict of interest: he acts as a consultant to Colony Capital LLC, the company now partnered with Jackson in ownership of Neverland. Colony bought Fortress Investment’s $23.5 million note on the ranch last year.

More recently, they changed the name of the property to Sycamore Valley Ranch and became partners in the deed with Jackson. A small fortune changed hands, giving Jackson a much needed cash infusion of several million dollars.

But the pop singer always needs more money — he’s like a vampire when it comes to funds. So Tohme restarted talks with AEG Live begun in 2007 about Jackson performing at the O2 Arena in London. Now a staggering 35 dates have been set beginning July 8th. Another 15 are likely. Jackson hasn’t performed live in a full show since September 10, 2001.

Adding to this, Tohme is also responsible for the coming auction of Jackson’s personal memorabilia. He set up the auction with Julien’s Auction House last fall. Contracts were signed. Now Jackson is suing Julien’s, saying he didn’t know what was going on. Julien has catalogs printed, and is going forward. So far, Jackson’s attorney has not filed for a court order to stop the auction.

Sources around Jackson don’t have a high opinion of Tohme. They worry that he’s just the latest person who’s come into Jackson’s life with a personal agenda.

But Thomas Barrack, head of Colony Capital, says Tohme’s a “great guy,” someone’s he known a long time “in the business world, around L.A.” When I asked him how Tohme knew Jackson, Barrack answered: “You’ll have to ask him.” He did say it was Tohme who introduced him to Jackson.

Tohme is fuzzy on this point. “I knew him a long time,” he said of Jackson. At first he said he knew Jackson’s family, then he backtracked and said his relationship was with Michael. We never really figured that one out.

“I love Michael,” Tohme said. “I want what’s best for him. When the problems with Neverland came, I was approached to see if I could help. I knew him for twenty to thirty years.”

Tohme told me he set up the AEG Live deal, even though he was clearly not around in 2007 when I first reported the story. I asked him if he set up the auction. “I did not set up the auction, the auction is not going through!” This is in direct contrast to my conversation with auctioneer Darrell Julien last winter, who sang Tohme’s praises as the pair worked to put it all together.

“We had a certain period of time to empty Neverland last year,” Tohme said. “I was looking for a place for storage, a place to dump a lot of stuff like cars. I called Julien’s and asked if they could do it, come pick it up.” He says an auction could only go through with Jackson’s approval.

Last week, Darrell Julien told this column: “Michael has plenty of storage facilities. He wouldn’t have called me for storage.” True enough: Jackson at different times has had airport hangers at Santa Monica airport filled with his belongings. He’s also had warehouses closer to home near Neverland.

So what about Tohme Tohme, who’s not a doctor? There were a lot of questions I couldn’t ask him because he kept yelling, and refused to answer. I never got to ask him about a 1996 bankruptcy filing on record in the state of California. In the court filing, vs. Marathon National Bank, he listed himself as “Tohme Tohme, Doctor.”

A search of the Lexis Nexis database shows no mention of “Tohme Tohme,” doctor or otherwise, prior to December 22, 2008 when he issued a statement about Jackson’s health.

He was charming in our conversation. He said, “If you play it right, you will be the first one to know everything about Michael Jackson.” I said, thanks, I already was. He said that Michael is in great shape and could easily do 50 shows. “He could do a hundred.
Click on this link:

Sometimes pictures paint a thousand words, and sometimes they don't.
IMHO, This one does. Michael was beaming with happiness when in London to announce the O2 shows.

After reading the following posts, I am compelled to say that it is wrong to make such harsh, judgemental, and unfair statements about Dr. Tohme in those photographs. Michael was being mobbed by a huge crowd of paparazzi, fans and admirers, and Dr. Tohme and the bodyguard were just trying to protect him and keep him out of harm's way. Stop thinking and spreading such sinister thoughts and rumors. This goes against everything that Michael believed in and is in direct opposition to what we should now know based on Michael's and the fan community's own past experiences.
Click on this link:

Sometimes pictures paint a thousand words, and sometimes they don't.
IMHO, This one does. Michael was beaming with happiness when in London to announce the O2 shows.

After reading the following posts, I am compelled to say that it is wrong to make such harsh, judgemental, and unfair statements about Dr. Tohme in those photographs. Michael was being mobbed by a huge crowd of paparazzi, fans and admirers, and Dr. Tohme and the bodyguard were just trying to protect him and keep him out of harm's way. Stop thinking and spreading such sinister thoughts and rumors. This goes against everything that Michael believed in and is in direct opposition to what we should now know based on Michael's and the fan community's own past experiences.

Why don't you quit telling people what they are allowed to think and then using what would Michael do as your thesis. Thome if that is even his real name is one shady person.
Click on this link:

Sometimes pictures paint a thousand words, and sometimes they don't.
IMHO, This one does. Michael was beaming with happiness when in London to announce the O2 shows.

After reading the following posts, I am compelled to say that it is wrong to make such harsh, judgemental, and unfair statements about Dr. Tohme in those photographs. Michael was being mobbed by a huge crowd of paparazzi, fans and admirers, and Dr. Tohme and the bodyguard were just trying to protect him and keep him out of harm's way. Stop thinking and spreading such sinister thoughts and rumors. This goes against everything that Michael believed in and is in direct opposition to what we should now know based on Michael's and the fan community's own past experiences.

Ok, tell me something good about this guy... tell me why he was at the hospital when Michael died with Jermaine when he'd been sacked, tell me why if Michael liked him so much would he sack him in May and have stopped the auction. When you do that for me then I'll listen with an open mind until then don't tell me what to think of Tohme thanks... I'm not telling anyone what to think of him I'm just sharing my views and any information found on him online.

Why are you defending him in particular so much?? Also seems odd that the only 2 posts you've made are defending Tohme... hmmm....
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I asked him if he set up the auction. “I did not set up the auction, the auction is not going through!” This is in direct contrast to my conversation with auctioneer Darrell Julien last winter, who sang Tohme’s praises as the pair worked to put it all together.

Well, I may be completely wrong (and will be happy to stand corrected) but to me it sounds to me as if Tohme set up the auction without Michael knowing, and when Michael found out he asked Tohme to stop it. Tohme sent in the 'heavies' - colleagues to threaten Julien with 'bloodshed' as has been reported - and it was the heavy threats orcestrated by Tohme that caused Michael to sack him.

Whatever the truth is, it does sound there were some underhanded dealings going on.
It's no wonder Michael never knew who to trust :(

The kinds of people he had in his close circle beggars belief...
Click on this link:

Sometimes pictures paint a thousand words, and sometimes they don't.
IMHO, This one does. Michael was beaming with happiness when in London to announce the O2 shows.

After reading the following posts, I am compelled to say that it is wrong to make such harsh, judgemental, and unfair statements about Dr. Tohme in those photographs. Michael was being mobbed by a huge crowd of paparazzi, fans and admirers, and Dr. Tohme and the bodyguard were just trying to protect him and keep him out of harm's way. Stop thinking and spreading such sinister thoughts and rumors. This goes against everything that Michael believed in and is in direct opposition to what we should now know based on Michael's and the fan community's own past experiences.

What's your deal. I just responded to another ludicrous post you posted. It's obvious what you are doing. It's like this. Go back an tell your boss. We know and he knows we know.

And stop using Michael as an example. We all know what Michael stands for, believe that. And he does not stand for anything that is going on right now and what was done to him.
Click on this link:

Sometimes pictures paint a thousand words, and sometimes they don't.
IMHO, This one does. Michael was beaming with happiness when in London to announce the O2 shows.

After reading the following posts, I am compelled to say that it is wrong to make such harsh, judgemental, and unfair statements about Dr. Tohme in those photographs. Michael was being mobbed by a huge crowd of paparazzi, fans and admirers, and Dr. Tohme and the bodyguard were just trying to protect him and keep him out of harm's way. Stop thinking and spreading such sinister thoughts and rumors. This goes against everything that Michael believed in and is in direct opposition to what we should now know based on Michael's and the fan community's own past experiences.

It wasn't just the London photos, but pretty much ALL photos of Michael and Tohme together. I don't have time right now, but when I do, I'll hunt them up. Or someone can? It was always the same, regardless of whether or not Michael was being mobbed.

Don't know if that taped phone-call is real, or not. But if it's Michael and he was afraid, I hardly think that goes "against everything that Michael believed in." I'd hope that he had some instinct for self-preservation?

The auction was set up by Tohme. Michael nearly lost precious belongings. Then, when Michael filed a lawsuit, Tohme's response was to "threaten bloodshed." Did he really DO that? Apparently Julian's Auction House said he did. Was Tohme the person who initially was setting up the AEG concerts? THAT didn't work out well, now did it. . . . .

"Harsh and unfair?" Michael has DIED. And we still don't know why. I can't think of anything more "harsh and unfair" than THAT! Did Tohme have anything to do with it? Nobody is saying that he did. We simply have some concerns based on what we see, read, and discover. Oddly, your posts are making some even more suspicious and more motivated to find out more. . . . . . .
Very interesting from March 2009... found this half way down this link - talks of his conflict of interest with Colony Capital who co-own Neverland and Michael,also the fact he kept 'shouting' and not answering questions....,2933,510258,00.html

*****’s Mystery Manager Revealed

For about a year, since right before the chaos involving his Neverland Ranch possibly being sold at auction, Michael Jackson has had a mysterious new manager.

The man known as Tohme (pronounced toe-may) called himself a doctor. Different sources said he referred to himself either as an orthopedist or orthopedic surgeon. But there was a discrepancy: who was this man, the latest in a long line of managers who seemed to Svengali the pop star?

Yesterday, after many efforts, I finally pinned the 59-year-old Tohme down. A little. He conceded that he is not a licensed physician. “Not at this time,” he said. He refused, after repeated attempts, to say what kind of doctor he might have been at any time. His associates declined as well.

“If you want to talk about Michael Jackson, fine,” he said. “The story isn’t about me.”

But the story is very much about Tohme, who has not only taken over Jackson’s life but has a certain conflict of interest: he acts as a consultant to Colony Capital LLC, the company now partnered with Jackson in ownership of Neverland. Colony bought Fortress Investment’s $23.5 million note on the ranch last year.

More recently, they changed the name of the property to Sycamore Valley Ranch and became partners in the deed with Jackson. A small fortune changed hands, giving Jackson a much needed cash infusion of several million dollars.

But the pop singer always needs more money — he’s like a vampire when it comes to funds. So Tohme restarted talks with AEG Live begun in 2007 about Jackson performing at the O2 Arena in London. Now a staggering 35 dates have been set beginning July 8th. Another 15 are likely. Jackson hasn’t performed live in a full show since September 10, 2001.

Adding to this, Tohme is also responsible for the coming auction of Jackson’s personal memorabilia. He set up the auction with Julien’s Auction House last fall. Contracts were signed. Now Jackson is suing Julien’s, saying he didn’t know what was going on. Julien has catalogs printed, and is going forward. So far, Jackson’s attorney has not filed for a court order to stop the auction.

Sources around Jackson don’t have a high opinion of Tohme. They worry that he’s just the latest person who’s come into Jackson’s life with a personal agenda.

But Thomas Barrack, head of Colony Capital, says Tohme’s a “great guy,” someone’s he known a long time “in the business world, around L.A.” When I asked him how Tohme knew Jackson, Barrack answered: “You’ll have to ask him.” He did say it was Tohme who introduced him to Jackson.

Tohme is fuzzy on this point. “I knew him a long time,” he said of Jackson. At first he said he knew Jackson’s family, then he backtracked and said his relationship was with Michael. We never really figured that one out.

“I love Michael,” Tohme said. “I want what’s best for him. When the problems with Neverland came, I was approached to see if I could help. I knew him for twenty to thirty years.”

Tohme told me he set up the AEG Live deal, even though he was clearly not around in 2007 when I first reported the story. I asked him if he set up the auction. “I did not set up the auction, the auction is not going through!” This is in direct contrast to my conversation with auctioneer Darrell Julien last winter, who sang Tohme’s praises as the pair worked to put it all together.

“We had a certain period of time to empty Neverland last year,” Tohme said. “I was looking for a place for storage, a place to dump a lot of stuff like cars. I called Julien’s and asked if they could do it, come pick it up.” He says an auction could only go through with Jackson’s approval.

Last week, Darrell Julien told this column: “Michael has plenty of storage facilities. He wouldn’t have called me for storage.” True enough: Jackson at different times has had airport hangers at Santa Monica airport filled with his belongings. He’s also had warehouses closer to home near Neverland.

So what about Tohme Tohme, who’s not a doctor? There were a lot of questions I couldn’t ask him because he kept yelling, and refused to answer. I never got to ask him about a 1996 bankruptcy filing on record in the state of California. In the court filing, vs. Marathon National Bank, he listed himself as “Tohme Tohme, Doctor.”

A search of the Lexis Nexis database shows no mention of “Tohme Tohme,” doctor or otherwise, prior to December 22, 2008 when he issued a statement about Jackson’s health.

He was charming in our conversation. He said, “If you play it right, you will be the first one to know everything about Michael Jackson.” I said, thanks, I already was. He said that Michael is in great shape and could easily do 50 shows. “He could do a hundred.

thanks for finding another very interesting article
Click on this link:

Sometimes pictures paint a thousand words, and sometimes they don't.
IMHO, This one does. Michael was beaming with happiness when in London to announce the O2 shows.

After reading the following posts, I am compelled to say that it is wrong to make such harsh, judgemental, and unfair statements about Dr. Tohme in those photographs. Michael was being mobbed by a huge crowd of paparazzi, fans and admirers, and Dr. Tohme and the bodyguard were just trying to protect him and keep him out of harm's way. Stop thinking and spreading such sinister thoughts and rumors. This goes against everything that Michael believed in and is in direct opposition to what we should now know based on Michael's and the fan community's own past experiences.
Stop trying to make yourself look good, Dr. Tohme with the 2 posts! :tease:
Some pics of Tohme at the hospital press conference have him as 'Michael Jackson's spokesman' in the caption below... hmmm....

I agree with you about his internet presence - none at all, that is odd - wonder if Tohme was a new name for him and he had another name before...

I agree with you about the possible reasons Jermaine wanted Michael buried at Neverland, given Jermaine's links to this shady Tohme character and Colony Capital...

You'd think that the Today Show would try and dig up more on him... maybe like us they find it hard to get any information on this odd Dr Tohme Tohme guy...

Dr. Tohme was interviewed by the Associated Press a few days after Michael died, regarding his relationship with MJ. I remember reading it on Yahoo! News, maybe I should try find it again? He also confirmed via the AP (again!) that he was the one who gave $5.5 million to MJ's estate, money Michael was saving in order to purchase a new house in Vegas. I remember thinking it was odd that Thome felt he had to make it public that he was the "secret financial advisor" who passed $5.5 million to the estate, a few days after TMZ reported it.
that c*nt better watch his back. An army of michael jackson fans is not what you want against you.