Timbaland working on MJ tracks?

They talked too much about "Michael" before they got it released and look what disappointed it turned out to be. The minute they announce a new Michael Jackson album, there will be interest and hype and if it's good, it will be better than any pre album announcement PR work. There was no need to hype it when there was the AEG trial going on. It's like actually releasing it during the trial... And I bet some folks would have said Sony is exploiting it somehow.

Also - If there's a deadline (like the one Timbaland implied - the end of the year) there's no actual reason to postpone it cause they work with songs that vocal wise are done and they can't do anything about it (ideal much?) - they hired producers to finish these songs. and if I understand correctly Timbaland actually started another project or tour lately, so I guess he's pretty much done his part. It's not like when Michael was in the studio and they could perfect every detail to death. I see no reason for the work on the album to take more than a year. One thing I'm worried about is the robson thing but like someone here said - they can't wait until all leeches are done with their greed.
The new album will have at least one previously heard song on it (not counting Blue Gangsta), that much is almost certain. I'm personally holding out for an updated mix of Beautiful Girl, assuming one with more finalized vocals exist.

which is the version we have? I've seen a few clips of Michael working on it in 2005! and it was on his sheet of Song's for his future plans, it could have been completed?
This new album needs to be announced by the end of this month!!!! hopefully ''halloween'' yes :D
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which is the version we have? I've seen a few clips of Michael working on it in 2005! and it was on his sheet of Song's for his future plans, it could have been completed?

Michael worked on Beautiful Girl a few times between 2005 and 2009, so as far as we know a finished version could be out there. I'm hoping for it -- in my opinion, it's one of the most phenomenal songs from the Invincible sessions. Simplistic chords and melody but the structure is so complex. Great listen.
Beautiful Girl if updated is actually one song I wouldn't mind having on the album, simply beautiful. It would have to be done correctly though of course, without changing the name of the song and completely ruining the sound of it. (The Way You Love Me)
Michael worked on Beautiful Girl a few times between 2005 and 2009, so as far as we know a finished version could be out there. I'm hoping for it -- in my opinion, it's one of the most phenomenal songs from the Invincible sessions. Simplistic chords and melody but the structure is so complex. Great listen.

I hope there is a completed version! would be fantastic to hear Michael's final concepts of that song in it's glory :) Michael was obviously happy with it otherwise he wouldn't have wrote it down for the future :D let's hope it doesn't sound "current" as Timbaland said because the organisation is already sublime!
If the new album will be released on 2014, please release first single by the end of this year :-( !
AAAHHHHHH!!!!! I'm so excited lol. Newly remixed and original demos just as we asked for!!
I'm surprised they aren't putting it out by the end of the year... ah well. At least we know now!

And I'm sorry, I love Damien Shields (he's a great guy), but I HATE the track listing he put together. There are only four tracks we haven't heard before and SIX that we have. If the estate delivered that, I would be pissed.

But I'm even MORE surprised that the estate is actually giving us the original demos alongside the new versions. Didn't think they'd ever risk releasing that much material. Kudos to them.
That was an interesting read and i am getting pretty pshyched up for this! I just hope that the tracklistlist won't look like the one damian posted, there are like 6 songs in there that we have already heard
Anyone else feel that if it happens the way Damien reported (original demos paired with the reproductions), it will be the absolute best project the estate has delivered?

I have to say, THANK YOU ESTATE. I continually protested the idea of releasing the original demos with the reproductions so I guess I have to say that I was wrong! They're actually doing it! I'm pretty amazed.
I must say I am pleased with hearing the news about the original versions included of ALL the songs.

Reflecting it however, it sounds kind of odd, don't you guys think? I'm happy for it, but like, why would I bother listening to the new remixes, when I have the original ones, all of them.

I also don't agree much with Damiens track listing, Too many heard songs, I would prefer 1/3 songs heard, 2/3 unheard. Also hope they won't limit it to 10 songs, but maybe 12-14 songs as well.

Getting excited, but Spring is a long time away. They are also missing the Christmas opportunity... oh well. Now that we know they are taking time to make this good, we can be sure this will be ten times better than the Michael fiasco.

They should def. release some kind of single at least 1-2 months before the release of the album.
I want previously leaked songs to be released. Those songs deserves to be part of Michael's official discography.
I want previously leaked songs to be released. Those songs deserves to be part of Michael's official discography.

We all agree, but to an extent. This is a NEW album, and to that end it should have NEW songs. If they want to put one to three previously leaked songs on a ten-track album, that's fine. But if they put six on there, leaving only four new songs, that isn't right and I won't buy it.
We all agree, but to an extent. This is a NEW album, and to that end it should have NEW songs. If they want to put one to three previously leaked songs on a ten-track album, that's fine. But if they put six on there, leaving only four new songs, that isn't right and I won't buy it.
I agree.. We have tons of releases for the future to include some leaked songs on. No point in putting half of the leaked songs on each new album.
We all agree, but to an extent. This is a NEW album, and to that end it should have NEW songs. If they want to put one to three previously leaked songs on a ten-track album, that's fine. But if they put six on there, leaving only four new songs, that isn't right and I won't buy it.

Six would be too much on a ten-track album. But 3 on a ten-track album or 4 on a 11 or 12-track album is OK in my opinion. And don't forget we'll get those songs in the original and newly remixed versions.
I want previously leaked songs to be released. Those songs deserves to be part of Michael's official discography.


It's not the estate's fault nor Michael's that songs got leaked!
It's also not their fault that we loaded them down, now know them & (to some fans) they don't feel new anymore!

These songs are officially UNRELEASED, just like for example 'She was lovin' me' or 'Can't Get Your Weight Off Of Me'.

And they ALL should be released officially.

And if they decide to release more of the leaked stuff this time, simply because they are GREAt songs (Escape, Blue Gangster, Slave, 12 o'Clock) then i'm all for it.

Eventually we'll get everything they have & which is under their control. Of course this will take time.
As i said it's not their fault the songs got leaked & the majority of the fanbase loaded them down.

MJ can't record new material. The estate/sony can't nitpick between the best material & leave some great song out, just because it got leaked.

Again fans want more than everything & still won't be satisfied. That is NOT FAIR.
And again on this positive news we have claims of "i'm not buying if..". It's ridiculous!
I very much like Damien's list of songs.
Maybe make it ten songs on Disc 1 and ad another unheard song & it's perfect.

Also like the idea of including OG demo of 'Hollywood'.

Sony could even make different versions of Disc 2 and put different bonus tracks on them (including OG versions of some more MICHAEL album songs like 'Behind The Mask' & 'Another Day'.
Anyone else feel that if it happens the way Damien reported (original demos paired with the reproductions), it will be the absolute best project the estate has delivered?

I have to say, THANK YOU ESTATE. I continually protested the idea of releasing the original demos with the reproductions so I guess I have to say that I was wrong! They're actually doing it! I'm pretty amazed.

The general public won't care about demos, while the fan base probably won't really care for the new mixes. The product is aimed at two different markets IMO.
I would rather the MJ Estate concentrate on winning new listeners rather than appeasing the already very loyal fanbase. I hope the energy in promotion and production is spent on the new stuff, not the demos.
They should release the demos later IMO, or maybe only include them on a 'special edition' of the album. I don't want them to be the focus of the product.
The general public won't care about demos, while the fan base probably won't really care for the new mixes. The product is aimed at two different markets IMO.
I would rather the MJ Estate concentrate on winning new listeners rather than appeasing the already very loyal fanbase. I hope the energy in promotion and production is spent on the new stuff, not the demos.
They should release the demos later IMO, or maybe only include them on a 'special edition' of the album. I don't want them to be the focus of the product.

I think most of this info is pretty vague. Most is rehashed info. I'm taking this with a grain of salt. His fantasy list I don't agree with. We have most of those songs. I am a loser is to weak to put on a new album. The man said he is not on the album his songs are. Meaning this album could be still coming for Xmas. It was his guess spring. Tim probably has this wrapped up. I will wait to hear from Tim again or the estate. At least people are talking about the project. I hope for 10 to 12 new songs. If demos are included that would make 20 plus tunes.
Then, Now, Forever is a nice name for the album if it's done in 3 different sections.
i hope for 15 new songs, so they could put 5 unreleased "known" songs ("escape" etc.) on it and 10 completely unheard ones!

and PLEASE a single this year!!
My wish track-list:

1. Chicago (New version / Original)
2. She Was Lovin’ Me (New version / Original)
3. Do You Know Where Your Children Are (New version / Original)
4. Slave To The Rhythm (New version / Original)
5. A Place With No Name (New version / Original)
6. Blue Gangsta (New version / Original)
7. I Was The Loser (New version / Original)
8. We've Had Enough
9. Can’t Get Your Weight Off Of Me (New version / Original)
10. An ALL new song we have never heard of !!
11. Escape (New version / Original)

It should be released as a normal CD 1-disc with only the new version on, and then a Special Fan edition 2-disc with CD 1 being the same as the normal (new version) and CD 2 is tha same tracklist with the original versions of the songs, just as MJ left them!!

THEN - maybe even a Special Fan DELUXE edition with the following 5 demos on CD 2 or maybe even a CD 3!

1. Hollywood Tonight (Original)
2. Best of Joy (Original)
3. Much too Soon (Original)
4. Hold My Hand (MJ SOLO VERSION)
5. What More Can I Give (MJ SOLO VERSION)

Personally I would buy all the 3 different versions to my collection BUT - this way non-fans would be able to enjoy the new MJ album (CD 1 - the normal release) and fans could enjoy the demoes on CD 2. - AND die hard fans could buy the Special Fan DELUXE edition and get 5 extra bonus tracks!!

Would be a great way to please ALL - and not make the release too expensive for non-fans when they can just buy the 1-disc cheap version! (Had HIStory not been a double album and therefor more expensive I'm sure it would also have sold better!) This way there will be a cheap albub and a more expensive one!
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They will release max 10-12 songs (20-24) if you are counting the original versions and demos. So don't hope for 14-15 or 16 track album. That is impossible and unrealistic.
I like the list that was posted on titles..

Slave to The Rhythm
Do You Know Where Your Children Are
Blue Gangster
The Loser
A Place With no Name
Can't Get Your Weight Off of Me

These are all tracks I hoped to be released, even if we heard some of these, these are all songs that I wanted to hear or what the public to hear..
In all honesty, my only concern in regards to this whole situation is the promotional campaign. I can't wait to see the commercials and constant mentioning of MJ's name in the media. So exciting.

...maybe even a television special of sorts. Lord.
Fantastic news if this is on the money! But what i want more than anything you have all said is the release of Men in Black, From the bottom of my heart!, The Katrina song! ( Carnt remember for life of me now what its called!) Vibrationist, some of the amazing songs he wrote but chose to leave off Vince! Bottle of smoke, etc etc!

I really want to hear Im still king , and future etc with Willi am .

Looking forward to hearing the finished Queen project, Freddies/Michaels vocals with amazing queen instrumententation and back vocals will be awesome and could lead away for a xmas campaign.

What also could kick X factor in the **ts! is the Xmas song Michael had recorded sometime in the summer where he actually got snow brought in etc to get the feeling!

I just want some amazing tunes but welcome the new work and life put into the titles already disclosed. I just want to hear Michaels vocals again and possibly see some great promotion and never before seen footage or some great video ideas. I Still think an animated Michael would be fantastic and get the Disney Pixar or Disney to do the graphics! Maybe even make a Michael film ! This i am sure would be amazing and using the new songs etc would tell the story of the animated Michael world as if he was still here.

Pixar are you listening lol.

We can't really get on them for not having 100% unheard music on the album... Any album with any material is considered a "new album".... Infact the description of the album said something along the lines of past and present... HIStory was a new album but had a whole disc dedicated to old tracks..

If they did only unheard tracks as NEW albums, we would run out of new material quickly.. Than who would buy an album in the future with only leaked or released material? No one!!

They are doing it smart... AND they are going so far as to tracks that have been leaked to remix them for us so its at least semi new.. AND for the complainors of that, a couple tracks in its original form..

I mean come on, can we find something to complain in everything?? 1. we are getting new material 2. they are mixing the stuff we've heard 3. they are putting at least some original versions of songs we've heard. 4. Making sure Cascio tracks are NOT on the album..

I think we are really getting something we should appreciate!! But there will allwaaysss be unsatisfied people.