Timbaland working on MJ tracks?

We can't really get on them for not having 100% unheard music on the album... Any album with any material is considered a "new album".... Infact the description of the album said something along the lines of past and present... HIStory was a new album but had a whole disc dedicated to old tracks..

If they did only unheard tracks as NEW albums, we would run out of new material quickly.. Than who would buy an album in the future with only leaked or released material? No one!!

They are doing it smart... AND they are going so far as to tracks that have been leaked to remix them for us so its at least semi new.. AND for the complainors of that, a couple tracks in its original form..

I mean come on, can we find something to complain in everything?? 1. we are getting new material 2. they are mixing the stuff we've heard 3. they are putting at least some original versions of songs we've heard. 4. Making sure Cascio tracks are NOT on the album..

I think we are really getting something we should appreciate!! But there will allwaaysss be unsatisfied people.

Thank you for this post. We absolutely need to stand behind this project.
I'm not getting behind anything until I know the details - and not speculation, I mean from the horses mouth.

I know what the Estate are capable of.
^ The way I see is if you knew what the Estate is capable of you'd have a little more faith!!
Freeze said we will get ''original'' two times. ''featuring both original and remixed unreleased Michael Jackson Recording's'' + ''you'll get both my song's two times, remixed & original'' i agree completely with KOPV. no one should hold a grudge against the estate, nor hold any ego's until this record is released. I have faith they're starting to learn how to do thing's, with fans discussing and disecting ''Michael album, biggest example'' the constructive criticism is helping them, it's clearly visible.
I think the Estate is really learning from past mistakes. I mean 'Michael' was really its first project of its kind since MJ's passing!! I don't think they understood to what extent MJ fans drive the demand over the general public..

I think the way things are outlined right now, we see that they are at the very least TRYING to make sure the MJ fan community and the general public will get something enjoyable out of this album..

We screamed at them and they listened!! Even IF they don't think we are right about the C***io tracks, they are listening to us and what we "Demand"..
I think they are learning from mistakes too. They talk to fans and read and listen to our opinions. I understand about not getting too excited but at the same time we don't want think the worst either. We need to wait and see and hope for the best.
You guys are wayyyy ahead of yourselves.

Sounds like wishful thinking to me. Suddenly it's gone from the Estate not confirming *anything* to them having learned from their mistakes and listened to the fans. I sure hope you're right though!
Suddenly it's gone from the Estate not confirming *anything* to them having learned from their mistakes and listened to the fans. I sure hope you're right though!

Ignoring this album completely, I actually would say the Estate have learned from their mistakes. Michael was a completely meh and forgettable album in all honesty and using the Cassio tracks just made it a lot worse. The tracks instrumentals were done pretty poorly, and the album was mastered badly as well. When it came to the next project that prominently featured previously unreleased material - Bad 25 - they didn't update any of Michael's demos, leaving them intact. Being more of a project for the fans, they listened to the majority of the fans, learnt from their mistakes and emphasised how they left Michael's demos alone.

In regards to the possible upcoming album, while the Estate have yet to comment officially, I think this is the best approach to this situation. Everyone wins. The people who are interested in modern instrumentals, the people who are interested in the demos as Michael left them, as well as people like me who are interested in both. As long as they price the 'Deluxe Two-Disc Set' or whatever only a few dollars more than the 'Standard one-disc set' (as every other album is), then I think it'll be fine.
* How many people here raved about MJ Cirque show?? Well thank the estate for that!! Go there, tell me that they did not put full effort on that project..

* The past year they no longer let people run there mouths about Michael, when it comes to rumors, allegations, and B.S about Michael.

* They went hunting for more MJ music for us fans even though they could have just dumped out other tracks that were delivered to them for the 'Michael' CD..

* They have L.A. Reid himself (not some employee) doing ground work on the album, hand selecting at least one producer we know of to work on the album. They could have just had the work pre mixed by whatever producers they wanted, even the Cascios or Teddy Riley which are the two that got flack last time...

It is pretty obvious the Estate has been working hard to make sure MJ's legacy stays intact.. I won't doubt that until I see otherwise! They went wrong with 1 project, I'll spare them since they have shown MUCH MUCH improvement since then.
It is pretty obvious the Estate has been working hard to make sure MJ's legacy stays intact..

That's your opinion. The "Michael" album and the Wembley DVD are just two of the examples which, in my opinion, prove the opposite.
The only BAD projects i've seen are 'Michael' 'Vision' & 'Wembley' but now they have a lot more material thanks to spike lee going through the entire archive. including catalogued bad tour shows, but this thread isn't about past projects and mistakes. it's about the new album, and future prospects. The Estate have improved vastly and i think that's mostly down to John McClain, man is awesome. Hope he takes charge of every project with the president of Epic records being someone who worked with Michael in the past on such projects as 'Slave To The Rhythm' thing's are starting, just slowly.. but starting to improve. and i'm happy to buy these products, i hope for an official announcement from the estate and sony in and around the winter month's!!
Wembley isn't bad at all. It's not the 100% perfect release, but it certainly isn't bad. Just wait until we've got the album before looking into whether the Estate are any good/trying to improve.
well Zakk I'd say we did our fair share of trying to convince people to be happy and positive!! lol. I think it may be time for us to just enjoy with the other fans that are excited and let those who want to be negative not have the opportunity to enjoy the hype and preparation of an MJ album.. Which is a big part of the fun!!!

To our knowledge we have maybe a half year (about) to enjoy the anticipation and to get excited over every piece of news that comes our way! I think you're with me on this one.
well Zakk I'd say we did our fair share of trying to convince people to be happy and positive!! lol. I think it may be time for us to just enjoy with the other fans that are excited and let those who want to be negative not have the opportunity to enjoy the hype and preparation of an MJ album.. Which is a big part of the fun!!!

To our knowledge we have maybe a half year (about) to enjoy the anticipation and to get excited over every piece of news that comes our way! I think you're with me on this one.

very much so, it's normal to be built up with Michael Jackson fever when details of a new album emerge. it'd be weird not to, well for me anyway. being so young, not having the honor of seeing Michael live is hard but i always try and help his legacy stay as strong as it can be. he is undoubtedly the best there has ever/will ever be. his music captivated my life personally and billions of other's around the world, and future generations need to be blessed with the gifts he left behind. he may not be here any longer, but his art will never die. symbolised with greatness in the artistic visions of his endless, lucsious and fresh/sweet sounding recording's. hope we hear more soon, and i'll be promoting it as much as i can. most likely purchasing a copy for most of my friends and family too of course, tweeting and posting promo vids on youtube at the time it's released. Excitement is high right now, let's hope to hear more soon.
^ Maybe when the time comes we can come up with some social media promotion ideas.. Social media really does spread word fast!! Of course we would need more information and once a real announcement is said we could do things to spread the word..

* Fan made promos on youtube
* facebook banners

Those type of things!!!
^ Maybe when the time comes we can come up with some social media promotion ideas.. Social media really does spread word fast!! Of course we would need more information and once a real announcement is said we could do things to spread the word..

* Fan made promos on youtube
* facebook banners

Those type of things!!!

sounds great! what you wanna focus on? maybe we could work together? i could reach out to my 3,200+ followers on twitter for them to get the word out there and request song's from the album to play on as many radio stations as possible? i have a bit to learn on trailers but it shouldn't take me too long!
^ As long as when the time comes I have the footage and equiptment to use I can make trailers..

I've done a few promotional MJ videos in the past.. So worse case scenarios even if I don't have good video editing program I can still put something like this together.. This was used with Microsoft video maker which is horrible! lol If I had a better program at the time it would have came out ten fold better.

MJJC Promo before it opened:

Thrill The Troops campaign:

Oh and here's a 'Threatened' video I made when board, I was using a really crapy system and I could not correct color etc. but MJ fans liked it cuz how the dancing blended with the music, and at one point made it look like MJ was saying the words to the song..

Before this post is 100% off topic lol! remember this is just where we could take fan promos via video..
^ As long as when the time comes I have the footage and equiptment to use I can make trailers..

I've done a few promotional MJ videos in the past.. So worse case scenarios even if I don't have good video editing program I can still put something like this together.. This was used with Microsoft video maker which is horrible! lol If I had a better program at the time it would have came out ten fold better.

MJJC Promo before it opened:

Thrill The Troops campaign:

Oh and here's a 'Threatened' video I made when board, I was using a really crapy system and I could not correct color etc. but MJ fans liked it cuz how the dancing blended with the music, and at one point made it look like MJ was saying the words to the song..

Before this post is 100% off topic lol! remember this is just where we could take fan promos via video..

wow, they are fantastic! i have an idea, how about we use the footage from the last photoshoots? (should be aired by then) and some other footage, like michael at rtl in 2001, waving to the crowds. and some footage from the music awards segment during nsync's performance? i think would be insanely epic!!
I'm also very excited. I can't wait for them to announce something.

this record sounds very strong, but i feel like im spamming the thread. oops, haha. let's keep Michael's magic present :) night all.

this record sounds very strong, but i feel like im spamming the thread. oops, haha. let's keep Michael's magic present :) night all.

They better include APWNN - there's NO reason not to. The writers demo (?) sounds great, imagining MJ singing that, amazing.
The writers demo for A Place with No Name sounds good, but the lyrics are terrible. Michael's sang some bad lyrics in his time but man, these aren't even on his level.

Why APWNN wasn't put on Michael, I'll never know.
i actually like the fever of a place with no name, and the suave it gives off when you hear it. i imagine it'll sound completely different when we hear Michael's version in all it's glory. i've loved it since i heard the snippet and it's cool to listen to spino's verses and then Michael's chorus :)
They better include APWNN - there's NO reason not to. The writers demo (?) sounds great, imagining MJ singing that, amazing.

It can't be writers demo because the writer is Dr. Freeze.
Well, not a proper Writer's demo, but certainly a demo and probably with the original lyrics (since the BG vocals are Dr. Freeze).

It has different lyrics to Horse With No Name

Yes, the lyrics are different but the music is identical to the original.