Timbaland working on MJ tracks?

Yes I agree.
The media has always reported that MJ was a has-been by the 90s and so his later stuff gets ignored, despite the fact he had great success with some songs.

For example, Scream set the highest new entry record when it made it's debut at #4 on the Billboard charts.
Months later 'You Are Not Alone' broke that record when it became the first single ever to debut at #1.

Not many people in the USA will acknowledge those facts. You won't hear those songs often in the USA.

Also, Earth Song was a massive hit in the UK. I think it spent 6 or 7 consecutive weeks at number 1, but you'll never hear it on the radio here!

Yes, Dangerous was more successful in Germany than Thriller, yet they ignore the Dangerous tracks. It's nuts.

Unfortunately MJ will always be known as an 80s artist, despite good 90s success.

Plus BOTDF (song) was successful everywhere except US. It was #1 in the UK, Spain and New Zealand for example and Top 10 in many countries. Earth Song was actually MJ's most successful single in several countries. But in the US they act like it didn't exist/didn't matter. Though that might be Sony's fault for not releasing it as a single in the US. I actually realized that a lot of the decisions on what would be released where and how wasn't Michael's decision but rather Sony's. And I think they mismanaged him in the US at least since about the mid 90s.

I also believe the so called "anti-semitic scandal" around TDCAU was artificially induced in the US because the US media knew that will give another blow to MJ's career - especially in the US. It's too bad that some people are so sheep that they just accept whatever the media tells them without actually thinking for themselves whether those lyrics truly are anti-semitic or not.

On the other hand, I think MJ probably made a mistake in abandoning the US in terms of touring after Bad. I think that too played a part in the decline of his popularity in his home country. Tours usually give big boost to sales and the popularity of an artist. Though I guess after the 1993 allegations he was probably afraid about how he would be received in the US.
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Also, Earth Song was a massive hit in the UK. I think it spent 6 or 7 consecutive weeks at number 1, but you'll never hear it on the radio here!

Yes, Dangerous was more successful in Germany than Thriller, yet they ignore the Dangerous tracks. It's nuts..

I have to say in Germany many songs of Dangerous (WYBT, HTW, BOW, Who is it, RTT) and a few History (Earth song, TDCAU, YANA) have regulary air play and I think Germany has a special relation ship with Earth song because of MJs performance in Wetten Dass.
I agree, any person who actually read or listened to the lyrics of TDCAU would realise they weren't anti-sematic. He wasn't taking a stab at Jews but actually sympathizing with them because of the treatment he himself had received.
I think it also depends on where you are. In North America what you wrote is true, however here in Europe I do see TVs and radios regularly play post-Bad songs of Michael as well. Last weekend a guy sang Give In To Me on X-Factor here and everyone knew it and it was very well-received by the audience. On the music TV I have (not MTV) they regularly play songs like They Don't Care About Us, Blood on the Dance Floor, Scream etc. So I would say it's mostly North America which is very closed minded about Michael's post Quincy work.

I live in Canada and I will always hear Jackson 5 to Black and White and that's it. One time late Saturday night I heard Scream. I did hear Hold My Hand a couple of times. I really feel like people don't realize how much Michael did after Dangerous. The media just ignored the music and focused on Michael as a person so much that it really took from people learning Michael's work. I think things were done deliberately to Michael. I think This is It and the Cirque shows are good that they are showing people and letting them hear songs other than Beat it and Billie Jean.
As much as I would love an announcement to come earlier i can't help but think it will most likely come a week or two after the aeg trial. So realistically I think we will get it probably early October. Thing I am surprised about though is how little we know about the album. This time in 2010 it was already confirmed by the estate that a new album was coming, how many tracks there were, etc. I'm surprised we know very little about this project.
Although with the way alot of leaks have been coming out lately wouldnt surprise me if it is chicago nights but they are hiding that they leaked it
Patiently :lol: waiting for more news to come out, regarding this project. I am very much looking forward to how. it will be presented, I hope the Ballads will be produced like JT's 'Blue Ocean Floor'! it has great potential, if it's done right. let's not forget that Michael's music impacted music with such a flawless wave of magic. It may be possible to recapture some of that, but not to the full heights of course. Until the CD is available, I will hold back my judgement. Fair enough if your expectations are low but mine are in the reasonable stages as of right now.

have you conducted some mind of poll on Timbalands output? Cos you seem militaristic in your opinion that everyone thinks he hasn't produced a decent record for the better part of a decade? Everyone has an opinion. Some people love what he's doing now, some people don't. Most people seem to dig what he's doing if you go by charts and sales of timbaland produced tunes. I think some of his best work ever is on JT's latest album. And so do many others, condsidering the album bucked the trend of declining first week sales and sold over a million in a week.

And before you say 'there you go again with wanting hits' etc, why wouldn't MJ fans want his voice to reach the largest amount of people possible. MJ was VERY much about hits and sales. We'll get to hear the demos etc in future in all likelyhood. But the estate can't survive on releasing albums of demos and unfinished tracks. I'm not sure if you're familiar with the Elvis model, but they release remixes, original recordings and all sorts. Which is why they've kept his appeal and legacy alive for 30+ years.

I say just enjoy what's on offer and if you don't, perhaps find something you do enjoy. And I mean that in a nice way. I'm open to what Timbaland is doing. But if it's terrible, in the end I won't buy it. But I won't be upset about it. I'll just go listen to BAD.

I think most people can agree though, no matter what LA Reid and Timbaland have up their sleeve, it can't be as bad as that 'Michael' album! And for that I am thankful! (or will be)

Well, I've never said that everyone thinks he hasn't produced a hit record, for the better part of a decade. I've been insisting that his last string of hits were Nelly Furtado's album around 07. I also didn't say 'everyone' thought so, either, I said it's a popular opinion. As this thread can tell, as well as other personal experiences, stemming from Timbaland discussions.

And I wholeheartedly agree that this will be bettet than The Michael Album. Still, I personally am not sure if these records will be particularly great either. That's all I'm saying.
Let's not expect an announcement this month. Bear in mind that Michael was hyped by producers and writers all during the summer of 2010, although an announcement wasn't made until that November.

I'm dying to hear something but I don't want to end up disappointed. You all shouldn't either :)
Let's not expect an announcement this month. Bear in mind that Michael was hyped by producers and writers all during the summer of 2010, although an announcement wasn't made until that November.

I'm dying to hear something but I don't want to end up disappointed. You all shouldn't either :)

That's what I find surprising. Why hasn't there been any hype months prior like there was with the michael album??
We just got Bad25. We'll be lucky to have something new by the end of this year. I'm betting we won't get a new album till early next year, or even next summer.
if we get it this year (big IF), i doubt any announcement will be made until well AFTER the hoopla from the AEG trial has gone away.. holiday release seems feasible tho..

also, im from the bay area, cali and on one of the radio stations i listen to here (98.1) they play MJ throughout the day.. i swear in the past couple weeks they've probably played everything from Jackson 5, to his biggest hits from OTW/Thriller/Bad.. and they even play Remember the Time (seems like daily!) and ive even heard YANA and BUTTERFLIES!!! love this station..
Timbaland is one of the producers I wished Michael would have worked with when he was still alive. The chemistry those two would have had would be amazing! For example, Justin Timberlake is extremely talented, but Timbaland just really takes his music to a whole 'nother level.

In my head, I'm just hearing MJ's new album with that old-school-classy-pop-jazz sound that Timbaland has been rocking lately. Something a bit like The 20/20 Experience.
I think 20/20 (to me personally) was a let down.. I waited for a new album since his last one on 2006! I do think 20/20 pt 2 coming out will be better than part 1.. while there are tracks that grew on me, as a whole it's flat.

This is just all my opinion, and others i've talked to many share the same opinion but, this is my feelings on it.. The green ones are the ones I think were album worthy.

strawberry bubblegum (Sounds like a conceptual demo)
Blue Ocean Floor (maybe on acid it would be good) not that i've tried but concept couldve gone somewhere but fell flat..
Don't Hold The Wall (People are complaining about MJ's demo Im A Loser being repetitive?) besides the fact it has a bridge it's vertually the same the whole time.. I get board after the first minute and a half.
Mirrors (I liked for a moment and got super annoyed by it, with his Kungfu Panda reference and he brought it that nasely annoying sound he did with nsync and worked so hard to get rid of.
Suit and Tie (That grew on me eventually)
Pusher Love Girl (I like it, catchy)
Spaceship Coupe
(I like it, creative lyrics)
Let the Groove Get In (catchy but runs flat)
That Girl (I like it, nice groove)

I know I havent heard pt 2. But I expect it to be better in my opion!!

I think there's a chosen reason why Michael didnt work with Timbaland, he of course knew his work and never reached out to him.. Michael likes pioneers! that's a big reason why he went after Teddy Riley for Dangerous.. Timbaland, though I think he has highly improved the last 5 years or so, he's never really been a pioneer.. He had his Timbaland sound (which I like and all) but like I've said before the music should sound like the artist not the producer..

Timbaland I think now could do a good job with his music, but I'm glad he didnt work with him in the late 90's early 00's..
He had his Timbaland sound (which I like and all) but like I've said before the music should sound like the artist not the producer..

I agree and I hope he will let Michael sound like Michael and not make him sound like Justin Timberlake. I'm saying this because I have seen some JT fans here express the wish that the new MJ album should sound like this or that JT album. No, an MJ album should NOT sound like a JT album! What would be the point to have MJ "emulate" JT (when it was JT who emulated MJ in the first place...)? So I definitely hope Timbaland will have new and creative ideas for this album and won't just recycle what he's already done on JT albums.
I mean, from my take on what Timbaland said. I don't think he will fully rebuild the sound, that being said. IF that is the case we have a good chance of hearing MJ produced by Tim and not a Timbaland production piece with MJ in it..
I agree and I hope he will let Michael sound like Michael and not make him sound like Justin Timberlake. I'm saying this because I have seen some JT fans here express the wish that the new MJ album should sound like this or that JT album. No, an MJ album should NOT sound like a JT album! What would be the point to have MJ "emulate" JT (when it was JT who emulated MJ in the first place...)? So I definitely hope Timbaland will have new and creative ideas for this album and won't just recycle what he's already done on JT albums.

As much as I like the sound on 20/20 Experience, I agree. Fingers crossed !!
Take back the night is a fantastic song, fantastic production work! truly a great song, I'll be happy if this possible album has production like that song in particular!
They do not make announcements on mondays do they? It's most likely on tuesdays isn't it?