Timbaland working on MJ tracks?

Ashtanga where are you? :D

......Here! :D :p

I'm just watching this thread
.... silent in my corner. :shifty:
Oh my God, Timbaland has an opinion most of us don't agree with! BURN HIM AT THE STAKE!

So Timbaland doesn't like much of Michael's post Quincy work. So? Would we rather have him say, "Oh I HATE Michael's music, but I'm just doing this because the estate is paying me." Honestly, when you think about it, he likes Michael's '80s material the best. So sensibly he would reproduce it to try and capture that magic again. It'll be great.

Because you don't expect him to say it, doesn't mean that isn't the case. I said pages ago that I don't believe most of these producers who once spoke against Michael just wised up and recognize the genius. They just recognize the money generator his name has become. You may not have a problem with such fakeness and hypocrisy when it comes to others and Michael's music. But a lot of us do. As for "it'll be great", you're entitled to your opinion.

And yes arnspecs, Timbalands current production being terrible is an opinion. Yet a popular one.
Because you don't expect him to say it, doesn't mean that isn't the case. I said pages ago that I don't believe most of these producers who once spoke against Michael just wised up and recognize the genius. They just recognize the money generator his name has become. You may not have a problem with such fakeness and hypocrisy when it comes to others and Michael's music. But a lot of us do. As for "it'll be great", you're entitled to your opinion.

And yes arnspecs, Timbalands current production being terrible is an opinion. Yet a popular one.

And you say that producers like Teddy Riley, Eddie Cascio and Lenny Kravitz respected Michael's "vision" or "genius" on the "MICHAEL" album? Give me a break.
Lmao, what? Where'd I say that? Ever?

You are acting like only the "new" producers, that Michael didn't "speak himself" to them are this bad. Everybody wants Michael's money, even the ones he worked with, except maybe a couple of guys.

Like Bruce Swedien, who WASN'T PAYED until "Invincible"(!) for his efforts.
Please don't attempt to put words in my mouth, thanks.

I didn't say any producer should work and not be paid. You seem to be excluding the part where I mention Timbaland having discouraging things to say about Michael and his music prior to all of this. Did Bruce Swedien ever say Michael "lost it"? I don't think so. And I'm pretty sure he respected Michael and everything he worked towards. Has Timband exhibited such a level of respect? Nope.

And I don't see why you even attempted to mention Teddy Riley or Eddie Cascio. I've voiced my opinion on those two numerous times. And none of it has been positive.
I respect MJ and think his work went downhill after HIStory.
Does that make me a bad person? No.
Should producers be entitled to a similar opinion? Yes.

If Timberland prefers MJ's Quincy Jones albums to anything he did later then he's entitled to that opinion and it doesn't mean he doesn't respect MJ as an artist or a person.
I'm pretty sure Usher might say a similar thing, or Lionel Richie, or any number of MJ's celebrity fans and friends. It doesn't make them less respectful.
Why should he be a proper MJ fan? Not everyone likes all of someones music! He may have changed his mind.. who knows
I didn't say any producer should work and not be paid. You seem to be excluding the part where I mention Timbaland having discouraging things to say about Michael and his music prior to all of this. Did Bruce Swedien ever say Michael "lost it"? I don't think so. And I'm pretty sure he respected Michael and everything he worked towards. Has Timband exhibited such a level of respect? Nope.

It's an opinion. He simply said that Michael lost it after Bad. Does that make him any less of a fan? If I were to say that I hated the HIStory album, would that make me disrespectful towards Michael? (Even though I love that album, but it's just an example.) If Timbaland were to come out and actually criticize Michael in any way THEN I would agree with you.
The production of it is very weak. Awful composition and wrong choice of sounds. MJ loved building a song consisting of layers, which makes the record sounds 'big', something that was totally absent on the 'Michael' project.

Timbaland understands the use of layers. Just take some time to study his productions.

STTR deserves to have a so called 'fat' production,
I'm going to have to completely disagree with ur statement of it not being a "big enough" production.. I felt that Tricky did an amazing job.. From the opening instrumentation (when it kinda had an old school DSTYGE feel to it), then as soon as MJ began verse 1, the music switched into a deep synth sound that complimented MJs vocals perfectly I think.. The song is def a dance track and needed that dance beat or else it just wouldn't work as well IMO..

Even towards the "bridge" of the song ("she danced through the night, in fear of her life...") he added the hand claps and u can hear the music (padding layer) building as he MJ gets to "she knew she was needed back home, home!".. If anything, I feel like MJ's vocals were so hard and aggressive that if Tricky produced it in a way that matched that aggression, then the song would just be too over the top (look what happened with "Scream"... One of my favs tho).. It just wouldn't sound good to the average listener..

I feel like Tricky made the right choice in production value and to this day I don't understand why it still hasn't been officially released..

Hopefully on this upcoming album..
I doubt the hand claps are added, it's probably how MJ recorded it.
Timbaland is a producer who has one foot in what's current and works with today's generation, and the other foot in what's retro and the classic R&B sound (something he's used with JT with astronomical success, deserved or not)..

Not many producers can say they have that gift of combing what's classic with what's fresh.. Pharell is another one of those producers and someday I'd love to hear a Pharell produced MJ track, especially since he really IS a true MJ fan!

With all that said, if the worst thing Timbaland ever said about MJ is that he "lost" his touch after Quincy, then that's clearly his own opinion. And to be honest, that makes me want to hear what he has in store for MJ tracks even MORE!

It's not like he was commenting on MJs personal life/troubles. He clearly thinks he has something to add to MJs legacy with his own touch..

I don't think there's any other producer out there right now that's better suited for this next project. So what if he's a little cocky. His work and achievements speak for themselves..

I think we're in for big album from MJ sometime before the end of the year. With Timbaland and LA Reid behind this, there's no better way to get MJ out to new fans/listeners, while still (hopefully) fulfilling what MJ fans have been expecting from a new MJ release for years!
I doubt the hand claps are added, it's probably how MJ recorded it.
That's besides the point.. They could've been easily removed for another sound that Tricky could've created himself or with some other instrument (or just left out altogether like on the bieber version)...

The claps add a nice touch to the track, and IMO is probably why Tricky left them in.
That's besides the point.. They could've been easily removed for another sound that Tricky could've created himself or with some other instrument (or just left out altogether like on the bieber version)...

The claps add a nice touch to the track, and IMO is probably why Tricky left them in.
No, my point was that you thought it was added by Tricky, when it is most definitely MJ doing his thing. I assume you know that's how MJ records. Snaps, clamps, stomps.
Timbaland is a producer who has one foot in what's current and works with today's generation, and the other foot in what's retro and the classic R&B sound (something he's used with JT with astronomical success, deserved or not)..

Not many producers can say they have that gift of combing what's classic with what's fresh.. Pharell is another one of those producers and someday I'd love to hear a Pharell produced MJ track, especially since he really IS a true MJ fan!

With all that said, if the worst thing Timbaland ever said about MJ is that he "lost" his touch after Quincy, then that's clearly his own opinion. And to be honest, that makes me want to hear what he has in store for MJ tracks even MORE!

It's not like he was commenting on MJs personal life/troubles. He clearly thinks he has something to add to MJs legacy with his own touch..

I don't think there's any other producer out there right now that's better suited for this next project. So what if he's a little cocky. His work and achievements speak for themselves..

I think we're in for big album from MJ sometime before the end of the year. With Timbaland and LA Reid behind this, there's no better way to get MJ out to new fans/listeners, while still (hopefully) fulfilling what MJ fans have been expecting from a new MJ release for years!

Yes! Thank you :) It's always nice to look at the positive as Stevie Wonder says.
No, my point was that you thought it was added by Tricky, when it is most definitely MJ doing his thing. I assume you know that's how MJ records. Snaps, clamps, stomps.
no i never said he created the claps, i simply said he added them to the song (as opposed to taking them out)... i guess a better way for you to understand what i meant would be to say that Tricky "left the claps in"... i hope u understand now..
trickys version lacks energy imo.. its good how he concentrates on mjs voice but yet the production is "weak".
i bet the 1989 is better, didnt some1 mention its a rock song?

i actually hope that STTR is getting re-done by timbaland.
timbaland is able to create his own sound for any artist. JTs last albums sound SO different, and on his latest nothing like a timbo production actually.
also what he did on madonnas "hard candy" 2008 album, was quite good. even tho not all are from timbo (50% pharrell).but the unreleased ones "across the sky" and "latte" are great outtakes and fit perfectly for madonna. "miles away" and "devil wouldnt recognize" are gems on that album. afaik "dance 2night" was also by timbo on that album. i listened to them lately and was surprised how he kept madonnas style but on a totally new level.
so i could perfectly imagine a whole mj album produced by timbo, cause he will know how MJ has to sound.
Why should he be a proper MJ fan? Not everyone likes all of someones music! He may have changed his mind.. who knows

Read posts. Nowhere did I say he had to be a proper fan to produce anything. Someone said "well maybe he changed his mind", just like which you said here. And I responded that that's unlikely. And he isn't doing this because he "changed his mind" and now recognizes Michael's artistry. He's doing it because of the revenue "Michael Jackson" the brand, now creates. You can choose to ignore this fact if you want to. But don't be mad because I won't..

I ask you, what would magically make Timbaland change his mind regarding Michaels work post Thriller, when there's been nothing to judge from since he made that statement? The "Michael" album? Are those the songs that made him change his mind? Please, let me know the basis of which you form this conclusion.

Usher hasn't said anything of the sort, as far as Michael "losing it". And everytime another one of Michael's "celebrity friends" says something of similar nature, they're immediately called out by the entirety of the forum and labeled "fake". But Timbaland should be exempt from this? Because we want to remain open minded that he can revive some 90s magic that he had with Aaliyah or a Cry Me A River, and actually produce a decent record again? Lol, please.
Read posts. Nowhere did I say he had to be a proper fan to produce anything. Someone said "well maybe he changed his mind", just like which you said here. And I responded that that's unlikely. And he isn't doing this because he "changed his mind" and now recognizes Michael's artistry. He's doing it because of the revenue "Michael Jackson" the brand, now creates. You can choose to ignore this fact if you want to. But don't be mad because I won't..

I ask you, what would magically make Timbaland change his mind regarding Michaels work post Thriller, when there's been nothing to judge from since he made that statement? The "Michael" album? Are those the songs that made him change his mind? Please, let me know the basis of which you form this conclusion.

Usher hasn't said anything of the sort, as far as Michael "losing it". And everytime another one of Michael's "celebrity friends" says something of similar nature, they're immediately called out by the entirety of the forum and labeled "fake". But Timbaland should be exempt from this? Because we want to remain open minded that he can revive some 90s magic that he had with Aaliyah or a Cry Me A River, and actually produce a decent record again? Lol, please.

have you conducted some mind of poll on Timbalands output? Cos you seem militaristic in your opinion that everyone thinks he hasn't produced a decent record for the better part of a decade? Everyone has an opinion. Some people love what he's doing now, some people don't. Most people seem to dig what he's doing if you go by charts and sales of timbaland produced tunes. I think some of his best work ever is on JT's latest album. And so do many others, condsidering the album bucked the trend of declining first week sales and sold over a million in a week.

And before you say 'there you go again with wanting hits' etc, why wouldn't MJ fans want his voice to reach the largest amount of people possible. MJ was VERY much about hits and sales. We'll get to hear the demos etc in future in all likelyhood. But the estate can't survive on releasing albums of demos and unfinished tracks. I'm not sure if you're familiar with the Elvis model, but they release remixes, original recordings and all sorts. Which is why they've kept his appeal and legacy alive for 30+ years.

I say just enjoy what's on offer and if you don't, perhaps find something you do enjoy. And I mean that in a nice way. I'm open to what Timbaland is doing. But if it's terrible, in the end I won't buy it. But I won't be upset about it. I'll just go listen to BAD.

I think most people can agree though, no matter what LA Reid and Timbaland have up their sleeve, it can't be as bad as that 'Michael' album! And for that I am thankful! (or will be)
Most people seem to dig what he's doing if you go by charts and sales of timbaland produced tunes. I think some of his best work ever is on JT's latest album. And so do many others, condsidering the album bucked the trend of declining first week sales and sold over a million in a week.

I have seen many people say 20/20 Experience was a disappointment to them compared to JT's earlier albums. As for first week sales - that's always more about the hype and anticipation than the actual music itself. The hype was very well built up for JT before the release. So yeah, it sold over a million copies in its first week. And how many did it sell since? Only about another million, so overall it sold like 2-2.1 million (US sales). If the music would appeal so much to the masses it had continued to sell even after the first weeks hype wore down.
I have seen many people say 20/20 Experience was a disappointment to them compared to JT's earlier albums. As for first week sales - that's always more about the hype and anticipation than the actual music itself. The hype was very well built up for JT before the release. So yeah, it sold over a million copies in its first week. And how many did it sell since? Only about another million, so overall it sold like 2-2.1 million (US sales). If the music would appeal so much to the masses it had continued to sell even after the first weeks hype wore down.

20/20 experience is on the #6 spot at the Billboard Chart.

Just sayin'
have you conducted some mind of poll on Timbalands output? Cos you seem militaristic in your opinion that everyone thinks he hasn't produced a decent record for the better part of a decade? Everyone has an opinion. Some people love what he's doing now, some people don't. Most people seem to dig what he's doing if you go by charts and sales of timbaland produced tunes. I think some of his best work ever is on JT's latest album. And so do many others, condsidering the album bucked the trend of declining first week sales and sold over a million in a week.

And before you say 'there you go again with wanting hits' etc, why wouldn't MJ fans want his voice to reach the largest amount of people possible. MJ was VERY much about hits and sales. We'll get to hear the demos etc in future in all likelyhood. But the estate can't survive on releasing albums of demos and unfinished tracks. I'm not sure if you're familiar with the Elvis model, but they release remixes, original recordings and all sorts. Which is why they've kept his appeal and legacy alive for 30+ years.

I say just enjoy what's on offer and if you don't, perhaps find something you do enjoy. And I mean that in a nice way. I'm open to what Timbaland is doing. But if it's terrible, in the end I won't buy it. But I won't be upset about it. I'll just go listen to BAD.

I think most people can agree though, no matter what LA Reid and Timbaland have up their sleeve, it can't be as bad as that 'Michael' album! And for that I am thankful! (or will be)

20/20 experience is on the #6 spot at the Billboard Chart.

Just sayin'

Yeah, the MTV Music Awards probably gave it some boost, but it's less successful than JT's previous albums.

As of July 2013, it has sold 2,056,000 copies in the US.[55]


FutureSex/LoveSounds sold 4.4 million, Justified sold 3.8 million. I'm not saying sales always correspond with quality, but the person to whom I responded used 20/20 first week sales to support his claim that it's Timbaland's best work. If you are going to use sales to say that then let's get the facts straight about sales.

But that's the only point I dispute. I have no opinion of of how well Timbaland's gonna do on a Michael album. I'm open-minded about it, let's wait and see. I hope it will be great.
Yeah, the MTV Music Awards probably gave it some boost, but it's less successful than JT's previous albums.


FutureSex/LoveSounds sold 4.4 million, Justified sold 3.8 million. I'm not saying sales always correspond with quality, but the person to whom I responded used 20/20 first week sales to support his claim that it's Timbaland's best work. If you are going to use sales to say that then let's get the facts straight about sales.

But that's the only point I dispute. I have no opinion of of how well Timbaland's gonna do on a Michael album. I'm open-minded about it, let's wait and see. I hope it will be great.

The best thing is, this October JT and Tim will release 20/20 part 2!!!
Not a huge Timbo fan, but I don't see what his previous comments have to do with how he would work. So he made a negative comment, it doesn't mean he'll do a bad work with MJ's stuff. Let's wait and hear the result first. Bruce Swedien made negative comments regarding the accusatiins/trial - doesn't mean he'll do a bad job in the studio.

And what's wrong with wanting a hit? MJ was all about hits and sales and records. I haven't seen many fans who wouldn't want their favorite artist to be on top.
And what's wrong with wanting a hit? MJ was all about hits and sales and records. I haven't seen many fans who wouldn't want their favorite artist to be on top.

I think this way you are taking it out of context. It's not like people do not want a hit. It's just not wanting a hit at any price - even at the price of butchering MJ's music or changing his vision or dumbing down his music. I'm not talking about Timbaland because none of us knows yet what he will do. I'm talking generally. A hit is nice and all, but not at any price. That's all.