Tickets to Michael Jackson movie go on sale September 27 ( 2 week run only )[ Threads Merged ]

:mello: complete bull this is...

hmmm....people that elected to get their tickets from the o2 should be able to get in to the movie with their tickets....if we get them by then :mello:
I don't understand why people are worried about the ticket prices.
Sony has no control over that.
It is up to each theater how much you will be charged.
I will pay 7.50 here in my town for the evening show or 10.50 in Tulsa for a 3-D.
There's nothing Sony can do about that.
They can limit what theaters are allowed to show it. I can't see Katherine agreeing to a very limited number of people being able to watch it. That means less money for her and the children as well.
Darvon or whoever is going to get the tickets i think you should start sending out emails asking who's coming to your Halloween party now and who's going see the movie that friday October 30. I'm coming for sure i can send you my money.
Hopefully more details will come soon! I mean so we know what cities that this will be playing at before we even buy these tickets.
Haha not this again

Getting up at 6am and refreshing the page with my code copied and ready to paste in the box LOL
hmm... ive seen no news about this releasing in sweden... .....................:(

gettin worried,,

and then.

all cinemas close down. and we're left all trying to get refunds,


we have a choice of either getting a full refund or getting the ticket.

then the same process starts all over again for the announcement of a dvd release......

I wouldnt be suprised at anything anymore, (not after what has happened). That's made me giggle though:D. then It kinda upset me after I realised what u said. I know I'm silly:(:cry:
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This is not ,when I say this is not fair I really mean it :). But people like me have been waiting for so long to watch Michael.The tour was 50 day tour ,but the concert only 2 weeks ,its not fair.
Re: Tickets to Michael Jackson movie go on sale September 27

I think you'd have to be classed as fan to spend your money and go and see a film that is soley about Michael Jackson to be honest, so the bit about sitting with 'Non fans' isnt in fact true

Really? So you don't think people are gonna go and see this because they're curious or got nothing better to do? I know people who don't even really like MJ but got tickets to TII so in the cinema I think it'll be even more the case.
God this is gonna be another mess,

Just like the time when the tickets for the concerts went on sale. I bet haters will end up with tickets and we won't. It's just the way it is, we have no flippin' luck in anything.
I hope this will be released worldwide and that we will get to buy the tickets in theatres. We still got 2 months to go, so keeping my fingers crossed.

and then.

all cinemas close down. and we're left all trying to get refunds,


we have a choice of either getting a full refund or getting the ticket.

then the same process starts all over again for the announcement of a dvd release......
Re: Tickets to Michael Jackson movie go on sale September 27

Really? So you don't think people are gonna go and see this because they're curious or got nothing better to do? I know people who don't even really like MJ but got tickets to TII so in the cinema I think it'll be even more the case.

Well prehaps they brought tickets for the concerts to sell on and make a profit?
But to be curious you need to be at least interested in Michael
Two weeks at theaters? Itll drive up demamd early then the movie
Will stay in theaters longer
Am I selfish in thinking everyone who had tickets to TII should have a DEFINITE seat in the cinema instead of scrambling for tickets?
Everyone is stressing?

Remember they only got the go ahead for this last week... so we aint going to see any press yet... I'm sure promos and trailers will start appearing soon but I think it will be within around a couple of weeks. It aint gonna be overnight.

Sony / Columbia paid ALOT of cash for the footage so I'm guessing that they are going to release to every theatre/cinema possible. This wont be two or three select cinemas this will be nationwide.

I think that it will last for longer than two weeks too.... or maybe not so they can rush out the DVD / Blu Ray in time for Christmas?

I'm sure everyone will get a chance to get a ticket... don't forget that most cinemas have five or six showings a day (maybe even more if they are showing it in more screens)....

I'm pretty certain they won't be doing anything with codes and stuff it will just be advance tickets.... just like if a big blockbuster movie is coming out etc (like Harry Potter) you get to purchase tickets a month in advance because its going to be popular.

Yes, THIS IS IT will be popular but not everyone will be buying tickets on the 27th September... Don't panic!
trailers will be in the process of being made and released very soon. We have those to look forward to in the coming months.
Btw, don't know if someone already mentioned this and I missed it, but...

Larry King said two nights ago that he has some deal with whomever and will have exclusives about the TII movie. Don't know if that means sneak peeks or what. He didn't say when. Probably not for a while, I'd expect.
This is so effing typical of Sony/AEG. Why does everything have to be so damned complicated.

Id like to know how they intend to go about putting this in place. If this is the way they want to play it, I can see them only dealing with chain cinemas in cities so they can monitor and control numbers.

The 2 week run is purely to gain interest, it will run for longer imo.
I doubt my theater will even show it. Iowa people are more rock and country then King Of Pop.

I'm curious, can you catch all the Tyler Perry movies in Iowa? If so, this movie will definitely be shown there.

I wouldn't miss this for the world.
Gah I'm in two minds about all this. Want to see it, but don't want to be sitting amongst folk who've gone for their evening's entertainment munching popcorn and slurping Coke. It just doesn't seem right
Gah I'm in two minds about all this. Want to see it, but don't want to be sitting amongst folk who've gone for their evening's entertainment munching popcorn and slurping Coke. It just doesn't seem right

I agree. It's something personal for me and I'll give me some closure so to speak. I hope that tickets will be widely available. Sony and AEG are pros are screwing us fans over. I don't want non-fans snatching up tickets and putting them up on ebay.
Hopefully I'll get a few tickets, gonna see it with some friends but also on my own, more personal :)

There AIN'T nothing complicated about this. Sony isn't doing anything shady here folks. No tickets are being sold for outrageous prices. This will be released WORLDWIDE like any other movie is, and we will be charged whatever our local theatre charges us. What is so hard about that. The only difference is that instead of the TII staying in theatres like a regular movie it will only be in there for 2 weeks. Maybe longer if it does well.

I think that sony releasing this is something they are doing for them. In hopes that non fans or curious ppl will come and see it. Im pretty sure they were already gonna release it on dvd and they know fans will buy. But they think they can make more money by putting it in theatres and having fans go watch, curious lurkers, and having fans also buy the dvd.
Triple the money. As suppose to just putting it on dvd and fans buy it.

But you guys are going on and on and OOOOOOn for nothing.

My only problem is the fact that most likely you will have your jerks go see it just to be jerks. I don't want to sit with jerks. but hopefully it will be more fans then jerks. Either way I want to see it so im going. If you can't handle it just wait for the dvd. Or watch it online as im sure it will be bootleged in no time. But its no need for all this doom and gloom when that's not even the case.:doh:

Everyone is stressing?

Remember they only got the go ahead for this last week... so we aint going to see any press yet... I'm sure promos and trailers will start appearing soon but I think it will be within around a couple of weeks. It aint gonna be overnight.

Sony / Columbia paid ALOT of cash for the footage so I'm guessing that they are going to release to every theatre/cinema possible. This wont be two or three select cinemas this will be nationwide.

I think that it will last for longer than two weeks too.... or maybe not so they can rush out the DVD / Blu Ray in time for Christmas?

I'm sure everyone will get a chance to get a ticket... don't forget that most cinemas have five or six showings a day (maybe even more if they are showing it in more screens)....

I'm pretty certain they won't be doing anything with codes and stuff it will just be advance tickets.... just like if a big blockbuster movie is coming out etc (like Harry Potter) you get to purchase tickets a month in advance because its going to be popular.

Yes, THIS IS IT will be popular but not everyone will be buying tickets on the 27th September... Don't panic!
:doh::doh::doh: THANK YOU!
why? do we have to buy tickets on that date :yes:

why? we just buy are ticket at the movies when we go there to see it :yes; :thinking: i'm so comfused :yes: