Tickets to Michael Jackson movie go on sale September 27 ( 2 week run only )[ Threads Merged ]

Re: Tickets to Michael Jackson movie go on sale September 27

Didn't expect any thing else from Sony, they sh** on Michael when he was alive and they sh** on him again now hes dead.

Why can't we have a normal cinema release just like any other major film release, I'm sure they would make heaps of cash. I just don't understand it. It's just another two fingers to the fans once again.
Re: Tickets to Michael Jackson movie go on sale September 27

Kenny stated on his twitter yesterday
that the promos for the movie were being made and coming out soon
Re: Tickets to Michael Jackson movie go on sale September 27

Limited sounds like..... incredible, outrages prices....
Isn't there noone in that entire management who thinks about us, the fans? We loved Michael deeply and the other way around as well. Michael would never ever have wanted this!

I know! Again its all about MONEY! Here we go again frantically trying to get tickets :no:
Re: Tickets to Michael Jackson movie go on sale September 27

Scare to watch knowing he was only 'great' in the last two rehearsals and that he was skeletal thin. Might be sad and depressing to watch. They are going to let the world see MJ at his worst. Anything for money.

Once again, I hope l was proved wrong.
Re: Jackson `This Is It' film gets 2-week limited run (AP)

Don't believe a word people say, 2 week run, what a load bull****. It will run and run until Christmas trust me.
Re: Tickets to Michael Jackson movie go on sale September 27

How much are the tickets going to be?
If us fans can't see it because tickets are snatched up its going to break my heart all over again!!!!!!

PLease let them be a reasonable price..
Re: Jackson `This Is It' film gets 2-week limited run (AP)

this news really surprised me. With anything pertaining to MJ in hot demand right now, I thought they would try and cash in as much as possible with this. 2 weeks is not a long time at all. A month would have been better. And limited release concerns me too cos it will only be in the bigger cinemas!
No idea how this ticketing thing will work too. I mean, when I go to the cinema, I just buy my ticket there at the box office. Never seen anything with tickets on sale in advance like this for a cinema.

I will be happy it is only 2 weeks though if the DVD comes out sooner as a result.
Re: Tickets to Michael Jackson movie go on sale September 27

why didnt they give priority to fansites.......

so its gonna be another rushfest with over the top prices and ebay loving it

this is getting on my nerves......
Re: Jackson `This Is It' film gets 2-week limited run (AP)

They are being cautious. they know this won't be as successful as a movie so they are giving it a short run to minimise the chance of it being called a flop. If 2 weeks is successful they will extend by another week or two.

As you already said, they will almost certainly release the DVD for Christmas, so maybe that is also playing a part in the short run. They don't have much time to make the most money they can.
Re: Tickets to Michael Jackson movie go on sale September 27

two weeks?????????????
Re: Tickets to Michael Jackson movie go on sale September 27

Why inflicked all this confusion onto people?
Why not just say yes we are showing it at cinemas worldwide for the normal rate for a high rated film normally does!
Charge people normal cinema prices but sell 'This is it' gifts to encourage sales of the items!
Simple as!
Nothing too complicated for people to understand and none of this 'LIMITED' nonese because will all no it wont be 'LIMITED' when they finally release it on DVD....


Silly me as just thought this could be due to hyping up the demand for the film which will inpact for a DVD release in time for the peak gifting season (Christmas)
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Re: Jackson `This Is It' film gets 2-week limited run (AP)

this is just way too frustrating. Michael is in demand! DEMAND = MONEY! BULL! if they want money release it like any other movie I'm sure it'll be up there for months!

if they're afraid of the DVD sales again in-demand!
Re: Tickets to Michael Jackson movie go on sale September 27

Why make it like a concert with tickets?

People want to just go and see this without hassle and fear of not getting a ticket.

Bad move Sony. Bad move.
Re: Tickets to Michael Jackson movie go on sale September 27

in all of this from beginning to end its like being part of High School Flipping Musical - in fact thats probs better organised.

I have felt that they THE POWERS THAT BE have total disregard for the fans - this info is just fine for those who jumped on the bandwagon but for the fans who like to organise, know dates and times and prices - work out how many they can go to see etc - its like no consideration is ever taken for those people.

The whole organisation of everything associated with Sony/AEG etc has been a farce......
Re: Jackson `This Is It' film gets 2-week limited run (AP)

I prey they show it where i live!!

Here in southampton we have 3 cinemas, Odeon, Cineworld & VUE. Theres got to be at least 1 which will show it!!
Re: Tickets to Michael Jackson movie go on sale September 27

wtf? Great. So the prices will be ridiculous and the cinemas will be absolutely crammed and we'll probably end up sitting with non fans. If that's the case I'm waiting for the DVD.
i wonder if it will show in australia? and only two weeks and buying tickets in advance? i was looking forward to seeing the movie in a cinema but it might be simpler just waiting for the dvd. most releases come out within a few months of the cinema release so its not too long to wait i guess
would have been great to have fan opening nights to be around the same kinda people. Rather than have people behind probs criticising left right and centre........
would have been great to have fan opening nights to be around the same kinda people. Rather than have people behind probs criticising left right and centre........

I agree was looking forward to a cinema filled with MJ-fans well not really but at least majority are. whatever intentions Sony has in mind is complete BULL by doing this 2weeks limited scheme.
Re: Tickets to Michael Jackson movie go on sale September 27

wtf? Great. So the prices will be ridiculous and the cinemas will be absolutely crammed and we'll probably end up sitting with non fans. If that's the case I'm waiting for the DVD.

I think you'd have to be classed as fan to spend your money and go and see a film that is soley about Michael Jackson to be honest, so the bit about sitting with 'Non fans' isnt in fact true
Cineworld Glasgow are showing it.

Two weeks? Your average punter or film goer will all want to see this too, which makes things difficult for fans, we should get priority tickets at least.

I want to go into the cinema with a full house of MJ fans, treat it like the concert!!
Again, IMAX Cinemas have confirmed that they won't be showing the film.

Honestly, they're taking the P!SS.
What about the people who bought and attempted to buy tickets for the concerts. Me and my daughter had heard relentless disrespectful stuff from people who were then rushing to buy tickets...........

Therefore there will be people in the cinema who arent fans, and there will be some who will probs be quite rude and annoying....

Also dont forget the people who will get free tickets through competitions/corporate gifts etc...
do we already now how to get the tickets?
can we just order them in our cinemas or will it be online again? -.-
do we already now how to get the tickets?
can we just order them in our cinemas or will it be online again? -.-

Maybe they have a good idea maybe They will ask people to sign up and then they'll send out some ticket sale codes!! I joke, I'm kidding I don't think that will be happening again:)

on a another part, this 2 week run only thing seems a stupid idea.