Tickets to Michael Jackson movie go on sale September 27 ( 2 week run only )[ Threads Merged ]

If i remember rightly,a few weeks ago they said that this is it would have 3 releases? [im using dial-up where im staying,so cant link a source]

If that is true,then my guess is we will have this "limited screening" in cinemas. A dvd release of the limited screening,with a few extras etc... THEN they will release a concert dvd,start to finish [/maybe] [/hopefully] :)

Just a thought...:)
Only two weeks in theaters sucks. I hope by the time tickets go on sale that I will know for sure whether it will be playing in a theater near me, so I wouldn't be wasting my money. At least there will most likely be a dvd.
Yes, Larry did say that he would have the people who are behind the TII movie on his show

My only problem is the fact that most likely you will have your jerks go see it just to be jerks. I don't want to sit with jerks. but hopefully it will be more fans then jerks. Either way I want to see it so im going. If you can't handle it just wait for the dvd. Or watch it online as im sure it will be bootleged in no time. But its no need for all this doom and gloom when that's not even the case.:doh:

:doh::doh::doh: THANK YOU!

I don't want to see it with jerks either, I'd rather not see itif there are jerks around let alone sitting next to me.

That's why I think Sony should work with michael fanclubs to arrange the first screening of the movie to be exclusivly for the fans.

That's what they did in 1997 for the premier of michaels 'ghosts' movie and other things.
I just don't think I could cope with watching it in a theatre full of people and maybe have to hear people being cruel about Michael. It'd be way too much for me to deal with because I'll be a mess anyway. I'm probably stressing about that too much but I just couldn't bare it. :( I'm thinking I may be better off waiting for the DVD.
I will try my best to get a ticket. I hope the odds of getting a ticket are not the same as his memorial.
Decisions, Decisions.
Watching Michael on a big 30++ foot screen or wait for the DVD to play on my 27" TV screen. NOT!

The Countdown has begun. Yey!
I hope it's not just two bloody weeks, that's stupid!
I want to go and see this wow its the man i love but i dont know how i feel about being with other ppl i dont know,been crying my eyes out as since it happen i havent stop crying,so i know for a fact i will be breaking down and crying,such a shame we cant find a pictures were all of us from the board can go,just think its going to be compleltly emotional and there will be ppl there in the pictures that wont repect that(the non fans),just dont know wat to do at all :cry:,it hasnt even sunk in loan this :-( xxxx
Don't worry. If cinemas are logical, they will have multiple screenings of this a day in order to maximise profits.

As someone mentioned previously, they said "Limited Engagement" for the Miley Cyrus 3D concert film so everyone rushes to see it in the first 2 weeks. Of course it will do well and after the 2 weeks, they'll extend it.

I work at Cineworld Glasgow and help organise screening times. I already know we'll be doing a midnight screening for this and be screening it in all our four of our 3D screens - the biggest one of which holds 633 people. Depending on the running time (let's say it's 90mins), we can have a showing every 30mins from 10am til midnight including cleaning time.

There will be no need to worry over getting tickets.

On the theme of tickets, we have not been given any specific pricing details yet. However, I know in the US that the Miley Cyrus 3D film cost $15 to get into. In our Cineworld, it costs £7.90 for a 3D film at the moment but I'm wondering if this could increase?? "Shine A Light" by The Rolling Stones played here about 18mths ago and that cost £12.50 a ticket and that wasn't in 3D but you did get a free t-shirt with entry.

Anyone think this could happen with TII??
AEG or SONY should offer the tickets first to TII concert ticket holders, that seems fair to me. I just hope that the limited 2 weeks showing is not limited to only a handful of cinema's that are dotted around the UK and probably only London.

It's a complete farce again from SONY and AEG, once again MJ fans are let down again.
Don't worry. If cinemas are logical, they will have multiple screenings of this a day in order to maximise profits.

As someone mentioned previously, they said "Limited Engagement" for the Miley Cyrus 3D concert film so everyone rushes to see it in the first 2 weeks. Of course it will do well and after the 2 weeks, they'll extend it.

I work at Cineworld Glasgow and help organise screening times. I already know we'll be doing a midnight screening for this and be screening it in all our four of our 3D screens - the biggest one of which holds 633 people. Depending on the running time (let's say it's 90mins), we can have a showing every 30mins from 10am til midnight including cleaning time.

There will be no need to worry over getting tickets.

On the theme of tickets, we have not been given any specific pricing details yet. However, I know in the US that the Miley Cyrus 3D film cost $15 to get into. In our Cineworld, it costs £7.90 for a 3D film at the moment but I'm wondering if this could increase?? "Shine A Light" by The Rolling Stones played here about 18mths ago and that cost £12.50 a ticket and that wasn't in 3D but you did get a free t-shirt with entry.

Anyone think this could happen with TII??

Sony said there isn't going to be any 3D content in this release, so it's bit pointless using all 4 3D screens isn't it?
if its only 2 weeks...i also doubt it will be played here. he is huge in china though....hope they will have it. i'll buy tix for the whole 2 and watch it over and over again as the compensation of never watched him live and almost watch this is it but never happen :((

even its played for the whole 2 years...i think ppl will still buy the dvds....i know i will. haha