Thriller 40th Anniversary

I am normally not as harsh on the Estate as other fans are, but they deserve every bit of criticism for their lack of promotion for Thriller 40.

It’s like they think because it is Thriller, it will automatically be a commercial success.
Yeah, I was giving them a pass in late summer because there was still quite a bit of distance, but this is just inexcusable. We’re, what, two weeks from its release, and we’re only getting fan events and NYC billboards (as cool as they both are)?
Anyone going to the gallery in Düsseldorf?
Want to go on Friday, but it's a 1,5 hour drive, so hoping someone is going on Thursday to see what it is.
If the Estate were clever, they could have made a massive promotion on Halloween, and even should have released it on Halloween. Now that Xmas is approaching people won't be looking for Thriller to buy, but for Richard Clayderman.
They should have re released Thriller in cinemas on halloween.
Anyone going to the gallery in Düsseldorf?
Want to go on Friday, but it's a 1,5 hour drive, so hoping someone is going on Thursday to see what it is.
Friday afternoon the gallary is closed from 3p.m., so I am going on Saturday afternoon.
It's about 2hrs on railways for me.
True but now that it is actually remastered it would make perfect sense to do it for this anniversary project.
Isn't that what they did with the 3D? A horrible gimmick, but objectively the same effort. They commisoned a whole weird cartoon for ABC or whatever with MJ tunes. The Halloween push is kinda meaningless to me; it's one day, one night really, in a holiday that's somehow become even less commercial than ever, while the rest of the world just delivers new music. The direction they can take with this can surely be more expansive than seasonal.
Just wondering but I guess I'm the only person who has no interest in Thriller 40?? I see all the updates on Twitter, but to me its not something I care about or have any interest in.
I think it's fantastic we'll final get a properly mastered vinyl since '82.

I don't really care about the music. I lost all interest in the music in general and specifically posthumous releases in 2010. I get it, I know the music means a lot to some fans, but just not to me. And I feel that people can be intimidated to openly admit it, becuase its not the done thing in the fan community.
I don't really care about the music. I lost all interest in the music in general and specifically posthumous releases in 2010. I get it, I know the music means a lot to some fans, but just not to me. And I feel that people can be intimidated to openly admit it, becuase its not the done thing in the fan community.
I don’t think that’s an unpopular opinion. There’s still quite a bit of interest, but excitement has diminished due to the estate.
I don’t think that’s an unpopular opinion. There’s still quite a bit of interest, but excitement has diminished due to the estate.
Every fanbase gets like this after the artist is no longer here. Estate good or bad. It's just the lack of new material. No more "Michael spotted outside the x museum on 4th of June 2010" threads. No more speculation regarding the albums.
I want to go to one of the Thriller 40 events.

The documentary showings have all sold out.

I guess there is the Düsseldorf event. Is anyone going?
Sony Music Sweden has begun their promotion for #Thriller40 Here is a new offical promo video, I'm so excited!!


<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Sony Music Sweden has begun their promotion for <a href=";ref_src=twsrc^tfw">#Thriller40</a> 🔥 <br>Here is a new promo video, I&#39;m so excited!! <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; 𝚅𝚒𝚌𝚝𝚘𝚛 🎠 (@flaazh) <a href=" ">November 8, 2022</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>
Sony Music Sweden has begun their promotion for #Thriller40 Here is a new offical promo video, I'm so excited!!


<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Sony Music Sweden has begun their promotion for <a href=";ref_src=twsrc^tfw">#Thriller40</a> 🔥 <br>Here is a new promo video, I&#39;m so excited!! <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; 𝚅𝚒𝚌𝚝𝚘𝚛 🎠 (@flaazh) <a href=" ">November 8, 2022</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>
Started finally 🤩