Thriller 40th Anniversary

Yesterday in the Giovanni Zarrella- show in ZDF he mentions the 40th anniversary of Michael Jackson`s Thriller and in relation to that a medley of
some of his big hits. You can see it at 2 hour 15. BTW Zarella is really a big MJ-fan.

Edit: here on youtoube
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I am really exited about the 4K videos.

Is it mkgenie who mentioned there will be 5 videos? Or where does that number come from??

I am really exited to learn what the 2 remaining videos are. Hope for Making of Thriller - and Say Say Say in 4K would be epic too.
I am really exited about the 4K videos.

Is it mkgenie who mentioned there will be 5 videos? Or where does that number come from??

I am really exited to learn what the 2 remaining videos are. Hope for Making of Thriller - and Say Say Say in 4K would be epic too.
I don't think Making of Thriller will be in much better quality. People who saw it at some event with Thriller 3D said it wasn't HD if I remember right. It might have been shot on film but it was probably edited on tape.
I don't think Making of Thriller will be in much better quality. People who saw it at some event with Thriller 3D said it wasn't HD if I remember right. It might have been shot on film but it was probably edited on tape.

Weren't all the videos edited on tape?
I don't think Making of Thriller will be in much better quality. People who saw it at some event with Thriller 3D said it wasn't HD if I remember right. It might have been shot on film but it was probably edited on tape.
Ok. - Bummer... I would love to see The Making of in great quality.

But just the fact that 4K videos are now confirmed is great news.
I'm not sure but the 80s videos probably exist on film in their final form. 90s videos might not. Making of Thriller is just a documentary so its on tape.
Makes sense, still would have been cool of them to restore it to HD. Who knows if they have that material now, though.
Weren't all the videos edited on tape?
I don't think so. The 80s ones were probably edited on film, then tape masters were created for each for dubbing. As for the 90s ones, yes, they were edited on tape because of the fx and stuff.
According to MoFi themselves, the DSD is made as a 1:1 copy of the original analog master and kept untouched for the vinyl and CD.
Allow me to correct the info here: the DSD is (re)mastered by them on an analog console before the vinyl cut.
Normally when an artist is about to release a new album, they change their profile picture on their social media platforms to the cover of their upcoming album, as well as links in their social media bios to pre order the upcoming album.

Michael Jackson’s estate is still using that picture from In The Closet video on Twitter, YouTube, Spotify as their profile picture. And there isn’t any link to buy Thriller 40 anywhere.

Less than two weeks to go before the release of Thriller 40 and the promotion has been awful so far.
Normally when an artist is about to release a new album, they change their profile picture on their social media platforms to the cover of their upcoming album, as well as links in their social media bios to pre order the upcoming album.
Makes sense. Marketing 101, surely? I would expect all of this as standard.

Michael Jackson’s estate is still using that picture from In The Closet video on Twitter, YouTube, Spotify as their profile picture.
That is beyond disappointing.

And there isn’t any link to buy Thriller 40 anywhere.
That's just weird. I'm being polite.

Less than two weeks to go before the release of Thriller 40 and the promotion has been awful so far.
I have been deeply unimpressed. The Nasdaq (sp?) thing was great but there needs to be so much more than that.
Makes sense. Marketing 101, surely? I would expect all of this as standard.

That is beyond disappointing.

That's just weird. I'm being polite.

I have been deeply unimpressed. The Nasdaq (sp?) thing was great but there needs to be so much more than that.
I am normally not as harsh on the Estate as other fans are, but they deserve every bit of criticism for their lack of promotion for Thriller 40.

It’s like they think because it is Thriller, it will automatically be a commercial success.
I am really exited about the 4K videos.

Is it mkgenie who mentioned there will be 5 videos? Or where does that number come from??

I am really exited to learn what the 2 remaining videos are. Hope for Making of Thriller - and Say Say Say in 4K would be epic too.

I never saw that mkgenie said 5, don`t know from where the 5 comes. I think 3 are realistic.
I am normally not as harsh on the Estate as other fans are, but they deserve every bit of criticism for their lack of promotion for Thriller 40.
I agree. I was almost startled to see you being so upfront. Not that I disagree with what you've said. But you are usually, as you say, somewhat more restrained. Says everything!

It’s like they think because it is Thriller, it will automatically be a commercial success.
I hadn't even thought of it like that. That's even more depressing, somehow.

Apart from tweets of the Nasdaq thing I haven't seen anything. Classic Pop mag did a feature back in March. Gary Davies on BBC R2 did a Thriller mixtape. Urban Smooth on Dublin South came up trumps. Yay to Urban Smooth. But this is all small stuff. No offence to anybody. I loved all of those things. They were all great. But the Estate should be - should *already* have pulled out all the stops. On a global scale. I wasn't as bothered as other people about the Halloween thing but it's getting ridiculous now. 2nd week of November? What is going on?

When you look at how the fans pulled out all the stops for the Thriller Challenge and then look for the equivalent energy from the Estate - I'm not seeing it. 🙁