This Is It Trailer clips - looks awesome!!!

I'm glad it is being shown, it will put to rest all the nonsence about him not being up to it, or off his face on drugs. But, it is pure torture to watch him knowing what was about to happen. I go between sobbing and blazing anger at Murrey when I see this, that man should be jailed for murder.

Agree with you 100%. Can't wait for this tomorrow though!!!
its going to be so hard to watch but i cant f**king wait until tomorrow! he looks omg amazing!
I don't know what to say. I am speechless, and he is so lovely.

Oh my god. I have no words!
Looks amazing. I wish he could have got the chance to perform the shows.

By watching those clips it makes me angry that he did not even get the chance to perform those shows. All down to those f**kin doctors and one certain person to put a stop to this amazing show. I could rant about this, but i choose not too at this moment.
well some damn money hungry b*tch killed him thats what happened
see thats why I find it hard to believe when ppl say he wasn't healthy before his death this clip is proof that he was ready

That's the thing...this 'doctor' didn't gain anything by murdering the man. I can understand that people say he's murdered....but i just do not see WHY
that Murray fool would do that. So it's either him being incredibly dumb and
simply didn't know what the f he was doing....or it's somethign's just crazy.....
Maybe it's just me but after watching these clips, most of what I'm feeling is angry.


Holy sh*t! O_O

I swear to God, he really does not look 50 in those clips at all! He would've owned this sh*t.

Watching these clips pisses me off though because he'll never get the chance to actually perform this. Argh, f*ck all those who drove this man to his death. Seriously.
Tomorrow at the vma they'll show the jumping through the window scene and MJ will be on stage for real. And these last months turn out to be nothing but a bad dream.......

A guy can dream.......:(

Wow, I'm loving that dream.
this will show us michael ..but it is what aeg chooses to show us..this is my only skeptikal point...they can paint any pic of mike they want..obv it will be the most positive thing and show him in every good aspect...that doesn't mean you can disregard that other moments might have shown him in a diff light...i am not saying this is def the case BUT WE WILL NEVER KNOW..unless all 100 hours are released( sadly i doubt that will happen) so they can hide and show whatever they want and will obv paint the pic of mike as a consumate performer..which i am sure he was every time he got on stage...but what was he like every moment? those things we might never if they are hiding things...they will never be seen and so effectively aeg are safe and can give us the image we hope/think he is and everyone will be happy
All for love....l.o.v.e! Michael why! Come back!

Yes, come back to me.... I'm begging you please... Come back to me... I want you to come back, to me come back.

Awwwww... L.O.V.E. now I get KO's tweets, he must have been hearing that sweet voice over and over making these trailers...
Michael definatley knew the ladies liked the Gold Pants, made it obvious enough with banners etc. He added a bit of sparkle too. This would have been an amazing show.

Though I do agree though, Michael does look really thin, and yes he is of slim build, but there is slim build and too thin. Looks like he was giving it his all though. Wow...:cry: miss him!!!
this will show us michael ..but it is what aeg chooses to show us..this is my only skeptikal point...they can paint any pic of mike they want..obv it will be the most positive thing and show him in every good aspect...that doesn't mean you can disregard that other moments might have shown him in a diff light...i am not saying this is def the case BUT WE WILL NEVER KNOW..unless all 100 hours are released( sadly i doubt that will happen) so they can hide and show whatever they want and will obv paint the pic of mike as a consumate performer..which i am sure he was every time he got on stage...but what was he like every moment? those things we might never if they are hiding things...they will never be seen and so effectively aeg are safe and can give us the image we hope/think he is and everyone will be happy

I disagree completely. I believe all 100 hours would be pure gold to watch. They are not just picking scenes that make him look good because the reality is...he ALWAYS looks good.
Didn't Katherine review the movie? I am sure we will see the best parts, that's the way they will make money.
Yes, come back to me.... I'm begging you please... Come back to me... I want you to come back, to me come back.

Awwwww... L.O.V.E. now I get KO's tweets, he must have been hearing that sweet voice over and over making these trailers...

That song makes me want to cry now. :cry: So beautiful.
I don't know if I can handle seeing this :cry:

I don't feel excited yet, I just feel sad that he never got to share all his creativity with the people he loved. Including his kids.

He should be here, there's something wrong about the whole thing :cry:
The more i see of these rehearsals , the more i know he was not ready to die, not at all. He was full of life, full of energy, that man was going crazy it was Dangerous in concert happened, just...what the f happened!!!!!!!!

i know, it sux, i miss Michael so much:(

Yeah i saw it, God! he was ready to shock the world, its so bittersweet :cry:
Download Second Sneak Peak Trailer!

Below is a second video posted by MTV that contaims more excerpts from the This Is It trailer including Michael speaking briefly about the endeavor, and several more short dance sequences. The video below is 640x480 (DivX).



Stream: (may take a few minutess to show up)

Thank u TSCM;D

Holy sh*t! O_O

I swear to God, he really does not look 50 in those clips at all! He would've owned this sh*t.

Watching these clips pisses me off though because he'll never get the chance to actually perform this. Argh, f*ck all those who drove this man to his death. Seriously.

yes, he didnt look nothing like 50, he was FINE! I MISS HIM SO MUCH :cry: