This Is It Trailer clips - looks awesome!!!

so out of those clips what songs michael perfomed look like to me

smooth criminal
man in the mirror
dirty diana
earth song
beat it
and is it true he did morphine???
that 2nd trailer, choked me up!:cry:

this really isn't fair at all! :cry::cry::cry::cry::cry:

be exciting to see, but also heartbreaking to watch:boohoo:

OH, Please Come Back!!!

Oh man... Mike instantly killed the 'Dangerous Rehearsals'... he looks Victory/Bad-era here by looks of energy. Simply amazing and exactly as told by some of the backgrounddancers...
can't stand the skinny comment. The guy has never been fat. Check his home movies,
jumping in the swimmingpool, he was skin and bones there. Nothing new.


The guy with the blue jacket and the shades is a look alike used in the show for some of the illusions. It's definitely not MJ...
I personally believe that many still mistake "thin" for "frail." His personal trainer Lou Ferrigno said he was in great shape for the concerts, he passed a mandatory five hour medical exam beforehand, many have commented on how his looks were deceiving and when he shook their hands etc. they were blown away by just how strong he really was... He certainly doesn't come across as frail or weak in these excerpts, however brief they are. These concerts would've been less strenuous as well when compared to his usual world tours due to the same location and breaks between each concert (with an extended break after the first leg).

Good post. And let's not forget that even the fans that were there have told different P.O.V.'s about what they saw. One came on here and said Michael did not look as if he was close to death's door the day before his death nor did he look like a man about to die, yet a week later, another came on here and said they saw a dead man walking the last 2 weeks and had mobilized to help him. sigh. This is why I continue to say ppl should beware. Different pov's are seen thru different eyes and from diff perspectives all the time. I could give a few examples where video proof showed some fans to be straight up lying or clearly EXAGGERATING in the past. I'm sure they had their reasons for doing that but hey...water under the bridge? Again, take some of it with a grain of salt becuz you never know why ppl choose to recount events the way they do. Five ppl can witness an accident and give varying and sometimes conflicting accounts when they talk to police. Then you have those who aren't sure what they saw but end up convinced by others to see things in the way of the majority. It's an interesting phenomena...but I digress.

Well I don't know about that as Michael Bearden (musical director or TII and friend of michael)said in the Ebony tribute that sometimes Mike was lazy and didn't want to perform or rehearse but that was like 5% the remaining 95% he was spot on and these clips show it.

I read that too, and again, I think we ALL slack at work sometimes. Sometimes it's becuz we genuinely feel like crap and are ill but are forced (or force ourselves) to meet obligations. And sometimes we just aren't in the mood. Some days I don't really wake up until after lunch. :lol: The rest of the morning I'm sluggishly functioning in zombie-mode or autopilot. Would it be fair to make wild assumptions about my lifestyle becuz of that? Of course not. People tend to forget Michael was human. He was a single parent of 3 kids and at certain times may have wanted to be focusing on one thing when the order of the day dictated that he had to focus on something else...something he just couldn't get into on that day. It happens to everybody.

i think michel is entitled to take it slow 5% of the time if he wanted.

Totally agree. And again, the man was human. If he was lazy 15, 20, or 30% of the time, who here is 100% everyday? I sometimes think ppl expected Michael to be happy and shiny and "ON" every day of his life. And, imho, it's unfair to hold anyone up to that kind of expectation. It's just not possible. Everybody has ish days where they just don't want to bothered or do things...even things they are supposed to do and are obligated to do. And there doesn't have to be a reason why they feel that way. It's just an off day or week. No one knows what all was going on in Michael's life when they weren't around him which could have had an effect on him and his moods. Many things affect a person's moods besides drugs. Because fans and some folks weren't privy to those parts of his day doesn't mean those issues couldn't have existed...hypothetically speaking, of course. :)

As for the trailer clips, oh man....for me it comes in a wave of excitement to sadness and then to bitter anger, then repeat. He looks soooo AMAZING and ready. He even brought back the gold pants. Right now we could have had genuine pix and bits of REAL concert footage floating around but instead we're clamoring for rehearsal shots....all becuz some greedy doctor couldn't say NO. :rant:

Can't wait for tonight but dreading it, too. So many mixed emotions.

Thanks to all for the clips. :flowers: All for L.O.V.E. dawww!
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OMG! WOW WOW WOW, AMAZING! He looks so damn great! He really was set to give us a hell of a show! :( Im looking forward to watching the film, but like most of us its gonna be so upsetting to.

Yes, i agree. He's always been thin. Hes just got a dancers body. I wouldnt say he's changed that much at all over the years really. Oh Michael, i miss you!

*faints at the gold pants!*
my heart hurts.:(:(:(

I think there was a small part of me that wanted to see him struggle a bit, so I could say it was for the best that he didn't have to go through the ordeal of the London shows.

But man he looks so good :(
What do you mean?? He killed Dangerous Rehearsals?? How??
Please be so kind to explain.

He topped those rehearsals... Mike was quite calm during the Dangerous rehearsals. In these short flashes we see Mike putting real effort in those moves; bit of popping, flexing knees for thriller and the jumpy-bit before the smmooth criminal pose... you can only do those movements when you`re into the moment...

Simply said; Mike was back...
I read that too, and again, I think we ALL slack at work sometimes. Sometimes it's becuz we genuinely feel like crap and are ill but are forced (or force ourselves) to meet obligations. And sometimes we just aren't in the mood. Some days I don't really wake up until after lunch. :lol: The rest of the morning I'm sluggishly functioning in zombie-mode or autopilot. Would it be fair to make wild assumptions about my lifestyle becuz of that? Of course not. People tend to forget Michael was human. He was a single parent of 3 kids and at certain times may have wanted to be focusing on one thing when the order of the day dictated that he had to focus on something else...something he just couldn't get into on that day. It happens to everybody.

Totally agree. And again, the man was human. If he was lazy 15, 20, or 30% of the time, who here is 100% everyday? I sometimes think ppl expected Michael to be happy and shiny and "ON" every day of his life. And, imho, it's unfair to hold anyone up to that kind of expectation. It's just not possible. Everybody has ish days where they just don't want to bothered or do things...even things they are supposed to do and are obligated to do. And there doesn't have to be a reason why they feel that way. It's just an off day or week. No one knows what all was going on in Michael's life when they weren't around him which could have had an effect on him and his moods. Many things affect a person's moods besides drugs. Because fans and some folks weren't privy to those parts of his day doesn't mean those issues couldn't have existed...hypothetically speaking, of course. :)


First of all Ebony was talking to Michael Bearden and he gave his opinion, of course no one is going to be spot on all of the time how somebody misinterpreted what he said and goes into something totally different I don't quite understand.
OMG! Was that the real Michael? Not a look-a-like? Huh... Thats not an ordinary 50 years old there. And definitely doesnt look like dying...
I was watching a tupac program on his influence and power and how he died intentionally.Very profound and essentially they are quite similar to certain people..All be it on different levels and two different degrees.But alot of eloquent people spoke on it and on ting someone said that i like

''Whenever I hear about someone who died without putting up a fight for whatever reason, then i automatically become suspicious.''

mmm...not that we know the whole picture and are basing our observations on what we see...there is a cover up on some level
Oh, boy. This trailer cuts like a knife!!!

I'm not sure if I will be able to watch the whole movie in October. Heartbreaking..........
OMG! Was that the real Michael? Not a look-a-like? Huh... Thats not an ordinary 50 years old there. And definitely doesnt look like dying...

Or an addict like the media want to portray him.

Michael, WE LOVE YOU. :angel:


Oh, boy. This trailer cuts like a knife!!!

I'm not sure if I will be able to watch the whole movie in October. Heartbreaking..........

It cuts like a knife.... but i am going to watch. It will be difficult. :timer: