This Is It to hit Cinemas October 30th 2009

well, I'm definitely going!!! I gotta figure out shich MJ shirt I'm gonna wear. I was just thinking that they could make a movie with the TONS of footage Michael has had taken of him over the years, you know, cause he taped everything,lol-to capture a moment and preserve it in time....ok, so I don't know the exact quote..
well, I'm definitely going!!! I gotta figure out shich MJ shirt I'm gonna wear. I was just thinking that they could make a movie with the TONS of footage Michael has had taken of him over the years, you know, cause he taped everything,lol-to capture a moment and preserve it in time....ok, so I don't know the exact quote..

mm they could make a dvd set and come out with a disc every week and have it last until the end of our lifetimes :wub:
mm they could make a dvd set and come out with a disc every week and have it last until the end of our lifetimes :wub:
it would be cool if it was like a dvd or a theater movie showing all the funny and cute moments MJ had put on tape, like some of the stuff from the PHM's. It would be a chance to show all these haters how amazing he was
TII needs to premiere worldwide! I can no longer wait!
Ok... this is rehearsal, not the documentary right?

I can't wait!!! October will be beautiful month! South park will air and I will see new MJ footage... that's amazing!
:lol: ... I dunno man, like can I really stand being in a theather, worrying about people tryin to say some sh*t? I'll be in there, popcorn in lap and soda in hand, probably givin glares. And it'll be dark anyway so no one'll know...
I just saw this comment left by someone on TMZ:

'If the estate gets 90% and AEG gets the remaining 10% - what's in this for Columbia?'

Anyone know the answer?
:lol: ... I dunno man, like can I really stand being in a theather, worrying about people tryin to say some sh*t? I'll be in there, popcorn in lap and soda in hand, probably givin glares. And it'll be dark anyway so no one'll know...

if the haters are going to pay the ticket prices for this and still bring haterade, more power to them because they just lost some money to the estate of the very dude they hatin :lol:
Well, I'm holla at Mikey during this.
He's my boo. Screw the press, non-fans, and newbies.
If they can't figure out it's not a full out concert that's their problem and their loss.

I'mma wear sparkly jeans, my black and red MJ shirt and my fedora. I'mma be rockin'.
I'mma also have a mega cup of bright red cherry kool-aid :ph34r:
I just saw this comment left by someone on TMZ:

'If the estate gets 90% and AEG gets the remaining 10% - what's in this for Columbia?'

Anyone know the answer?
Without seeing the actual documents, I don't know the answer, but there's two possibilities I can think of.

The 90%/10% split refers to the profits. Columbia would get their costs paid before any profits, so they'd naturally break even on the deal (so long as the movie takes in more than they spend buying the footage, editing, producing it, which is surely going to be the case).

The other possibility is that the 90/10 split refers to the share of the profits after Columbia's cut.
90/10 is what estate/aeg get from what columbia paid for the footage? columbia gets ticket sales? i'm guessing in this case columbia is the distributor.
The other possibility is that the 90/10 split refers to the share of the profits after Columbia's cut.

Yeah I'm thinking that is probably it because I can't imagine Columbia would take it on just to break even and not profit.

CORRECTION: I now believe London's post above is the answer to this
Omg, I'm so going on the opening night. Or at least I will try to get tickets. Seriously, this is the first time since... yeah, that I actually look forward to something. Something new with Michael. It's such a relief to be able to feel this excited, special Michael-feeling again. Gosh. I've missed it so much.

I just hope people aren't all boring and normal. Cause I will cry and get hysterical. Nah, if I need to scream I just put my fist in my mouth! :D
Hah. No but seriously, this is my first happy Michael-moment in over a month. Awh. It's such a relief.
90/10 is what estate/aeg get from what columbia paid for the footage? columbia gets ticket sales? i'm guessing in this case columbia is the distributor.
Mmm, the AP article refers to the "film's profits" rather than the footage sale profits.

Then, as well as ticket sales, there's the merchandise, product tie-ins, special editions, etc., etc. All that's worth potentially way, way more than $60 million.

It seems unlikely Columbia wouldn't take any share of the profits from those, but it seems equally unlikely to me that AEG/MJ's estates wouldn't take any share either, even for an initial $60 million payment.
Then, as well as ticket sales, there's the merchandise, product tie-ins, special editions, etc., etc. All that's worth potentially way, way more than $60 million.

this would all be on different contracts and lawyers with licensing, etc. and i'm pretty sure those contracts you're speculating about aren't even drawn up yet! so, hold the phone, you'll get your answers. :D

with columbia putting in the 60mil bid they are expecting to make that and more in ticket sales, so you get a box office hit. definitely no breaking even or making less (a bomb.) no movie company would do this. they're expecting hundreds of millions in worldwide ticket sales and they're going to get it.

so yes, columbia/aeg/estate are all expecting to profit. aeg/estate through licensing. columbia through distribution. and i'm oversimplifying this, of course.
The hype for this is going to be crazy, all the teasers and trailers, cant wait!
I don't know if you guys are aware of it: A Judge said Katherine Jackson has to okay it first.