This Is It to hit Cinemas October 30th 2009

Why do I get the feeling it won't be in cinemas here in Quebec.. since nobody here cares about Michael...

Hey people in Toronto, save me a place with you!

If it IS in cinema here, I'll go everynight...
With all these full length concerts that have been filmed, they decide to put rehearsals in theaters??

This should've been a DVD release in my opinion.
One question:

As Michael was a perfectionist, do you think he'd be happy for the rehearsal to be released like this?

Not at all. Had we seen the full show and the rehearsals later, then it wouldn't have been a big deal.

These companies understand that there are millions of fans like us who are gonna flock to the theaters when its released and spend the money on the DVD release.

I think Mike would want money made to support the family, but he would want the best possible material released as opposed to some "cash in while its hot" type shit.
this would all be on different contracts and lawyers with licensing, etc. and i'm pretty sure those contracts you're speculating about aren't even drawn up yet! so, hold the phone, you'll get your answers. :D
No, I'm basing this on the AP article which states "The contract also allows Columbia to work with companies on promotional tie-ins for the films".

Then there's the MTV article which says "The deal includes the rights to more than 100 hours of rehearsal footage, clips that were intended to be used during Jackson's comeback concerts at London's O2 arena, as well as merchandising, special DVD editions and product tie-ins."

Unless those are just wrong, this contract does include terms relating to merchandising, etc. And if Columbia are handling those, there's going to be terms about what happens to the profits from them.

I really don't think it's going to be a "AEG/MJ's estate gets $60 million, Columbia gets to distribute the film and work on promotional tie-ins and keep the profits from absolutely everything" deal somehow. Hence, I don't think the 90/10 split refers only to that $60 million. Which then leaves open the question as to what that 90/10 split refers to and what Columbia is getting...

It'd be nice to see the actual redacted document the articles refer to. You never know what's going on with these articles - one badly phrased statement can give completely the wrong impression.
Well, I'm holla at Mikey during this.
He's my boo. Screw the press, non-fans, and newbies.
If they can't figure out it's not a full out concert that's their problem and their loss.

I'mma wear sparkly jeans, my black and red MJ shirt and my fedora. I'mma be rockin'.
I'mma also have a mega cup of bright red cherry kool-aid :ph34r:

So long as you got yo' heair permed and yo' pimp cane its all good in the neoghborhood.:yes:
One question:

As Michael was a perfectionist, do you think he'd be happy for the rehearsal to be released like this?

No I don't think he would. But there is no alternative if we want to see him in thre concerts that never were. Sad really but I'll be there (If I get back from my hols on time)
Yeah we are aware and if she does not ok it i am sure us as fans will respect her wishes!


If Katie don't like it I'm behind her. Of course Mike would want us to get the full dealio, but whether we want to admit it or not, that is now impossible. If they wanted to release a 20 hr dvd box set a year for the next 5 years I would buy it, but they're not going to do that so this "film" is all we have (for now). I'm confident in the fact that Katie has to approve it and that there is a clause that they cannot cast Michael in a bad light. IF they go against that best believe it's gonna be some smoke in the city (at least mine, even if I'm fanning it alone :) ) but I have to believe that this is going to be tactful, hopefully they will do it in a "making of" type documentary like someone else said just to throw off the critics. I'm still gonna be all up in there in my sparkly socks and loafers, try it on me!!!!
Just found out the film will HAVE to be rated PG.

"Under terms of the deal, the film must be rated PG, cannot run any longer than 150 minutes and cannot contain any footage that might cast Jackson in a negative light. Columbia is required to screen the film for Jackson's reps by October 2 and is said to want the film in theaters by Halloween. "

it better have his DIRTY DIANA performance!!
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According to TMZ the Jackson estate will get 90% of profits whilst 10% will go to AEG. Personally I'm a little skeptical of this film. I would like to be enthusiastic about the project but somehow the thought of watching Michael doing rehearsals for a doomed tour that ultimately contributed to his passing makes me uneasy. It's still early days, it'll be interesting to see what tone they go for with the movie. footage/

yeah, I know. I am just going to have to school myself not to think about that. I want to see Michael as he was -- delirious with happiness at the prospect of a comeback, and a truckload of hope and dreams for the future in his eyes... of making movies, writing screenplays, seeing his kids grow up... ecstatic that so many fans bought tickets (enough to break Prince's record LOL!) and wanted to hear his songs. I want to just see him happy and having fun at the end of his life. I'm not going to think about anything else.

I know this story has a sad ending, but I also know that, at the least, wherever he is now, he is happier than any of us ever made him.

so, I'm gonna hug that thought to myself and go watch this movie.
Eeeee hope they have Dirty Diana too! Wasn't there details somewhere that Dirty Diana performance was gonna have a big flaming bed? And some lady aerialist dancer? :lol: I know that may not be in rehearsals but that was gonna be awesome, haha.
That's what I was thinking.
What kind of Michael Jackson dance has no crotch grabbing? :ph34r:

i think the crotch grabbing will be okay, i hope:agree:.

because in the jam video he grabbed his crotch, and there were children in that video. but then he only grabbed his crotch like once.
He was gonna be hand cuffed to the bed and a curtain would come up and *diana* would be cuffed to the bed when the curtain went down freeing Michael.
Sounds like it would have been the shit. :D
They said in the sheets it would see Michael struggling to get out, but once the sheets fell it was actually the girl struggling, and saying Michael would magically appear somewhere else in the arena for the next song! :]

Ehmagawd, that would of been hot! XD
They said in the sheets it would see Michael struggling to get out, but once the sheets fell it was actually the girl struggling, and saying Michael would magically appear somewhere else in the arena for the next song! :]

Ehmagawd, that would of been hot! XD

exactly, that's WHY I want to see it. let's just pray they include it.
Michael said "I'll sing the songs my fans want to hear." We want to hear Dirty Diana.
Ohmygod, hope this is true and will really be done. Geez...that show would've been so amazing!:bugeyed
But I don't want to watch it in a cinema/theater also...except if it would be a night with fans and we could get to gether and watch it. Then it would be very comforting I think.
don't know if i want to see it in theaters. i will cry through the whole thing.

yeah :cry: I will be sitting there thinking I should have been at the 02 :cry:

But it will be awesome if it's least we would get to see the amazing stuff he did
I wonder if they've thought of staging the premier at the O2? I mean it would be perfect in so many ways. I reckon they'd have no trouble selling that many seats. All they'd have to do is hire a massive screen. It would be very atmospheric.

On the other hand though, it would make it even more sad to watch :-( Plus now AEG have sold the rights it will probably just go to cinemas.
That's a good idea but it won't be the same without Michael. He was so looking forward to performing live there.

I know this is random but I want to see that flaming bed for Dirty Diana. They MUST include it.
I know it's gonna be great..
But I know that the second it ends, I'm gonna question god, once again, why he made MJ leave us so soon :'(
Well if it's approved by the judge and is set to go... maybe there can be plans of fans getting together for when it premieres? That would be nice. :]