This Is It to hit Cinemas October 30th 2009

this is so happy but sad at the same time.
glad we at least get to see it, but so sad thinking we should have been at the o2 with michael :(
yeah, I know. I am just going to have to school myself not to think about that. I want to see Michael as he was -- delirious with happiness at the prospect of a comeback, and a truckload of hope and dreams for the future in his eyes... of making movies, writing screenplays, seeing his kids grow up... ecstatic that so many fans bought tickets (enough to break Prince's record LOL!) and wanted to hear his songs. I want to just see him happy and having fun at the end of his life. I'm not going to think about anything else.

I know this story has a sad ending, but I also know that, at the least, wherever he is now, he is happier than any of us ever made him.

so, I'm gonna hug that thought to myself and go watch this movie.

Me too...I know it will be hard to watch it without thinking about who we've lost, but I want to see it in this positive way too.
don't know if i want to see it in theaters. i will cry through the whole thing.

Yeah, that's what i thought when i heard that This is It was going to be shown on cinemas..
If i cry easily with drama movies i wonder how much i would cry watching this, it would be really painful..But i feel excited with the idea of seeing Michael's last creation on the big screen!!
Yea I was hoping they would convert the 2D material to 3D and also show that thriller 3d videos and captian eo

It would be extremley difficult,i wont go into the nerdy stuff,but it would be extremley difficult and time consuming.

They could just add the 3d songs in,make it look seamless. Or release the 3d material as extras on the dvd.
I am looking forward to the trailer for this.
YES! The Trailer will pump me up so much I won't sleep until I see the film!
I think she means so she won't need to go to the bathroom halfway through the movie.. :lol:

Or the loo I guess. :lol:
I got a feeling once the movie is over all those ppl that came to the theater looking all cute and stuff (like me) will be leaving with crust all over their faces.. rushing to the bathroom trying to clean up the snot of their faces..

I will be ok up until they show him singing Human Nature.. Then I will have a total break down, I have been avoiding listening to that song like men avoid paying child support.. And I will really be through when the credits roll bcuz that will mean it's over and their will be no more MJ..:(
if the haters are going to pay the ticket prices for this and still bring haterade, more power to them because they just lost some money to the estate of the very dude they hatin :lol:

True, true... it'll be like "well f*ck you paid to come! You paid the money-- watch the damn movie. Geez!"
I don't know that to think about all this. If I do see it, I'll be so excited and inspired....I've always always wanted to see him while he's working...behind the scenes etc. It was my dream to work with him. Yet at the same time, I'll feel so empty inside after the movie b/c of the fact that he is no longer around to actually present it. Also, the rewards and promise of going onto a new start, a new life afterwards.

*sighs* It's just so damn sad...
I'm excited to see this, it will be really nice. Michael is huge, and by releasing this worlwide it will show his huge impact on the world. Who cares what the non-fans will say, this will be a great gift to us :)
WOW an XBOX Theme:bugeyed:angel: ..... i also can't wait to see the new video game!!!

I'm beggin' Sega everyday to release Moonwalker for Iphone and 360 Marketplace:cheeky::yes:
This news Is great! The film sounds like it will be amazing!:D

and 3 other DVDs and A sound track would be fantastic as well!!

But the reason we are receving these films and so on is and always will be horrifyingly devastating. It really doesn't feel like compensation.... Nothing ever will:cry:
i had a drea last night that me and my family went to see it and i cried as soon as he appeared on screen.

The opener n my dream was TDCAU like the part weve all seen
:no: you don't need cigarette :no: is bad for you :yes: :( just listening to his voice in your heart :hearts: :)
Hmm I'll need some other Michael fans to go watch this with, I don't want to be the only one sitting there crying and walking out the cinema a complete mess.

I'm so excited! :D