This Is It to hit Cinemas October 30th 2009

o gosh thank you for taking me in, you are so kind :cry:

i can flyyyyyy i can do anythingggg i'mmmmm peter paaaaaaaaan


I mean.
You are... very welcome sweetie. :]
It would be funny if this project became the biggest selling movie ever.

It is a possibility!!!
i take it you haven't been to the manhood or flirt thread :no: i'm sorry, kid, there's a bigger scarier world outside of the GD forum


that just did me in.. bwahahahahahahaha.. b4 they cleaned the thread, omg, the stuff in there would make Jenna Jaimison blush
lmao@London, well she may be at work and Cinema may mean like Broadway in other countries. lmaooo hell I don't know i just answered..
London aka. Cold heart.. rofl
oh my god......since it is confirmed,,,,
oct 30th is my birthday....michael ,see u
Has this really been confirmed somewhere or is this just a rumour?
I'll watch this with a huge smile on my face getting to see my idol doing what he loved to do! No tears, just smiles and cheers!
Oh god...I'm gonna be a mess watching this in public. :( :bugeyed
I'll watch this with a huge smile on my face getting to see my idol doing what he loved to do! No tears, just smiles and cheers!

omg I just imagined the people in the theatre, would be like yelling and screaming, and cheering as if its a rule LIVE SHOW! I personally think it would be AWESOME, I can't wait. I AM SO wearing an MJ shirt to this.

And you know, the longer they sell tickets, the longer it stays in theatres... would be so cool if he stayed in the cinema's for like a year. :)
First time in a long time I'll be going to a movie theater, probably with my mom and sis. They're big fans as well.
Would be funny to see this outselling all the major movies of the year. Including "New Moon" :lol: I'd love that.

I find it kinda sad though......this shouldn't be happening in the first place.
will it be every where? i was looking for germany (we have cinemaxx as well) but didnt find anything =(
I believe it will be played everywhere, MJ was known worldwide, it may not be released to everyone on the 30th of October, but it will be played in every country.