"This Is It" song information from the US Copyright Office.

Arty I clearly stated that
The Jackson 5 with MJ on lead had a song - One More Chance
The Jacksons Victory album has a song - One More Chance
Michael Jackson solo on #1s has a song - One More Chance



Yeah I know but the same title and and and the Jackson Brothers on backgroundvocals?????

When was the last time that MJ released a song with his brothers???
Had the Michael Jackson solo One More Chance on 1 Album backgroundvocals from his brothers???

Let´s wait and see but I´m going to put my money on the 1979/80 This is it Track.
ppl you'll just have to wait and see whether its a new song or not
even then just try to enjoy what Micheal left for us instead of whining about every little thing
Yeah I know but the same title and and and the Jackson Brothers on backgroundvocals?????

Had the Michael Jackson solo One More Chance on 1 Album backgroundvocals from his brothers???

No, thats what I am saying.

The Jackson 5 one was MJ on lead vocals with backing from his brothers. The Jacksons one MJ wasnt in. And the Solo one was in 2003 and had NO involvement from his family. Hence is being a solo song.

So just because the title is the same, does not mean the actual song is the same. It might be, it might now be.

Whatever the result is, who cares, its a new MJ song.
MsMo, what MJ meant then was to end his contract all he needed to do was give them a few songs for a Box Set "that I wrote aaaaages ago" lol.. he said that in 2002... Then those songs he gave us to end his contract were on The Ultimate Collection (2004)... But Michael stayed on with Sony which is obvious after he proceeded to release and participate in Thriller 25 - contriubuting to production of songs and even lending brand new vocals to WBSS, and later authorized King Of Pop (which sony wanted to call his "50th BIRTHDAY release" but MJ made them call his "50th anniversary" release).

So those songs he wrote ages ago were given to us in 2004.. BUT.. thats not to say he didnt conceptualize this song in the 80's.... Like I said, Little Suzie was written in 1979, and released in 1995. It is evident that MJ RE-MADE the song, as his vocals and arrangement are not 1979esque.

He may have done the same here... OR... it may be a BRAND NEW SONG with the SAME NAME?

No one knows... but there are a bunch of possibilities.

Right, right, yep, that's what I was referrin' to...

So even with the re-releases/remixes since then, he hasn't released any "new-new" music through Sony and there's nothing to indicate that he was required to since his contract had ended...right?

If so, the new album he'd been writing would not have had to be released through Sony...correct?
Coz it seems to me that Sony's only connection to what he was working on for and after TII had nothin' to do with them, except for performing songs that were previously released through them.
Yeah he wasnt under contract where he was required to release new music. But he was still signed to Sony. He just wasnt obliged to release new stuff.
in the music terminology "new song" means "never published / never heard before".
Classifying a song as a "new song" has nothing to do when it was written.

example : if you have watched MJ deposition videos he talks about some songs he had written and never published. In this video he states that he wrote "little susie" and "cry" around 1979. little susie was not released until 1995 and cry was not released until 2001. they were both "new" songs as they were not heard before.

now what we don't know is they might use an old recording and remastered it or he might have actually rerecorded it for the tour. In any situation this will still be classified as a "new song".
Yeah he wasnt under contract where he was required to release new music. But he was still signed to Sony. He just wasnt obliged to release new stuff.

Okay, that's what I thought.

So, still being signed to them, hmm...for how long I wonder :scratch:
I was hoping that he would be a free agent from now on...

Aw well, like most others, I'll just be glad to hear his new stuff :D
MsMo, what MJ meant then was to end his contract all he needed to do was give them a few songs for a Box Set "that I wrote aaaaages ago" lol.. he said that in 2002... Then those songs he gave us to end his contract were on The Ultimate Collection (2004)... But Michael stayed on with Sony which is obvious after he proceeded to release and participate in Thriller 25 - contriubuting to production of songs and even lending brand new vocals to WBSS, and later authorized King Of Pop (which sony wanted to call his "50th BIRTHDAY release" but MJ made them call his "50th anniversary" release).

So those songs he wrote ages ago were given to us in 2004.. BUT.. thats not to say he didnt conceptualize this song in the 80's.... Like I said, Little Suzie was written in 1979, and released in 1995. It is evident that MJ RE-MADE the song, as his vocals and arrangement are not 1979esque.

He may have done the same here... OR... it may be a BRAND NEW SONG with the SAME NAME?

No one knows... but there are a bunch of possibilities.

well..lol..his music is timeless. if he never told me when Ben was written, i would believe it was a song from today, if i never heard it before..and he didn't even write it. but his presence on stuff makes it timeless..so..it really doesn't matter to me. if i hear it for the first time...it's new.
in the music terminology "new song" means "never published / never heard before".
Classifying a song as a "new song" has nothing to do when it was written.

example : if you have watched MJ deposition videos he talks about some songs he had written and never published. In this video he states that he wrote "little susie" and "cry" around 1979. little susie was not released until 1995 and cry was not released until 2001. they were both "new" songs as they were not heard before.

now what we don't know is they might use an old recording and remastered it or he might have actually rerecorded it for the tour. In any situation this will still be classified as a "new song".

Yep all that is correct, apart from the Cry bit. Same title, different song (again, further proving a point on songs with the same title) - R. Kelly wrote the 2001 version of Cry for Invincible album :)
well..lol..his music is timeless. if he never told me when Ben was written, i would believe it was a song from today, if i never heard it before..and he didn't even write it. but his presence on stuff makes it timeless..so..it really doesn't matter to me. if i hear it for the first time...it's new.

Exactly! :)
My guess regarding the 2 versions. The first version is the 1980 TRUIMPH outtake. I think the other version will still contain MJ's 1980 vocals but the music will be new and current sounding. I really doubt MJ would record new vocals for this.

It can't be an outtake from TRIUMPH if it was recorded in 1984. Obviously it is an outtake from VICTORY.
Fantastic News. Triumph was the Golden Era. His voice never sounded better than during that time.

Can´t wait for the single!

His voice on Triumph is EPIC... must agree with your post.. Looking fwd to hearing the SINGLE.. they can keep the GREATEST HITS ALBUM
It's Hold My Hand arguments all over again LMAO, at least we know for sure Michael IS on it.:lol:
I'm looking forward to hearing this a lot! Anything new by Michael will make me crazy I'm sure! Being an old song is all good by me! Anything he touched was gold all his life, but 80's was :wub:. Can't wait to hear it!
If this is true i just hope it is the original version of the song, not an updated version by some producer to make it new and hip and shit.
okay lets settle this john branca (however its spelled) has said a new song recorded in the last two years of his life - so its new - there are 2 versions - 1 new version from the last two years and 1 assuming old version from 1980s which is the one i think the jacksons minus jamaine will be on as he was not in the band at this time
okay lets settle this john branca (however its spelled) has said a new song recorded in the last two years of his life - so its new - there are 2 versions - 1 new version from the last two years and 1 assuming old version from 1980s which is the one i think the jacksons minus jamaine will be on as he was not in the band at this time

That's exactly what Arty was trying to say and Damien didn't understand ;)

Arty means that This Is It is a song written in the 80's and not a new one, because the new CD set will contain two versions. One with The Jacksons and the other one solo. The solo version was probably re-recorded this year. The second one was recorded in the 80's for a Jacksons album.

If there were two different songs titeled This Is It (like One More Chance by The Jacksons and OMC 2003) it would mean that Michaels brothers recorded the vocals after he passed away... and it is very unlikely IMO.

So the new CD will probably contain something like
Little Susie 1979 and Little Susie 1995... so it would be This Is It 1984 and This Is It 2009.

same song but RECORDED twice.
My guess regarding the 2 versions. The first version is the 1980 TRUIMPH outtake. I think the other version will still contain MJ's 1980 vocals but the music will be new and current sounding. I really doubt MJ would record new vocals for this.

How do you know That?
I will be gobbsmacked if MJ didn't record new vocals for his FIRST and DEBUT single for his This Is It tour.
That's exactly what Arty was trying to say and Damien didn't understand ;)

Arty means that This Is It is a song written in the 80's and not a new one, because the new CD set will contain two versions. One with The Jacksons and the other one solo. The solo version was probably re-recorded this year. The second one was recorded in the 80's for a Jacksons album.

If there were two different songs titeled This Is It (like One More Chance by The Jacksons and OMC 2003) it would mean that Michaels brothers recorded the vocals after he passed away... and it is very unlikely IMO.

So the new CD will probably contain something like
Little Susie 1979 and Little Susie 1995... so it would be This Is It 1984 and This Is It 2009.

same song but RECORDED twice.

I understood clearly. I was just saying there are OTHER possibilities. Arty seemed to be closed minded on the fact the songs indeed COULD be different. Im not saying they are or arent. Im saying that no one knows. Its like a blind person telling u he knows how many fingers u are holding up. There are a number of possibilities but in the end its just a guess.
I have an interesting question (maybe this should be a poll):

Q: Do you think the song will be leaked prior to October 12th?
Does anyone even know what method of release theyre talking about? Their press release is VERY vague, from the single info, to the content of the soundtrack.