"This Is It" song information from the US Copyright Office.

michael is full of sprises/life
he can write his own spoken versions of a poam
im listen to earth plant as we speak
now we have to waite about 30 days before the movie/ soundtrack comes out
it will be with the wait
I cant wait to discuss with you after October 28.

Now my words end here. Its enough.
Why it is enough? Why all this secret? You are not leaking the song, you are talking about it. What's wrong with that?

It's a decent song
This really bothers me. I was waiting for something great, I see I can touch myself...
I can understand that if he has been allowed the privilege of hearing the song and seeing the film in advance of their release that he wouldn't want to risk being found leaking information onto the internet.

These products are a big deal and Sony won't like information being released. Personally I think it would be nice if we didn't find out anything before they are released, but inevitably something is leaked. With less than 2 weeks to wait for the single, even if a clip is leaked onto the net in the next few days I won't listen. I have listened to clips before when Invincible tracks were leaked early and when the 'One More Chance' single was leaked early, but I want to hear 'This Is It' for the first time when I am officially allowed. Similarly I don't really wany to hear what the song sounds like before it released. I know this might sound like I have changed my mind since my previous posts, but that's the way I feel about it now.
I don't agree, if the single is leaked one of these days, I'll listen for sure...

I'll buy the single no matter what, but I really want to hear it as soon as possible....
I don't agree, if the single is leaked one of these days, I'll listen for sure...

I'll buy the single no matter what, but I really want to hear it as soon as possible....

We've been waiting for new music for so long, I'm sure you can wait for two more weeks :)
No I can't.... ;-)

I'm really looking forward to this new song so I can't wait....

I'm also hoping to have the single as ringtone by the end of this week.... ;-)
Hey guys, your obviously **newbies** from your post count, or you are to this forum at least! but, lets put it this way, at one time you could not hear anything until a physical product was with radio DJ's or fan clubs! Now its far to easy. Michael loved building suspense! this is what he the *last of his kind* the true showman ! there just is no one left like this anymore! Please have patience al also respect in waiting to hear the new materiall the way Michael would wanted it showcased!



its not long to wait now.
Well, I'm not a newbie, only at this forum.... I'm 27 and a fan all my life, but It's been to long since the last new music.... So I just don't want to wait any longer...
I've heard that This Is It the single won't be released. Is this true????? What the heck is sony thinking?????
Why it is enough? Why all this secret? You are not leaking the song, you are talking about it. What's wrong with that?

This really bothers me. I was waiting for something great, I see I can touch myself...

WTF? plus your siggy is disturbin!!
Yes, there won't be a single release.
That is what Sony said in an email they sent to Damien, even though their press announcement said that "This Is It would be a brand new SINGLE. They even said that the song wouldn't be downloadable individually from itunes. Strange huh?

I visit several music forums and nobody can understand why Sony would waste this opportunity to release a single that would get so much interest. It's craziness. The best guess is they are trying to force people to buy the new 'This Is It' album, but that's ridiculous. The song will be unveiled on 12th October but the album won't be out for another two weeks after. They should have just released the album with the new song on it, without officially 'unveil' the song. That way people would be more likely to purchase the album to listen to the song. As it is, people will have 2 whole weeks to download the song illegally and not buy the album at all.
I certainly won't buy the album, but I would have bought the single. In fact I already pre-ordered it on HMV, and I'm still waiting for them to remove it from their site.
Yes, there won't be a single release.
That is what Sony said in an email they sent to Damien, even though their press announcement said that "This Is It would be a brand new SINGLE. They even said that the song wouldn't be downloadable individually from itunes. Strange huh?

I visit several music forums and nobody can understand why Sony would waste this opportunity to release a single that would get so much interest. It's craziness. The best guess is they are trying to force people to buy the new 'This Is It' album, but that's ridiculous. The song will be unveiled on 12th October but the album won't be out for another two weeks after. They should have just released the album with the new song on it, without officially 'unveil' the song. That way people would be more likely to purchase the album to listen to the song. As it is, people will have 2 whole weeks to download the song illegally and not buy the album at all.
I certainly won't buy the album, but I would have bought the single. In fact I already pre-ordered it on HMV, and I'm still waiting for them to remove it from their site.

Sony sucks.....
Well after reading everyone's confusion on whether its a new song, recorded with his bros or whether different versions whatever, I just want to ehar more of Michael because his beautiful voice is what keeps me connected to him. I wish it was out now, just can't wait to hear it!
what is the date today?
only a few more hours to waite before we hear it
it will be will the waite
you start request this is it on the redio in a few days