They ruined we are the world!!!

This ISNT about helping Earthquake victims thats just an added bonus

Its to make all of these stupid celebs look good. None of them probally give a damn about Haiti. Michael genuienly cared and if he were alive he probally would of written a new song for the cause because he cares not to "look good" like everyone else

been saying it from the get!

I'm sure its not all of them...but alot of them


:punk::punk::punk: I'm sorry this made me laugh my ass off
I agree completely. Those were my first thoughts on this but I was afraid to say anything.
Honestly, do you really think that someone like Lil Wayne cares about the Haiti victims? I mean, isn't he going to jail sometime soon? I'm ashamed to see him on a song like this.

haha, ok this is my last post on this

please never be afraid to express your opinion, just the exact way you wish to express it. that's what this forum is for. the only thing that is not allowed, is personal attacks on fellow members...and...against the Jackson family.(that last part is a new rule, just added)
Could somebody please answer my question? :)

yeah...he's in it.

edit: i just realized, that the remake has the beat of 'Heartbreaker', from the Invincible album...

but, it's still not working for me, in this case....i still don't like it...

and i LOVE 'Heartbreaker'
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KANE, I got what you wanted to say, sorry you had to explain that.

Vncwilliam, I agreed with your arguments. I am just hoping that all the proceeds go to charity and they reissue the original at the same time.
KANE, I got what you wanted to say, sorry you had to explain that.

Vncwilliam, I agreed with your arguments. I am just hoping that all the proceeds go to charity and they reissue the original at the same time.


the original is already on itunes.
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I'm not a fan of this remake. It really burns me that Sony and no one supported Michael w/ releasing What More Can I Give and Michael's Katrina charity song, but now that he's gone and suddenly 'hot,' all of a sudden it's "let's release a Michael charity song!"

Michael was singing about 'all the colors of the world' coming together way back in 1980's Can You Feel It, well before it became trendy. He was a prophet! I think a lot of these celebrities, in contrast, are big phonies. Eminem and Lil' Wayne? For Real? Aside from their disgusting non-peaceful lyrics, after what they've said/done about Michael, now they support his project? You could add Quincy to the list w/ all of the junk he talked about Michael before he died ("Been there done that" when asked if he would want to work w/ Michael again, yet here he is), and much worse since. Most of those 'celebrities' were virtual ghosts during 2005 when Michael needed them most.

I hope it raises money for Haiti as it's obviously needed there, and I'm sure some of the celebrities have good intentions, but as an 'artistic work' I don't like it one bit, nor do I like how it reminds me of what a bunch of hypocrites the media and these celebrities are for having acted the way they did for the last 15 yrs or so of Michael's life.

PS: I like Alien Ant Farm's Smooth Criminal and David Ruffin's I Want You Back, so there goes the theory/stereotype that "all Michael Jackson fans hate people covering his songs."
I'm not a fan of this remake. It really burns me that Sony and no one supported Michael w/ releasing What More Can I Give and Michael's Katrina charity song, but now that he's gone and suddenly 'hot,' all of a sudden it's "let's release a Michael charity song!"

Michael was singing about 'all the colors of the world' coming together way back in 1980's Can You Feel It, well before it became trendy. He was a prophet! I think a lot of these celebrities, in contrast, are big phonies. Eminem and Lil' Wayne? For Real? Aside from their disgusting non-peaceful lyrics, after what they've said/done about Michael, now they support his project? You could add Quincy to the list w/ all of the junk he talked about Michael before he died ("Been there done that" when asked if he would want to work w/ Michael again, yet here he is), and much worse since. Most of those 'celebrities' were virtual ghosts during 2005 when Michael needed them most.

I hope it raises money for Haiti as it's obviously needed there, and I'm sure some of the celebrities have good intentions, but as an 'artistic work' I don't like it one bit, nor do I like how it reminds me of what a bunch of hypocrites the media and these celebrities are for having acted the way they did for the last 15 yrs or so of Michael's life.

PS: I like Alien Ant Farm's Smooth Criminal and David Ruffin's I Want You Back, so there goes the theory/stereotype that "all Michael Jackson fans hate people covering his songs."

lol...i'll just return myself to the sterotype. i don't like those remakes, either.

and i'll add to the stereotype that, as an MJ fan, i don't care what people think of my opinions, too.

i'm sure, my God knows whether or not i am giving to charity. and He is the only one i have to answer to. (not going against you, Joey MJ some sense, i think my sentiment agrees with your sentiment, although i still don't like the remakes that you mentioned that you like. lol)
I just heard the remake and I'm scrambling to YouTube and listen to the ORIGINAL CLASSIC to get the sound of that crud I just heard out of my head.

I didn't care for it at all. I'm sorry, but that was just a hack job of a classic. It's great that it's to help Haiti and all, but at the cost of turning a classic into crap. I think if Michael heard that version, he would have been moonwalking all up and down someone's ass and not allow it to be released until it met his satisfaction.
I just heard the remake and I'm scrambling to YouTube and listen to the ORIGINAL CLASSIC to get the sound of that crud I just heard out of my head.


I'm sorry, but that was just a hack job of a classic. I think if Michael heard that version, he would have been moonwalking all up and down someone's ass and not allow it to be released until it met his satisfaction.

LOL...again! And agreed!!!:clapping:
I just heard the remake and I'm scrambling to YouTube and listen to the ORIGINAL CLASSIC to get the sound of that crud I just heard out of my head.

I didn't care for it at all. I'm sorry, but that was just a hack job of a classic. It's great that it's to help Haiti and all, but at the cost of turning a classic into crap. I think if Michael heard that version, he would have been moonwalking all up and down someone's ass and not allow it to be released until it met his satisfaction.

we're on the same wavelength...i did the same youtube scrambling, to give my spirit a big time shower.

and ur right about what MJ would have done...

after all, he had to mentally arm wrestle Quincy Jones, to get Billie Jean onto the THriller album, cus Quincy didn't want it on there. and considering the historic reaction to the original performance of the song, foreverafter....that's a microcosm of everything MJ had to go through....but still, when MJ worked on made HIStory.
I had to listen to it a few times, and I think it is actually decent.Good but not great. One thing I must say, I think they should just replaced MJ vocals with Janet. The video looked out of place them jumping from 2010 to 1985 with MJ, IMO. The pace of the two songs are different too. The main difference is that the vocals were not as strong on this version;however, the generation difference is evident there. I do think the creativeness in the song was better in this song though for Haiti. I enjoyed the rapping and even Lil Wayne was surprising. Hopefully it sells regardless.
I've always felt WATW was cheesy either way.

For the remake they should have just had Janet sing MJ's part instead of layering them together. That was just disrespectful to Janet.
all i got to say is...forget it..trash..should have been left alone.i seen when michael and the rest poured their hearts out..for real.this is a cheap,jump on the lime light,disgusting.write something new for the heartbreak of haiti,michael made it .disrespectful.he loves our world,he loves the children..but to redo with these teeny boppers with no talent..i could throw up!!!!!
all i got to say is...forget it..trash..should have been left alone.i seen when michael and the rest poured their hearts out..for real.this is a cheap,jump on the lime light,disgusting.write something new for the heartbreak of haiti,michael made it .disrespectful.he loves our world,he loves the children..but to redo with these teeny boppers with no talent..i could throw up!!!!!

i couldnt agree more!!! it was shitty ...... i cant get over lil wayne trying to sing wit tha damn auto tune .. and justin bieber opening the song ? like wtf ?
Justin Bieber opening the song was just wrong. He's a decent kid, I'm not going to bash him, but his voice just wasn't strong enough. They needed someone with a more powerful voice to open the song, like Josh Groban, Pink, or even Jennifer Hudson.

I was sick to my stomach when I saw Lil Wayne. He's taking part in a song written by someone who he had the f'n balls to call the six letter F word that I will not spell out. I thought that was a slap in the face and disgusting. I wanted to jump through the computer screen and strangle him.

I did like some parts of the song, but overall, I didn't care for it. I did notice Orianthi and 3T take part too. I admit, that was cool. But that's it. I felt this "remake" was a complete joke. I am really glad that the proceeds will go to Haiti, but I think they should have gone another way instead of instead of ruining an amazing song.

I was talking about this with my love interest, Anatolie, and he pretty much summed it up by saying "some songs are meant to be remade, and some are better left untouched. We Are The World is one that should be left ALONE."
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it seems that music failed without Michael. If Michael was alive and took part in the remake, I bet it would sound so much better ! And yes, one member from mjj said, what now left to the world was just Michael's footage :cry:
I've always felt WATW was cheesy either way.

For the remake they should have just had Janet sing MJ's part instead of layering them together. That was just disrespectful to Janet.

Come on... it was the good kind of cheese... :D

Also, Janet being there was kinda pointless... to be honest.... -_-
Come on... it was the good kind of cheese... :D

Also, Janet being there was kinda pointless... to be honest.... -_-


Reason why they used her to hype it up...

They could have at least gave her a solo -_-
The problem with this version I think isn't the lack of Michael's touch, or even the new beats. The new beats were HOT, and got me into it. The problem was, too many unknown names. Not many legends. And too many talentless people. People like Miley and Justin are ok for the chorus, but not solos. And Justin should not have opened. The opening should have been a legend and/or someone with a power voice. Jennifer Hudson would have been perfect.

what excuse was there to not have people like Tina Turner, Diana Ross, and such return? And they pretty much slapped Janet in the face. Piss poor editing of her clip, few lines, and maybe 1 audible line at the end of the "duet"

Things done right:
Rap (amazing addition imo)
Using Michael's recording and video
New beat (hooooot)
Jamie Foxx's Ray Charles

Jamie made me laugh doing the Ray voice. It was perfect. His voice was so unique and great on the original, Jamie did it perfect and it wasn't tacky at all.
Eh. I'm mixed on how I feel about this (as far as how it sounds) at the moment. I have to let it go and come back to it to really form an opinion of it. But my initial thoughts were:

- MJ. We all knew they weren't going to take him out of it. I don't know why everyone really thought they would do that.
- The beat was great.
- The "rap" section was kinda iffy to me. It sounded alright but just seemed too out of place. To me that was their attempt at appealing to the hip hop audience.
- Lil Wayne and anyone else they had with the Auto-Tune. It sounded bad and was totally out of place. Again, it was an attempt to appeal to a certain audience. Auto-Tune sounds ok with some songs. But this was completely out of place.
- There was a serious lack of Stevie Wonder. I can't believe he wasn't included.

The other issue I had was that I just don't know most of these people. I can't really blame them...I just don't pay attention to today's music. The intro with that kid threw me off. And I personally thought there was a lack of Mariah Carey.
After hearing it today I can totally agree. They ruined the song completely
I think Janet and Michael sounded great together on the chorus, but they should have gave her more lines than just that. Justin Bieber got more than her !!!!
Other than that the song has nothing on the original and the rappers just ruin the feel of the song !!

Our mixed reactions can be expressed through this...

Loiue: They ruined the song Mike. What's with the sh*tty elctronic hip hop beat? *stoic face*

Michael: Ohh... Louie... It's for a good cause. Be nice...


:lol: :yes:
yeah...he's in it.

Oh my god, this is just unbelievable...!
Didn't we have a thread a few weeks ago in here where we had an article about Lil Wayne freestyling and saying something bad like "faggot" to MJ?
So why the hell is he takin' part in that song now?

Thank you for your answer, tho!
That Justin Bieber kid (who?) wasn't very good (understatement :lol:) and there was another guy later on that made me go: :bugeyed
But the for the rest of it, it's OK I guess. I prefer the original WATW though!
all i got to say is...forget it..trash..should have been left alone.i seen when michael and the rest poured their hearts out..for real.this is a cheap,jump on the lime light,disgusting.write something new for the heartbreak of haiti,michael made it .disrespectful.he loves our world,he loves the children..but to redo with these teeny boppers with no talent..i could throw up!!!!!

Well, I've just listened to the song now and I must say I disagree!
Maybe you might be right with some of the artists in the new version but you can't tell this to artists like for example Pink, Usher, Enrique, Nicole, Jennifer, Akon (although he sang with autotuning unfortunately) and especially not Wyclef cuz' he just put all his heart hin, you could actually tell it and feel it very intensively!
It has given me goosebumps so badly, I'm lovin' the song!