They ruined we are the world!!!

have any of you HEARD the song? judge something without listening to it is kind of pointless don't cha think?
That picture of Michael and and blanket looks identtical wow it blow me away...anyway about watw i am not shock they messed it up, but that is good in a way, cause it proves yet again that no one can do like Mike does it.
I heard part of it and it sounds a hot mess

Ego inflation....atleast thats what it seems like to me.

Theres no way of telling that. Thats just a big assumption on your part. I dont see why you'd choose you'd choose to believe the worst. Either way, its for a good cause.

None of you have even heard the full song yet, so at least wait till you hear the full song to complain :rolleyes2: Not like any of you will change your minds anyway, youve all obviously just wanted to hate it as soon as it was announced :doh:
Theres no way of telling that. Thats just a big assumption on your part. I dont see why you'd choose you'd choose to believe the worst. Either way, its for a good cause.

None of you have even heard the full song yet, so at least wait till you hear the full song to complain :rolleyes2: Not like any of you will change your minds anyway, youve all obviously just wanted to hate it as soon as it was announced :doh:

You know why I feel this way???

First of all, it bugs that when MJ was alive and he wanted to make a song for the Katrina one wanted to be all of a sudden that he's gone they wanna ruin his baby??

2. Mike's name wasnt really mentioned until mama jackson request the split screen with Janet...hmmm

3. What's with the hip hop beat???

4. If they cared, they would not make a joke of this song by having J.Beiber and Lil Wayne singing in it.

5. The amount of hypocrites Lil Wayne and Eminem
the same men who make homophobic and derogatory remarks..please tell me how to take them seriously??

This is all my opinion
Is anybody really that bothered about who's on it?

For all I care they could swing a bag of cats against the wall and put it on a CD as long as the money goes to charity. If you don't buy it because you've already donated then fair enough but please don't let yourself be put off just because Justin Bieber (sp?) and Miley Cyrus etc. are on it... just think of where the money's going.
Theres no way of telling that. Thats just a big assumption on your part. I dont see why you'd choose you'd choose to believe the worst. Either way, its for a good cause.

None of you have even heard the full song yet, so at least wait till you hear the full song to complain :rolleyes2: Not like any of you will change your minds anyway, youve all obviously just wanted to hate it as soon as it was announced :doh:

you're being hypocritcal. you know it doesn't take listening to an entire song, to get the gist of it, but you're denying that, on purpose. how many snippets of new MJ songs have we heard, and got full judgement threads on? countless ones, and you know it. you are choosing your battles, the way you are accusing others of doing.

this is a pointless argument, because everybody on this site, most likely, already gave proceeds to Haiti.

if Michael Jackson had a pattern of greed, and of bogarting credit away from other songwriters, and, of not being charitable, i have a feeling you would be the first to point that out.

a zebra cannot change his stripes. we are pointing out a pattern of Quincy Jones, and the media. a pattern of bogarting..a pattern of greed. a pattern of malice. a pattern that helped drive MJ to his grave.

to suddenly see these people as genuinely charitable, simply does NOT pass the smell test.

just as suddenly seeing Michael, as suddenly greedy does NOT pass the smell test.

anybody can scream CHARITY.

but your patterns speak MUCH louder.

a good tree can't put forth bad fruit. and a bad tree can't put forth good fruit.

if i went down the street responding to everybody, that screamed CHARITY, in my face..and i gave to them. i would probably have enabled the weed habits of everybody in my adjacent neighborhoods, by now.

i've learned some valuable lessons in life. and i think a few other people on this site, have learned them, as well.

i wish you could understand that.

this is why subtle things, like not making announcements about your life's charity work, are important. it's part of being that good tree that bears good fruit. if you do it that way, most likely, it's because you don't have to convince yourself that you are charitable, because you are. and most likely, you'll get accused of not being charitable, because you don't blow your own horn. therefore people try to slander you, and bring you down. but, on the other side of the coin, if you have a habit of making broad announcements to the world, about being charitable, most likely, you are not, but you're trying to get face time, and you're too worried about what the next person thinks about you.

obviously, MJ wasn't worried about that stuff, because he was the victim of so much slander, and was accused of not being charitable, and was sued a lot. yet, MJ hardly sued anyone. these are the characteristics of someone who doesn't care about money. that is a charitable character, that cannot be denied, no matter the shouts of his enemies. but those that slandered him, are the kind to sue many times, in a heartbeat. they care too much about money..and they announce to the world CHARITY CHARITY CHARITY...for face time.

all these characteristics relate to each other. everybody knows it, deep inside...whether or not they admit it.

it can NEVER be forgotten, how these people, who are suddenly screaming CHARITY, made every effort to stop the charitable efforts of Michael, post WATW, while he was here. that past screams against this present. and it's loudness cannot be denied. no matter how much they would vocally deny it.

but there is one thing that tells on the phonies. and that thing is the MUSIC. good music accompanies the real deal. and bad music accompanies the phonies.

wasn't it MJ who always said..' i do what the music tells me to do'.?

you know what? i heard that MJ's voice is on this new version. and i and many others promised to check it out, because of that. you purposely left that part out.

but having a bad feeling, in the air, and having a good feeling, in the air, even before something happens, is something we are all familiar with. perhaps you are denying that, now. but a lot of others won't deny it.

like when Paul Anka tried to mix his band music with MJ's voice, after trying to steal the spotlight from him....and, when many 'remixers' tried to remix MJ's songs, so they could get some spotlight, on BOTDF. it all sucked...but MJ's voice rang out, beautifully, anyway.

the fact that MJ seems to be a lone soul, with all this beauty, surrounded by a lot of sharks, in the industry, is not our fault. we're just the messengers that are reporting it.

if it were a whole bunch of souls in the industry, like MJ, being treated like MJ, perhaps you wouldn't be berating us, because our story would be more acceptable to you. but...just because it's only one lone soul, in the industry, in this WATW situation, like MJ, doesn't make his soul's beauty, any less resonant. it is what it is.

back then, 25 years ago, those artists' in the original, were like MJ, and were doing something for the first time. and it was a joyous occasion. and they were all doing it for good.

this time around, there may be some singers in there, that mean well, but the media, and the leadership, involved, have done things, that are bad spirited. and it permeates the whole atmosphere. it is what it is.
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You know why I feel this way???

First of all, it bugs that when MJ was alive and he wanted to make a song for the Katrina one wanted to be all of a sudden that he's gone they wanna ruin his baby??

2. Mike's name wasnt really mentioned until mama jackson request the split screen with Janet...hmmm

3. What's with the hip hop beat???

4. If they cared, they would not make a joke of this song by having J.Beiber and Lil Wayne singing in it.

5. The amount of hypocrites Lil Wayne and Eminem
the same men who make homophobic and derogatory remarks..please tell me how to take them seriously??

This is all my opinion

I agree..
What's up with the beat in the new one? F'ed up, really. This isn't some club banging song. Miley and that Jonas brother guy?

can't believe it but at the same time, they will boost the sales. Teens thinkning "OHMG MILEY HGSIKHMSIKOHMOMIOKHM".


Have I just heard this right in the video, Lil Wayne is takin part in that song, too?
This ISNT about helping Earthquake victims thats just an added bonus

Its to make all of these stupid celebs look good. None of them probally give a damn about Haiti. Michael genuienly cared and if he were alive he probally would of written a new song for the cause because he cares not to "look good" like everyone else
you're being hypocritcal. you know it doesn't take listening to an entire song, to get the gist of it, but you're denying that, on purpose. how many snippets of new MJ songs have we heard, and got full judgement threads on? countless ones, and you know it. you are choosing your battles, the way you are accusing others of doing.

this is a pointless argument, because everybody on this site, most likely, already gave proceeds to Haiti.

if Michael Jackson had a pattern of greed, and of bogarting credit away from other songwriters, and, of not being charitable, i have a feeling you would be the first to point that out.

a zebra cannot change his stripes. we are pointing out a pattern of Quincy Jones, and the media. a pattern of bogarting..a pattern of greed. a pattern of malice. a pattern that helped drive MJ to his grave.

to suddenly see these people as genuinely charitable, simply does NOT pass the smell test.

just as suddenly seeing Michael, as suddenly greedy does NOT pass the smell test.

anybody can scream CHARITY.

but your patterns speak MUCH louder.

a good tree can't put forth bad fruit. and a bad tree can't put forth good fruit.

if i went down the street responding to everybody, that screamed CHARITY, in my face..and i gave to them. i would probably have enabled the weed habits of everybody in my adjacent neighborhoods, by now.

i've learned some valuable lessons in life. and i think a few other people on this site, have learned them, as well.

i wish you could understand that.

this is why subtle things, like not making announcements about your life's charity work, are important. it's part of being that good tree that bears good fruit. if you do it that way, most likely, it's because you don't have to convince yourself that you are charitable, because you are. and most likely, you'll get accused of not being charitable, because you don't blow your own horn. therefore people try to slander you, and bring you down. but, on the other side of the coin, if you have a habit of making broad announcements to the world, about being charitable, most likely, you are not, but you're trying to get face time, and you're too worried about what the next person thinks about you.

obviously, MJ wasn't worried about that stuff, because he was the victim of so much slander, and was accused of not being charitable, and was sued a lot. yet, MJ hardly sued anyone. these are the characteristics of someone who doesn't care about money. that is a charitable character, that cannot be denied, no matter the shouts of his enemies. but those that slandered him, are the kind to sue many times, in a heartbeat. they care too much about money..and they announce to the world CHARITY CHARITY CHARITY...for face time.

all these characteristics relate to each other. everybody knows it, deep inside...whether or not they admit it.

it can NEVER be forgotten, how these people, who are suddenly screaming CHARITY, made every effort to stop the charitable efforts of Michael, post WATW, while he was here. that past screams against this present. and it's loudness cannot be denied. no matter how much they would vocally deny it.

but there is one thing that tells on the phonies. and that thing is the MUSIC. good music accompanies the real deal. and bad music accompanies the phonies.

wasn't it MJ who always said..' i do what the music tells me to do'.?

you know what? i heard that MJ's voice is on this new version. and i and many others promised to check it out, because of that. you purposely left that part out.

but having a bad feeling, in the air, and having a good feeling, in the air, even before something happens, is something we are all familiar with. perhaps you are denying that, now. but a lot of others won't deny it.

like when Paul Anka tried to mix his band music with MJ's voice, after trying to steal the spotlight from him....and, when many 'remixers' tried to remix MJ's songs, so they could get some spotlight, on BOTDF. it all sucked...but MJ's voice rang out, beautifully, anyway.

the fact that MJ seems to be a lone soul, with all this beauty, surrounded by a lot of sharks, in the industry, is not our fault. we're just the messengers that are reporting it.

if it were a whole bunch of souls in the industry, like MJ, being treated like MJ, perhaps you wouldn't be berating us, because our story would be more acceptable to you. but...just because it's only one lone soul, in the industry, in this WATW situation, like MJ, doesn't make his soul's beauty, any less resonant. it is what it is.

back then, 25 years ago, those artists' in the original, were like MJ, and were doing something for the first time. and it was a joyous occasion. and they were all doing it for good.

this time around, there may be some singers in there, that mean well, but the media, and the leadership, involved, have done things, that are bad spirited. and it permeates the whole atmosphere. it is what it is.

First of all, are you like subscribed to my posts or something? Or do you actually look out for them?

You have wrote too much for me to reply to tbh....haha

In general. Who cares about the reasoning behind it? You cant change the fact that its going towards a good cause. They wouldnt be discreet about it because it needs as much exposure as possible so more people buy it and therefore more money is put towards Haiti! WHy would they be quiet about it? So they seem more charitable because they arent doing it for the media attention they are doing it just to be charitable? Whats more important? There image, or helping people in Haiti???

This isnt about images and whose legitamately charitable and whose not. Its not about them ruining a song Michael wrote.

If it helps raise money for Haiti then who cares? I certainly dont. If they were covering the song just for the hell of it then I would understand.

This ISNT about helping Earthquake victims thats just an added bonus

Its to make all of these stupid celebs look good. None of them probally give a damn about Haiti. Michael genuienly cared and if he were alive he probally would of written a new song for the cause because he cares not to "look good" like everyone else

Says who? Who are you or anyone else here to judge there reasoning behind re-making this? Your talking about them as if they are one person as well. Why judge them as a whole? Im not saying there isnt one or two people in there who are doing it just for there image, but what about the people in there who do legitametely care. Its hardly fair on them if you judge them as a whole.

Im starting to get the impression that most MJ fans just do not like other celebs in general. Im actually starting to think that way.

One rule applies to Michael, and judging Michael. But those rules dont apply to any other celebrities.

'Why do people judge him, they dont even know him!' How about setting a good example to them by applying that rule to other celebrities as well..........

You know, there are people who have a stereotypical view of MJ fans and there are a lot of people here that arent really helping that image...
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Is anybody really that bothered about who's on it?

For all I care they could swing a bag of cats against the wall and put it on a CD as long as the money goes to charity. If you don't buy it because you've already donated then fair enough but please don't let yourself be put off just because Justin Bieber (sp?) and Miley Cyrus etc. are on it... just think of where the money's going.

I for one would really be upset if they banged some cats against the wall even if it was for charity.

(Runs and holds on to her four cats for dear life and rubs their head).

And I as well would like to see what percentage of the money actually goes to the victims and how things are really distributed. I am so tired of charity being done to serve those who already have and those who do not, never get it.

However, if it does all go to it's intended location, I see nothing wrong with giving a few dollars here to help. Many would give money away without anything in return. think of it like this but also receiving a bonus cd that you can eventually throw away if you like.
As soon as I heard there is gonna be a remake I knew they were gonna ruin it.
As soon as I heard there is gonna be a remake I knew they were gonna ruin it.

This has just proved my point. You all looked down on it as soon as it was announced!

Forget judging by the snippet we have already heard! You had all made up your mind that you didnt like it before it even got under way!

I used to think that being an MJ fan meant being open minded! Thats what MJ taught! Be open minded. When he taught that, he didnt mean it to only apply to himself! He meant it to apply to everyone, some of you seemed to have missed that!

Actually forget it. Im not bothering anymore, it never gets through to any of you.
Is anybody really that bothered about who's on it?

For all I care they could swing a bag of cats against the wall and put it on a CD as long as the money goes to charity. If you don't buy it because you've already donated then fair enough but please don't let yourself be put off just because Justin Bieber (sp?) and Miley Cyrus etc. are on it... just think of where the money's going.

If people start to buy CD with that sound because they want to give to charities I would think it´s the end of the world.I wouldn´t want to be a part of such world.
First of all, are you like subscribed to my posts or something? Or do you actually look out for them?

You have wrote too much for me to reply to tbh....haha

In general. Who cares about the reasoning behind it? You cant change the fact that its going towards a good cause. They wouldnt be discreet about it because it needs as much exposure as possible so more people buy it and therefore more money is put towards Haiti! WHy would they be quiet about it? So they seem more charitable because they arent doing it for the media attention they are doing it just to be charitable? Whats more important? There image, or helping people in Haiti???

This isnt about images and whose legitamately charitable and whose not. Its not about them ruining a song Michael wrote.

If it helps raise money for Haiti then who cares? I certainly dont. If they were covering the song just for the hell of it then I would understand.

Says who? Who are you or anyone else here to judge there reasoning behind re-making this? Your talking about them as if they are one person as well. Why judge them as a whole? Im not saying there isnt one or two people in there who are doing it just for there image, but what about the people in there who do legitametely care. Its hardly fair on them if you judge them as a whole.

Im starting to get the impression that most MJ fans just do not like other celebs in general. Im actually starting to think that way.

One rule applies to Michael, and judging Michael. But those rules dont apply to any other celebrities.

'Why do people judge him, they dont even know him!' How about setting a good example to them by applying that rule to other celebrities as well..........

You know, there are people who have a stereotypical view of MJ fans and there are a lot of people here that arent really helping that image...

Its not the other celebs I have a problem with its ruining one of the most legendary musical recordings in history. Why not just write a new song? Thats what bugs me is the music industry so pathetic that they have to remake a classic? There as bad as the movie industry
If people start to buy CD with that sound because they want to give to charities I would think it´s the end of the world.I wouldn´t want to be a part of such world.

I wasn't actually being serious about them swinging cats against a wall. I was referring to the sound it would make. :mello:

I thought 'cats against the wall' when referring to bad music was a common phrase. :mello:
First of all, are you like subscribed to my posts or something? Or do you actually look out for them?

You have wrote too much for me to reply to tbh....haha

In general. Who cares about the reasoning behind it? You cant change the fact that its going towards a good cause. They wouldnt be discreet about it because it needs as much exposure as possible so more people buy it and therefore more money is put towards Haiti! WHy would they be quiet about it? So they seem more charitable because they arent doing it for the media attention they are doing it just to be charitable? Whats more important? There image, or helping people in Haiti???

This isnt about images and whose legitamately charitable and whose not. Its not about them ruining a song Michael wrote.

If it helps raise money for Haiti then who cares? I certainly dont. If they were covering the song just for the hell of it then I would understand.

Says who? Who are you or anyone else here to judge there reasoning behind re-making this? Your talking about them as if they are one person as well. Why judge them as a whole? Im not saying there isnt one or two people in there who are doing it just for there image, but what about the people in there who do legitametely care. Its hardly fair on them if you judge them as a whole.

Im starting to get the impression that most MJ fans just do not like other celebs in general. Im actually starting to think that way.

One rule applies to Michael, and judging Michael. But those rules dont apply to any other celebrities.

'Why do people judge him, they dont even know him!' How about setting a good example to them by applying that rule to other celebrities as well..........

You know, there are people who have a stereotypical view of MJ fans and there are a lot of people here that arent really helping that image...

first of all..a lot of people are responding to your posts. not just me. so i'm not subscribed to anything. but what i noticed is you are subscribed to berating MJ fans. you come in threads like this, and do it all the time.

secondly, we do care about the intent of the charity. as i just mentioned(and yes, you refused to read it, because you didn't want to read the whole post) your character, and your habits, determine your true intentions, and your results. we are not making special rules for Michael. we are responding to Michael's longstanding proof of his genuine charitable ways. if his name was something other than Michael Jackson, and he did what he did, throughout his life, then we would apply the same report to him.

fourthly, we're not judging anybody. we're responding to habits that these people formed over the years, at MJ's expense. they told on themselves. we didn't judge them.

if someone slaps you in the face numerous times, are you going to back to them, for more? no. does that mean you judged them? no. it means you are avoiding hurt, for the umpteenth time. don't you get that??

fifthly, you are doing the judging. you are judging MJ fans, just because they are protective of MJ. and lastly, you are exhibiting the one thing that smacks against charity...worrying about what others think.

oh..and one more thing..

the first WATW, wasn't an announcement. no one saw that coming. it was a response to 'do they know it's christmas', which didn't chart, as well. so, doing this charity thing wasn't the 'in' thing, at the time. so there is where using 'star power', and making an announcement, are two different things. and, if we MJ fans, didn't dig up most of what MJ did, all his life, UNANNOUNCED, you wouldn't know about it. is the 'in' long as MJ doesn't have a say, in how it's put together. and it allows, apparently, for a lot of 'charity'.

you are somebody that this obviously cannot be explained to, because it's not like you can't understand the just refuse to see it, because you want an excuse to berate MJ fans.

again, i'll spell it out to you. we're not judging anyone here. we're reporting what happened, in the past, and are trying not to be burned. and for the umpteenth time, Haiti is being helped. tons of ways.

now, while you continue judging MJ fans, without fully reading their posts, we'll go on feeling how we feel about the song.

we parsed between artists. we have said that we like a lot of things..a lot of artists..a lot of singers..and, we mention, when other artists do good things. go look up the AHA thread. go roam through the rest of this section of the site, and see how many MJ fans shout out about the other artists that they LOVE. and you'll see how wrong you are. meanwhile, we'll count the minutes, and we'll wait for the next thread, of this nature, that comes up, so you can come into it, and continue your mission, to berate MJ fans.

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first of all..a lot of people are responding to your posts. not just me. so i'm not subscribed to anything. but what i noticed is you are subscribed to berating MJ fans. you come in threads like this, and do it all the time.

secondly, we do care about the intent of the charity. as i just mentioned(and yes, you refused to read it, because you didn't want to read the whole post) your character, and your habits, determine your true intentions, and your results. we are not making special rules for Michael. we are responding to Michael's longstanding proof of his genuine charitable ways. if his name was something other than Michael Jackson, and he did what he did, throughout his life, then we would apply the same report to him.

fourthly, we're not judging anybody. we're responding to habits that these people formed over the years, at MJ's expense. they told on themselves. we didn't judge them.

if someone slaps you in the face numerous times, are you going to back to them, for more? no. does that mean you judged them? no. it means you are avoiding hurt, for the umpteenth time. don't you get that??

fifthly, you are doing the judging. you are judging MJ fans, just because they are protective of MJ. and lastly, you are exhibiting the one thing that smacks against charity...worrying about what others think.

oh..and one more thing..

the first WATW, wasn't an announcement. no one saw that coming. it was a response to 'do they know it's christmas', which didn't chart, as well. so, doing this charity thing wasn't the 'in' thing, at the time. so there is where using 'star power', and making an announcement, are two different things. and, if we MJ fans, didn't dig up most of what MJ did, all his life, UNANNOUNCED, you wouldn't know about it. is the 'in' thing.

you are somebody that this obviously cannot be explained to, because it's not like you can't understand the just refuse to see it, because you want an excuse to berate MJ fans.

again, i'll spell it out to you. we're not judging anyone here. we're reporting what happened, in the past, and are trying not to be burned. and for the umpteenth time, Haiti is being helped. tons of ways.

now, while you continue judging MJ fans, without fully reading their posts, we'll go on feeling how we feel about the song.

we parsed between artists. we have said that we like a lot of things..a lot of artists..a lot of singers..and, we mention, when other artists do good things. go look up the AHA thread. go roam through the rest of this section of the site, and see how many MJ fans shout out about the other artists that they LOVE. and you'll see how wrong you are.
VNCWilliam, please stop making that much sense!!! lol
I enjoy reading the majority of your posts as you always make sense one way or the other, keep up the good work! I agree thoroughly. :)
It's really funny that lots of people come in threads like this and say that some of these performers aren't real singers, but yet ignore threads that have "real" musicians and singers. Which means that whoever picked this group to remake this did the right thing as far as getting attention is concerned, lol.
First of all, are you like subscribed to my posts or something? Or do you actually look out for them?

You have wrote too much for me to reply to tbh....haha

In general. Who cares about the reasoning behind it? You cant change the fact that its going towards a good cause. They wouldnt be discreet about it because it needs as much exposure as possible so more people buy it and therefore more money is put towards Haiti! WHy would they be quiet about it? So they seem more charitable because they arent doing it for the media attention they are doing it just to be charitable? Whats more important? There image, or helping people in Haiti???

This isnt about images and whose legitamately charitable and whose not. Its not about them ruining a song Michael wrote.

If it helps raise money for Haiti then who cares? I certainly dont. If they were covering the song just for the hell of it then I would understand.

Says who? Who are you or anyone else here to judge there reasoning behind re-making this? Your talking about them as if they are one person as well. Why judge them as a whole? Im not saying there isnt one or two people in there who are doing it just for there image, but what about the people in there who do legitametely care. Its hardly fair on them if you judge them as a whole.

Im starting to get the impression that most MJ fans just do not like other celebs in general. Im actually starting to think that way.

One rule applies to Michael, and judging Michael. But those rules dont apply to any other celebrities.

'Why do people judge him, they dont even know him!' How about setting a good example to them by applying that rule to other celebrities as well..........

You know, there are people who have a stereotypical view of MJ fans and there are a lot of people here that arent really helping that image...

:clapping: I have to agree, I don't really agree with this doom and gloom thing here.
first of all..a lot of people are responding to your posts. not just me. so i'm not subscribed to anything. but what i noticed is you are subscribed to berating MJ fans. you come in threads like this, and do it all the time.

So you do follow my posts. :doh: I dont berate. I just come into threads like this and see unfair assesments being made and a lot of hypocrits. So I feel it is my job to let them know how hypocritical they are being. If I didnt feel people were being unfair or hypocritcial. There would be no reason for me to berate?:rolleyes2:

secondly, we do care about the intent of the charity. as i just mentioned(and yes, you refused to read it, because you didn't want to read the whole post) your character, and your habits, determine your true intentions, and your results. we are not making special rules for Michael. we are responding to Michael's longstanding proof of his genuine charitable ways. if his name was something other than Michael Jackson, and he did what he did, throughout his life, then we would apply the same report to him.

I skimmed over your post and I got the jist of it.

It doesnt seem like anyone cares about the intent of charity. This will raise quite a bit for charity. But it seems as though people would prefer We are the world to be left alone rather than make money for charity.

You didnt even consider that the fact We are the world is being re-recorded draws a lot of attention as well. Why write a new song when you can still use to popularity of the original song with a modern twist to it to help raise money? Makes perfect sense to me.

Rather than, 'Oh everyones getting together to do a song to raise money for Haiti....' You will see 'Oh! They are re-recording We Are The World! But with a modern twist to it!'

fourthly, we're not judging anybody. we're responding to habits that these people formed over the years, at MJ's expense. they told on themselves. we didn't judge them.

if someone slaps you in the face numerous times, are you going to back to them, for more? no. does that mean you judged them? no. it means you are avoiding hurt, for the umpteenth time. don't you get that??


Who are you talking about? There are tons of people working on this song. Many of them who never had anything to do with MJ.

fifthly, you are doing the judging. you are judging MJ fans, just because they are protective of MJ. and lastly, you are exhibiting the one thing that smacks against charity...worrying about what others think.

I havent judged anyone in here. Ive disagreed with there logic on this particular subject. I havent judged them based on that though. Im just saying that there are some here who arent really helping the stereotypical view of Mj fans.

oh..and one more thing..

the first WATW, wasn't an announcement. no one saw that coming. it was a response to 'do they know it's christmas', which didn't chart, as well. so, doing this charity thing wasn't the 'in' thing, at the time. so there is where using 'star power', and making an announcement, are two different things. and, if we MJ fans, didn't dig up most of what MJ did, all his life, UNANNOUNCED, you wouldn't know about it.

We dont know what people working on We Are The World now do secretly either. For all you know they could do charity work all the time which isnt heard of. In fact, im pretty sure a lot of them do. is the 'in' thing.

you are somebody that this obviously cannot be explained to, because it's not like you can't understand the just refuse to see it, because you want an excuse to berate MJ fans.

again, i'll spell it out to you. we're not judging anyone here. we're reporting what happened, in the past, and are trying not to be burned. and for the umpteenth time, Haiti is being helped. tons of ways.

Awww man. I dont berate MJ fans!. Its only threads like this which I end up in an arguement in, because generally there is a lot of fans in here being unfair and hypocritical. So I am simply letting them know that.

If you are going to argue with me, argue with me based on the topic at hand. Dont throw accusations at me like I look for excuses to berate MJ fans. We have argued before and you got all hot and bothered and doubted my loyalty as a fan.

now, while you continue judging MJ fans, without fully reading their posts, we'll go on feeling how we feel about the song.

Luckily most of the fans seem to be able to get their point across in one paragraph.

we parsed between artists. we have said that we like a lot of things..a lot of artists..a lot of singers..and, we mention, when other artists do good things. go look up the AHA thread. go roam through the rest of this section of the site, and see how many MJ fans shout out about the other artists that they LOVE. and you'll see how wrong you are. meanwhile, we'll count the minutes, and we'll wait for the next thread, of this nature, that comes up, so you can come into it, and continue your mission, to berate MJ fans.


Dont get all cocky and arrogant now, you have no reason to be :doh:

You do realise that I came into this thread and just stated my opinion. All I said was that the song will sell more with artists like Miley Cyrus and Justin Bieber in it.

You replied to my post and quite arrogantly asked if I had a crystal ball. So, you picked the arguement with me if anything...........:smilerolleyes:

Im sorry if it comes across to you as me berating fans. But im really not, if I see something I dont agree with. Im going to let people know.

Kind of like how you dont agree with my posts and type out an essay letting me know it.

What you dont like, is that I dont follow the popular opinion in threads. You dont like to see that someone stands out in the thread with a different opinion to everyone else.

Ill have you know that there are many many fans here that agree with me on everything I say about fans here being hypocritcial and unfair to other artists. Ive personally spoke with these people and they feel the same way as I do. So im not alone either.
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When I first heard about the project, I thought it wasn't too bad. Until I saw who was on the list. I don't mind Miley Cyrus or Justin Bieber (whoever he is, I have never heard of him), let's give the young ones a chance. In fact there were only 2 names on that list that bothered me: Jamie Foxx and Lil Wayne. (Don't think I saw Eminem's name there) Those two singing on Michael's song, especially the latter, just sounded wrong, charity or not.

For some reason I assumed they'd keep Michael's vocals in it. That's why I was surprised when I saw Quincy in an interview stating that Janet would sing MJ's part. Now we know it's going to be a duet. :)

I don't doubt that some of the celebrities really put their heart into this, but I have my doubts about others. I don't want egomaniacs like Quincy to put me on a guilt trip with statements like "it's for charity". I have donated money to Haiti and I will only purchase this new song if I really like it.

So yes, it does matter who sings and what they sing. I haven't bought every other single some artists released just because it was for charity. Remember the remake of "do they know it's Christmas 2004", it was awful (no offence towards the artists) and I didn't buy it. I won't buy crap, even if it is for charity.

Like I mentioned before, I will give the single a chance. I am sure it will be a big success, regardless of my opinion. If I like it, I'll buy it. If not, then... oh well, I will just download the original again :D
Talking of which, does money for the original still go to charity?
When I first heard about the project, I thought it wasn't too bad. Until I saw who was on the list. I don't mind Miley Cyrus or Justin Bieber (whoever he is, I have never heard of him), let's give the young ones a chance. In fact there were only 2 names on that list that bothered me: Jamie Foxx and Lil Wayne.

THIS I agree with. How dare they include Lil Wayne on this after what he said about Michael! Unless they arent aware of what he said. Or unless he didnt actually say it at all.
When I first heard about the project, I thought it wasn't too bad. Until I saw who was on the list. I don't mind Miley Cyrus or Justin Bieber (whoever he is, I have never heard of him), let's give the young ones a chance. In fact there were only 2 names on that list that bothered me: Jamie Foxx and Lil Wayne. (Don't think I saw Eminem's name there) Those two singing on Michael's song, especially the latter, just sounded wrong, charity or not.

For some reason I assumed they'd keep Michael's vocals in it. That's why I was surprised when I saw Quincy in an interview stating that Janet would sing MJ's part. Now we know it's going to be a duet. :)

I don't doubt that some of the celebrities really put their heart into this, but I have my doubts about others. I don't want egomaniacs like Quincy to put me on a guilt trip with statements like "it's for charity". I have donated money to Haiti and I will only purchase this new song if I really like it.

So yes, it does matter who sings and what they sing. I haven't bought every other single some artists released just because it was for charity. Remember the remake of "do they know it's Christmas 2004", it was awful (no offence towards the artists) and I didn't buy it. I won't buy crap, even if it is for charity.

Like I mentioned before, I will give the single a chance. I am sure it will be a big success, regardless of my opinion. If I like it, I'll buy it. If not, then... oh well, I will just download the original again :D
Talking of which, does money for the original still go to charity?

yes..the original WATW still helps those hungry, in Africa. and it's available on itunes.
This ISNT about helping Earthquake victims thats just an added bonus

Its to make all of these stupid celebs look good. None of them probally give a damn about Haiti. Michael genuienly cared and if he were alive he probally would of written a new song for the cause because he cares not to "look good" like everyone else

I agree completely. Those were my first thoughts on this but I was afraid to say anything.
Honestly, do you really think that someone like Lil Wayne cares about the Haiti victims? I mean, isn't he going to jail sometime soon? I'm ashamed to see him on a song like this.

haha, ok this is my last post on this