They ruined we are the world!!!

So, some do really believe that being the sister of Michael Jackson, the biggest star and brightest talent doesn't help? I'm not saying he wrote her songs or choreographed her videos. However, being a Jackson did certainly help. Don't say being a Jackson helped Michael too. He made the Jacksons.
So, some do really believe that being the sister of Michael Jackson, the biggest star and brightest talent doesn't help? I'm not saying he wrote her songs or choreographed her videos. However, being a Jackson did certainly help. Don't say being a Jackson helped Michael too. He made the Jacksons.

Joe Jackson made The Jacksons. Whether you like him or not.

You are funny.

Fact is, Joe did make the Jacksons. If it wasn't for Joe, then the Jacksons wouldn't have been. Joe was the one who had the Mic's ready when they got home from school, Joe was the one who booked all the gigs, Joe was the one who got them together, Joe was the one who drove them to their gigs, Joe was the one who drove them to Motown and Joe was the one who worked to pay for the instruments. He even spent less time on his own music and band because he knew the Jacksons had something. For all we know, Joe's group could have been a great success but he dropped it all for his kids.

Michael may have been the groups main focus but Joe was the one leading them and pushing them to be great.

You are funny.


Its funny how you had to type that simply because you cannot explain to me why Joe didnt create The Jacksons.-_-

Joe did create The Jacksons. In more ways than one.

If it wasnt for Joes dream then I doubt The Jacksons would of got anywhere. Michael got that drive and determination to be the best, from Joe in my opinion.

You dont have to like the guy, but at least give him credit. Oh and AT LEAST reply properly.

Ive encountered so many immature people on here the past few days. If you dont like or agree with what im saying. At least write a proper reply. Yesterday I had someone simply telling me they thought I was annoying just because they didnt like what I was saying, she even said she was on the phone to another member of this forum who said I needed to grow the **** up. Can you believe that? The hypocricy in the things they were saying almost blew me away. Me and vncwilliam argue a lot and dont agree on much, but AT LEAST he constrcuts a proper reply and handles himself well. Whether I agree with what he says or not.
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Its funny how you had to type that simply because you cannot explain to me why Joe didnt create The Jacksons.-_-

Joe did create The Jacksons. In more ways than one.

If it wasnt for Joes dream then I doubt The Jacksons would of got anywhere. Michael got that drive and determination to be the best, from Joe in my opinion.

You dont have to like the guy, but at least give him credit. Oh and AT LEAST reply properly.

Ive encountered so many immature people on here the past few days. If you dont like or agree with what im saying. At least write a proper reply. Yesterday I had someone simply telling me they thought I was annoying just because they didnt like what I was saying, she even said she was on the phone to another member of this forum who said I needed to grow the **** up. Can you believe that? The hypocricy in the things they were saying almost blew me away. Me and vncwilliam argue a lot and dont agree on much, but AT LEAST he constrcuts a proper reply and handles himself well. Whether I agree with what he says or not.

i appreciate what you said, there, dude.

that took a lot..i know, because i didn't initiate the positive personal comment between me and you, but you did.

i think this has been a spirited argument/debate/explosion, and a host of other things, in this thread..going on and off topic...or..perhaps...subtopics of the main topic..or..whatever it was...*i really want to leave this thread, because i'm tired of all the explosiveness in it*

i'll just hope not to come back to this topic, because i believe i said i wouldn't before...but...i want to leave this time, with this question..

why is it, that it's ok to say that everybody and their mother helped Michael get to the top, but it seems also ok to say that(for those that do) MJ had a 'downfall', and he, alone, is responsible for that?[never mind the 50 sold out o2 shows]
i'm just saying that people tend to attribute success of one, to many, and falls or flaws of a person, only to that person.(not saying whether you did that or not, or whoever did that)
i appreciate what you said, there, dude.

that took a lot..i know, because i didn't initiate the positive personal comment between me and you, but you did.

We can argue all the time and while I might not agree with what you say, I wouldnt say it annoys me as you at least handle yourself well and do well to convey your point.

What does annoy me is when people disagree with me, but instead of trying to prove there point against mine. They prefer to just try and make it seem as if my opinion doesnt count and try to put it down. Like above, instead of arguing there point against mine, that poster chose to try and demean what I said.

Oh and of course you saw how some people were acting in that thread that got closed last night. Me and you had a heated debate/arguement. But at least we were making the effort to prove our point against each other. Thats just fine.

It was the people who came in calling me childish and saying I should grow the **** up which annoyed me. When they were the ones being childish. Thats one thing that really gets to me.

I can see why some people might take things I say the wrong way. It might actually seem like im against MJ sometimes when that is far from the truth. I love the guy to bits and he's my idol. Otherwise I wouldnt be here.
We can argue all the time and while I might not agree with what you say, I wouldnt say it annoys me as you at least handle yourself well and do well to convey your point.

What does annoy me is when people disagree with me, but instead of trying to prove there point against mine. They prefer to just try and make it seem as if my opinion doesnt count and try to put it down. Like above, instead of arguing there point against mine, that poster chose to try and demean what I said.

Oh and of course you saw how some people were acting in that thread that got closed last night. Me and you had a heated debate/arguement. But at least we were making the effort to prove our point against each other. Thats just fine.

It was the people who came in calling me childish and saying I should grow the **** up which annoyed me. When they were the ones being childish. Thats one thing that really gets to me.

I can see why some people might take things I say the wrong way. It might actually seem like im against MJ sometimes when that is far from the truth. I love the guy to bits and he's my idol. Otherwise I wouldnt be here.

:) what would be your answer to the last question i posed in my last paragraph, when i re edited that post?
:) what would be your answer to the last question i posed in my last paragraph, when i re edited that post?

Well the people who claim he had a downfall in the first place are the same people who are just negative in general. The same people who accuse him of having surgery all over his face etc etc. The ones who all him weird. Those people are just negative in general and will turn anything into a negative. If you ask them how MJ got to where he is they will likely attribute his fame to everyone but him. While I do think he had a little help on the way to Thriller, a lot of that had to do with him of course.

Then they will claim MJ had a massive downfall and that he was to blame for that. The reason for that is because they like to be as negative as possible.

As for us all here, we know better. We know that he had just broke the record for the fastest selling UK tour in history before his death. We know that he never really had a downfall. Even at the low points in his life he was still extremely popular.

In general I would say that its because people like to be as negative as possible.
Well the people who claim he had a downfall in the first place are the same people who are just negative in general. The same people who accuse him of having surgery all over his face etc etc. The ones who all him weird. Those people are just negative in general and will turn anything into a negative. If you ask them how MJ got to where he is they will likely attribute his fame to everyone but him. While I do think he had a little help on the way to Thriller, a lot of that had to do with him of course.

Then they will claim MJ had a massive downfall and that he was to blame for that. The reason for that is because they like to be as negative as possible.

As for us all here, we know better. We know that he had just broke the record for the fastest selling UK tour in history before his death. We know that he never really had a downfall. Even at the low points in his life he was still extremely popular.

In general I would say that its because people like to be as negative as possible.

yep. thanks.
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I didn't like it .. I was just like .. be creative and make your own song
I didn't want to hear it but they played it on the radio. It was bad, worse than I thought it would be. Then the people at the radio station sang it and they sounded better. I will stick to the original and hope they raised some money off of it.
They just invited brand new singers under the excuse they're successful. This WATW doesn't have the same credibility like the original one eventhough the causes to support are different.
If they wanted to realease A Michael song, why not WMCIG or From The Bottom of My Heart? WATW Original is just perfect, it didn't need a re-make :angry:
They just invited brand new singers under the excuse they're successful. This WATW doesn't have the same credibility like the original one eventhough the causes to support are different.
If they wanted to realease A Michael song, why not WMCIG or From The Bottom of My Heart? WATW Original is just perfect, it didn't need a re-make :angry:

Well your missing the entire point. Its was to help the victims of Haiti.

A remake of We are the world would of garnered more attention than the release of an relatively unheard song.

Its not about whether it needed a remake or not...........
Well your missing the entire point. Its was to help the victims of Haiti.

A remake of We are the world would of garnered more attention than the release of an relatively unheard song.

Its not about whether it needed a remake or not...........

you really can't be that sure that a new song couldn't make the same or better waves than a remake.

if Michael thought that way, he'd never write another new song.

people are always begging for his new stuff, no matter what they say about it..whether or not they say it's unfinished, or imperfect, or perfect. so..the end of the story, makes the critical fear, irrelevant.
you really can't be that sure that a new song couldn't make the same or better waves than a remake.

if Michael thought that way, he'd never write another new song.

people are always begging for his new stuff, no matter what they say about it..whether or not they say it's unfinished, or imperfect, or perfect. so..the end of the story, makes the critical fear, irrelevant.

Thats Michael Jackson though.

Many people I know were only aware of the charity song because it was a remake of We are the world.
Thats Michael Jackson though.

Many people I know were only aware of the charity song because it was a remake of We are the world.

exactly. perhaps he was the only one..but then, he was also, the most successful. if there were other names that would have the courage to do the same thing, then i would refer to those names, too, because chances are, they'd also be that successful. of course, you bring to light, that people tend to be afraid of change. but many of our inventions came as a result of change. there's no such thing as an invention that is a remake. and there's no glory in fearing failure.

well..the name 'Michael Jackson' is a brand. that name alone, has as much or more power than a remake. the media has proven that he could rewrite the telephone book, and the world would pay attention. and the media doesn't even like him.