They ruined we are the world!!!

no, you take credit from MJ. even you admit she blew up after Thriller. many people appeared on those award shows.

back to the topic at hand.
the casual fan knows 'we are the world'. does the casual fan know about those videos you are digging up? doubt it. who is the first person people think about, when 'Different Strokes' is mentioned?(if casual fans think of that sitcom, at all, these days) is it it Gary Coleman?

i'm sure you'll give the wrong answer.

i don't have to dream. you're on this site. i'm not on a Janet site.

Janet blew up with Control. It has nothing to do with MJ's Thriller. "Many people" didn't have their past footage shown at an award show just to show how much she has grown up AND a standing ovation just for presenting an award + she was 16 years old.

LOL @ you comparing a charity single with 1982 AMA footage. Have a seat :mello: The charity single wasn't even about MJ. The 1982 AMA footage is about Janet and all she's doing is presenting an award.

Gary Coleman - Whatchu talkin bout Willis?

Janet came on the show 2 years into the show.


She's the 2nd person that comes to mind. Hell, BET showed back to back episodes of Different Stokes and on the bottom of the screen was "Famous singer/actress Janet Jackson stared on Different Strokes"


Nah. Y'all give him way too much credit.

She was a teen idol whether you like it or not. Janet was on Different Strokes and Fame which were very popular in the 80's, especially Fame. She was also a frequent face on magazines and other shows in the 80's. It's funny that you're trying to bunch her up with other actresses. People tuned in to see her. Trust that they wouldn't do this .....


If she wasn't a teen idol nor VIP. Did Latoya receive this much attention? What about Jermaine? Marlon? Jackie? Tito? Nope.

Yes, she blew up after Thriller, point? If she recorded Control before Thriller then we would be saying otherwise. I guess you're trying to say MJ is the reason she even blew up. Dream on :)

Of course Janet has talent, but her being the sister of the Thriller helped her in ways she wouldn't even dream of at the beginning of her career. He was her idol and inspiration and was indeed the most talented and creative of the two. Michael in his worst days had star power that is way way out of Janet's reach and he still does. Being the sister of the legendary Michael Jackson helps. It is true MJ had it tough with all the allegations, but he made the Jackson family royalty. Without Michael, I don't think Janet could have become the dancer she is or the singer she is. Who do you think she learned from? She had MICHAEL JACKSON as her brother right there in the same house. Who knows what would she have become if it weren't for him and she most certainly wouldn't be as successful if she wasn't his sister.
i expected your reaction, and i always will. but Janet was an actress in a comedy. then the 80's took over. and MJ made video history, and everybody danced in line...including MJ's sister, Janet.

if Michael was in the comedy show, and Janet had been the leader in the 80's, breaking that mtv barrier, and everybody danced in line, and MJ followed in her footsteps, i'm sure you would agree then, if i gave Janet the props i'm giving Michael, now. never mind that Janet, herself, said that she didn't want to ride Michael's coat tails, so she waited before she did a video with him (Scream)

and that is the gist of what we MJ fans have to deal with.

You didn't expect my reaction, because A) I hadn't even posted in this thread until I read your foolishness and B) You didn't know I was going to respond to your post and C) you fail hun. :blush: LOL @ you saying if there was no Michael no one would know the Jacksons. Ummm, last time I checked the world knew THE JACKSONS before they knew who Michael was.

Of course Janet has talent, but her being the sister of the Thriller helped her in ways she wouldn't even dream of at the beginning of her career. He was her idol and inspiration and was indeed the most talented and creative of the two. Michael in his worst days had star power that is way way out of Janet's reach and he still does. Being the sister of the legendary Michael Jackson helps. It is true MJ had it tough with all the allegations, but he made the Jackson family royalty. Without Michael, I don't think Janet could have become the dancer she is or the singer she is. Who do you think she learned from? She had MICHAEL JACKSON as her brother right there in the same house. Who knows what would she have become if it weren't for him and she most certainly wouldn't be as successful if she wasn't his sister.

1. If Thriller helped Janet, why did those first two albums sell millions?
2. MJ in his worst days are nothing to brag about. That "star power" was nothing positive during those "worst days".
3. The Jacksons were already royalty with the success of J5.
4. Janet didn't learn to dance from Mike. Remember, they were always on the road while Janet, Toy, and Mom stayed home. And it's not like Janet was sitting around watching Mike 78 - 84/85. She was working.
5. Janet wouldn't be famous if it weren't for Joe. Let us not forget that it was Joe who persuaded her to do music, not Michael.

So like Trueiopian said, let's not give too much credit where it's not due.
I am so confused! This is a Michael Jackson fan site isn't it? Maybe some people are blindly loyal to Michael but isn't that ok here? We loved him very much and emotions are still a little raw over his loss. I guess we are going to have to agree to disagree because without Michael I don't think alot of people would even know who the Jacksons are. I will now duck and run for cover because my heart only belongs to Michael and I guess that isn't allowed here.It just feels like he is getting bashed on his own board!!
I am so confused! This is a Michael Jackson fan site isn't it? Maybe some people are blindly loyal to Michael but isn't that ok here? We loved him very much and emotions are still a little raw over his loss. I guess we are going to have to agree to disagree because without Michael I don't think alot of people would even know who the Jacksons are. I will now duck and run for cover because my heart only belongs to Michael and I guess that isn't allowed here.It just feels like he is getting bashed on his own board!!

don't worry. just another day at the office. we're used to it. it has something to do with him being the biggest star.. and envy. and them being on this board where he is the centerpiece, wayy often, says it all.
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Nah. Y'all give him way too much credit.

She was a teen idol whether you like it or not. Janet was on Different Strokes and Fame which were very popular in the 80's, especially Fame. She was also a frequent face on magazines and other shows in the 80's. It's funny that you're trying to bunch her up with other actresses. People tuned in to see her. Trust that they wouldn't do this .....


If she wasn't a teen idol nor VIP. Did Latoya receive this much attention? What about Jermaine? Marlon? Jackie? Tito? Nope.

Yes, she blew up after Thriller, point? If she recorded Control before Thriller then we would be saying otherwise. I guess you're trying to say MJ is the reason she even blew up. Dream on :)

Exactly! People forget that Janet not Michael was more relevant in 90s in the US also. In addition, lets remember that Janet and Michael's audience changed were different in the 90s. Michael became more Pop and Janet was more mainstream with R&B. R&B was a very dominant genre for blacks and on the radio in the 90s.
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don't worry. just another day at the office. we're used to it. it has something to do with him being the biggest star.. and envy.
Please dont tell me your trying to make out we are saying these things because we are jealous of him now.....

I am so confused! This is a Michael Jackson fan site isn't it? Maybe some people are blindly loyal to Michael but isn't that ok here? We loved him very much and emotions are still a little raw over his loss. I guess we are going to have to agree to disagree because without Michael I don't think alot of people would even know who the Jacksons are. I will now duck and run for cover because my heart only belongs to Michael and I guess that isn't allowed here.It just feels like he is getting bashed on his own board!!

To bash someone you have to say bad things about them. Nobody has said anything bad about him, nor would I dream of doing so.

Being blindly loyal becomes an annoyance for some of us here when other artists or people are put down because of it.

By all means love Michael, love him more than anybody else. We all do and thats why we are here. But dont put down these people just because you are overprotective of Michael. Come on. Some of you are giving Michael all the credit for other peoples work!

We all love Michael here obviously. Its just that some of us are more impartial than others. Doesnt mean we love Michael any less. Just means we have remembered to be fair and unbiased. I honestly think some of you get a little caught up in your love for MJ sometimes. So much so that you cant see anybody elses point of view.
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Please dont tell me your trying to make out we are saying these things because we are jealous of him now.....

To bash someone you have to say bad things about them. Nobody has said anything bad about him, nor would I dream of doing so.

Being blindly loyal becomes an annoyance for some of us here when other artists or people are put down because of it.

By all means love Michael, love him more than anybody else. We all do and thats why we are here. But dont put down these people just because you are overprotective of Michael. Come on. Some of you are giving Michael all the credit for other peoples work!

your last sentence is a really big lie. with all that he has done, we don't have to. we'll continue to be as we are. no matter what. the day you change your opinions, is the day we'll change ours. like you are all here. and with that, and no need to get the last word, in these kinds of situations...i'm out.
your last sentence is a really big lie. with all that he has done, we don't have to. we'll continue to be as we are. no matter what. the day you change your opinions, is the day we'll change ours. like you are all here. and with that, and no need to get the last word, in these kinds of situations...i'm out.

I dont see why I would lie.....

That last sentence wasnt really directed at this thread. I was talking in general. A lot of the time people give MJ credit for other peoples work.

Oh yeah, and sure you would leave now that your outnumbered. Normally its you and an army of members against me in these types of thread. But when its the other way round you have to leave? :\
Please dont tell me your trying to make out we are saying these things because we are jealous of him now.....

To bash someone you have to say bad things about them. Nobody has said anything bad about him, nor would I dream of doing so.

Being blindly loyal becomes an annoyance for some of us here when other artists or people are put down because of it.

By all means love Michael, love him more than anybody else. We all do and thats why we are here. But dont put down these people just because you are overprotective of Michael. Come on. Some of you are giving Michael all the credit for other peoples work!

We all love Michael here obviously. Its just that some of us are more impartial than others. Doesnt mean we love Michael any less. Just means we have remembered to be fair and unbiased. I honestly think some of you get a little caught up in your love for MJ sometimes. So much so that you cant see anybody elses point of view.

:punk: :clapping: :punk: :clapping: :punk: :clapping: :punk: :clapping:
If Michael was here I don't think he would ever take credit for Janet's success. However I don't think it hurt Janet to have the Jackson 5 and especially Michael related to her. People knew her family. I am not saying that is why she had success but it can help. Michael and Janet took their foundation and grew from that.

As a Michael fan I don't think he should get the credit for other people's work but he did break down the barriers with his music and videos. He didn't just connect with a certain group of people he connected with everyone. It opened the door for others. That's only how I feel.
If Michael was here I don't think he would ever take credit for Janet's success. However I don't think it hurt Janet to have the Jackson 5 and especially Michael related to her. People knew her family. I am not saying that is why she had success but it can help. Michael and Janet took their foundation and grew from that.

As a Michael fan I don't think he should get the credit for other people's work but he did break down the barriers with his music and videos. He didn't just connect with a certain group of people he connected with everyone. It opened the door for others. That's only how I feel.

Exactly, but thats just giving credit where its due. Some give him credit were its not due. Like he needs anything else to be given credit for haha
Of course Janet has talent, but her being the sister of the Thriller helped her in ways she wouldn't even dream of at the beginning of her career. He was her idol and inspiration and was indeed the most talented and creative of the two. Michael in his worst days had star power that is way way out of Janet's reach and he still does. Being the sister of the legendary Michael Jackson helps. It is true MJ had it tough with all the allegations, but he made the Jackson family royalty. Without Michael, I don't think Janet could have become the dancer she is or the singer she is. Who do you think she learned from? She had MICHAEL JACKSON as her brother right there in the same house. Who knows what would she have become if it weren't for him and she most certainly wouldn't be as successful if she wasn't his sister.



If her being the sister of Off the Wall MJ didn't help her debut (released in 1982)
If her being the sister of Thriller MJ didn't help Dream Street (released in 1984), her biggest flop to date

Then what in the blue hell makes you think that it helped her Control album (1987) and on?

Janet didn't even have to dream about venturing on a career in entertainment. Her father, Joe planned it out for her. It was in her future either way.

Get real. You can't speak for Janet. Yes, MJ was one of her idols but so was all her brothers, especially Randy Jackson.

Janet got inspiration from MJ? of course, and she got inspiration from other artists or objects.
We all know MJ was inspired by Janet, as well.

Why do so many act like MJ didn't have idols nor inspirations? :mellow:
It doesn't make any sense.

The most talented and creative of the two? Please.

Star power DOESN'T equate to talent and quality. Understand that what I was discussing with vncwilliam had nothing to do with fame. It makes me cackle how EVERY MJ fan bring this up as if this is a good thing. Fame is what led to MJ's downfall. Janet had more star power in the 90's reason why MJ asked her to do a duet with him.

Being the sister of MJ didn't help Latoya reach card board certification nor did it help get the slightest bit of attention that she seeked in the 90's. It didn't help Rebbie. Did it help the brothers? Hell no.

The family is considered music royalty because each member (excluding Latoya) has talent and has a gold certification. Yes, every member of the Jackson clan (excluding Latoya) has a gold certification. Of course, MJ was the most recognizable but each and everyone (excluding Latoya) can either sing well, play instruments, compose, write, produce, dance and act (in Janet's case). What is this fascination of excluding the rest of the family? MJ wasn't the J5 all by himself. MJ didn't help jack in Janet's great talent and legacy.

Without MJ - Janet would still be the great singer and dancer that she is. Wow! You must be on cloud 9 or some shit. You're not making any sense right now. So just because they're related she MUST have learned everything from him. Please, come down to reality. If you followed both careers there's a huge difference in style of music and performance.

Again, with this if she wasn't MJ's sister she wouldn't be as successful :sigh:

LAWD!! This is ridiculous. There are 7 other siblings. F_cking 7! That didn't have a lasting career as Janet did. That doesn't have a strong following as Janet. Now you're trying to tell me out of all those people she wouldn't be no where without MJ? When there's 7 other Jacksons not doing shit. Is it because Janet made a name for herself? I think so. THIS is what I'm talking. So many fans get all deluded and start crediting MJ for things uncalled for. What's next? MJ's the reason why black people have civil rights?





If her being the sister of Off the Wall MJ didn't help her debut (released in 1982)
If her being the sister of Thriller MJ didn't help Dream Street (released in 1984), her biggest flop to date

Then what in the blue hell makes you think that it helped her Control album (1987) and on?

Janet didn't even have to dream about venturing on a career in entertainment. Her father, Joe planned it out for her. It was in her future either way.

Get real. You can't speak for Janet. Yes, MJ was one of her idols but so was all her brothers, especially Randy Jackson.

Janet got inspiration from MJ? of course, and she got inspiration from other artists or objects.
We all know MJ was inspired by Janet, as well.

Why do so many act like MJ didn't have idols nor inspirations? :mellow:
It doesn't make any sense.

The most talented and creative of the two? Please.

Star power DOESN'T equate to talent and quality. Understand that what I was discussing with vncwilliam had nothing to do with fame. It makes me cackle how EVERY MJ fan bring this up as if this is a good thing. Fame is what led to MJ's downfall. Janet had more star power in the 90's reason why MJ asked her to do a duet with him.

Being the sister of MJ didn't help Latoya reach card board certification nor did it help get the slightest bit of attention that she seeked in the 90's. It didn't help Rebbie. Did it help the brothers? Hell no.

The family is considered music royalty because each member (excluding Latoya) has talent and has a gold certification. Yes, every member of the Jackson clan (excluding Latoya) has a gold certification. Of course, MJ was the most recognizable but each and everyone (excluding Latoya) can either sing well, play instruments, compose, write, produce, dance and act (in Janet's case). What is this fascination of excluding the rest of the family? MJ wasn't the J5 all by himself. MJ didn't help jack in Janet's great talent and legacy.

Without MJ - Janet would still be the great singer and dancer that she is. Wow! You must be on cloud 9 or some shit. You're not making any sense right now. So just because they're related she MUST have learned everything from him. Please, come down to reality. If you followed both careers there's a huge difference in style of music and performance.

Again, with this if she wasn't MJ's sister she wouldn't be as successful :sigh:

LAWD!! This is ridiculous. There are 7 other siblings. F_cking 7! That didn't have a lasting career as Janet did. That doesn't have a strong following as Janet. Now you're trying to tell me out of all those people she wouldn't be no where without MJ? When there's 7 other Jacksons not doing shit. Is it because Janet made a name for herself? I think so. THIS is what I'm talking. So many fans get all deluded and start crediting MJ for things uncalled for. What's next? MJ's the reason why black people have civil rights?


check ur blood pressure sir.
You're taking it too literally :) I'm not saying don't compare them at all, I'm just saying don't compare this one to the original expecting that it'd be similar, it'll never hold up. How was it bad looking at artistry? I don't get that statement.

You're right with this!
You just can't compare these kind of songs to the originals because it's wrong and it just won't work! This is a remake, what would we need a remake for if it was to be just like the original, too!
To bash someone you have to say bad things about them. Nobody has said anything bad about him, nor would I dream of doing so.

Being blindly loyal becomes an annoyance for some of us here when other artists or people are put down because of it.

By all means love Michael, love him more than anybody else. We all do and thats why we are here. But dont put down these people just because you are overprotective of Michael. Come on. Some of you are giving Michael all the credit for other peoples work!

We all love Michael here obviously. Its just that some of us are more impartial than others. Doesnt mean we love Michael any less. Just means we have remembered to be fair and unbiased. I honestly think some of you get a little caught up in your love for MJ sometimes. So much so that you cant see anybody elses point of view.

A big THANK YOU of the biggest THANK YOUS ever!!!
Really awesome post! RESPECT!!!!!!!!!
You've taken the words outta my chest, thank you so damn much for makin this post, man!
You'll definitely get a rep from me for this!
A big THANK YOU of the biggest THANK YOUS ever!!!
Really awesome post! RESPECT!!!!!!!!!
You've taken the words outta my chest, thank you so damn much for makin this post, man!
You'll definitely get a rep from me for this!

I know right! Applause!
Please dont tell me your trying to make out we are saying these things because we are jealous of him now.....

To bash someone you have to say bad things about them. Nobody has said anything bad about him, nor would I dream of doing so.

Being blindly loyal becomes an annoyance for some of us here when other artists or people are put down because of it.

By all means love Michael, love him more than anybody else. We all do and thats why we are here. But dont put down these people just because you are overprotective of Michael. Come on. Some of you are giving Michael all the credit for other peoples work!

We all love Michael here obviously. Its just that some of us are more impartial than others. Doesn't mean we love Michael any less. Just means we have remembered to be fair and unbiased. I honestly think some of you get a little caught up in your love for MJ sometimes. So much so that you cant see anybody elses point of view.

I agree. Great post LTD.

I appreciate the "truth" and "opinions" expressed in this or any topic on MJJC, I really do. But sometimes a few of you here get a little too out of control with your tact while explaining your knowledge in this bit.

I love Michael Jackson a whole lot. I do not take any credit away from this man where I feel in a "realistic" sense he's made impacts. He was truly pure power.
But you (william) make it sound like he had no help at all. You know... in the real world, no matter how good you are, if you don't get the right help at the right time, by the right people, chances of you going anywhere are slim.
And Michael definitely had his share of help throughout his life.

And THAT, is being REAL.

To make yourself oblivious of some factors and couching it as being real, is not helping you. It's one thing to be real (which I'm now finding to be overrated) it's another to be a rude keyboard bully.

Seriously, relax. I read everything you said in this topic, And it really comes off like you're outcasting anyone who so much as feels different from your views and going as far as responding with so much arrogance and snark.
You even went ahead and called me "Freud".

Do you believe in Michael's message of L.O.V.E? Or is that just BS to you?

Just relax William. Take a chill pill. Go climb a mountain and scream and let that aggression out in a positive way. Sure enough, I get mad from time to time, myself. I'm human. But I won't come in here, this place I once held so near and dear to my heart (mostly because of all of you, not just because its Michael related) and trash it by being a beehind to everyone who doesn't agree with me. There's always youtube for that. lol.
I'm not attacking you, bud. :huggy:
Just really.. chill. That goes for everyone else who's jumping in MJJC wanting to blow off steam.
I mean, its ok to blow off steam but not at the expense of your fellow MJJC members. Get what I'm saying?

Negative energy in any form, does not help this forum any much, nor the people who come here feeling sad and deprived due to the loss.
Im willing to bet if more folks around here began focusing on good things, the brighter and happier the place will be.

But... that's just my opinion. If you don't agree with it, that's A-ok. :cheeky:
I agree. Great post LTD.

I appreciate the "truth" and "opinions" expressed in this or any topic on MJJC, I really do. But sometimes a few of you here get a little too out of control with your tact while explaining your knowledge in this bit.

I love Michael Jackson a whole lot. I do not take any credit away from this man where I feel in a "realistic" sense he's made impacts. He was truly pure power.
But you (william) make it sound like he had no help at all. You know... in the real world, no matter how good you are, if you don't get the right help at the right time, by the right people, chances of you going anywhere are slim.
And Michael definitely had his share of help throughout his life.

And THAT, is being REAL.

To make yourself oblivious of some factors and couching it as being real, is not helping you. It's one thing to be real (which I'm now finding to be overrated) it's another to be a rude keyboard bully.

Seriously, relax. I read everything you said in this topic, And it really comes off like you're outcasting anyone who so much as feels different from your views and going as far as responding with so much arrogance and snark.
You even went ahead and called me "Freud".

Do you believe in Michael's message of L.O.V.E? Or is that just BS to you?

Just relax William. Take a chill pill. Go climb a mountain and scream and let that aggression out in a positive way. Sure enough, I get mad from time to time, myself. I'm human. But I won't come in here, this place I once held so near and dear to my heart (mostly because of all of you, not just because its Michael related) and trash it by being a beehind to everyone who doesn't agree with me. There's always youtube for that. lol.
I'm not attacking you, bud. :huggy:
Just really.. chill. That goes for everyone else who's jumping in MJJC wanting to blow off steam.
I mean, its ok to blow off steam but not at the expense of your fellow MJJC members. Get what I'm saying?

Negative energy in any form, does not help this forum any much, nor the people who come here feeling sad and deprived due to the loss.
Im willing to bet if more folks around here began focusing on good things, the brighter and happier the place will be.

But... that's just my opinion. If you don't agree with it, that's A-ok. :cheeky:

that looked like an attack to me, that you just did. not L.O.V.E. it was your attack on a fellow member. so, whatever you were trying to do there, you just cancelled it out, and were no different from whatever your intentions were to stop.
that looked like an attack to me, that you just did. not L.O.V.E. it was your attack on a fellow member. so, whatever you were trying to do there, you just cancelled it out, and were no different from whatever your intentions were to stop.

Do you honestly not see what youre doing?
I've absolutely no record of attacking my fellow bros and sisters in this forum. And that includes you. Just because I singled you out, isn't an attack bud. It's just that...well its pretty obvious what you're expelling here. And its not positive energy.

From the looks of it, youre taking any opposition as an attack. Its not. When I typed my message, I said everything in a very calm and loving way.
The same way I talk to my brother and my brother talks to me when either of us crosses the line of respect.

You called me a name a couple of pages back. I never called you anything. In fact, looking back on my post, I never even pointed a finger at you when i asked why people are still ranting about this song when it clearly came across it generated mixed feelings (watw).

But you know what William.. I'm gonna leave you alone now. I didn't come here to go back and forth like this with anyone. I only hoped what i said made some sense and help you get out of that funk your in right now. Thats all. We all go through them. It doesn't make you a bad person. All I'm saying is, use more respect when countering an opinion if you don't want folks to come back and bark at you later.

-peace and love (real love) , friend. :huggy:
Do you honestly not see what youre doing?
I've absolutely no record of attacking my fellow bros and sisters in this forum. And that includes you. Just because I singled you out, isn't an attack bud. It's just that...well its pretty obvious what you're expelling here. And its not positive energy.

From the looks of it, youre taking any opposition as an attack. Its not. When I typed my message, I said everything in a very calm and loving way.
The same way I talk to my brother and my brother talks to me when either of us crosses the line of respect.

You called me a name a couple of pages back. I never called you anything. In fact, looking back on my post, I never even pointed a finger at you when i asked why people are still ranting about this song when it clearly came across it generated mixed feelings (watw).

But you know what William.. I'm gonna leave you alone now. I didn't come here to go back and forth like this with anyone. I only hoped what i said made some sense and help you get out of that funk your in right now. Thats all. We all go through them. It doesn't make you a bad person. All I'm saying is, use more respect when countering an opinion if you don't want folks to come back and bark at you later.

-peace and love (real love) , friend. :huggy:

people have spoken to me in a much less condescending way, than you just did, when trying to get a point across. please...that is not isn't.

let us agree to disagree...we will leave each other alone.

ginvid did it best, when that person said people believe what they and let live.

in one sentence, that person respected everyone.

after all...everyone thinks that their way is the right way.

if you're trying to sound like Michael Jackson, in 'teaching' me. you sound nothing like him, at all.
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people have spoken to me in a much less condescending way, than you just did, when trying to get a point across. please...that is not isn't.

let us agree to disagree...we will leave each other alone.

ginvid did it best, when that person said people believe what they and let live.

in one sentence, that person respected everyone.

after all...everyone thinks that their way is the right way

and that is why this going back and forth of posts between members here will never stop.
people have spoken to me in a much less condescending way, than you just did, when trying to get a point across. please...that is not isn't.

let us agree to disagree...we will leave each other alone.

ginvid did it best, when that person said people believe what they and let live.

in one sentence, that person respected everyone.

after all...everyone thinks that their way is the right way.

Alright, sure thing. :cheeky:
Forgive me if i did sounded condescending, I truly wasn't being so. :no:
But that's the thing about online messages. You can never tell the tone of one's words. (unless capslock is being used).
And like I said, I appreciated your opinions. You just didn't have to call me a name to get something accross. Just sayin...-_-
Alright, sure thing. :cheeky:
Forgive me if i did sounded condescending, I truly wasn't being so. :no:
But that's the thing about online messages. You can never tell the tone of one's words. (unless capslock is being used).
And like I said, I appreciated your opinions. You just didn't have to call me a name to get something accross. Just sayin...-_-

i didn't mean it as an tend to have a lot of moments when you 'teach'...but...i'm sorry for calling you Freud.
i didn't mean it as an tend to have a lot of moments when you 'teach'...but...i'm sorry for calling you Freud.

And you're right, I do tend to have that "Yoda" vibe in many of my posts. Really it's not meant to belittle. So I'm deeply sincerely sorry for that friend.