The offical wrestling thread..News, spoilers and results.

Before ECW began, Matt Sydal defeated Jamie Noble. I was shocked that Noble lost a dark match to an unknown (in WWE).

After ECW, Smackdown began with Vickie Guerrero and Edge announcing that Undertaker vs. Edge for the World Title would take place at One Night Stand in a TLC match.

Deuce, Domino & Maryse defeated Jesse, Festus & Cherry.

Backstage, Chavo Guerrero made up with Edge & Vickie. Vickie put Chavo in a match with the Undertaker, with La Familia at ringside.

MVP hosting a VIP Lounge with Teddy Long. MVP started intimidating Teddy, so Batista came out for the save, setting up a match later.

Fit Finlay defeated Chuck Palumbo.

Batista defeated MVP.

Vladimir Kozlov defeated Nunzio.

Matt Hardy & Kofi Kingston defeated Shelton Benjamin & Elijah Burke.

Undertaker defeated Chavo Guerrero. La Familia was thrown out by the referee early in the match, so Chavo was left alone.

After the Smackdown tapings, Undertaker & Kane beat up La Familia.
WWE Makes Major Changes to All Three Brands; Early DetailsWritten by Marc Middleton Got any news or results to send us? Please e-mail it to World Wrestling Entertainment will pull the plug on's Heat series and bring ECW on Sci Fi tapings to the Raw brand tapings this June, following a company tour of Australia, according to multiple sources.The plan is to have the ECW brand performers on the Raw tapings as a way to increase interest and ratings in the Tuesday night Sci Fi series, which would now be taped prior to the live Raw broadcast under the plan.One would assume ECW talents would also join Raw house shows as well, but that has not confirmed.The Smackdown tours would become stand-alone tapings and house shows for that brand alone.Heat, which originally ran on the USA Network, then MTV, has been in production since the late 1990s. It was moved to an Internet platform when WWE returned to the USA Network. Internationally, WWE has already informed TV affiliates that a WWE Classics series utiilizing old footage would be replacing Heat shortly.
WrestleMania 25 Update, The Rock, Benoit Tragedy AnniversaryWritten by Marc Middleton Got any news or results to send us? Please e-mail it to NBC's "Dateline" is considering running a story in late June on the pro wrestling industry revolving around the one-year anniversary of the Benoit murder case.- Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson is slated to present at the MTV Movie Awards on 6/1, partially to promote the Get Smart film. - WWE is looking for feedback from people who will attend WrestleMania 25. They are looking at what people who will travel to Mania want to do with their spare time while in town and how to coordinate events for Mania week. To answer the survey, visit this link. **************************************************************************Former WWE Employee Claims He'll Never Work for Company AgainWritten by Steve Carrier Got any news or results to send us? Please e-mail it to WNZ@wrestlenewz.comTNA referee Earl Hebner said he hopes to expand his role with the company. "`Right now it's just refereeing, but I think it's going to get around to doing other things," he told the Miami Herald. "I like training the young refs, make good refs, because there's not many of them around. When I went to TNA, I told them I didn't want to take anybody's job. I was there to help them. I want to help that company so much because they're growing good, and I just want Vince McMahon to know there's other promoters in this wrestling business besides himself.''Hebner also said he has no desire to return to WWE, but would be fine with it if his son Brian Hebner decided to go back. "I would never go back to WWE, but if that's what he wants. The reason I wouldn't go back to WWE is because I wouldn't be happy there. Even though it is more money than TNA pays me, TNA makes me happier. It's not a money factor for me now. It's being happy doing what you're doing and enjoying it.'' **************************************************************************World Wrestling Entertainment will pull the plug on's Heat series and bring ECW on Sci Fi tapings to the Raw brand tapings this June, following a company tour of Australia, according to multiple sources.The plan is to have the ECW brand performers on the Raw tapings as a way to increase interest and ratings in the Tuesday night Sci Fi series, which would now be taped prior to the live Raw broadcast under the plan.One would assume ECW talents would also join Raw house shows as well, but that has not confirmed.The Smackdown tours would become stand-alone tapings and house shows for that brand alone.Heat, which originally ran on the USA Network, then MTV, has been in production since the late 1990s. It was moved to an Internet platform when WWE returned to the USA Network. Internationally, WWE has already informed TV affiliates that a WWE Classics series utiilizing old footage would be replacing Heat shortly.
Chris Jericho = Glorified jobber

Losing to Batista for no freakin' reason after losing to HBK the night before, and promptly being squashed out of the angle. I bet he won't get a come uppance from this, but will just carry on as if his credibility hasn't been kicked in the balls for the billionth time.

And just when he was starting to look strong, too. Meh. I guess it wouldn't be WWE if Chris Jericho did not lose every important match he's ever in.

Oh, and Batista sucks.

Batista got the win to set up a match between Shawn and him, it was inevitable, it had to go this way with Shawn revealing his leg wasnt hurt. I dont think we've seen the last of Jericho with these two. I think he also might have been given the boot from the angle for now because now Hardy is back off his suspension, he will be heating up the feud they had going before Hardy went off.

Remember the Wrestling business is a work, it really doesnt matter who loses (Different if your hogan apparently LOL) its about building angles and doing more business.
Regal being suspended couldnt have come at a worse time. Too many guys arent realising what they have and are ruining it for themselves.

if I were WWE, despite Hardy being so over, I wouldnt put him to right where he was on coming back.
Batista got the win to set up a match between Shawn and him, it was inevitable, it had to go this way with Shawn revealing his leg wasnt hurt.

No it didn't. I fail to see how Batista couldn't have gotten the match with HBK without the match with Jericho. People get matches with people they're rivals with without some qualifying match all the time. I believe they call it a feud. It looked more like WWE thought nothing of protecting Y2J and used him as their habitual go-to guy for putting somebody over or setting something up. Not that Batista really needed a win over him or anything, neither for himself or for the angle.

Remember the Wrestling business is a work

Oh, okay. Thank you. You just shattered my entire world.

it really doesnt matter who loses.

It does when you're consistently a loser and the majority of the fans don't have the patience to keep somebody really popular unless they're promoted right. He'll always maintain a certain amount of popularity, but he'll also be slightly underneath guys like, say, Batista, even though he's infinitely more talented.

He could possibly continue with HBK and Batista, but it looks more like he's been promptly exerted from the angle after both guys exerted their superiority over him on back-to-back nights. The match with HBK was classic-worthy and really could have gone either way, but then, I just described 99.9% of Chris Jericho's big matches. At a certain point as a fan you stop caring how awesome the match was and start wondering why he's chronically the Jobber To the Stars. I can name a plethora of matches where a win would have done wonders for him, and did little or nothing for the guy who actually won. And worst of all, he usually doesn't even get some come uppance after taking the loss, but just carries on, credibility as a top guy deteriorating more and more every week.

Overall I find "losses don't matter" to be a weak company line. It doesn't matter towards how good of a performer you are, of course, but obviously it plays pretty crucial dividends to how you're perceived. Winning can even have some negative connotations if the people get tired of seeing it, IE John Cena.

Wouldn't be that surprised if Jeff Hardy beat him too, although it appears Hardy might be heading into a little program with Umaga. Dunno. A Kennedy/Jericho program also seems likely. It's up in the air. We'll see who he feuds with next after coming off the latest reassurance that he's a douche bag who can almost never beat a real main-eventer. Even though he beat Jeff Hardy twice in a row, and Jeff got to beat HBK and Triple H one-on-one.

*end rant*
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No it didn't. I fail to see how Batista couldn't have gotten the match with HBK without the match with Jericho. People get matches with people they're rivals with without some qualifying match all the time. I believe they call it a feud. It looked more like WWE thought nothing of protecting Y2J and used him as their habitual go-to guy for putting somebody over or setting something up. Not that Batista really needed a win over him or anything, neither for himself or for the angle.

both clearly wanted a rematch with him, unless they were setting up a triple threat, it was a way of deciding who got to face Michaels.

Oh, okay. Thank you. You just shattered my entire world.


It does when you're consistently a loser and the majority of the fans don't have the patience to keep somebody really popular unless they're promoted right. He'll always maintain a certain amount of popularity, but he'll also be slightly underneath guys like, say, Batista, even though he's infinitely more talented.

He could possibly continue with HBK and Batista, but it looks more like he's been promptly exerted from the angle after both guys exerted their superiority over him on back-to-back nights. The match with HBK was classic-worthy and really could have gone either way, but then, I just described 99.9% of Chris Jericho's big matches. At a certain point as a fan you stop caring how awesome the match was and start wondering why he's chronically the Jobber To the Stars. I can name a plethora of matches where a win would have done wonders for him, and did little or nothing for the guy who actually won. And worst of all, he usually doesn't even get some come uppance after taking the loss, but just carries on, credibility as a top guy deteriorating more and more every week.

Overall I find "losses don't matter" to be a weak company line. It doesn't matter towards how good of a performer you are, of course, but obviously it plays pretty crucial dividends to how you're perceived. Winning can even have some negative connotations if the people get tired of seeing it, IE John Cena.

Wouldn't be that surprised if Jeff Hardy beat him too, although it appears Hardy might be heading into a little program with Umaga. Dunno. A Kennedy/Jericho program also seems likely. It's up in the air. We'll see who he feuds with next after coming off the latest reassurance that he's a douche bag who can almost never beat a real main-eventer. Even though he beat Jeff Hardy twice in a row, and Jeff got to beat HBK and Triple H one-on-one.

*end rant*

Christ dude, you are a mark! :yes: lol Jericho is over, so he was used to put over Batista to elevate his feud with HBK, Jericho has been involved from the beginning as the special ref, this loss doesnt exclude him from anything, only opens more doors for him interfering.

Also have you considered they may be turning him heel? Kennedy is in the midst of going face, and that means they have way too many faces on Raw, and Jericho will not be pushed as their top face, or even their number 2 face. Either he is going heel or going to another show in my view.
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both clearly wanted a rematch with him, unless they were setting up a triple threat, it was a way of deciding who got to face Michaels.

I don't particularly need the idea explained to me. I think a 7 year old could have probably understood what was happening. But it wasn't necessary. Batista could have gotten his rematch with HBK without the qualifying match with Jericho. It accomplished nothing other than adding another loss the night after Judgment Day. It was pointless. Jericho only wanted a rematch because that's the way it was scripted. It's not like he literally wanted a rematch so badly that they had to put those two in the ring to duke it out. Don't you know that by now? Christ dude, you are a mark.

He could have just as easily not asked for a rematch, Batista/HBK could have been booked on the merit of their rivalry alone, and then we'd be in the same place we're at now, only Y2J would save a little face.

lol Jericho is over, so he was used to put over Batista to elevate his feud with HBK,

Jericho is always putting people over. For the good of the business and all that crap. Like when he lost to Shelton Benjamin four times in a row, then turned heel and lost to John Cena two nights in a row. That was special. Probably would've made more sense if Jericho picked up some real big wins prior to losing to Cena so that the victory meant more for Cena, but what do I know?

Overall I'm tired of the sentence "Jericho put over ______." Who's going to put him over?

Also have you considered they may be turning him heel? Kennedy is in the midst of going face, and that means they have way too many faces on Raw, and Jericho will not be pushed as their top face, or even their number 2 face. Either he is going heel or going to another show in my view.

And then when he makes the turn, he'll magically start winning more just like all the other times he was supposedly going to get pushed after making a turn.

But I'll believe it when I see it. History says he'll keep losing the big ones way the hell more often than not.
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LMAO! "im not a mark you're a mark", DEAR GOD!

Dude you are obviously a Jericho fan but like the essay you just wrote, these guys follow a script. But you marks dont see that, if Jericho had trouble losing all the time he wouldnt be doing this. The whole point is to go out there and put on a show...and he is doing that win lose or draw, he is over with the crowd, he is a great wrestler, and is the damn Intercontinental champion, and involved in a major storyline at the moment.

Re his heel turn, if you are the Jericho fan you appear to be, you would know Jericho has enjoyed alot more success as a heel and with the overwelming number of big faces on Raw, do you really think he will start winning as a face?
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11 year old reply noted. Thanks for playing.

You edited that to make it look like a quote. And even if it's how you originally intended it, the post still fails because it implies that you missed the irony. Also, you've failed to address any of my points without regurgitating WWE's storyline at me like I didn't already understand it.

I am the winner.
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11 year old reply noted. Thanks for playing.

You edited that to make it look like a quote. And even if it's how you originally intended it, the post still fails because it implies that you missed the irony. Also, you've failed to address any of my points without regurgitating WWE's storyline at me like I didn't already understand it.

I am the winner.

take your own advice and read between the lines

try refreshing before jumping the gun with your victory speech, and my "quote" was a condensed version of what you wrote, you may as well have said im rubber your glue LOL! you tried to use what I said to prove Im a mark after I called you one, learn what that means! i wasnt saying that as if those three were dying to get in the ring for a rematch, werent we talking about a STORYLINE! LOL! your too much!
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these guys follow a script.

Umm, no crap. Obviously I'm expressing my grievances with how it's been playing out. I believe Jericho could have been a much bigger star if he'd gotten a push akin to others, and that WWE has consistently dropped the ball with him, since he has the talent to be a top dog.

I won't bother further, since you seem to be a very pretentious and pompous person with that annoying usage of "you marks" even though the only thing you've done in your infinite wisdom of not being a mark is say "LOL IT'S ALL A SHOW THIS IS THE STORYLINE THAT WWE IS DOING..."

Yeah, I know. That doesn't make you an intellectual or something.
Umm, no crap. Obviously I'm expressing my grievances with how it's been playing out. I believe Jericho could have been a much bigger star if he'd gotten a push akin to others, and that WWE has consistently dropped the ball with him, since he has the talent to be a top dog.

I won't bother further, since you seem to be a very pretentious and pompous person with that annoying usage of "you marks" even though the only thing you've done in your infinite wisdom of not being a mark is say "LOL IT'S ALL A SHOW THIS IS THE STORYLINE THAT WWE IS DOING..."

Yeah, I know. That doesn't make you an intellectual or something.

Chip on your shoulder...much?

Dont worry Jericho might win a match on Raw :better: LOL!
Chip on your shoulder...much?

Dont worry Jericho might win a match on Raw :better: LOL!

I accept your admission that you have nothing of value to say in this exchange. I was expressing that I didn't like the way a storyline was being handled; nowhere did I say that I didn't understand what the storyline was or even that it was a storyline. Having beefs with WWE angles or results of matches doesn't make one a "mark" in the way you're implying. In fact, "marks" don't make their points the way I did. I thought you would have more to say on the subject other than reminding me that it's all a work, which is why I gave you in depth responses with my point of view, but apparently you didn't have that much to offer. Sorry for that misunderstanding.
I accept your admission that you have nothing of value to say in this exchange. I was expressing that I didn't like the way a storyline was being handled; nowhere did I say that I didn't understand what the storyline was or even that it was a storyline. Having beefs with WWE angles or results of matches doesn't make one a "mark" in the way you're implying. In fact, "marks" don't make their points the way I did. I thought you would have more to say on the subject other than reminding me that it's all a work, which is why I gave you in depth responses with my point of view, but apparently you didn't have that much to offer. Sorry for that misunderstanding.

I thought you werent going to bother further, JESUS Christ! this is fun LOL

try not being such a jerk with your responses and we could have had a discussion, you seem like a know it all so take your grievances to Vince and see if you get the indepth answer you are looking for, but even he would laugh in your face! LOL

I said to you that he was losing to build other angles and storylines, to possibly give him fuel for a heel turn or interference in the match, hence continuing his involvement in it. Were any of those good enough for you, NO because you have it all figured out.
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I thought you werent going to bother further

Not going to bother talking about the actual subject anymore. Not actually going to stop posting in this thread.

Also, your spelling and grammar is terrible. Just thought I'd throw that out there.

For future reference, "you are" is "you're," not "your."

You are welcome.
Exactly what Im getting at, he busted his ass to get in great shape to return and so far he has jobbed to Mayweather, and has matches against Khali and henry on Smackdown....WOW! what a return! you think HHH would be positioned for a return like that?

Well see, WWE is all a work. The reason Show lost to Mayweather is that they were doing a "David vs. Goliath" thing. Then in the match was Khali, they were doing a "Giant vs. Giant" thing. It was all part of the storyline.
Not going to bother talking about the actual subject anymore. Not actually going to stop posting in this thread.

Also, your spelling and grammar is terrible. Just thought I'd throw that out there.

For future reference, "you are" is "you're," not "your."

You are welcome.

Are stealing lines from Friends OH MY GOD! I was wondering when you would nitpick at spelling and grammar, when did this become about that? you are pathetic :smilerolleyes:

honestly I havent laughed so much in a while! :rofl:
Well see, WWE is all a work. The reason Show lost to Mayweather is that they were doing a "David vs. Goliath" thing. Then in the match was Khali, they were doing a "Giant vs. Giant" thing. It was all part of the storyline.

Yea I know, DUH a 7 year old would understand that, REMEMBER!

you clearly didnt understand I was talking about match quality, you can check my spelling and grammar now then leave quietly please.
Oh, believe me, I know you're laughing. That became clear the way you add "LOL" at the end of your own comments all the time, in lieu of someone else laughing at them.

And I don't know what Friends line you're talking about. Chances are they used a common phrase and you mistook it for originality. Sort of like you mistook your understanding of pro wrestling being scripted as some sort of awesome revelation that you were going to impart on me.
how did you come to that conclusion, I thought this was a discussion?

bottomline, you've got a massive chip on your shoulder and cant see it, this in turn displays a horrible attitude from you which shows you to be nothing more than a know it all, who knows **** all! however i dont need to assume you knew that, as you probably knew that already. ;)
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well I figured you would know being a big one yourself, thanks ;)

now that will be all from me, as I dont plan on giving the mods anything else to delete or cause to close this thread.
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Preview: Soldiering On
May 26, 2008

Just 24 hours after Judgment Day, four blockbuster matches were announced for One Night Stand, the one night where the WWE goes extreme. Half of those matches came from the biggest upset of Monday night, when Randy Orton & JBL defeated WWE Champion Triple H & John Cena in a tag team competition, earning the right to challenge the The Game and the Chain Gang Soldier to singles matches with extreme stipulations of the challengers’ choosing.

JBL assured that his match will be as vicious as the self-proclaimed “wrestling god” can make it, by demanding a First Blood Match. Orton, however, will compete against Triple H for the WWE Championship in the same type of match in which he won the title last October: a Last Man Standing Match. Knowing the bad blood that still boils between these four competitors, what type of pre-battle tactics can we expect in the next two weeks leading up to One Night Stand?

Flowing out of the ongoing rivalry between Santino Marella and Hall of Famer “Rowdy” Roddy Piper, the cocky Italian Superstar ridiculed “Hot Rod” and his super-fan, Jimmy Kimmel’s Cousin Sal on Santino’s own version of Piper’s Pit. After Piper and Sal threw him from the ring, Marella challenged Cousin Sal to a match, which Piper promptly accepted on Sal’s behalf. When can we expect to see these two spicy Italians square off, and how might the kilted WWE Legend be involved in their confrontation?

Batista has a bone to pick with Shawn Michaels, and by defeating Chris Jericho on Raw last Monday, he earned the chance to take on The Showstopper at One Night Stand. The Animal is still angry about HBK faking a knee injury, but William Regal has assured that HBK and The Animal’s match will end with someone legitimately injured by making their contest a Stretcher Match. Shawn Michaels is a man who will do anything to win — how will he use the next two weeks to prepare for the raw power of The Animal?

Though much of the night’s talk was of One Night Stand on June 1, there was another shocking development Monday night. After being defeated by Mr. Kennedy in a Loser Gets Fired Match, William Regal has been relieved of his duties as General Manager of Raw. Regal has a successful wrestling career behind him, having been recently crowned King of the Ring, and even garnered praise from Mr. McMahon himself for his work as GM of Raw. Have we seen the last we see of this vicious British brawler? And who will step into his kingly shoes on the next Monday Night Raw?

For answers to these questions and more, tune in to Monday Night Raw at 9/8 CT on Memorial Day, only on USA Network!
- Dave Meltzer confirms in the latest issue of the Wrestling Observer Newsletter that former ECW Champion Chavo Guerrero is actually one drug test failure away from an automatic termination from World Wrestling Entertainment, not two. The other two wrestlers in the company in the same uneasy position are of course Jeff Hardy and William Regal.As we all know, Guerrero, along with several other WWE wrestlers were named by Sports Illustrated to be given illegal steroids not in compliance with the company's drug testing policy. Guerrero received somatropin (Growth Hormone), nandrolone (anabolic steroid commonly known as Deca-Durabolin), and anastrozole (the drug used to prevent side effects such as "manboobs" during a steroid cycle) between April 2005 and May 2006 through Signature Pharmacy, an alleged illegal Internet drug distribution network. Because purchasing drugs through the Internet is in direct violation of WWE's Wellness policy, Guerrero was suspended.Unlike the other WWE wrestlers busted in the Signature Pharmacy scandal last fall, they only sat out for 30 days, whereas Guerrero mysteriously sat on the sidelines for just a shade over 60 days. Guerrero was officially suspended on Thursday, August 30 and returned to action on November 3, 2007, which was a Saturday night SmackDown/ECW house show. That was the first scheduled WWE show a wrestler on a 60-day suspension from the August 30th suspensions would have been permitted to appear on. Apparently, Guerrero's first suspension quietly slipped under the radar some time ago and went unreported.Back in July 2006, after a number of SmackDown stars went down with Wellness related issues the week before the Great American Bash pay-per-view, which caused havoc on the card, Vince McMahon made the decision to not pull future suspendees from television because he didn't want sudden suspensions to ruin his heavily-hyped pay-per-view cards. Instead, future suspensions called for wrestlers to miss a month's worth of downside pay, not to mention their pay-per-view bonus. Also, the suspendees would be pulled from all house shows for a 30-day period. The new rule allowed Randy Orton to wrestle Hulk Hogan at SummerSlam, who was suspended in August 2006 for a Wellness Policy violation (he failed for steroids). Last July, WWE reverted the policy to completely ban suspended talent from television as well in light of the aftermath following the Chris Benoit double-murder/suicide**************************************************************************The Big Show: WWE Matches Are Predetermined, Egos Are CheckedWritten by Marc Middleton Got any news or results to send us? Please e-mail it to The Big Show made the following comments to a reporter from the Reporter-Herald newspaper in Loveland, Colarado this past weekend. Show spoke to the paper to promote a SmackDown and ECW event in Loveland:“First of all, there is no ‘off-season’ in the WWE. We are at it year-round,” Big Show says. “Each match is also predetermined, so the wrestlers know who is to win and who is to lose beforehand.”Although no one likes to lose, Big Show explains that having to lose a match every once and a while on purpose is all part of the business.“Egos are checked at the door here. You don’t think of it as losing or winning. … It’s all about giving the audience a good show.”While the matches may be predetermined, they are far from being staged as Big Show explains.“We just know how to react to certain moves, but we don’t rehearse anything before we go out there.”As with any sport, injury is inevitable and although hesitant to admit it, Big Show has endured several injuries himself.“Well, I actually do most of the hurting,” he laughs. “No, I actually have had knee injuries and lower back injuries that I continue to struggle with.” **************************************************************************Update on the Hogan Car Wreck; The Hulkster Not the DriverWritten by Marc Middleton Got any news or results to send us? Please e-mail it to In an update on the Hogan family car crash earlier today, the police report for the incident lists Brooke Hogan, not her father Hulk, as the driver. According to the report, a 1997 Toyota lost control while changing lanes, spun into the center lane and struck Hogan's Mercedes. The Mercedes was pushed into the left lane and struck the concrete wall of the lane.In a correction from earlier reports, neither Hulk nor Linda were with Brooke at the time of the accident. An unnamed female friend was with Brooke as a passenger. *************************************************************************Hulk Hogan Involved in Car Crash Today in FloridaWritten by Steve Carrier Got any news or results to send us? Please e-mail it to WNZ@wrestlenewz.comThe news continues to get worse for Hulk Hogan as is reporting that Hogan was involved in a car accident on the Bayside Bridge in Florida today.According to the report, Hogan was driving a Mercedes at the time and they mentioned that daughter Brooke was there and that Linda showed up afterwards, looking like she was coming "to the rescue."Meanwhile, ABC Action News reported that witnesses said Linda Bollea was driving the Mercedes and Hulk Hogan was on the scene.There were no reports of injuries and the scene was cleared by 5:30 p.m. (Thanks To Justin Bryant) however continues to maintain that it was Hulk Hogan driving, and that an occupant of one of the cars involved in the accident said that the Hogans rear-ended them after a blowout.
DES MOINES, Iowa – As one of WWE’s most widely popular Superstars, Undertaker has come to a major crossroads in his career – and the one who put him in this position is none other than SmackDown General Manager Vickie Guerrero.Defeat Edge at One Night Stand and The Phenom becomes the new World Heavyweight Champion – reclaiming the title Guerrero stripped from him on May 2. Lose, and The Deadman will be banished from the entire WWE.In an attempt to weaken Undertaker before the fateful pay-per-view match, Guerrero ordered a reluctant Chavo Guerrero to face The Phenom on SmackDown. But the plan backfired – even with Curt Hawkins, Zack Ryder, Bam Neely and Edge lurking at ringside – as Chavo fell victim to a devastating Tombstone from The Deadman.If Undertaker can do to Edge what he did to Chavo, he will become the new champion and preserve his career. But, Undertaker’s fate will not be decided in any ordinary match. Instead, his future will ride on the outcome of an Extreme Rules Tables, Ladders & Chairs (TLC) Match at One Night Stand.Although Undertaker has faced all kinds of adversity in his career – including brutal Boiler Room Brawl, Hell in a Cell and Buried Alive encounters – he has never been in a TLC Match.With the extreme rules TLC Match, Guerrero has once again cleverly tried to stack the deck in favor of her fiancé, Edge. The Rated-R Superstar is no stranger to TLC Matches. The Ultimate Opportunist has used the Extreme Rules encounter to work to his advantage for years. In fact, Edge has been in every single TLC Match in WWE history. At Judgment Day, WWE Referee Charles Robinson “made a mistake,” according to Guerrero, by counting Edge out and attempting to give Undertaker the title. The GM reminded everyone that a championship can only be won by pinfall or submission.Now, at One Night Stand, the vacant World Heavyweight Championship will finally be decided when one Superstar climbs the ladder and grabs the gold. Will Undertake reclaim the title and preserver his career? Or, will The Ultimate Opportunist's relationship with the GM finally bring the coveted gold back to "the family"?
will be banished from the whole WWE or just Smackdown?

as I heard some small rumours he might be brought to Raw for some new opponents, probably not true but it would be good to see the deadman on Raw and a Raw superstar go to Smackdown.
will be banished from the whole WWE or just Smackdown?

as I heard some small rumours he might be brought to Raw for some new opponents, probably not true but it would be good to see the deadman on Raw and a Raw superstar go to Smackdown.

the whole wwe, but I don't think that will happen I pray that he goes to raw causeSD is starting to suck. (expect when taker's on) If taker goes to RAW, I will no longer watch SD!