The offical wrestling thread..News, spoilers and results.

I haven't watched the WWE or TNA for that matter in a long time. But from what I've been reading online....I'm not missing much.

I'm happy Orton lost the title to Triple H. I can't stand that little punk. He's gotten away with so much backstage yet they continue to kiss his behind. The fans are tired of him, so I'm glad they took the belt off him.

This whole thing with Undertaker getting screwed over by Vickie has got to stop. She is annoying and has no business being on TV. Get her off the TV, put Mick Foley in as GM where he belongs! Put Tazz on the commentary with Michael Cole, put the ECW roster on Smackdown and get rid of ECW. Then do a roster draft/trade and mix it up again.
the whole wwe, but I don't think that will happen I pray that he goes to raw causeSD is starting to suck. (expect when taker's on) If taker goes to RAW, I will no longer watch SD!

I dont even watch with him on it, as the angle he is in with Edge is boring me now. I think it would breathe a breath of fresh air to Smackdown to get a couple of top stars from Raw, perhaps Jericho and Cena (although that wont happen LOL) in exchange for Taker. We could see HBK vs Undertaker, or even HHH, Kennedy, and thats just a few of the faces on Raw :)

but I agree with you, I dont think it will come to that, i hope he takes back the World Championship and moves onto another feud for Vengence ? and Summerslam.
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I haven't watched the WWE or TNA for that matter in a long time. But from what I've been reading online....I'm not missing much.

I'm happy Orton lost the title to Triple H. I can't stand that little punk. He's gotten away with so much backstage yet they continue to kiss his behind. The fans are tired of him, so I'm glad they took the belt off him.

This whole thing with Undertaker getting screwed over by Vickie has got to stop. She is annoying and has no business being on TV. Get her off the TV, put Mick Foley in as GM where he belongs! Put Tazz on the commentary with Michael Cole, put the ECW roster on Smackdown and get rid of ECW. Then do a roster draft/trade and mix it up again.

I think Vicki is doing a great job, if she annoys you. I agree she does annoy me too, her voice especially, but when you look at it objectively, shes a heel and the heat she gets is better than some of the wrestlers. Ive always preferred a heel boss type, didnt really like Foley as commissioner but yea, something has to be done about the commentary teams, id put tazz back on Smackdown and Foley on ECW.
I haven't watched the WWE or TNA for that matter in a long time. But from what I've been reading online....I'm not missing much.

I'm happy Orton lost the title to Triple H. I can't stand that little punk. He's gotten away with so much backstage yet they continue to kiss his behind. The fans are tired of him, so I'm glad they took the belt off him.

This whole thing with Undertaker getting screwed over by Vickie has got to stop. She is annoying and has no business being on TV. Get her off the TV, put Mick Foley in as GM where he belongs! Put Tazz on the commentary with Michael Cole, put the ECW roster on Smackdown and get rid of ECW. Then do a roster draft/trade and mix it up again.

I aggre, I hope they keep HHH champ as long as possiblecause RKO has gotten boring.Vickie gettin' to be a :censored: againGod, I wish taker would either tombsotone her or hang her up on his symbol.
for those of you who missed the 5/23 edition
Written by Steve Carrier Wednesday, 28 May 2008 01:53 WWE is currently taping this week's edition of SmackDown at the World Arena Colorado Springs, Colorado. Special thanks to reader Ryan Helvey for calling in the following results. Remember if you are attending a WWE event in the near future and would be interested in assisting us with live updates, email me.Dark Match:* Jesse & Festus b. Two Local JobbersSmackDown: (Airing Friday at 8:00p.m. ET)As SmackDown comes on the air, Edge cuts a promo talking about The Undertaker. Vickie Guerrero says who even knows if Undertaker is in the building tonight.Batista's music hits and he makes his way to ringside with a huge ovation.SmackDown General Manager Vickie Guerrero is out next with a ridiculous amounts of heat. She announces that Batista & a partner of his choice will take on Zack Ryder & Kurt Hawkins later tonight. I am told that she is drawing so much heat, she is hardly able to get the announcement out.* Elijah Burke vs. Matt Hardy- I'm told Hardy didn't react much with the crowd after his victory. * Chuck Palumbo vs. Finley & Hornswoggle - Palumbo is disqualified early on as he takes a chain off his bike and hits Finley in the face with it.* It is announced that The Undertaker will be a special guest on "The Cutting Edge" tonight. Edge shows clips of The Undertaker's career. * John Morrison vs. CM Punk is up next. - The Miz is told to go to the back.* Batista comes out and says he doesn't need a partner for his match tonight. Vickie comes out with Zack Ryder & Kurt Hawkins and says it will be a handicap match. Big Shows comes out and wheels Vickie to the back. * Batista & Big Show b. Zack Ryder & Curt Hawkins after Bastista hits the Batista bomb and Big Show hits the choke slam simultaneously. * Vladimir Kozlov b. Shannon Moore. - I'm told Kozlov received a lot of heel heat. * I'm told SmackDown ends with Edge and La Familia throwing The Undertaker into a coffin.
Hogan family gets ripped, lawyer says victim didn't plan to race The Hogan family phone logs were discussed in the opening segment on Tuesday's "Nancy Grace" show on CNN. Grace played audio clips of Hulk Hogan and Nick Hogan badmouthing victim John Graziano and planning Nick's comeback reality show. She also featured the audio clips of Linda Hogan claiming she's suffering more than the victim's mother.George Tragos, co-counsel for the Graziano family, stated that John is missing part of his frontal lobe and added that he will require constant care for the remainder of his life. Grace, a former prosecuting attorney, added that she felt Nick received a light sentence.Tragos also claimed that his client didn't know Nick was going to drag race. "He didn't plan to go drag racing. He didn't plan to speed on a wet road. He didn't plan to spin out. He didn't plan to hit a tree. Do you blame the tree for being there? So it's not Nick's fault because there was a tree there? That's ridiculous."
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Did anyone see the end of Raw, Vince is giving away $1 million over the next few weeks? that was his big announcement that would change television?

Fan tries to attack Edge and family- A fan hopped the rail last night during WWE's SmackDown tapings, attempting to attack Edge, Zack Ryder, Curt Hawkins and Chavo Guerrero during an angle taped featuring La Familia and The Undertaker. While he didn't make it to the wrestlers, live it was impossible not to see what happened and I was told the segment will probably need some editing.It was reported earlier that at the Smackdown tapings a fan jumped the railing in Colorado Springs, CO at the World Arena during the closing segment of the show. The man who is being described as mid 30's or so got to either Hawkins or Ryder and hit one of them from behind. Bam Kneeley then proceeded to blast the guy with a pretty hard shot to the face. Security then came and took the guy away. Those around him said he was obviously very drunk and was out on control the entire night. This may have been the reason for the scheduled post show dark match being canceled but is not confirmed yet at this time.
Love storyline with Edge and Vickie finished? The current love storyline with Edge and Vickie Guerrero could be coming to an end this Summer or even as late as the Fall, unless current plans change. The current direction has Edge and Vickie ending things on not so good terms and not with a happy ending after all.No word yet if the split between the two will result in one of them turning face but I can't really see Edge making the turn. We'll keep you updated on anything else we hear though
Changes coming to PPV, Triple H- We posted some news yesterday on WWE Champion Triple H appearing in a new movie on the life of Lemmy from Motorhead fame. Triple H will be providing testimonials alongside names like Dave Grohl, Alice Cooper and Steve Vai. The film is expected to be released sometime in 2009.- The world of pay-per-view as we know it could be changing in the coming years. WWE officials feel that the pay-per-view industry is a dying one and are looking to move their pay-per-views to the internet to bypass the cable and satellite companies.- WWE officials aren't expecting Congress to call them in to testify in any steroid investigations but if it does happen, the company is confident that it has nothing to worry about.
More detailed SpoilersWWE Friday Night SmackDown:As SmackDown! starts, Edge appears on the Titantron announcing that throughout the evening, he will be showcasing the impressive career of The Undertaker, as this will be his last night on SmackDown, and he is the special guest for 'The Cutting Edge' later in the evening.Batista comes out to the ring first, and talks about his match with Shawn Michaels this Sunday. He is interrupted by Vickie, who is accompanied by Hawkins & Ryder. The two argue back and forth, and ultimately Vickie decides to put Batista in a tag match against Hawkins & Ryder. Batista must find a partner of his choosing, or it will be a handicap match.First match of the night was U.S. Champion Matt Hardy against Elijah Burke (non-title, I'm pretty sure). Decent opener with Hardy pinning Elijah after the Twist of Fate.Next was Finlay with Hornswoggle going 1-one-1 with Chuck Palumbo. Finlay won via a DQ after Chuck attacked him with a chain from his bike.Then John Morrison with The Miz faced off against CM Punk. Pretty good match featuring the ECW talent. Punk defeated Morrison via pinfall after the GTS.At some point backstage MVP was being interviewed and Jamie Noble interfered... (Don't ask why, because nobody here cared.) The segment ended with MVP telling Noble off, and Noble vowing that he could beat Montel in the ring, and that he would talk to Vickie about it. Later on, he did just that, whilst interrupting a conversation between Hawkins, Ryder, & Vickie, and was granted his match, then thrown out of the office.Batista came to the ring for his tag match or handicap match next. After Hawkins and Ryder made it to the ring, Batista got on the mic to announce his partner by saying, "I don't need a partner." Vickie came out to the stage again to mock Big Dave, only to be surprised by Big Show making an appearance. The match is now a tag team. Batista and Show win after a Showstopper & Batista Bomb. Easily the best match of the night.Montel Vontavius Porter went up against Jamie Noble next, with MVP showing off how much of a star he is by man-handling Noble around the ring. MVP gets the clean win after a very short match.Tonight's bathroom break match was brought to us by Vladimir Kozlov vs. Shannon Moore. Funny how people around us thought that Shannon was a jobber. The squash ended with Kozlov getting the pin as usual.Somewhere again backstage, Cherry was getting checked over in the trainer's room, sporting a nice bruise on her face, when Maryse walked in. Words were exchanged, and a match was up next.Michelle McCool vs. Maryse w/ Deuce and Domino. Towards the end of the match Cherry's music plays and she comes out to the ramp, distracting Maryse long enough for Michelle to get the submission and the win.Cutting Edge segment - World Title hanging above the ring, with Ladder and Table set up, and chairs in the corners. Edge talked a lot about the same old same old, then introduced the Deadman. Once Taker was in the ring, the two circled around the ladder, looking up at the title, with Edge saying how Taker might not be so comfortable with TLC equipment around. With that, Edge called out La Familia (Chavo, Bam Neely, Hawkins, & Ryder) who wheeled out a casket. Undertaker chased Edge from the ring, and got jumped and beat down on the outside. After a while of this going back and forth, Edge nails Taker with a chair and is able to roll him into the casket. Edge then climbed up the ladder, saying that Undertaker better get used to staying buried, as his last match would be this Sunday. Then the lights went out. On TV this'll probably look different, but live from ringside you could see Undertaker roll out from underneath the ring, probably from a trap door in the casket, run in and climb the up the ladder. When the lights came back on Edge was eye to eye with the Phenom. Taker knocked Edge down and proceeded to fight with Hawkins and Ryder again. Just when it looked like Edge was going to get chokeslammed through the table, Hawkins /or Ryder (can't tell them apart) intervened and was rewarded with a Last Ride through the table as Edge backed up the ramp.That is where I believe SmackDown went off the air, but the action didn't stop there. La Familia ran back in the ring again to gang up on The Undertaker, and just as he was getting overwhelmed again, Kane came out to help his brother. The Brothers of Destruction double-chokeslammed Hawkins and Ryder, then Bam Neely was chokeslammed by Kane as Edge was Tombstoned by Undertaker. Kane and Taker walked up the ramp, posed, and the show was over.
The Rock's Divorce Finalized, Hogan Recordings Released Illegally?Written by Steve Carrier Got any news or results to send us? Please e-mail it to is reporting that Dwayne Johnson's divorce from his ex-wife, Dani has been finalized. According to documents TMZ published, the couple will maintain their former residence and will share the care and custody of their child. Both sides waived alimony. Dani will be taking her maiden name of Garcia again. - According to an article in the Tampa Tribune that ran in yesterday's edition, The Pinellas County Jail Nick Hogan is currently incarcerated in posts signs and runs regular recorded messages that inmates' phone calls may be monitored or recorded. In response to Nick's calls being released, The Tribune reported, "The sheriff's office was obligated to release what recorded messages they had of Bollea speaking because it is a record maintained by the sheriff's office, which oversees the jail, and there is nothing in public records laws that allows them to withhold the recordings from the media, [Pinellas sheriff's Sgt. Jim Bordner] said." According to the Tribune article, the calls were released following a request from a Florida TV station. Nick's attorney is looking into whether the calls were legally able to be released, since he was a minor speaking to his parents - although he was a minor who was charged and jailed as an adult. Thanks to Billy Krotchsen for his help.
Ric Flair's Move Helps Stop a Wal-Mart Thief, Kennedy's MovieWritten by Marc Middleton Got any news or results to send us? Please e-mail it to WWE confirmed on the 'Industry News' portion of its website yesterday that Mr. Kennedy will appear on The Reelz Channel's Dailies Show tonight at 6PM ET. Kennedy will be hyping his upcoming direct-to-DVD movie "Behind Enemy Lines - Columbia."- A man who subdued a would-be shoplifter at a Wal-Mart in Tallahassee attributed the move he used to WWE Hall of Fame wrestler Ric Flair.After being caught stealing DVDs from the store, Kelvin Bispham pulled a knife on employees. Will Hudson, the Good Samaritan, got involved by restraining the "bigger" Bispham in a bear hug with a "grip hold." The article, first published by, says that Hudson had first seen the move done by Ric Flair."He's bigger than me, but I was holding him," Hudson said in the article. "It's hard to get out of the position when you grab them from behind."The deputy ultimately arrested Bispham. ***************************************************************************************************News and Notes for Tonight's Edition of SmackDown!Written by Steve Carrier Got any news or results to send us? Please e-mail it to WNZ@wrestlenewz.comSource: WWE.comThe unbridled excitement on the road to One Night Stand is building to a fever pitch and it all could explode this week on SmackDown.Last Week, General Manager Vickie Guerrero released yet another firestorm when she announced that at the Extreme pay-per-view, the vacant World Heavyweight Championship would finally be decided in a TLC Match between Undertaker and Edge. However, Guerrero quickly made it personal when she added the startling stipulation that if The Phenom loses, he must leave WWE forever. After Undertaker won a fierce match against Chavo Guerrero later that night - with Edge, Vickie, Curt Hawkins, Zack Ryder, and Bam Neely in tow - how will “the family” react on the doorstep of the One Night Stand? With the World Heavyweight Championship hanging in the balance, rest assured that the Ultimate Opportunist and the “love of his life” will have something up their sleeve.After Shawn Michaels’ controversial win at their last meeting at Backlash, the stage has been set for a brutal Stretcher Match between The Showstopper and Batista at One Night Stand. And, if last week’s VIP Lounge and subsequent match against Montel Vontavious Porter are any indication, HBK is going to be facing a truly irate Animal. After punishing the former United States Champion, MVP, in last week’s grueling match, who will Batista unleash his fury on two days before his pay-per-view moment-of-destiny with HBK? Will Shawn Michaels show up to personally send his own statement? Whatever happens, it is going to be one explosive Friday night.Deuce & Domino looked to be getting back on track after winning the six-man tag along with their beautiful partner Maryse. The stunning Diva’s participation did not go unnoticed following their separation from Cherry just weeks ago. If the former tag champions can keep their momentum going, they could become a major threat to The Miz & John Morrison’s WWE Tag Team Titles.Don’t miss all the action on Friday Night SmackDown 8/7 CT only on The CW Network.
Brooke Hogan's New Show Based on Recent Events, Benoit's Doctor Facing at Least 150 Charges Written by Steve Carrier Friday, 30 May 2008 00:54 - VH1 announced that Brooke Hogan's "Brooke Knows Best" will premiere on July 13 at 9 p.m. (CT). "No longer an innocent teenager, Brooke learns what growing up is really about," read the press release. "For the first time, Brooke is learning how to deal with the ins and outs of daily life, new relationships, of her family's recent struggles, as well as managing her career and finances without Mom and Dad."Brooke has had her share of embarrassing moments in recent months, but she didn't say anything in the jailhouse recordings to embarrass herself. Most of the recent media criticism has been directed at Hulk Hogan, Linda Bollea, and Nick Bollea, so at least she has that going for her.- Phil Astin, who was Chris Benoit's personal physician, was indicted on Thursday on more than 150 charges related to conspiracy and the illegal distribution of drugs including Percocet, Ritalin, Oxycontin, Demerol, Xanax, Adderall, Soma, according to the Atlanta Business Chronicle. The indictment alleges that Astin prescription drugs dispensed by Astin caused death or serious bodily injury to one patient.U.S. Attorney David E. Nahmias stated: "The superseding indictment alleges that Dr. Astin illegally distributed prescription drugs in many ways to many patients, whether by providing multiple, undated prescriptions for the same drug on the same day, writing prescriptions for inappropriate combinations of drugs, or feeding the methadone addictions of patients for months or even years."
WWE Keeping the Draft Lottery a Secret; Two Possible Roster Changes Written by Marc Middleton Thursday, 29 May 2008 14:55 - WWE is taking additional measures to keep it a secret on who will be switching brands on the June 23 RAW in San Antonio, Tex. that will feature the 2008 Draft. The following weekend, all three WWE brands are being advertised for the June 27 house show in Lubbock, the June 28 house show in Abilene, and the June 29 Night of Champions PPV in Dallas.The tentative card for the June 27 show in Lubbock features Triple H vs. Randy Orton, Batista & Big Show & Rey Mysterio vs. Edge & MVP & Mark Henry, and Matt Hardy vs. Carlito. Well, based on that, either Hardy is moving to RAW or Carlito is tentatively scheduled to move to SmackDown. ***************************************************************************************************WWE Superstars Fed Up with Triple H; Possible Huge Brand Change User Rating: / 3 PoorBest Written by Marc Middleton Thursday, 29 May 2008 19:38 - Sources are reporting that several WWE Superstars have had it with Triple H, and many backstage are described as being on "pins and needles" when it comes to Vince McMahon’s son-in-law. Triple H’s name has been mentioned as a possible move to SmackDown during the WWE Draft on 6/23, and there are plenty on the RAW roster that would applaud the move. If Triple H is indeed moved to SmackDown, a possible switch would have The Undertaker moved to RAW.
Jim Ross: WWE Draft, Vince's Money, ONS PPV, Austin & Hart, MoreWritten by Marc Middleton Got any news or results to send us? Please e-mail it to Good 'ol Jim Ross is back with another blog update over at Below are the highlights:The first three people I saw when I walked down the hall in the locker room area of the Pepsi Arena Monday afternoon were three Mid South Wrestling alumni, Steve "Dr. Death" Williams, Ted DiBiase, and Hacksaw Jim Duggan, having a friendly conversation.The $1M promotion that the WWE is going to start soon on Monday Night Raw is garnering a healthy amount of reaction from fans and Internet types. It appears to be similar to many ratings promotions that are done by TV networks, especially in May and November, and also by radio stations, to enhance viewership. Many critics are blasting the on air promotion before it even starts or before the details are known, but that isn’t unusual these days.It will be a big night in San Antonio on June 23 as the, apparent, Annual WWE Draft will be held during a 3 hour Monday Night Raw. I am interested in how the order of the draft will be determined and the process that will be utilized to make the selections. I read where the TV announcers are also eligible for the draft, which is perplexing. I can’t speak for the King, but I am personally not interested in leaving Monday Night Raw. I hope that I didn’t just jinx myself. Working regularly on another broadcast would feel strange at this stage of my game. I hope I am never incarcerated or have any family members jailed, but if I do, I can assure you that I would become a letter writing fool and X-Nay…Phone-A.Unless I miscounted, there are 7 bouts scheduled for One Night Stand this Sunday in San Diego on pay per view. All will have extreme rules to one degree or another, which makes for an interesting, albeit challenging, night. The good news is that we fans most likely will see clear cut winners and losers in each contest. This PPV is "Raw heavy" with 4 clearly defined Raw matches, plus the HBK-Batista match, which I assume Michael Cole and Mick Foley will call as they only have one Smackdown contest at this time as do ECW’s Mike Adamle and Tazz. From a broadcasting perspective, it looks as if The King will have to carry another multi-branded PPV.At this time, Stone Cold Steve Austin has committed to attend the Annual Cauliflower Alley Club Reunion in Las Vegas with yours truly. It will be the first Vegas CAC event for each of us and should be a helluva experience. I am anxious to see so many old friends especially Bret "Hitman" Hart who will be receiving an award along with my old pal Dr. Death. Too bad the "Big Cat" Ernie Ladd won’t physically be in attendance as we would no doubt have us one helluva domino game!
Falls Count Anywhere MatchJeff Hardy vs. UmagaThe bell rings and Umaga slowly starts to approach Hardy. Hardy charges and Umaga levels him with a clothesline. Umaga with an irish whip on Hardy right into the corner. Hardy bounces off with force and Umaga tries to toss him into the other corner, but Hardy counters with a Whisper in the Wind. Hardy with a cover, but Umaga kicks out. Hardy is up top, jumps, Umaga catches him and hits what JR calls a "Black Hole Slam." Umaga with a cover, but Hardy kicks out. Umaga charges at Hardy and Hardy pulls down the top rope to send him over to the outside. Hardy with a springboard splash over the top rope on Umaga, cover, but only a two count. Umaga then comes back sending Hardy into the ring barricade. Umaga throws Hardy into the crowd and hits him with a few steel chairs set up at the ringside area. Umaga sends Hardy into the wall of the arena and then headbutts him to the ground. Hardy grabs a part of the set and launches it at Umaga. Umaga responds with a big boot to Hardy, cover, but Hardy kicks out. Umaga misses a splash on Hardy and crashes into another part of the set.Hardy then grabs a fire extinguisher and sprays it in the face of Umaga. Hardy continues to do this as Umaga heads to the backstage area of the arena. Hardy sprays him one last time, but Umaga fires back with an uppercut. Umaga tries to hit Hardy with a chair, but Hardy moves and goes running up the arena steps. As Umaga follows him up the steps, Hardy slides down the railing of the steps and takes out Umaga! Cover by Hardy, but only a two count. They fight up the stairs to the top part of the arena where t-shrits are being sold. Umaga sends Hardy into a trash can, covers, but only gets a two count. They fight to the outside of the arena and Umaga sends Hardy into a crate. Umaga nails Hardy's head off a forklift near by, covers, but gets another two count. Umaga sends Hardy face first into the back of a semi-truck and then continues with right hands. Hardy fights back sending Umaga into the door of a semi-truck. Hardy covers, but only gets a two count. They fight near the production truck and Hardy starts climbing up a ladder on the truck. Umaga follows Hardy up, but Hardy kicks him away and Umaga falls back.Hardy then climbs to the top of the production truck, jumps off and connects with a Swanton Bomb! They keep the camera far away to give the impression that Hardy did this on the concrete. Hardy covers Umaga and gets the pinfall.Winner: Jeff Hardy
They have four singapore canes hanging by poles in each corner. Everyone went after Big Show when the bell rang. Big Show fought off Dreamer, Punk, Morrison and Chavo. Big Show dropped an elbow over Morrison and Chavo. Big Show with a scoop slam on Dreamer, but misses an elbow drop. Punk kicks Big Show in the gut and head. Morrison follows that up with a kick to the head. Dreamer with a DDT on Big Show. Chavo with a frog splash on Big Show off the top. Morrison, Punk, Chavo and Dreamer all grab the singapore canes. Big Show gets up and all four men start hitting Big Show with the canes. Big Show gets tossed over the top rope as Morrison goes to work on Dreamer with the cane. Punk and Chavo battle on the outside. Chavo misses Punk and hits Shawn Merriman of the San Diego Chargers in the crowd. Punk catapults Chavo back towards Merriman and gives him a cane to hit Chavo with. The action spills back to the ring and Punk hits a quick powerslam on Chavo for a two count. Morrison hits Punk with a cane and then Dreamer takes out Morrison with a pump handle using the cane.Punk dodges a death valley driver from Dreamer, goes for the GTS, but Dreamer counters that into a half boston crab. Dreamer then gets taken out by Morrison with a cane shot. We see footage from earlier in the match where Big Show tried to use the steel steps, but got clipped and the steps fell on his head busting him open. In the ring, Punk has Chavo in a superplex when Morrison goes under Punk and tosses him off doing a big tower of doom from the corner. A bloody Big Show finally gets to his feet on the outside. He grabs a cane and hits The Miz and Bam Neely with it. Morrison jumps out and Big Show hits him in mid-air with the cane. Big Show brings a trash can full of canes into the ring and then starts hitting Punk and Dreamer with a cane. Big Show with more cane shots on Punk and Dreamer. Dreamer grabs a cane, but Big Show blocks a shot and gives hime a huge chokeslam. Big Show wipes some blood off his face and picks up Dreamer. Dreamer can't get to his feet and Big Show props him up in the corner. Big Show grabs a cane, smiles and cracks it over the head of Dreamer.Big Show stands over Dreamer covering him with his boot and gets the pinfall.Winner: Big Show
First Blood MatchJohn Cena vs. JBLThe bell rings and JBL removes the padding of the top turnbuckle. John Cena turns around and does the same. Cena gets in JBL's face and yells at him to come on. JBL starts hitting Cena with some big rights and kicks him to the ground. Cena dodges a big boot holding onto the ropes and levels JBL with a big clothesline. JBL bails to the outside, Cena chases him down, throws him back in and gets in some big right hands. JBL tosses Cena over the top rope and rolls to the outside. JBL drops an elbow over Cena's chest. JBL throws Cena back inside, misses a corner shot, but levels Cena with a big elbow. Cena rolls to the ring apron, gets to his feet and JBL peppers him with a few kicks. One of the kicks sends Cena off the ring apron and he falls to the outside. JBL brings Cena to the ring barricade near the entrance area and slides Cena's forehead across it a few times. The referee looks for blood and rules he is still clean to continue. Cena fires back with a few rights on JBL. JBL breaks up the rights with a thumb to the eye and a big boot. JBL grabs a steel chair, props Cena up near the ring post, but Cena moves and JBL cracks the chair over the ring post.Cena comes back with a few rights, but JBL grabs the house mic and cracks it over Cena's head. This causes a loud thud to echo over the PA system. JBL tosses Cena back into the ring, stands over him and hits him over the head again with the house mic. JBL yells at Cena to get on his feet. JBL misses a shot with the mic when Cena gets up. Cena with right hands and two big shoulder blocks. Cena plants JBL with a side slam and connects with the Five Knuckle Shuffle. JBL is back up, Cena has him up for the FU, but JBL slides off and drops Cena's head off the top rope. Cena rolls out of the ring and falls near JBL. JBL then grabs Cena and sends him face first into the ring post. The referee checks for blood on Cena and he is still clean. JBL gets frustrated and grabs the steel steps. JBL launches them at Cena and Cena moves out of the way. JBL then rips off the top of a ring barricade and nails Cena's head off of it. JBL attempts a DDT on Cena over the bottom part of the steel steps, but Cena moves and JBL falls on the steps instead. Cena then grabs the house mic and nails it off JBL's head.The referee checks JBL's head for blood and JBL is still clean. Cena rubs JBL's forehead across the steel steps and throws JBL back inside. In the ring, Cena grabs a steel chair, but JBL counters and sends Cena face first into the exposed turnbuckle. Cena isn't bleeding as JBL attempts a Clothesline From Hell. Cena dodges and takes out JBL with a bulldog right over a steel chair! JBL then grabs his towel and takes a chain out of it. JBL puts the chain over his knuckles and hits Cena in the ribs with it. Cena falls and grabs his ribs in pain. JBL wraps the chain more, misses a right hand and Cena connects with the FU. Cena rolls over coughing in pain. Cena gets to his feet and JBL levels him with a big boot. Cena falls back and gets wrapped up in the ropes. The referee tries to free Cena as JBL grabs a bull whip. Lawler asks if JBL is trying to be Indiana Jones. JBL brings in the bull whip, approaches Cena, but Cena takes him out and trips him up. Cena grabs the steel chair and applies the STFU choking JBL with the chair. JBL begins spitting out blood and the referee calls for the bell.Winner: John Cena
"I Quit" MatchBeth Phoenix vs. MelinaOne of the paparazzi fell down while taking pictures of Melina during her entrance. They even showed a replay of this taking place. The bell rings and Beth gets in Melina's face. Melina pushes her away and kicks her. Melina jumps on Melina applying a guillotine choke. Melina lets go and hits Beth with a few kicks. Beth then drops Melina with a big backbreaker. Beth drops Melina with another backbreaker and yells at the referee to ask if she quits. Beth sends Melina into the corner and drives some elbows into her back. Melina fights back with some elbows of her own and then drops Beth face first onto the mat. Melina applies a surfboard submission on Beth. The referee asks her if she quits and Beth yells no. Beth powers herself to the bottom rope and falls to the outside with Melina to break it up. Melina tosses Beth back in the ring, but Beth lifts up Melina and puts her on the top rope. Melina gets flipped off the top to the mat and Beth starts choking Melina against the ropes. Beth lifts Melina to her shoulder and drops her in a backbreaker a few times. The crowd starts getting behind Melina as Beth yells at her to quit.Beth then drops Melina face first onto the mat and applies a shoulder submission. Beth continues to take out Melina on the ground and lifting her up by her hair and dropping her over the mat. Melina starts elbowing Beth to fight out. Beth tosses Melina to the corner, Melina jumps up, grabs Beth by the head in a head scissors and flips forward sending Beth face first into the corner! Melina then sends Beth into the ring post shoulder first. Melina drops Beth with an armbar takedown. Beth fights back with an elbow, but Melina takes down Beth with a head scissors into an armbar submission. Melina turns Beth over and applies an even deeper armbar. Beth lifts Melina up and slams her down with a running powerbomb! Beth then lifts Melina up by her legs and slams her down face first. Beth then pulls Melina back by her arms in a submission. Beth then pulls Melina back by her neck wrenching back with power. Melina then tells the referee she quits.Winner: Beth Phoenix
Stretcher MatchShawn Michaels vs. BatistaThe bell rings and HBK jumps at Batista. Batista pushes him down. HBK jumps at at him again and Batista throws him down. Batista clotheslines HBK over the top rope to the outside. Batista lifts HBK up and drops him over a stretcher near the ring. HBK responds sending Batista into the steel steps shoulder first. HBK cracks Batista's head against the steel ring post. HBK follows that up with a big kick to the back of the head. HBK takes apart the steel steps leaving the bottom part near Batista. HBK puts Batista on the steps and wheels the stretcher right into the chest of Batista. HBK lifts up Batista and puts him on the stretcher. Batista starts fight back with knees to HBK's head to get off the stretcher. Batista then grabs HBK, gets him up in a Batista Bomb, but HBK counters into a guillotine choke. Batista starts falling forward onto the stretcher. HBK rolls Batista over and gets him on the stretcher. HBK starts wheeling the stretcher towards the finish line. Batista stops HBK and levels him with a big right hand. Batista then sends HBK face first into the steel ring post to get back near the ringside area.Batista then sends HBK into the side of the ring. Batista does the same again, but this time against the ring barricade. Batista rolls HBK back into the ring and levels him with a big clothesline. Batista with a big splash clothesline in the corner on HBK. Batista with a big running powerslam on HBK. HBK gets to his feet, Batista charges and HBK side steps him sending Batista shoulder first into the steel ring post. HBK with a springboard forearm off the ropes that takes Batista off his feet. HBK nips up, goes up to the top, jumps and connects with the flying elbow. HBK then starts tuning up the band in the corner. HBK goes for Sweet Chin Music, but Batista takes him out with a clothesline. Batista calls for the end lifting up HBK, getting him up in the Batista Bomb, Batista tries to hit the Batista Bomb over the top rope onto the stretcher, but HBK jumps off his shoulders and connects with Sweet Chin Music. Batista falls through the ropes and onto the stretcher. Batista has a glazed look on his face as HBK rolls out, positions Batista more on the stretcher and begins pulling it towards the entrance area.Batista holds onto the ring apron as HBK tries pulling the stretcher away. HBK starts punching his arm away and again starts pulling the stretcher. Batista falls off the stretcher. HBK picks him back up and tries putting him back on. Batista puts up a fight and then HBK rams the stretcher into the side of Batista's ribs. HBK does this again against the ring apron. HBK attempts this a third time, but Batista counters, bounces the stretcher up catching HBK in the face and then rams the stretcher into HBK sending him backwards onto the ground. Batista throws HBK back in the ring. HBK gets to his feet, Batista charges and takes out HBK with a huge Spear. Batista gets HBK up and connects with a Batista Bomb. Batista grabs HBK by the arm and drags him towards the bottom rope. Batista pulls HBK under the bottom rope and puts him on the stretcher. Chris Jericho shows up and starts talking to HBK. He tells HBK that he is better than this. WWE referees come out and kick Jericho to the back. Michael Cole notes that Jericho was trying to encourage HBK. Batista is back in the ring as HBK is still on the ground crawling towards him.HBK gets to his feet using Batista's body. HBK attempts Sweet Chin Music, but has no power left. Batista lifts up HBK and says, "Just so you know, I don't love you and I'm not sorry." Batista then lifts up HBK and slams him down with another huge Batista Bomb. Batista drags HBK out, puts him on the stretcher and wheels it down the entrance area. Jericho shows up again trying to encourage HBK. Jericho stops Batista from wheeling it over the finish line. Jericho helps HBK off the stretcher and he falls to the ground. Batista walks away, grabs the bottom part of the steel steps, places it next to HBK, picks up HBK and slams him over it. Batista lifts up HBK, places him back on the stretcher and pushes it past the finish line to get the win.Winner: BatistaAfter the match, WWE referees and medical staff attend to Shawn Michaels on the stretcher. Batista lifts his arms in the air in celebration. We then see highlights of the match leading to the finish. Back live, Foley said we should give Batista credit since he said he would hurt Shawn Michaels and he did.
WWE Championship - Last Man Standing MatchTriple H (c) vs. Randy OrtonThey did introductions for the challenger Randy Orton and the champion Triple H.The bell rings and both circle each other. Orton with a kick and sends Triple H through the ropes to the outside. Orton chases him down and hits Triple H with some more right hands. Triple H sends Orton shoulder first into the steel ring steps and then levels him with a clothesline near the ring barricade. Triple H with right hands and then sends Orton over the Smackdown announce table. Triple H tosses Orton back in and hits some more right hands in the corner. Triple H begins kicking Orton to the ground in the corner and chokes him with his boot. Triple H goes to work on Orton's face and then sends him shoulder first into the steel ring post. Triple H grabs Orton and executes this a second time. Orton responds with a huge dropkick on Triple H. Triple H then tosses Orton over the top rope and then slams his head off the steel steps. Triple H with a huge right hand that levels Orton on the outside. Triple H then begins clearing away the ECW announce table. Triple H throws Orton on the table, mounts him and starts hitting some hard rights. Triple H picks up Orton, goes for the Pedigree, Orton counters attempting an RKO, but Triple H pushes him away.Orton lands on his feet and then catches Triple H with a right hand. Orton then grabs Triple H's head, pulls him forward slightly and drops him with a huge DDT. Triple H looks to be out after this takes place. The referee starts the count and Triple H barely gets to his feet by 9. Orton goes on the attack right away with some big rights. Orton then rips up the padding exposing the concrete and attempts an RKO on Triple H. Triple H puts on the brakes and sends Orton shoulder first into the ring post. The referee starts the count and Triple H gets up at 4 and rolls in. Orton is up at 6 and rolls in as well. Orton clips Triple H on the back of the head with his forearm taking him down. Orton then starts stomping Triple H on the ground. Orton then got the steel ring steps on the outside, brought them in and leveled Triple H with a big shot to the head. Triple H is down and the referee starts the count. Triple H gets up by 9 as Orton brings in some electric cord. Orton starts choking Triple H with the cord. Triple H stays down, Orton backs off, Triple H gets up the 8 count, Orton attempts an RKO, but Triple H counters and sends Orton over the top rope.Orton lands with a thud and it sounds like he said he broke his collarbone to the referee. You can see Triple H talking to the referee quite a bit at this point. Orton finds a way to his feet a few times before the 10 count and each time Triple H hits him with rights to send him back down. Triple H grabs a sledgehammer and hits Orton with it. Lots of talking as this doesn't appear to be the original finish. Triple H goes into the ring, holds up the sledgehammer, the referee starts the count, Orton stays down and the referee gets to 10. The bell rings and Triple H retains the WWE Title.Winner & STILL WWE Champion: Triple H
World Heavyweight Championship - TLC Match(If The Undertaker loses, he must leave WWE forever)The Undertaker vs. EdgeThey do ring introductions for Edge and The Undertaker.The bell rings and Taker levels Edge with a big boot. Taker puts Edge in the corner and gets in a few body shots. Taker drops Edge with a right hand, lifts him up and drops a few headbutts. Taker with an irish whip on Edge, Edge bounces off the corner and Taker levels him with a clothesline. Taker puts Edge in the other corner and lands a few more body shots. Taker starts choking Edge, twists his arm, goes up to the top, scales the top rope and connects with the Old School! Taker leaves the ring, grabs a ladder, but Edge gets to his feet and dropkicks the ladder right into Taker's face. Edge leaves the ring, clears steel chairs off a table and stacks another table on top of it. Edge approaches Taker who has a ladder in hand and hits Edge with it two times. Taker drops Edge face first off the steel steps. Taker gets another table and sets it up next two the two stacked tables. Taker grabs a fourth table and puts it on top of the original one. We now have four tables all stacked on each other. Edge then gives Taker a drop toe hold right into the steel steps. Foley mentions this is do or die tonight for Undertaker since he is excluded from the Draft even if he loses.Edge sets up a ladder in the ring and starts climbing it when Taker runs back in and pulls him off. Taker knocks the ladder over and then sets it across the top turnbuckle. Taker puts Edge on his shoulders and looks to drop Edge off the ladder face first, but Edge jumps off and sends Taker face first into ladder. Edge grabs another ladder and puts it on the opposite turnbuckle. Irish whip by Edge, but Taker counters and Edge gets sent face first into that ladder. Taker grabs a third ladder, sets it up, begins climbing up, Edge jumps up on the other side and Taker throws him off. Edge lands on the ladder set up on the top turnbuckle, but bounces towards Taker, pushes the ladder over and Taker hits the other ladder set up in the other corner! Edge is up first, puts a ladder again on the top turnbuckle, turns around, Taker lifts him up and drops him in a snake eyes across that ladder. Taker then hits Edge with a big boot using the ladder to his advantage. Taker grabs a steel chair on the outside and drives it into the ribs of Edge. Taker then cracks the steel chair over the back of Edge.Taker puts Edge on the ring apron, kicks him in the head, goes up to the ring apron, looks to drop a leg, but Edge pulls a steel chair up and Taker drops his leg right across the steel chair. Taker screams out in pain as he falls to the outside. Edge then positions a ladder across the ring apron and ring barricade. Taker grabs Edge looking to hit a Last Ride, but Edge falls down and low blows Taker. Edge gets to his feet with a steel chair in hand. Edge cracks the steel chair over the head of Taker and he falls to the ground. Edge goes on the other side of the ring, sets up a table, grabs another steel chair and cracks it over the head of Taker when he gets back to his feet. Edge grabs Taker and puts him on top of a table near the Smackdown announce table. Edge stands on the Smackdown announce table, jumps and splashes Taker crashing through the table! Edge rolls back in the ring with a ladder in hand. Edge sets it up under the World Title, begins climbing, but Taker isn't far behind and tosses Edge off. Edge then responds leveling Taker with a Spear! Edge pushes the ladder over, puts Taker's leg inside and drops the ladder over Taker's knee.Edge leaves, grabs a steel chair, returns to the ring and cracks it over the ladder with Taker's knee still inside. Edge brings in a bigger ladder and sets it up under the World Title. Edge grabs the steel chair again and cracks it over the head of Taker two different times. Edge places the steel chair under the head of Taker, leaves the ring, grabs another steel chair, returns, attempts a Conchairto, but Taker dodges it low blowing Edge. Taker follows Edge to the ring apron. Taker grabs Edge and gives him a chokeslam on to the ladder that was set across the ring apron and ring barricade earlier! Taker then goes to climb up the ladder when Zack Ryder and Curt Hawkins hit the ring. They slide in two more ladders and tables. Hawkins and Ryder set up two tables. They put Taker on one and put another table over Taker. Taker low blows Ryder and then throws Hawkins off the top rope sending him crashing through a table at ringside! Taker then chokeslams Ryder off the ring apron crashing through another table! In the ring, Edge is up and he Spears Taker through the ropes sending him off the ring apron into the ring barricade.Edge stacks two tables on top of each other again near the corner. Edge positions the ladder near by and starts climbing up. Taker rolls back in, Edge is close to the title, Taker grabs the feet of Edge, starts climbing up, Taker goes under Edge and connects with a Last Ride sending Edge through two tables! This gets a huge reaction from the crowd in San Diego! Taker starts climbing up the ladder favoring his bad knee when Chavo Guerrero and Bam Neely show up. They pull Taker off the ladder and start beating him down. Chavo and Bam grab two steel chairs. They miss hitting Taker at the same time and Taker grabs a chair leveling them both! Taker moves the ladder and then starts climbing up yet again. As Taker gets near the top, Edge somehow gets to his feet and pushes the ladder over. Taker falls with the ladder and crashes through the four tables at ringside! Edge positions the ladder, starts climbing up, gets to the top, reaches and gets the title. Edge is the new World Heavyweight Champion and The Undertaker is now done in WWE.Winner & NEW World Heavyweight Champion: EdgeAfter the match, Edge puts the World Heavyweight Title over his shoulder and celebrates. Mick Foley says Edge has accomplished his World Title win at the expense of the career of The Undertaker. We then see highlights of the match leading to the finish that saw Undertaker crash through four tables at ringside. Back live, Edge holds up the World Title along with Chavo Guerrero, Bam Neely, Zack Ryder and Curt Hawkins. Vickie Guerrero walks out and she hugs Edge. Pyro begins to go off behind them all as Edge holds the World Title high in the air.As Edge and his crew heads to the back, we see a shot of The Undertaker trying to recover and get to his feet. Undertaker eventually sits up and gets to his knees. Undertaker gets to his feet as the fans in San Diego give him a standing ovation. Undertaker then begins walking up the entrance area as the lights go down and a spotlight covers him. Michael Cole adds, "The career of The Undertaker is dead, but his legacy will live on forever." Undertaker stops, turns around, looks at the crowd and then heads to the back as the PPV goes off the air...
Randy Orton Injured at WWE's One Night Stand; Taken to HospitalWritten by Marc Middleton Got any news or results to send us? Please e-mail it to During his match with Triple H at tonight's One Night Stand pay-per-view, Randy Orton took a bad fall after being thrown over the top rope and apparently broke his collarbone in the process. During the broadcast you could hear Orton tell the referee about his injury. The announcers started selling the injury on the broadcast. The match was scheduled to go a bit longer, but they soon went to the finish. Orton remained out on the floor clutching his shoulder while the referee made the ten count. As soon as the match was over, medics quickly stormed ringside to check on Orton.After the match, Orton was immediately taken into a room backstage to be examined. He was then sent to the San Diego Medical hospital to determine the severity of the injury.Orton was diagnosed with a broken left collarbone. ***************************************************************************************************Shocking New Allegations Made Towards WWE AnnouncersWritten by Marc Middleton Got any news or results to send us? Please e-mail it to WNZ@wrestlenewz.comIn case you don't know, there is a controversial new book out called Ring of Hell detailing the rise and destructive fall of Chris Benoit, not to mention the bizarre world of professional wrestling. The book brings to light several untold stories concerning sexual misconduct, drug abuse, racism and organized crime hidden beneath the seedy underbelly of professional wrestling. The author of the book, Matthew Randazzo V, also puts together his theories on what drove Chris Benoit to kill his son Daniel and wife Nancy. His journey through life and wrestling, as well as his destruction, is heavily detailed.The book features a slew of scandalous backstage stories on World Wrestling Entertainment, World Championship Wrestling, Extreme Championship Wrestling, not to mention Japan. While a number of the stories in the book revolve around Chris Benoit, it features several backstage stories not related to him, including one on a former WWE writer that was fired after being told on to management for soliciting sexual favors from a present-day WWE wrestler in an arena bathroom stall a few months ago.A number of stories told in the book are so shocking that they're almost too hard to believe, but the book is meticulously sourced. In several instances the author of the book went to more than one source for confirmation on certain stories. Additionally, a handful of former WWE writers no longer involved with the industry back up many of the outrageous claims in the book concerning World Wrestling Entertainment from the past few years.In today's story, one former WWE writer alleges that steroid use was so prevalent during his stay in the company that even two of announcers were on steroids. The former WWE writer recounts a day in which he overheard an announcer talking to another announcer about working out, "cycles" and "taking the juice." He then gives two clues on the perpetrators. Here is the passage from the book concerning this story:"The culture of steroids is so persuasive in the WWE that even a few of their wrestling announcers are doing steroids," one WWE writer told me. "In fact, one of them was talking about it openly. At first, I had no clue what he was talking about. He was talking to another announcer about working out, and something called 'cycles,' and taking 'the juice.' When I came to discover what it was, I was shocked. At least two of them are on steroids, and neither of them are former wrestlers. They come from the world of broadcast journalism."
SAN DIEGO – Edge came to San Diego intent on taking the vacated World Heavyweight Championship and ending Undertaker’s career in a Tables, Ladders and Chairs Match. And at One Night Stand, the Rated-R Superstar lived up to his promise – winning his fifth World Championship and banishing The Phenom from WWE.In a brutal confrontation, the Ultimate Opportunist used his vast, victorious experience in TLC Matches to his advantage, climbing the ladder to claim the “richest prize in the game.” And while Undertaker proved that he could more than hold his own in the contest, Curt Hawkins & Zack Ryder made sure The Phenom couldn't capitalize. The duo attacked the former champion, leaving an opening for Edge to take control, but Undertaker fought back and delivered a Last Ride through two tables. But "The Family" attacked, and as it appeared the gold was The Deadman's, Edge shocked the world, pushing the ladder and crushing Undertaker's hopes – ascending the rungs to take back the gold. With Undertaker effectively gone from WWE, can anybody step up to challenge the new World Heavyweight Champion Edge and “The Family”? Will any Superstar want to go head-to-head with the “master manipulator” and his fiancée, SmackDown General Manager Vickie Guerrero, after seeing how they eliminated The Deadman from WWE with their schemes over the past few months?One thing is certain, it won't be Undertaker. A career worthy of WWE Hall of Fame induction has been ended by the plans of a title-hungry Edge and his lover – a fate no Superstar wants to repeat.
WWE Show Changes Confirmed, Goldberg and Mick Foley UpdatesWritten by Marc Middleton Got any news or results to send us? Please e-mail it to The WWE website has an article about Mick Foley meeting a young girl he sponsors in Mexico while on the recent Raw brand tour there, where he was booked as a special referee. Foley noted that while she's met him once before, she wasn't aware of his celebrity as the village she lives in doesn't own many televisions until he gave her an action figure of himself. The article noted she met a number of WWE stars, including John Cena and Shawn Michaels, and had no idea who they were until after she watched the WWE event.- Bill Goldberg recently did an interview saying that he was done with pro wrestling. Goldberg said that it was a case of philosophical differences between himself and WWE, and a lack of vision in TNA.- On his WWE blog, WWE announcer Josh Matthews mentioned that this weekend will be the last HEAT episode, confirming our reports from earlier. The final episode of HEAT will be the 513th showing. ******************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************Good 'Ol Jim Ross Says Big Changes Are Coming to WWE and MoreWritten by Marc Middleton Got any news or results to send us? Please e-mail it to Jim Ross is back with another blog entry, which you can read in its entirety at The most newsworthy item is that Ross acknowledges WWE is well aware of their ratings problem and are planning some big changes in the near future:"I am anxious to see what changes are initiated on Monday Night Raw this week as it seems that several changes are rumored to be on their way. Last Monday’s lackluster TV rating for Monday Night Raw would certainly be reason enough to move these changes along as no one could ever be content with a 2.9 national cable rating.""Personally, I am for longer match times and to see if some of the younger, talented individuals who have been developing, some for quite some time, can add to the mix and provide a "fresh feel" to the presentation. The announcers are talking less, which I have zero issues with quite honestly as it is television and not radio, but one could also make a case that the televised, talking segments could be more succinct as well. One man’s opinion.""It’s time to "reshuffle" the deck as the old wrestling expression goes and attempt to create new stars involved in new issues which might give cause for "business picking up."
The Undertaker and Coach Gone, Women's Title Moving?, MoreWritten by Marc Middleton Got any news or results to send us? Please e-mail it to WWE is still actively looking for new African-American talents.- There has been some talk of moving the WWE Womens Title to either ECW or SmackDown but no official decision has been made just yet. Vince feels that both of those brands need something to distinguish them from what Raw offers and the Womens Title just may be the answer to that.- WWE has removed the profiles of The Undertaker and Jonathan Coachman from the SmackDown roster page.^^ Please don't worry, Taker WILL be back, he's just taking time off to heal from his injuries. He will be back for the WWE Draft.
Poor Randy last night, that bump looked sick, I felt gutted for him when that happened, he's had a lot of bad luck with injuries cutting him off as he starts to get on a roll.
Taker to return at Summerslam?Though ‘Taker has been known for taking time off, it was usually for injury reasons. However, this was the worst send-off he ever had on-screen. This time, God knows what its for. Anyways, I had predicted on the other pages that he will return on Summerslam and it looks like it will be correct :)Summerslam is a big PPV and so it makes sense that he should return when it happens (or at Survivor series, but that would be a little too late). Remember his 1994 Summerslam return where he fought the false Undertaker?Undertaker is scheduled to return for summerslam. Resources also state that if he doesnt return for summerslam, he's definately returning for Survivor Series.