The offical wrestling thread..News, spoilers and results.

Undertaker vs Edge at ONS part 4 help upload the other parts)
The Undertaker Now a WWE Alumni, Night of Champs Match ConfirmedWritten by Marc Middleton Got any news or results to send us? Please e-mail it to If you missed the stipulations announced or the earlier post, ECW Champion Kane will defend his Championship against The Big Show at WWE's Night of Champions pay-per-view.- In an update to our earlier post on The Undertaker's profile being moved off of the SmackDown roster page, he has now been added to WWE's Alumni section on its website.It looks like WWE is really sticking to the storyline where The Undertaker is banned from WWE after losing to Edge last night. Obviously, The Deadman will be returning in some capacity sometime soon, probably at the WWE Draft in a few weeks.
Ric Flair Returning to WWE, William Regal Not Legal, Future StarWritten by Marc Middleton Got any news or results to send us? Please e-mail it to Ric Flair is expected to be brought back to television within the next few weeks. More than likely it will be a one-time appearance to promote the release of his next DVD, but a regular role shouldn't be ruled out.- Even though he's been living in the country since 1992, WWE Raw star William Regal is still not a legal U.S. citizen. A third strike on the Wellness Policy could be potentially devastating as he would be forced to be terminated from the company and in danger of not being able to stay in the country if he is unable to find a new full-time job.Every other time Regal was let go, he would quickly get back on his feet and land a new job with another wrestling company within mere months if not weeks. After being let go from WCW in early 1998, he quickly landed a job with WWE. After being let go from WWE in April 1999, Regal landed a job with WCW two months later. After being let go from WCW in February 2000 because they had nothing for him, Regal was quickly hired by WWE and sent to Memphis Championship Wrestling for a short time before re-debuting in September of that year.Nowadays, Regal's only other options are TNA and possibly Ring of Honor as they're pretty much the only U.S. companies signing wrestling talent for full-time work. It's possible that TNA could hire Regal, but that's far from a guarantee. If Regal were to be fired from WWE, it's either find a job with one of those two companies if he wants to continue wrestling, or possibly start looking for a new line of work.After being let go from WWE in late 2006, Psicosis -- who is not a legal U.S. citizen -- was unable to land a job stateside and so he headed back to Mexico. Back in March, Psicosis got caught crossing the border to work an indy wrestling show using tourist papers. The authorities took away his tourist papers and he was deported back to Mexico as a result.- Dusty Rhodes, who is running things on the creative side in WWE's developmental league Florida Championship Wrestling, is said to be high on wrestler Jake Hagar, the promotion's current champion.
Get This; Nick Hogan Is Now Suing the Sheriff DepartmentWritten by Marc Middleton Got any news or results to send us? Please e-mail it to Those of you who aren't fans of Hulk Hogan's son Nick will not like this story. is reporting that according to his attorney, Nick Bollea is suing a Florida sheriff's department for releasing tapes of his jailhouse conversations with his mother Linda and the Hulkster. The suit alleges that the Sheriff's department violated Nick's privacy and is seeking that they don't do the same with further conversations.His attorney, Morris Weinberg, is quoted as saying, "Nick only asks that he be treated no differently than the other inmates at the Pinellas County Jail. Instead, the Sheriff's Office has singled him out by the unprecedented release to the media of his personal calls with his family."What Weinberg didn't mention was that no one else at the jail had a famous father, brother, nor was any other inmate the star of a reality TV series. One guess is that they will try to use Nick's status as a minor as grounds to keep the tapes sealed. If he were 18 years old, he wouldn't have any status here because the tapes are a matter of public record.
**SPOILERS** WWE SmackDown! Taping ResultsJun 04 2008 by BadroseDark Match:* MVP b. Jamie Noble after he connects with a running corner kick.SmackDown: (Airing This Friday)* The WWE Production Crew is currently changing the set from ECW to SmackDown.* Lots of Champaign on ice with glasses is being setup. The opening segment will contain Edge and La Familia.* La Familia is in the ring. Vickie is getting lots of heat. She introduces to the crowd, the man “who banished The Undertaker from WWE forever.” Edge makes his way out to the ring.* Edge dedicates his victory to La Familia. He uses the Jerry McGuire line on Vickie saying she completes him and that not only is he the new champ but he got rid of The Undertaker. He goes on to say he did him a favor by allowing him to leave with dignity and that Taker should thank him. He then makes a “toast” to the “Deadman” saying may he “rest in peace.”The lights go out teasing a Taker appearance… The lights then come back on and reveal it was all a prank by Edge. Vickie then announces her marriage to Edge for July 11th. Batista’s music hits… He comes out as asks why he wasn’t invited to the party. He goes on to say how he hopes they are happy together and congratulates them… He doesn’t mean it… He challenges Edge for the World Heavyweight Championship. Vickie says NO. She says for Batista to face Edge for the title he must win in an 8 man tag match but she chooses Batista’s three partners. If Edge wins, no more title shots for Batista ever.* Finlay b. Chuck Palumbo in a Belfast Brawl via pin fall.Chuck with an overhead suplex on Finlay outside the ring. Chuck removes a turnbuckle pad and goes for his chain… He gets a low blow from Hornswoggle. Finlay takes the chain and nails Chuck. He pins him for the win.MVP is shown sitting by himself.* A Cousin Sal vs. Santino graphic is shown.* Big Show comes to the ring for a promo. He talks about his new #1 contender status and clips from his Singapore Cane Match at One Night Stand are shown. Mark Henry makes his way out to the ring. He says all Big Show did was get put into a match with sticks to be the #1 contender. He then makes a challende and retreats.* Backstage is Piper warming up with Cousin Sal. A graphic is shown for tonight’s 8-man tag match.* The Great Khali b. Deuce 'n Domino in squash match. He gets a face reaction.* Backstage is Vickie with the SmackDown divas. She brags about how she has absolute power. She goes on to compare herself to the Fabulous Moolah and says she will crown a new diva champion.* Cousin Sal b. Santino Marella- Jimmy Kimell and Roddy Piper are at ringside. Cousin Sal wins with the rollup after Jimmy Kimmel trips Santino.* The Miz and John Morrison are shown backstage tormenting Hornswoggle. Finlay shows up. Hornswoggle grabs a supersoaker and spays them both.* Edge pulls Chavo aside and tells him he’s going to be his Uncle Edge and he wants him to best the best man at his wedding.* A Golden Dream Diva Match with Cherry, Maryse, Natalya, Victoria, Layle El, and Michelle McCool is up next. The winner advances to Night Of Champions. Natalya wins.* Vladimir Kozlov b. Jimmy Wang Yang with a belly-to-belly suplex. After the match Shannon Moore comes out and saves Wang. They walk off together…* Maria interviews Batista backstage.* Hawkins, Ryder, Edge, and Chavo are all in the ring for the 8-man tag match. Out comes Batista followed by his partners Nunzio, Funaki, and Colin Delaney.Batista and his team win after he hits the Batista bomb on Zack Ryder. Edge will defend the World Heavyweight Championship at Night Of Champions.Vickie comes out and announces a handicap match with her and Edge vs. Batista. Batista hits Edge with a low blow and issues a Batista Bomb. The match is over. Batista then press slams Vickie over the top rope and onto the rest of La Familia. They escape to the back. Batista hangs out at ringside with fans after the show. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------I won't watch SD until the daft comes up..
I gave up on Smackdown years ago, but they will need to establish some star power if they want to bring in any viewers.

I honestly think Jericho will be going to Smackdown, could be wrong but he would be a great addition, gives him a lot of fresh opponents too and he can continue building a feud with Batista.
Taker to return at Summerslam?Though ‘Taker has been known for taking time off, it was usually for injury reasons. However, this was the worst send-off he ever had on-screen. This time, God knows what its for. Anyways, I had predicted on the other pages that he will return on Summerslam and it looks like it will be correct :)Summerslam is a big PPV and so it makes sense that he should return when it happens (or at Survivor series, but that would be a little too late). Remember his 1994 Summerslam return where he fought the false Undertaker?Undertaker is scheduled to return for summerslam. Resources also state that if he doesnt return for summerslam, he's definately returning for Survivor Series.

yea and they kept him off tv for a good 8 months, I think the longer they leave his exit the better and more believable, I agree with you about the way he was sent off, but at the same time it was unexpected as everyone thought he would win granted the provision. It was weird to see Taker walking off and getting that applause like he was actually leaving.
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Kane Speaks on the WWE Locker Room, ECW Rating, MoreJun 05 2008 by Marc Middleton- Tuesday night's episode of ECW on Sci Fi did a 1.1 cable rating.- Kane says that being a veteran in the WWE locker room allows him to help create the agenda for the rest of the wrestlers. "I used to go to other people for advice - now people come to me," Kane said in an interview with the New Zealand Herald to promote the June SmackDown tour. "But like all the older guys, when you become the old man in the locker room you set the agenda in there."Kane added that he also tries to help the younger wrestlers, which is one of the biggest changes he's experienced over the past decade. "Over the past couple of years there has been a movement towards more professionalism," he said. "There is just no place for the rock star lifestyle [in wrestling] any more and you have to go out and do the best job you can every night."
Latest On The Undertaker's Banishment, ECW Creative Plans ChangedJun 04 2008 by Badrose- Just to put an end to all the conspiracy theories, Undertaker is not retiring or leaving WWE, nor has he violated the Wellness Policy. The line used by multiple sources is that Taker is merely taking time off to let nagging injuries heal. "He's making huge money," said one source who stressed that Taker isn't going anywhere. "He has a long-term deal."- Vince McMahon called for a slew of rewrites for the ECW show on Tuesday. The original draft of the show included a number of pre-taped backstage segments, but Vince wanted more of a straight forward wrestling show. The show wasn't finalized until early afternoon on Tuesday.
sweet princess, what do you think of the whole Vicky/Edge storyline? In a way, I feel it's disrespecting to Eddie's legacy
sweet princess, what do you think of the whole Vicky/Edge storyline? In a way, I feel it's disrespecting to Eddie's legacy

I personal don't like it, I don't think Eddie would've cared, One fan asked a columest writer if she (the writer) Thought the kiss between Vickie and Edge was gross, and she meantion if Eddie wouls have been Jealous if he saw it. the writer said that she thought the kiss was great, and she said that Eddie would've have minded.#################################################################*SPOILERS* WWE SmackDown Tapings for This WeekJun 08 2008 by Marc MiddletonSmackDown spoiler taped 6/7/08 to air 6/13/08 (Friday the 13th) from Fresno, CAMVP’s VIP Lounge segment was taped prior to the official start of SmackDown. Tonight’s guest is Rey Mysterio. Rey gives the crowd an update on his condition and rehab. He will be back real soon. MVP makes a few racial remarks geared towards Mysterio and the majority of the crowd. The segment ends with no physical encounter.SmackDown opening credits.Before the cameras resumed rolling, Hawkins and Ryder wheel Vickie Guerrero to the Ring. We are going to have a contract signing.SmackDown begins and the roof explodes. The amount of heat directed toward Vickie was impressive. I was sitting in the 4th row and I could not really hear Vickie’s promo. Vickie calls out Batista. She tells him that Edge already signed the contract. She tells Batista that it is a standard contract but there were 2 amendments. 1st amendment, Batista has to win another match before he can face Edge at Night of Champions. His next opponent will be The Great Khali. Batista leaves the ring. Vickie calls up to Batista and tells him the 2nd amendment is, he must defeat The Great Khali tonight or he will suffer the same fate as The Undertaker, he will be banned from WWE.WWE Tag Team Champion John Morrison w/ The Miz def. Finlay w/ Hornswoggle. One on one match where Morrison rolls up Finlay to get the win.Mark Henry cuts a promo on The Big Show. Showing the world what his face looks like now, and a picture of what he will do to the Big Show’s face. (Instead of 1 black eye Show will have 2 black eyes.)Another promo, Edge and Vickie. Edge talks about Night of Champions and makes references to the demise of The Undertaker. CM Punk walks in. He congratulates the couple. He then brings up Money in the Bank. The vignette ends with Punk saying he may just cash in MITB during Edge’s wedding.Mark Henry def. Tommy Dreamer. Henry hits his World’s Strongest Slam for the pin after a short match.Now we go backstage to Edge and Vickie again who are now talking to a wedding planner. MVP interrupts the two. MVP wants to renegotiate his contract with Vickie. Vickie is reluctant to do so, but she said if MVP did them a favor she would look into it. Vickie and Edge asks MVP to take care of CM Punk.Cherry def. Maryse. With what appeared at first to be a single arm DDT but it might have been a double arm. It was sloppy either way.MVP def. CM Punk via DQ. Crowd was very dead for this match. This was easily the longest match of the night. MVP gets control of Punk’s MITB briefcase. While MVP was in the corner Punk hits the running knee driving the briefcase into MVP’s skull. Punk celebrates to the crowd and that is when the referee turns around, sees the briefcase, and DQ’s Punk.Chavo Guerrero and Bam Neely come out to the ring. Chavo puts over Edge’s and Vickie’s wedding and then introduces the United States Champ, saying that he will beat him at Night of Champions.WWE United States Champion Matt Hardy def. Chuck Palumbo. Matt Hardy used his Twist of Fate for the victory.Chavo then announces the winner of the match and the "loser at Night of Champions", Matt Hardy.Here you go Buck: Biscuits and Gravy!Jesse and Festus def. Deuce and Domino. Festus had one of the biggest pops of the night during the match. Festus picks up the victory. After the match, Deuce and Domino get into it with each other and a brawl takes place between the two of them. Is this the end of the team of Deuce and Domino?The Great Khali vs. Batista is next!Batista def. The Great Khali. Edge and Vickie watch the match from the entryway. Batista hits a spear on Khali. Khali STILL sucks! Dark Main Event:Batista def. World Heavyweight Champion Edge and The Great Khali, in a 2-1 Handicap Match. Batista hits the Batista Bomb on Edge for the victory.Batista celebrates in the ring and with the crowd.
Spoilers: Complete ECW on Sci-Fi Tapings for This Week, 6/10Written by Marc Middleton Got any news or results to send us? Please e-mail it to WNZ@wrestlenewz.comThanks to Cody Loflin for sending along the the SmackDown and ECW taping results from last night in Fresno, California. The entire upper deck with the exception of 5 sections is tarped off including the 1/3 of the arena on the hard camera side. Lots of black tarps. Arena was about 65-75% full.Dark Match:Jimmy Wang Yang and Shannon Moore def. Jason Styles and Brian Cage.ECW Spoilers from 6/7/08 to air on 6/10/08 from Fresno, CaliforniaKofi Kingston and Evan Bourne def. Mike Knox and “The Gold Standard” Shelton Benjamin. Evan Bourne with a missile dropkick to Mike Knox who was sitting in the middle of the ring.Victoria def. Kelly Kelly – referee stoppage. Victoria counters a move from Kelly and tossed her over the ropes onto the mat below. The bump to floor was sick.Teddy Long gives Armando his chance to earn his contract tonight. He will face Finlay and that is next.Finlay w/ Hornswoggle def. Armando Estrada. Finlay with the Celtic Cross to Armando.Teddy Long comes out and gives Armando a second chance. His second chance will be Colin Delaney.Colin Delaney def. Armando Estrada. Delaney with a DDT on Estrada who was still fazed by the Celtic Cross.Teddy then gives Estrada another chance. This time it’s against Hornswoggle.Hornswoggle def. Armando Estrada. Hornswoggle hits the Tadpole splash on Estrada.The Estrada dilemma wasn’t explained to the live crowd.After the match Hornswoggle, Delaney and Finlay celebrate in the ring. Delaney takes Hornswoggle's hat and puts it on him, then onto Finlay. Finlay gets annoyed, then he hits Delaney with the shillelagh.Mark Henry cuts a promo on Big Show and calls him out. (Huge “You Suck” chant) Big Show responds. Henry congratulates Big Show in advance for beating Kane at Night of Champions. This leads to Henry leaving the ring and the ECW Champion, Kane coming out to confront the Big Show on the ramp way.Kane and partner vs. The WWE Tag Team Champions, The Miz and John Morrison is next.The Miz and John Morrison def. Kane and CM Punk to retain The WWE Tag Team Championship. John Morrison with his finisher to Punk for the 1-2-3.
Update on The Undertaker's Return and MoreJun 08 2008 by Marc Middleton- There is a long-term storyline for The Undertaker's return to be part of a key angle with Edge. There doesn't appear to be an exact time frame for his return, but it isn't supposed to be a lengthy sabbatical.The Undertaker leaving was something kept from the creative team until the addition of the pay-per-view stipulation was announced for his match with Edge at One Night Stand. Vince McMahon himself didn't want to do an injury angle to avoid giving the perception that The Dead Man is breaking down.There have been rumors going around the net that Taker would be returning with his American Badass gimmick but from what we've heard so far, that's not in the plans.***************************************************************************************************Backstage Update on The Undertaker/Vince, Trish Stratus, MoreJun 09 2008 by Marc Middleton- TMZ has a video on a Hulk Hogan shopping with his girlfriend at a Wal-Mart in Clearwater, FL. The cameraman asks Hogan his thoughts on his estranged wife Linda's new 19-year-old boyfriend and people who think that his new girlfriend looks like his daughter Brooke. Hogan doesn't respond. Additionally, TMZ is reporting that Hogan and his new girlfriend are moving in together.- Trish Stratus will be making an appearance at a summer concert festival in Toronto at the Wonderland Amusement Park on Sunday, July 20, 2008: Breaking all attendance records over the last 4 years, this year the 16th Annual Summer Rush looks to be the biggest one yet! Over 15,000 fans invaded Kinswood Music Theatre last year where they witnessed some of the biggest acts in the world. This year's Summer Rush returns to Kingswood Theatre and welcomes Nelly, Jesse McCartney, Cascada, Girlicious, Enur, Kreesha Turner, Elise Estrada, Kardinal Offishall, Lady Gaga, Yves Larock presenting Jaba, Jabbawockeez, Snap, Basshunter, Addictiv, DJ Danny D, special appearance by Trish Stratus, and all your favourite Z103.5 personalities.! Get ready to feel the rush!- The feeling backstage was that Undertaker needed to take some time off to heal a number of nagging injuries, hence the storyline writing him out of WWE programming. There doesn't appear to be an exact time frame on his return, but it isn't expected to be too long. They did a retirement storyline this time around because Vince McMahon didn't want to go with yet another injury angle. Undertaker has been written out of TV a few times in recent years due to real injuries and McMahon didn't want to give the perception that his body is breaking down. When Undertaker returns he is expected to resume his long-term program with Edge.
*SPOILERS* WWE SmackDown Tapings for 6/20Jun 09 2008 by Marc MiddletonSmackdown results from San Jose - Airdate 6/20MVP Lounge. Porter brags about being the best and being cool if he's drafted away from Smackdown. He says management overlooks talent because they either don't have an eye for talent or are to busy getting married. He can beat anyone, including La Familia. Vicky Guerrero comes out with Hawkins and Ryder. MVP says they had a deal that if he beat CM Punk last week, they would renegotiate his contract. Vicky says that was not the deal and she says if he wants competition then he's got it. Its MVP vs. Kane tonight.*Matt Hardy over Bam Neely by Twist of Fate. Charles Robinson threw Chavo Guerrero out during the match.*Vignette with Chavo complaining to Edge about being thrown out by Charles Robinson in Neeley's match. Edge promises him Robinson will be punished but Chavo must do him a favor and take care of Batista later in return. Edge will take care of Matt Hardy next week.*Michelle McCool over Layla El as Natalya Neidhart watched on*Backstage vignette: Vickie punishes Charles Robinson by telling him he will wrestle tonight.*Vladimir Kozlov over Jamie Noble.*Kane defeated MVP by countout. Mark Henry attacks Kane post match.*Great Khali defeated Charles Robinson with the vice grip.*Jesse and Festus defeated Deuce and Domino, who brawled before and after the bout.*Finlay over The Miz.*Chavo defeated Batista by countout. Edge was the special referee. Post match, La Familia attacked Batista.
wrestling without undertaker S*CKS!! I hope he comes he gets back and beat the hell out of Edge, i hate that guy!! I know wrestling is not true, the fights are planned but Edge makes me sick
wrestling without undertaker S*CKS!! I hope he comes he gets back and beat the hell out of Edge, i hate that guy!! I know wrestling is not true, the fights are planned but Edge makes me sick

I know, Edge or Vickie are going to turn face. The "wedding" will happen, and then Edge and Vickie will break-up.My question for all of you is..Who do u think will turn from heel to face, Edge or Vickie?
I know, Edge or Vickie are going to turn face. The "wedding" will happen, and then Edge and Vickie will break-up.My question for all of you is..Who do u think will turn from heel to face, Edge or Vickie?

I have a scenario, Edge and vicky are in the church getting married, then all the sudden the lights go out, you hear the bells of the church ringing like the Takers music, then in the place of the priest, appears the undertaker... He gives a chokeslam to vicky breaking the altar and gives a tombstone to edge and destroys la familia? What do you think?
I don´t understand why they didn´t "fired" shawn michaels? I liked him but now i don´t like him anymore... i prefered that he was vanished from wwe and taker stayed
I have a scenario, Edge and vicky are in the church getting married, then all the sudden the lights go out, you hear the bells of the church ringing like the Takers music, then in the place of the priest, appears the undertaker... He gives a chokeslam to vicky breaking the altar and gives a tombstone to edge and destroys la familia? What do you think?

Sounds good. :DUpdate On Torrie Wilson After Back SurgeryWritten by Richard Gray on Jun 10, 2008 - 2:47:18 PMTorrie Wilson posted a new blog on her MySpace page yesterday afternoon talking about her recent back surgery. Below is an excerpt from the blog:Well guy's I made it back from surgery alive!!!! I have to say that there for a minute I was pretty nervous about the whole deal! My surgeon, who was absolutely amazing scared me a bit right befor going under the knife...let's just say that as I was stepping onto the little surgery table and starting to feel like I had about 10 shots of Petron' tequila, my sweet little Dr. says to me "So Torrie are you ready to go?!" I looked at him with tears in my eyes ( I was crying all morning because I was so scared!) and said "I guess as ready as I will ever be, just please promise me that I won't wake up paralyzed because of a mistake." Ok so what words do you think came out of his mouth after that? ...this is what he said...."Honey being paralyzed is the least of your worries with a surgery like this! You have a lot of major organs just on the other side of where I am working and if I just happen to accidently puncture any of them you could bleed to death easily!" so of course I asked him..."well what if that happens? I mean what can you do to help me?" He replied with " Well, honey I will just have to cut you open all the way across your stomach and work hard to fix the problem and stop the bleeding....but you will end up with a pretty large scar across your stomach!" Ok so call me crazy but I was inches away from taking off for the parking lot just at that moment! Instead I prefered to pray the hardest I have ever prayed that everything goes fine and dandy! The surgery did take a little longer than usual so of course when I woke up at 8pm the first thing I did after looking at the clock was feel for a cut across my tummy...and luckily everything went great. Needless to say, I am so very thankful that I got such a wonderful Dr. that went above and beyond. I am slowly starting to walk better and feel like my old self again...And just so you guy's can see how absolutely horrible I can look, I decided to show you a couple pics of me after surgery in the hospital without of stitch of makeup that's love if you can get past that sight!
Does the WWE Chairman Vince McMahon Have a Cocaine Problem?Written by Marc Middleton Got any news or results to send us? Please e-mail it to The recently released Ring of Hell: The Story of Chris Benoit and the Fall of the Pro Wrestling Industry book alleges that Vince McMahon has something of a "love affair" for cocaine that may or may not have ever subsided. Here is what was written in the book:According to numerous sources, McMahon had a great love affair with cocaine that may or may not have ever subsided; "he liked to brag with apparent justification that 'I can snort as much of that stuff as anyone can put in front of me and never get hooked."One WWE employee of recent years told me, "The boys and former office staff use euphemisms when they talk about Vince's 'energy.' You'll hear it in things like, 'I don't know where he gets all the energy..... He doesn't ever seem to sleep!' The inside joke about it is that sixty-something Vince most likely isn't that energetic over multi-day sleepness stretches without help. I've seen him so wired that his eyes looked like they were going to pop." ***************************************************************************************************Major WWE Creative Team Issues, Vince Being Secretive, MoreWritten by Marc Middleton - Vince McMahon has had less personal interaction with the creative team in recent weeks. This of course has been greatly frustrating to the team because they are working without an established direction. With the draft coming up, even the writers don't know who's going where -- it's that secretive. Additionally, the creative team weren't told about Undertaker's absence until the addition of the stipulation the week before. They weren't given any details on the situation. Vince simply told them to come up with ideas on how to write him out.- A closed-door meeting was held last week between the road agents and the creative team. We don't have any details from it, but afterwards, the road agents were said to be down on how much time is devoted to skits on Raw that don't really build to anything, and that there isn't enough time devoted to wrestling matches.- As noted earlier, "Hacksaw" Jim Duggan recently had his WWE contract restructured. He is no longer receiving a weekly salary from the company, although it saves him from having to be "future endeavored" on He has been switched over to Legends deal, and is currently working on a pay-per-appearance basis. Duggan worked a match with Ted DiBiase, Jr. at a house show over the weekend, so it looks like the company will continue to use him when need be. His new deal enables him to accept indy wrestling bookings without having to clear them with the office. This is something full-time WWE wrestlers aren't allowed to do. Promoters interested in booking Duggan can contact his agent Mike O'Brien at ***************************************************************************************************HOME >> HEADLINES Name of Deceased TNA Crew Member Revealed; More DetailsWritten by Steve Carrier Got any news or results to send us? Please e-mail it to WNZ@wrestlenewz.comSouthaven Police released the name of Kevin Sinex, the man who fell to his death while taking down lights at Sunday's Slammiversary pay-per-view, according to This story notes that Sinex was employed by TNA productions, although TNA released a statement earlier today that noted he was an independent contract.The latest story stated that Sinex fell 25 to 30 feet before he landed on the floor of the DeSoto Civic Center. Previous reports estimated that he feel between 15 and 20 feet. Police have yet to release the name of the man who lost a thumb in the same scaffolding accident. ***************************************************************************************************Hulk Hogan Claims Nick Wasn't Drag RacingWritten by Steve Carrier Got any news or results to send us? Please e-mail it to WNZ@wrestlenewz.comHulk Hogan appeared on Tuesday's "Larry King Live" show and commented on a variety of topics including his son Nick Bollea's car crash, the jail sentence, the jailhouse audio tapes, and his pending divorce.-Hulk on the jailhouse recordings being released to the media: "I have no idea why we're hearing these tapes," Hogan said. "It's never been done before ever that I know of ever in the United States. Between O.J. and Charles Manson and Paris HIlton and Ted Bundy, I've never heard any private recordings that were only supposed to be used only for jail purposes or security."-On whether Nick did wrong: "Yeah, Larry, he made a mistake. He's accountable. He stood up in front of a judge and accepted his sentence and was responsible and accountable for the situation. What most people don't realize is Nick did not leave my home that day ever planning on anyone being hurt or any intention of anything happening. John and Nick were best friends. John was living with me at my house. John has pretty much been party of my family unit since he was 17 years-old."-On whether he knew Nick drag raced: "He precision drives. That's what he was doing for his career... We've got witnesses that say there was not drag racing... What I know happened is Nick hit this tree backwards with this Toyota Supra with fiberglass shell on this car. There was a situation where it was raining. We don't know exactly what happened." King later pressed Hogan on the matter, but Hogan again denied that Nick was drag racing.-On whether he has mixed emotions: "I'm torn, Larry, because it's a 17 year-old child that's with a 23- or 24-year-old mature adult that just came back from Iraq... When we talk about the alcohol, Nick was not charged with DUI." Nick's lawyer stated that his client registered a .03, which is below the .08 legal limit.-On whether he bought alcohol for Nick: "No, sir, I did not. I bought alcohol to go out on the boat for the adults. Nick is a minor. He does not drink in my presence... There's been a lot of reckless reports that are not accurate."-On whether Nick has had problems driving: "Um, Nick had a couple of tickets. One of the tickets he had was when I was with him."-On John Graziano: "My thoughts haven't changed... We love John. We pray for him. That's the last thing I told NIck before I came in here, 'Make sure you pray for John.'" He blamed "irresponsible media sources" for taking "short snippets" of their conversations. He claimed that there hasn't been a full conversation released.-On the infamous tape of Hulk and Nick badmouthing John Graziano: "Well, at the end of the day if you were in my situation, a desperate father, with this tragic accident that happened with John, who we love to death, every moment, especially when I knew Nick couldn't be moved when the sheriff and the judge and the prosecuting attorney said, 'Yes, we should move him, this is the wrong position,' when the legal team shut us down, we were desperate."It was like the whole world crashing in on my son. Solitary confinement. Most hardened criminals unravel after two or three days. Nick survived in there 28, 29 days. During that period of time, as I'm sitting there 28, 29 days with hardly any sleep, I did everything I could from laugh to cry with my son, to try to tell jokes to try to be serious to try to keep him serious to try to keep him present and aware and walking in the spirit of God..."As I was going through these emotions, I was trying to help give Nick some type of relief because he was concerned with the unknown, solitary confinement... As I was just digging for my son to try to get through another day or another hour, I was just trying to explain to him that it's in God's hands or God's will. It's what people have said over thousands of years. Did I say things wrong? Yes."-On the audio tapes: "This was the only thing that Nick had left. This was the privacy that everybody else has ever had in prison between the final bond between his mother, his siblings, his sister... I was more worried than ever about his mental state... Did I state things wrong? Yes. Am I sorry? Yes."-On whether he feels personally responsible or if he feels like he could have something different as a father: "Yeah, I do, Larry. It's a constant soul searching mission."-On how he would react if John and Nick were in different positions: "I would feel the same way I do now. Simply because religiously and spiritually where I'm at, I would forgive."-On Hulk and Nick discussing a reality show in one of the jailhouse conversations: "I just wish that someone would play the two hours before or the hour after and please put everything in the proper context... Everything we would talk about. Trying to keep his spirits up. Trying to get him to move forward. John was part of our last reality show. John was on camera with us all the time on 'Hogan Knows Best.' He was in Key West with us. He was at the house. Sometimes we had to cut around the scenes with John in them because he was on the show so much... If that (the comments about Nick's reality show) was something that was too cut and dry, I apologize for that. If I was wrong, I was wrong."-On the Graziano family: "You forgive them for they know not what they do. It's a situation of they're not conscious, they're not present, they don't understand that by creating more tragedy it will not help John. We need to move forward. We need to work as hard as we can to help John recover, to keep praying, to establish tome type of life plan for John."-On whether the divorce is a calculated move to protect assets: "That's not true at all. There is no calculated attempt by us to protect assets. When my wife filed for divorce, the marriage was broken long before that. My wife has own separate life. I have my own separate life." Hogan denied that he's dating one of Brooke's friend. "The reports I hear on my wife, she is dating a 19 year-old."-Hogan teared up while discussing how difficult this situation has been late in the interview. He choked up again at the very end of the interview while talking about the support from the people outside the building. "It's going to be okay," he said. "It's going to be okay."
Stephanie McMahon Dissed, Mysterio Update, MoreJun 10 2008 by Marc Middleton- The recently released Ring of Hell: The Story of Chris Benoit and the Fall of the Pro Wrestling Industry book has an account from a former WWE writer claiming that Stephanie McMahon would "relentlessly" badmouth her brother Shane to pretty much anyone who would listen during his time in the company. The former WWE writer also notes that Stephanie can be really confrontational at times. Here is the passage from the book concerning this:"Stephanie's not as smart as she thinks she is," says one former WWE writer. "You can't tell her a damn thing; she was confrontational about her stupidity, like coming up to you and saying 'I know you think I don't deserve this job!' To be honest, put fake (breasts) on a rattlesnake and that's Stephanie. She's a conniving little (c-word) who I personally saw bury her brother Shane relentlessly to people in the industry, I mean just (expletive) all over her own brother. She's disgusting; she's got that Lady Macbeth ego to her."- Rey Mysterio is featured on the cover of the latest issue of WWE Magazine. The magazine features a cover story promoting his return to the ring as well as a personal account from Rey regarding his biceps injury and subsequent surgeries.- WWE will be releasing a Summerslam Anthology box set on Tuesday, August 5. The box set will feature all 20 editions of SummerSlam on DVD. The DVD will come packed in a cooler looking box complete with faux handles.***************************************************************************************************JR speaks on Hogan and RAW:-Ross on Hulk Hogan's appearance on "Larry King Live" tomorrow night: "Hulk’s best defense is to admit that he and his family have made some mistakes and essentially ask for forgiveness as this society loves to forgive its celeb’s but Hogan will further vilify himself and his family if he tries to justify what has been said, IE comments taken out of context, etc, even though they have been documented on tape. At the end of the day, this is a good "get" for Larry King but in my humble opinion Hogan should simply lay low and the kid should do the same and do his time."-Ross on the length of matches on Raw: "I am not surprised that I often read reports that WWE live event matches are very well received by the paying customers who are in attendance because when TV time restrictions are not a factor the majority of the wrestlers have a much better opportunity in having a fun and exciting presentation than not. Way back in the day, most TV bouts, especially when I was a kid, were all a 10 minute time limit (remember time limits?), which was the reason given for the faster pace on TV as opposed to live events. Nonetheless I still don’t know who can enjoy a 2-3 minute match or who it helps over the long haul."
WWE Superstar Gets a Controversial New Gimmick and Look?Written by Marc Middleton Got any news or results to send us? Please e-mail it to It looks like ECW Superstar Elijah Burke is getting repackaged with a new gimmick, or atleast a new look.Burke defeated Funaki before Sunday night's ECW tapings that will air in another week. Burke came out with no theme music and dressed in all black clothing. He also no longer has the beads in his hair. Elijah did some sort of gesture in the corner during the match where it looked like he was praying before he came back with some offense. Elijah defeated Funaki in the match with a clean pin. ***************************************************************************************************Updates on UFC-WWE Rumors, Rapper and Injury at RAW?, MoreWritten by Marc Middleton Got any news or results to send us? Please e-mail it to Apparently, there were some rumors going around online that UFC was partnering with World Wrestling Entertainment. UFC head Dana White appeared on CNBC's Power Lunch this afternoon with Brock Lesnar to announce their toy deal with Jakks. During the show, White denied the rumors about UFC partnering with WWE, saying they are totally untrue. White also denied that boxer (and WrestleMania headliner) Floyd Mayweather was on his way to the Octagon.- WWE is releasing a special poster magazine next Tuesday. The magazine includes 20 posters (or rather 10 you can actually take out from one issue) featuring a slew of WWE stars. Hornswoggle is featured on the cover. The magazine featured a life-sized poster of him.- Here are some live Raw notes from reader Alonso Reyes, who was in attendance at last night's show in Oakland. Bay Area rap star E-40 was at the show and hanging out backstage. "American Dragon" Bryan Danielson did indeed work a dark match before the show with Lance. Some people in the audience were calling him 'Daniel Dragon'. He picked up the win in his match with Cade. Also, Cade apparently hurt his shoulder during the match. Reyes also noted that Shawn Michaels seemed legitimately hurt after his segment with Chris Jericho. Some EMTs were brought out and his eye seemed messed up according to the reader.- Regarding Bryan Danielson, he was under a developmental contract to WWE in 2000-2001 where he worked for Memphis Championship Wrestling. However, Danielson parted ways with WWE when the territory closed down -- which was due to the fallout from Jerry Lawler quitting WWE in 2001. Danielson performed on Velocity and Heat a few times as an enhancement worker. He once wrestled John Cena on a January 2003 episode of Velocity. ***************************************************************************************************WWE RAW Superstar Santino Marella Breaks His CharacterWritten by Steve Carrier Got any news or results to send us? Please e-mail it to WNZ@wrestlenewz.comSantino Marella (a/k/a Anthony Carelli) said it took some time to get comfortable with fans calling him by his wrestling name. "There’s definitely Anthony with Santino, there’s no doubt about that," he told his hometown newspaper's website "Every good character has to have that intimate relationship with a part of you. For example, if one slice of the pie of Anthony is blown up and made up into all of Santino, there’s still many more pieces that’s still Anthony."So you just simmer that down. But it’s weird because I’ve been Anthony my whole life and now for the last year I’ve signed how many thousands of autographs as Santino. There were a few weeks when people called me Santino and it took me a second to process and realize they were talking to me. Now I respond to Santino as second nature. It’s crazy, crazy. When you get to your hotel room, I’m still Anthony from Mississauga
Inside soruce Taker wanted to retire at WM24:I wouldn’t take any notice of this article, it phases in and out of kayfabe all the time, and makes claims that nobody is likely to know or at least pass on to people at PWI Magazine.Harry Burkett - Pro Wrestling Illustrated Magazine - August 2008Six days before WrestleMania 24, The Undertaker had reason to pause and reflect. In less than a weeks time, he would be facing Edge for the Smackdown World title at WWE’s premier event. The stakes were high. The big gold belt and his WrestleMania undefeated streak were on the line. And, with the added responsibility of carrying the main-slot at ‘Mania, Undertaker needed to have a five-star match.The Undertaker knew he could deliver on all counts. None of that bothered him. He had defeated, arguably, a tougher opponent, Batista, for the Smackdown belt at WrestleMania 23. He wasn’t concerned about the undefeated streak–he had made good on that 15 times already. And he wasn’t worried about delivering that five-star match. He had appeared on more WWE pay-per-views than anyone in history.No, WrestleMania was not foremost on Undertaker’s mind on March 24, 2008. It was his birthday. There were no party hats or kazoos for “The Phenom.” Other than his wife, Sara, few people even knew that it was his birthday.The Undertaker turned 43 years old. It wasn’t old by wrestling standards. Shawn Michaels, who was due to turn 43 that summer, was facing 59-year-old Ric Flair in one of the most anticipated matches on the show. Vince McMahon and Hulk Hogan had delivered great WM matches well into their 50s.Yet, even the “Dead Man” could feel his mortality. It wasn’t just the fact that he was 43. His major ailments date back to 1993, wheb a back injury forced him to take his first hiatus after losing a casket match to Yokozuna at that years Royal Rumble. In 1995, Undertaker suffered a broken orbital bone during an ambush attack by Yokozuna and Mabel. A groin injury prevented Undertaker from competing for the vacant WWF title in a “Six-Pack Challenge” at Unforgiven 1999. He missed WrestleMania XVI, due to a torn biceps he sustained while training for his comeback.Then, of course, there was last year. Less than a month after defeating Batista for the Smackdown World title at WrestleMania 23 in arguably the biggest win of his career, Undertaker suffered an arm injury. Edge exploited the situation by cashing in his “Money In The Bank” title shot on May 8, 2007–just moments after ‘Taker had wrestled Batista to a grueling no-contest in a steel cage match. Edge managed to pin Undertaker in only a few minutes.While it is true that Undertaker’s disappearances have added an aura of mystery to his character, the cold truth is that ‘Taker has spent those sabbaticals in convalescence, recovering from surgery, hobbling on crutches, or reclining in his living room with a heating pad. Sometimes, the “American Badass” has been sidelined by something as simple as a bad back.But, when ‘Taker performs at a mere 90 percent, he is still better than 90 percent of any wrestler who ever lived. The dives over the top rope and to the arena floor, flying clotheslines inside the ring, and even the old-school ropewalk takes agility and skill that even some of the greatest superstars do not possess. He has incorporated elements of mixed martial arts into his in-ring repertoire to lessen his reliance on high-risk and high-impact moves.Who ever thought anyone would win a main event at WrestleMania with a gogoplata? Former Smackdown champion Edge can certainly attest to the fact that Undertaker is still capable of being the most awesome performer in the business.The only question is when one of those nagging injuries could result in a career-ending accident. For Undertaker, a man who crafts his image like no other wrestler in history, it is very important to leave wrestling while he’s still the biggest dog in the yard. He and a business partner have already launched a company that develops real estate for upscale office buildings. He is preparing the way for his passage into the next phase of life –and it seems a lot more stable than Ric Flair Finance.“As far back as last year’s WrestleMania, when he beat Batista for the Smackdown World title, ‘Taker was thinking about retiring at WM24,” said PWI’s WWE analyst, Thomas Pilliard, who spoke to a source close to The Undertaker. “He didn’t know how he could top that big World title victory over Batista…unless he wrestled his final match and retired the undefeated streak at 16-0 at ‘Mania 24.”According to Pilliard’s source, a couple of events changed The Undertakers mind. First, an arm injury limited that World title reign to five weeks. Undertaker had hoped for a more memorable year to finish off the career. Second, and more importantly, Ric Flair was battling to keep his job with WWE because Vince McMahon had declared that Flair would have to retire when he lost his next match. It was widely assumed that, at WrestleMania, Flair would either lose or retire voluntarily.Out of respect, Undertaker didn’t want to do anything to take the spotlight from Flair. The “Nature Boy” had earned Undertaker’s respect at WrestleMania X-8, where the then 53-year-old Flair lost to ‘Taker in an incredibly bloody streetfight. In addition, Undertaker knew it would be foolish to have a retirement match on the same show as Flair. And the more the “Deadman” thought about the matter, it seemed even more appropriate for him to finish out his sensational career in his 20th year as a pro wrestler, which would occur in 2009–the same year as WrestleMania’s silver anniversary.The Undertaker did take note of the classy way in which Flair concluded his 35-year career at WrestleMania. He gave Shawn Michaels the ultimate rub, handing him a win in his final match. Both men were winners that night. Michaels earned Flair’s mantle, and Flair earned immense respect for his sacrifice.“I think Flair set a new standard on how to go out in the wrestling business,” said Michaels. “A lot of people have been on my case about how I capitalized on that, but I don’t think Ric would’ve had it any other way. I hope to ‘pay it forward,’ so to speak, sometime down the line. I don’t want to end up trying to drain every bit of what I can out of this business before I leave. The Undertaker has to be looking at what went down with Flair and saying, “Hmmmm, that undefeated streak isn’t gonna be much use to me when I’m tossing bales of hay or riding my chopper down there in Texas. Why don’t I pass that undefeated streak–what it represents– to someone who truly deserves it?’”It is said The Undertaker is a fan of John Wayne. He must be familiar with Wayne’s last flick, The Shootist, in which “The Duke”– dying of cancer on-screen and off– did the unthinkable: He took a bullet and died in a pool of his own blood in the final scene.Will The Undertaker take the bullet at WrestleMania 25? It will take one tough hombre to finally kill off the “Deadman.”
Undertaker Returns To The Ring, Plans For Raw, McMahon On Today, MoreJun 12 2008 by Badrose-- Undertaker made his return to the ring at last night's Smackdown/ECW house show in Auckland, New Zealand. At the top of the show, Shane McMahon came out to tell the fans that the McMahon family and Vickie Guerrero had come to a special agreement to allow him to wrestle. Shane said it's his "farewell tour." Taker teamed up with Kane to beat Mark Henry and Great Khali in a tag match. They won after double chokeslamming both Henry and Khali.-- It has pretty much been conceded by people in management that Vince McMahon's segments on Raw this Monday didn't come off too well. However, they plan on changing things up and "making them more fun" next week. Also, WWE officials were surprised at Monday's rating being down from last week.-- SmackDown will preempted in the following areas this week: Sacramento, CA (KMAX): Fri. June 13, 10p-12a; Hartford, CT (WTXX): Sat. June 14, 8-10 p.m.; Wilkes-Barre, PA (WSWB): TBD.-- Vince McMahon and one of the winners of Monday's contest appeared on NBC's The Today Show for about two minutes earlier this morning. Host Matt Laurer conducted the interview and seemed amazed that McMahon was giving away his own money, not the company's. McMahon said he's going to give the money away as long as he likes. The co-host asked, "Ratings are up, right?" McMahon replied, "Let's hope so." ***************************************************************************************************Brooke Hogan is "Freaked Out" by Mom's New Younger BoyfriendWritten by Marc Middleton Got any news or results to send us? Please e-mail it to Brooke Hogan confirmed that her 48 year-old mother Linda is dating 19 year-old Charlie Hill during an interview with E! satellite radio. "I'm totally freaked out," Brooke said. "I personally don't like it at all or condone it, but she's my mom, so I have to show her support."I went to school with him. He was a grade under me... Me and Nick know him well. Me and Nick are two years apart, and he was right between us (in school)." ***************************************************************************************************Another Big Return Feud for Rey Mysterio, Danielson-WWE UpdateWritten by Marc Middleton Got any news or results to send us? Please e-mail it to The latest update on Rey Mysterio's return is that plans are being discussed to have him feud with Mark Henry upon returning. This would probably be done to get Rey over again as the little big man before he moves onto World Title contenders like Edge, or whoever may be where after the Draft Lottery. Mysterio is still scheduled to return at some July house shows.- Some ROH wrestlers do not think that Bryan Danielson will leave the company for a job with WWE after working the RAW dark match this past week.
Exclusive Update: Photos of a WWE Superstar's New Look and Gimmick- WNZ broke the details earlier this week that ECW Superstar Elijah Burke debuted before the SmackDown tapings with a new look and gimmick. Check out these photos below of Elijah's new look and thanks to Armando for sending them along:
The Hulkster Going to Jail?, Vince's Money, Burchill, MoreJun 12 2008 by Marc Middleton- From Devin Cutting: WWE will be touring Spain in September. Here are the dates and locations:September 24th - BilbaoSeptember 25th - MadridSeptember 25th - Barcelona (Badalona)September 26th - Barcelona (Badalona)- WWE has announced that Vince McMahon brings his Million Dollar Mania to NBC's “Today” show tomorrow at 8:30AM ET.- Georgiann Makropoulos sent word that you can meet WWE superstar Paul Burchill on Friday starting at 6PM ET at Six Flags - 937 Phillips Ln, Louisville, KY. Call 502-366-2231 for more information.- Linda Bollea made a big deal out of having her son sent to jail and pleaded with the Judge to spare him facing jail time however she's cool with trying to send her soon-to-be ex husband in the slammer. TMZ.COM is reporting that Linda asked a Judge to cite the WWE Hall of Famer with contempt of court because he didn't pay up his share of the $4.2 million Las Vegas condo as was required by the Judge. TMZ adds that the Vegas pad was in escrow when the two were starting their divorce battle and the court ordered that both of them close the deal and then put the money in for the place. While Linda did her part, the Hulkster hasn't paid up yet. In legal papers filed by Linda's attorneys it was requested that the Judge throws Hulk intothe Pinellas County Jail where their son Nick is currently being held.
Candice Michelle Return Update, More On Mysterio ReturnJun 13 2008 by Badrose- Former WWE Women's champion Candice Michelle is scheduled to undergo an MRI next week on her collarbone. If the results of the MRI are good, she will be cleared to begin weight training in advance of an in-ring return. Internally, the hope is that she'll be able to return from Summerslam.Michelle suffered her second broken clavicle just prior to Wrestlemania XXIV, literally in her return bout from her initial injury. Michelle represented WWE this week at the Licensing Expo in New York City.- Rey Mysterio is set to officially return to the ring next month. He's currently cleared to wrestle but is being given a little extra time to prepare for his return to the company to insure his biceps injury has completely healed.Mysterio's return will be the cover story of the next WWE Magazine. He's had several issues with the bicep since his initial surgery, including a bad infection. Mysterio lost part of one of his tattoos from the surgeries, which he hopes to have touched up down the line.Mysterio has been out of action since the No Way Out PPV in February, injuring his biceps just prior to the PPV while on a tour of Latin America.
Well Ive travelled all night to Adelaide ready for the SD/ECW show tonight feat Batista vs Edge and Taker & Kane vs MVP & Mark Henry. I will be taking pics so I'll post them and the results as soon as I can.
Adelaide Entertainment Centre
Saturday June 14
SmackDown!/ECW House Show Results

The show played out very much like it did in Melbourne with a few variations.

The show opened with Justin Roberts telling us that the McMahons have allowed Undertaker to wrestle as a 'Farewell Tour'. Huge pop for this.

First match was Kofi Kingston vs. Shelton Benjamin. Several 'Kofi' chants as well as several 'You suck' chants for Shelton. Kofi had the offensive for the first quarter of the match until Shelton got the upper hand and dominated for the remainder of the match until Kofi hit the Bird Of Paradise.

Tag Team Championship: The Miz & John Morrison vs. (Jimmy Wang Yang substitute) Jamie Noble and Shannon Moore. Miz and Morrison playing to the crowd throughout the entire match. Miz was disturbingly gyrating his hips throughout the match. One spot where Morrison was hang up on the ropes with his head buried in Miz crotch. He was there for a long time too unnecessarily. Lots of back and forth with this match and a lot of tagging from both teams. Moore had a nice over the tope rope splash on Morrison to the outside. Match ended with Morrison hitting the Sunset Drive for the win.

Next we had Chavo Guerrero w/ Bam Neely vs. CM Punk. Huge response for Punk. Match finished when Punk reversed Chavo's 3 Amigos into the GTS. Punk ran around the ring afterwards letting one kid hold the Money In The Bank briefcase.

Victoria and Natalya vs. Michelle McCool and Kelly Kelly. Victoria and Natalya got jealous from McCool and Kelly's reaction from the crowd that they then went up on the turnbuckles which was obviously met with a heel response. Then McCool and Kelly went back up to get face response. Then the heels went back up on the opposite turnbuckles again followed by the faces. Natalya in first against Kelly who dominated and controlled the majority of the match. Nice hurricanrana form Kelly. After tags from both teams, Victoria went to hit the Widows Peak on McCool who was interrupted with a kick to the stomach by Kelly who was taken to the outside by Natalya. Natalya and Kelly were on the floor until McCool won with the ankle lock on Victoria. As soon as the bell rung, Kelly immediately got up and didn't seem injured anymore.

Finlay w/ Horny vs. Khali. JR is right that TV doesn't do these monsters justice. He is huge. Khali was met with a huge 'You Can't Wrestle' chant. He seemed shocked by it and then got out of the ring and taunted some fans threatening to snap them in half. Khali got in the ring only to go out again on the other side threatening other fans. He may not be able to wrestle but he's still not someone I would want to piss off. Khali controlled most of the match. Horny squirted Khali with a water pistol and through him into the ring. Don't remember where Horny got the tennis balls from but he started juggling in front of Khali who just tossed Horny aside. Khali took the padding off the turnbuckle which got the referee distracted for a low blow from Horny and then a shillelagh to the head by Finlay for the win. Khali stuck his finger up at a fan on his way out.

15min Intermission

US Championship: 'Slash' Palumbo rode in on his custom made bike to no response as most people where still coming back in from intermission and those who where in the arena, didn't care. Huge pop for Matt Hardy. Matt took his shirt off and went to throw it to the crowd until Palumbo took the shirt from Hardy and throw it on the floor. Hardy chants throughout the match as Palumbo dominated the match. Matt hit the Side effect for a 2 1/2 count who followed up with a Twist Of Fate for the win.

Funaki vs. Vladimir Kozlov. Funaki ran around the ring twice and then was out of breath when he got in the ring. A complete squash match with Kozlov winning who immediately left. You wouldn't have even known this match happened it was so quick.

MVP & Mark Henry vs. Kane and Undertaker. Kane started out against Henry with a lot of back and forth. Taker got a bottle of water and wet his face even before he got in the ring. Taker went to go Old School on MVP only to be reversed. In fact Kane and Taker sold a lot for the first half of the match for MVP and Henry. MVP got chokeslammed before a double chokeslam on Henry followed by a huge tombstone on MVP for the win.

Main Event: Batista vs. Edge. Huge pop for Batista. Edge took a long time to get down the entrance ramp who was taunting fans, grabbing fans signs and ripping them up and blowing his nose on it. Edge gets the microphone and told one guy he to keep his mouth closed because he needs a dentist, told a woman she was ugly and that that was a running theme in the arena. Edge then used Jericho's line from Global Warning in 2001 saying that he didn't know what a 'wanker' is but that he wasn't one. Edge then pointed at a fan and told him that he was a wanker and the ran around the ring saying "You, you, you, you, you, you are alllllllllllll wankers."
He eventually got in the ring and as soon as Batista went from him, Edge jumped out of the ring and ran all the way to the top of the entrance ramp. Batista gets on the mic and says he agrees with the audience and that he was a wanker but also a "worldwide, bonafide chickens***" which got the whole crowd chanting chickens***. It was a good 10min before the match started as Edge kept jumping out of the ring until Batista chased Edge around the ring. When Batista went to get in, Edge went to elbow drop Batista but missed. A lot of back and forth. Edge threatened to use the belt which was taken off of him. Edge got the belt back and was powerbombed who was holding the belt in his hand but didn't use it for some reason and was almost pinned when Chavo and Neely interfered. Batista knocked them both out of the ring and after a spear on Edge almost had the 3 count until Neely pulled Batista off of Edge resulting in Edge being DQ.
Chavo and Neely hit the ring and held Batista for Edge who was gearing up for a spear when Taker's bell hit and enter the Dead Man who was tapping up his wrist reading for action. Taker step forward threatening Chavo and Neely like Taker does to the refs. Chavo and Neely left fighting amongst themselves. Edge was left in facing Taker who didn't realize that Batista was behind him til Edge turned around. Batista and Taker hit Edge once each and then Taker tombstone Edge. Taker left with Edge laid out and Batista's theme hit to end the night.
