The offical wrestling thread..News, spoilers and results.

At least a year now.

wow, I hope it lasts.Bollea sentenced to 8 months in county jailSaturday, May 10, 2008 Post a comment | E-mail this story | Print --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Bollea entered a plea of no contest in court Friday, meaning the judge had complete leeway in his sentencing. (Slideshow- 19 photos)PINELLAS COUNTY (Bay News 9) -- Nick Bollea, also known as Nick Hogan, was sentenced on Friday to eight months in jail on the charge of felony reckless driving involving serious bodily injury.On August 26, 2007 Bollea was driving a Toyota Supra with his friend John Graziano when he crashed into a palm tree in Clearwater.Graziano suffered severe brain injuries.Doctors had to remove part of Graziano's brain. His attorneys say Graziano still remains semi-conscious in the hospital and will need care for the rest of his life.John Graziano's father, Ed, recommended a year of jail time. His mother, Debbie, wanted at least six months.Bollea's father, Terry, also known as Hulk Hogan, spoke on behalf of his son.More InformationWatch the story Nick sentencedBooking video State Attorney to Nick: Crash your fault Nick Hogan: I think about accident everydayHulk Hogan makes statementDebbie Graziano makes statementMore Graziano family statementsI-poll question: Do you agree with Nick's sentence?Bollea in courtHogans arrive at courtPrevious stories on caseE-mail TV reporter Josh Rojas"I understand how devastating this unfortunate situation has been to the whole Graziano family," Terry Bollea said. "What many people really don't understand, although it really pales in comparison, to the heartache the Grazianos have felt, our family has been devastated and pretty much torn apart by this situation also."Terry Bollea said media has unfairly attacked his son because of his on-air personality. The Bollea family has starred in a reality show called "Hogan Knows Best.""A lot of stuff that has been spoken to you as fact is not true," Bollea told the judge.Nick Bollea also spoke to the judge on his own behalf."I feel terrible about it," he said. "I would like to apologize to the Grazianos and also to my family.""I'll never, ever be able to tell John 'sorry' enough times to make up for what happened on Aug. 26," he said. "I loved John to death. He was like my older brother and my best friend." "I'm ready to take my punishment," Bollea told the judge.Nick Bollea spoke on his own behalf before the judge sentenced him.Bollea's attorney, Sandy Weinberg, said that as a first offender and a minor Bollea should not be adjudicated a felon. Weinberg also said that Bollea understood the seriousness of the charges against him."Nick has shown remorse and accepted responsibility," he said. "Nick has demonstrated that he is deeply affected by the accident and is remorseful."Judge Philip Federico withheld adjudication on the felony charge, meaning Bollea was not formally found guilty and could possibly have his record cleared at a later date.The judge said he disagreed with the characterization of the incident as an accident."That accident could have been avoided," he said. "I would characterize it as a series of conscious choices."Bollea's attorney said Nick was happy with the sentence."He wanted it over," said Nick Bollea's attorney Kevin Hayslett. "This was out of respect for his friend John. He wanted resolution and as he was leaving into the jail he said 'please tell everybody I'm happy with the sentence.'" Bollea's other punishmentsFive years probation500 hours of community service, with credit for hours he's already done No alcohol during the term of his probationDriver's license suspension for three yearsDUI school and advanced defensive driving schoolReasons behind the plea Bay News 9 Legal expert Joe Episcopo said the felony case against Bollea was too strong, and that's why he decided to plead no contest."You know you can't win a trial," Episcopo said. "You don't like the offer by the state. So, the middle ground is to see what you can get from the court.""In an open plea you're basically exposing yourself to the maximum sentence, which is five-years in this case."Bollea's driving history also was taken into account during sentencing. Less than a year before the accident, the 17-year-old got four speeding tickets."He seems to drive as fast as he wants, whenever he wants and it's caught up with him," Episcopo said. The first speeding ticket was for going 115 mph in a 70 mph zone. Then 57 in a 30. Followed by a 106 in a 70. Two weeks before the crash Bollea got another speeding ticket for going 82 mph in 45 mph construction zone in Pinellas Park.Tune to the News section on Bay News 9 On Demand, channel 342, for more stories on Nick Bollea.
Yay Im going to a WWE even next month! SD! & ECW My fav too cuz Taker & Kane.
Blandy Bortons music is more boring than he is!

Last night, as I was sitting through the first hour of Raw, it dawned on me that WWE really wasn't doing a lot on the program to push this Sunday's Judgment Day PPV. In fact, other than John Cena, not one announced participant (at the time) for the PPV had even appeared on camera. In fact, with the exception of the Shawn Michaels-Chris Jericho segment, nothing PPV related took place until the final ten minutes of the show. WWE Champion Triple H, who is main eventing the PPV, didn't show up until the last five minutes of the show. JBL barely made a cameo at the end as well. Not having JBL or Triple H get mic time to hype their matches was bizarre to me. It was very unusual to see Raw spend most of the show on undercard feuds (only one of which resulted in a PPV match, a match that was announced on AFTER Raw was off the air) and cram in the hype for two out of the three (at the time) Raw PPV bouts during the last five minutes of the show.
Of course, the other big story (and in a lot of ways, the bigger story) was the return of Jeff Hardy following his suspension. For the first time, WWE alluded to a wrestler being suspended and returning, although they never actually said what Jeff's "mistake" was and why it resulted in him not being around. Despite having two strikes against him (and a third would mean he gets fired), WWE not only put Hardy back on TV, but gave him a win over Umaga. A lot of people, myself included, felt WWE should take their time and make Hardy "prove himself" again before inserting him back in the mix and pushing him on TV. Still, this is a business, and in a time of sagging ratings, not making use of a popular star like Jeff Hardy wouldn't make sense. He served his suspension, and now he's back. For WWE's sake, and more importantly his own, let's hope Jeff will be able to put it all behind him this time.
Onto my thoughts on the show:
I am enjoying William Regal's "Psycho King/General Manager" gimmick, and I thought him having Lilian Garcia sing "God Save The Queen" was a nice bit. Regal throwing out some "fans" was even better, although it conveniently being Mickie James' "brother and girlfriend" made the bit seem less realistic. Then we have John Cena enter to defend Mickie James, and well, the segment started dragging. A shot at WCW Thunder? Trying to provoke the crowd into a "clap-clap" style chant? A poop joke? Things were going downhill in a hurry. Then, Regal makes a match between Cena and Orton, promises not to turn out the lights, and leaves. But, before we are done, John Cena makes a stand as a patriotic American and has Lilian sing... "Respect"? I know they were in Detroit, but wouldn't her singing the national anthem or "America, The Beautiful" make more sense?
Hey, there's a steel cage up there! And for the rest of the show, we would see that steel cage in every wide shot of the building, while no one made reference to it. Would it have killed WWE to have Jim Ross make a "Why is the steel cage here tonight?" reference at some point?
The World Tag Team Title match was a short, but good bout, with Cody Rhodes looking really good following the hot tag from Holly. In the end, Piper distracts Santino, Cody hits the DDT for the pin while Carlito is looking to chase off Piper and we're moving on with the Piper-Santino feud, which has also had the residual effect of putting some attention on the tag division.
Two weeks ago, Kennedy inexplicably turned babyface by getting in the face of General Manager William Regal. Last week, he paid for it by having to team with Triple H against 14 wrestlers and losing. This week, he wrestles Snitsky. I figured this would be a pretty quick win for Kennedy to boost him as a top babyface. Instead, Snitsky gets a ton of offense, and Kennedy tries chopping out his legs before Snitsky mounts a comeback prior to Kennedy hitting the Mic Check for the pin. I'm glad Kennedy won, but why would they have Snitsky, who is going nowhere, get this much offense on someone who in theory is building momentum for a big run? Also, where was Regal to mess with Kennedy this week?
Being a child of the 80's, I liked the Santino interview and all the references he made. That said, I don't know if I want to see a Santino vs. Piper singles match.
Mickie James asks John Cena out, and Cena plays aloof before agreeing to go out. Uhhh... I thought WWE wanted fans to cheer Cena? Seeing the popular Mickie kiss up to Cena, and Cena playing hard to get, is probably just going to make people hate him more.
The Divas tag match was quick, and was all about setting up Melina and Phoenix breaking up. I did like Maria and Mickie's double split spot though. At this point, I wondered if Melina was turning babyface, to be honest.
72% of fans who voted in WWE's poll think Shawn is telling the truth, even though the announcers keep saying he hurt his right leg, and you can see he is selling the left. This led to the segment where Shawn Michaels admitted he was lying about the leg being hurt, but Jericho didn't believe him, so Shawn superkicks him. So, Shawn has been lying about his leg for three weeks, he has a match against Chris Jericho on Sunday (and now Jericho has a reason to want revenge)... oh, and didn't Batista say he would destroy Michaels if he found out Shawn was lying? Look's like we know who'll be doing a run in on Sunday. Strange that WWE didn't put over the Batista part of things.
Jeff Hardy, complete with new music, makes his return, and gets the pop of the night. Obviously, the fans don't care about his suspension, they're just happy to have him back. I thought it was different to have Jeff cop to his "mistake" in the ring, although it was never made clear what the mistake was. Then William Regal turns off his mic, and says Jeff will "pay for his sins"... by wrestling a guy he wrestles all the time anyway! Umaga dominated, but then Jeff pulls out Whisper In The Wind for a flash pin. It certainly looks like Umaga is being set up to leave Raw now.
I've been a big proponent of WWE putting more emphasis on tag teams. That said, the booking of Cade & Murdoch vs. Cryme Tyme was just bizarre. Cade & Murdoch are back together again after Cade walked off two weeks ago. Jerry Lawler says they've been winning matches since Murdoch started singing. Where, on house shows? Anyway, they're back together, but you figure they are bound to lose, since they are facing Cryme Tyme, who other than Jeff Hardy and Triple H, got the loudest pop of the night. Nope, Murdoch gets a clean win by reversing a sunset flip. Huh? So much for Cryme Tyme's momentum, as they just lost clean to a team that is falling apart.
Then, Cade asks the fans if they want to hear Trevor sing. Um, you just beat the team the crowd loves, and you expect them to cheer Trevor doing a Kenny Rogers number? Cade then turns on him. That's right, he turns on him after the match they just won. So, Cryme Tyme won't even get their win back. This was just a mess from a booking standpoint, but at least Cade hit a great punch and maybe he'll finally get a chance to fulfill his potential as a singles heel.
Melina hanging out with Jillian Hall means she is still a heel, so it looks like the focus is to make Phoenix a monster that doesn't want any friends. Her beating up of Melina was absolutely brutal, and really well done.
Heaven help us, Randy Orton cut another good promo. I really think he works a lot better when he does backstage bits, instead of in-ring promos. His "quite intensity" just works better in that setting, even if he doesn't ever seem to know which way to look into the camera.
Time to run down the PPV and we've got... four matches? They didn't even bother mentioning the fifth match on the show (Punk & Kane vs. Miz & Morrison) and for some reason decided to announce the Divas match AFTER Raw was off the air.
The main event between Randy Orton and John Cena opened up with some back and forth exchanges, and the crowd split between the two. After the break, the crowd really got into the match, which made it a lot of fun. The teasing of the RKO, then Cena with the top rope Rocker Dropper had the fans popping huge. Of course, that couldn't last, as William Regal finally revealed how he was going to screw John Cena by sending out JBL to be the referee. Cena wasted no time in fighting with JBL, and we of course got the World's Fastest Pin as Orton and JBL took advantage of Cena. By this point, we're all waiting for Triple H's music.... and there it is. Big brawl, JBL and Cena fight into the crowd and we have Triple H fighting Orton as the steel cage is inexplicably lowered for our last ditch effort to hype the PPV. Orton escapes, Triple H poses on top of the steel and we're off the air with only a two minute overrun.

Show opened with La Familia. Edge cut a promo talking about how he was magically healed last week and will be the next world champion because Undertaker cannot use his illegal chokehold at Judgment Day. Teddy Long then came out. Vickie yelled at him for being late. Teddy said he was late because he was meeting with the board of directors. Vickie threatened to fire Teddy and then Teddy quit. Teddy then said that the board of directors have told Vickie that she must either face the Undertaker tonight or she will be fired.

CM Punk beat Chuck Polombo with the GTS. Match was pretty good. It was a back and forth even match up. Punk escaped Polombo’s finisher and hit the GTS moments later for the pin.

La famlia was talking backstage. They were trying to come up with a plan for tonight. MVP came in complaining about last weeks championship chase. Big Show and Finlay came in as well. Vicki signed Finlay and Big Show vs. MVP and a partner of his choice for later. Chavo then questioned Vickie about the championship chase last week as well.

Michelle McCool beat Layla. Match sucked. Michelle won with a leg lock after working over Layla’s leg during the match.

Batista came out and cut a promo. They showed the footage of HBK and Jericho from Raw. Batista said he was going to hurt Shawn next time he sees him. Batista implied that he would be at Judgment Day.

Vickie changed the main event to her, Edge, Chavo, Bam Neely, Ryder, and Hawkins vs. Undertaker in a 6 on 1 handicap match.

Big Show and Finlay beat MVP and Mark Henry. Match was good, especially when it was MVP and Finlay. Probably the best match on the show. Big show pinned MVP with the chokeslam.

Vladimir Koslov beat Funaki. This was a bad squash match. Koslov won with the reverse ddt.

Cherry beat Maryse. Duece and Domino came out with Maryse. Match was not very good. Cherry won with a bulldog. After the match Duece stared at Cherry as she walked up the ramp.

Backstage Kofi was talking with Matt Hardy. He congratulated on his new dvd and called him an inspiration. Shelton Benjamin then came in. He said he would beat Hardy tonight.

Matt Hardy beat Shelton Benjamin. Match was good. Matt won after he countered a suplex and hit the twist of fate.

Main event was next. I don’t know what the official decision was. When La Famlia came out Chavo and Bam Neely left them at the ramp way. This left Edge, Ryder, Hawkins, and Vickie vs. the Undertaker. They fought for a bit. Eventually Taker had Vickie alone in the ring. He went to chokeslam her but Edge hit a spear. Edge then got her out of the ring and pushed Vickie up the ramp in her wheelchair. Kane’s music then hit and he pushed Vickie back to ringside. Undertaker and Kane beat up everyone until it was down to just Vickie. Kane threw Vickie into the ring. Undertake teased a chokeslam, but eventually tombstoned Vickie.

I think this is where the Smackdown ended.

Kane and Undertaker celebrated for a while. Teddy Long came out. He and Kane danced. Mick Foley joined them. Then Michael Cole joined in as well.

Tony Chimmel thanked us for coming. At this point I left. Not sure if there was a dark match or not. I think as we were leaving Mick Foley was singing happy birthday to someone.

Other notes.

Crowd was into the show. They don’t come here for tv tapings often, so the crowd was into it. It wasn’t a sell out but it was a pretty good-sized crowd. The Hogan impersonator who was at Raw Monday was here as well. There were also two people in the front row dressed as clowns. The crowd pretty much cheered for who you would expect. Cm Punk and the Undertaker were especially over. Edge and Vickie had huge heat as well. There was a huge pop when Undertaker tombstoned Vickie. Show was enjoyable overall, although I’m not sure how many buys it sold for Judgment Day.


Show opened with La Familia. Edge cut a promo talking about how he was magically healed last week and will be the next world champion because Undertaker cannot use his illegal chokehold at Judgment Day. Teddy Long then came out. Vickie yelled at him for being late. Teddy said he was late because he was meeting with the board of directors. Vickie threatened to fire Teddy and then Teddy quit. Teddy then said that the board of directors have told Vickie that she must either face the Undertaker tonight or she will be fired.​

CM Punk beat Chuck Polombo with the GTS. Match was pretty good. It was a back and forth even match up. Punk escaped Polombo’s finisher and hit the GTS moments later for the pin.​

La famlia was talking backstage. They were trying to come up with a plan for tonight. MVP came in complaining about last weeks championship chase. Big Show and Finlay came in as well. Vicki signed Finlay and Big Show vs. MVP and a partner of his choice for later. Chavo then questioned Vickie about the championship chase last week as well.​

Michelle McCool beat Layla. Match sucked. Michelle won with a leg lock after working over Layla’s leg during the match.​

Batista came out and cut a promo. They showed the footage of HBK and Jericho from Raw. Batista said he was going to hurt Shawn next time he sees him. Batista implied that he would be at Judgment Day.​

Vickie changed the main event to her, Edge, Chavo, Bam Neely, Ryder, and Hawkins vs. Undertaker in a 6 on 1 handicap match.​

Big Show and Finlay beat MVP and Mark Henry. Match was good, especially when it was MVP and Finlay. Probably the best match on the show. Big show pinned MVP with the chokeslam.​

Vladimir Koslov beat Funaki. This was a bad squash match. Koslov won with the reverse ddt.​

Cherry beat Maryse. Duece and Domino came out with Maryse. Match was not very good. Cherry won with a bulldog. After the match Duece stared at Cherry as she walked up the ramp.​

Backstage Kofi was talking with Matt Hardy. He congratulated on his new dvd and called him an inspiration. Shelton Benjamin then came in. He said he would beat Hardy tonight.​

Matt Hardy beat Shelton Benjamin. Match was good. Matt won after he countered a suplex and hit the twist of fate.​

Main event was next. I don’t know what the official decision was. When La Famlia came out Chavo and Bam Neely left them at the ramp way. This left Edge, Ryder, Hawkins, and Vickie vs. the Undertaker. They fought for a bit. Eventually Taker had Vickie alone in the ring. He went to chokeslam her but Edge hit a spear. Edge then got her out of the ring and pushed Vickie up the ramp in her wheelchair. Kane’s music then hit and he pushed Vickie back to ringside. Undertaker and Kane beat up everyone until it was down to just Vickie. Kane threw Vickie into the ring. Undertake teased a chokeslam, but eventually tombstoned Vickie.​

I think this is where the Smackdown ended.​

Kane and Undertaker celebrated for a while. Teddy Long came out. He and Kane danced. Mick Foley joined them. Then Michael Cole joined in as well.​

Tony Chimmel thanked us for coming. At this point I left. Not sure if there was a dark match or not. I think as we were leaving Mick Foley was singing happy birthday to someone.​

Other notes.​

Crowd was into the show. They don’t come here for tv tapings often, so the crowd was into it. It wasn’t a sell out but it was a pretty good-sized crowd. The Hogan impersonator who was at Raw Monday was here as well. There were also two people in the front row dressed as clowns. The crowd pretty much cheered for who you would expect. Cm Punk and the Undertaker were especially over. Edge and Vickie had huge heat as well. There was a huge pop when Undertaker tombstoned Vickie. Show was enjoyable overall, although I’m not sure how many buys it sold for Judgment Day.​

Sounds great......Yay, Taker tombstoned Vickie again. :DI was wondering when they were doing to have taker do it again. I'm going to have my tape ready. :D
Brooke Hogan Talks About Nick's Incarceration & Says Lies Were Told In CourtSubmitted by Michael Bluth on Tuesday, May 13, 2008 at 11:03 AM ESTSource: PerezHilton.comBrooke Hogan is speaking out on her brother's incarceration and she is not happy! She wrote the following yesterday on her Myspace blog:"Monday, May 12, 2008BSCurrent mood: pissed offCategory: LifeI know most of the public thinks my brother is some rich little selfish kid, but NO ONE knows the real story and I'm really pissed that the truth didn't come out from either side. A LOT of lies were told in that trial. Believe me. And it wasn't from us. John was NEVER home. He was at our house. ALL THE TIME. that should say enough…. Im not going to be out spoken right now, but If some s*** doesn't start getting straightened out, A lot of people are going to eat their words for lieing. I know all of the truth and I have back up. I never know how twisted this world could be but I'm starting to figure it out. And I'm gonna have to jump off my high road and tackle some ppl who are taking the low road. I know you guys don't understand, but you will really really soon. Keep praying. And by the way, before you judge anybody, make sure you really know them. I promise you if you were to meet my brother he would give you the shirt off his back. He's not "NICK HOGAN." AND hes not the person he plays on tv. People are so gullible now a days…"Update:Hogan pulled the above post from her blog and just put up this entry."Monday, May 12, 2008wtvrI have the truth on my side. And the truth will set everyone straight sooner or later. PEACEps: yes I took my last one off cause I know itll go around anyway. Have at it ppl."
Predictions for JD:'Judgment Day' PredictionsJOHN MORRISON & THE MIZ vs KANE & CM PUNK for the WWE Tag-Team Championships: It seems that ECW's latest trick is to simply book matches out of pretty much nowhere. This could actually be a terrific feud had it involved weeks of storyline leading up to a ppv match. Having said that, it still could be rather good in the ring if given the appropriate time. The tag champs have continued on their impressive way of late, while the 2 faces both bring a variety of offense to the table which should mean that this bout will not get bogged down too much. The randomness of this match-up leads me to believe that WWE has an idea they are heading towards here. I am not too confident as to what it is, but I am thinking it may be to put the tag titles on Chavo & Bam, so... Winners: Kane & CM PunkSHAWN MICHAELS vs CHRIS JERICHO: This is another storyline where I really am unsure where WWE is heading. We all know that these 2 can get it done in the ring as we saw them put together a fine match on the biggest stage of them all not so long ago. But will the angle of HBK's injured knee allow this to be anything too special...??? I do NOT think it can. Either Y2J gets a relatively easy win here or HBK gets beat down for the majority of the bout until pulling Sweet Chin Music out of nowhere for the victory. I will go with the latter! Winner: Shawn MichaelsJBL vs JOHN CENA: I actually don't mind the way that JBL is being booked strongly at present, but like his ascent to SmackDown main-eventer a few years back, it has all been done way too quickly for my liking. So at this stage of his push, I just don't find myself anticipating this kind of match-up with Cena as much as I should. Hell, I even think it is under-using Cena to a large extent. This bout could actually be a train-wreck of sorts and it is difficult seeing it being too entertaining due to the wrestling styles both men bring to the table. Furthermore, if the crowd predominantly boo Cena here, then the dynamic of this match could also be thrown out to make matters worse. It will be interesting to see how WWE bok this bout. Result-wise, anything could happen... Even a DQ or No Result kind of finish, but to play it safe... Winner: John CenaTHE UNDERTAKER vs EDGE for the World HeavyWeight Title: While quite a lot has happened over on SmackDown in the World HeavyWeight Title scene over the past month, the result is another title bout involving these two. Fair enough I suppose as the storyline justifies it. That storyline has now moved towards the banning of Taker's new submission choke-hold. Such angles over the past few years have either resulted in awkward matches where a stipulation has been overplayed or excellent psychological bouts where both men have used the stipulation to add interest. Let's hope that these 2 can adapt to the latter and improve on their last 2 showings which were both strong without being sensational. The fact that Edge gets yet another title shot and everything surrounding the vacant title & choke-hold leads me to believe that the title may go back to the heel. Winner: EdgeTRIPLE H vs RANDY ORTON in a Steel Cage Match for the WWE Championship: This was the obvious direction that this feud was heading in and past years have proven that we usually see some kind of cage match in either May or June leading on from WrestleMania. It makes sense, even if it means that the bout will be kind of predictable. Thankfully, it is usually predictable in an entertaining & brutal way though and I think both H & Orton can get the job done here rather well. There is no questions at all about who will emerge victorious though..... Winner: Triple H
WWE News - Update on Jeff Hardy's current frame of mind; future plansSubmitted by Amish Patel on Tuesday, May 13, 2008 at 10:37 AM ESTCredit: Following his suspension and loss of his home in a fire, Jeff Hardy is said to be in better spirits, motivated, and in good physical shape.Sources close to Hardy say the fire served as a wake up call and made him realise what he has with World Wrestling Entertainment and ultimately has made him more appreciative of his career. A friend close to Hardy also suggested he realized his recent mistakes were of his own doing and that he has shown maturity in realizing that.In terms of the fire that wiped out Hardy's home, he is planning to build a new house in the same spot and has been looking at blue prints.Finally, it's interesting to note that even though this was the second time Hardy violated WWE's Wellness Policy, he did not spend any time in a rehab facility.
WWE Hall of Famer Hulk Hogan Says He's a Totally Different Person Posted by Marc Middleton on 2008/5/12 15:58:55 (566 reads) - Hulk Hogan claims his pending divorce and Nick Hogan's troubles have changed him. "Dude, I'm a totally different person than before," Hogan told Scripps Howard News Service. He added that he prays for Linda Hogan every day and is grateful to be blessed. To read the full story, visit interview clearly occurred before Nick was sentenced to eight months in jail, as Hogan said his son was doing better during the interview. He also discusses the second season of American Gladiators, which begins tonight on NBC.
Smackdown is ****, its sad to see what that show has become. They have little to no star power, and the angles the main stars are involved in suck. Big Show and Mark Henry YAWN, Taker and Edge... AGAIN, and the whole thing with Vicki Guerrero, can someone please get her off TV and find her another job to do to earn some money. Being Edges wife is not entertaining or even interesting. On Raws worst show, it still ranks higher than a decent Smackdown.
New Match Added to WWE's Judgment Day PPVReport by Steve Carrier on May 17, 2008 - Views: 220 - As we broke the other day, The Big Show vs. Mark Henry has been added to the WWE Judgment Day pay-per-view for tomorrow. Below is the final card unless WWE decides to add another match:WWE Title Cage MatchTriple H vs. Randy OrtonWH Title MatchThe Undertaker vs. EdgeWWE Women's Title MatchMickie James vs. Beth Phoenix vs. MelinaWWE Tag Team Title MatchJohn Morrison & The Miz vs. CM Punk & KaneChris Jericho vs. Shawn MichaelsJohn Cena vs. JBLBig Show vs. Mark Henry
New Match Added to WWE's Judgment Day - The Big Show vs. Mark Henry

Can we say FILLER Match?

WOW Show has been doing great in ring work since he returned hasnt he? LOL
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Show has been awesome since returning. He hasn't been in a position to have a really good match yet, though.
Show has been awesome since returning. He hasn't been in a position to have a really good match yet, though.

Exactly what Im getting at, he busted his ass to get in great shape to return and so far he has jobbed to Mayweather, and has matches against Khali and henry on Smackdown....WOW! what a return! you think HHH would be positioned for a return like that?

If I were him Id be questioning why the **** I came back.

Dark Match Result:
Prior to tonight's Judgment Day pay-per-view, Hardcore Holly & Cody Rhodes defeated Santino Marella & Carlito to retain the WWE World Tag Team Titles in a dark match. Thanks to our good friend Derek Severt for calling in the match result.

Opening Segment:
We are live from the Quest Center in Omaha, Nebraska! The pyros explode and the official theme song of Judgment Day plays throughout the arena. Jim Ross gives us the official welcome and lets us know that four championships will be decided. JR hands it over to Jerry Lawler and JBL's music plays on the loudspeakers.

JBL vs. John Cena
John 'Bradshaw' Layfield is out first. His limousine pulls out to ringside and he gets out with his trademark cowboy hat and towel around his neck. Lots of heat on JBL as usual. We cut to Lawler and Ross who discuss the forthcoming bout. John Cena's music hits as he receives a huge pop from the live crowd. Cena is wearing his Nintendo inspired 'You Can't See Me' t-shirt. He gives his salute and makes his way to ringside. Raw referee Marty Elias is the official for the match. He calls for the bell as Cena and Bradshaw lockup. Loud Cena chants throughout as Cena pushes JBL in a counter. Elias calls for a break. A stare down endures. Cena applies a headlock on JBL. Bradshaw counters by pushing Cena into the ropes, the referee calls for the break. JBL applies a side headlock of his own. He gets Cena on one knee. JBL goes off the ropes, Cena bends over but gets an elbow. Cena counters with a drop toe hold and goes for a submission maneuver. Rope break as JBL goes to the outside and pulls Cena down from the apron. JBL throws Cena through the turnbuckles into the steel ring post.

Bradshaw gets out of the ring and works over Cena who is still in the ring. JBL gets back in to work on the left arm of Cena. JBL uses right hands to his advantage. JBL takes Cena down to the mat with authority. JBL locks a submission maneuver on the left arm of John Cena on the mat. The crowd cheers Cena back to his feet. He tries to break the hold. JBL kicks him in the midsection. Bradshaw brings him back to the mat and puts Cena's left arm in a mat submission hold. Marty Elias checks for submission. Cena reverses the hold on JBL and gets an early two count. Cena uses brute force to get the break. Cena tries to regroup but is kicked in the head by Bradshaw. JBL gets him to his feet and gives him some right hands. He follows with boots. Bradshaw gets the first near fall. Another right hand from JBL in the corner onto Cena. John Cena starts to counter with stiff right hands. Cena goes upstairs and down on Bradshaw. Cena uses his right arm and left shoulder to finally take Bradshaw down to the mat. Cena is selling his left arm but he goes to the top rope. He misses on a huge leg drop on JBL on the mat.

Cena is dazed as JBL regroups to his feet. JBL kicks Cena in the midsection. He works over the former WWE Champion. JBL works on Cena who is basically sitting on the apron. JBL tries to get a suplex on Cena, Cena blocks. Cena goes for a suplex off the apron onto JBL, JBL counters. Eventually JBL breaks it and takes Cena down on the mat. JBL is in the ring waiting on Cena or setting him up. JBL knocks Cena to the outside. Marty Elias starts the count out and Bradshaw works over Cena on the outside. Bradshaw roles him back in the ring. Bradshaw gets a two count, he follows with two stiff kicks. Another near fall for JBL. JBL applies a bear hug on Cena in the middle of the ring. Both men are on their feet. Elias checks Cena for submission. Again, Cena is selling his left arm. JBL brings Cena to the mat with the bear hug still applied. Elias checks again for submission. Big shot from JBL onto Cena with his elbow, then another right on the spine of Cena. JBL goes from a bear hug to a body scissors submission hold on Cena in the ring. Referee Marty Elias checks for submission again. Cena tries to counter but JBL violently slaps Cena in his 'injured' left shoulder.

The crowd tries to cheer Cena back to life. He is able to get to his feet with the body scissors by JBL applied. JBL locks in a full nelson, bringing Cena back down to the mat. Referee Elias checks Cena. Cena is able to use strength and power to break the full nelson, he went for the FU but he couldn't lock it. JBL sends him to the mat and connects another stiff boot to Cena's face. JBL locks the body scissor submission back on Cena on the mat. Marty Elias checks Cena once again. Cena is able to break the hold on the mat again as he uses his strength to pick JBL up. He connects what looks to be a half of a powerbomb (I guess that's what you can call it?). The referee starts the double countout. JBL to his feet first, Cena follows. There is an exchange of right hands. Cena goes for a splash on JBL in the corner, but nobody is home. JBL delivers a knockout kick to Cena. He follows with four elbows to Cean on the mat. JBL taunts Cena who is laying down on the mat. JBL sets Cena up in the center and gives him a clothesline from hell. Cena is down on the mat, JBL above him, taunting. JBL stomps away on the former WWE Champion. JBL goes to whip Cena into the ropes but Cena hits the FU out of nowhere and gets the three count.

Winner - John Cena

John Morrison & The Miz vs. CM Punk & Kane
The upcoming match is for the WWE Tag Team Championships with The Miz and John Morrison defending against ECW Champion Kane and MITB winner CM Punk. Morrison is out first followed by The Miz. CM Punk comes out as the first of the two challengers. ECW Champion Kane is the last participant to ringside. Tony Chimmel does the formal introductions inside the ring since this match is for the WWE Tag Team Championships. Scott Armstrong is the referee, he calls for the bell. CM Punk and The Miz starts things out. Punk hits a suplex on The Miz, lots of fast paced action to start things out. Punk tags in Kane. They double team The Miz. Kane lifts The Miz on his back and sends him to the mat. He whips Miz into the turnbuckles. Miz counters, backs Kane into the corner and tags in John Morrison. Morrison goes to work on Kane but is whipped off the ropes and into a powerslam. Kane gets a quick cover and a tag to Punk. Kane hits a backbreaker on Morrison as Punk jumps in to take on one half of the WWE Tag Team Champions. Punk locks a submission hold on Morrison in the ropes. After the hold is broke, Punk gets a quick two count on Morrison with his feet up.

Morrison is able to counter and get the tag to The Miz. Miz applies a submission hold on Punk in the middle of the ring on the mat. The crowd cheers Punk back to his feet. Miz backs him down but Punk connects a big kick. Punk tags in Kane. Kane hits a huge back body drop on The Miz. Kane goes off the top rope onto Miz. Scoop slam attempt by Kane but Morrison is able to tag himself in. Morrison hits a neck breaker on Kane and gets on top of him. He connects with several right hands. Morrison makes another tag. Quick tag back to Morrison back to The Miz. They are using team work to make this look as believable as they can with Kane. Miz uses several right hands to wear down the Big Red Machine. Kane finally lands a stomp on Miz, both end up getting tags. Punk hits a nice drop kick then a spinning heel kick. Punk gets a powerslam on Morrison and a two count. Punk mounts some more offense with his kicks followed by a two count. Punk goes over the top ropes onto The Miz. He nails a cross-body on Morrison for another two count. Punk picks Morrison up for GTS, Miz gets in the ring. Punk sends him to the outside. Morrison tries to capitalize but Punk goes for GTS again. The Miz trips him. Kane choke slams The Miz on the outside. Punk looks on from the outside, he turns around to eat Morrison's finisher as he is able to get the three count.

Winners - John Morrison & The Miz to retain the WWE Tag Team Championships

Chris Jericho vs. Shawn Michaels
They show a video package detailing this bizarre program. Lilian announces the match is set for one fall but does not indicate that this is for the Intercontinental Championship which is something that was never really clarified by WWE. Jericho is out first. The bell rings and Michaels and Jericho stare each other down. Jack Doan is your referee. Jericho goes right after the leg of Shawn Michaels but HBK does not allow him to get the opening control. Back to a lockup. Michaels comes out of the lockup with a side headlock on Jericho. He takes Jericho down to the mat with the submission maneuver. Loud chants for Michaels. Jericho gets back to his feet with the side headlock still applied. Jericho counters out but Michaels flips him over for a cover. Jericho gets a cover, another cover from HBK. A few more similar exchanges. Very good back and forth fast paced action. Michaels applies the Figure Four leglock early. Jack Doan checks for submission. JR keeps saying that you can never predict what Shawn Michaels is going to do. JR seems like he is trying to put HBK over as a heel or at least that's how I am interrupting it.

Michaels slaps Jericho. Jericho flies off the handle as they finally lock back up. Michaels reapplies a side headlock. Jericho counters out with right hands to the face of Michaels. Jericho whips Michaels into the ropes. Michaels counters with a hold on Jericho's arm. Arm bar takeover by Michaels onto Jericho followed by an arm breaker. Michaels continues to work on the shoulder of Chris Jericho. Jericho whips Michaels so hard into the ropes it hangs him upside down in the corner. Jericho follows with right hands. Jericho sets Michaels up on the top turnbuckle. HBK hits an elbow on Jericho, sending him down to the mat. Jericho counters, sending HBK to a sit down position on the top turnbuckle. Jericho looks for a suplex but HBK battles out, sending Jericho to the mat. HBK off the top with an elbow drop, Jericho gets his knees up to block it. HBK sells the block as Jericho gets up slowly. Jericho works over Michaels. Jericho continues his assault by working on the ribs on Shawn Michaels. Suplex from Jericho onto Michaels. Jericho kicks Michaels in the midsection and locks in an arm bar submission on Michaels in the middle of the ring.

Jericho wrenches back on the abdominal stretch which is now applied on Michaels. Michaels tries to counter but Jericho counters and gets a two count on HBK. Jericho hits HBK with a right hand in the corner. Jericho whips HBK hard into the turnbuckles. Finally HBK is able to mount some offense by using Jericho's own momentum against him. HBK hits some chops but Jericho counters and applies the Walls of Jericho. Referee Jack Doan checks for submission but HBK is able to get to the ropes. Jericho breaks the hold and assaults HBK who roles onto the apron. Jericho tries some acrobatics but eats Sweet Chin Music on the apron off to the outside. Doan starts to countout Jericho. Michaels goes outside and gets him. He roles him back in. Michaels pulls Jericho to the center of the ring and goes for the cover. Two count! Jericho remains down in the middle of the ring. HBK goes off the top rope with an elbow onto Jericho. HBK is selling his ribs as he is slow to follow up. HBK finally tunes up the band, calling for Sweet Chin Music. Jericho gets up and falls back down. The crowd boos.

HBK tunes up the band some more, Jericho gets up and falls back to his knees before Shawn can hit the superkick. Michaels does it again but goes for the superkick this time. Jericho hits a Code Breaker with a counter, both men are down in the middle of the ring. Doan starts the double countout. Not surprisingly (given that Jericho kicked out of Sweet Chin Music) Michaels kicks out of the cover. Jericho goes back to work on HBK. Out of nowhere HBK locks a cross-face on Jericho in the middle of the ring. Doan checks for submission. The crowd is hot and Jericho looks like he might tap but he gets to the ropes. Great sequence and the crowd reaction showed it. Michaels gets up, still selling his ribs. He takes down Jericho, goes for the cross-face again. Jericho counters and drops HBK on the ropes. Jericho works on Michaels, setting him up in the center of the ring. Lion Sault, HBK blocks with his knees. Jericho counters with a Walls of Jericho attempt. HBK is able to get a roll up out of nowhere for the three count.

Winner - Shawn Michaels

Beth Phoenix vs. Melina vs. Mickie James
The forthcoming match is a triple threat match and is for the WWE Women's Championship. The Glamazon Beth Phoenix is out first. We go to a video from Raw last week with Melina confronting Beth about leaving her on Raw. Lilian gives the formal introductions in the ring because the match is for the WWE Women's Championship. Chad Patton is your referee. The bell rings but Beth Phoenix tells Melina to get out of her ring. Melina assaults Beth. Mickie nearly gets the win off the distraction via pinfall. Mickie James ends up getting thrown to the outside. Beth hits a stiff clothesline on the outside. Phoenix gets in the ring to go after Melina. She is feisty and goes after The Glamazon. Mickie gets back in the ring and gets a roll-up cradle on Beth who was trying to mount offense on Melina. Mickie gets on the back of Beth Phoenix, taking her down the mat in what appears to be a modified sleeper hold. Melina pulls Mickie off of Beth.

Beth gets knocked silly and Melina goes to work on Mickie. It doesn't take long for Mickie to counter. She goes to the top but Melina knocks her off. Good crowd reaction. Melina sets Mickie up on the top but Beth puts her on her own shoulder. She hits the electric chair. Mickie goes off the top and hits a cross-body into a pin onto Beth for a two count. Mickie nails a huge dropkick on The Glamazon. Melina goes to work on Mickie in the corner. Back to her feet, Beth comes over and gets BOTH Mickie and Melina on her back. Beth hits a double back breaker on both of them. Amazing strength. Beth ends back up in the background and Mickie is able to hit her finisher on Melina for the three count.

Winner - Mickie James to retain the WWE Women's Championship

Edge vs. The Undertaker
The following match is for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship. Edge comes out first, The Undertaker's spectacular entrance is next. Michael Cole notes that The Undertaker has only beat Edge twice - once at WrestleMania and once at Backlash both times in which he used the Gogoplata (which is still not being named). Justin Roberts gets the formal introductions since this match is for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship. Charles Robinson is your referee as he calls for the bell. Undertaker is all business as he squares off against Edge. Undertaker pushes Edge down to the mat, Edge goes to the outside to quickly regroup. Edge connects some right hands on Undertaker. They do not have much affect as he puts Edge in the corner and hits right hands of his own. Undertaker chokes Edge and uses the ropes for leverage. Charles Robinson calls for a break at five. Undertaker gets Edge to the outside. He slams Edge's shoulder into the steel ring post. Undertaker puts Edge back into the ring. Undertaker works Edge over in the corner.

Undertaker 'rope walks' with Edge but Edge counters perfectly knocking Undertaker off the ropes. Edge stomps away at Undertaker, causing him to retreat to the outside. Edge uses right hands from the apron onto Undertaker on the outside. Undertaker throws him off the apron onto the crowd control barrier. Undertaker works Edge over on the outside connecting a big head butt. Undertaker clears his count and goes back to work on Edge. Edge throws Undertaker into the steel ring steps. Edge gets back in the ring. Edge goes off the ropes and hits a baseball slide on Undertaker who is on the outside. Undertaker falls down on the outside. Edge roles Taker back in. Edge heatbutts The Undertaker in the corner. Undertaker counters with headbutts of his own. Undertaker whips Edge into the turnbuckles, Edge counters. Edge goes right for the cover for a two count. Edge stomps Undertaker in the midsection. Edge uses several right hands but Undertaker counters with his own right hands. Edge finally gains the advantage with a kick to the ankle of Undertaker. Edge is on the outside, working on Undertaker in the ring. Edge pulls Undertaker into the turnbuckles, wrapping his legs around the steel ring post. Edge gets back in the ring, lands several right hands.

Undertaker counters but Edge is able to build a counter of his own. Undertaker goes for the banned choke as Edge goes for the cover. Edge climbs to the top, attempts to 'rope walk' with Undertaker. Taker counters, sending Edge to the mat. Undertaker looks to build momentum with right hands. Edge gives rights of his own. Undertaker goes off the ropes onto Edge. He follows with a splash times two in two separate corners. Undertaker tosses Edge into the corner and gets a two count. Undertaker 'rope walks' with Edge, he connects. Undertaker goes for the Tombstone but here come Ryder and Hawkins. They distract Taker, he drops Edge. The Edgeheads distract Charles Robinson as Edge exposes the turnbuckle by removing the cover. Undertaker counters and goes for the Last Ride but Edge counters with a DDT. Edge gets a near fall at 2 1/2. Edge goes for the spear but Undertaker side steps it. Undertaker goes for the Last Ride, he gets a modified version in the corner on Edge. Undertaker gets a two count.

Undertaker picks up Edge, looks to go for the Tombstone. Edge counters Undertaker into the corner of the ring where the turnbuckle is exposed. Edge nails several rights on Undertaker, Taker hits Edge with Snake Eyes in the exposed turnbuckle. Charles Robinson starts the double countout. Undertaker goes off the ropes right into a Spear from Edge. He gets a two count. The crowd is heavily behind The Undertaker but Edge is in control. Undertaker starts to fight back, it's a slug fest with both men on their feet exchanging right hands. They have the crowd as Undertaker grabs Edge by the throat. Edge counters but Undertaker ends up hitting the chokeslam after another attempt. 2 1/2 count. Undertaker kicks Edge to the outside. Undertaker clotheslines Edge over the crowd control barrier. Charles Robinson goes outside to check on them, then back in the start the double countout.

Now it's a race back to the ring, they fight all the way back, basically crawling. Robinson is at 9 but Undertaker is in. Edge is counted out at 10.

Winner via countout & new World Heavyweight Champion Undertaker

As Undertaker is being announced, Vickie Guerrero interrupts. From a wheel chair on the ramp with Hawkins and Ryder on the ramp she tries to quiet the crowd.

Vickie finally says that it is common knowledge - she is interrupted by a tremendous amount of heat. This is great, she is the most hated person that I have seen in WWE in a LONG time. You should hear the heat she is getting! She says that it is common knowledge that a title cannot be won via DQ or countout therefore the World Heavyweight Title remains vacant. She tells The Undertaker he is not the new Champion. Taker looks on with the belt in his hands. Undertaker pulls Edge back in the ring from over the top rope. He hits the Tombstone as Vickie begs him not to do it. Vickie stands up and calls Taker an SOB (which is blurted out).

MVP vs. Jeff Hardy
Michael Cole plugs the match as a brand vs. brand showdown. It appears that Big Show vs. Mark Henry is off. Referee is Mickie Henson as he calls for the bell.

Jeff goes to work on MVP as Mick Foley mentions Jeff Hardy's house burning down. MVP and Hardy circle one another, MVP works to get control on Hardy. The match is going much slower than you would expect as Hardy locked in a hammerlock. Eventually MVP is sent to the outside. MVP ends up getting Hardy to the outside after Hardy cannot connect on a kick. MVP gets a two count on Hardy back in the ring. MVP puts an arm bar submission on Jeff Hardy. Hardy backs him down with elbows. MVP counters, sending him to the mat. MVP kicks Hardy in the chest. Scoop slam from MVP onto Hardy. MVP locks in another submission hold on the mat. Hardy counters on MVP but Hardy cannot mount any offense. MVP stomps away at Hardy. Arm drag DDT from MVP onto Jeff Hardy. The crowd does not seem into the match as MVP continues his assault. MVP kicks Hardy in his shoulder and picks him up about his head and drops him on the mat. MVP follows with a kick, sending Hardy to the outside.

MVP goes to the outside momentarily then roles Hardy back in the ring. He gets a near fall. MVP works on the left arm of Jeff Hardy. Hardy gets back to his feet, MVP ends up bouncing Hardy's head off his knee. MVP goes for the Play Maker but Hardy counters. Hardy gets back to his feet, him and MVP exchange right hands. Hardy hits a clothesline on MVP in the corner. Hardy goes off the top with a Swanton, nobody home! MVP looks to put Hardy away but Jeff counters and ends up hitting Whisper in the Wind. Hardy gets the three count.

Winner - Jeff Hardy

Randy Orton vs. Triple H
The following match is a steel cage match and is for the WWE Championship. Orton comes out first to the new music that he debuted on Raw.

The WWE Champion Triple H is out next with the belt around his waist and a bottle of water in his hand. Lilian Garcia gives the formal match introductions from outside of the steel cage. Mike Chioda is the referee officiating. The bell rings and our main event is underway. As soon as the bell rings, Orton makes an attempt to get out before the steel door is even closed. Triple H lunges at him at stops him. Marty Elias (I believe) closes the cage door on the outside after Orton slams it on Triple H's head. Lots of fast paced action to start things out. Orton tries to slam Hunter's head off the steel but he ends up getting his head slammed. Orton tries to get out but Triple H counters. Orton counters again with a right hand.

Hunter gets a swinging neckbreaker on the challenger followed by a two count. Triple H follows up with right hands and drops a knee into the forehead of Randy Orton. Orton uses the cage to his advantage. There is some blood coming out of the mouth of Orton. He works over Triple H on the apron in the steel cage. Orton slams Hunter's head off the steel cage but Hunter counters. Orton ends up giving him a boot to the head. DDT from Orton onto Triple H. Orton goes for the cover, he gets a near fall. Orton chokes Hunter and pounds away with right hands. The crowd boos Orton as he wipes the blood off his lip. Orton picks Hunter up and gives him a stiff right. Another cover for Orton.

Triple H kicks out and Orton locks a submission hold around the neck of the Champion. Hunter backs Orton down with right hands, countering. Orton counters and is able to hit a powerslam on Hunter off the ropes into another near fall. Triple H is down on the mat with Orton stomping on him. Orton stomps on the ankle of Triple H and then the thigh. We see General Manager William Regal looking on. Orton drops a right knee on Hunter, he gets a two count. Hunter kicks out and Orton gets another. Orton continues to mount offense until Hunter is able to counter with a couple of chop blocks. Triple H locks in the Figure Four leglock on Orton. Chioda checks Orton several times for submission - he resists as Triple H wrenches back on the hold. Finally Orton is able to make it to the ropes. Mike Chioda must be confused because he started counting to five. Orton goes for the RKO but Hunter blocks it. Orton is able to get the upper hand. Orton crawls to the door and gets half way out before Hunter can come over and grab him.

Hunter pulls him back but Orton does it again. Then Orton brings a chair into the ring. Triple H counters Orton's chair shot attempt with a kick. Orton finally drops the chair after some Triple H right hands. Face buster on Orton from Hunter. Two count. Triple H picks up the chair in the ring but Orton stops him from using it with a low blow. There are no DQs in a steel cage match so the action continues. Orton connects on Hunter with the chair. Orton hits a DDT on Triple H on the steel chair. Orton now stops and stalks The Game like a viper. Orton goes for the RKO on Hunter on the chair. Triple H counters and hits a drop toehold on Orton onto the steel chair. Triple H gets an arm over Orton for a two count.

Orton starts to climb the cage after countering on Triple H. Triple H grabs Orton's trunks, exposing his backside to the point where they went to a different camera shot. Triple H throws Orton back down to the mat hard. Triple H gets to the top but Orton gets back to the top rope quickly. Orton and Triple H fight it out on the top rope with Hunter eventually falling back to the mat. Orton is on the top rope and makes the leap to the top of the cage. Here comes Hunter, he pulls Orton slowly back into the structure. Triple H sets Orton up for the Pedigree off the top rope. Orton blocks it and ends up knocking Triple H back to the mat. Hunter is down and Orton is climbing down the other side of the cage. Hunter climbs to the top of the cage and pulls him back in again. Orton sends Triple H back to the mat, he's going to try and escape again. Triple H gets up off the cage again and delivers a low blow on Orton who is sitting on the top turnbuckle.

Both men are fatigued but Triple H is able to hit a spinebuster on Orton. Triple H sets the steel chair in the center of the ring. He goes for a Pedigree on the char but Orton counters, dropping Hunter onto the chair. Orton goes for his knockout kick but Triple H hits a chair shot followed by a Pedigree. One, two, three and Hunter is still your WWE Champion.

Winner - Triple H to retain the WWE Championship​
Here's the update Night Of Champions PPV Poster:

And ECW's One Night Stand:

WWE TV Tapings Tonight; Big Breakup on SD?, WH Title Angle, MoreWritten by Marc Middleton Got any news or results to send us? Please e-mail it to WWE will be taping ECW on Sci-Fi and this week's Friday Night SmackDown tonight from Des Moines, IA at the Wells Fargo Arena. If you're attending the show tonight, please e-mail me so we can get some reports up.The only match confirmed for ECW tonight so far is Shelton Benjamin vs. Kofi Kingston with Kofi's undefeated streak on the line. WWE's officials preview lists more with Colin Delaney and Estrada and the fallout from Judgment Day for tonight's broadcast.No matches are confirmed for this week's SmackDown, but it's believed that WWE will announce where they will go with the World Heavyweight Championship. WWE's early SmackDown preview also teases tension in the Familia with Chavo and Bam Neely breaking off from Edge, Vickie, Ryder and Hawkins.
Breaking News: William Regal suspended!!!- To follow up what we posted earlier today, WWE have announced this morning that William Regal has been suspended for 60 days due to his second failure of the company's Wellness Policy. We will have more on this story shortly.
If you guys don't like how they're doing the shows please make your voices heard, let them know how you feel., it would help alot. There is a feedback link at WWE's website at the bottom of the page.
Chris Jericho = Glorified jobber

Losing to Batista for no freakin' reason after losing to HBK the night before, and promptly being squashed out of the angle. I bet he won't get a come uppance from this, but will just carry on as if his credibility hasn't been kicked in the balls for the billionth time.

And just when he was starting to look strong, too. Meh. I guess it wouldn't be WWE if Chris Jericho did not lose every important match he's ever in.

Oh, and Batista sucks.
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Smackdown TapingVickie Guerrero comes out on the ramp stage with Edge to start the show. She says that Charles Robinson made a mistake at the PPV by Counting out Edge and awarding the title to Undertaker, since a title can't be won by countout. Keeping in tradition with the Extreme Rules of One Night Stand, Edge will fight Taker in a Tables, Ladders, and Chairs Match there. She also said if Taker loses, he'll be banished from the WWE. Thanks WWE for telling us that Taker will win before it happens. 1. Maryse & Duece & Domino defeated Cherrry & Jessie & Festus. Cherry was actually cheering when her brother Domino was being beat up; it's so unrealistic. Festus hits his axe kick on Domino who fell into his sister, Cherry. Cherry falls to the ground and Maryse kicks her in the face for the fall.At some point early on in the show, Chavo says that he's sorry for not making it out for the Undertaker match last week. Vickie books Chavo versus the Undertaker for tonight. Edge says don't worry the family will be out with there with you.VIP Show: MVP's guest is Theodore Long. MVP says he's going to allow Teddy to explain his side of what happened last week. Once Teddy came out, MVP decided that he would rather talk about how Teddy made his life horrible when he was the GM. MVP said that he was jealous of his money and even tries to dress like him in his counterfeit suits.Teddy says "I'm not going to put up with this; I'm out of here." MVP grabs him by the tie. Batista's music plays and he comes to the ring. Batista tells Teddy "good luck," and says that he was a "fair GM." Batista warns MVP to never lay his hands on Teddy, again. MVP says to Batista "don't disrespect me." Batista says, "That's not disrespect, this is." He begins to destroy the VIP Lounge.Backstage, MVP approaches Vickie Guerrero, who is with Edge and Chavo in her office. He asks if she saw the disrespect that Batista showed him. Either Edge or Vickie tell MVP that he's going to have to deal with it on his own. MVP says that Vickie is the GM and it's her job to deal with it. Edge gets in MVP's face. Vickie books MVP in a match with Batista for tonight. Edge and Chavo talk MVP disrespecting Vickie and them.2. Finlay (w/Hornswoggle) defeated Chuck Palumbo. Finlay is accompanied to the ring by Hornswoggle much to the delight of all of the children in attendance. He scurries under the ring. Finlay and Chuck put on a good solid match. It was the best match of the night so far. Hornswoggle comes out from under the ring with a supersoaker and squirts Palumbo. Later in the match, Chuck grabs Hornswoggle but Horny sprays green mist in his face. As the referee was getting Hornswoggle out of the ring, Finlay hits Chuck in the head for the victory.3. Batista defeated MVP. The match was in first gear for the first five opening minutes or so. Out of no where Batista leapfrogs MVP and gives him a big boot. Shortly later, MVP gives Batista the Chono boot in the corner and send Batista over the top rope. MVP throws Batista in the ring and is trying to position him for a pinfall but Batista is agressively holding the rope, so MVP stomps his arm. Later, MVP goes up top and Batista goes for the throwing him off the ropes like everyone does to Flair, but MVP counters in mid air to an armbreaker over the ropes to the outside. MVP continues to work over the arm including throwing MVP should first into the ring post. Batista hits a spear. He begins getting revenge on MVP by working over his arm, including from the outside throwing him shoulder frist into the ring post and then two times from in the ring. MVP runs into spinebuster. The Batista Bomb ends the match.4. Vladimir Kozlov beat Nunzio. Nunzio came out. A Video package was played before Vladimir came out to his no music entrance. There was a boring chant early on. I chanted predictable. Vladimir hits an over head belly to belly suplex. Nunzio was draped over the top turnbuckle and Vladimir punts him in the gut, catches him as he flew off, puts him over his shoulder, and drops him into the set up for his reverse DDT. He hits it, match over.5. Matt Hardy & Kofi Kingston defeated Elijah Burke & Shelton Benjamin. Kofi beats Shelton with the Trouble in Paradise kick.6. Undertaker pinned Chavo Guerrero. Taker hits Old School early on. Taker ends out outside of the ring and Edge and the Edgeheads begin puting the boots to him. Charles Robinson throws them out. Chavo hits a low blow while Robinson was distracted. Chavo goes up top for the Frog Splash, but Taker sits up before Chavo jumped off. So, Chavo comes off with a crossbody or something and Taker caught him and delivered the Tombstone Piledriver for the win. Afterward, Edge, Hawkins, and Ryder return and along with Neely, it's a four-on-one on Taker. Kane's music hits and his pyro goes off. He comes to the ring. A chokeslam fest occurred with the Brothers of Destruction delivering them. Chavo is left alone with the brothers and Kane gives him a Tombstone Piledriver. The brothers pose for a bit and then Kane exits the ring to his music. Taker's music plays and he exits the ring. He meets up with Kane midway up the ramp. They walk to the top, look back to the audience, and do their arm raise before exiting the arena.
Former WWE Diva Kristal Marshall, 24, is due to give birth soon. She is expecting a child with boyfriend Bobby Lashley in the near future. That's one of the reasons Lashley isn't making any long-term commitments at the moment because it would put him on the road.-- It looks like Ashley Massaro has some wrestling company in the "Bella Models" escort scandal. A second woman from the wrestling world is allegedly involved with this organization as well. Her name is Trina Michaels and she too was named in the Rolling Stone article. Michaels, a 25-year-old adult star, is scheduled to make an appearance at this Saturday's XPW reunion show in Redondo Beach, California in a "Miss Xtreme" contest.-- WWE Hall of Famer Iron Sheik was kicked off the "Killers of Comedy" tour for threatening to harm a midget by the name of Beetlejuice (who Scott Steiner put the Recliner on in September 2000 on Nitro) and throwing a drink at him.
Update on Regal's suspasionWilliam Regal is said to be understandably deflated about violating the Wellness Policy for a second time. He recognized the fact that he was in the midst of the biggest push of his career and he knows that the timing couldn't have been worse. Although Regal has battled addiction problems over the years, multiple sources say they have not witnessed any signs of a relapse. However, WWE does not release specific details regarding their testing, so there's no way of knowing for sure what was discovered in his system. A company spokeswoman declined to comment on the positive test when contacted by the Hartford Courant earlier today. Regal is known for taking supplements as part of his training and one source speculated that it's at least possible he unknowingly took something that contained a banned substance. Of course, that's a common excuse from mainstream athletes when they fail tests, but it can't be ruled out. People close to Regal who say they would be stunned if he were using again because he's shown no signs of relapsing. Again, though, nothing is official because the company does not release specific information regarding its drug suspensions.