The offical wrestling thread..News, spoilers and results. > WWE > More on Hogan's surgery and alleged Twitter page
Posted by Randy Gordon on 03/06/2009 at 06:20 PM

As reported earlier, Hulk Hogan had back surgery last week. While Hogan's surgery was not serious, doctors generally require a six-week recovery time. Hogan was walking a few hours following surgery, which is not uncommon, but it would be surprising if his doctor cleared him to take bumps and work a real match even five weeks after surgery.
I hope Hogan stays away from the wrestling ring. He is not that good anymore. If they want him involved as a manager/voice piece like he did when he was with the nWo, or maybe make him a GM of Raw or Smackdown, but in ring wrestling, he needs to retire..just like Ric Flair did.

I think instead of a match at Wrestlemania against a legend, Jericho should continue to rip the legends only to get his ass handed to him by Stone Cold Steve Austin.
"Hogan is not that good anymore" is a vast understatement: he's downright awful and decrepit.
Andrew 'Test' Martin former WWE superstar has passed away at age 33 :(

Allways liked Test, thought he was great for his size and played a great heel up until he was released while out with an injured neck in 2003.

He was good friends with Edge and Christian..

So young.........R.I.P Test.
Andrew 'Test' Martin former WWE superstar has passed away at age 33 :(

Allways liked Test, thought he was great for his size and played a great heel up until he was released while out with an injured neck in 2003.

He was good friends with Edge and Christian..

So young.........R.I.P Test.

my god, there are too many young wrestlers dying early! this is such a shame, he was too young! :(
Andrew 'Test' Martin former WWE superstar has passed away at age 33 :(

Allways liked Test, thought he was great for his size and played a great heel up until he was released while out with an injured neck in 2003.

He was good friends with Edge and Christian..

So young.........R.I.P Test.

so sad, R.I.P. Andrew. :(
From Kelly Kelly's myspace:
"You were my world my best friend the one i always ran to u were always there for me..what happened to our plan...Why did god take u away from heart is always with u and u only..I know your in heaven watching over me now my angel..."

Hey all! I just got back from Tokoyo Japan. I have been to Japan several times but this was by far the best trip there for a number of reasons. First I must thank Mr. Aso who treated me beyond first class and is a total gentleman as well as a great human being himself. My trip there was first class all the way. Thanks to Mr. Ena for making my flight the best flight I had ever been on. Mr. Aso flew me first class on United airlines who I must thank the ladies on board, who kept feeding me steak and chicken every two hours. It ended up being about a 24 hour travel day. When I landed I was greeted by Mr. Yabe another kind and stand up man. We chatted for a bit and waited for Vader. For those of you who do not know Leon (Vader) he is a total gentleman. I met Leon about ten years ago when I was training at Brets house he was kind to me then and was nothing but a gentleman to me now and we became good friends on this trip. Leon is a stand up guy and I want to thank him as well for a wonderfull trip. Mr. Aso put us up in the Keio Plaza hotel which is one of the nicest hotels in tokoyo. I want to thank Mr.Tiger Kihara who is one of the funniest guys I have met and a master at wrestling impressions and kept me laughing the whole time. Thanks to Golds gym who took great care of me there. I worked my first match with Lance Hoyt. Lance is green but has a lot of promise and under the right guidance can have a great match because he is a good athlete. He needs to be in the WWE were I think he could learn and reach full potential...thanks Lance. My second match was with a Japanese shooter named Nagai{hopefully I spelled that right} A totally diferant style but we had a great match together. He works almost as stiff as I I was very humbled by the reception from the Japanese fans. The Japanese people are so respectfull you can't help but love it there. I loved Japan for so many reasons and hope to makee it my wrestling home. Japan is so beautifull and full of things to do, I could see myself living there it was that much fun. Thanks again to Mr. Aso your a real gentleman and number one in my books. On March 16th, I will be heading to Europe for two weeks in France, Sweden and Belgum. This is with the crew from Ireland. These guys hold a special place in my heart because they stuck by me when I was going thru some hard times and we all ended up becoming good friends. Great guys and fantastic people to work for, from Martin, to Mick, Joe, Jamie, Grant, Patty, Justin Shape, Lizzy, Anne, Ken, the whole crew are just great and I'm looking forward to this trip. That's all for to you soon Andrew
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SmackDown play-by-play announcer Jim Ross posted a blog on his official website remembering Andrew "Test" Martin, who was found dead in his Tampa apartment last night.

Ross is quite familiar with Martin as he hired him alongside two other Canadians in Adam "Edge" Copeland and Jay "Christian" Reso in the late 1990's.

"I hired Andrew in the same class with his other fellow Canadians Edge and Christian in the late 90's in an outstanding group of young talent whose advanced training was over seen by future WWE Hall of Famer Dory Funk and by Tom Prichard," Ross wrote.

Ross recalls a conversation with Martin at WrestleMania XXIV last year in Orlando. The two spoke at length regarding his real estate endeavors and his plans to become a physical therapist. Martin also told Ross he saved his money and only wrestled "when he wanted to."

"Andrew had done well in WWE, saved his money, made some good investments, and told me he only wanted to wrestle when "he wanted to" which the randomly scheduled international tours would allow him to do," Ross wrote. "He did not express interest in the American indy scene and was genuinely excited about the prospects of the aforementioned physical therapy career."

In a bit of previously unreported news, Ross reveals that Martin took up World Wrestling Entertainment's offer to enter a rehabilitation facility in West Palm Beach, Florida last August. At the suggestion of others, his former employer reached out to him to see if he needed some help handling some alleged personal issues that he was rumored to have been experiencing.

"The rumors of Andrew's issues were true and he was afforded the opportunity by WWE to attend The Hanley Center Rehabilitation facility in West Palm Beach, Florida for several weeks beginning in August of 2008," Ross wrote. "Andrew successfully completed the WWE funded program and was highly regarded by the Hanley Center with being such an asset to them after completing the program of which Andrew took seriously, according to the facility. Since being released from the facility after successfully completing the program, Andrew had been doing well in his 12 Step AA program and was in contact with WWE with regular phone calls. Ironically, Friday was the day for his regularly scheduled "touching base" but when called his voice mail box was full."

It should be noted that Ross was not aware of Martin's alleged problems and stint in rehab until recently.

Ross concludes his post with the following note remembering Martin: "I will remember this young man as a bright, intelligent individual and am thankful that my last conversation with him was so positive and that he was excited about his future in a new field. Our sincere condolences go out to his family, friends, and fans and may God rest his soul."

World Wrestling Entertainment® has been made aware of the passing of Andrew Martin. The WWE extends its deepest condolences to the Martin family. Mr. Martin was under contract with WWE at various time periods and performed under the name "Test." He last performed for the WWE in February 2007.var addthis_pub="nodqdotcom";

Everyone at Total Nonstop Action Wrestling is saddened by the passing of Andrew "Test" Martin.

TNA sends its deepest condolences to the Martin family, and we hope our fans will keep Andrew in their thoughts in the coming days.

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Andrew 'Test' Martin former WWE superstar has passed away at age 33 :(

Allways liked Test, thought he was great for his size and played a great heel up until he was released while out with an injured neck in 2003.

He was good friends with Edge and Christian..

So young.........R.I.P Test.

Aww... RIP! :(

Test used to be one of the best wrestlers, man...
Dark Match:

* Jimmy Wang Yang defeated Eric Escobar.

WWE Friday Night SmackDown, Airing This Week, 3/20:

* Triple H came out and cut a promo about Randy Orton. Triple H called Orton a disease and said he was the cure.

* Triple H defeated Vladimir Kozlov. Nothing special here. Triple H won with the Pedigree.

* MVP defeated Shelton Benjamin with the Playmaker to become the new United States Champion. Good match here with MVP deserving the win.

* Shawn Michaels defeated Kane with Sweet Chin Music. Shawn got a huge pop for appearing on SmackDown.

* Jeff Hardy defeated The Brian Kendrick in an Extreme Rules match. Good match with some nice spots. Hardy won with the Swanton.

* WWE did an announcement for the Von Erichs going into the Hall of Fame this year.

* The Undertaker defeated JBL in a non-title match. Not a bad match here. Taker won with his Hell's Gates submission move.

* Vickie Guerrero got some huge heat as she announced the winner of the Triple Threat match at WrestleMania will be the Champion of her heart. John Cena came out and got involved, turning Big Show and Edge against each other after they formed some kind of truce. Edge accidentally speared Vickie which led to Show chokeslamming Edge and leaving with Vickie.
Dark Match:

* Jimmy Wang Yang defeated Eric Escobar.

WWE Friday Night SmackDown, Airing Next Week, 3/27:

* Kane, Christian Cage, Shelton Benjamin and Finlay defeated MVP, Mark Henry, CM Punk and Kofi Kingston. This match was a bit better than the six-man match they had on TV the other night. Kane got the win after a chokeslam on Punk.

* Big Show defeated Jesse and Festus in a Handicap match. It was good to see Jesse and Festus back but this was an obvious show to make Big Show look good for Wrestlemania. Show got the win after his knockout punch.

* Carlito, Primo Colon and Brie Bella defeated The Miz, John Morrison and Nikki Bella. Good match here considering everything, made me want to see their match at WrestleMania. Colons and Brie got the win with the Backstabber.

* Matt Hardy defeated R-Truth with a Twist of Fate.

* Maryse defended her Divas Championship against Michelle McCool. The match ended in DQ when Gail Kim made her return and hit Michelle with a missile dropkick before attacking Maryse. Gail has definitely arrived.

* Shawn Michaels came out to cut a promo on The Undertaker. Shawn was dressed in white mocking Taker and said he represented the light while Taker represents the shadows. Shawn quoted scripture from the Bible and talked about he will be Mr. Wrestlemania and end Taker's streak.

Dark Main Event:

* The advertised World Title match with Edge and Jeff Hardy happened actually. Edge got the win after spearing Jeff with interference from Matt Hardy.
Batista to retire soon?

When injured WWE RAW Superstar Batista was in the Philippines two weeks ago doing promotional work for WWE, he was asked how much longer he would continue wrestling. The former World Champion said that he felt he had one year left. Batista went on to say he wanted to finish that final year strong.
Retirement rumors have been swirling around Batista for a couple years now. he's in his 40's and he's had some serious injuries lately. Not surprised if he wants to hang it up.
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Michelle McCool Speaks on Gail Kim

Michelle McCool apparently kept tabs on the incoming Gail Kim during her time away from World Wrestling Entertainment. The former WWE Divas Champion appeared on the Raw Live Blog on on Monday and was asked about Kim from a fan. McCool responded: “Gail Kim…I always liked watching her, but I don’t think she has what it takes! I mean, she’s ok - but she’s not anything special!”

Kane Speaks on a Rumor About Him

- There are some online reports going around saying WWE Superstar Kane had gotten into a bar fight with UFC star Tim Sylvia this past week in Detroit. However, neither man was in Detroit at the time of the alleged incident. To confirm, a WWE spokesman dismissed the story, telling The Sun: “This is a total fabrication.”
Kane also offered comment to the British newspaper.
“I was sitting at home at the time and someone told me – that was the first I’d heard about it,” Kane said. “I hear I handled it pretty well though. I’m happy with myself! I’m pretty sure Tim won’t hold a grudge.”
Kane went on to say that he and Undertaker have taken part in MMA training in the past.
“Wrestlers are a little tougher than we’re generally given credit for and I think we’d represent ourselves well,” Kane said.

Triple H Speaks on Being a Heel, Working for Vince and More

In a rare interview with Dave McCoy from MSN TV, Triple H talks about his relationship with Vince McMahon, prefers being a heel, crazy storylines, and more. Here are some of the highlights:
On WWE’s grueling schedule:
Sometimes people say, “It’s so rough, it’s so rough.” It’s not that bad. It used to be a lot worse. But I have two kids and I am home three days a week. But when you do go on the road, it’s hectic. You’re in a different city every day. You fly in to a new town, you do a show, you go to the next town, you sleep, you wake up and do it again. It’s basically just a series of transportation, to the gym, to the arena, to the plane.
What keeps fans coming back:
Entertainment. Sometimes I watch TV and I think, “Who watches this crap?” It’s OK, but it’s not exciting, it’s not entertaining — and I’m not saying we’re everyone’s cup of tea. I think there’s a large section of our population — more than people want to believe — that know what we are, want to be entertained. It’s like live comic books. You’ve got good guys and bad guys, good looking women and good looking men, music and pyro and you live out your fantasies with it. There’s this big anti-aggression sentiment, but when you’re a kid, that’s what you think about. You don’t think about picking daisies when you’re a 12-year-old boy; you think about being Batman or Spider-man, or John Cena or Triple H. From there, the story lines meld that all together and keep people involved and interested. Sometimes people look at the stories we do and say they are wacky, but it’s no more wacky than “Desperate Housewives.” I remember when that show first came on and hearing all about it. My wife was watching it and I sat down to watch a few minutes. I was like, “Are you kidding? This is the big rage? And they give us at hard time?”
Decision to reveal his marriage with Stephanie McMahon in storyline:
For story lines and business, we try to keep that stuff separate. But people knew and we joked about it when I was in DX [comic wrestling tag team formed with fellow superstar Shawn Michaels]. The only reason I was apprehensive is where do we go on the flip side of it. Look at it like this: There is the real world and the WWE Universe. So the cat is now out of the bag in the WWE Universe and it now exists there. So anything that has to do with me story-line-wise, you have to be conscious of the fact that I am married into the McMahon family. That throws a different curve into it. So my only concern was it tainting future story lines. Say something happens, and it’s like, “Well, why doesn’t he get that change through his father-in-law?” [Laughs.] We have created a wrinkle in the fabric of the WWE Universe.
Working for his father-in-law Vince McMahon:
Well, the good thing is I had a really good relationship with him before I even met Steph. We had a great relationship not only from a talent standpoint, but I used to work a lot with Vince hand-in-hand to create story lines behind the scenes, not just for myself but other guys. But if you have ever met Vince, he’s a complex man and it can be trying. There are times he wants to choke me and there are times when I want to choke him.
On Vince taking his ideas:
Let me put it this way: When I come up with a good idea in the back, there’s not 70,000 people standing up and cheering. Usually when I have an idea in the back, it is dismissed and Vince will bring it up later and pretend it is his idea.
On being a heel:
I love being a heel. If I had my way, I’d have been a heel my whole career. I compare it to Darth Vader by the second or third movie, when he came on, you started saying, “Yeah!” Even though he was trying to kill Luke Skywalker… he was just cool. There was a point in time with my character where I had been here a long time, I had a certain amount of respect [from the fans] and … you know, I beat up a lot of people and caused mayhem, and to teenagers and kids, that is cool. It just became a cool character and we were struggling … the worse things we thought I was doing, the louder the audience would cheer me for it. I was coming out and drilling a guy with a sledgehammer and people would go nuts. So I had no choice as people basically turned me. If I thought it would work, I’d turn back in a minute.

RAW, SmackDown and ECW Stars Missing WrestleMania, Cena News

- John Cena will be a special guest on Jimmy Kimmel Live! tonight at 12:05 ET on ABC. The Raw Superstar will be on hand to promote his new movie, 12 Rounds, which opens in theaters nationwide next Friday, March 27. He was originally scheduled to appear on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno tonight, but the show’s producers nixed his appearance when U.S. President Barack Obama agreed to do the show. No word yet if or when Cena will be rescheduled.
- A number of notable WWE Superstars have yet to be figured into matches at WrestleMania XXV including ECW Champion Jack Swagger, Vladimir Kozlov, Evan Bourne, The Great Khali, Umaga and Sim Snuka. Here is the complete list of wrestlers that aren’t scheduled to compete at the “25th Anniversary of WrestleMania” at the moment:
- Batista (injured)
- Charlie Haas
- Cody Rhodes
- Dolph Ziggler
- Goldust
- “Hacksaw” Jim Duggan
- Jamie Noble
- Mike Knox
- Santino Marella
- Shad
- Sim Snuka
- Ted DiBiase
- William Regal
- Chavo Guerrero
- Curt Hawkins
- DH Smith
- Ezekiel Jackson
- Festus
- Hurricane Helms
- Jesse
- Jimmy Wang Yang
- Kung Fu Naki
- Mr. Kennedy (injured)
- R-Truth
- The Brian Kendrick
- The Great Khali
- Umaga
- Vladimir Kozlov
- Zack Ryder
- DJ Gabriel
- Evan Bourne
- Jack Swagger
- Paul Burchill
- Ricky Ortiz
- Tommy Dreamer
- Tyson Kidd

Michelle McCool is talking about Gail Kim? Nobody even cares who Michelle is :lol:
At least Gail is a real wrestler. You can't really say the same about McCool
Michelle McCool is talking about Gail Kim? Nobody even cares who Michelle is :lol:
At least Gail is a real wrestler. You can't really say the same about McCool

McCool is only in the position she is because she's sleeping with Taker.
John Cena and Edge have had a long and storied history. So much so that Cena's scheduled encounter with Edge and Big Show at WrestleMania XXV will be his 34th televised bout with the "Rated-R Superstar" — at the very least.

Cena has already had four singles matches matches with Edge on pay-per-view — all title matches.

New Year's Revolution 2006 - Edge beat John Cena to become the new WWE Champion
Royal Rumble 2006 - John Cena beat Edge to become the new WWE Champion
SummerSlam 2006 - Edge beat John Cena to become the new WWE Champion
Unforgiven 2006 - John Cena beat Edge to become the new WWE Champion

Cena and Edge have also had three other multiple person matches on pay-per-view (and another one on television) with the title at stake.

Backlash 2006 - WWE Champion John Cena beat Edge and Triple H
07/03/06 Raw - Edge defeated WWE Champion Rob Van Dam and John Cena in a Triple Threat Match to become the new WWE Champion
Backlash 2007 - WWE Champion John Cena beat Edge, Shawn Michaels and Randy Orton
No Way Out 2009 - Edge defeated WWE Champion John Cena, Rey Mysterio, Chris Jericho, Mike Knox and Kane to become the new WWE Champion

They've had 10 one-on-one encounters on free television — at the very least.

01/30/06 Raw - Edge defeated WWE Champion John Cena by disqualification
02/16/06 Raw - WWE Champion John Cena defeated Edge
06/12/06 Raw - WWE Champion John Cena defeated Edge by disqualification
07/15/06 Saturday Night's Main Event - John Cena defeated WWE Champion Edge by disqualification
10/02/06 Raw - WWE Champion John Cena defeated Edge in Steel Cage match
12/18/06 Raw - WWE Champion John Cena defeated Edge
12/25/06 Raw - WWE Champion John Cena defeated Edge
06/11/07 Raw - World Heavyweight Champion Edge defeated WWE Champion John Cena
06/23/08 Raw - John Cena defeated World Heavyweight Champion Edge
03/16/09 Raw - World Heavyweight Champion Edge defeated John Cena

At the very least, they've had 15 more encounters through tag team matches on television.

09/19/05 Raw - WWE Champion John Cena, Shawn Michaels, Big Show and Matt Hardy defeated Edge, Kurt Angle, Gene Snitsky and Chris Masters
10/10/05 Raw - Edge, Kurt Angle and Carlito defeated WWE Champion John Cena, Big Show and Shawn Michaels.
01/23/06 Raw - John Cena and Ric Flair defeated WWE Champion Edge and Chris Masters
02/06/06 Raw - WWE Champion John Cena and Maria defeated Edge and Lita in a Mixed Tag Team Match
04/03/06 Raw - Triple H and Edge defeated WWE Champion John Cena in a Handicap match
04/10/06 Raw - WWE Champion John Cena and Triple H defeated Edge in a Handicap match
07/24/06 Raw - John Cena and Ric Flair defeated WWE Champion Edge and Johnny Nitro
09/04/06 Raw - WWE Champion Edge, Lita, and Randy Orton defeated John Cena, Trish Stratus and Carlito
09/11/06 Raw - John Cena, Jeff Hardy and Carlito defeated WWE Champion Edge, Randy Orton and Johnny Nitro
09/18/06 Raw - Edge, Trevor Murdoch and Lance Cade defeated WWE Champion John Cena, Shawn Michaels and Triple H by disqualification
11/20/06 Raw - WWE Champion John Cena, Shawn Michaels, Triple H and Ric Flair defeated Edge, Randy Orton, Big Show and Kenny
01/29/07 Raw - WWE Champion John Cena and Shawn Michaels defeated Edge and Randy Orton to win the World Tag Team Championships
02/15/07 Raw - WWE Champion John Cena, Undertaker, Batista and Shawn Michaels defeated Edge, Randy Orton, Montel Vortimus Porter and Mr. Kennedy
02/26/07 Raw - World Tag Team Champions John Cena and Shawn Michaels defeated Edge and Randy Orton
04/16/07 Raw - WWE Champion John Cena defeated Edge and Randy Orton in a Handicap match

This list doesn't include post-Raw dark matches or bouts at house shows.
McCool is only in the position she is because she's sleeping with Taker.
Amen to that. I along with the other McCool Haters have been saying that for awhile now. But the MCcool Lovers don't want to believe it.
Let's face, if it weren't for Taker, Michelle would've been fired by now.
Batista to retire soon?

When injured WWE RAW Superstar Batista was in the Philippines two weeks ago doing promotional work for WWE, he was asked how much longer he would continue wrestling. The former World Champion said that he felt he had one year left. Batista went on to say he wanted to finish that final year strong.'s about time that boring three move wonder moved on! Moving with all the speed and grace of a heavily sedated geriatric, Ol Dave did well for himself being pushed ahead of more deserving wrestlers.

His few 'good' matches have been carried to by his opponents, Is the most overpaid wrestler in the business today and has the promo skills of a pencil!

He's also been injury prone thoughout his WWE run, uncooperative when it comes to elevating younger talent and being a real jerk to fans outside the ring...
