The offical wrestling thread..News, spoilers and results.

What everyone seems to be forgetting is that Flair has lost retirement matches in the past, disappeared for 8 months - a year and returned!! He's done it before, and i believe, he'll do it again. I believe it was WCW Halloween Havoc in October 1994, he lost to Hogan in a "retirement" match...but wait!!, guess who returned for "One match only" at WCW Slamboree in May 1995!!? That'd be Flair, then after that, he just became a full time member of the roster again!!

Late last year too, Flair was pondering the prospect of working for a few Japanese organisations too, as well as a few U.S Independents!

Thing is, Flair's super large ego won't let him retire, plus, he needs the money, supporting 2 ex-wives and 6 children and also living beyond his means for his entire adult life...

I was huge Flair fan, even after his in-ring abilities started to diminish from 1990 onward, there were nights like at WCW's Souled Out PPV in january 1998 where he resembled the Flair of old, but since then...he has become a shadow of himself and a disgrace to the Professional Wrestling industry. Period.:yes:
he received the biggest send off in the companies history, as he said himself noone will ever get a retirement like he did! noone, and he will shit all over that because he doesnt want to retire?

I agree, if he steps in the ring again he will be disgracing himself and the WWE and I'll lose all the respect I had for him.
MyNetworkTV Getting An Overhaul - Will [COLOR=#fff200! important][COLOR=#fff200! important]SmackDown[/COLOR][/COLOR] Be Affected?
By Daniel Pena
Feb 9, 2009 - 7:53:32 PM

MyNetworkTV is rebranding itself once again. Starting this fall, the channel will move away from a "broadcast TV" channel to what will essentially become a "rerun network," according to an article from the Associated Press. They will no longer develop first-run shows, but instead offer programs from "big franchise, big branded shows" such as [COLOR=#fff200! important][COLOR=#fff200! important]Law [COLOR=#fff200! important]& [/COLOR][COLOR=#fff200! important]Order[/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR]: Criminal Intent and other series.

As a result of the change, News Corp. will no longer consider MyNetworkTV a broadcast network alongside FOX, ABC, NBC, [COLOR=#fff200! important][COLOR=#fff200! important]CBS[/COLOR][/COLOR] and The CW.

Regarding the status of Friday Night SmackDown, all outlets are reporting that [COLOR=#fff200! important][COLOR=#fff200! important]WWE[/COLOR][/COLOR] will remain in its normal time slot. In light of the announcement, WWE quickly issued a press release tonight saying SmackDown "has a bright future" on MyNetworkTV. You can read WWE's press release at the following link.

Posted in: NEWS
Evan [COLOR=#fff200! important][COLOR=#fff200! important]Bourne's[/COLOR][/COLOR]
Return, Jericho Update, Former Diva Training MMA
By Michael Bluth
Feb 10, 2009 - 12:04:33 PM


-- mentioned the [COLOR=#fff200! important][COLOR=#fff200! important]Chris [COLOR=#fff200! important]Jericho[/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR] incident on their 'Industry News' section. Similar to their initial statement, they only mention that Jericho was "physically and verbally assaulted" and with no mention of Jericho fighting back and striking a female fan. Speaking of the Jericho incident, another video has surfaced on YouTube that shows Jericho right before the incident, getting into his car and trying to drive away. You can check that out here As for whether Chris Jericho will be punished by [COLOR=#fff200! important][COLOR=#fff200! important]WWE[/COLOR][/COLOR] for the incidient, management believes it was a situation where he was forced to defend himself, he is not expected to be punished.

-- Former WWE Women's champion Victoria, who retired from the squared circle last month, is now taking Mixed Martial Arts classes in anticipation of a possible MMA career. You can read her complete blog at

-- The latest on injured Raw star Evan Bourne is that he is expected back early next month. Bourne has been out of action for several months with an ankle injury and will be back in action in time to be used at [COLOR=#fff200! important][COLOR=#fff200! important]WrestleMania[/COLOR][/COLOR].
What everyone seems to be forgetting is that Flair has lost retirement matches in the past, disappeared for 8 months - a year and returned!! He's done it before, and i believe, he'll do it again. I believe it was WCW Halloween Havoc in October 1994, he lost to Hogan in a "retirement" match...but wait!!, guess who returned for "One match only" at WCW Slamboree in May 1995!!? That'd be Flair, then after that, he just became a full time member of the roster again!!

Late last year too, Flair was pondering the prospect of working for a few Japanese organisations too, as well as a few U.S Independents!

Thing is, Flair's super large ego won't let him retire, plus, he needs the money, supporting 2 ex-wives and 6 children and also living beyond his means for his entire adult life...

I was huge Flair fan, even after his in-ring abilities started to diminish from 1990 onward, there were nights like at WCW's Souled Out PPV in january 1998 where he resembled the Flair of old, but since then...he has become a shadow of himself and a disgrace to the Professional Wrestling industry. Period.:yes:

Difference from those "Retirement Matches" and the one last year is this was really supposed to be his retirement. Those were simply story yeah. I think Hogan has had more "Real" Retirement matches than anyone which is part why I can't stand him.

Isn't all of his kids grown now? I wouldn't think that he would still be supporting and paying for those. We've all heard that he is still paying the wives but I can't imagine the kids and I would think that he is set financially since hes been working in recent years unlike other stars that hadn't been with a major company making good money and are now broke.

I do fail to see how he is a "disgrace" to the industry. That sounded like such a promo lol. Of course he wasn't as good in the 90's as he was the 80's. Hell he wasn't as good this decade like he was the 90's even. But all you need to be in this business is a name. And at this point he doesn't have to put on the best matches because his name will sell anything.

If he stayed in the business in some form till the day he dies I will applaud him. And again I fail to see how he is a "disgrace". He should be applauded for his dedication. There are plenty of older stars that have crapped on the industry once retiring, but he has stayed a part of it all in some form because he loves it.

But I will say if he has another match I will be completely disgusted.
well the wwe are obviously building upto jericho vs flair match at wrestlemania
Difference from those "Retirement Matches" and the one last year is this was really supposed to be his retirement. Those were simply story yeah. I think Hogan has had more "Real" Retirement matches than anyone which is part why I can't stand him.

Isn't all of his kids grown now? I wouldn't think that he would still be supporting and paying for those. We've all heard that he is still paying the wives but I can't imagine the kids and I would think that he is set financially since hes been working in recent years unlike other stars that hadn't been with a major company making good money and are now broke.

I do fail to see how he is a "disgrace" to the industry. That sounded like such a promo lol. Of course he wasn't as good in the 90's as he was the 80's. Hell he wasn't as good this decade like he was the 90's even. But all you need to be in this business is a name. And at this point he doesn't have to put on the best matches because his name will sell anything.

If he stayed in the business in some form till the day he dies I will applaud him. And again I fail to see how he is a "disgrace". He should be applauded for his dedication. There are plenty of older stars that have crapped on the industry once retiring, but he has stayed a part of it all in some form because he loves it.

But I will say if he has another match I will be completely disgusted.

So, you're telling me that falsely advertising a Wrestler's "last match" to increase PPV buys and also entice people who would not normally buy PPV's to order one thinking this is their last chance to EVER see that Wrestler again is perfectly ok??!! :mello: ...It isn't...Storyline or not, it's a sham that Wrestling fans have fallen for many times :(

Flair continuing on in this industry, namely WWE would make him a disgrace!! For years, Flair when he was head booker of WCW held down other Heel Wrestlers because he didn't want them to douse "his heat", Two guys that immediately spring to mind are a young Steve Austin and Mick Foley. For Flair to keep taking up valuable TV time that WWE's young stars so desperately need is wrong.

Oh yeah, and by the way, F*ck those fans getting in Jericho's face! They were totally in the wrong. Taking a Wrestlers on screen personality too seriously!! In the videos, the female fan clearly attacks Jericho first! Security were definitely NOT doing their job...Jericho was acting in self defence against an angry mob!

Yes, he did strike a woman, however, she did place her hands on him first, and for all Jericho knew, she could have been armed with a weapon. Jericho tried to get back into his car, the female fan then attacked him again...he did what he had to do.

If men cannot hit women, then it's fair that a woman shouldn't hit a man either, If she wanted to put herself in that position, she got exactly what she deserved!
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Flair has said he would not disrespect the WWE and Shawn Michaels by wrestling in the ring again, his whole appearance on raw befuddled me, what was the point? :S
I say they bring in Austin to wrestle Jericho. Perfect timing with the storyline and the HOF induction. If Austin is capable, that is.
Id love for that to happen, I think I read in one of JR's blogs that Austins neck and back are just too f*cked for him to step in the ring again, he risks permeant paralysis if he does, which sucks! noone could pop a crowd like Austin :)

I'll be emotional when he goes in the HOF, he's my all time favourite! he deserves this recognition!
yeah austin vs jericho would be great, dont think theyve fought each other on ppv since nwo 2002
If Flair came back as a manager, or as a GM again, that's fine by me. But he needs to hang it up for good in the ring.

As for the article posted above about Smackdown on mynetwork TV, they need to get rid of ECW,put those stars on Raw or Smackdown, move Smackdown to a better that is actually seen in the majority of house holds. I have DISH and I don't have mynetwork tv. That is such BS. WWE needs to find a network for Smackdown....WGN? USA? Anything.
WOW is all i can say!

NWO was one of the best ppvs ive ever seen!

2 new champs!!!!
^^ Yeah but to be honest I expected Triple H to win the first one and after Edge was eliminated so early, I knew he would SNEAK his way to the Raw brand just to get the belt. :lol:

Least Vickie didn't come out there after Triple H won going "EXCUSE ME!" :lol:
Smackdown Elimination Chamber
WWE Championship
The Big Show v The Undertaker v Triple H v Vladimir Kozlov v Jeff Hardy v Edge(c)
Jeff goes straight for Edge and whips him off the ropes. A flying [COLOR=#fff200! important][COLOR=#fff200! important]clothesline[/COLOR][/COLOR] takes the WWE Champion down on two occasions. A third whip sees Edge hit Hardy with a big boot. Edge wipes his face and goes for a pin. He gets a two count. A right hand to Hardy as he regains his footing. Hardy hits the deck and Edge places him on the middle rope. Choking Hardy he hits a seated plancha on Hardy. Two count again. The crowd are booing Edge now. Edge is in control. Jeff is rammed into the buckle as Edge unloads. Edge mocks The Big Show as he runs Jeff along the ring. Hardy takes Edge down and hits an atomic drop before he drops the leg in Edge’s nether regions. Hardy tries a Twist of Fate and nails it. Hardy goes up top for a Swanton Bomb and misses. Edge avoids it and regains his composure. Edge signals a spear and Jeff rolls him up. One, two THREE! Edge is out! Jeff has pinned the WWE Champion! The crowd looks shocked, Edge complains about it. The referee asks Edge to leave.

Kozlov is in next. A series of headbutts put Hardy down and Kozlov rams Hardy into the chamber chains. A series of moves enable Kozlov to take Hardy off his game and ground him. A vicious back breaker gives the Russian control. Hardy fights out. Hardy off the ropes runs into a stiff shoulder block. Kozlov drives the elbow. Kozlov attempts a powerslam and Hardy reverses it. He nails a dropkick in the corner and regains his composure. Hardy hits the whisper in the wind as another participant enters the ring. Big Show is in next. He rips off Hardy’s shirt and launches him across the ring. Kozlov stands up and Big Show walks over Jeff. Ouch! Scooping Jeff up, Show hits a headbutt which sends Jeff into Kozlov. A series of headbutts on Hardy and the former champion is down. Show and Kozlov are on the same page it seems. Both men take turns in hitting Hardy with stiff offense. Show teases Kozlov and slams Hardy.

Kozlov moves in and circles his fallen foe. He picks up Jeff and slams him too. It is a game of one upmanship. Boos fill the arena. Hardy fights off Big Show and nails Kozlov before Show nails a sudden headbutt and decks him. Show scoops up Jeff once more and crushes his chest with a slap. Kozlov and Show circle one another cautiously. Another slap on Jeff in the corner before Kozlov spinebusts Big Show. Impressive! Now the big men will face off. They lock up and Show pushes Kozlov down. Kozlov gets a boot before unloading some stuff rights on Show. Show and Kozlov in a fist fight now. Show attempts a suplex before Kozlov blocks and both men retreat to the corner. They duke it out as the fifth participant enters [COLOR=#fff200! important][COLOR=#fff200! important]the [COLOR=#fff200! important]fray[/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR] comes the Game! Game unloads on Show and hits a facebuster. A flying knee decks Kozlov as Triple H unloads on Show in the corner. Show reverses an Irish whip and spinebusts Big Show. Hardy is up and meets a stuff clothesline from Triple H. Kozlov gets low-bridged on the ropes and flies onto the steel. Triple H picks up Kozlov and attempts to ram him into the cage but fails. Triple H hits it finally and attempts a pedigree before Show intervened. Show headbutts Triple H and sends him into the corner. Body shots from Show on Triple H who collapses to one knee from the corner.

Big Show hits a sidewalk slam on Triple H for a two count. Kozlov stamps on Hardy as Show decimates Triple H. Taker watches on interested in the corner. UNDERTAKER chant. Kozlov unloads on Jeff with fists and feet. Show attempts a chokeslam which Triple H blocks. Off the ropes Triple H gets pressed above Shows head and hits the canvas from seven feet. Triple H to the outside on the chain as Kozlov knees Jeff Triple H is hurting as Show doesn’t relent. Show squashes Triple H. Jeff attempts to land on Show who catches him and squashes Jeff into Triple H. Both the faces hit Kozlov mid ring and nail a double suplex. Hardy hits a whisper in the wind on Triple H as Undertaker makes his way into the match. Undertaker unloads on Big Show. Taker enters the ring and unloads on Kozlov. Whipping Kozlov into the corner he nails [COLOR=#fff200! important][COLOR=#fff200! important]snake [COLOR=#fff200! important]eyes[/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR] and a stiff boot. Taker squashes Jeff and attempts a double choke slam on Triple H and Jeff before Show breaks it up. Show whips Taker off the ropes before Taker retaliates with a flying clothesline. Taker goes for old school! Instead he jumps on Big Show and nails a sick DDT on the chained exterior of the ring. Taker climbs back into the ring and once again goes for old school on Triple H. He hits it. Kozlov attacks Taker in the corner. Kozlov nails a series of shoulders. Kozlov unloads on Undertaker in the ring. The crowd are booing now. Undertaker hits The Last Ride on Kozlov. Three count! Kozlov is out.

Show goozles Taker and slams him down by the throat. Triple H attempts a pedigree and gets launched onto the steel. Jeff goes for Show and gets thrown onto Triple H by Show. Both men drop hard. Show nails Triple H. He throws him into the chains. Hardy fights back and Show throws him onto the chains. Hardy channels RVD and lands on the chain like Spiderman. Hardy lands awkward on top of the pod before Show climbs up and unloads on him. Taker climbs up too. Three men are fighting it out. Taker nails a sick superplex on Big Show from the top of the pod. Jeff regains his footing slowly. Triple H nails a pedigree on Big Show but is too weak to capitalize. Hardy climbs up and nails a high Swanton Bomb on Big Show from the pod. Triple H eliminates Big Show as Hardy lies prone in the ring. Hardy misses whisper in the wind on Taker and Triple H hits The Deadman with a series of rights. Taker strikes Triple H and whips him over the turnbuckle. Undertaker has firm control now. Undertaker signals old school on Jeff. Triple H knocks Taker down onto the ropes. Hardy escapes. All men are down now. It is carnage! Jeff off the ropes and uses Taker as a springboard onto Triple H. He climbs back into the ring and Taker grabs him. Undertaker hits a tombstone on Jeff centre ring. Jeff is eliminated. Taker and Triple H are the final two. Both men stare one another down. Triple H storms Taker and takes a big boot to the face. Taker rams Triple H into the turnbuckle.

A flurry of fists. Taker is methodical in his attack. A stiff headbutt takes Triple H to his knees. Taker attempts a big boot on Triple H in the corner. He misses. Both men are groggy. Triple H rams Taker into the chain wall of the Chamber. Taker rolls back into the ring. Triple H off the top ropes and Undertaker catches him in a chokeslam. Only a two count though. Taker stands up and whips Triple H to the corner. Triple blocks with a boot. Triple H runs into a snake eyes and as Undertaker nails a big boot, he is thrown up into a double A spinebuster. Both men roll to the steel outside. Triple H wants a pedigree on the steel but Taker reverses it and slingshots him into the chain wall. Undertaker attempts a tombstone, which Triple H reverses over the ropes. Taker’s momentum allows him to try a second tombstone and nails it. Triple H gets his foot on the rope! Triple H nails a pedigree on Undertaker but Taker kicks out! Both men are giving it their all. Taker pulls himself up the ropes. Triple H crawls over and climbs up beside him. Both men are weak. Triple H uses Taker as a balance board. They unload on one another. Punch for punch, fist for fist. Taker gains the control. A pure slugfest here, what a fight! Taker knocks Triple H down! Triple H backs Take into the corner and nails fist after fist. Last ride attempt, reversed and Triple H hits a pedigree. Triple H pins Undertaker and is the new WWE Champion!

Triple H wins at 36.00 to become the new WWE Champion
No Holds Barred
Shane McMahon v Randy Orton
Circling the ring now as both men approach, Shane strikes with a fist. Orton holds his face and backs off. Shane circles again. Another left this time. Orton again backs off. Shane unloads with a series of fists which rock Orton back into the corner. Orton casually walks to Shane and kicks him. Series of forearms and fists knock Shane down to the mat. Grabbing Shane by the collar, Orton gets distracted before Shane punches him. Orton is stunned now and falls out of the ring from more McMahon punches. Shane with a baseball slide which knocks Orton down. Shane goes for weapons. A table is out and on the apron. He goes back under the ring again and brings out a trashcan. Orton knees Shane and hits his inverted backbreaker. Orton eyeballs the crowd and rams Shane, back first, into the apron. He does it once more. Rolling Shane into the ring, Orton slides in to a chorus of boos. Orton lifts Shane up and kicks him in the ribs. Orton with a perfect back suplex. Orton unties the turnbuckle padding and throws it with authority! Stalking Shane, Orton whips Shane hard into the exposed buckle. Shane crumbles to the mat. Orton stalks Shane again and stamps on Shane. Shane rolls out of the ring. Orton mocks the crowd who are pretty pro Shane. Methodical yet sadistic mockery as Shane nails Orton with a kendo stick. A series of strikes has Orton reeling. Orton flops about in pain. More stiff shots as Shane nails Orton straight into the chest. STIFF!! Shane is going to town now.

Another kendo stick strike and Orton rolls out of the ring. Shane nails Orton with a flying senton. Shane breaks down the Smackdown announce table (after all, their match is finished for the evening) and nails Orton with a TV monitor. Orton is busted open now. Shane places Orton on the table. Shane climbs into the ring and scales the turnbuckles. Here we go! Ted Dibiase and Cody Rhodes break it off and beat down Shane. They unload with tons of punches as Rhodes grabs a steel chair from outside the ring. Orton is still out. Rhodes goes for Shane with the chair and hits Dibiase by accident. Shane DDT’s Rhodes on the steel chair. Shane places Rhodes in the corner for a Coast to Coast maybe? Orton is bleeding like a stuck pig. Shane places a trashcan on Rhodes (your turn Cody) and goes up top. He nails it after a slight delay. Rhodes is dribbling on the trash can. Shane climbs to his feet. Finally he goes up top. ELBOW THROUGHT THE TABLE! Orton was playing possum. Shane crashes and burns. Orton is groggy but alive. Legacy reform in the ring. Orton crawls in and they regroup. Orton tells Dibiase to take Rhodes to the back for medical attention. Orton has a sadistic look on his face, only enhanced by the crimson mask! Shane crawls into the ring. Orton grabs Shane and nails his spike rope DDT. He rolls Shane over and covers him. Shane kicks out. A second cover and Shane kicks out again. A third cover and...You guessed it, he kicked out. Nice technical tactics here by Orton. Orton sees the table that Shane placed earlier and pulls it into the ring. WE WANT TABLES chant! Orton sets up the table slowly.

The table is behind Shane as Orton knees him in the back. Placing Shane on the top rope he unloads fists and forearms on him. Orton steadies the table and climbs the ropes next to Shane. Orton nails a sick superplex through the table! Both men down now. Attempt at a cover and only a two count. Cole asks how Shane is doing it! Orton takes a walk around the park on Shane. Orton nails his patented knee drop to the head. Orton covers again and Shane kicks out. Orton lines up the RKO Punt and Shane spears Orton, taking him down. Both men are on the canvas. Shane grabs a chair. Orton climbs to his feet. Shane nails Orton in the back with the chair. Orton folds. Shane regains some composure and hits Orton in the leg. A third chair shot to Orton’s leg. Shane is on his feet now and nails a fourth chair shot. Orton begs for mercy. Shane lines up Orton again. Orton begs him not to and Shane smacks him in the shoulder. Dropping the chair, Shane props himself. Orton is writhing on the mat. Shane is lining up Orton for a punt? Nice! He does and Orton nails the RKO out of nowhere. A three count and Orton is the winner.

Randy Orton wins a 18.16 with the RKO
ECW Championship
Finlay v Jack Swagger(c)
Both men circle. Lock up to begin and Finlay backs Swagger to the corner. Finlay with a single leg takedown and rolls Swagger into an ankle lock. Finlay twists it into a half Boston crab. Swagger strives for the ropes before Finlay pulls him into the ring and sits down. Finlay releases and stamps on the sore leg. Finlay reapplies the hold. Swagger reaches for the ropes again before Finlay kicks him. Finlay backs the champion to the corner and nails him with a fist. Wrapping the leg around the rope Finlay flies in and misses. Swagger kicks Finlay into the ring post and climbs up gingerly. Swagger with a wrist lock into a knee drive. Arm lock and Swagger obtains control. Swagger with forearms to the back. Swagger locks the fingers of Finlay to ease pressure onto him. Swagger with a boot. Swagger nails a perfect shoulder breaker on Finlay for a two count. Swagger applies an extended arm lock and pushes on Finlay’s ribs and shoulder. Finlay tries to reverse the momentum. Swagger knocks Finlay back down for a two count. Finlay rolls through the hold and Swagger reverses it into anther key lock. Swagger is attacking Finlay’s arm with effect. Extended arm lock again. Swagger rams the knee to Finlay’s arm. Another wrist lock and an arm to the injured shoulder. Swagger attempts a powerslam but Finlay drops through and hits a backbreaker. Swagger rams Finlay to the buckle. The referee breaks it. Finlay ducks a Swagger boot in the corner and Swagger stops. A second attempt and Finlay rolls through for a one count. Swagger continues to unleash on Finlay and props him in the corner. Swagger climbs up but gets pushed off by Finlay. Finlay climbs down and unleashes a stiff shot. A short arm clothesline by Finlay. Finlay climbs up top and nails a cross body block. Finlay runs off the ropes and nails a series of clotheslines. Finlay hits his seated press for a two count. Swagger rears to the corner and Finlay nails him. Finlay with a shoulder into the ribs and an attempt at the rolling slam. Swagger kicks Finlay into Hornswoggle on the apron. Swagger takes a distracted Finlay and nails the Swagger Bomb for the win.

Jack Swagger wins at 7.59 to retain the ECW Championship

All of Nothing
Shawn Michaels v John "Bradshaw" Layfield

JBL stares at HBK’s wife. HBK just stares at his employer with hatred. JBL has a disdainful look on his face as they lock up. JBL backs HBK to the corner and mouths in HBK’s face, a clean break of sorts as JBL’s reminds HBK that one mistake could end his life. Another lock up. Again JBL backs HBK to the corner. Referee breaks the hold...until HBK unloads on JBL. A flurry of punches until JBL bails to the outside. Show of anger there, but JBL smiles. HBK teases a chair shot and HBK knows better. Rolling into the ring, JBL connects with a boot. JBL whips HBK off the ropes and HBK attempts a sunset flip. JBL sits down. Kick out at two. HBK with a backslide and HBK is knocked down with a shoulder block. Dropping the elbow for a two count. HBK is down now. Attempt at a slam by JBL and HBK reverses. He nails a chop block and locks in the figure four leg lock. Wooooooooo! HBK breaks at a close to five count before a DQ. HBK locks in the cross face crippler and JBL rolls through for a two count. HBK chips JBL to the corner. Another chop. HBK tries an Irish whip and JBL reverses it, sending HBK over the turnbuckle to the floor. JBL stalks his prey and rams HBK into the apron. Rolling HBK into the ring JBL nails a stiff forearm to the back and drops a series of elbows. After six elbows and JBL covers for two. Rebecca is shown crying. JBL is taking his time. A short arm clothesline takes HBK down. Another two count.

JBL retreats HBK to the corner and unloads with stuff punches. HBK flops on the ropes. HBK tries blocking the punches to no avail. JBL scoops up HBK in a bear hug. HBK refuses to submit. HBK chants! JBL nails HBK with forearms. HB is still in the bear hug. HBK with shots to break the hold. A chop...Irish whip and HBK nails a swinging neckbreaker. Atomic drop by HBK. Another chop, followed by a second d atomic drop. Chops in the corner and HBK is whipped into the corner again. JBL sets up HBK for a superplex. JBL just punches HBK on the corner. Finally, he climbs up and attempts a superplex. HBK blocks the hold. HBK fights JBL off and pushes him to the canvas. HBK regains his footing on the turnbuckles. HBK misses his patented elbow drop. JBL rolls over and nails the Clothesline from Hell. 1, 2, HBK kicks out! JBL looks frustrated now. JBL talks smack to HBK as he climbs to his feet. He nails a second Clothesline from Hell. HBK flops to the apron and JBL kicks him to the floor. Referee begins the count. Rebecca is playing her part excellently here. HBK rolls up and gets in the ring by nine. JBL looks on in disbelief. JBL lines up HBK and tosses him over the top rope. JBL follows him outside and mouths off Rebecca. JBL beats down HBK in front of Rebecca. Rebecca slaps JBL and HBK regains control. In the ring, HBK nails his forearm...KIP UP! Lou thesz press by HBK who finally unloads. Scooping up JBL he slams him down and climbs the rope. As Cole so rightly said “Vintage Shawn Michaels”, He nails the elbow and signals the Sweet Chin Music. It hits and HBK rolls up JBL for the 1, 2, 3! HBK wins!

Shawn Michaels wins at 13.24 with the Sweet Chin Music

Rebecca is crying her eyes out. HBK gives her a hug and a smooch! He plucks her out of the ring and HBK eyes the camera who is perving at them. They leave the arena. A replay shows of JBL nailing his finisher twice. It shows Rebecca slapping JBL and HBK winning.
Raw Elimination Chamber
World Heavyweight Championship
Rey Mysterio v Mike Knox v Kane v Chris Jericho v Edge v John Cena(c)
The bell rings. Jericho and Mysterio are first in the Chamber. They circle the ring. Jericho applies a headlock on Rey. Rey fights it off and nails a knee. Jericho off the ropes and knocks Rey down. Jericho smiles before springing off the ropes again. Leapfrog by Rey and he flips Jericho over. A kick and a punch. Jericho runs Rey off the ropes and Rey sets him up for the 619! Mysterio is tossed onto the steel. Jericho and Rey are down. Both men climb up. Rey strikes Jericho. Jericho flops back into the ring off a clothesline. Rey punches Jericho and climbs the buckle. Series of punches as Jericho is whipped into the corner. Rey runs in HARD and hits the pod headfirst. That was STIFF!!! Jericho with a delayed vertical suplex on Rey and a two count. Jericho locks in a headlock. Rey breaks out with elbows. Jericho throws Rey over the top rope to the steel. Jericho follows and catapults Rey into the chain wall. Rey grabs on ala RVD and climbs up. Swinging off the roof, he lands on Jericho and head scissors him over. Seated Senton by Rey and a close two and a half count. Rey kicks Jericho and Rey hits his spinning bulldog. Both men down as the next participant enters the fray.

Here comes Kane. Big boot to Rey and Kane nails Jericho. Kane scares Edge by slapping his pod. Jericho grabs Kane and is thrown into the ring. Sidewalk slam on Rey by Kane who is dominating now. Rey kicks out at two. Kane strikes Jericho. Series of shots in the corner. Kane leaves Jericho and goes back to Rey. Seated dropkick by Kane and another two count. Jericho nails Kane from behind with a forearm. Kane smacks Jericho and knocks him onto the ropes. Clothesline and Jericho leaves the ring the hard way. Kane stalks Jericho. He slams Jericho’s knee into the steel. Jericho is getting beaten in his fifth Elimination Chamber. Rey takes it to Kane and gets the upper hand. Kane fights back easily and decks Rey. Kane grabs Rey and whips him hard unto the buckle. Rey gets a boot up and hits a reverse DDT. Jericho with a lionsault but nobody is home. Rey with a drop toehold on Kane. Jericho is flopped onto the rope. Attempting the 619 Kane grabs Rey and attempts his finisher. Rey reverses and hits the 619 on Kane. Jericho nails a codebreaker on Kane too before Rey and Jericho takes it to the steel. Rey with a seated senton on Kane from the top of the pod for the first elimination. Jericho and Rey resume their fight.

Both men are down. The next participant is in now. Mike Knox enters the fray. Rey never had it so bad. Knox annihilates Rey and turns his attention to Jericho. Knox knocks Jericho down and whips Rey to the corner. He runs in with a splash and crushes Rey. A slam on Jericho and Knox takes control. Cover on Jericho for two. Knox stamps on Rey. He chokes him out on the ground as Jericho strikes the giant. Whip by Knox and Jericho throws him over the rope...eventually. Jericho attempts a springboard splash, but Knox catches h and rams him into the chain link. He picks him up and does it again. Rey jumps on the distracted Knox and Knox flips into onto the chains too. Knox is annihilating everyone so far. Rey is caught in the chains by his foot. Knox knees Rey continuously. He slams Rey’s head into the chain and finally Rey flops to the steel. Knox rams Jericho into Cena’s pod. Knox military presses Jericho over the ropes and turns his attention back to Rey. Knox stalks his foe. Forearm to the back of Rey. Knox whips Rey off the ropes, who ducks a clothesline and unloads with kicks. Rey blocks a clothesline in the corner but Knox grabs him and gives him a backbreaker. Before he can hit the Knox Out, Jericho nails a codebreaker for the 1, 2, and 3. Knox doesn’t look happy to be out.

Jericho nails Rey as the next participant comes in. Edge is in, here we go! Rey goes straight into the pod and batters Edge; he rams his head into the pod over and over. He throws Edge into the ring and nails him with a series of shots. On an attempted clothesline Jericho nails the underdog with a clothesline of his own. Jericho scoops up Rey and hits a back suplex. Edge recuperates in the corner. Edge attacks Jericho and the two men exchange shots. Jericho hits Edge with his running bulldog. Jericho turns back to Rey and fights off some punches. Jericho with an elbow knocks Rey down. Jericho hits a lionsault but Rey blocks with his knees. Edge hits a seated backbreaker for a two count on Jericho. Edge runs Rey into the corner face first. Edge prepares for the spear. Rey leapfrogs Edge and Edge blocks an incoming codebreaker. Rey trips Edge for the 619 and AGAIN Jericho blocks Rey, this time with a spear. Jericho climbs the ropes with Rey. Jericho scales the pod. Rey fights him off. Edge comes up behind him. Jericho sunset flips Edge who German suplexes Rey at the same time. All off the top rope! All men are down now. Cena looks focussed in the pod. Edge unloads on Jericho. Edge throws Jericho to the steel. Edge stamps on Rey as Cena prepares to enter the ring. Edge realizes and stares down Cena. Cena hits a series of shoulder blocks. Belly to belly by Cena who hits a fisherman suplex on Jericho and a bull dog on Edge. Cena hits a sit out powerbomb on Edge and signals for the five knuckle shuffle! YOU CAN’T SEE ME! He hits it on Edge and signals for the Attitude Adjustment. Jericho nails a codebreaker on Cena, as Rey hits the 619 and Edge spears Cena. Edge pins John Cena! Oh dear!

Rey and Edge go at it. Rey knocks Edge down before working on Jericho. Rey with a flipping head scissors on Jericho. He sets both Edge and Jericho up for the 619. Edge avoids it. Jericho slaps in the Walls of Jericho on Rey and Rey rolls him through for the pin. We are down to Edge v Rey for the World Heavyweight Championship. Edge signals the spear. He misses and Rey rolls Edge up for a close count. Edge looks shocked. REY chant now! Edge whips Rey off the ropes ad Rey springs off with a press for a two count. Both men down now. Edge with a sunset flip but Rey kicks him in the face. A third near fall by Rey. Both men climb up. Whip by Rey and Edge takes a boot in the face. Rey flips off the ropes and Edge catches him, but Rey DDT’s Edge to the mat. A fourth near fall! Rey scales the turnbuckles. Edge uses the ropes for leverage and knocks Rey off the ropes to the steel. Edge composes himself. Edge signals a piledriver on the steel, attempts a powerbomb and takes a facebuster from Mysterio. Rey sets Edge up for a 916 (Lawler said that, it was a reverse one). Rey lunges at Edge and Edge sends Rey flying through one of the pods. Rey is out cold. Rey falls into the ring. Edge signals a spear again. This time he hits it and covers Rey. 1, 2, 3. Edge is the new World Heavyweight Champion!

Edge wins at 30.06 to become the new World Heavyweight Champion

*SPOILER* [COLOR=#fff200! important][COLOR=#fff200! important]WWE

Star Expected To Switch Brands
By Brad Ingles
Feb 16, 2009 - 1:58:08 PM

It is expected for the new WWE Champion [COLOR=#fff200! important][COLOR=#fff200! important]Triple [COLOR=#fff200! important]H[/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR] to move to the Raw brand since [COLOR=#fff200! important][COLOR=#fff200! important]Smackdown[/COLOR][/COLOR] has two champions. He moved to Smackdown to help the show make a smooth transition to the new network, and with MyNetworkTV becoming a rerun network and Raw ratings slipping, a move to Raw will boost the ratings leading up to [COLOR=#fff200! important][COLOR=#fff200! important]WrestleMania[/COLOR][/COLOR]


With the recent tease of Stephanie McMahon talking to someone on the phone, Triple H will be revealed as the person she has been talking to. Randy Orton could put Stephanie in danger and Triple H would run out to save her. Vickie Guerrero and Stephanie will meet and agree to swap their champions.

looks like HHH is coming back to RAW !!!

shame he has to bring that awful belt back too :(
It's going to be HHH Vs Orton at Mania. I hope HHH kicks his @ss. I can't stand that cocky little bastard!

Cena Vs Edge at Mania for the belt. HHH will be drafted to Raw after Mania IMO
Update on Gail Kim’s Return, a WWE Reality Show & Freddy Prinze

By Marc Middleton • Feb 18th, 2009 • Category: Wrestling News

- The latest word on Gail Kim is that she is supposed to debut sometime after WrestleMania 25.
- Freddy Prinze Jr. has been to very few WWE TV tapings over the past six weeks but he is still with the company. The feeling is that the novelty of being a wrestling writer has started to wear thing with him. WWE never brings up him being on the staff and his name is hardly mentioned within the company.
- There is still a lot of talk going on in WWE about doing a reality show. The two ideas being talked about are bringing back Tough Enough or to do a celebrity-house deal like The Surreal Life featuring former Superstars of the past. The feeling is that Vince won’t approve of the latter because he doesn’t like the idea of guys from the past looking down-and-out now. However, they are talking strongly about bringing back something similar to the Tough Enough concept. The big question is that it would add more to the production crew that’s already stretched to the brim with WWE’s current schedule and with the upcoming Superstars show. A new project like this will also stretch the creative team

Austin Removed From WM25 Wallpaper, Setback For [COLOR=#fff200! important][COLOR=#fff200! important]Triple [COLOR=#fff200! important]H[/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR] & More
By Michael Bluth
Feb 19, 2009 - 12:41:52 PM

-- For several months, WWE Champion Triple H has been rumored to play the starring role in the upcoming "Thor" [COLOR=#fff200! important][COLOR=#fff200! important]movie[/COLOR][/COLOR]

that's set to begin filming in July. In what seems like a possible set back for Triple H, reports that producers of the movie recently issued a casting call for the lead role looking for an actor in his 20s. The Game turns 40 years old on July 27. The casting call describes the role of Thor, the mythological god of thunder, as "physically powerful, very handsome, occasionally egotistical, petulant, and wild."

-- The USA Network was the top rated cable network in prime time for the sixth straight week, according to For the week ending February 15, USA averaged 3.22 million viewers in prime time. WWE RAW was once again their top rated show for the week.

-- While visiting this morning, I noticed that Stone Cold [COLOR=#fff200! important][COLOR=#fff200! important]Steve [COLOR=#fff200! important]Austin[/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR] has been removed from WWE's official WrestleMania 25 wallpaper. To view the old wallpaper, click here. To see the new wallpaper with [COLOR=#fff200! important][COLOR=#fff200! important]John [COLOR=#fff200! important]Cena[/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR] replacing Steve Austin, click here.

Big Update On WrestleMania Plans: Hogan, Rourke & More Posted in: WWE News on Feb 17, 2009 - 5:35:30 PM

addthis_url = ''; addthis_title = 'SEScoops Wrestling News'; addthis_pub = 'sescoops';
After Sunday's No Way Out Pay-Per-View, the landscape for WrestleMania 25 is starting to take shape. Right now, the following matches appear to be a lock for the big show:

WWE Championship Match:
Triple H defending against Randy Orton

Brother vs. Brother:
Jeff Hardy vs. Matt Hardy

Mr. WrestleMania vs. The Streak:
Shawn Michaels vs. The Undertake

From there, things start to get even more interesting. WWE's initial plan was to capitalize on the incredible success of "The Wrestler" and bring in lead actor Mickey Rourke to wrestle Chris Jericho. After Rourke backed out of the match on Larry King Live last month (VIDEO LINK), WWE has booked Chris Jericho in the "legend killer" role without a definitive direction as to where its headed. Jericho has already taken out Ric Flair and Rowdy Roddy Piper and the trend is expected to continue leading up to WrestleMania.

WWE is still hoping Mickey Rourke will come around after Sunday's Academy Awards and it's very possible they've reached an agreement already regarding a match with Chris Jericho. Vince McMahon has already said on the record that Rourke will be at WrestleMania in some capacity. In the event that Rourke does not step in the ring with Chris Jericho (whether it's a wrestling match or a boxing fight, as they hinted at on Larry King), WWE has a backup plan - Hulk Hogan. WWE has reached out to Hogan and there's a good chance we will see him on Aprili 5th. If Mickey Rourke comes through and fights Chris Jericho, that frees up Hogan to fight another top WWE star - John Cena. Cena is currently involved in a program with Edge, which still could lead to a match at WrestleMania. Things are playing out on a week-to-week basis at this point and

Aside from the what's going on between Jericho, Rourke, Hogan, Cena and Edge, we can confirm that the card will include a Money in the Bank match. Throw in an ECW title match and at least one Divas match and WrestleMania is looking like one hell of a card
WWE's Latest Tactic To Prevent Net Leaks, The Wrestler Beats Cena
By Daniel Pena
Feb 19, 2009 - 12:02:48 AM

sources:, [COLOR=#fff200! important][COLOR=#fff200! important]Wrestling[/COLOR][/COLOR] Observer Newsletter

-- Vince McMahon was quite vigilant in making sure that reports of Edge working both Elimination Chamber Matches at Sunday's No Way Out pay-per-view did not hit the Internet before the show.

McMahon was unhappy to say the least (which is putting things mildly) when word got out on Christian being pegged as the guy who attacked Jeff Hardy near a stairwell on the morning of the [COLOR=#fff200! important][COLOR=#fff200! important]Survivor [COLOR=#fff200! important]Series[/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR] pay-per-view. This led to a change in plans as Matt Hardy ended up with Christian's spot on SmackDown and Christian getting Matt's top babyface spot on ECW.

To make sure that nobody on WWE's crew knew what was going to happen, McMahon actually ordered [COLOR=#fff200! important][COLOR=#fff200! important]the [COLOR=#fff200! important]ring[/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR] crew to put a monstrous tarp over the entire Elimination Chamber in order to prevent people from seeing who was in the ring as the wrestlers worked out how the match was going to be scripted.

-- The Wrestler continues to do relatively well at the [COLOR=#fff200! important][COLOR=#fff200! important]box [COLOR=#fff200! important]office[/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR] as its numbers only declined 16% this past weekend. Weekly declines are usually in the 50% range. The movie did $1,848,627 at the box office for the weekend and has grossed $19,336,437 through Tuesday. According to, The Wrestler surpassed the total domestic gross of The Marine on Monday ($18,844,784), which had tons more advertising, was in four times as many theaters, not to mention WWE Films' most successful movie to date.

-- Speaking of The Marine, the film has started airing on FX. The 2006 release will air on Sunday, March 1 at 9:00 p.m. and on Monday, March 2 at 6:00 p.m.

-- A future episode of Head Case, a new comedy show on Starz, featuring Batista as a special guest, is scheduled to air sometime within the next few months. The new season is starting on Friday, March 20 at 10:00 p.m. It wasn't announced which of the ten episodes will be the one to feature the Raw Superstar.