The offical wrestling thread..News, spoilers and results.

Wm25 predictions so far?

Cena vs Orton

Edge vs Triple H


Mickey Rourke vs Chris Jericho (Rumour)

Taker vs Umaga
anyways , im off to WM25 this year and im hoping that the rumours of either The rock vs austin /austin vs hulk hogan are true, oh and i cant wait to the Ram take down Y2J
wow cool! wish I was gonna be there! :)

I dont think Austin is wrestling, he is too badly banged up according to Jim Ross, another match could paralyze him his neck is apparently that bad, he never told people how bad it was before his match with Rock at WM19, he was in the ER the night before stressed out about it so bad he nearly had a heart attack. Its a shame, he had such a passion for wrestling, its such a shame for it to be taken away from him so early when he was in his prime.
The Rock isn't going to be wrestling. He's pretty much done with the business.

Same with Austin and his injuries. I could see him doing some matches involving brawling, but not actual wrestling moves that could take a number on his neck. What they need to do is bring Austin back as a GM, Commissioner or an enforcer typ of character.

As far as the rumble, not surprised to see Matt turn on Jeff. It was either him or the returning Christian. Obviously they haven't worked out an agreement for his return yet, or they aren't ready for it.

They need more IC and US title defenses. They need to add some value to the belts.

Swaggart is fun to watch, but let's be honest, ECW sucks. They need to do away with it and move everyone onto Raw or Smackdown.
Dixie Carter confirmed Christians return to WWE I think they just kept him off tv because the internet was saying he was the guy behind the whole thing with Jeff, I think matt was thrown in as a serve ball.
Wm25 predictions so far?

Cena vs Orton

Edge vs Triple H


Mickey Rourke vs Chris Jericho (Rumour)

Taker vs Umaga

Mickey's publicist said there's no way in hell he was gonna wrestle. Ric Flair, I think, is gonna come out of retirement to fight Chris.
if Ric flair steps in a ring, he spits on the whole special send off he got last year, he has no business being in the ring at Wrestlemania.

I think Mickeys publicist is just doing that because they are saying he wont get the oscar because he is associated with WWE, are they forgetting what the film is actually about! LOL
Latest on Ric Flair's return to WWE this Monday
Posted by Randy Gordon on 02/04/2009 at 12:23 AM

Jim Ross talks about Ric Flair's WWE return in his latest blog from

Ric Flair will be making a special appearance on Monday Night Raw this week (you weren't naive enough to think that a huge star like Naitch would show up on Friday Night Smackdown for a special guest appearance would you?) As the past has taught us, retired wrestlers rarely make guest appearances on wrestling programs unless they are promoting something, like a book, or they are perhaps going to stick their toe back in the water in some form. I have no idea what is on Flair's agenda but I am certainly going to change my travel plans to Fresno so I can be there to watch Raw on Monday night prior to taping another Smackdown doubleheader on Tuesday. Flair is still an amazing personality who can verbalize as well as any one in the business today, past or present. As a fan I would pay good, hard earned money any time to hear the Nature Boy step into the ring and listen to Flair speak on any subject with the passion and emotion that helped make Ric famous. Ric Flair, veins popping, with his face beet red and eyes bulging is still great TV and will transcend young fans and their baby booming Dads and Moms.

The issue for me is that I don't want to see Naitch wrestle again not just one year after retiring. I think Ric keeps himself more special and his retirement, which was an entertainment and emotional work of art, special and an ever lasting memory in the minds of fans worldwide. To see Ric manage someone, be a guest Ref, etc works for me personally.

I would love to see Ric Flair have a role at WM25 in Houston because having the greatest wrestler who ever lived at the year's biggest event just makes sense. You wouldn't believe all the NFL greats that were at the Super Bowl on Sunday to be showcased by the National Football League to their loyal fans.

Ric Flair makes any event bigger and his star still shines brightly in my eyes but, simply as a fan, I would rather remember Ric Flair the wrestler, no pun intended, as he was and enjoy his antics and machinations in other forms at an event like Wrestlemania if that indeed is a potential destination for the incomparable "Nature Boy."
boy I hope Flair isnt coming back for a match with Jericho! I'll lose respect for the Nature Boy if he was to piss all over the retirement send off they gave him last year.
Kane Writes a Letter to the Former Secretary of Labor Robert Reich

By Marc Middleton • Feb 3rd, 2009 • Category: Wrestling News

- WWE Superstar Kane (real name Glenn Jacobs) sent a letter to former Secretary of Labor Robert Reich regarding comments he made on the CNN’s “State of the Union” show that aired on Sunday before the Superbowl. The full letter is published on but here is a portion of it:
“You said that the government’s first priority should be to expand the social safety net, which will cause money to go directly into circulation,” Jacobs wrote. “Historically, government welfare programs have been wasteful, inefficient, and corrupt.
“Private charities do a much better job of administering aid to those in need with the final goal of helping the unemployed get back to work. Government programs, on the other hand, lead to longer periods of unemployment by encouraging welfare recipients to remain on the dole as long as possible.”
He continued on and eventually concluded with, “All in all, Professor Reich, it seems to me that your arguments defy logic and common sense. However, as a prominent economist, public policy expert, and opinion molder, I’m sure that you can explain what I am missing. I anxiously await your reply
For a burnt, demented freak, Kane sure is a wise man!

Wrestlemania 25 should be excellent this year. I'm almost certain we'll get Shawn Michaels vs. The Undertaker. They stared off at the Rumble and both guys are Texans. They also have a good past, they put on some excellent matches in late 1997, early 1998 (including the first Hell in a Cell match).

Also, how awesome is Randy Orton right now?
For a burnt, demented freak, Kane sure is a wise man!

Wrestlemania 25 should be excellent this year. I'm almost certain we'll get Shawn Michaels vs. The Undertaker. They stared off at the Rumble and both guys are Texans. They also have a good past, they put on some excellent matches in late 1997, early 1998 (including the first Hell in a Cell match).

Also, how awesome is Randy Orton right now?

I think we'll get that match too, but Im wondering, does Shawn Michaels lose his "name" to JBL and he forces Shawn to face Taker so he makes money from Shawn, was thinking that after seeing their segment on Raw. I think Shawn might lose to JBL?

Randy is awesome right now, hes in the prime of his character, he is very talented, doesnt do much in the ring but what he does counts, he has great psychology. Reminds me of how Jake the Snake could do that kind of stuff with just a look, massive control of an audience!
you guys heard about the new nWo dvd / bluray coming out later this year ? OMG i cant wait
Kelly Says No More Bra & Panties Matches, WWE Star Changes Brands
By Daniel Pena
Feb 4, 2009 - 6:18:30 PM

-- Kelly Kelly did an interview with the Bubba the Love Sponge [COLOR=#fff200! important][COLOR=#fff200! important]radio [COLOR=#fff200! important]show[/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR] this past weekend and said plans haven't been finalized on how the WWE Divas are going to be used at [COLOR=#fff200! important][COLOR=#fff200! important]WrestleMania[/COLOR][/COLOR] 25. "Don't really know what the girls are doing right now," she said.

Kelly was then asked if a bra and panties match could be in the works, and she laughingly said, "We're high-road now. We're PG."

When asked how much money she makes in WWE, Kelly wouldn't say, but admitted to driving a BMW. She also added, "the video game checks are very good."

Bubba asked Kelly about her relationship with former WWE Superstar Andrew "Test" Martin. The WWE Diva said they're not together anymore, but remain close friends. Kelly was asked if Martin's departure from the company had an effect on their relationship and she said that it was a strong factor.

"He's never been one at home waiting around," Kelly said. "He's on the other side of the coin now. I think that had a lot to do with it." Kelly said Martin has plans to attend school to become a personal trainer.

Kelly added that she is currently involved in a relationship with a [COLOR=#fff200! important][COLOR=#fff200! important]wrestler[/COLOR][/COLOR] who is now competing in Japan.

And last but not least, Kelly said she lives in Tampa, Florida so she is able to train at the Florida Championship Wrestling school on her off-days when she's not on the road.

You can listen to the interview at the following link.

-- Following his appearance on last night's edition of ECW on Sci Fi in a match against The Boogeyman, Jamie Noble has been officially moved to the brand. Noble's profile on has been moved from the Raw section to the ECW section.
Cena Reveals His Favorite WWE Diva, Finisher Name Change, More
By Daniel Pena
Feb 4, 2009 - 5:57:37 PM has an interview with WWE World Heavyweight Champion John Cena that took place last night at the Gillette-EA [COLOR=#fff200! important][COLOR=#fff200! important]Sports[/COLOR][/COLOR] Champions of Gaming Global Finals. Cena talks about his favorite WWE Diva, watching the [COLOR=#fff200! important][COLOR=#fff200! important]Super [COLOR=#fff200! important]Bowl[/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR]

, future WWE stars and his true favorite [COLOR=#fff200! important][COLOR=#fff200! important]baseball [COLOR=#fff200! important]team[/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR].

Regarding Sunday's Super Bowl, Cena said it was the first time he got to watch the whole game in a long time. He was also happy with the game's outcome and believes it over-delivered.

When asked about his favorite Diva in the company, Cena said: "My No. 1 has always been Candice Michelle. She understands what we do in our business. She's an unbelievable athlete, works very hard and is unbelievably gorgeous."

Cena also admits that his finisher's name was changed due to WWE attracting so many children now. Cena said: "It was totally my call. It's actually Attitude Adjustment. I realize that our audience has changed now and when I look out past the ring now I see so many children. Originally the FU was a pun in response to Brock Lesner's move, he used to wrestle in the WWE. I never really called it that. It's something I said once and the announcers picked it up. I know that kids are watching my every move and there are a lot of parents know their kids look up to me and I know a lot of people watch our program with closed eyes and I kind of live by the motto -- "Hustle Loyalty Respect." If someone is out of line, I think instead of giving them an FU, it's better to give them an attitude adjustment."

Cena names Cody Rhodes. Ted DiBiase and Harry ("DH") Smith as stars people will be talking about in five years.

While Cena was spotted wearing a Tampa Bay Rays hat late last season, his true allegiance is with his hometown [COLOR=#fff200! important][COLOR=#fff200! important]Boston [COLOR=#fff200! important]Red [/COLOR][COLOR=#fff200! important]Sox[/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR]. "I was just trying to stir up a division rivalry that was dead in the water," Cena said. "I actually went to Fenway Park in a Rays jersey and hat and I was sitting in the middle of Red Sox nation and I was answering Red Sox trivia all night long so my fandom is not in jeopardy," Cena said.
WrestleMania 25, I wanted to see it, but I have a very slim chance on seeing it on PPV, I got work on Monday's, Wednesday's and Friday's. The Hardy's going against each other would be a very hot match. I seriously doubt that Mickey Rourke would make it to WrestleMania, if he doesn't want to go for it, then he doesn't want to go for it. I'd like Stone Cold to go for Special Guest Referee again, I know the fans loved him as a referee and JBL/HBK feud will be good, I know Shawn wanted to get him back for crap JBL has done to him.
Batista Resurfaces, McCool Q & A, Several Mania Seats Available
By Daniel Pena
Feb 5, 2009 - 11:35:41 PM

-- Injured WWE star Batista made his first appearance since his injury in his hometown of [COLOR=#fff200! important][COLOR=#fff200! important]Washington[/COLOR][/COLOR] D.C. yesterday meeting fans at the annual Washington Auto Show. You can see photos of Batista meeting the fans at the following link. SmackDown Diva Maria will be appearing at the auto show on Friday.

-- Michelle McCool is doing an exclusive Q & A with her official fansite In the latest installment, she answers questions on what her favorite thing to do on a long flight is, her three [COLOR=#fff200! important][COLOR=#fff200! important]favorite [COLOR=#fff200! important]songs[/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR], if she's going to get a new entrance theme, and more. Visit to read her responses to these questions. The site's also doing a contest giveaway as the SmackDown Diva herself has donated some autographed items.

-- There are still over 10,000 tickets available for [COLOR=#fff200! important][COLOR=#fff200! important]WrestleMania[/COLOR][/COLOR] XXV, report SLAM! Wrestling. The event is set to take place on April 5, 2009 at the Reliant Stadium in [COLOR=#fff200! important][COLOR=#fff200! important]Houston[/COLOR][/COLOR]

, Texas

Hardy's ECW Exodus, WWE Marking Down All 2008 PPV DVDs, Kane
By Daniel Pena
Feb 6, 2009 - 2:45:27 PM

-- Matt Hardy has posted an in-character blog regarding his exodus from ECW. "Although I wanted out, I honestly couldn't believe he let me go they easy. I thought I was gonna have to put up a fight to get out of my ECW contract," Hardy wrote. "But no, I was allowed to leave the brand at the mere mention of "I want my contractual release."

Hardy calls Theodore Long a bad general manager and says he carried ECW on his back for months. "I was the ECW Heavyweight Champion for nearly 5 months and I carried his company on my back. I was undoubtedly the greatest WWE ECW Champion there has been. I made the Sci-Fi program of ECW a must-see event if I was on it," Hardy wrote.

Hardy also talks about how many members of the ECW roster had the best matches of their career with him. "I made all these guys into bigger stars than they were before wrestling me," Hardy wrote. "That's what I do, I make people stars. I get more out of human beings than they've ever known their capable of. I've done it my entire career." He then names more wrestlers he turned into bigger stars including Lita, Edge and Jeff Hardy.

Click here to read his blog in its entirety.

-- is selling a package featuring DVDs of all 14 WWE [COLOR=#fff200! important][COLOR=#fff200! important]pay-per-views[/COLOR][/COLOR] in 2008 for $99.99. The package includes: Royal Rumble 2008 DVD, No Way Out 2008 DVD, WrestleMania 24 DVD, Backlash 2008 DVD, [COLOR=#fff200! important][COLOR=#fff200! important]Judgment [COLOR=#fff200! important]Day[/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR] 2008 DVD, One Night Stand 2008 DVD, Night of Champions 2008 DVD, Great American Bash 2008 DVD, [COLOR=#fff200! important][COLOR=#fff200! important]SummerSlam[/COLOR][/COLOR] 2008 DVD, Unforgiven 2008 DVD, No Mercy 2008 DVD, Cyber Sunday 2008 DVD, [COLOR=#fff200! important][COLOR=#fff200! important]Survivor [COLOR=#fff200! important]Series[/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR] 2008 DVD, Armageddon 2008 DVD. Click here for the product page.

-- Kane will be doing a rare autograph signing on Thursday, March 19 from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at KMART #3644 located 2491 Murfreesboro Pike, Nashville, TN.
Here's Matt's blog in it's entirtey:

My Exodus from ECW

Friday, February 6, 2009, 01:19 AM EST [General]

As you all should know by now, I demanded to be released from ECW by General Manager Theodore Long last week. I had decided to jump to Smackdown to deal with my issues with Jeff Hardy. In an idiotic decision, Theodore Long granted me my request. Although I wanted out, I honestly couldn't believe he let me go they easy. I thought I was gonna have to put up a fight to get out of my ECW contract. But no, I was allowed to leave the brand at the mere mention of "I want my contractual release."
This incident reinforces how bad of a G.M. Teddy Long is. I was the ECW Heavyweight Champion for nearly 5 months and I carried his company on my back. I was undoubtedly the greatest WWE ECW Champion there has been. I made the Sci-Fi program of ECW a must-see event if I was on it. The show will be severely damaged without my presence. Teddy Long made a terrible business decision-no if, ands, or buts about it. Teddy Long may have actually made a good personal decision though. If he had reservations about granting me my release, he may have found a "Black Cloud" over his life. Maybe he learned from Jeff Hardy's mistakes.
I led several of Theodore Long's ECW roster members to the best matches of their careers. Mark Henry, John Morrison, The Miz, Evan Bourne, Fit Finlay, and Jack Swagger all had one common denominator in their best ever ECW performances-Matt Hardy. I made all these guys into bigger stars than they were before wrestling me. That's what I do, I make people stars. I get more out of human beings than they've ever known their capable of. I've done it my entire career. I've done it with Jeff Hardy, Lita, Shannon Moore, Joey Abs, Joey Mercury, Shane Helms, and even Edge. Edge didn't become the superstar he is today until I created the "Rated R Superstar"-through our personal issues. Whether you want to accept it or not, it is the absolute truth-I am "The Starmaker" Matt Hardy.
I will be on the February 6th episode of Friday Night Smackdown. I understand that "Hurricane" Helms will voice his opinion on my situation with Jeff Hardy on Smackdown. I'll be watching and listening close Shane. I predict your comments will predict your immediate forecast for the future.
"Cold Blood" Matt Hardy
Posted in: WWE
Jim Ross Blogs About Divas In Playboy, Trish At WrestleMania
By Michael Bluth
Feb 6, 2009 - 8:33:23 PM

Jim Ross has posted his latest blog entry, which you can read at Some highlights:

- Trish at WrestleMania: Lots of speculation out there in the internet world about Trish Stratus wrestling Beth Phoenix at WM25 including an interview that the lovely, Canadian lass made a few days ago. Personally, I have zero knowledge of such a match but would love to see Trish at WM25 or any other time for that matter even though it would seem the Raw announcers would get to call that match. I can only suggest to stay tuned to [COLOR=#fff200! important][COLOR=#fff200! important]Monday [COLOR=#fff200! important]Night [/COLOR][COLOR=#fff200! important]Raw[/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR] as I do for any new developments. As a fan, it feels like a good pairing (no pun intended) if it ends up going that way.

- WWE's "PG" Programming:Enough of the emails on how much some "HATE" the fact that the WWE is now [COLOR=#fff200! important][COLOR=#fff200! important]rated [COLOR=#fff200! important]PG[/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR]. First of all, hate is a strong word to use and unfortunately it is used to much in our society today. Think about this for a second. The WWE has pulled back on some elements of their content to make it more family friendly but many aspects of the shows will still remain edgy. Nonetheless we are still talking about a TV show here and if a viewer "hates" a TV show SO much because of what they perceive to be philosophical changes then why doesn't one simply eliminate the anguish and watch something else on the tube? No, I don't want any [COLOR=#fff200! important][COLOR=#fff200! important]wrestling [COLOR=#fff200! important]show[/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR] to lose viewers but there is no reason to watch any thing on television and then bitch and moan about it every week. Or am I missing something?

- Jesse Ventura: How did I like working with Jesse Ventura? The answer is, fine. I am sure I wasn't his favorite guy to work with nor was he mine but Jesse was extremely bright and witty and certainly understood the wrestling business. The Body never lacked for an opinion and had a gift for being controversial. He was never a big preparation freak but neither is Jerry Lawler who is still at his post on the WWE's #1 TV show. I wish I had Ventura's representation when I was at [COLOR=#fff200! important][COLOR=#fff200! important]WCW[/COLOR][/COLOR] and when Jesse got his "big money" with a very limited schedule but that was my fault and, hand it to Ventura, he always seemed to do well in the money department.

- Divas in Playboy: All of the sudden there is all this talk about whether or not the WWE will have a Diva in Playboy prior to Wrestlemania. First of all, I do not know. I do seriously doubt it, however. I am more interested in the WM25 card than I am about who may be "tastefully nude" in Playboy Magazine.
[FONT=Verdana, arial]Chris Jericho In Major Altercation Last Night - Strikes Girl

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[FONT=verdana, arial]
[FONT=Verdana, arial]According to multiple reports, Chris Jericho was involved in an altercation with multiple fans as he was leaving the arena following yesterday's Raw brand house show in Victoria, British Columbia. A female fan spat on him while he was getting into his car, which provoked an incensed Jericho to strike at the girl and knock her to the ground. At that point, a man in the crowd rushes in to attack Jericho, but he shoves him away. It then turns into a melee, and Jericho can he heard scolding security to do their job.[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, arial]Here is one report, courtesy of reader Danny Lo:[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, arial]I just got back from the WWE RAW/ECW house show in Victoria BC. At the end of the show (which seemed to end pretty quickly and was about 1hour and 45 mins), a ton of fans were waiting outside by the exit ramp of the arena where the wrestlers arrive and leave. Chris jericho got into his car and had already left the exit ramp. Just as he was about to turn after a stop sign, a fan swarmed the driver's side , and proceeded to bang loudly on the window and repeatedly flashed middle fingers. Jericho then opened the door on the driver's side and tried to get the fan to leave, but the fan forcefully pushed it against jericho. This prompted Jericho to step out of the vehicle and a war of words began. This led to a ton of fans flocking over to where they were, and subsequently clogging up exiting traffic. I was not close enough to hear what was being said as I didn't want to associate myself with those fans but I could tell it was serious because Jericho's face was beet red. Then quickly jericho pounced on the guy and threw a couple punches (prompting the crowd to disperse and some shrieks of horror) before jumping into his rented car and speeding away. One of the WWE guys stayed behind and relayed the information to the cops. The security team that was recruited to control the crowd was absolutely pathetic in attempting to cool down the situation as well as controlling the crowd as a whole. Jericho also supposedly muttered "Can't the security do it's job properly?" or something to that effect In my opinion jericho is not at fault as what he was doing was self-defense, and to ward off idiotic fans.[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, arial]Victoria has always had a bad string of luck regarding incidents with wrestlers. In 2005 a fan jumped the rail and tried to attack triple H after the main event, and in 2007 a couple fans nearly got into a fistfight with Jimmy Korderas and Tony Chimmel at ringside. WWE usually comes here every 2 years to this town, but I'm guessing this incident will get reported to WWE HQ and subsequently the wait will be even longer. It is quite sad and disheartening to see fans go to such lengths to piss off the wrestlers outside of the ring. During the show, sure that's what you get for paying but not as they're trying to catch a flight to the next city. The event was overall very entertaining but unfortunately this incident caused it to end on a sour note on a personal level.[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, arial]Also...[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, arial]I forgot to add some details. During the pre-match promo jericho built heat by saying that he could get into the stands and "beat the living crap out of any and all of the fans", and that he disliked canada. I guess some idiot took this way to seriously and decided to try him. Shows how ignorant and foolish some wrestling fans are.[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, arial]Videos of the incident:[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, arial][/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, arial][/FONT]
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in my opinion, these people are grown adults and should act like it, Wrestling is a show, its not real so any threats he makes towards the fans in the ring, doesnt mean he really means them! So if they want to spit at him, bang on his car, then damn right, they should expect what they should expect from any other human being, for them to stop their damn car and get in their face! and for the security to just stand there as the fans are clearly provoking him and do nothing, No wonder he went nuts! they get paid to do a job, WWE security would have hauled their asses out of that crowd before Jericho even opened the car door!

and if I was opening my car door and someone kicked it shut, I'd proceed to kick their face!
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More on the Jericho Fan Confrontation!

Detailed description of the events:

Source:Wrestling Observer/Figure Four

The account of what happened with Chris Jericho and the woman that is posted on your website is not correct. Here is what actually happened, as my girlfriend and I were literally 5 feet away from the altercation (the total incident was about 5 minutes) and saw the whole thing happen. Here's what happened (I already had it typed out because I had sent it to another site, so I'll send it to you as well):
This afternoon after the WWE house show in Victoria, my girlfriend and I went to see the wrestlers leave the arena (this was my girlfriend's first WWE event and she wanted to see them leave). The following is exactly what happened right in front of me and about another 50 wrestling fans who happened to be there are well:
Chris Jericho exited the building, and walked over to his white rental vehicle. The crowd watching him leave was heckling him, but he was ignoring it. He gets in his vehicle and drives out of the arena parking lot, right past the crowd of us. As Jericho stops at a stop sign, a fan runs into the street and starts banging on his rental vehicle. At this point about 50 people rush into the middle of the intersection, blocking traffic in several directions, with no police and very inadequate and incompetent security (no WWE security guards period). My girlfriend and I were literally in the very front of the crowd, and this all went down literally five feet away from us.
Chris Jericho opens the door to his vehicle in the middle of the road, and the fan shuts the door back on him. Jericho then gets out of the vehicle completely, and punches the fan in the face! This prompts another fan to jump in (he was friends with the first) and attack Jericho, and Jericho scuffles with the second guy. At this point, a woman who knows the second guy who attacked Jericho starts to jump in and get in Jericho's face (because he was fighting her friend).
This is where the Save on Foods Rent-A-Security Guards stopped standing around watching this happen (I swear they thought they were watching a wrestling angle or something), and stepped in to separate Jericho and the woman, who was shoving him. Looking at Jericho's face he was obviously ready to explode and was restraining himself...but then the shitstorm happened...
He spit in the girl's face, and called her a "fucking bitch". The woman then spit in Jericho's face. Jericho then started cursing out the woman some more, and was getting ready to go back into his vehicle (as all of this is still happening in the middle of the road). While he was turning to go into his vehicle, one of the guys he was fighting shoved Jericho against his car. Another guy then shoved Jericho, and that time he bumped his head on the top of his vehicle. This was where Jericho seriously snapped.
After bumping his head, Jericho went into a shitstorm, throwing and swinging at everybody around him. He knocked one guy to the ground, told another fan that he was going to "fucking kill you". The woman who got spit on was still yelling at Jericho, so he piefaced her away from him (because the arena security couldn't keep them separated). As soon as he put his hands on the woman, ANOTHER fan jumps in and starts swinging at Jericho. Jericho grabs the guy and starts throwing him to the ground, and at this point I have to yank my girlfriend out of the way and into some other people because Jericho had literally thrown himself and the other guy into our direction and we would of been knocked down by the scuffle.
The arena security try again at this point to regain order, and two of them grab Jericho and start yelling at him to calm down, to which Jericho responds by taking a swing at one of the security guards and yelling at them to "do your fucking job and get the fucking police here". Then he shoves the second guard to the ground and tells him to "stay the fuck off me".
Well, as that happens, the chick lunges at Jericho AGAIN, and this time Jericho actually punches the woman in the face, and shoves her to the ground. This stunned everyone, and the girl's friends ended up jumping in trying to fight Jericho, to which he fought all of them off, then storms into his vehicle swearing and speeds off, running through a stop sign in the process.
This whole thing happened over the span of about 5 minutes (of the street being blocked by this ordeal), and the woman ended up calling the cops on Jericho. They arrived 5 minutes after Jericho left, complete with a Paddy Wagon. The WWE's head of security did not see the incident, so he was there trying to figure out what happened along with the cops at the same time while yapping on his cell phone, and the woman is pressing charges against Jericho. As crazy and unbelievable this sounds, it can all be backed up with whatever police report was filed on the scene this afternoon.
I hope this made sense, as a lot of stuff happened. If you have any questions or need clarification, just ask. This was taped by several people with cell phone cameras, but there were only 50 people down there so I hope the video makes it way to the internet. Regardless, this went down as one of the craziest things I have ever seen in my life (even if it didn't involve Chris Jericho), and Jericho could be in some serious legal trouble over this one; although he was provoked, he seriously snapped and crossed the line.
A fan who was there wrote this on Youtube
I am getting really tired of people spreading falsehoods about the altercation. I was metres away and saw the whole thing unfold. Jericho never spit on the girl! He also never hit her like some reports are saying, in fact Jericho never actually punched anyone. He did however push her out of the way when she came at him. She spit at him and then pushed him back in the SUV. He instinctively pushed her back off. That is when the boyfriend rushed in. The security FINALLY do their job!
he did hit one of the security, you can see the guy get hit in the face. He wont be in deep about this, he was leaving the arena and they provoked him so much he got out of his car.
He piefaced the girl, but I don't think he punched her

I've heard Jericho's a pretty nice and cordial guy
WWE Issues a statement regarding the Jericho/Fan Confrontation

The WWE is officially weighing in on the Chris Jericho brawl in Victoria, BC yesterday, by releasing the following statement to TMZ: "After leaving a live event in Victoria, British Columbia on Saturday evening, Chris Jericho's car was attacked by a mob when he was stopped at a stop sign. Unable to proceed, Chris Jericho exited his car to ask the crowd to clear a path so he could continue through the intersection. A man and a woman physically and verbally assaulted Mr. Jericho. Arena and WWE security arrived to establish enough order to allow Mr. Jericho to re-enter his vehicle and depart. The local police arrived minutes later. Mr. Jericho was unharmed in the incident. The WWE is working with local authorities who are investigating the incident to identify the man and woman who fled the scene."

Fans Who Assaulted Chris Jericho Arrested

As another update to our report from earlier today, the altercation between WWE superstar Chris Jericho & several fans outside of a WWE Raw house show on Saturday night has been picked up by One witness said she saw Jericho spit in a woman's face after she approached his white Chevy Tahoe and castigated him for losing the heavyweight championship to John Cena.
"With spit dripping down her face, the woman jumped on Jericho's back and started hitting him, said Darshan Stevens, who watched from about a metre away. Jericho turned and punched her in the face, then as the woman's boyfriend went after the 225-pound wrestler, Jericho pushed him to the ground, she said."

The story also noted that the male fan, who was identified as Kalen Johl & the female fan who was identified as Ashley Levey were both arrested and charged with assault. Levey denied assaulting Jericho when approached.
