The offical wrestling thread..News, spoilers and results.

TNA have some amazing talent too like Samoa Joe, AJ Styles, Chris Sabin, Jay Lethal and more. TNA also do more high flying moves and more hardcore matches, also this past year most of their ppv's have been better than WWE. WWE also took one or two past TNA stars, so it loks like stars from each company are crossing over.

Don't get me wrong I do love WWE too, in Fact I'm going to see them in Dublin next April, and will be seeing TNA live also in January. I just love great American wrestling.

I think also at the moment both TNA and WWE need to improve the story lines. Delighted Cena won the belt back though. Can't get why so many hate him, as he entertains and gives 110% each night.

Would love Cena and the Dead man to face each other again.
Torrie Wilson Comments On Taker/McCool Relationship

Former WWE Diva Torrie Wilson talked about a number of subjects during her recent shoot interview with RF Video. When Wilson moved to the Raw brand in August 2005, she claims a WWE Women's Title run was promised to her. She pitched an idea to Vince McMahon that would have her win the WWE Women's Championship, and Vince agreed to the idea. Of course, the idea never came to fruition. Torrie said it played into her decision to leave WWE this past May, but they wanted to keep her under contract despite her re-occuring back injury. Torrie said she decided to leave because her personal dream of winning the WWE Women's Championship was not in her future. Torrie also commented on the real-life relationship between the reigning WWE Divas Champion Michelle McCool and Undertaker, who started dating after her divorced from his former wife Sara. Torrie said she used to be scared of Undertaker when she worked in WWE. However, she's gotten to know him quite well since he started dating Michelle, who she considers a close friend

Torrie also says that she & Sara didn't get along at all. In fact, Sara threatened to knock Torrie out. Torrie said she couldn't do anything about it because of who Sara was married to.
Michelle McCool annoys me! thank god she is turning heel, she is just not over as a face...she gets no reaction at all.
Take a second to let the following sink in. I read these and thought they were great, so I wanted to share...........
"Faith isn't faith until it's all you're holding on to!"
"You block your dream when you allow your fear to grow bigger than your faith!"
"Faith means believing in things when common sense tells you not to!"
Think about that. It's not always the easiest thing to do when standing up for what you believe. It's not easy to filter out all the negative things people say and/or write about you. It's not easy to go down the road less traveled. It's not easy to always be yourself. BUT....if you have faith; faith in yourself, faith in what you believe and faith to hold on to - that's ALL you need!
Thanksgiving was great. Thanks to all of you who sent well wishes. my headline says "It's the most wonderful time of the year!" I absolutely love Christmas. I just can't get enough of spending time laughing (and stuffing my face) with my family, buying gifts for everyone and just seeing smile on everyones faces. We have our "McCool" family Christmas this week which is exciting. I guess you could say the McCool's go both traditional and untraditional when comes to our get-together. We do gag gifts for all of the adults, which can get pretty embarassing at times! Speaking of....I still have to get my gift!
Anyhow, as always.....I'll try to answer the most common questions/comments I've gotten from you guys this week.
Wings of Love: Yes, I haven't used it in quite some time now, but that's not by choice. Truth is, I'm not allowed to use it anymore. Apparently, it was too devastating for us girls! Seriously....
The only good thing about that is that I debuted a new one on Marsye this weekend and believe me, I think you'll be impressed. I have to keep it under wraps for now until I use it on tv. Hopefully, it's not too rough for us girls :)
The Divas Championship: The bullseye gets bigger by the week. Every girl is gunning for me and causing me to act a little out of the norm. Maria cost me to get eliminated at Survivor Series by Mickie which just about pushed me over the edge. Since then, I have the mindset that nothing will stop me now. I'm willing to do whatever it takes to keep the title around my waist! Most of you guys have been so supportive and encouraging and to that, I say thank you!
On the other hand....there are many of you that have made it very clear that Maryse and/or Maria deserve it way more than me because I'm just a "diva search reject!" :)))And to that....I also say thank you! I love proving people wrong. There's nothing that pushes and motivates me more than naysayers! I do have one little piece of info though to those of you who sent those comments. I love how people so quickly forget that I have been here four years and worked my butt off every single day....pitching storylines, training at DSW, working in the ring, doing appearances, etc...Not just that, but in case you forgot - I'm certainly not the only "diva search reject" under contract right now. Let's see.....Maria, Maryse, Candice. I'm sure there are others I may have forgotten. But it's alright....just know that you also inspire me by hating me! Even if you don't like me, I hope that I can break the barrier and have you respect me!
Until next time...Happy to fight the good fight, heart to believe and soul to search within!
The Divas Championship: The bullseye gets bigger by the week. Every girl is gunning for me and causing me to act a little out of the norm. Maria cost me to get eliminated at Survivor Series by Mickie which just about pushed me over the edge. Since then, I have the mindset that nothing will stop me now. I'm willing to do whatever it takes to keep the title around my waist! Most of you guys have been so supportive and encouraging and to that, I say thank you!
On the other hand....there are many of you that have made it very clear that Maryse and/or Maria deserve it way more than me because I'm just a "diva search reject!" :)))And to that....I also say thank you! I love proving people wrong. There's nothing that pushes and motivates me more than naysayers! I do have one little piece of info though to those of you who sent those comments. I love how people so quickly forget that I have been here four years and worked my butt off every single day....pitching storylines, training at DSW, working in the ring, doing appearances, etc...Not just that, but in case you forgot - I'm certainly not the only "diva search reject" under contract right now. Let's see.....Maria, Maryse, Candice. I'm sure there are others I may have forgotten. But it's alright....just know that you also inspire me by hating me! Even if you don't like me, I hope that I can break the barrier and have you respect me!

Yeah, Michelle, the only reason you Have the divas Championship is because you are dating the Undertaker. Weather you want to admit it or not that's the only reason you have it. Yeah you've been in the WWE for 4 years, You got help from Taker. You should thank him for helping you.:smilerolleyes:
maybe she should concentrate on bettering herself than responding to internet pundits, she isnt over, shes got a lot of work to do, anyone else in that spot would have been removed, not the Takers girlfriend.
maybe she should concentrate on bettering herself than responding to internet pundits, she isnt over, shes got a lot of work to do, anyone else in that spot would have been removed, not the Takers girlfriend.
Yes, I see where you are coming from. Taker took her under his wing to try to help her improve.
That's why she's got a really big push for the last year or so. Taker & Her have been going out for over a year now. I'm happy for her & him, I really hope it last for him this time.
First story is an exclusive look into Taker and McCool arriving TOGETHER at airport. INSANE!

The Undertaker's WM 25 storyline leaked.... In a rather low unclassy move made earlier this week by a former employee of the WWE who was recently released, said person has mailed out the planned script that was to take place at WWE's 25th anniversary of their Superbowl they call Wrestlemania to various "dirt sheet" websites such as ourselves, presumably giving away the storyline on The Undertaker. It is no secret to who is behind this mess, as former WWE producer Bruce Prichard, best known to WWF fans as "Brother Love"(ironically The Undertakers first manager) was released last week. The ten page script confirmed rumors of Undertakers opponent being Shawn Michaels. The story behind it will be that Shawn Michaels, along with Undertakers kayfabe brother Kane, has gotten word that Undertaker is planning on returning to Death Valley after Wrestlemania 25(Also confirming rumors of Undertakers 2009 retirement). Kane, feeling that this is his chance to prove himself to the Undertaker, as he has never defeated the Undertaker at Wrestlemania, takes it upon himself to insert himself into the match at Wrestlemania 25. On the other hand, Shawn Michaels who has no opponent for the show, insists that he is the one who should face The Deaman in his last match, citing Ric Flair as an example. This leads to a semi feud between Kane and Shawn Michaels over who gets to face 'Taker at Wrestlemania.

This will eventually lead to a match between the two at No Way Out, with Shawn Michaels prevailing(by cheating, thus starting a small heel run) and facing The Undertaker at Wrestlemania 25. In the weeks leading into Wrestlemania 25, Kane will allign himself with Shawn Michaels after HBK convinces Kane that he is indeed the better man to "do the job" at Wrestlemania 25. HBK is set to take advantage of the fact that Kane is the closest thing to The Undertaker and will have Kane tell him of his weaknesses. The script also calls for Kane to play as a bodyguard for HBK, protecting him until Wrestlemania 25 and assisting him to his matches on RAW. Mind games will prevail in classic 'Taker fashion; there is an angle on the March 30th edition of RAW(the last RAW before WM) scripted for Kane to be cremated alive, only to escape in mere seconds with HBK ditching him. The last two pages on the script is specifically for the match at Wrestlemania 25, with Undertaker prevailing, keeping his streak alive. The finish calls for HBK to viciously assault 'Taker with a steel chair as the referee is laid out, taking advantage of the golden opportunity.

As the referee regains himself(Mike Chioda is scheduled to referee the match) he begins the traditional slow count that is stopped by Kane stepping down on his hands. Kane will then grap HBK and deliver his signature Chokeslam to him and drag his Brother unto him, keeping Undertakers streak alive. Page ten called for Paul Bearer to come out with the urn, announcing to Undertaker that it's time to go back home. As 'Taker regains himself, he will stand face to face with Kane, and do his signature pose, before vanishing into the air. The ending has alot of different scripts to it on the page, but this is the one we found more relevant. This will lead to a feud with Kane and HBK, leading to a Hell In A Cell match at Backlash, with that being HBK's possible last match.

This is confirmation to the rumors that has been making the rounds on the net as of late. The storyline was to be produced by Bruce Prichard, Michael Hayes, and Vince Mcmahon. We are not to excited to see what action WWE may take against Prichard releasing scripts of planned shows and angles, but it was a very unclassy move made by him and his parties. We here at WON do not condone the actions of Prichard.

Now that the WWE knows about the leak, they haved changed the storyline.
If this is true, I will stop watching the WWE Once Taker quits.

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Doesnt add up, first of all, JBL is just starting a feud with Michaels that I dont think they will just end at Royal Rumble and isnt Paul Bearer dead character wise? I love fake internet stories, these guys are so creative, a leaked script with no scans of the actual script, it might as well be chinese whispers!
WWE Armageddon Results 12/14/08

1. [COLOR=#fff200! important][COLOR=#fff200! important]Vladimir [COLOR=#fff200! important]Kozlov[/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR]

pinned Matt Hardy in a non-title match in 9:05.
Todd Grisham and Matt Striker on commentary. They have their Best Announce Team Slammy sitting on the announce table. Grisham pointed out that Kozlov is unbeaten in eight months. Hardy and Kozlov faced off in striking pose to start the match. Hardy used his quickness to score a couple of quick nearfalls.

Kozlov used his power to make a quick comeback. He worked over Hardy's left arm and demanded that the ref ask Matt if he wanted to submit. He held onto the hold and used his head to batter Hardy's chest. After several minutes of Kozlov working over the arm, Hardy finally reached the ropes to break the hold.

Hardy made his comeback at 6:30. He dove off the ring apron onto Kozlov at ringside, but Vladimir caught him. Kozlov tried to ram Hardy into the ring post, but Matt slipped out and sent Kozlov crashing into the post. Back inside the ring, Hardy scored his first nearfall of the match. Later, Kozlov hit a move that Striker described as a chokeslam combined with a spinebuster and scored the clean pin over Hardy.

2. C.M. Punk defeated Rey Mysterio in the Intercontinental Title tournament final. William Regal and Layla sat at ringside with the Intercontinental Title belt 13:45. Lillian mistakenly introduced Punk as one-half of the tag team champions. Michael Cole and Jerry Lawler quickly corrected her and aired still shot photos of The Miz and John Morrison beating Punk and Kofi Kingston on Saturday night in Hamilton, Ont. to win the tag titles.

The announcers noted from the start that Mysterio suffered torn ligaments in his wrist when he was attacked by Mike Knox. Early in the match, Punk backdropped Mysterio to ringside right in front of Regal, who was sitting on a cheesy throne. Punk dove over the top rope onto Rey at ringside.

Back inside the ring, Punk remained on offense and worked over Punk's sore wrist. At 7:30, Mysterio caught Punk in an arm bar. Punk sold it well before reaching the ropes to break the hold. At 11:00, Rey went for the 619, but Punk avoided it and hoisted up Rey for the GTS. Rey slipped out of the move and ended up hitting the 619 in a really good spot. Rey went for a big splash off the ropes, but Punk moved. "Nearfall after nearfall for Punk and Mysterio," Cole said. Moments later, Punk hit the GTS on Punk and scored the clean pin. Regal clapped at ringside. Mysterio came up bleeding heavily from the nose.

JBL's limo pulled into the building. JBL made the slow walk to the ring and called out his "new employee" Shawn Michaels. HBK's [COLOR=#fff200! important][COLOR=#fff200! important]music[/COLOR][/COLOR]

played and he walked to the ring in street clothes. Shawn took the mic and said he was going to "get right to it." He said the economy has hit everyone hard and "unfortunately I'm not immune to it." He said he's in a tough spot right now.

Shawn said he's heard people say he's a WWE Superstar and that he's rich and there's no way this could happen to him. "Believe me, I wish that was the case," he said. He said he spent a lot of money when he was in his twenties. He said he was injured in his thirties and paid for all his knee and back surgeries. Shawn said he met his wife and turned his life around. He found a financial planner and did what he thought was right.

"And then the roof caved in," Michaels said. He said he wasn't going to lie to the fans and that he doesn't know how much time he has left. He paused and looked at the ground. "I don't know how many years I have left," he reiterated. He said he has a family and relatives that depend on him. He said that's why he accepted JBL's offer. "I don't like JBL any more than you do," said Michaels. He said he finds him to be a smug bully, but he's solid financially and "that's what I need right now."

Shawn said he will put his children through college and won't let his brothers and sisters lose their home. He said he won't become a wrestling tragedy who limps into a high school gym or is spotted bagging groceries. "You can judge me if you want," Shawn said. "If being booed by you or being called a sellout by you is the price I have to pay, then I'll pay it," he said. A small "You sold out" chant started.

"This is not something I want to do," Michaels said. "This is something I have to do." JBL took the mic from Shawn and glared at him. JBL stuck out his hand in front of Michaels. Shawn shook reluctantly shook his hands as the fans booed. JBL left the ring, leaving Michaels to stand there with a sad look on his face.

3. Finlay defeated Mark Henry (w/Tony Atlas) in a Belfast Brawl in 9:40. Hornswoggle didn't come out with Finlay. Henry and Finlay fought at ringside early as the announcers (Grisham and Striker) explained that there were no countouts in a Belfast Brawl. At 2:45, Finlay grabbed a variety of weapons from underneath the ring. Atlas hit him with a trash can lid, but Finlay no-sold it and kicked Atlas. Henry took advantage of the distraction and struck Henry with another lid.

At 7:15, Henry picked up the shillelagh and broke it over his knee. Finlay tried to hit him with a kendo stick, but Henry stopped him and broke that over his knee. At 8:00, Hornswoggle appeared at ringside and climbed onto the ring apron. Henry threw Finlay into the ropes and Finlay's elbow caught Horny and knocked him to the floor at ringside.

Henry continued to dominate the match and threw the ring steps inside the ring at 9:15. He picked up the steps and walked toward Finlay, who caught him with a dropkick to the knee. Hornswoggle slid a second shillelagh to Finlay, who struck Henry with it and scored the pin. After the match, Finlay and Hornswoggle hugged.
4. Batista pinned Randy Orton (w/Cody Rhodes, Manu) in 16:45. At 2:20, Orton threw Batista to ringside. Cody and Manu ganged up on Batista, but the referee saw them and sent them to the back. At 5:00, Batista set up Orton for the Batista Bomb, but Orton slid out and hit a neckbreaker.

At 6:30, Batista tossed Orton over the top rope to ringside. Cole and Lawler made a good call by talking about how it reminded them of Orton injuring his shoulder while performing the same spot against Triple H. Later, Orton applied the chin lock of death for the next few minutes. Batista broke free, but went right back to the hold. Batista powered up to his feet with Orton holding on. Batista backed into the ropes to break the hold.

At 12:55, Orton superplexed Batista for a nearfall. Moments later, Batista hit the spinebuster for his own nearfall. Batista set up for the Batista Bomb, but Orton slipped out. Orton went for the RKO, but Batista shoved him off and hit a sidewalk slam for another nearfall. At 15:00, Orton was looking for the RKO again, but Batista used a side slam for a good nearfall. Later, Orton was going for a flapjack, but Batista held onto the ropes and transitioned into the Batista Bomb for the win.

5. Mickie James, Maria, Kelly Kelly, and Michelle McCool defeated Mayrse, Victoria, Natalya, and Jillian Hall in 4:30. In the end, McCool hit the Styles Clash on Jillian and scored the pin.

After the match, the heels carried Jillian backstage. Great Khali and Runjin Singh came out to new bhangra entrance music. They were setting up McCool for a kiss with Khali, but she refused and then rolled of the ring. Runjin said the only thing better than kissing one diva is kissing three divas. After some back and forth delay, Singh brought out Mae Young to kiss Khali instead. Eventually, Mae jumped into Khali's arms and forced a big kiss on him. He acted like he was sick afterward.

A highlight video previewed the John Cena vs. Chris Jericho match.

6. John Cena beat Chris Jericho via submission to retain the World Hvt. Championship in 12:45. Lillian Garcia handled the in-ring introductions. Cena and Jericho had a good staredown before the bell. At 3:15, Cena went for the FU, but Jericho turned it into a DDT. Moments later, Cena went for the FU on the ring apron again, but Jericho broke free and rammed him face first into the ring steps. At 6:30, Cena did the "You can't see me" bit and went for the FU, but Jericho slid out again. At 9:40, Cena came back with another FU attempt. He flipped Jericho over, but Jericho landed on his feet and hit the Codebreaker for a really good nearfall. Jericho argued with the referee over the count and walked into the FU. Cena sold the Codebreaker and was slow to make a cover, so Jericho kicked out. The announcers did nothing to put over Jericho kicking out of Cena's finisher.

At 11:15, Jericho avoided the STFU and got to the ropes. He locked Cena in the Walls of Jericho. Cena powered toward the ropes, but Jericho pulled him back to the center of the ring. Cena held up his hand and teased tapping, but he eventually powered out and locked in the STFU for the win. After the match, Cena celebrated in front of the Bills players at ringside.
7. Jeff Hardy defeated Edge and Triple H in a Triple Threat match to win the WWE Title in 17:20. Ross ran through the rules of the match. He said there are no DQ and no countouts. He added that the champion doesn't have to be involved in the pin or submission to lose his title. At 7:30, Edge went for a spear on Hardy, who moved, causing Edge to spear Hunter in the corner. Hardy followed up with a Swanton Bomb on Hunter and went for the cover, but Edge reached in and pulled Hardy to ringside to break up the pin. With the wrestlers at ringside, Striker once again reached out to protect his precious Slammy.

At 10:00, Hardy prepped the Smackdown announcers' table for a spot, but Hunter attacked him from behind. Hunter tossed Hardy over the ECW table. Grisham split and Striker was close behind with a death grip on his Slammy. Hunter ripped the top of the Raw announcers' table off and set Hardy on top of it. Hunter went for the Pedigree, but Jeff fought out and went for the Twist of Fate, but Hunter dodged it. Hunter jumped out of the way as Edge ran from the ECW table and speared Hardy through the Smackdown table at the other end of the row of announcers' tables.

Back inside the ring, Edge DDT'd Hunter at 13:00. Edge tried to spear Hunter, but Hunter caught him with the spinebuster. Hunter hit the hit the Pedigree on Edge and went for a cover, but Vladimir Kozlov ran out and pulled him off. Matt Hardy ran out and fought with Kozlov. Jeff Hardy went up top for the Swanton on Edge, but Kozlov pushed Jeff to the floor. Kozlov and Matt fought their way to the back at 15:00.

At 16:15, Edge set up Hunter for the Conchairto, but Hardy recovered and stopped him from swinging the chair. Hardy grabbed the chair and struck Edge with it. Hardy went to the top for his finisher, but Hunter recovered and pushed him down. Hunter hit the Pedigree on Edge. Hunter covered Edge, but Hardy came off the top with the Swanton Bomb on both men. Hardy covered Edge and got the 1-2-3 to become the new WWE Champion.

The announcers laid out while Hardy celebrated in the ring and put the WWE Title around his waist for the first time. Hardy danced and continued to celebrate. Fans are generally racing for the exits at this point, but it looked like most stayed to celebrate Hardy finally winning the big one. He shook hands with the fans in the aisle and took off one of his nylon arm bands and handed them to a kid who asked for one.

The announcers checked back in and recapped the match as Hardy continued to celebrate with the fans. They replayed footage of the match, including the footage of the finish. Ross said the WWE Universe will be saying, "Let the Hardy party begin." A shot aired of Hardy standing on top of the castle set with the WWE Title.
WWE News: Officials Sour On A SmackDown Star, Play As Evan Bourne, New Layla Photos
Submitted by Daniel Pena on Monday, December 15, 2008 at 4:09 PM EST

-- SmackDown Superstar R-Truth returned to World Wrestling [COLOR=#fff200! important][COLOR=#fff200! important]Entertainment[/COLOR][/COLOR] with a series of vignettes and a lot of hype, but company officials have soured on his performances in [COLOR=#fff200! important][COLOR=#fff200! important]the [COLOR=#fff200! important]ring[/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR], reports ProWrestling.NET. R-Truth was getting a pretty big push as recently as October, but it suddenly stalled for no apparent reason. Officials feel he can hit his flashy trademark spots, but he really needs to work on the basics of [COLOR=#fff200! important][COLOR=#fff200! important]wrestling[/COLOR][/COLOR] in order for his push to resume.

-- WWE announced today the release of the first batch of downloadable content for the SmackDown vs. Raw 2009 video game. Three additional WWE Superstars are available to play on the Xbox 360 version of the game at a price of 400 Microsoft Points through the Xbox LIVE Marketplace. Evan Bourne, Ted DiBiase, Jr., and Charlie Haas are now available characters in the video game. They are also offering alternate attire for Chris Jericho's character. For more information on the downloadable content, click here.

-- The WWE site has new studio photos of Raw Diva Layla. You can see the images at the following link.

Retired WWE Diva Returning To [COLOR=#fff200! important][COLOR=#fff200! important]Wrestling[/COLOR][/COLOR], A Stacy Keibler Story, Slick Getting Inducted In IHWE Hall of Fame
Submitted by Daniel Pena on Monday, December 15, 2008 at 3:51 PM EST

-- If you recall, a mysterious blonde woman attacked Torrie Wilson after a match on an episode of SmackDown in September 2007. She made one more television appearance (in a [COLOR=#fff200! important][COLOR=#fff200! important]backstage[/COLOR][/COLOR] segment with Vickie Guerrero) and then disappeared. The women in question is of course Krissy Vaine, who along with her boyfriend Ryan O'Reilly, quit World Wrestling [COLOR=#fff200! important][COLOR=#fff200! important]Entertainment[/COLOR][/COLOR]

, as the rigorous schedule proved to be too much for them. Vaine decided to retire from the wrestling business altogether whereas O'Reilly returned to the indy scene a few months later. The two were chastised for their decision to quit what most in the industry would consider a dream job. You can read an article from last year on Vaine and O'Reilly discussing their surprising WWE departure at the following link.

In an update on her hiatus from the wrestling business, Krissy Vaine has decided to return to the industry. She is currently taking indy bookings out of Greensboro, North Carolina through Bill Behrens. Promoters interested in booking Vaine (or O'Reilly) can reach Behrens at

Vaine's "Team Blondage" tag team partner, Amber O'Neal, is ecstatic to say the least of her friend's return to the squared circle. The two are getting back together again for a "Team Blondage" reunion as they have some appearances and shows lined up in 2009. You can read O'Neal's blog talking about the "Team Blondage" reunion at the following link.

-- Academy Award-winning actor Jamie Foxx appeared on "The [COLOR=#fff200! important][COLOR=#fff200! important]Tonight [COLOR=#fff200! important]Show[/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR] with Jay Leno" last Friday and told a story about wearing a cologne at a club that Sean "P. Diddy" Combs put out. He said Stacy Keibler was at the club and asked the audience, "Does anyone know Stacy Keibler?" No one reacted, including Leno. Foxx then says "The Dancing with the Stars girl" and Leno finally reacts, saying, "Oh okay." Foxx said Keibler was all over him sniffing at his armpits because of the cologne.

-- Former WWF manager Slick will be making a rare wrestling appearance on New Year's Day for a 3 p.m. show for the IHWE promotion in Dallas, Texas. Slick has been selected to be inducted into the IHWE Hall of Fame. Visit for more information.

Former WWE Diva Cherry Leaving The Wrestling Business

Posted by PWPIX on 12/15/2008
Former WWE Diva Kara "Cherry" Slice is leaving the wrestling business at the end of this year to focus on her education. She will not be taking part in any more independent shows for the time being.

Slice was scheduled to appear at the Women Superstars Uncensored indy show on 1/10, but told the promoter she was leaving the wrestling business and pulling out of the show as a result.

WSU's promoter posted a note on the company's message board regarding her scratch from the show. He wrote: "As reported earlier, Kara "Cherri" Slice is leaving the wrestling business at the end of the year. She is pursuing her education and won't be doing any indy shows for the foreseeable future. Kara apologized to WSU and the fans about this situation."
^^You mean to tell me that you don't remember when he was teamed up with the BOD (Brothers Of Destruction) God that was Funny. :lol:

Taker: "What the hell is his problem?"

Regeal: "He's forgein, don't pay any attention to him."

Sara: *Tries real hard not to laugh*
Joanie "Chyna" Laurer Rushed to Hospital
Posted on Dec 28, 2008 by Brad Ingles
Former WWE Diva Joanie Laurer (Chyna) was found passed out in her home with cuts on her arm and rushed to the hospital at 5AM Saturday morning. Her high blood alcohol level prevented doctors from performing a psychiatric evaluation.

TMZ caught up with Laurer at the hospital and she said, "All I really want right now is a hamburger and fries right now."

I came to this conclusion....

I don't like Triple H :lol:

I watched the "Definitive Ric Flair" documentary on WWE 24/7 and dude basically said that although Sting was "good", he didn't do much business unless he was wrestling Flair

Now, I'm a Sting mark and that was clearly bull

Does he remember when Sting was wrestling all over the world against Vader, The Great Muta, Rick Rude, or how basically Sting was the reason why the nWo stayed popular? Or how Sting had the best selling merchandise in the 90s aside from Stone Cold Steve Austin?

Ironic coming from a guy who's career started out as a hanger on for William Regal....then the FIFTH wheel in the Kliq and then married the boss' daughter
^^I know what you mean hon, I understand how you feel, If you've read my previous post, I said that the only reason Michelle McCool had the divas championship is because she's dating The Undertaker. Now, she will do anything to get the title back(Even if it means using Taker to get back on top. :() I hope Taker is happy with Michelle.

I know a lot of Taker's female fans still want to believe that Taker & Sara are still together, but they're not. I, myslef didn't want to believe it either. I now know that Taker & Michelle are now offical a couple & I have to accept it, wether I like it or not.

Torrie herslef said that Taker & Michelle are an item, Michelle & Taker can deny it all they want, but Taker's fans know the truth, and they (Taker & Michelle) are going to have to to accept the truth.
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^^is Michelle McCool on Smackdown? Honestly, alot of the girls look so much alike that I get bored :lol: I haven't watched a Divas' match on Smackdown in ages

Has anyone seen Ric Flair's shoot interview? i'm hoping it redeems him for me at least a little bit because I've lost ALOT of respect I had for him
^^is Michelle McCool on Smackdown? Honestly, alot of the girls look so much alike that I get bored :lol: I haven't watched a Divas' match on Smackdown in ages

Has anyone seen Ric Flair's shoot interview? i'm hoping it redeems him for me at least a little bit because I've lost ALOT of respect I had for him
Yes, Michelle is on SD. I've seen Deleted parts of the shoot interview, but not the whole thing.
^^is Michelle McCool on Smackdown? Honestly, alot of the girls look so much alike that I get bored :lol: I haven't watched a Divas' match on Smackdown in ages

Has anyone seen Ric Flair's shoot interview? i'm hoping it redeems him for me at least a little bit because I've lost ALOT of respect I had for him

I hear good things about it and would like to see it. May I ask you you've lost respect for him?

It's a real shame what has happened to Joanie. I've read all around the net about people making jokes about it and saying they don't feel sorry for her which I can respect that but to wish bad things about someone is so wrong. She needs help and I hope she gets it.
I came to this conclusion....
I don't like Triple H :lol:

I watched the "Definitive Ric Flair" documentary on WWE 24/7 and dude basically said that although Sting was "good", he didn't do much business unless he was wrestling Flair

Now, I'm a Sting mark and that was clearly bull

Does he remember when Sting was wrestling all over the world against Vader, The Great Muta, Rick Rude, or how basically Sting was the reason why the nWo stayed popular? Or how Sting had the best selling merchandise in the 90s aside from Stone Cold Steve Austin?

Ironic coming from a guy who's career started out as a hanger on for William Regal....then the FIFTH wheel in the Kliq and then married the boss' daughter

see where you are coming from but he said he didnt do "quite" the business he did with Flair, he put Sting on the map with the matches they had, did Sting ever have any matches like that again? Im not a WCW fan but I trust guys who are in the business and know what they are talking about.

As far as your last statement goes, HHH was the best wrestler/ character they had with the exception of the rock whilst Stone Cold was getting neck surgery, he would have stepped up to the plate regardless. Thats why he hung out with the kliq, damn do you think he loved swallowing zomas and drinking himself sillying every damn night, come on get serious!

He was smart, he was around the best and became the best. Argue all you want but it wont change a thing.
WWE has fallen the f**k off.

yep and with rumours that some big stars will be retiring in the next few years, there hopes of 5 star matches at WM are out the window cause I heard HBK is leaving this year.

That bump he took last year with flair on the table should have retired him there!
I came to this conclusion....

I don't like Triple H :lol:

I watched the "Definitive Ric Flair" documentary on WWE 24/7 and dude basically said that although Sting was "good", he didn't do much business unless he was wrestling Flair

Now, I'm a Sting mark and that was clearly bull

Does he remember when Sting was wrestling all over the world against Vader, The Great Muta, Rick Rude, or how basically Sting was the reason why the nWo stayed popular? Or how Sting had the best selling merchandise in the 90s aside from Stone Cold Steve Austin?

Ironic coming from a guy who's career started out as a hanger on for William Regal....then the FIFTH wheel in the Kliq and then married the boss' daughter

The statement about Sting was true. He did not quite do the same business as he did with Flair. His feud with Vader was big but it wasn't as big as his feud with Flair. The only other time he had something really major going on was when he did the "crow" Sting and feuded with Hogan which turned out to be the most hyped match-up that ended up being the biggest flop. Keeping in mind I love Sting.

Triple H married the boss' daughter so that mean's hes a bad guy? His career was booming in late 1996 and really went off in 1997 which was way before he was dating fact he was dating Chyna. He was already one of their biggest stars by the time he was dating Steph.

He made it where he is today because he is a hell of a worker and is currently one of the best in the business. Its amazing how many people are blinded by his love interest and fail to see how talented he really is and that he deserves the spot he has.
Breaking News: WWE Fires Veteran Wrestler

Posted by Tim Brown on 01/09/2009 is reporting that Sean Morley, aka Val Venis, has also been released from the WWE. Venis has been with the company for over a decade starting in 1998. He has been out of action for a few months due to an elbow injury.

Venis held the Intercontinental, European, and Tag Team Championships (w/ Lance Storm).

This news definitely comes as a surprise since Val was considered a lock for a road agent position sometime down the line, and was very well-liked within the company.

Breaking News: WWE Releases Two Wrestlers

Posted by Tim Brown on 01/09/2009
The following is from

World Wrestling Entertainment has come to terms on the release of Raw Superstar D-Lo Brown and ECW Superstar Bam Neely as of Jan. 9, 2009. WWE wishes them the best in all future endeavors.

WWE Parts Ways With A Fourth Wrestler Today

Posted by PWPIX on 01/09/2009

WWE has finally parted ways with former ECW wrestler Kevin Thorn (Kevin Fertig).

As recently as a few weeks ago, Fertig was scheduled to return to the main roster as part of the SmackDown brand as a member of a faction led by WWE developmental wrestler Vade Hansen. Officials had plans for group to feud with Undertaker leading into Wrestlemania this year, but Vince McMahon pulled the plug after a single Hansen promo aired on Smackdown a few weeks ago.

This is the second time in which Fertig has been released by WWE. He was originally released by the company in July 2005 during a massive talent purge. He was brought back to the company in 2006 and debuted under a vampire gimmick in ECW a few months later.

WWE Releases Another Long-Time Performer, TV Guide Raw Preview, Kennedy

Posted by PWPIX on 01/09/2009

-- Former referee Tim White was let go by WWE today. He had been working backstage in a producer role in recent years since retiring from the ring due to an injury that occurred while refereeing a Hell in the Cell bout between Triple H and Chris Jericho at the 2002 Judgment Day pay-per-view. White had been with the company since the 1980s. The decision to release White was said to be a stunner, who by all accounts was well liked by the wrestlers.

-- Tonight's 6:00 p.m. edition of SportsCenter plugged Mr. Kennedy's direct-to-DVD movie, Behind Enemy Lines: Columbia, as a sponsor.
Fired WWE Star Issues Statement On WWE Site, WWE Cutbacks Update, More

Posted by PWPIX on 01/09/2009
-- As reported earlier today, Kevin Thorn was released from WWE. WWE has yet to announce his departure from the company on, but Thorn himself pretty much confirms his release with the blog below on his WWE Universe account, which is still online at the moment. You can also read his blog at the following link. Here is Thorn's final statement:



BROTHERHOOD-The quality of having fellowship, all those engaged in a particular passion or common interest or quality. THE BELIEF THAT ALL PEOPLE SHOULD ACT WITH WARMTH AND EQUALITY TOWARD ONE ANOTHER. REGARDLESS OF DIFFERENCES IN RACE, CREED, NATIONALITY, ETC...

Brothers and Sisters

Live free and without fear knowing you are part of a family that no matter what excepts you for you. Stand tall knowing that your brothers and sisters will be here to catch you if you fall. LIVE LIKE YOU ARE IMMORTAL!!! Enjoy the life because you are free and believe the fact that it is OK to just be YOU!! PROTECT WHO YOU ARE, NEVER BE AFRAID TO BE YOU. FOR THE BROTHERHOOD IS HERE TO BACK YOU UP AND HELP YOU STAND TALL AND WALK PROUD!!



A Brother. Your Brother,



-- The Hartford Courant out of Connecticut has a story reporting WWE fired approximately 60 employees today. Although, the number is said to be closer to 85, reports In reporting the company's cutbacks, the newspaper said WWE's professional wrestlers were safe since they were under contract. Of course, a handful of wrestlers were let go by WWE today. You can read their story at the following link.

-- Upon the announcements of their respective releases, WWE quickly removed the profiles of D-Lo Brown, Bam Neely and Val Venis from the company website.
SPOILER* On The Next Wrestler To Join Randy Orton's 'Legacy' Group

Posted by PWPIX on 01/10/2009

According to a source in Florida Championship Wrestling, Harry "DH" Smith" is set to be called back up to the Raw roster within the next week or two and become the newest member of Randy Orton's "Legacy" faction.

Smith has been off WWE television since last May. Shortly there after, Smith was drafted to SmackDown as part of the 2008 WWE Supplemental Draft. Smith, however, returned to Florida Championship Wrestling on August 26, without making his SmackDown debut. He made the decision to return to WWE's developmental promotion on a full-time basis so he could mature, and put more effort into developing his in-ring work and his personality.

In October, WWE put Smith together with long-time friend TJ Wilson with the intent to call them up to the main roster as "The New Hart Foundation" with SmackDown Diva Natalya as their manager. In the meantime, the two won the FCW Florida Tag Team Championships, defeating Joe Hennig and Sebastian Slater. Smith & Wilson lost the belts to Tyler Reiks and Johnny Curtis on December 11 at a FCW television taping. The title loss appeared to be as a result of the team finally getting called up to SmackDown, but that was not the case.

Officials had pegged Smith & Wilson to feud with Carlito & Primo Colon over the WWE Tag Team titles, but went with The Brian Kendrick and Ezekiel Jackson instead. That put Smith & Wilson back on the drawing board.

With Smith's forthcoming call-up to the main roster, Wilson will be left to fend for himself once again.