The offical wrestling thread..News, spoilers and results.

There is no justice in pro wrestling. Only anal rape.

And no, I don't mean Jeff Hardy. He's lucky to still have a job, never mind to be a main-eventer. And he's still probably in line to win the title by or at WrestleMania.

He's over, sells tons of merchandise, he deserves the spot. Noone is perfect, yea he has made some mistakes, but so have many other superstars and they get a chance to redeem themselves, Shawn Michaels is a good example of that. During his big run he had major drug problems, was he suspended or was his run cut short? nope, because he was the top star, and Hardy is one of the top stars the WWE has right now.

same goes for Randy Orton, how many times has he screwed up but yet is still in the main event? because he is one of the top heels on Raw, however with Jericho in that spot now, who knows what is planned for Orton when he returns, I hope they dont stop Jerichos push because he has pure heat at the moment, I'd put the strap back on him at Armaggedon :yes:
He's over, sells tons of merchandise, he deserves the spot. Noone is perfect, yea he has made some mistakes, but so have many other superstars and they get a chance to redeem themselves, Shawn Michaels is a good example of that. During his big run he had major drug problems, was he suspended or was his run cut short? nope, because he was the top star, and Hardy is one of the top stars the WWE has right now.

I'm not disagreeing that Jeff Hardy is a clear cut choice to become the WWE Champion, but I can't feel too badly that he's doing these jobs to Triple H, since I'm still fairly sure he's going to become champion soon regardless. He is lucky to still have a job and still be a main-eventer. I've never disputed how over he is, though. I'm not a fan of his, but I don't turn a blind eye to who's selling tickets and who's popular.

same goes for Randy Orton, how many times has he screwed up but yet is still in the main event? because he is one of the top heels on Raw, however with Jericho in that spot now, who knows what is planned for Orton when he returns, I hope they dont stop Jerichos push because he has pure heat at the moment, I'd put the strap back on him at Armaggedon :yes:

I was just flabbergasted that they would end his title reign like that and so soon. He is bar none the greatest pure heel in WWE today, even if Edge were still around. Unless this is a swerve and he's going to immediately regain it, this is a tragedy. And the booking in this Jericho/Batista feud has for some reason gone out of its way to make Jericho look as weak as humanly possible every single week, to the extent that I was sure that it was just leading to him retaining the title at Cyber Sunday. But instead he's losing, losing, losing, and Batista isn't even pretending that Jericho is a threat to him. Lame. Looking at the build-up to the Cyber Sunday match, I wouldn't be surprised if Jericho was originally supposed to win, and they changed their minds. I just don't know why they would intentionally treat him like that. If and when he loses the rematch next week, it'll be the icing on the job-cake.

I've heard the argument that Jericho's name value drawing-wise isn't the caliber of Batista or Cena, but that's not his purpose in the first place right now. He's an old school heel who's there simply to be hated; a classic nemesis. And those guys can be great champions.

But, at least there's no way anyone can take away the epic feud he had with HBK this year. That'll go on the all-time list.
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I was just flabbergasted that they would end his title reign like that and so soon. He is bar none the greatest pure heel in WWE today, even if Edge were still around. Unless this is a swerve and he's going to immediately regain it, this is a tragedy. And the booking in this Jericho/Batista feud has for some reason gone out of its way to make Jericho look as weak as humanly possible every single week, to the extent that I was sure that it was just leading to him retaining the title at Cyber Sunday. But instead he's losing, losing, losing, and Batista isn't even pretending that Jericho is a threat to him. Lame. Looking at the build-up to the Cyber Sunday match, I wouldn't be surprised if Jericho was originally supposed to win, and they changed their minds. I just don't know why they would intentionally treat him like that. If and when he loses the rematch next week, it'll be the icing on the job-cake.

I've heard the argument that Jericho's name value drawing-wise isn't the caliber of Batista or Cena, but that's not his purpose in the first place right now. He's an old school heel who's there simply to be hated; a classic nemesis. And those guys can be great champions.

But, at least there's no way anyone can take away the epic feud he had with HBK this year. That'll go on the all-time list.

Yep, the feud is always better with a face chasing the heel, classic formula that wont ever fade, they do it for every Wrestlemania, and I agree, Jericho can make the people love him and hate him something very few performers can do. And I completely agree, his feud with HBK has been the best this year. the storytelling, the video packages and everything combined made Jericho seem like a malicious, self serving, vile, disgusting human being who wanted to destroy Michaels eye sight, career and life. You could feel the emotion!

Batista as world champ is complete crap, send him back to Smackdown, he really doesnt belong on Raw. The guy cant deliver a decent promo and needs to be led in the ring in my view, its only a matter of time before the belt changes hands again and based on the Armaggedon poster, I dont think Jericho is out the picture quite yet :)
Batista as world champ is complete crap, send him back to Smackdown, he really doesnt belong on Raw. The guy cant deliver a decent promo and needs to be led in the ring in my view, its only a matter of time before the belt changes hands again and based on the Armaggedon poster, I dont think Jericho is out the picture quite yet :)

He's not out of the picture, but it's a likely story that he'll be losing title matches repeatedly to take us into WrestleMania, where we'll see John Cena vs. Batista for the strap. That's the match I was thinking they'd go with all along, but I was just hoping they'd give Jericho a good title run before that.

I dunno, I'm hoping somewhat markishly to be pleasantly surprised next week, but the safe bet of course is that Batista is gonna win again. WWE has been breaking the safe bet a lot lately, so it's not impossible, I guess. Not impossible, but nothing to get excited about ahead of time.
He's not out of the picture, but it's a likely story that he'll be losing title matches repeatedly to take us into WrestleMania, where we'll see John Cena vs. Batista for the strap. That's the match I was thinking they'd go with all along, but I was just hoping they'd give Jericho a good title run before that.

I dunno, I'm hoping somewhat markishly to be pleasantly surprised next week, but the safe bet of course is that Batista is gonna win again. WWE has been breaking the safe bet a lot lately, so it's not impossible, I guess. Not impossible, but nothing to get excited about ahead of time.

I agree, I think they are leading into Wrestlemania with cena v batista 2, however I wonder where that would leave Jericho, face again? I hope not, if nothing else I hope we get another HBK v Jericho classic, thats a feud that could go on for well over a year, imagine Hell in a Cell with those two?!
Anyone else going to see RAW this sunday ? at the hallam fm arena sheffield ?

Ill post photos of my day on monday (possibly)
HBK Confirms retirement

Shawn Michaels recently did a rare interview where he confirmed that he has notified WWE of the date that he will be walking away.
- Molly from Oregon sent the following:
I listened to Shawn Michaels on Kiss Rocks out of San Antonio on Friday. He talked about WrestleMania and admitted thinking that Undertaker’s WrestleMania streak being broken at “Mr.WrestleMania” would be cool.
The big news he gave was that he has already given the office the date he is going to be walking away. Shawn never said the word retiring but that is what it was suggesting.
HBK said he came back to WWE with the intention o working one match. “That was about six years ago,” he laughed. He specifically mentioned that Undertaker’s streak vs. Mr. WrestleMania has to happen sooner or later, so it sounds like that match will take place at WrestleMania 25.
He said he’s been approached about acting. He also noted that his kids doing fine, Rebecca starting up her own business, and he has plans for what he will do after WWE. He said he will be with the WWE in some form always and suggested that he would still do PR work. I found it more telling of how different he is from his hero Ric Flair was this year in the sense of peace of walking away.
New Taker pics:

This pic is my favorite, Taker looks so hot in Affication clothing.

I would love to see Taker v HBK again, when those two guys were the last two in the Rumble I think 2 years ago, that was a mark out moment, its was like deja vu with those guys in the feud they had in 97/98!

Who better for shawn to go out there and have a fantastic match with, but we know he wont break Takers record.

However it does beg the question: I heard Taker wanted to go at WM 25 too, is he going to retire soon as well and if he does? if the WWE loses both those guys in close proximity, thats going to be a huge blow to the WWE, dont ya think?

cool pics sweet princess, you dont see many Taker pics in his normal clothes since he is the deadman again as he likes to protect that aura of the character.
SmackDown Diva's Push Lessened Due To Backstage Heat With Michelle McCool

Posted by PWPIX on 11/14/2008

Maryse hasn't been featured too much on SmackDown as of late due to backstage heat with Michelle McCool, reports the Pro Wrestling Torch. The two SmackDown Divas recently had some sort of altercation backstage.

Since the altercation, WWE has put Maria in the spotlight instead.

Despite going on the European tour, Maryse was completely left off this past Tuesday's double SmackDown taping in England, so you won't be seeing her on television for at least a few more weeks. Maryse was left off last week's SmackDown as well, and hasn't appeared on television since the 800th Raw Episode Celebration on 11/3.

J.R. Speaks Out On Divas Locker Room; Latest From Kevin Thorn & Jillian

Posted by PWPIX on 11/14/2008
-- Jim Ross' latest SmackDown This! column is up, which you can read at the following link. He talks about his trip overseas to England, tonight's Jeff Hardy vs. Undertaker match on SmackDown, The Brian Kendrick, The Great Khali, John Cena's return, Brock Lesnar's UFC fight tomorrow night, and more. Ross also spoke out on the Divas locker room. Ross said: "Did you know that WWE Divas have backstage "Kliques" and that there is a pecking order as to who gets in the make-up chair first and can stay the longest? Things aren’t always what they seem, ladies and gentlemen, amongst the lovely ladies of Friday Night SmackDown."

-- Missing WWE star Kevin Thorn has posted his latest blog, which you can read at the following link. Here is a portion of what Thorn wrote:





-- WWE Diva Jillian Hall has a new photo shoot, which you can see at the following link.

However it does beg the question: I heard Taker wanted to go at WM 25 too, is he going to retire soon as well and if he does? if the WWE loses both those guys in close proximity, thats going to be a huge blow to the WWE, dont ya think?

cool pics sweet princess, you dont see many Taker pics in his normal clothes since he is the deadman again as he likes to protect that aura of the character.

I have not heard anything about taker retiring at WM25,When taker does snnounce it, I will watch it.
When he leaves I will quit watching the WWE. Taker was the reason that I began watching the WWE in the first place.

Taker sure knows how to dress, cause the ladies at phenomforever are all like this
when they see a great pic of taker and then they say how hot he looks in his clothing. :D
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Smackdown Spoilers 11/21/08

WWE taped the November 21st edition of SmackDown from the Manchester Arena in Manchester, England. Special thanks to Ryan Gray and Phil Lowe for the updates. If you are attending a WWE event in the near future and would be interested in sending us a live report email me at andy [at]

* A WrestleMania XXIV video package is shown.

* A Barack Obama video package is shown to a huge pop.

Dark Match:
* Chavo Guerrero b. Ryan Braddock
- Chavo got the win with a frog splash.

SmackDown: (Airing November 21)
* Matt Hardy & R-Truth defeated Shelton Benjamin & Mark Henry.
- R-Truth pinned Shelton Benjamin for the win following an axe kick. Matt Hardy got over huge with the crowd.

* Maria is speaking with Festus backstage. The Miz and John Morrison interrupt and insult them, leading to the next match.

* Jesse & Festus vs. The Miz & John Morrison is up next.

* The Miz & John Morrison defeated Jesse & Festus
- The Miz gets the pin on Festus after Morrison rings the bell.

* Vickie Guerrero is wheeled out to the ring with huge heat from the crowed. She says she has a correction to make. Triple H vs. Jeff Hardy tonight now isn’t a title match. She says that if Hardy wins, he’ll be put into the title match with Triple H and Koslov at Survivor Series.

* Triple H vs. Jeff Hardy was a long match going back and forth. It comes to an end when Hardy hits Triple H with nearly his full moveset but misses the Swanton. Koslov comes to the ring but Hardy dives on him. Hardy then rolls up Triple H in the ring and gets the win. Koslov lays out both Hunter and Hardy and stands tall. Survivor Series will now be a triple threat match for the WWE title.

* THE Brian Kendrick & Ezekiel Jackson beat Carlito & Primo Colon in a non-title match when Big Zeke pinned Primo.

* MVP vs. James Mason (British Wrestler) is next. MVP hits the drive-by kick on Mason but The Great Khali comes out. He distracts MVP and Mason gets the pin. MVP loses again!

* The Bella Twins beat Natalya & Victoria. The crowd are tiring as this is the quietest they’ve been all night.

* A casket is placed in the ring along with black carpet. Undertaker comes out to read Big Show his Last Rights. The lights stay out while Undertaker speaks. Big Show comes out along with Vickie and Chavo Guerrero. Show says he’s not scared and Taker has no power over him. The lights go out completely. When they come back on, Taker has Vickie by the throat. He picks him up and dumps her in the casket. Show rescues her. Taker then hits Chavo with a tombstone, puts him in the casket and closes the lid to end the show.

[COLOR=#fff200! important][COLOR=#fff200! important]WWE[/COLOR][/COLOR]

News: Diva Comments On Recent Firings, Diva Promotes Veganism, MVP At NBA Game
Submitted by Daniel Pena on Monday, November 17, 2008 at 3:26 PM EST

-- SmackDown Diva Victoria now has an account on the WWE Universe site and she has posted her first blog, which you can read at the following link. Victoria commented on last Monday's firings of Elijah Burke, [COLOR=#fff200! important][COLOR=#fff200! important]Kenny [COLOR=#fff200! important]Dykstra[/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR] and Lena Yada. Victoria was good friends with Yada as she often traveled with her on the road, and of course, she was paired with Kenny Dykstra in 2007 before he went down with a knee injury. Victoria wrote: "So Lena Yada, Kenny Dykstra and Elijah Burke were recently released. Kenny was my valet, I pimped out one of Elijah's cars, and I traveled and am friends with Lena. The longer I'm in this business, the less of a surprise it is when a Superstar either is fired or quits. But I spend more time with these people than I do my family. It always makes me sad. Especially since we are spread out all over the country. So I go from seeing them several days a week, to maybe a couple times a year."

-- WWE Diva Tiffany has posted a blog on the WWE Universe site promoting Veganism. She has been a vegetarian for the past three and half years. Tiffany wrote: "This decision started with giving up red meat and pork 3 and a half years ago and has finally evolved into a complete vegan diet 6 months ago. After much research about how animals were treated for purposes of food, clothing, and other products, I had trouble pushing my feelings about animal treatment aside. I love animals and want others to at least be aware of their treatment." {Road to Veganism...}

-- SmackDown Superstar MVP will be at the Phoenix Suns vs. Los Angeles [COLOR=#fff200! important][COLOR=#fff200! important]Lakers [COLOR=#fff200! important]game[/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR] this Thursday night, according to the appearances section on He will be signing [COLOR=#fff200! important][COLOR=#fff200! important]autographs[/COLOR][/COLOR]

at the US Airways Arena from 7 - 8 p.m. and watching the game with some lucky contest winners.
Details Behind The Release Of Paul London, [COLOR=#fff200! important][COLOR=#fff200! important]Wrestler[/COLOR][/COLOR] Doing Surfer Gimmick, More
Submitted by Daniel Pena on Wednesday, November 19, 2008 at 10:35 PM EST

source: Wrestling Observer Newsletter

-- Regarding the recent release of Paul London, he had been in the dog house for quite some time, ever since he smiled during the live shot right before Vince McMahon's explosion angle in June 2007.

London also had a reputation for having no instincts as a performer, as far as how his character should be doing promos, even though everyone knew he has the wrestling ability. After losing the WWE Cruiserweight Championship on the August 4, 2005 edition of Velocity to Nunzio, London was told to deliver a heartfelt promo regarding his title loss. Instead, he did a goofy [COLOR=#fff200! important][COLOR=#fff200! important]comedy[/COLOR][/COLOR] promo encouraging fans to protest his title loss, which officials frowned upon. It was said that London didn't like SmackDown writer David Lagana's idea, but by not doing what he was told, and doing a bad promo, it really hurt his standing with the company. London soon went on a losing streak before returning as a face and teaming with the newly rehired Brian Kendrick. London also had a rep of being a complainer, which obviously didn't help matters.

London asked for time off from the road on a few occasions. After asking for time off one time, London said he wasn't sure he wanted to commit his life to [COLOR=#fff200! important][COLOR=#fff200! important]professional [COLOR=#fff200! important]wrestling[/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR]. He was given the time off and came back looking invigorated, but a mere month later, people felt the same issues were coming back up and that nothing had changed regarding him.

Sometime back, WWE had plans to give London & Kendrick a huge push, but the duo performed poorly in the pre-taped promos given to them, to the point that most of them never made the air.

London also had a relationship with former WWE Diva Ashley Massaro, which was seen as negative by most in the company with one person saying it ruined his standing in the company. London had heat in the locker room as a result of his relationship with Massaro. Approximately two years ago, WWE had plans to do an angle on Kendrick having a crush on Massaro, but it was dropped. They also had plans to do a big break-up angle between London & Kendrick, but those plans were dropped as well. London had a reputation of being a headache to work with among WWE's creative staff. That helps explain why his obvious talents didn't go as far as they could have.

Regarding his future in wrestling, London's continuing his wrestling career as he's currently accepting bookings through an agent. The AAA promotion out of Mexico is said to be interested in his services, and he speaks Spanish, which helps a lot. However, this may not be the right time because a number of the top wrestlers in AAA are pressuring officials to keep foreigners from taking their spots.

-- WWE developmental wrestler Gabe Tuft is doing a surfer gimmick in Florida Championship Wrestling. He's going under the name "Tyler Reiks" in the promotion, which is second name change in recent weeks. He went under the name "Taj Milano" for a few weeks following the company's directive to change a number of FCW wrestlers' ring names. Reiks has an elbow drop called "High tide" and his finishing move is a moonsault is called "The Big Kahuna." Reiks has the kind of size, look and body company officials like, so that helps his cause in being called to the main roster. Tuft was signed to a developmental contract last year out of the UPW wrestling promotion, which has produced the likes of John Cena, [COLOR=#fff200! important][COLOR=#fff200! important]Chris [COLOR=#fff200! important]Masters[/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR], Victoria and Heidenreich.

-- WWE developmental wrestler Lupe Viscara is now going under the name Lupe Santiago. He initially debuted under his real name, then Lupe Martinez. FCW is billing him from Mexico City and he comes out with a Mexican flag. Viscara is 21 years old and was the last wrestler to be signed to a WWE developmental contract (alongside Andrew Vein, who has been inactive for quite some time) out of the Ohio Valley Wrestling school.
WWE Survivor Series Results 11/23/08

1. Shawn Michaels, [COLOR=#fff200! important][COLOR=#fff200! important]Cryme [COLOR=#fff200! important]Tyme[/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR]

, Rey Mysterio, and [COLOR=#fff200! important][COLOR=#fff200! important]Great [COLOR=#fff200! important]Khali[/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR] (w/Runjin Singh) defeated JBL, Kane, MVP, John Morrison, and The Miz in a Survivor Series Elimination match in 18:05. The various announcing teams took turns talking about their respective brand's wrestlers as they were introduced. The match opened with Mysterio and MVP. MVP scored the first pin of the match by hitting the Drive-By Kick on JTG at 1:30. Khali entered the match, chopped MVP, and pinned MVP at 1:45.

Later, Khali chopped Kane and then tagged in Mysterio, who dove off Khali's shoulders onto Kane and scored the pin at 3:15. At 6:20, Morrison distracted Shad, which enabled Miz to hit the Reality Check to score another pin. At 8:30, JBL threw a series of punches on HBK in the corner. One of the punches must have caught HBK, as he came up bleeding from the eye.

The heels took turns working over HBK. Morrison tried to emulate another HBK move by going for a top rope elbow, but Michaels moved and made the hot tag to Mysterio. At 11:35, Rey hit a top rope splash on Miz for a three count. Mysterio set up Morrison for the 619, but JBL tagged himself into the match and nailed Rey with a shoulder block. The fans chanted, "You can't wrestle" at JBL.

Later, JBL and Michaels fought at ringside. HBK went for Sweet Chin Music, but JBL ducked and ran for cover. HBK climbed back inside the ring to beat the count, but JBL was counted out. Moments later, HBK hit Sweet Chin [COLOR=#fff200! important][COLOR=#fff200! important]Music[/COLOR][/COLOR] on Morrison and scored the final pinfall. HBK, Rey, and Khali survived the match for their team.

2. Beth Phoenix (w/Santino Marella), Kelly Kelly, Mickie James, Candice Michelle, and Jillian Hall defeated Michelle McCool, Maria, Maryse, Victoria, and Natalya in a Survivor Series elimination match in 9:30. The two champions (and captains) opened the match for their teams. At 2:55, Kelly hit a huracanrana into a rollup on Victoria and pinned her for the first elimination. At 3:25, Maryse hit a spinning backbreaker and put her hand over Kelly's breast while covering her for the pin.

At 5:10, Mickie scored a surprising pinfall over McCool to eliminate her from the match. Maryse entered the match and rolled up Mickie. She actually rolled out before the three count, but they counted it anyway. At 6:50, Candice speared Natalya and then flipped over her and rolled her up for the win. At 7:45, Maria pinned Jillian. At 8:00, Candice pinned Maria and held her thigh in pain after doing so.

Maryse entered the ring and caught Candice in a leg hold. Candice tapped out at 8:40. The match came down to Beth and Maryse. At 8:50, Maryse hit a nice heel kick on Beth, but Phoenix kicked out. A short time later, Beth hit the Glam Slam and pinned Maryse. Beth was the sole survivor for her team. Afterward, Santino entered the ring and celebrated with his lady.

3. Undertaker defeated Big Show in a casket match in 12:45. Before the match, the druids wheeled the casket to ringside. Ross and Tazz on commentary. At 2:15, both men fought to ringside. Show cleared off the ECW announcers' table. However, Taker fought back and placed Show on the table, then dropped a leg on him and crashed through the table. At 6:30, Show superplexed Taker and then rolled him inside the casket. He raised his arm in celebration, but referee Charles Robinson told him he had to close the lid. Show is afraid of caskets, so he wasn't happy. By the time he finally tried to close the casket, Taker recovered and blocked the lid with his foot to stay alive.

At 8:30, Taker clotheslined Show and put him into the casket for the first time, but Show fought his way out. Show came storming back and left Taker lying in the ring. Show went to ringside and knocked over the casket, which revealed that there's no trap door on this one. Show tried to walk out, but Taker sat up and then pyro went off on the ramp to block Show. A crew member had to run out and stomp out a small flame.

Music played and the druids carried another casket onto the stage. Show stood up the casket and rammed Taker's head into it. Show stood the casket up again and opened the door. Taker and Show fought near the edge of the stage. Taker whipped Show into the standing casket. Show's momentum knocked the casket over and the door closed on top of him to end the match.

4. Randy Orton, Shelton Benjamin, Mark Henry (w/Tony Atlas), Cody Rhodes (w/Manu), and William Regal (w/Layla) defeated Batista, Matt Hardy, C.M. Punk, Kofi Kingston, and R-Truth in a Survivor Series elimination match in 16:15. The bell rang and Ross noted that Orton has been a sole survivor at three straight Survivor Series. Moments later Punk hit the high knee and followed up with GTS for the pin at 0:12.

Layla stood on the apron and threw her shoe at Punk and caught him in the face. At 7:45, Shelton eliminated R-Truth. Shelton hit a really high cross body block. Striker noted that the Jamaican was getting really high. At 10:45, Orton kneed Kofi as he was coming through the ropes and then DDT'd him for the pin.

Punk and Orton had a minute in the ring together with Punk hitting his signature spots. Punk went up top for a move, but Manu stood on the ring apron and distracted him. Cody took advantage of the distraction, tossed Punk off the top, and then pinned Punk moments later at 13:15. At 14:25, Henry caught Hardy and hit the big slam to eliminate him.

Batista, who was on his own at this point, entered the ring and almost immediately pinned Henry. He followed up with a Batista Bomb on Shelton for another pin at 15:10. Batista went for his finisher on Cody, but he was near the corner and Orton made a blind tag. Batista hit the Batista Bomb on Cody and went for the cover, but the ref wouldn't count because Orton had tagged himself in. Batista stood up and Orton hit the RKO and pinned Batista. Orton and Rhodes were the survivors for their team.
5. Edge defeated Triple H and Vladimir Kozlov to win the WWE Title in 14:20. Ross noted during introductions that this is Kozlov's first pay-per-view appearance. A fan in the aisle held up a sign that read, "Jeff, Please Stay Clean." Justin Roberts handled the in-ring introductions. At 3:45, a small "boring" chant broke out from the live crowd and they were right on in their assessment.

At 7:15, Kozlov hit a fallaway slam. He controlled the slow paced offense for next several minutes. A small, "We want Hardy," chant broke out. Kozlov's big hold was to stand behind Hunter with his arms wrapped around him. Hunter fought out briefly, but Kozlov hit a belly-to-belly suplex. At 12:11, Kozlov went for a running headbutt in the corner, but Hunter moved. Moments later, he hit the Pedigree, but he was too beat up to make the cover.

Vickie Guerrero walked onto the stage and announced that the fans were going to get their Triple Threat match. "He's here," she said. Edge music played and he came out with a scruffy beard. Edge hit the ring and speared Hunter.

Jeff Hardy ran out with a small bandage on the back of his head/neck and broke up the pin attempt. Hardy swung a chair at Edge, who moved, causing Hardy to hit Hunter. Hardy struck Kozlov with a chair. Hardy wound up to hit Edge with a chair, but Edge speared him first. Edge covered Hunter and scored the pin to win the title. Afterward, Vickie smiled and clapped and held hands with Edge on the stage.

6. John Cena defeated Chris Jericho to win the World Hvt. Title in 21:15. Cena came out wearing a new t-shirt that's a take on the old AWA logo. He received a hometown pop and received substantially more cheers than boos. Michael Cole and Jerry Lawler called the match. Cena went for the FU right after the bell rang, but Jericho slipped away.

At 6:00, Cena was lying under the rope with his head against the ring post. Jericho kicked Cena's head and then the referee stood over and checked on Cena on the floor. He gave Cena more time than the UFC referee gave Randy Couture when Brock Lesnar was pounding him with repeated shots, but eventually Cena recovered and the match continued.

Jericho controlled the next few minutes of the match and locked Cena in a full nelson to work over his injured neck. Cena broke free momentarily, but Jericho caught him in the hold again. Eventually, Cena muscled out of the hold. Cena bodyslammed Jericho and motioned for the five knuckle shuffle, but Jericho caught him in the old school Liontamer. Cole called it a "modified version of the Walls of Jericho." Cena powered out of that hold too. Jericho came right back with a Boston crab.

At 15:55, Cena hit the FU out of nowhere. He fell to the mat after hitting the move to sell all the punishment he'd taken throughout the match. Cena finally rolled onto Jericho for the cover, but Jericho kicked out at two. At 18:00, Cena dropped a leg off the top rope onto the back of Jericho's head. Cena went for the FU, but Jericho caught him with an elbow to the chops. Jericho hit the Codebreaker for a nearfall.

At 20:30, Jericho ran toward Cena, who tripped him and applied the STFU. Jericho got free, kicked Cena, and rolled up Cena for a nearfall. However, Cena picked up Jericho off the mat, hoisted him on his shoulders, and hit the FU for the clean pin.

After the match, Cena headed to ringside and shook hands with his family members. He stood on the guardrail and held up the World Hvt. Title. Lawler said this was the first time in Survivor Series history that two World Titles changed hands. Cena continued to celebrate in and around the ring. He held up the title on the stage to close the show.
what a night!!!!


Linda Hogan's Boyfriend Denied A Restraining Order Against Hulk
Submitted by Michael Bluth on Wednesday, November 26, 2008 at 2:29 PM EST


Linda Hogan's 19-year-old boyfriend Charley Hill tried to get a restraining order against [COLOR=#fff200! important][COLOR=#fff200! important]Hulk [COLOR=#fff200! important]Hogan[/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR]

, but a Florida court doesn't believe Hulk is out to get Charlie and has denied the request. You can read the official court documents here.

Charley claimed Hulk "dangerously followed" him in his car a couple weeks ago and "pulled up next to him and stared at him" at a stoplight -- a crime in no states.

Charley says he "fears [Hogan] will attempt to injure or kill him" because Linda is his girlfriend. The aspiring seaman also claims Hulk tailgated him and intimidated him on another occasion, and thinks Hulk is even more dangerous because he had weapons charges against him in 1979.

Hulk's Hogan's lawyer David Houston tells, "This is just another blatant attempt by Linda Hogan to try to defame Hulk Hogan's character. We commend the judge on seeing through this ridiculous stunt and denying these baseless claims."

**** you Cena.

AMEN! I hope Jericho gets it back and they have the faces chasing him it till WM25, but who knows what WWE's plans are, I think they will be aiming for a Batista v Cena rematch personally, even though it pisses me off because Jericho has played such a good heel and deserves to be in the main event!
I have always loved wrestling from an early age, I love WWE, however I find the wrestling at TNA better.Any TNA fans here?
hmmm... im not really a fan, dont mind watching it, but dont go out of my way to watch. I prefer the new stars WWE have created and are using as opposed to old WWE stars TNA are pushing.