The offical wrestling thread..News, spoilers and results.

Results:Jericho hits new low... and HBK's wife

By: James Vermillion
August 17, 2008

INDIANAPOLIS – The mood suddenly turned solemn at the Conseco Fieldhouse as Shawn Michaels stepped out in front of the WWE Universe with his wife Rebecca to make an announcement that all our WWE fans have been both awaiting and fearing at the same time. That sentiment turned to disgust thanks to Chris Jericho.
If it weren’t for the despicable actions of Jericho in the first place, Michaels wouldn’t be in this situation with his potential retirement looming in the air. In multiple altercations with the man formerly referred to as Y2J, Michaels has injured and re-injured his eye, even possibly detaching his retina.
After Michaels announced that he would take his doctor’s advice and hang up his boots, Chris Jericho’s music blasted through the arena to interrupt The Showstopper’s emotional farewell. What followed was a war of words between the two, but the situation then escalated to unimaginable heights.
Following Jericho demanding that Michaels tell his wife, his children and all the WWE Universe that Jericho was the reason that HBK had to retire, a proud Michaels agreed only if Jericho went home and told his own wife and children that he will never be The Showstopper. These words sent his rival over the edge. In an attempt to attack HBK, Jericho missed and struck Michaels’ wife Rebecca instead.
Immediately after, Michaels dropped down by his wife’s side tending to her and holding her in his arms. The whole time Michaels and WWE officials cared for Rebecca, Jericho just stared on as he slowly backed his way up the ramp to the locker room area.
There is no doubt that even though Jericho may believe he has matured and is looking to take his career to new heights as his own savior, he has - in reality - only sunk lower then ever before, especially following his inexcusable actions at SummerSlam.
Also, where does this leave HBK? Can he truly walk away after what Jericho did to his wife?
Chris Jericho owns Chicago on another episode of RIJ.

I was at this arena for WrestleMania 22, and I think I would've rather been there last night. I'd probably get murdered after harassing everyone, though. Serves them right for being CM Punk fans, of course.

Kane was awesome too.
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Orton Motorcycle Accident Suspicious, More On Recent Cuts, James Curtis
Submitted by Daniel Pena on Tuesday, August 19, 2008 at 12:24 AM EST

source: Wrestling Observer Newsletter

-- Last Monday, Randy Orton claimed he re-broke his collarbone the day before in a motorcycle accident near his home (in High Ridge, Missouri). Orton claimed his motorcycle struck a curb after a car veered into his lane, causing him to swerve to widen his turn. Orton said he was thrown off the motorcycle and continued to roll 300 feet while unconscious. He landed in a ditch and believes he could have died had he not been wearing a helmet. He said his only injury was to his collarbone, which won't require additional surgery. He will now be out of action an additional three months. Not to say that the motorcycle accident didn't happen, but the entire ordeal does seem suspicious. Thus far, the St. Louis media has yet to report anything on the supposed accident. Secondly, the Missouri highway patrol has no record of responding to any accident involving the WWE Superstar, although they would likely only have to do with the highways. Some people asked the St. Louis police department about the apparent accident, but knew nothing about it when asked. Orton is based out High Ridge, a St. Louis suburb, which is in Jefferson County. Some people called the county sheriff's department line, but it goes to a voice message and then says that the message box is full. Some neighboring jurisdictions that the St. Louis police suggested were also checked, and once again, nobody knew anything about the accident. A few days before the supposed accident, Orton was in the U.K. promoting SummerSlam and said he was two weeks away from returning to the ring.

-- At last week's Raw in Richmond, the talk among the wrestlers was that another half-dozen names were going to be let go. The talk turned out to be true as six performers on the main roster were let go the following Friday including Cherry, Stevie Richards, Rory McAllister, Robbie McAllister, Colin Delaney, and ECW referee Wes Adams.

-- Regarding the release of ECW wrestler James Curtis on 8/8, he wasn't well regarded by anyone in the company other than Dusty Rhodes, who liked his previous 70s territory wrestler look before he cut his hair. Once Rhodes stepped down from the booking team in March, that pretty much killed his chances in WWE. Curtis had been in developmental for quite some time and was only being used as a job guy in ECW. He had a brief foray on SmackDown in late 2006 in a tag team with Idol Stevens with Michelle McCool as their manager. In November of that year, McCool got really sick, which resulted in her being hospitalized. During her absence, both James and Stevens were sent back to Ohio Valley Wrestling and the team was never brought back to the main roster. Idol Stevens was released last August, and apparently hasn't wrestled since. In the meantime, James formed a tag team with TNA also-ran Cassidy O'Reilly in OVW known as The James Boys. They won the OVW Southern Tag Team Championships on four occasions. Apparently, that didn't mean much to WWE as O'Reilly was released in February. Reportedly, some people in creative felt they were "too Southern," and they were never called up as a team. Now Curtis, as well as his two former tag team partners, are all unemployed.
SD! Spoilers for 8/22/08

WWE Smackdown! Tapings
Moline, IL
August 19, 2008

Wrestleview's own Adam Martin is live at tonight's Smackdown tapings and sent in the following results:

-- General Manager Vickie Guererro was wheeled out and announced that at Unforgiven, Smackdown would hold it's own 5-man scramble match for the WWE Championship. Matches would be held during the show to determine the participants

-- Matia v. Natalya ended in a no contest when Maryse ran out and attacked Maria. Michelle McCool ran down to make the save

-- Armando Estrada, Funaki, Super Crazy, Scotty Goldman (Colt Cabana), and unknown wrestler, Curt Hawkins, Zack Ryder, Jimmy Wang Yang and Vladimir Kozlov and Brian Kendrick are participants in an over the top rope battle royal to determine one of the contestants in the Main Event of Unforgiven. Brian Kendrick wins after Big Show arrives and tosses everyone out of the ring. Kendrick is caught by his body guard and summarily tossed back in once Show leaves.

-- Another R-Truth promo aired.

-- MVP def. Festus via count out to qualify for the Unforgiven Championship match

-- Shelton Benjamin def. Finlay to qualify for the Unforgiven Championship match. Mike Knox interfered to setup the finish. Knox got a very strong reaction.

-- Jeff Hardy def. The Great Khali to qualify for the Unforgiven Championship match. Triple H was at ringside on commentary. He took out Khali's manager and then hit Khali with a chair to setup the finish.

-- May Not Air: After the match, Triple H took the mic and talked about the championship scramble and it's opponents. He botched the promo at first but then started over cracking a joke about how this wasn't live and he gets second chances. Kenny Dykstra eventually came bounding down to the ring, interrupting the promo and got himself a pedigree for his efforts.

-- La Familia came out to the ring and called the Undertaker down to the ring. Vickie begged him for forgiveness. Taker said he wasn't looking for that, he was looking for their souls. La Familia beats Taker down as Vickie rolls off to the back. Taker eventually fought them off and then posed in the ring afterwards.
Webmaster Of Beth Phoenix's Official Site Blasts Beth In Long Statement
Submitted by Daniel Pena on Wednesday, August 20, 2008 at 1:07 AM EST

The official website of WWE Women's Champion Beth Phoenix,, was believed to have been hacked. The site displayed a TNA logo (which has since been removed), but it was actually the doing of the webmaster in a cry for attention from Beth and/or WWE. The webmaster of the site has since sent out a statement regarding the site being "hacked," as it really wasn't. Basically, the webmaster is upset that Beth has pretty much ignored him in helping him update the official site, and feels that she's broken some promises as well. He is also upset that WWE is using a logo he created for the site in Beth's TitanTron without his permission. He plans on pursuing legal action against WWE over use of the logo as both Beth and the organization have ignored all of his e-mails.

Here is the webmaster's statement:

I would like to issue this statement in regards to the Official Website of Beth Phoenix being "hacked"

There is some sites reporting that someone hacked the website, and placed the TNA logo there, other sites are reporting that it was just a disgruntled webmaster... tis is what happened

I was the webmaster for Beth’s Official website for its entire 9 month run, and at this point I'd like to explain what has gone on. Disgruntled is only the beginning....

I approached Beth Phoenix in regards to an Official website when she was still working down in OVW before being called back up to the WWE main roster last year. I believe we launched the site sometime around April, 2007, with the full support and input of Beth herself. We spoke about how the site should be and Beth sent on some cool ideas for some video promos that I ended up making as teaser trailers for the countdown to the opening of the site.

I had told Beth that I would look after all the registration and hosting costs of the site, because I am a pro-wrestling fan, I wasn’t bothered about spending some money each year to become the webmaster for Beth’s official website and stay in contact with her.

She wasn’t the easiest to stay in touch with, even when she was still down in OVW, but I still continued on with the site. Then some of the Beth Phoenix fansites, which may I say do an excellent job, started to get some exclusive news that I felt should’ve been reported first and exclusively on Beth’s official site. I asked why we couldn’t do it through our site, and was promised by her husband, Joey, that he would now handle reporting all news etc. to me (At this point Beth had been called back up to the main WWE roster).

We done some cool stuff with Joey, his tag-team partner Robin Knightwing, and Beth’s best friend, Kevin Grace, like PPV predictions etc etc. And I am grateful for their help at the time when Beth was busy on the road.

Unfortunately, once again, I was informed of new exclusive news being reported by a Beth fansite and I had had enough at this point. I was promised by Beth that she would send me on some stuff for doing the website for her for free, which I never received, when I asked about this stuff that never arrived, I received a Christmas card/photo signed by Beth, Joey & Knightwing. I was also promised that when Beth was in Belfast on tour with WWE (I live in Ireland), that she would in the least give me a phone call to say hi and thank me for doing the website, which, again, I never received that call.

I had asked Joey to send me on some photos and news that we could use as exclusives on the site, which I was promised to get, but never did, so at that point I decided to tell Joey to inform Beth the site was done, I was tired getting used while Beth’s official site was getting more and more popular. We had some words through email and basically I didn’t like that way I was spoken to, I was told that someone my age (I’m 2 years younger than Beth by the way) should be glad to be able to run her official website and be friends with and I quote “the WWE Women’s Champion” - this was completely the end for me, sounded like winning a title went straight to someone's ego!

I would like to point out that when I did originally close the website (in January, 2008), I publicly thanked Beth, Joey, Robin, Kevin and a number of OVW people who helped out during the course of the site on the actual website. You think this is where the story ends.... but NO!!

I was informed by a friend sometime around the end of January that when WWE switched to the new HD set on Raw that a logo I had created specifically for Beth’s official website was being used on her TitanTron entrance.

Upon checking this out for myself I found out that WWE had stolen the logo and been using it since their very first HD broadcast in January, 2008. To say I was annoyed was a bit of an understatement!

I immediately contacted both Beth and Joey to find out if she had given WWE permission to use the logo, or if they had simply stolen it off the website. I got no reply from either. I then sent the WWE’s legal department a letter informing them of my problem with their usage of my logo, to which I also got no reply. I once again contacted Beth & Joey and pleaded with them to inform me of who gave WWE permission to use my logo, and if I didn’t get a reply I would be pursuing legal action against whoever I needed to take action against, to which, surprise surprise! I got no reply.

I have consulted with a number of people, including some pro-wrestlers, and was told to pursue my legal action against WWE over the use of my logo without permission, which I am currently following up.

I would just like to say that it is very annoying and just plain disheartening that after 9 months of non-stop hard work, not to mention the amount of money spent on web hosting, registration, purchasing past DVD’s featuring Beth to use on the website, that I was so blatantly used and screwed over by someone. At this point neither Beth nor Joey will answer my emails, and I was told in person at signings etc that Beth is one of the nicest people you could ever meet, well I’m here to tell you that she is nothing but a total user, and the general assumption of wrestlers is that they use you until they get what they want and then drop you like you never existed.

I cannot and will not watch any of Beth’s stuff on tv anymore, and until this matter is resolved and I receive an apology of sorts I will continue to tell people of what Beth Phoenix is really like.

Regarding this whole site being "hacked" issue with the TNA logo... everyone is about 2 months off regarding this... I did place the TNA logo on the website around June, 2008, in an attempt to get Beth’s/WWE’s attention over this matter, whether it worked or not is another discussion. I apologize to TNA if there is any issue regarding this.

I’d like to thank everyone who spent the time to visit Beth’s website when it was active, I’d also like to point out that Beth Unlimited ( is the best Beth Phoenix fansite around at the moment, they do a great job over there, and beat me to the punch on news a number of times!!

I’d like to hear what some people think regarding the incidents above, please feel free to contact me at :

Thanks (I've also attached photos of the logo mentioned above being used on WWE tv)
Results:All is Unforgiven

QUAD CITIES, Ill. – It was a night for seeking repentance and rising to the challenge as SmackDown stood witness to the return of Undertaker on Friday nights, and saw other Superstars looking for a new chance at championship gold.
As a result of The Phenom sending Edge to Hell at SummerSlam, SmackDown General Manager Vickie Guerrero underwent a dynamic attitude change, showing remorse for what she said was not the “real” her and blaming the Rated-R Superstar for all her past wrongdoing to WWE Superstars and the WWE Universe alike. She claimed that she was very excited about the return of Undertaker and hoped our fans would join her in giving him a standing ovation.
But, not everybody was ready to hear it. After reading a prepared statement and begging him for forgiveness on bended knee, the reemerging Deadman made it clear to Guerrero that forgiveness would not be granted when he decimated Chavo Guerrero, Bam Neely and WWE Tag Team Champions Curt Hawkins & Zack Ryder.
Shawns wife can definitely take a good punch! looked like a sore one, the feud between those two is mounting up to be the feud of the year. Jericho has stepped up his game and become the top heel on Raw, see Grandmaster... I told you those losses Jericho suffered were leading somewhere. ;) however I dont think you nor I could have predicted he'd be the top heel on their flagship show.

Jericho is just such a great heel, and the heel he is playing just now is ten time better than the one he played when he was the undisputed champion.

Also Im sure WWE legal is shaking in their boots about Beths logo, they'll simply adjust it , get a copyright thats iron clad and it becomes their logo.

and sweetprincess, how did you feel seeing the deadman back in the ring, its amazing how he and for e.g. Shawn Michaels, can go long periods of not being in the ring and then get back in there and look like they've never missed a step. true professionals!
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and sweetprincess, how did you feel seeing the deadman back in the ring, its amazing how he and for e.g. Shawn Michaels, can go long periods of not being in the ring and then get back in there and look like they've never missed a step. true professionals!
To tell you the truth..I had to catch my breath..
The way he said, "look at me woman." had me
wanting to scream so bad..but all I could do
was laugh.I WAS LOOKING and wanting to drool:wild:
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SmackDown: (Airing This Week)
* The show opens with Undertaker saying that Vickie Guerrero will burn in hell and he is not going to forgive her. He says he will have her soul. Fire shoots out of the ringposts.

* R-Truth (Ron Killings) b. Kenny Dykstra
- Killings got the win with a pinfall after hitting an axe kick.

* Vickie Guerrero is shown in her dressing room flipping out. She throws a phone.

Next, Michelle McCool is shown in a photo shoot as Maryse interrupts and claims she will be a Divas Champion.

* Maryse & Natalya v. Michelle McCool & Maria
- Maryse got the pinfall for the win after hitting Maria with a DDT.

* Jeff Hardy is backstage with Eve. He says he is going to beat MVP.

* Jeff Hardy b. MVP
- Hardy got the win via pinfall after hitting a swanton bomb off the top rope. After the match Shelton Benjamin comes out to the ring and attacks Hardy & MVP.

Several players from the Pittsburgh Steelers are shown on camera.

* Jesse & Festus vs. Curt Hawkins & Zack Ryder
- The match ends in disqualification when the Big Show runs out and cleans house. He calls it an "oversight."

* Brie Bella (from FCW) b. Victoria
- Bella got the win via pinfall.

* Brian Kendrick cuts a promo backstage.

* Triple H b. Shelton Benjamin
- Khali comes in and tries to distract Hunter. He fails as Hunter gets the win with a pedigree on Shelton. Hunter and Khali have a staredown
Backstage Plans For Undertaker At Unforgiven, Vince Fuming At TV, ECW Rating Down
Submitted by Daniel Pena on Thursday, August 28, 2008 at 12:30 AM EST

sources: Wrestling Observer Newsletter,

-- At the moment, WWE has plans for the winner of the SmackDown Scramble match at Unforgiven to subsequently defend the title later in the night against Undertaker. The idea is that Vickie Guerrero would be giving him the title shot as a peace offering.

-- Vince McMahon was in a bad mood at last week's television tapings after SummerSlam. He was quite critical of Raw and in an even worse mood at the next day's SmackDown's tapings. The shows didn't go as he would have liked due to a timing issue as they were said to be overwritten. WWE didn't have the scripts in place for SmackDown until 7:00 p.m. on the night of the show. The disorganization reminded some of working in World Championship Wrestling. McMahon also cussed out Bruce Prichard at the Raw taping due to a certain situation. A number of people were walking around on egg shells at both television tapings when around him. Additionally, some people were reminding McMahon about his looming 63rd birthday, which took place on August 24. McMahon's still into youth and doesn't want to face the reality of aging.

-- Last night's edition of ECW drew a 1.3 cable rating, which is down from last week's 1.5 figure.
WWE Star Hurt At SD Taping, Y2J Comments On Character Change, MSG Pre-Sale
Submitted by Daniel Pena on Wednesday, August 27, 2008 at 11:46 AM EST

-- Jamie Noble wrestled WWE developmental wrestler Jake Hagar in a dark match prior to last night's SmackDown/ECW taping in Pittsburgh. Noble got hurt following a belly-to-belly suplex as he landed on his neck and upper shoulders. Hagar quickly pinned him and the match was over. It then took approximately three minutes for WWE personnel to get Noble to the backstage area.

-- WWE will be returning to Madison Square Garden for a house show on Sunday, December 28. The pre-sale went on sale earlier today at and the code is UNFORGIVEN. It is currently ongoing and runs through Friday.

-- Chris Jericho discussed the overhaul of his character in an interview with the Between the Ropes radio show last night. "My mission was to completely reinvent who Chris Jericho was as a character and what Chris Jericho was as a performer and who Chris Jericho is as a performer," Jericho said. "I've really been concentrating on doing things I've never done before and doing things completely different from before. I think it's part of the heat. People really aren't happy with the fact that I'm serious about no more Y2J... It's getting to the point where when someone calls me that I'm almost insulted by it because I'm so into this whole character that I've created." Jericho also commented on a reality show he will be hosting on Fuse called Redemption Song. "We started last week and it's going great," Jericho said. He noted that the concept of the show involves female singers who screwed up their past chances in the music industry due to drinking and drugs getting a shot at redemption." Jericho comes on roughly an hour into the show. The 10-year anniversary special also features interviews with Jerry Lynn, Brother Devon, and Rob Van Dam. You can listen to the interview at

WWE Rolls On Without John Cena, CM Punk vs. Batista, Why a WWE Star Was Released

Written on August 28, 2008

- Former ECW Superstar Balls Mahoney tells’s Alfonso Castillo that he left WWE on good terms and was told by the company that he could be used on big shows or could be brought back in the future. Mahoney says he hurt his shoulder in the gym and stopped lifting weights and basically fell out of shape for WWE’s standards. He says when his wife got pregnant, his focus switched from wrestling to raising his son. WWE saw what was happening with Balls and scrapped his angle with Kelly Kelly but tried to let him hang around and work it out. Balls was released from his WWE deal on April 28th, 2008. To read the full interview, visit
- WWE spokeswoman Jennifer McIntosh tells The Stamford Advocate that John Cena isn’t bigger than WWE, and the company will continue to roll on. “There are on occasion planned and unplanned hiatus periods,” she said. “For instance, while John Cena was filming the upcoming feature ‘12 Rounds,’ he was out for three months and business was excellent. As much as he is appreciated, no single individual makes the WWE.
- World Heavyweight Champion CM Punk mentioned to The Peoria Journal Star in a new interview that his best friend and little sister were in the front row when RAW was in his hometown of Chicago a few weeks back. Punk will be defending his belt against Batista in the main event of a WWE live event this Saturday night in Peoria, IL.
Major WWE Star Injured At Tonight's Raw Taping In St. Louis
Submitted by Daniel Pena on Monday, September 1, 2008 at 12:01 AM EST


It is believed that Shawn Michaels suffered a triceps tear at tonight's Raw taping in St. Louis. That's the current word going around backstage.

Former WWE Star Threatening Legal Action Against WWE, THS: Chris Benoit, Joey Styles
Submitted by Daniel Pena on Sunday, August 31, 2008 at 2:17 PM EST

-- Former WWE star Damian Demento is planning on taking legal action against World Wrestling Entertainment. The company poked fun at his former character in the latest edition of WWE Magazine, which has greatly upset him. He feels that WWE shouldn't be able to humiliate and embarrass him as he's several years removed from the wrestling business and is now a civilian. He says it's causing stress to him, his family and friends. He posted a video on YouTube regarding the situation, which you can view at the following link. He wrote: "Once again the WWE humiliates me in their upcoming 2008 October magazine issue. I'm 16 years removed from working with them and still they post my picture in the gimmick I made and continue to insult me. I'm not sitting back any longer, so I'm taking legal action against the WWE, WWE Magazine, and Vince McMahon. No joke this time."

-- Devin Cutting sent in the following... E! Canada will be airing "True Hollywood Story: Chris Benoit - Wrestling With Demons" this Wednesday, September 3rd, at 10 PM.

-- Joey Styles' profile on can now be found in the WWE Alumni section at the following link.
*SPOILERS* WWE Smackdown (9/5) Taping Results from St. Louis
Submitted by Calvin Martin on Monday, September 1, 2008 at 5:10 AM EST

Report by Marcellino Guajardo and


Smackdown opened with a Vickie Guerrero-Undertaker video recap.

R-Truth defeats Bam Neely with an Axe Kick. Truth's entrance is rapping through the crowd.

They announce WWE champ Triple H vs. Great Khali with the Scramble match challengers as Lumberjacks. HHH cuts a promo about the Scramble. Shelton Benjamin comes and out and talks about taking HHH and Jeff Hardy out. MVP comes out and explains why he's better. HHH responds with instructions on how to cut a promo. Brian Kendrick and Ezekiel attack HHH from the crowd. Jeff Hardy hits the ring for the save. HHH and Hardy play to the crowd.

Jeff Hardy vs. Brian Kendrick and MVP vs. Shelton Benjamin is announced for later.

Undertaker comes out and tells Vickie she is going to hell to meet her husband.

WWE U.S. Champ Shelton Benjamin pinned MVP with a neckbreaker.

Maryse and Maria backstage segment centered around getting to a Divas title shot.

Brian Kendrick pinned Jeff Hardy with The Kendrick.

Vickie comes out and says she doesn't need a wheelchair.

Maryse pinned Maria with a DDT.

Super Crazy pinned Ryan Braddock with a moonsault. Vladimir Kozlov lays out Crazy and throws him out of the ring. He demands real competition on the mic. Big Show comes out and accepts but before anything can happen, Vickie comes out and forces Kozlov to leave. She warns Show to stay out of her business. Vickie says she has an announcement and its that she won't be intimidated, but the crowd is all over her so she doesn't get much in.

Brie Bella pins Victoria after going under the ring and surprising her.

WWE champ HHH is doing an interview backstage. Jeff Hardy comes into the scene but HHH cuts a hard promo on Jeff being on his second strike and having to pass a drug test to get into the Scramble match, saying Dr. Black is on the phone.

Lumberjack match. Triple H defeated The Great Khali. The show ends with HHH Pedigreeing everyone.

Report by Marcellino Guajardo and
*SPOILERS* WWE Monday Night Raw (9/1) Taping Results from St. Louis
Submitted by Calvin Martin on Sunday, August 31, 2008 at 10:46 PM EST

Report by Marcellino Guajardo and

Dark Match:

Jimmy Yang pinned Go Shiozaki (with Tony Atlas) with a moonsault.


Raw opens with a tribute to Killer Kowalski.

Randy Orton comes out and says CM Punk was wrestling nobodies when he won the World title. Orton says that since he's no longer champion, Raw has become a joke. He ripped on Beth Phoenix and Santino Marella for acting like teenagers. He said CM Punk was a joke and rips on the Tag champs as well. Punk came out and went face to face with Orton. He ripped into Orton, saying Orton had everything handed to him. JBL, Kane and Batista come out. Kane claims he made sure Rey Mysterio wouldn't show tonight. Batista cleaned house. It's going to be a Battle Royal featuring the Scramble contenders later.

Kofi Kingston defeated Charlie Hass. Haas came out as John Cena.

A Chris Jericho-Shawn Michaels contract signing is announced for later.

Backstage, Mike Adamle and Teddy Long are agreeing about the ECW battle royal for tonight, when Kane appears and questions that Rey Mysterio will return.

They do an ECW Battle Royal with the 5 competitors in the ECW Scramble. Mark Henry eliminates everyone to win.

Jamie Noble with the returning Layla El defeats William Regal.

The returning Candice Michelle & Mickie James & Kelly Kelly defeated WWE Women's champ Beth Phoenix & Katie Lea & Jillian Hall.

Santino Marella comes out to respond to Randy Orton's comments. He shows a "HonkMeter" to compare himself to Honkytonk Man as greatest IC champ of all time. D'Lo Brown comes out. Marella defeats him after a missed frog splash.

Cryme Time vs. John Morrison & Miz doesn't happen as DiBiase and Rhodes attack Cryme Time and steal back their WWE World Tag Team belts.

There's a backstage scene where the tag champs and Orton cross paths and look at each other.

Backstage, Todd Grisham asks Batista his battle plan. He says it's to "Destroy everyone."

Raw Battle Royal. No Rey. Orton comes out. Punk eliminated Batista and JBL. Kane and Punk finish up. Kane eliminates Punk. Mysterio shows up and cleans house on Kane.

The contract signing with Jerry Lawler in the ring closes the Raw taping. Both Chris Jericho and Shawn Michaels sign immediately. Jericho has security leave and Michaels says he can't be held responsible. Lance Cade comes out and Michaels attacks Cade kicking him several times in the face as he hangs off the apron.

Report by Marcellino Guajardo and
After the latest episode of RAW Is JERICHO, would you guys say that my boy Chris is the best heel in years, or the greatest bad guy to come around in many 'a 12 months? Is he immaculate, or is he completely devoid of any imperfections? Is he the best villain of this era in WWE, or is this current generation witnessing the top antagonist of their time?

Jericho = world champion

shawn michaels = "won" a worthless unsanctioned match that won't be in the record books, and then ******* me off in an alleyway for change so he can buy his stupid wife food.

... this entire post was supposed to be in all caps, but apparently that's not allowed. Picture it in caps.
1. Matt Hardy defeated Mark Henry (w/Tony Atlas) and Finlay (w/Hornswoggle) and Chavo Guerrero (w/Bam Neely) and The Miz in a Championship Scramble to win the ECW Title in 20:00. Matt Hardy and The Miz opened the match. The announcers noted that Henry would retain the title if there were no pinfalls or submissions before the 20-minute time limit.

Miz came up bleeding from the eye. Henry recovered and desperately tried to score pinfalls during the last two minutes of the match. However, the clock expired and Hardy walked away with the strap.

Good action while Hardy and Miz were in together. Miz hit a great neckbreaker and then showed frustration when Hardy's momentum carried him to ringside and he couldn't cover him. Chavo was out next and he immediately hit a frogsplash on Hardy to become the interim champion at 5:30.

At 9:00, Hardy fought off both heels and hit the Side Effect on Chavo for the pin. One of the announcers mentioned that fans have "waited so long" for the moment. Henry entered at the 10:00 mark and dominated the offense. Henry pinned Chavo after a powerslam at 12:00.

Finlay entered the match at the 15:00 mark and the 5:00 countdown clock started for the end of the match. Hornswoggle ran in and distracted Henry and the referee. Finlay hit Henry with the shillelagh. Hardy and Finlay dumped Henry over the top rope. Finlay hit the Celtic Cross on Hardy and pinned him. A short time later, Hardy used the Twist of Fate on Miz for the win.

2. Ted DiBiase and Cody Rhodes beat Cryme Tyme for the World Tag Titles in 11:35. Micahel Cole and Jerry Lawler on commentary. Solid tag action with the momentum building nicely. In the end, JTG had Rhodes pinned in a small package when DiBiase reversed it so Cody got the win. After the match, an unnamed man entered the ring and attacked Cryme Tyme, then hugged Rhodes and DiBiase.

3. Shawn Michaels defeated Chris Jericho in an unsanctioned match in 27:00. Jericho entered the ring and the announcers laid out while he scowled and soaked up the boos from the live crowd. HBK came out wearing a tank top, jeans, and boots. His left arm was heavily taped. HBK charged at Jericho. He took his boot off and struck Jericho with it early.

Jericho set up a table at ringside, which led to some great teases. Jericho tried to powerbomb HBK through the table, but HBK punched him in the head and Jericho fell backward and dropped HBK face first on the ring apron. Later, Jericho teased suplexing HBK off the ring apron through the table, but HBK couldn't do it.

At 9:00, Michaels set up for Sweet Chin Music. He teased it and then stopped when he could have hit the move. He looked at Jericho and shook his own head no. The announcers explained that he hadn't dished out enough punishment.

At 13:00, Jericho applied the Walls of Jericho. Michaels reached the ropes, but Jericho wouldn't break the hold. HBK reached underneath the ring and grabbed a fire extinguisher and then sprayed it at Jericho to break the hold. Michaels took control of the match and beat up Jericho at ringside.

Lance Cade ran out to help Jericho, but HBK cut him off with a couple of punches in the aisle. Cade ran at Michaels again and punched his injured arm. Cade clotheslined HBK. Jericho wrapped HBK's bad arm around the ring post and Cade ran at him and kneed his wounded wing.

Cade entered the ring and held HBK from behind while Jericho continued to attack him. Cade held Michaels's arm down and then Jericho struck it with a chair a couple times. Cade wrapped HBK's arm in a chair while Jericho climbed the ropes. HBK recovered and knocked Cade into Jericho, who fell off the second rope and through the table at ringside.

HBK grabbed a chair and headed to ringside with it. Michaels swung the chair with one arm and slammed it on Jericho twice. Jericho cried out in agony both times. HBK cleared the announcers' table and placed Cade on top of it. HBK climbed to the top rope and then stopped. He headed back to ringside and placed Jericho on top of Cade on the table. HBK climbed to the top rope and elbow dropped both men through the table.

HBK stood up and Lawler yelled: 'He's up! He's up!" HBK dragged Jericho, who was bleeding from the nose, back inside the ring. Michaels took off his belt and whipped Jericho with it repeatedly. Michaels got down on his knees, grabbed Jericho's arm and said, "An eye for an eye."

HBK locked Jericho in the STFU and punched him in the eye repeatedly. He released the hold and went back to punching Jericho's eye. The referee called for the bell, presumably because Jericho couldn't defend himself. After the match, Michaels backed off and then dove at Jericho and punched him repeatedly.

The referee tried to talk HBK into stopping. HBK stopped briefly and then hit Sweet Chin Music on the referee. A big "HBK" chant broke out as three other referees ran out. HBK continued to glare at the fallen Jericho.

4. Triple H defeated Jeff Hardy and MVP and Shelton Benjamin and The Brian Kendrick (w/Ezekiel) in a Championship Scramble for the WWE Title in 20:15. The Brian Kendrick was in next and he debuted a new jacket. Ross noted that it was Kendrick's first WWE Title match.

Kendrick attacked Hardy with some good kicks for a couple minutes, but Hardy came back and scored the pin at 7:20 to become the interim champion. At 9:00, Benjamin hit Paydirt on Hardy, but Kendrick broke up the pin and followed up with The Kendrick for the win. "The Brian Kendrick is The current WWE Champion," Ross exclaimed.

MVP was out next. MVP took control and he went for the Drive-by kick on Shelton, but Kendrick cut him off with a great kick and then danced. Awesome. Kendrick was the interim champion when Hunter entered the match and the five-minute countdown clock started. One minute later, Hunter Pedigree'd Kendrick and scored the pin.

With three minutes remaining, Hardy hit the Twist of Fate on MVP and got the pin. One minute later, Hunter hit the Pedigree on Kendrick and pinned him. Hardy came off the top with a Swanton and pinned Kendrick moments later. Hunter kicked Hardy and went for the Pedigree, but Hardy backdropped him to ringside and then dove onto him.

Hunter remained at ringside while the other guys brawled and went for covers. With 15 seconds to go, Hunter entered the ring, Pedigree'd MVP, and pinned him. Hardy also went for a cover on Benjamin with two seconds to go, but the clock expired just after Hunter scored the pin.
5. Michelle McCool pinned Maryse to retain the WWE Divas Title in 5:40. Early in the match, Tazz noted that Maryse likes to refer to herself as the sexiest of the sexiest. Ross asked Tazz if he tried to use that monicker earlier in his own career. Funny. At 4:00, McCool went for the heel hook, but Maryse reached the ropes.

Mike Adamle came out and said it looked like C.M. Punk would not be able to wrestle in the main event. He said they would find a suitable replacement if Punk were unable to wrestle and there would be a WWE Championship match either way.

Big Show walked to the ring for a promo. He recommended himself as a potential replacement for the Raw Championship Scramble. He said he's tired of the way Vickie Guerrero runs Smackdown and complained about her "oversight." He asked the fans if they'd vote for him to be in the match. They cheered. He said that meant a lot to him.

Vickie Guerrero walked to the ring. She entered the ring and chastised Show. She said he would have to deal with the "circumstances" (she must have meant consequences." She told him to get out of her ring. The Druids music played and they brought a casket to ringside. Show laughed and clapped while standing next to Vickie.

Undertaker appeared on the big screen. He said the only question was whether Vickie would voluntarily go with him. She tried to get away, but Big Show held her arm and laughed. Taker made his full entrance. Once at ringside, Taker opened the casket and Show forced her to look inside.

Taker walked toward Vickie, who was still being held by Show. He grabbed her by the throat and then Show released her. Show punched Taker. Show dominated Taker as the brawl spilled to ringside. Taker got a couple punches in, but Show picked him up and rammed his back into the ring post.

Show picked up Taker and dropped him headfirst onto the casket. Back inside the ring, Show continued his assault on Taker. He knelt down and picked up Taker and held him in place while Vickie slapped him and spat in his face. Show and Vickie left the ring together.

. Chris Jericho defeated Batista and Rey Mysterio and JBL and Kane in a Championship Scramble two win the World Hvt. Championship in 17:20. They ran through the rules again. Batista and JBL started the match. Five minutes later, Kane checked in while JBL sold a knee injury on the floor. At 7:30, Kane chokeslammed JBL and pinned him. There was zero crowd reaction for the pinfall. Ouch.

The fans counted down with the time clock for the next entrant, which, not so surprisingly, turned out to be Rey Mysterio. At 10:00, Rey and Batista worked together and Rey hit a splash off Batista's shoulders. Moments later, Mysterio teased a similar move, but rolled up Batista for a nearfall.

At 12:00, WWE's clock counted down for the final entrant. Chris Jericho came out with a bloody nose and welts all over his back. Mysterio and Batista continued to take shots at one another in between brawling with the heels. With two minutes left, Jericho was still at ringside selling his injuries.

With 30 seconds left, Batista speared Kane and then hit the spinebuster for the pin. Mysterio springboarded off the top rope toward Batista, who caught him and turned it into a powerbomb. Meanwhile, Jericho snuck in and pinned Kane, who was still out from the Batista pinfall. Time expired about five seconds later and Jericho won the World Hvt. Title.

Jericho = world champion

shawn michaels = "won" a worthless unsanctioned match that won't be in the record books, and then ******* me off in an alleyway for change so he can buy his stupid wife food.

... this entire post was supposed to be in all caps, but apparently that's not allowed. Picture it in caps.
And then HBK will win the belt from him.....or Orton will steal it from Jericho when he comes back

you know who WWE loves giving the belt to the same 4 people over and over and over (Batista, Cena, Orton, Triple H):doh:
And then HBK will win the belt from him.....or Orton will steal it from Jericho when he comes back

HBK beating Jericho in the near future for the strap makes literally no sense after their last match. If anything, it makes it fairly obvious that if they face each other again soon, that Jericho will win. Orton taking it from Jericho is also a logic-abortion, being that both of them are super heels. Randy Orton is obviously going to feud with CM Punk now whenever he comes back. Why would Jericho randomly win the World Title if Orton was in line to be champion soon? It's not impossible, but it's a pretty far reached conclusion to arrive at.

Admirable job trying to negative nancy all over my parade, but it fails. It wouldn't be that surprising if Jericho reigned for several months.
So, I went to that ppv last night. My friend told me John Cena was going to be there; she lies... and I'm very disappointed.
Ric Flair's Youngest Daughter Ashley Arrested Following Confrontation With Police
Submitted by Daniel Pena on Monday, September 8, 2008 at 3:43 PM EST

The ABC affiliate out of Raleigh-Durham, North Carolina is reporting that Ric Flair's youngest daughter Ashley Fliehr, 22, was arrested and charged with assault on a law enforcement officer in Chapel Hill over the weekend.

Officers reported to a parking lot in an apartment complex after concerned neighbors heard a commotion outside.

The story notes that officers found Ric Flair, his daughter and an unidentified 22-year-old man (who may be her boyfriend). According to the report, the three were involved in some sort of altercation in which Flair was left bruised and bloodied. Flair declined to press charges.

Ashley is accused of kicking a police officer. Police used a taser gun on her as a result.

She was charged with assault and resisting arrest.

The station tried contacting Ashley and her boyfriend answered, saying the incident was a family matter that has since been resolved.

To read the article on the situation, and see Ashley's mug shot at this link.

Ashley was in attendance with her family for the induction of her father into the WWE Hall of Fame back in March. She was the daughter in the yellow gown.


Photo Of Flair's Huge Black Eye, Justin Credible, Braden Walker, RVD's Charity Auction
Submitted by Daniel Pena on Monday, September 8, 2008 at 11:38 PM EST

-- As reported earlier, Ric Flair was involved in an altercation over the weekend with his daughter Ashley and apparently her boyfriend. According to a report, police found Flair bruised and bloodied. Following the incident, Flair attended a nightclub with his son Reid. There is a picture of Flair at the nightclub and he is sporting a huge black eye to the say the least. Courtesy of, here is a photo of a battered looking Ric Flair.

-- Olive Garden's own Justin Credible will be making a rare wrestling appearance next month. Devin Cutting sent in the following... Mick Foley, Justin Credible and Antonio Thomas from the Heart Throbs will be appearing at the Big Time Wrestling event in Chicopee, Massachusetts on October 10th, 2008. Go to for info about BTW and for info about upcoming shows worldwide.

-- Former WWE Superstar Braden Walker will be appearing at an indy show in Fort Wright, Kentucky this Saturday. Devin Cutting sent in the following... "Wildcat" Chris Harris (aka Braden Walker) will be appearing at the Northern Wrestling Federation event in Fort Wright, Kentucky on September 13th, 2008. Go to for info about the NWF and for info about upcoming shows worldwide.

-- Former WWE Superstar Rob Van Dam is auctioning off an event worn wrestling singlet with a dragon design to help raise money for the Walter "Killer" Kowalski Memorial Fund. You can see the auction at this link.
Ric Flair's wife says he still wants to party
Posted by Randy Gordon on 09/08/2008 at 06:27 PM

Tiffany Flair appeared on “The Unholy Matrimony Show” and discussed her relationship with Ric Flair. “It’s been an adventure for sure,” Tiffany said while acknowledging that they are separated but still married. She said she doesn’t think there’s a chance for reconciliation. “I’m letting Ric Flair be Ric Flair and that probably doesn’t include me.” Tiffany said Ric calmed down for four years, but he still wants to be the jet flying, limousine riding man he talks about in the promo. She explained that she’s letting Flair be himself and that doesn’t really include her. She said she left him in June and added that Flair already has a couple girlfriends. Tiffany said they would already be divorced, but you have to wait a year in North Carolina. To listen to the full interview, check out
HBK beating Jericho in the near future for the strap makes literally no sense after their last match. If anything, it makes it fairly obvious that if they face each other again soon, that Jericho will win. Orton taking it from Jericho is also a logic-abortion, being that both of them are super heels. Randy Orton is obviously going to feud with CM Punk now whenever he comes back. Why would Jericho randomly win the World Title if Orton was in line to be champion soon? It's not impossible, but it's a pretty far reached conclusion to arrive at.

Admirable job trying to negative nancy all over my parade, but it fails. It wouldn't be that surprising if Jericho reigned for several months.
Okay, between us, as 2 wrestling fans, know logic and WWE haven't known each other for years LOL

Jericho's reign could be very successful because CM Punk really wasn't cutting it as the champion, NOBODY wants to see JBL as champion ever again, Batista is doing whatever he does, and Cena and Orton are out at the moment. I like Jericho, I just felt he's never been a GREAT champion

I'm still pissed that Jeff Hardy didn't win:doh: That was the part that made me go "WTF!"
Okay, between us, as 2 wrestling fans, know logic and WWE haven't known each other for years LOL

WWE still hasn't done something as nonsensical in recent memory as the conclusions you reached for where Jericho's title reign is going to go. "We're going to put the title on Jericho, and then Randy Orton is just going to win it!! Even though Orton is already feuding with Punk, so we might as well keep CM Punk as champion if we plan on Orton taking the gold!" or "We're going to sooner than later book another HBK vs. Jericho match after Jericho got destroyed by Shawn Michaels the last time, and have Shawn Michaels win again!" Seriously, lol... Earlier you were just going out of your way to look for ways for his title reign to fail, and not bothering to look within reason for how it could succeed.

Shawn Michaels could very well be the man to take the belt off him, but if that's the case, it wouldn't be for some time, I believe. And yes, eventually everyone loses the title, so it's no reason to doubt his reign already just because you can list wrestlers who have a good chance of being the next champion.

Jericho's reign could be very successful because CM Punk really wasn't cutting it as the champion, NOBODY wants to see JBL as champion ever again, Batista is doing whatever he does, and Cena and Orton are out at the moment. I like Jericho, I just felt he's never been a GREAT champion

Well, it's hard to be a "great" champion when your first reign was 3 weeks and the 2nd one was 3 months, the latter of which included everyone and their mother required to interfere in order for Jericho to fall on his opponent and get a three count; not to mention a botched rivalry with Triple H that for some strange reason included Hunter's dog. As a performer, though, Jericho has usually been at least on par with the top caliber guys (recently he's been above them), but WWE has continually dropped the ball with him. His current heel turn has pretty much been showcasing his genius in the art of heeldom. If you compare him and Randy Orton as characters, Jericho's in a whole 'nother class, so the gold is more than deserved. Especially since it's been 7 years. A lot of people if they already had an established heel character from the past would have just gone back to that. Jericho did a complete 180, and if you listen to his crowd reactions now, it's amazing how much he's turned the fans against him by doing so.
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WWE is the way it is because of no real competition. Lets be honest TNA can't hold it's own against WWE not yet anyway. If TNA all of the sudden starts to really challenge WWE then you see better programs better matches and such. They are the way they are now because really they don't have to do much. Unforgiven ticket sales were so bad this year they had to give tickets away.