The offical wrestling thread..News, spoilers and results.

RAW Superstar Randy Orton was recently involved in a motorcycle accident, re-injuring the collarbone that has kept him out of action since June, reports

Orton will be out of action for an additional three months as a result of the re-injuring of his collarbone. So much for that SummerSlam return. Survivor Series maybe?

BTW its Mysterios's mask that will be revealed in the sack tonight. ;)
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Darren Aronofsky’s The Wrestler makes it’s premiere next month, and we have the first batch of official promotional production photos. Aronofsky’s The Wrestler tells the story of a old professional wrestler (Mickey Rourke) barely making a living on the independent circuit, who is told by a doctor that he could die if he wrestles again. It’s a film which attempts to do for wrestling what Rocky did for boxing. Marisa Tomei plays a stripper friend named Cassidy and Evan Rachel Wood plays his estranged daughter Stephanie. We will be seeing the film at the Toronto International Film Festival next month, and will check back in with a review from the fest. But for now, check out these photos. As always, click to enlarge.


RAW Results - 11 August 2008

WWE Monday Night RAW kicks off with a highlight video of two weeks ago where John Cena decked Batista and their SummerSlam match was announced and last week where the two went on to win the Tag Team Titles.
We cut to the arena where John Cena’s music starts playing and out comes the WWE Tag Team Champion, by himself. Cena makes his way to the ring as Michael Cole and Jerry Lawler welcome us to RAW.

Cena grabs the mic and gets boo’d hard by the crowd. Cena talks about how Mike Adamle made the first time ever match between himself and Batista. Cena talks about how their match came out of nowhere and somehow they won the belts last week. Cena says Mike Adamle is all about the hype. Cena says Adamle approached him earlier and asked for ideas on how they could spice the match up. Cena takes a jab at Triple H and Khali. Cena basically says it needs no hype because its Cena vs. Batista.

Cena calls out Batista to the ring, the music hits and out comes The Animal, with his belt around his waist. Cena introduces the new Tag Team Champions which gets a pop. He talks about their rematch against Rhodes and DiBiase later and tells Batista if they can’t co-exist, they will suffer defeat. He says at SummerSlam they will enter the ring as enemies and says the match has been six years in the making. Cena says for six years he has been watching Batista.

Cena says Batista was taught by Ric Flair and Triple H but he didn’t have that chance, but he did what he had to do and now he is here. He says one question they haven’t answered is who is better, Cena or Batista. Cena says on Sunday, we answer that question and it’s going to be him. Batista speaks and says he has been watching Cena too. Batista compares the two and says they are one in the same.

Batista takes a jab at some of Cena’s mannerisms and says he sees how some people over the age of 15 would want to see him beat Cena senseless. The crowd gets behind the two and lets them know who they think is the better man. Batista says he will be the winner come Sunday. Cena balls his fist up but extends his hand to Batista. The Animal shakes Cena’s hand and they lock eyes as Cena makes his way out of the ring and to the back.

- Michael Cole introduces tonight’s WWE Mobile question and it’s asking who is the bigger Superstar, John Cena or Batista? Still to come tonight is the rematch from last week for the Tag Titles. We go to a commercial break.

Kelly Kelly vs. Beth Phoenix
Back from commercial and Kelly Kelly is making her way to the ring as Lilian Garcia does the introductions. Out next is her opponent Beth Phoenix who is accompanied by Santino Marella.

Santino takes a seat at ringside with Cole and Lawler for commentary. Beth backs Kelly in the corner but gets slapped. Kelly hops on her back but gets slammed right back to the mat. Kelly fights back and rolls Beth up for a 2 count. Beth catches Kelly again and drops her on the mat hard then hits her with nasty kicks.

Beth works Kelly over some more before getting another 2 count. Beth lifts Kelly over her head for about 30 seconds before Kelly rolls out of it and pins her for a 2 count. Kelly hits a kick to the face but gets caught by Beth again and dropped on her face from high in the air. Beth covers Kelly for the pinfall and the win.

Winner: Beth Phoenix

After the match, Santino gets in the ring and congratulates Beth. He says let’s send a message to Kofi Kingston and Mickie James and tells her to do another move, the one he likes. Beth goes to grab Kelly again when Mickie and Kofi rush the ring, chasing Santino and Beth to the ramp. Santino challenges Kofi to a match right now and Kofi accepts. Santino says he wasn’t talking to Kofi, he was talking to Mickie. He says he needs practice if he’s going to wrestle a woman at SummerSlam so he can know where and where not to put his hands. He points out that this is Mickie James’ hometown and says her parents are in the house. Kofi interrupts and says no way. Mickie takes the mic and accepts Santino’s challenge as the crowd pops and Beth Phoenix smiles. We go to a commercial break.

Santino Marella vs. Mickie James
Back from commercial and the WWE Women’s Champion is preparing to face Santino Marella as he backs her up into the corner. Mickie ducks his attack and he taunts her some more. Kofi and Beth watch at ringside.

Mickie locks Santino in a headlock and he pushes her off. She takes him down with a scissors move but he rolls out. Santino sweeps her legs out from under her and gets a 2 count. Mickie does the same and gets her own 2 count. Mickie with another drop toe hold. Mickie straddles Santino like a horse and spanks him. More kicks from Mickie until Santino catches her and slams her.

Santino misses a knee drop on Mickie. She kicks him in his leg and down he goes. Santino talks trash to Kofi and distracts the ref. Beth Phoenix comes up and pulls Mickie’s shoulder into the ringpost. Santino turns around and rolls Mickie up for the pinfall and the win.

Winner: Santino Marella

After the match, Santino runs around the ring like a crazy man and rubs the win in to Mickie’s parents who are at ringside. Santino celebrates some more with Beth Phoenix as they make their way to the back while talking trash to Kofi and Mickie.

- We go backstage where Mike Adamle and Todd Grisham are talking. Adamle has a photo of Ronald Regan on the wall. Adamle tells Grisham good job on ECW last week when Kane walks in. Adamle proposes a SummerSlam Spectacular match on RAW tonight with Kane vs. Chris Jericho. Adamle says after the match, Kane can hand over the bag. Kane says Adamle doesn’t want to do that. Kane tells him he is making a huge mistake and walks off after Adamle attempts some humor. Back to commercial break.

- Back from commercial and we cut right back to a promo for WWE’s 24/7 service with a match between Ivan Putski and Tito Santana and the Valiant Brothers.

- We go backstage with Ted DiBiase and Cody Rhodes. Cody talks about the Putski/Santana match where they won the belts and says they won because they were a team. Cody says Cena and Batista aren’t a team. Cody says tonight they take back their titles. Ted says he and Cody’s careers are further along than any Hall of Famer’s at their age. Ted says this time next year, it could be Ted DiBiase vs. Cody Rhodes for the main event at SummerSlam as they could be the man. Ted says unlike Cena and Batista, he and Cody respect each other and tonight they will win their belts back.

- Still to come tonight, a SummerSlam match on RAW with Kane vs. Chris Jericho and JBL’s special challenge for CM Punk. Back to commercial we go.

Cryme Tyme vs. The Highlanders
Back from commercial and everyone’s favorite, Cryme Tyme is making their way to the ring where their opponents, The Highlanders, wait.

Big Shad starts the match with Rory and dominates him. JTG comes in and unleashes some moves of his own. Rory dumps JTG on the floor to get double teamed. Back in the ring Rory gets a 2 count on JTG.

JTG counters a move from Rory and tags in Shad as Robbie comes in too. Shad lifts Robbie for a high suplex and drops him, then kicks Robbie in the face. Shad hits another big move on Robbie and covers him for the pinfall.

Winners: Cryme Tyme

- We get another preview for JBL’s challenge to CM Punk which is coming up as we go back to another commercial break.

- Back from commercial and Michael Cole talks about Randy Orton’s motorcycle accident and says Orton was thrown 300 ft. from his bike. Cole says the accident happened last night.

-The music hits and JBL makes his way to the ring via his white limousine. The ring has a red cover over it and there’s a table and chairs setup in the center. Out next is the World Heavyweight Champion CM Punk to a nice pop.

JBL tells Punk before he beats him at this contest, he’s happy to know that Punk’s reign ends in six days. Punk stops him and tells him to shut up. Punk says he’s been listening to the same tired argument ever since he won the Title. Punk says he has the belt because he earned it. Punk says we are one week away from the 20th anniversary of SummerSlam and says he will walk away still the World Heavyweight Champion. Punk says when he does, he will prove he is the man.

JBL takes the mic, runs his mouth and says Punk has no merits to be champion. He says Punk breaks in a little organization in Chicago, talks about his stint in ECW and says somehow he’s here on RAW as the Champ. JBL says in six days Punk’s fairy tale comes to an end but gives him props on his MITB match at WrestleMania and says he has talent. JBL says he can beat him at anything he chooses to do and takes his jacket off. JBL asks Punk to sit down to a drinking contest where a shot glass and a bottle of Jack Daniels is.

JBL pours Punk a shot of whiskey and tells him if he takes that drink, he will win this contest. Punk lifts the shot and asks him if he wants him to drink this. JBL tells him to show he will do anything to win and throw the morals and principles out the door. JBL taunts Punk some more with the thought of beating him. Punk says if he drinks this, then he’s just like JBL, is that it? Punk says JBL don’t get it, he’s not like him. He’s not JBL, he’s CM Punk. He says he’s not willing to compromise his beliefs because they’ve gotten him this far. The crowd pops. Punk sets the shot back down and tells JBL thanks, but no thanks.

JBL grabs the shot and says he will toast to CM Punk and the footnote that is his pathetic World Title run. JBL goes to toast him and CM Punk stops him. He says he has a change of heart and change of mind. He grabs the shot and says if anyone is going to have a shot around here, it’s the Champ. Punk says here’s to JBL and throws the shot in his eye. Punk moves the table and hits a running knee on JBL in the corner.

JBL tries to recover from the knee and the shot on the mat as CM Punk celebrates with his World Title and declares he is Straight Edge. Punk’s music blasts, he makes his way to the back and we go to commercial.

Chris Jericho vs. Kane
Back from commercial and we get a promo for Shawn Michaels’ announcement at SummerSlam. Chris Jericho is out first with Lance Cade at his side. As Jericho’s music plays, the pyro explodes and Kane makes his way to the ring with his bag in hand.

Kane takes the bag and sits it on the apron as the bell rings and the match is underway. Jericho backs Kane in the corner to start the match but Kane shoves him to the mat and hits a big dropkick. Kane unloads on Jericho in the corner with big right hands. A big hip toss by Kane but he misses an elbow drop as Jericho rolls. Jericho fights back with right hands and kicks of his own but can’t over power Kane. Jericho gets dumped tot he floor as Kane goes after him with big right hands.

Kane rolls him back in the ring but Lance Cade distracts him which lets Jericho drops Kane. Jericho takes control now in the ring with kicks and stomps on Kane. Jericho applies some kind of chokehold, trying to wear Kane down. Jericho goes off the ropes but gets caught by Kane in a big side slam. Kane splashes Jericho in the corner. Kane catches Jericho with a big right hand off the top rope but misses another splash in the corner. Jericho rolls Kane and tries to apply the Walls of Jericho. Kane overpowers Y2J and shoves him back, dropping him with a big sidewalk slam.

Kane climbs the top rope and after fighting Jericho off, nails a big right hand from the top rope. Kane signals for a chokeslam as Mike Adamle and a big team of security comes down the ramp. Kane looks confused but grabs Jericho for a chokeslam. Y2J counters but gets dropped by a big boot anyway. Kane grabs his bag from the apron and holds it close to him. Jericho hits the Codebreaker and gets the pinfall for the win.

Winner: Chris Jericho

After the match, Mike Adamle looks on with a microphone in hand. Kane gets to his feet, looking crazy and still clutching his bag. Adamle gets in the ring and says he knows its difficult for Kane, but they need to resolve this and he is here to help. Adamle says he knows what’s inside the bag and he knows who Kane is referring to.

Adamle says the “he” Kane is referring to is the monster within himself. Adamle says when Kane said “he is dead” he proved that he can exercise his demons and live a normal life. The crowd is going crazy with “What’s” to Adamle. He tells Kane to give him the bag. Adamle says he knows what’s in it and says the people deserve to know. He tells Kane to stop fooling around. Kane just stands there and clutches the bag. Adamle promises him he will live a normal life. Kane walks towards Adamle, grabs his microphone and says there is a mask in the bag and the man who wore it has been scarred, tortured and damaged beyond all human recognition. The problem is, he says, it’s not his mask. He shoves the mic back at Kane.

Kane opens up the bag and pulls out a Rey Mysterio mask. Kane laughs at Adamle before hopping out of the ring and making his way to the back as we go back to commercial. WTF just happened?

Jamie Noble vs. William Regal
Back from commercial and Jamie Noble is waiting in the ring. We see a clip of the brawl between him and William Regal from last week’s RAW. Out next is William Regal.

Regal goes to work on Noble early on, brawling with him. Regal throws him outside and uses the ring apron as a weapon. Back in the ring and Noble turns it around, getting a 2 count on Regal. Noble hits a nasty flip move on Regal in the corner and gets another 2 count. Noble nails a cross body from the top for another 2 count. William Regal catches him in an overhead suplex, a knee to the side of the head and gets the pinfall for the win.

Winner: William Regal

- Back from commercial and we get the results of tonight’s Mobile question. 73% of the fans thought John Cena is the biggest Superstar while 27% voted for Batista.

WWE Tag Team Title Match: John Cena and Batista vs. Cody Rhodes and Ted DiBiase
John Cena makes his entrance first followed by his tag team partner Batista. Cody Rhodes and Ted DiBiase will make their way to the ring after we return from commercial break.

Back from commercial and we’re ready for the main event. Cena and Batista finally decide on Batista starting the match. Cena slaps Batista’s back and tags himself in. Ted DiBiase runs over and decks Cena to start the match. Rhodes comes in and they go to work on Cena. Cena finally fights back with a shoulder block, side slam and a forearm for DiBiase. Cena goes over to Batista and does the “you can’t see me” as we take another commercial break.

Back from commercial and Ted DiBiase has Cena in a side headlock. Cena tries to fight out but can’t. Batista tags himself in and comes in with a knee for DiBiase followed by a big forearm. Batista thrusts DiBiase in the turnbuckle but gets hit by a big boot. Batista hits a big spine buster on DiBiase and gets the crowd hype.

Batista taunts Cena this time. Batista goes for the Batista Bomb but Cena comes in and throws DiBiase to the mat. DiBiase tags in Cody and he hits Batista’s knee from behind, taking him down. Cody in the ring now, working on Batista’s knee. 2 count by Cody. Batista catches Cody off the ropes and nails a powerslam but is also looking to be hurt as he limps to Cena to make a tag. Batista tags Cena but does it by slapping him in the face like Cena did last week. Cena comes in but argues with Batista. DiBiase comes from behind, rolls up John Cena for the win and the pinfall!

Winners and NEW WWE Tag Team Champions: Ted DiBiase and Cody Rhodes

After the match, Cena calls Batista back in the ring. The two come face to face but stop to attack Cody Rhodes and Ted DiBiase who are coming back in the ring to attack them. Cena and Batista throw Rhodes and DiBiase into the steel steps. Batista gets in the ring and tells Cena to come back to the ring. Cena starts walking up the ramp and the crowd boo’s him heavily. Cena stops and heads back to the ring.

As Cena rushes to the ring, Mike Adamle’s security team comes behind him and stops Batista and Cena from brawling in the ring. Mike Adamle comes to ringside and checks on Cody Rhodes. The crowd does not like the security holding them back. Cena breaks through the security and he and Batista start to brawl. Security tries to break them up to no avail as the two keep brawling right in the middle of the guards and WWE officials. RAW goes off the air with WWE officials and Adamle’s security pulling Batista off of John Cena.

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- The following update on Randy Orton’s motorcycle accident comes from
Randy Orton was involved in a motorcycle accident near his home Sunday night that could have ended his life were he not wearing a helmet. Orton, who has only been riding motorcycles for a month, said he was riding around a sharp curve on a steep hill home when an oncoming car veered into his lane causing him to widen his turn. Orton then struck a curb and was thrown from his bike. He collided with the ground, knocking him unconscious. In his words, Orton “bounced and rolled just under 300 feet, landing in a ditch.”

“When I came to, I knew I had rebroken my collarbone,” said Orton. “When the police and fireman got there, they asked me ‘Where’s the guy who was in the wreck?’ and I said ‘It was me.’” Orton, who was wearing just shorts and a sweatshirt, only sustained the rebroken collarbone. “Without a helmet, I would be dead,” said Orton. “Now that I have a newborn daughter, so much was going through my head.” Although the initial prognosis is that Orton will not need surgery, this injury will set him back an additional three months before he can return to the ring. Orton did have one final message for his fans … “I will ride again.”
I will admit, at first I was sure that this was just a storyline that WWE was doing with Orton, and it still could be just an angle, but this article does add some legitimacy to it. But then again, it’s WWE and their website. I will wait to hear some other kind of confirmation before I write it off.
update on Kane and Rey Mysterio

- There's several different angles could work out of the storyline on RAW with Kane having Rey Mysterio's mask in his bag. It appears that Kane has been holding Rey or something like that where Rey is in trouble. There's no telling really.
One thing is that the time line all fits. Rey Mysterio last appeared on RAW in a match with Santino Marella during the July 7th broadcast. Kane's burlap bag first appeared exactly one week later on the July 14th RAW, which works out perfect.
Whichever way WWE decides to go, it should be another shocker and I'm sure we'll have an update later this week.

Updates on Two of Those New WWE Releases

Written on August 11, 2008

- When Dusty Rhodes left ECW’s creative team to work at Florida Championship Wrestling, the recently released James Curtis lost his biggest supporter, which may have something to do with his pink slip last week.
- The release of referee Nick Patrick appears to be just a numbers game as most of the younger referees also work as the ring crew. Patrick’s release doesn’t appear to be a backlash from this failure of his father’s Deep South Wrestling. Nick’s father, The Assassin, operated the former WWE developmental territory.
Official WWE Raw Preview For 8/18; Unsolved Mysterio
Aug 12 2008 by Andy Stevens

Unsolved Mysterio
August 18, 2008

Since returning to the Raw brand, Kane has come to the ring clutching a burlap sack at his side. For weeks, the WWE Universe puzzled over the bag’s contents, but Raw General Manager Mike Adamle attempted to sate our fans’ curiosity by forcing Kane to reveal what he has been hiding. The Big Red Monster claimed that there was a mask inside the bag, and that it belonged to someone who had been scarred and damaged before opening up the sack to reveal Rey Mysterio’s mask. What has Kane done to the Master of the 619, and what actions will be taken against him?

At SummerSlam, John Cena and Batista will face off against one another for the first time ever. In spite of the mounting tensions between the two competitors, two weeks ago they managed to successfully compete as a team to defeat Cody Rhodes & Ted DiBiase for the World Tag Team Championship. When the young Superstars exercised their rematch clause though, the animosity between Cena & The Animal was so great that Rhodes & DiBiase were able to take back their titles. What will happen with the Chain Gang Commander & Batista compete at SummerSlam, and who will walk away “the man” of Monday Night Raw?

Ever since CM Punk became World Heavyweight Champion, he has been subjected to the mockery of JBL, who refers to him as nothing more than a “paper champion.” On Monday, that mockery continued as the self-proclaimed “wrestling-god” challenged the Straightedge Champion to a drinking contest, which goes against Punk’s principles. The champion’s response saw him throwing the drink in self-made millionaire’s face, and beating him to the ground. At SummerSlam, when the two meet in the ring with the World Heavyweight Title hanging in the balance, will CM Punk be able to prove that he is a worthy champion?

On Monday night, Santino Marella defeated WWE Women’s Champion Mickie James in an Intergender Match as Beth Phoenix looked on from Marella’s corner, and Intercontinental Champion Kofi Kingston from Mickie’s. At SummerSlam, however, all four competitors will be involved in the action as Santino Marella & Beth Phoenix take on Kofi Kingston & Mickie James in a Winner Takes All Match. With both the Intercontinental and Women’s titles on the line, which team will walk away with both championships on their waists?

A WrestleMania XXIV video package is shown.

Dark Match:
* Elijah Burke b. Stevie Richards
- The match was slow throughout & the crowd could have cared less. Burke got the win via pinfall.

* A SmackDown vs. Raw 2008 video game highlight package is shown.

WWE SmackDown: (Airing Friday)
* Jim Ross and Tazz make their way out to the announcers table.

* The video opener is shown followed by a pyro.

* United States Championship Match: Jeff Hardy vs. Shelton Benjamin
- The match is pretty much back and forth throughout. The crowd is fully behind Hardy. Hardy goes for a Swanton and MVP interferes and knocks him off causing the match to end via Disqualification. Twist of Fate followed by a Swanton on MVP & Shelton.

* Vickie is backstage with Victoria. Vickie is worried about The Undertaker showing up. She begins to cry…

* Maryse & Natalya b. Michelle McCool & Maria
- Slow match… Natalya gets the win after pinning McCool.

* A Make a Wish video package is shown.

* Kendrick (accompanied by Zeek) comes out and cuts a promo. Scotty Goldman comes out and stars a match.

* Kendrick b. Scotty Goldman
- Kendrick got the win via pinfall. The match was slow throughout. After the match, Zeek comes in a tackles Goldman.

* Triple H is backstage when a video of last week’s arm wrestling match airs. Kenny Dykstra interrupts the promo and informs Hunter that he will face him tonight.

* A SummerSlam promo highlighting Batista is shown.

* Khali comes out comes out to the ring and cuts a promo. Triple H comes out. Next is Kenny. Khali stays outside to observe the match.

* Triple H b. Kenny Dykstra
- Triple H got the win via pinfall after hitting a pedigree. He then fights with Khali clotheslining him out of the ring. They have a staredown as Khali exits.

* Big Show b. Ryan Reddick
- Reddick doesn’t even make a formal entrance. Big Show squashes him with a knockout punch followed by the three-count.

* MVP cuts a promo backstage.

* Vickie is backstage again with Victoria. She is still panicking.

* Ron Killings video promo is shown.

* Victoria rolls Vickie to her limo where she finds Edge inside. She screams and falls to the ground. Edge gets out and tells Vickie he’s taking her to hell. Vickie cries.

* Vladimir Kozlov b. Festus
- Kozlov got the win via pinfall.

* A 15th Anniversary Raw DVD video package is shown.

* Edge is still rolling Vickie around backstage. She is screaming at the top of her lungs. Edge says he will roll her to the ring.

* Edge comes out to the ring with Vickie. He cuts a promo talking about marriage. He then shows a video of “memory lane” between him and Vickie. Edge pleads with her to apologize to The Undertaker. She says she sorry. Edge begs for The Undertaker to come out. He then walks up the stage while Vickie stays in the ring crying.

The show started with Todd Grisham and Matt Striker plugging Henry and Hardy vs. Miz and Morrison for tonight. ... Tommy Dreamer then came to the ring with plenty of weapons in hand for the extreme rules match against Colin Delaney. Delaney then came out looking very frightened with no weapons in hand. Colin stood on the floor refusing to get into the ring, but the ref called for the bell.

1 -- TOMMY DREAMER vs. COLIN DELANEY -- Extreme Rules match

Colin tried to high-tail it up the ramp to the back, but Dreamer quickly retrieved him and whipped him into the shopping cart full of weapons. Colin came back with a finger-smash on the ring steps, but Dreamer smacked him with a Kendo stick. Back in the ring, Dreamer with a sick t-bone suplex after placing the stick in the crotchal region. Striker with a Duke the Dumpster Droese reference on Dreamer taking out the trash via the surfboard dropkick sending a can into Colin's face. Dreamer tried to follow with a can lid to the face, but Colin moved and scored a nearfall. Dreamer then quickly came back with a spike DDT on a STOP sign for the pin and the win.

WINNER: Dreamer in 4:00. Predictable squash that takes us back a few weeks ago when Dreamer squashed Colin after Colin turned on him. Colin could be better-utilized, but it doesn't seem like WWE is interested in taking that approach right now. (*)

Backstage: Lena brought in Miz and Morrison to congratulate them on the Dirt Sheet's TV debut last week. Cue up the video package that tried to cover for how rough it was. Back to Miz and Morrison, who said they were hilarious last week. A few pop-culture references later, Miz said Hardy and Henry are going to find out that there are winners and there are losers in life. He told them to be jealous.

[Commercial Break]


Smackdown Rebound: All Edge, all-the-time. ... In-ring: Evan Bourne came to the ring with a little extra strut in his step prior to facing Bam Neely, who was still selling injuries from Edge on Friday night. According to Mr. Scoop Matt Striker, Chavo is ordering Bam to compete tonight despite a concussion.

2 -- BAM NEELY (w/Chavo Guerrero) vs. EVAN BOURNE

Grisham talked about Bourne being a young athlete trying to make his mark, whereas some of the other young superstars are never heard from again. Ouch. Striker talked about Bourne's background in St. Louis, but him also getting his training with Dragon's Gate in Japan. Striker is earning more and more points with his commentary in each match. Bourne made a comeback with a strike kick, then he nailed the stand-still moonsault for a nearfall. Bourne followed with a nice DDT before going up top and nailing the beautiful Shooting Star Press for the pin and the win. Chavo, selling his own injuries from Smackdown, could only hop onto the apron and point his finger at Bourne after the match.

WINNER: Bourne in 3:00. Bourne continues to impress each week, and he's certainly making the most of his current opportunity. He's an instant breath of fresh air, which WWE is slowly starting to capitalize on while assuredly testing Bourne's mentality to see how he responds to the sudden success and TV push. (*1/4)

Backstage: Teddy Long was talking to his assistant about getting on some marketing plan. Armando Estrada then stormed in and held up his official ECW contract. He told Teddy to sign the contract, and Teddy agreed to do so. Teddy said they're even going to celebrate. Tiffany brought in the champagne for a toast to Armando's first official match on ECW. Teddy said the opponent...Finlay. And the match is next. Armando gulped, then left.

[Commercial Break]


3 -- FINLAY (w/Hornswoggle) vs. ARMANDO ESTRADA

A minute into the match, Mike Knox came out on stage looking very upset with Finlay. Striker with the point that Knox is confusing the "E" in WWE (the Summerslam promotional video of Finlay dancing with Hornswoggle) with Finlay being a tough fighter in the ring. Finlay dominated the first three minutes, but he took his eye off the ball to stare down Knox, allowing Armando to whip him hard across the bottom rope to take control. Finlay let Armando get his offense in, but then he put him in position for the Celtic Cross and stared down Knox. He then delivered the finisher and covered Armando for the win without taking his eye off Knox.

Afterward, Finlay called for Knox to join him in the ring, but Knox opted to head backstage. Finlay and Hornswoggle put the "E" in WWE with an Irish jig before bringing a youngster into the ring to dance with them.

WINNER: Finlay in 5:00. Fine TV match to continue building the Finlay-Knox feud that has the slightest potential of becoming something interesting on TV each week. Slightest. But, it gives Finlay something to focus on each week. (*)

[Commercial Break]

Backstage: Teddy Long and Tiffany were still sipping on some champagne when Ricky Atlas Ortiz stepped in with his marketing pitch. Ortiz was pitching a Ricky O'Reilly towel or something. Apparently this is another name change. He pictured all of his fans waving the towels around and going crazy. Ricky just needed Teddy to foot the bill on producing about 50,000 of these. Teddy assured Ricky he would take care of it as long as Ricky continues to prove himself. He booked him in a match next week against a new ECW wrestler to be named. Ricky handed Tiffany the towel and she started waving it around. That was a rough conclusion.

Announcers: Grisham and Striker plugged the Summerslam card for Sunday night.


Backstage: Matt Hardy talked to Mark Henry about trust issues. He said he'd rather team with Lena than team with Henry tonight. Henry said he's only teaming with Hardy so he can get his hands on Miz and Morrison tonight. He vowed to go right through Hardy at Summerslam.

[Commercial Break]

In-ring: Miz came out first for the main event tag match. Grisham said last week's Dirt Sheet was more like the Disaster Sheet. Striker wondered if Miz's night-club hat comes in a men's style. Grisham wasn't sure whether to laugh at that one, so he repeated his line about the Disaster Sheet last week. Morrison came out, then Mark Henry with Tony Atlas walked out as one-half of the opposition. After Henry's music determined that somebody is getting his kicked, Matt Hardy's music hit to a strong ovation. Striker said the announce table shook from the crowd response.

4 -- ECW champion MARK HENRY (w/Tony Atlas) and MATT HARDY vs. THE MIZ and JOHN MORRISON

Striker added some good points that Hardy has an opportunity to get a different look at Henry prior to challenging for the gold at Summerslam. Henry started things off and took apart the former tag champs. Hardy then slipped into the ring to show he has Henry's back, with Henry slowly turning around to stare down Hardy, who quietly slipped back to the apron. They cut to break.

[Commercial Break]

[Q5 -- over-run]

Hardy and Henry took turns working over Morrison coming out of the break. They showed a spot from during the break of Henry throwing Morrison high into the air before Morrison crashed to the mat. Striker pointed out that Atlas is keeping a close eye on Hardy to presumably get a scouting report on Hardy for Summerslam. Striker's analytical approach to calling the action is very refreshing to make the action seem like a sporting event. Miz and Morrison cornered Hardy in their corner to work him over as the crowd tried to rally behind him. Hardy blocked a corner move with the side effect from the second rope. Henry wanted a hot tag, but Hardy covered Morrison for the surprise win. Finish just kind of came out of nowhere.

Post-match: Henry slid into the ring to take the glory for the victory, as he quickly dumped Miz and Morrison out of the ring. Henry celebrated with his arm raised in victory, then Henry and Atlas helped up Hardy, who was still selling injuries from the tag work. Henry then put an end to the temporary friendship with a giant slam on the ECW Title belt. Hardy writhed in pain like a fish out of water, then Henry and Atlas smiled and celebrated to end the show.

WINNERS: Henry and Hardy in 8:00. Very odd finish to this one with the pin seemingly coming out of nowhere. It looked rough, but in principle, it was a good finish to change it up from the usual tag team formula of always having a hot tag to set up the finish. Henry put a nice touch on the Summerslam build-up to set up the ECW Title match. Overall fine for the intended purpose. (*1/2)​
Spoiler Update on Mick Foley and WWE

Could Mick Foley already be through with World Wrestling Entertainment? Mick Foley did not appear at last night’s SmackDown taping in Norfolk, Virginia. Tazz took his place alongside Jim Ross for the second week in a row. Also, Matt Striker joined Todd Grisham at the announcers table for last night’s edition of ECW on Sci Fi. It was believed that Foley was only going to be held off television for one week to sell his beating from Edge, but by the looks of things, the removal of Foley from the announcers’ booth could be permanent. Last week, Foley told the Long Island Press that there was a good chance he would not be renewing his contract with WWE after it expired on September 1, 2008 because the announcing job wasn’t working out too well.
Update on a Rejected Gimmick & Matt Hardy

Written on August 13, 2008

- The video that we have here on the site of former WWE Superstar Domino pitching a new gimmick was actually a video that he produced and sent to the WWE creative team. WWE rejected the gimmick as they felt it wasn’t family-friendly enough.
- Matt Hardy has posted a blog on his MySpace page regarding his upcoming match with Mark Henry at SummerSlam. He also talks about the ECW ratings improving since his move to the brand. Matt wrote:
“As you all know, I have the biggest match of my career coming up at Summerslam. I have a chance to become the ECW Heavyweight Champion as I take on the current champ, Mark Henry. It’s definitely gonna be an uphill battle, but I like the odds and pressure against me-it makes me perform better. And on top of that, I’ve got billions of MFers (Mattitude Followers) that have got my back and believe in me. That’s MUCH stronger than anything Mark Henry and Tony Atlas have to offer. I’ve seen a few “MATT FOR CHAMP” signs already, please keep the support coming. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed my ECW experience thus far-it’s been an honor to be one of the high-lights of the show each and every week. Coincidentally, the ratings have improved by almost 50% since the Matt Hardy ECW era has begun, HAHA! Thanks for tuning in and supporting me every Tuesday night on Sci-Fi at 10 p.m.”
It appears that WWE plans to bring Rey Mysterio back to television in a program with Kane. While this is not confirmed, it looks like the Kane angle was changed when Mysterio was held off of television for several weeks because company officials felt that he was not ready to return from his torn right biceps injury. Mysterio has been medically cleared to wrestle, however, WWE officials have been very cautious with the injury because of it's severity and post-operative infection. Rumors regarding other issues with Mysterio are apparently false as sources have indicated that the only reason that he has been held off of WWE television and live events has been because of his injury.
Update on Mick Foley Heading Over to TNA

- The Sun out of the UK is reporting a close friend of Mick Foley has informed them that the hardcore icon is headed to TNA Wrestling when his WWE contract expires on September 1st. Foley’s friend told the Sun, “Mick’s body cannot handle a full time schedule, even in TNA. But he’s hell bent on doing everything he can to further his legacy and put them on the map.
The friend added, “Mick’s plan is to wrestle select dates, like Sting currently does. He feels he will legitimately make a big difference in the way TNA Wrestling is perceived by the public!” Back in 2005, Foley was in talks wih TNA and was very close to signing with the company before he wound up back in WWE.
- In what could be a big move for the company if something comes out of it, Shane McMahon is down in Mexico this week meeting with Televisa, the leading TV network in the country that broadcasts CMLL and AAA.
- WWE has signed independent wrestler and former NWA Anarchy Heavyweight Champion Phil Shatter to a developmental deal. Shatter is billed at 6 foot 3 inches and 247 lbs. Shatter has been wrestling on the independent scene for a number of years now and has a good physique. He will be headed to WWE’s developmental territory in Tampa within a few weeks.
- Regarding the WWE release of Braden Walker last week, it’s said he has a lot of heat on him for the way he “carried himself backstage.” However, no one could say exactly what he did to get that reaction. Then he had the bad debut match on ECW with Armando Estrada and he just didn’t look good on his pre-tapes. When the news came out of his release, several people in TNA were all smiles because some feel like the grass is always greener on the other side in WWE, which obviously isn’t always the case.
The only thing we’re hearing on Big Daddy V’s release is that he was told to lose some weight back a few months ago and didn’t lose enough to make the company happy. James Curtis was also released and lost his biggest supporter in Dusty Rhodes when Dusty left the creative team for FCW. Domino was on thin ice ever since they broke up his team with Deuce and the belief is they just didn’t have anything else for him right now.
Referee Nick Patrick was out of action due to back surgery and was supposed to be back soon full-time. He actually came back for a few days and was in a car wreck where he suffered injuries that put him back out of action. While he was gone, WWE hired several new referees. The feeling is that they wanted younger referees whose bodies weren’t beat up. Patrick has been involved in the business for almost 30 years and has a bad knee due to an injury he suffered when he used to wrestle.
All of the talents that were released have 90 day non-compete clauses that stops them from working for TNA but still allows them to work independent bookings. So far, there doesn’t seem to be any interest within TNA for any of the guys.
For what it’s worth, the talk backstage at this week’s RAW among the wrestlers was that another six names were going to be released soon.
- Carlito’s long-term future with the company is once again in question. He hasn’t appeared on WWE TV since being drafted to SmackDown from RAW but has changed his look and is now sporting a goatee and cornrows. Carlito has again been talking about a release from the company with friends.
He would be able to do what he wants down in Puerto Rico, being a top singles star. The last time he talked about leaving WWE, he had talks with the AAA promotion in Mexico about working full-time there as a top heel and then work some independent dates in the US as well as the NWE promotion. TNA would always be an option depending on what kind of clause he has in his WWE contract. Carlito does have support in TNA with Dutch Mantell and TNA is trying to expand their Hispanic audience.
Jim Ross updated the blog section of The following items are among the highlights.

- Ross on Mick Foley: “I have not spoken to Mick Foley in over a week and was hoping I would see him at Summerslam this Sunday but that isn’t a certainty. There sure are lots of conspiracy theories about Mick on the ‘net these days and it seems that the vast majority of them appear to be uninformed and speculative. I hope to talk to Mick this week and see how things are going because I know at one time he was looking forward to the Hell in a Cell match this Sunday in Indianapolis.”

- Ross on John Cena and Batista: Some one asked me if I was surprised that the Cena-Batista match, which is their first bout in the WWE, was booked for Sunday’s Summerslam and not much later after a long build up. I have to say yes as I figured that it might be WM25, for example, before we saw that pairing but nonetheless the match is just days away. I thought Monday’s Raw did about as good a job as they could have to build interest in the PPV attraction. Cena seems to be the heavy favorite but I’ll take Batista and the “points” if offered.”

- Ross on Ric Flair: “I reached out to old pal Ric Flair recently but he’s been so busy that he hasn’t gotten back to me. I can only imagine how many people are trying to reach Ric directly. Someone told me in Norfolk that ‘Naitch’ changed his cell number yet again which would be about the second or third time for that process in the past few weeks. ‘Naitch’ will call me without fail….when I least expect it. Some of his 4 a.m. text messages are classic. If I knew how to print them, they would make a hilarious chapter in a book.”
WWE Star Talking With Friends About Leaving WWE, J.R, John Morrison
Submitted by Daniel Pena on Wednesday, August 13, 2008 at 4:35 PM EST

source: Wrestling Observer Newsletter

-- Carlito's long-term future with WWE appears to be in doubt again. While he's worked a few live events, he still has yet to debut on television on SmackDown since the draft seven weeks ago. Once again, he has talked with friends about a release from the company. In his homeland of Puerto Rico, he can do what he wants and be the top singles star in WWC. However, business isn't too good at the moment and he'd be going from working in front of thousands of fans to a few hundred. The last time Carlito talked about departing from WWE, he had talks with the AAA promotion in Mexico about coming in as a full-timer, where he could be a top heel. Regarding a possible jump to TNA, he has supporters there as he has worked with booker Dutch Mantel in the past not to mention that the company is looking to expand to the Hispanic audience. Should he depart from WWE, Carlito should also do well in the U.S. indies as well as the NWE promotion based out of Europe featuring a slew of "name" stars.

-- Jim Ross has relaunched his website with an all-new design. You can see the revamped site at

-- ECW star John Morrison has started posted poems online. You can a poem called "Starship Pain" at this link.
Updates On The Releases of Moore and Domino
Aug 14 2008 by Mike Ryan

- The release of Domino wasn't a huge shock to many after the Deuce and Domino tag team was broken up during the draft. He reportedly realized his limitations and might have been too forthcoming about them, especially when he was overheard saying that he knew Deuce would be the star of the tag team once they broke up. The funny thing about that now is since being traded to Raw, we haven't heard much from Deuce at tapings or on house shows.

- Shannon Moore's release was made public a few hours before WWE officially announced it as Moore issued a statement on his official "MySpace" page. Moore was always described as a solid talent in the ring, but reportedly struggled in pre-tapes. The likely feeling was that the company had no real plans for him despite a re-debut in the early days of the new ECW on Sci Fi. Moore owns a tattoo shop in North Carolina that will be his primary business and is working with Bill Behrens to get booked on the indy scene. It should be noted that Moore is friends with Jeff Jarrett, which was how he got into TNA in the first place. However, the odds of him returning to TNA could be slim as on his way out of TNA in March 2006 he pinned AJ Styles on TV (a move that was second-guessed) and then got word to WWE that he was not working under contract with them and got a deal.
Hardcore Holly's WWE Career in Jeopardy
Aug 13 2008 by Mike Ryan

Hardcore Holly's WWE career is reported to be over soon. The 45-year-old wrestler has not been used in months and it would take someone such as the Undertaker to support him with management to keep him around. A downside to Holly remaining with the company is that the younger wrestlers have complained that he works too stiff. He was planned to work an angle with Ted DiBiase and Cody Rhodes where he was looking for revenge. A promo was shot with Holly that never aired because of his bad performance. Management felt that he would work stiff with DiBiase and Rhodes to make them look bad, so the program was cancelled.
- CM Punk revealed that he’s not allowed to wear street clothes on television when he was asked why no one bothers him near his home area of Chicago during an interview with “I have tattoos and I look like everyone else when I’m not in my underwear [trunks],” Punk said while discussing his neighborhood, which is known as “The Crotch.”

“Actually, I’m not allowed to wear my street clothes on TV because Vince McMahon says I don’t look like CM Punk when I’m not in my gear. And hipsters either don’t watch TV or they’re too cool to admit they watch wrestling. So no one even talks to me.”

- Gunnar Eudy, the 28-year-old son of four-time World Heavyweight Champion Sid Vicious, as well as indy wrestler Rage (a friend of Sid), are saying that Sid will be back in WWE next month.

- Speaking of Sid, he will be appearing on Sid Vicious on the 8/24 NWA show in San Antonio at the Freeman Coliseum. In a battle of former WWE stars, Brent Albright will be defending his NWA title against Trevor Murdoch. Sean “X-Pac” Waltman, Rob Conway, Blue Demon Jr., Adam Pearce and former WWE developmental wrestler Ace Steel are also slated to appear. Also, Murdoch is now spelled “Murdock,” so Trevor Murdock will be his name on the indy scene.

- RAW Diva Layla was advertised to appear at the WWE Summerfest event in Venice, California last Saturday, but did not attend it for reasons unknown. She was also not on RAW this past Monday.

- The E! Channel is running a commercial previewing the next episode of Sunset Tan. Candice Michelle, Maria and Eve Torres are briefly shown in the commercial getting a tan. You can catch their appearance this Sunday night at 10:30 p.m.

- Ric Flair had been considering asking for a release from WWE for weeks. Flair didn’t want to be an agent or a commentator as he expected to be working in a public relations role as well as portray an occasional TV character. But Flair became discouraged as reported and asked for the release.

One of the major deals Flair had turned down by WWE was a $225,000 deal for 30 dates, which was put together by Charlotte attorney Bob Trobich (who Flair has known since the Crockett days) of the NWA. Flair would receive half of the money up front, and Flair would then do autograph sessions at NWA house shows where they would limit an autograph session to 200 fans that would pay $100 a piece. The number was to be kept small so that the fans would get a true interaction with Flair, but still allow both sides to cash in.

The NWA would also use footage of these on their TV show, and have Flair cut promos occasionally, hoping that having him linked with the promotion could help them gain exposure. WWE didn’t want Flair appearing on independent wrestling shows and or DVD/TV, which is why they wouldn’t allow it.

There was talk of WWE expanding WWE studios to where they would produce their own TV shows, and Flair, Mick Foley and Roddy Piper were all considered for these projects. The reason that they were considered is that WWE didn’t want to take active talent off of the road for any amount of time. It had become hard for Flair to find free time for things WWE would have approved of him doing. He had talked about pursuing Hollywood offers and writing a second book.
t looks as if both sides parted on good terms. There are no details on any form of non-compete clause he would have.
Updates on a Former WWE Giant, Chyna's Face, More
Aug 14 2008 by Marc Middleton

- The latest edition of the National Enquirer has a cover story on celebrity plastic surgery noting former WWE Diva Chyna's extensive facial surgery over the years. The article also notes Brooke Hogan's recent breast augmentation.

- Former WWE/WCW star, Jorge "El Gigante" González, 42, was on deathwatch as recently as a few days ago due to renal complications, reports the Wrestling Observer Newsletter. He's apparently okay now as he was released from the hospital on Tuesday. It was a big news story in Buenos Aries, Argentina since Gonzalez was a national team basketball star in the late 80s before starting his professional wrestling career. His health has deteriorated in recent years due to his overwhelming size (González is legitimately 7-6 ½) as his knees have gotten very bad, to the point that he can barely stand on his own two feet. He uses a wheelchair to get around.

- Operation Immortality sent out a press release to announced that TNA superstar Matt Morgan has signed on to have his DNA sequenced and digitized and sent to the International Space Station with gaming legend Richard Garriot in October. The press release notes that Garriot will take DNA samples from select individuals on the "Immortality Drive" , a storage device that he'll leave at the station as part of "Operation Immortality".
Sid-WWE Return Update, Layla Misses Shows, More
Aug 14 2008 by Marc Middleton

Gunnar Eudy, the 28-year-old son of four-time World Heavyweight Champion Sid Vicious, as well as indy wrestler Rage (a friend of Sid), are saying that Sid will be back in WWE next month.

- Speaking of Sid, he will be appearing on Sid Vicious on the 8/24 NWA show in San Antonio at the Freeman Coliseum. In a battle of former WWE stars, Brent Albright will be defending his NWA title against Trevor Murdoch. Sean "X-Pac" Waltman, Rob Conway, Blue Demon Jr., Adam Pearce and former WWE developmental wrestler Ace Steel are also slated to appear. Also, Murdoch is now spelled "Murdock," so Trevor Murdock will be his name on the indy scene.

- RAW Diva Layla was advertised to appear at the WWE Summerfest event in Venice, California last Saturday, but did not attend it for reasons unknown. She was also not on RAW this past Monday
- WWE has made a round of releases for the second Friday in a row.
The company announced on their site earlier today that they have released Stevie Richards, Robbie McAllister, Rory McAllister and referee Wes Adams. We hope to have more on these releases later but it’s likely that they all just got caught up in another WWE numbers game.

- You can add Cherry and Colin Delaney to today’s firing spree. Here is the updated message from

WWE releases several Superstars, referee Wes Adams
Written: August 15, 2008

World Wrestling Entertainment has come to terms on the release of ECW Superstars Stevie Richards and Colin Delaney, Raw tag team Robbie & Rory of The Highlanders, SmackDown Diva Cherry, and WWE referee Wes Adams as of Aug. 15, 2008. WWE wishes them the best in all their future endeavors.

- Stevie Richards release came as a surprise today since management recently praised him for his series against Vladimir Kozlov on SmackDown.
- Cherry’s release was also a surprise as she was been heavily involved in the SmackDown Diva mix in recent months.
- Colin Delaney recently faced Tommy Dreamer on ECW and turned heel, which failed to draw a response from the crowd which is probably why he was let go.
- The Highlander (Robbie and Rory McAllister) faced Cryme Tyme on RAW this week in a quick match and lost. The team seems to have had heat on them and haven’t been in the mix much since Robbie’s appearance on TNA iMPACT prior to WrestleMania.
Jim Ross Comments on the Latest Round of WWE Cuts, Injured Diva, More
Aug 16 2008 by Mike Ryan

Jim Ross updated the blog section of The following items are among the highlights.

- Ross on the latest round of talent cuts:

"Another tough week for some WWE talents who got news that they were being released. I know that there are some really good human beings who will be soon looking for work and I sincerely hope that none of them stop chasing their dreams. Perhaps the cuts of the past two weeks indicate that several of the young talents from Florida Championship Wrestling are on the verge of being called up."

- Ross on Edge:

"Edge has been as good as any one in the WWE or elsewhere in recent weeks and quite frankly I don't recall Edge ever being as compelling as he is as we speak. Edge has transformed himself into a demented, sick and evil man who seems to be looking forward to a jaw dropping outing Sunday inside the Hell in a Cell vs. The Undertaker. This match should close the show at Summerslam and will likely be a train wreck that includes casualties. "

- Ross on Candice Michelle:

"Candice Michelle had surgery on her twice broken collar bone and has been working out in Tampa at Florida Championship Wrestling. Raw is lucky to have the gorgeous Candice who is a Wisconsin tom boy at heart."

WWE SummerSlam Results 8/17/08
Submitted by Calvin Martin on Sunday, August 17, 2008 at 11:02 PM EST

Jeff Hardy vs. MVP

The bell rings as Jeff Hardy takes off against MVP landing some right hands. MVP bails to the outside, Hardy chases him down, MVP leaps back inside the ring, MVP attempts a kick to the face, Hardy dodges, drags MVP out and throws him into the ring barricade. Hardy nails MVP's head off the ring and throws him back inside. Scoop slam by Hardy on MVP followed by a springboard leg drop. Cover by Hardy, but MVP gets a foot on the ropes. Hardy goes to work on MVP's arm. MVP gets to his feet and takes Hardy down with an arm drag. Hardy rolls through and keeps working on MVP's arm. MVP backs to the corner to break it up. MVP attempts a kick, but Hardy dodges it and gets some kicks in of his own. Big forearm by Hardy on MVP in the corner. Hardy irish whips MVP to the corner, Hardy charges and MVP levels him with a huge release overhead belly-to-belly suplex right into the corner! Cover by MVP and Hardy kicks out after two. MVP goes to work on Hardy's neck after taking him out with the big belly-to-belly suplex.

MVP then turns this over into a camel clutch. MVP yells at the referee to ask Hardy if he gives up. MVP lands a few shots to the face. Hardy tries to fight out and MVP keeps him grounded applying a boston crab. Hardy gets to the bottom rope to break it up. MVP with some kicks to the back on Hardy. Hardy rolls to the ring apron, attempts a springboard over the top rope, but MVP catches him with a big right hand. MVP then drops his weight over Hardy's body as the fans boo. MVP with a cover, but Hardy again kicks out. MVP puts Hardy in a tree of woe in the corner. MVP grabs Hardy by the head and slams it off the mat. Another cover by MVP and Hardy again kicks out. MVP lifts Hardy to his shoulder, Hardy fights off and takes out MVP with a neckbreaker. Hardy with a big kick to the sternum on MVP, but misses his double kick to the chest in the corner on MVP when MVP counters kicking Hardy back across the ring! MVP launches Hardy into the opposite corner. MVP charges, but Hardy takes off and levels MVP with a big takedown.

Hardy with a side russian leg sweep on MVP and a double-leg pin attempt. MVP kicks out just barely after two. Hardy with some kicks to MVP in the corner. Hardy attempts his dropkick to the chest in the corner again, but MVP stands up and puts him on his shoulder. Hardy with a sunset flip, MVP counters and then Hardy takes out MVP with a Whisper in the Wind. Hardy is up top ready to hit the Swanton Bomb when Shelton Benjamin runs out. Hardy sees this and jumps taking out Benjamin. Hardy returns to the top turnbuckle, jumps, but MVP dodges a Swanton Bomb. MVP then recovers and kicks Hardy in the head. Cover by MVP and he gets the pinfall.

Winner: MVP
Winner Takes All Match
WWE Intercontinental & Women's Championships on the line
Kofi Kingston & Mickie James (c's) vs. Santino Marella & Beth Phoenix

The bell rings and we start with Beth Phoenix and Mickie James. Lock up and Mickie gets a headlock. Beth counters a headlock takedown launching Mickie away. Beth takes out Mickie with an elbow to the face, misses a forearm and Mickie takes her out with a dropkick to the chest and then the face. Beth with a back suplex on Mickie. Tag to Santino and Mickie kicks him in the head. Mickie with a monkey flip on Santino. Tag to Kofi Kingston and Kofi takes out Santino with a big cross-body. Kingston with some dropkicks on Santino and then a big charge in the corner on Santino. Big uppercut by Kingston on Santino. Mickie then dropkicks Beth off the ring apron. Kingston teases he will springboard over the top rope to take out Santino on the outside, but Santino jumps into the arms of Beth and Kingston stops himself. Tag to Beth after Santino rakes the eye of Kingston. Beth kicks Kingston in the ribs and goes to work on his arm as she tags Santino back in. Snap suplex by Santino on Kingston. Santino applies a modified camel clutch and yells at Kingston calling him stupid.

Kingston fires back with a big shoulder block and Beth gets a tag. Mickie gets a tag as wel and Mickie hits Beth with some forearms. Mickie with a big clothesline takedown on Beth. Mickie with another big takedown on Beth and Mickie dropkicks Santino off the ring apron. Mickie with a hurcanrana on Beth and then a Lou Thesz Press from the top rope. Santino breaks up the pinfall. Kingston charges and Santino pulls down the ropes. Mickie then takes out Santino with a big tornado DDT. Beth with a shot from behind on Mickie and then Beth picks up Mickie driving her face to the mat. Beth covers Mickie and gets the pinfall.

Winners & NEW WWE Intercontinental & Women's Champions: Santino Marella (Intercontinental) and Beth Phoenix (Women's)
Shawn Michaels Announcement

Shawn Michaels makes his way out to the ring along with his wife Rebecca in hand. HBK enters the ring and grabs a mic. He said he first wanted to thank everyone who has supported his family during his difficult time. HBK wants to get right to it. He said he recently had an appointment with his doctors for a reevaluation of his eye. Due to complications with his eye and other injuries he has had with his knee and back, it was recommended that he walk away from the ring. The fans boo loudly. HBK said the doctor left the decision up to him and he said after talking it over with his wife and family, he has decided to take the doctors advice and walk away. He said he has had a wonderful career and regrets nothing. HBK said he came to WWE in the late 1980s and the fans have allowed him to be what he has become today. He said he has also been known for other things like screwing Bret Hart, forming D-Generation X, the man who innovated the Ladder Match, the guy who lost his smile and the man who retired Ric Flair. HBK said he now has an opportunity to be known as something else - full-time husband and full-time father. He understands this won't be a popular decision, but knows it is the right one. HBK begins to thank the fans when Chris Jericho's music hits to cut him off.

Chris Jericho walks out wearing a suit. Jericho stares down HBK as he walks slowly into the ring with a mic in hand. Jericho shakes his head and says no. He said he won't allow him to go out this way. Jericho said HBK is walking away from this business because of him and wants him to admit that right now. HBK said if Jericho had any decency he would get out of this ring right now. Jericho says no and won't leave until he admits he is walking away because of what Chris Jericho did to him. He wants him to never forget what he did to his eye forcing him to walk away. Jericho said HBK needs to admit that to himself and he deserves to hear it face-to-face. He said he wanted the last moment of his professional career to hear him say that Chris Jericho put him out for good. Jericho said all of his accomplishments mean nothing and his legacy will end because of Chris Jericho. HBK agrees and admits it. He said he will go home, sit his wife down, sit his kids down and tell them the reason daddy can't wrestle anymore is because of the actions of a selfish, worthless human being. He then asked Jericho to sit his wife and kids down and look them in the eye saying daddy will never, ever, be Shawn Michaels. A loud "HBK" chant starts up. HBK's wife Rebecca tells them to go. As HBK turns to leave, Jericho pulls him back, swings and catches HBK's wife with a punch instead. Rebecca falls to the mat and HBK attends to her. Jericho leaves the ring with a shocked look on his face as WWE officials hit the ring. They attend to Rebecca as HBK stares down Jericho with an angry look on his face. The medical staff eventually helps her to her feet as the fans clap. A few replays are shown of the punch. They zoom in on her face revealing a swollen lip from the punch.

ECW Championship Match
Mark Henry (c) w/ Tony Atlas vs. Matt Hardy

They did ring introductions for the challenger Matt Hardy and the champion Mark Henry.

The bell rings. Matt Hardy dodges a lock up and takes out Mark Henry with a big forearm. Henry fights back launching Hardy into the corner. Hardy dodges a splash and connects with a Twist of Fate! Hardy hooks the leg...1...2...Tony Atlas pulls Hardy out and launches him into the steel ring steps as the referee calls for the bell.

Winner via DQ: Matt Hardy
Winner & STILL ECW Champion: Mark Henry

Jeff Hardy then runs out and takes out Tony Atlas with a Swanton Bomb. Mark Henry runs back out and takes out Jeff. Matt gets involved and The Hardys give Henry a double suplex on the outside. The Hardys return to the ring and celebrate as the fans cheer. Mark Henry and Tony Atlas head to the back with Atlas favoring his chest in pain.
World Heavyweight Championship Match
CM Punk (c) vs. JBL

The bell rings and JBL and Punk lock up. JBL backs Punk to the corner and the referee breaks it up. The referee pushes JBL back. JBL then steps forward with a knee to the gut and then a headlock on Punk taking the action near the mat. JBL with a big shoulder block on Punk. Punk with some kicks to JBL followed by a big forearm takedown. Punk with a dropkick that sends JBL out of the ring through the ropes. Punk with a suicide dive through the ropes taking out JBL on the outside! Punk tosses JBL back in the ring, goes to the top turnbuckle, jumps, hits a cross-body and JBL quickly kicks out. Punk comes off the ropes and JBL catches him with a big shoulder block. JBL with some big right hands on Punk in the corner. Punk catches JBL with a boot in the corner. Punk is back up top when JBL cuts him off with a shot to the back. JBL grabs Punk and connects with a fallaway slam from the top rope! Hook of the leg by JBL and Punk kicks out after two. JBL with a shot to the back. Punk sits back up and JBL gives him another shot to the back.

Punk gets to his feet and JBL levels him with a big right hand. JBL with an irish whip to the corner on Punk. JBL then applies a modified bearhug trying to weaken Punk. Punk attempts a few elbows to break free. Punk breaks free and lands a few kicks on JBL. JBL with a big boot on Punk from the corner. JBL follows that up with another boot to the head on the ground, hook of the leg and Punk kicks out. JBL with a forearm to the back on Punk followed by a quick back suplex. Another cover by JBL and Punk again kicks out. JBL with an abdominal stretch on Punk. Punk with a hip toss on JBL to break up the abdominal stretch. Punk with a high knee to the head on JBL followed by a bulldog from the corner. Punk attempts a GTS, but JBL counters off and levels Punk with a big clothesline. JBL drops a few elbows over Punk, covers and Punk kicks out. Punk and JBL exchange punches. Punk with some slaps and then a kick to the head on JBL. Cover by Punk and JBL kicks out. Punk with a springboard, but JBL catches him and connects with a powerslam that results in a two count.

JBL argues with the referee that it was a three count. JBL raises his arm and gets booed. JBL goes for the Clothesline From Hell when Punk counters with a dropkick to the face. Punk with another high knee in the corner, attempts another bulldog, JBL counters and places Punk back up on the top turnbuckle. JBL lands numerous forearm shots to the back on Punk. JBL climbs up with Punk and connects with a big back suplex off the top! The back of Punk's head is busted open after colliding with JBL's head earlier. Punk counters a clothesline attempt from JBL and connects with the GTS! Punk covers JBL and gets the pinfall.

Winner & STILL World Heavyweight Champion: CM Punk

WWE Championship Match
Triple H (c) vs. The Great Khali

They did ring introductions for the challenger The Great Khali and the champion Triple H.

The bell rings and Triple H and The Great Khali have a stare down. Khali shoves Triple H away. Triple H comes back with a few right hands. Triple H keeps the right hands up dodging shots from Khali. Triple H attempts a Pedigree early on, but Khali fights out, slaps his arms around the neck of Triple H, lifts him up and slams him down. Khali taunts and the fans boo. Khali applies the Vice Grip on Triple H. Triple H gets in a few kicks to break it up and the connects with a chop block taking Khali to the ground. Khali rolls out of the ring and recovers near the announce tables when Triple H walks out towards him. Khali catches Triple H wtih a chop to the head leveling Triple H. Khali sends Triple H into the ring bell area and then sends Triple H back into the ring. Khali kicks Triple H in the corner and then follows that up with a few elbow shots. Triple H falls to the mat from the corner as Khali taunts some more. Khali with a clothesline leveling Triple H as the fans chant "YOU CAN'T WRESTLE" loudly.

Khali with a pinfall standing over Triple H. Triple H kicks out. Khali then applies pressure to the shoulder of Triple H. Khali picks up Triple H on his shoulder and then slams him down with force. Khali with a leg drop on Triple H and Triple H barely gets a shoulder up. Khali goes back to work on the shoulder of Triple H. Triple H gets to his feet, lands a few shots to the chest of Khali and then some right hands to the head. Triple H with a knee to the face on Khali. Khali gets tied up in the ropes when he falls back. Triple H then charges at Khali and Khali gets a boot up to stop Triple H. Khali breaks free from the ropes, Triple H attempts a Pedigree, but Khali launches Triple H over his back over the top rope to the outside. Triple H then trips up Khali from the outside and drives his leg into the steel ring post. Triple h walks across the ring apron towards Khali and Khali slaps Triple H over the chest sending him to the ground right away. Triple H rolls back into the ring favor his chest.

Khali comes back into the ring, Triple H charges and Khali gets another Vice Grip applied. Triple H with some body shots on Khali, but Khali won't let go. Khali keeps the Vice Grip applied when Triple H somehow breaks free. Khali launches Triple H into the corner. Triple H dodges a splash, kick to the gut, attempts a Pedigree and connects. Triple H turns Khali over, hooks the leg and gets the pinfall.

Winner & STILL WWE Champion: Triple H
John Cena vs. Batista

Big reaction for John Cena. Another big reaction for Batista, but sounded more mixed. The bell rings and Batista stalks Cena as Cena moves around. Lock up and Batista gets the headlock. Batista with a shoulder bock on Cena. Cena takes out Batista with a hip toss and gets booed. Crowd now sounds more pro-Batista. Cena now with a headlock on Batista. Cena with a shoulder block of his own, but Batista with a kick to the gut, attempts a Batista Bomb, Cena counters out, but Batista levels him with a big boot. Batista with a quick jackhammer on Cena, but Cena kicks out after two. Cena with a big suplex on Batista into a cover that results in a two count. Batista with a side slam on Cena, cover, but Cena again kicks out. Batista attempts another Batista Bomb, Cena counters into an FU attempt, but Batista counters out of that and connects with a chop block. Batista drops Cena's knee across his and then applies a Figure Four! The fans let out a few WOOOOOOOO's as Cena screams out in pain. Cena tries powering out, but is unable to.

Cena begins reaching for the bottom rope and eventually gets it. Cena gets Batista up on his shoulders and launches him over the top rope to the outside. Cena falls back down and favors his knee after being in the Figure Four. Batista returns to the ring and Cena takes him out with two flying shoulder blocks. Cena with his turning powerbomb on Batista. Cena stands up and goes for the Five Knuckle Shuffle. Lots more booing than cheering. Cena connects, Batista is up, FU attempt, but Batista counters and hits Cena with a big boot. Both men are down. The referee gets to 6 and both men are up as Batista lifts up Cena and drives him into the corner. Irish whip to the opposite corner and another splash. Batista attempts this a third time, Cena gets an elbow up, but Batista comes right back with a huge spinebuster. Batista calls for the end shaking the ropes. Cena dodges a Batista Bomb, gets in a shot on Batista's knee and applies the STFU. Batista tries to break free, but Cena keeps the STFU locked in. Batista moves his body forward and gets to the ropes.

Cena breaks the hold and waits for Batista to stand up. Cena gets Batista on his shoulders, but Batista counters pulling Cena back into what looks like a rear naked choke. Cena gets in a few elbows to Batista's chest breaking up the choke. Spear by Batista, cover and Cena barely gets a shoulder up after two. Batista favors his knee as he picks up Cena, but Cena counters flipping back and putting Batista up on his shoulder! Cena then connects with the FU on Batista and falls back. After a few seconds, Cena crawls over, hooks the leg, but Batista kicks out after two. Cena goes up to the top turnbuckle. Batista cuts him off with a few right hands jumping up with. The fans cheer when Batista connects and boo when Cena connects. Cena's punches are too much as Batista falls back to the mat. Cena attempts a leg drop in mid-air, but Batista catches him and counters into a powerbomb! Cover by Batista and Cena still finds a way to kick out. Batista with a huge kick to the face on Cena and connects with a Batista Bomb. Batista hooks the leg and gets the pinfall.

Winner: Batista

Hell in a Cell Match
The Undertaker vs. Edge

Edge kept up the psycho look on his face during his entrance and it looked great. Jim Ross noted it almost looked like he was looking forward to the match now. JR also noted there has been 15 Hell in a Cell matches in WWE history with Undertaker in 8 of them. Tonight is Edge's first Hell in a Cell.

The referee locks the cage door and the bell rings. Undertaker approaches Edge, but Edge dodges it and gets in a few right hands. Taker pushes Edge away and then launches him to the corner. Edge comes back with some right hands, but Taker pushes him away and levels him with a huge big boot. Taker puts Edge back in the corner and connects with some rights and lefts. Taker throws Edge over the top rope and Edge hits the side of the cage. Taker follows, picks Edge up and throws his body against the side of the cage. Taker continues to throw Edge against the cage while he tries to recover on the ground. Taker with a few headbutts to Edge. Taker again drives Edge's face into the side of the cell structure as Edge screams out in pain. Taker then sends Edge shoulder first into the steel ring steps. Backstage, we see a shot of Vickie Guerrero and La Famila watching the match. Meanwhile, Taker puts Edge on the ring apron and drops a leg over his chest. Taker grabs the bottom part of the steel ring steps and slides them into the ring.

Taker puts the steel steps up against the corner, grabs Edge, puts him on his shoulders, charges and drops him face first off the steps. Edge catches Taker with an elbow soon afterwards, sets the steps back up and then drives Taker into them. Edge with a baseball slide and spear combo on Taker right up against the steel steps. Edge leaves the ring and pulls a table out setting up against the cage. Edge returns to the ring, picks up the steel steps and hits Taker with them taking him out. Edge goes back outside and pulls out a second table. Edge sets this table up, returns to the ring and takes out Taker with a quick clothesline. Edge goes back outside and stacks the two tables on top of each other. Edge grabs Taker from the ring apron, attempts a suplex over the ropes, but Taker gets Edge ready for a chokeslam. Edge counters and drops Taker's head off the ropes. Edge pulls a steel chair out from under the ring and drives it into the neck of Taker. Edge hits the ring with the chair and hits Taker with it once more.

Edge goes back outside and pulls a third table out. Edge puts the table in the ring and begins to set it up when he sees Taker getting up. Edge grabs the steel chair and hits Taker over the back with it yet again. Edge sets the table up, leaves the ring and pulls out a two ladders. Edge slides one of the ladders into the ring and hits Taker with some quick right hands. Edge levels Taker yet again with a steel chair shot to the head. Edge puts the steel chair on the table and then sets the ladder up near a corner. Taker gets up and Edge again takes him out with another steel chair shot. Edge picks up Taker and puts him over the table. Edge grabs the steel chair, climbs up the ladder, jumps off with the steel chair in hand and crashes over Taker through the table! Edge brings two more steel chairs into the ring and places one under Taker's head. Edge attempts a conchairto, but Taker sits up, chokes Edge, Edge fights out, but Taker levels Edge with a huge right hand. Taker tries to recover sitting up against the ladder in the corner.

Edge stands up on the ring apron and Taker connects with a big boot sending Edge off the ring apron right into the side of the cage. Taker leaves the ring, grabs the steel steps and hits Edge right in the head with them. Taker picks up Edge, puts him on his shoulders, runs towards the steel ring post, but Edge jumps off and sends Taker face first into the post. Edge then backs up, runs, jumps off the steel steps, jumps at Taker and when this happens the two go crashing through the side of the cage breaking it down across the Smackdown announce table! Very cool spot. Taker grabs Edge and sends him face first off the announce table and then sends him back first into the ring barricade. Taker grabs a TV monitor, tries to hit Edge with it, Edge dodges it, kicks Taker, grabs another TV monitor and hits Taker with that. Edge with another shot using the TV monitor. Taker falls across the Raw announce table and begins to stand up when Edge jumps up on the Smackdown announce table, charges, spears Undertaker and they both crash through the ECW announce table breaking it in half!

Edge and Taker are back up. The two exchange a few punches over the broken ECW announce table. Taker gets in some big lefts and rights. Taker grabs Edge and sends him back into the Hell in a Cell. Edge is in the ring first, grabs the ladder, Taker gets in and Edge takes him out with the ladder. We see another shot of La Famila backstage watching the match. Edge pulls a camera out from under the ring, cracks it over the head of Taker, hooks the leg, but Taker finds a way to kick out. Edge attempts a Spear, but Taker counters and hits a big chokeslam on Edge! Hook of the leg by Taker, but Edge somehow kicks out. Taker looks to hit the Last Ride when Edge drops down and low blows Taker. Edge with a big DDT on Taker, hook of the leg and Taker again kicks out. Taker sits up, punches Edge, kicks Edge and then gets him ready for the Last Ride. Taker turns around, lifts Edge up, Edge jumps off, goes off the ropes and catches Taker with a Spear! Cover by Edge and Taker kicks out yet again. Taker backs to the corner, Edge jumps up, gets in a few right hands, but Taker lifts up Edge and connects with the Last Ride!

Hook of the leg...1...2...Edge kicks out and Taker can't believe it. Taker pulls the steel steps near them, grabs Edge, stands up top the steps, puts Edge on his shoulders, Edge falls back and brings Taker down with a neckbreaker over the steel steps. Edge with a pinfall attempt and Taker still kicks out. Tazz said both men must be spent by this point. Edge torks the arm of Taker, goes up top, attempts Old School, but Taker counters and crotches Edge on the top. Taker chokes Edge, looks down and chokeslams Edge off the top turnbuckle onto the two stacked tables at ringside! Edge crashes through both tables and is lifeless at ringside. Taker tosses Edge back in the ring and then catches Edge with a Spear of his own. Taker grabs the TV camera and cracks it over the head of Edge. Taker places a steel chair under the head of Edge. Taker grabs another steel chair and connects with the conchairto! Taker picks up a lifeless Edge, puts him on his shoulders and connects with the Tombstone Piledriver. Cover by Taker and he gets the pinfall as the fans count along.

Winner: The Undertaker

After the match, The Undertaker takes one knee and poses as we see a shot backstage of La Familia clapping in approval. Undertaker leaves the cell and walks up the entrance area. He stops, turns around and heads back to the cell. Undertaker gets back in the ring, grabs the ladder, sets it up near Edge, Undertaker picks up Edge, lifts him up in a powerbomb, puts Edge up over the ladder and Edge is lifeless sprawled across it. Undertaker leaves the ring, grabs another ladder and sets it up next to it. Undertaker pushes the referee aside, climbs up to the top of the ladder Edge is on with one foot on the other. Undertaker grabs Edge by the hair, taunts that it is over for Edge, yells that he is going to hell and then chokeslams him off the ladder onto the ring and Edge crashes through the ring making a giant hole. Undertaker then drops to both knees, poses and fire comes bursting up from under the ring through the hole made by Edge as the PPV goes off the air.
Results:Unleashed in Hell

INDIANAPOLIS - Edge’s path to salvation ended at SummerSlam, when Undertaker returned and sent the Rated-R Superstar straight to Hell after a destructive and demonic Hell in a Cell Match.

After being banished at One Night Stand at the hands of Edge and his wife, SmackDown General Manager Vickie Guerrero, The Phenom’s resurgence at SummerSlam may have banished Edge to a much worse place, and has sent notice to all of WWE – Undertaker is back. And with all due respect to SmackDown’s GM, hell hath no fury like The Deadman scorned.

While Edge’s recent attitude change made the WWE Universe believe that he could withstand the onslaught that was expected, nothing could prepare anyone for the damning the Rated-R Superstar faced in the “Devil’s Playground.” Despite his best efforts – including an incredible running spear through the announce tables after the Cell broke open during the contest, the use of a ladder and many other weapons – Edge could not overcome the anger-fueled attacks of The Phenom. After a devastating Tombstone sealed the win for Undertaker, he unleashed his aggression on the Rated-R Superstar, chokeslamming Edge from the top of a ladder through the ring.

Just as it seemed that Undertaker was content with this destruction, he raised his hands in the air, and flames erupted from underneath the ring where Edge had just sunk in. What does this mean for the Ultimate Opportunist?

Now that Undertaker has seemingly earned his revenge, will the WWE Universe see Edge ever again? Will The Deadman turn his attention to Edge’s bride and make Guerrero pay for her part in his banishment?