The Obama Deception

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Well it's been said the the all the wars in the world have been fought over politics or religion.:yes:

But I'm having fun defending the best President ever elected. At least right now.:rofl::rofl::rofl:

Well I would say that wars normally start over ideology, so I agree to some extent.

For me its too early to say whether he's the best President elected or whether he isn't just because his actions and the effects of them haven't really started or impacted properly yet. I do sincerely hope he does a great job though and he definitely should be given the opportunity to see if he can make a positive difference.
A real "change" would be to adopt a hand-off approach. I know Obama never specifically said he's do that. But that's what "change" would be.

You (or the author of the book, maybe, if you're reiterating its main points) are trying to create similarities so broad that almost anyone could be the next Bush. There was no promise of a hands-off approach and thus no deception. You're just trying to shoe-horn him into a George Bush mold, and while I can understand and respect your opinions on how you would like the government to be ran, I'm still not understanding this deception theory.

I would like to see the federal budget and see what things he has added, subtracted and ammended. I am also going to wait and see how many troops are in Iraq after his first term. Bush danced around the issue of the withdrawal of troops, and I think that only having 50,000 troops over there and at least strongly attempting a withdrawal is a definite change, but maybe that's just me. Anyone who expected a sweeping removal of all US military from Iraq is being naive.
Woah, I can't believe how heated this thread has gotten

I wouldnt call it heated but rather passionate. Everyone is still being behaved and not attacking each other personally.:punk:
As an outsider, then your perception of both Bush and Obama being the same would be correct.

Being that I critisize Bush & Obama equally that means that I am neutral. Im not republican or democrat. Im an Australian watching America's politics fail. Republicans are just as ignorant as Democrats if not worse. Im not sure if its cuz his Republican or on Fox News (I know same thing!) but Sean Hannity is in total denial and needs a slap in the head! lol

At the end of the day its each to his own but at the end of the term you'll see was right and will be eating your words, or remain stubborn.
I wouldnt call it heated but rather passionate. Everyone is still being behaved and not attacking each other personally.:punk:

I guess lol. It is interesting to read other people's points of view though and to see a real discussion.
Of couse during a crisis, the people always look to the government. As the President, if he didn't do anything and soon, Obama will be held accountable. That is why the Republicans are complaining that he is " DOING TOO MUCH". They want the time to pass and for things to get worst so that they have a reason to say..... "I TOLD YOU SO!" LOL...
No, no. Republicans are saying Obama is doing too much because he is. It's part of their party's principles that the government should be more non-interventionists at least in the economy. And many, many economists agree. It has nothing to do with wanting Obama to fail. If you're truly looking for the fastest solution you will listen to those who say cut taxes, cut spending, then sit around and drink tea and wait it out. Simply look at how this type of crisis has been dealt with in the past and whether interventionism or non-interventionism worked better to recover the economy more quickly.

WE MAKE THE SACRAFICES NOW AND IT WILL PAY OFF IN THE FUTURE.... That's what Barack Obama is all about...
Obama's not make any sacrifices. A sacrifice that would really pay off in the future would be too freeze spending now, cut taxes, scale back US occupation in the middle east because it's costing too much money. But what he's doing now, spending money he doesn't have, increasing the US empire overseas, that's far from sacrificing. It's future generations who will have to sacrifice for the out-of-control government of the past.

OK! So could it be that the both of you are ANTI-AMERICA? Did you feel the same about Bill Clinton, Bush #41. Ronald Reagan?????????????
Yes. But I also feel the same way about Kevin Rudd and John Howard, Gordon Brown and Tony Blair. Anyone around the world who increases the size of government, who increase the police state, the control grid, I have a problem with. It's not about being anti-America or anti-anyone, only anti-power.
You (or the author of the book, maybe, if you're reiterating its main points)
I never read Corsi's book.

are trying to create similarities so broad that almost anyone could be the next Bush.
If you believe in person freedom, individual rights and limited government, then it's so easy to see how similar Obama, Bush, Clinton, Rudd, Howard, Brown and Blair are. But if you're someone who's accepted big government and is OK with it, or even wants it to some extent, then the difference between other big-government supporters would seem drastic to you. I don't think I'm painting too broad a brush. If Obama wants to expand the US empire overseas, increase the deficit, spend his way out of trouble, increase or at least leave in place the powers of the presidency, then he's too much like Bush for my liking. That's not a broad brush when you consider the bigger picture. Consider that way down the other end of the spectrum, someone could be withdrawing US troops from overseas, scaling back its "defences" (aggressiveness), cutting back the deficit, cutting taxes, decreasing the size, scope and power of the government. So if you consider that the alternative to what Obama is doing and what Bush did then they are exactly the same.

There was no promise of a hands-off approach and thus no deception. You're just trying to shoe-horn him into a George Bush mold, and while I can understand and respect your opinions on how you would like the government to be ran, I'm still not understanding this deception theory.
He labelled himself as "change" when he's not. He's more of the same. He didn't deceive people by promising things that would really be change. But he promised the same things Bush has been doing, that other candidate like Clinton and McCain were promising, but marketed them as really different and unique ideas. Some would call that clever campaigning. I would call it deceit. When you hype yourself up as something different, and people believe you truly will change politics, but really you are more of the same and have no intention of changing any except to continue what's been happening in Washington but on a much larger scale, then that's deception. If you hate the Republicans and vote for the Democrats because you want something different, you've been deceived.

I would like to see the federal budget and see what things he has added, subtracted and ammended. I am also going to wait and see how many troops are in Iraq after his first term. Bush danced around the issue of the withdrawal of troops, and I think that only having 50,000 troops over there and at least strongly attempting a withdrawal is a definite change, but maybe that's just me. Anyone who expected a sweeping removal of all US military from Iraq is being naive.
If he keeps 50,000 troops there and withdraws all others by 2011, then he'll be following the exact same withdrawal plan as Bush. But that's change to you?
Yes. But I also feel the same way about Kevin Rudd and John Howard, Gordon Brown and Tony Blair.

lol God dont get me started on out politicians. They just do what the US Prez wants cuz we owe them $ just like US owes China!
You really thinking things are going well?

Yes!!! In the sense that things are moving. Obama is not letting the same old gridlock that has always been the issue with the same old way things have been done for the last 20 years or so.

Is it perfect? no, BUT IT WILL SOON BE THANKS TO THE ROCK OBAMA....:D:rofl:
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Yes!!! In the sense that things are moving. Obama is not letting the same old gridlock that has always been the issue with the same old way things have been done for the last 20 years or so.

Really? Cuz all this bail out money hasnt helped anything at all. Nothing has changed at all.

I still would like to know along with many other what happened to that $750b that just disappeared. Well I know what really happened to it but Obama's "transparent administration" isnt really that at all as even he cant tell us where it went!
Really? Cuz all this bail out money hasnt helped anything at all. Nothing has changed at all.

I still would like to know along with many other what happened to that $750b that just disappeared. Well I know what really happened to it but Obama's "transparent administration" isnt really that at all as even he cant tell us where it went!
$750b :wild:..I have been wondering yet,where that all money went????Well Obama can never be the best President,he has already proved it.And I heard he want Pakistan to support USA againt fight against terrorism just like Bush which really made me laugh soo loud,if Obama really think Pakistan can help him to fight against terrorism then sorry to say but he need some help to use his brain in right way:rofl:
A bit lttp, but I'll share my 2 cents.

I've been aware of Alex Jones' message for a few years now, and while some may call him an alarmist, I think he's mostly right with regard to his claims of how a shadow government operates most of the day-to-day affairs in politics and other areas. Really now, does anyone honestly think we are being told everything and not having the wool pulled over our eyes? As for his claims regarding 911, I just figure that the government and its secret controllers have more of a reason to lie about the details of the incidents surrounding 911 than Mr. Jones, never mind the fact that the truth is on Jones' side (google WTC 7). Was 911 an inside job? Perhaps that's the wrong question to ask. I would ask, are there questions that have yet to be answered nearly 9 years after the fact? Absolutely, and that's a fact which should be absolutely repugnant to anyone with even the tiniest shred of a sense of justice. Why is the government so quiet on the issue, and why was the 911 commission report such a farce which failed to address so many of the important questions? Moreover, the hideous atrocities that have been committed subsequent to 911 should really make you sad. Over 1 million Iraqis and over 4000 USA soldiers are no more. Utterly pointless deaths all for the benefit of fat war profiteers and their associates.

And as for party politics? I don't play that game. If you vote for any presidential candidate, vote for someone that actually stands up for your views. Do not—I repeat—do not vote for the corporate sponsored red and blue candidates, unless of course you do not place a great value on your principles.

One fact: Obama,Hilary Clinton are Zionists they were both at AIPAC which is an american pro israel commitee, so clearly this gives you an idea of the "change" they truly are going to bring...

I can't stand Alex Jones and his sites! for anyone who is curious he is not a democrat or a republican he is actually what we call a Paleo Conservative. I think the problem with his documentaries is that he uses fear mongering as a way to get his points across mixed in with some facts. I've been skeptical about Obama since he was elected i had a feeling he wasn't going to bring real change! and you know why? because as some of you have mentioned these people don't care about us! they reply to their corporate masters, and rightfully so the democrats and republicans are both controlled by elitist scums! they only give the illusion that they are different as a way to divide and divert people from the real issues. Personally i don't like politicians they claim to do one thing but behind closed doors they are dishonest and only reply when it suits the needs of their capitalist interests. I have more of an anti capitalist mindset especially in a society that is completely saturared with commercials,reality tv, cars, money,etc... all for the purpose of consuming and being kept away from the real issues. Now as For 9/11 i don't believe the official story either there are alot of questions that have gone unanswered, conspiracy theory or not some of these questions need to be addressed. I can't believe people still think Osama Bin Laden is alive, he is dead if he were alive the US would have gotten him a long time ago. Al Quaeda or in english known as (the base) doesn't exist ! they were created and funded by the US government (this was also mentioned on BBC documentary). Here is a good documentary that presents evidence and testimonies from victims family members,people in the government,etc and this is not Loose Change:

Here is another documentary "The Corporation" that is also very good and important in our current times maybe some of you have already seen it, it discusses the effects of corporations in modern and third world countries:

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One fact: Obama,Hilary Clinton are Zionists they were both at AIPAC which is an american pro israel commitee, so clearly this gives you an idea of the "change" they truly are going to bring...

I can't stand Alex Jones and his sites! for anyone who is curious he is not a democrat or a republican he is actually what we call a Paleo Conservative. I think the problem with his documentaries is that he uses fear mongering as a way to get his points across mixed in with some facts. I've been skeptical about Obama since he was elected i had a feeling he wasn't going to bring real change! and you know why? because as some of you have mentioned these people don't care about us! they reply to their corporate masters, and rightfully so the democrats and republicans are both controlled by elitist scums! they only give the illusion that they are different as a way to divide and divert people from the real issues. Personally i don't like politicians they claim to do one thing but behind closed doors they are dishonest and only reply when it suits the needs of their capitalist interests. I have more of an anti capitalist mindset especially in a society that is completely saturared with commercials,reality tv, cars, money,etc... all for the purpose of consuming and being kept away from the real issues. Now as For 9/11 i don't believe the official story either there are alot of questions that have gone unanswered, conspiracy theory or not some of these questions need to be addressed. I can't believe people still think Osama Bin Laden is alive, he is dead if he were alive the US would have gotten him a long time ago. Al Quaeda or in english known as (the base) doesn't exist ! they were created and funded by the US government (this was also mentioned on BBC documentary). Here is a good documentary that presents evidence and testimonies from victims family members,people in the government,etc and this is not Loose Change:

Here is another documentary "The Corporation" that is also very good and important in our current times maybe some of you have already seen it, it discusses the effects of corporations in modern and third world countries:

OH!!! GOD!!! PLEASE...-_-
Bush used fear as a tool to get what he wanted, and Obama hasnt changed any of Bush's agenda's or tactics so what does that say about Obama? He uses fear too!
Exactly. "This is the worst recession of our time", "if we don't act now this will ne worse than the great depression". Fear is always used as a tool by the state to push their agenda.
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One fact: Obama,Hilary Clinton are Zionists they were both at AIPAC which is an american pro israel commitee, so clearly this gives you an idea of the "change" they truly are going to bring...

I can't stand Alex Jones and his sites! for anyone who is curious he is not a democrat or a republican he is actually what we call a Paleo Conservative. I think the problem with his documentaries is that he uses fear mongering as a way to get his points across mixed in with some facts. I've been skeptical about Obama since he was elected i had a feeling he wasn't going to bring real change! and you know why? because as some of you have mentioned these people don't care about us! they reply to their corporate masters, and rightfully so the democrats and republicans are both controlled by elitist scums! they only give the illusion that they are different as a way to divide and divert people from the real issues. Personally i don't like politicians they claim to do one thing but behind closed doors they are dishonest and only reply when it suits the needs of their capitalist interests. I have more of an anti capitalist mindset especially in a society that is completely saturared with commercials,reality tv, cars, money,etc... all for the purpose of consuming and being kept away from the real issues. Now as For 9/11 i don't believe the official story either there are alot of questions that have gone unanswered, conspiracy theory or not some of these questions need to be addressed. I can't believe people still think Osama Bin Laden is alive, he is dead if he were alive the US would have gotten him a long time ago. Al Quaeda or in english known as (the base) doesn't exist ! they were created and funded by the US government (this was also mentioned on BBC documentary). Here is a good documentary that presents evidence and testimonies from victims family members,people in the government,etc and this is not Loose Change:

Here is another documentary "The Corporation" that is also very good and important in our current times maybe some of you have already seen it, it discusses the effects of corporations in modern and third world countries:

OH!!! GOD!!! PLEASE...-_-

have you actually taken the time to look at it?? this documentary was not made by a bunch of "conspiracy theorists" it had also received praises at one of the italian film festivals
have you actually taken the time to look at it?? this documentary was not made by a bunch of "conspiracy theorists" it had also received praises at one of the italian film festivals

No! and I will not. And because it received praises doesn't mean that it's accurate and true. I do believe that Bin Laden may be dead, but Al- Qaeda and all of it's cowards are very much alive but their asses are on the run... Run!!! MOFO Run!!!! but you can't keep hiding.:cheeky:
I want to clarify my position on all of these "documentaries". I think both sides are guilty of complete fabrication and propaganda. I don't believe this one as much as I don't believe Fahrenheit 9/11 or his documentary on our Health Care system from Michael Moore. I think both sides have been completely irresponsible in showing our leaders in "true light". I think Fox News is another word for GOP TV. I think MSNBC has gotten a little too left-leaning. I do believe in my local news and their ability to cover things in a pure and unblemished light. And those are my thoughts on this matter.
I want to clarify my position on all of these "documentaries". I think both sides are guilty of complete fabrication and propaganda. I don't believe this one as much as I don't believe Fahrenheit 9/11 or his documentary on our Health Care system from Michael Moore. I think both sides have been completely irresponsible in showing our leaders in "true light". I think Fox News is another word for GOP TV. I think MSNBC has gotten a little too left-leaning. I do believe in my local news and their ability to cover things in a pure and unblemished light. And those are my thoughts on this matter.

Yeh, mainstream media is just too untrustworthy. You've got to get your news from alternative sources and even then you have to be sceptical. But that's why I love the internet. It's so much more easier for the truth to come out now. And you have unlimited sources of information. It's great. Yes, a fair portion of it is rubbish. But it's fairly easy to weed out. I trust some blog that says "hey, did you see this bill that passed US congress today, it seems to me like it authorises FEMA camps. Read it yourself" more than the mainstream media. Even if that bill doesn't authorise FEMA camps, it was just the blogger's misinterpretation of it, at least it was brought to your attention. Unlike the mainstream media who bring to your attention Obama shaking hands with Hugo Chavez or getting his daughters a puppy. There are a lot of watchdogs on the internet watching what the world governments are going, questioning their every move and letting you know if they do something that might be questionable. 9/11 may have just been a terrorist attack carried out by al-Qaeda, and all the conspiracy theorists are wrong, but at least we are hearing alternative theories and seeing contrasting evidence. A film like "Loose Change" or "The Obama Deception" would never have circulated as widely before the internet. They could be completely wrong but at least we have access to them. For now.
95% of the tax payers are going to get their taxes cut under the Obama's plan, that's why that Tea Bag party antic was a joke. Most of those people that were protesting are going to get a tax brake. And Obama's tax rate will be lower than Reagan, Clinton and Bush 43. Bush 41 raised taxes after saying READ MY LIPS NO NEW TAXES.
I just wanted to bring this up since a new article was just brought to my attention that highlights yet another Obama deception:;_ylt=Ap2OW.snGIOBFR7iGyz761QD5gcF
"Politics and hypocrites is turning us all into lunatics" - Marvin Gaye ("You're the Man", 1972)

"The only thing we have to fear is fear itself" - Franklin Delano Roosevelt, 1941

"Don't bring me no bad news" - Wicked Witch of the West from "The Wiz" (1978)

-- There have been some rumblings in recent months that Vince McMahon isn't particularly fond of United States President Barack Obama, basically saying "he's bad for business."

-- There have been some rumblings in recent months that Vince McMahon isn't particularly fond of United States President Barack Obama, basically saying "he's bad for business."

OK!!! So that's one in many who feel that way... That's nothing new. For every Vince McMahon, there is someone else who will say that Obama is good for business.:)
How is 75% of it junk. Just look at the facts:

Obama said he would pull the troops out of Iraq within 6 months before he was inaugurated. Then once he was the Prez, there was a timeline of up to 16 months until the troops would be pulled out. 2 weeks later it went up to 23 months to pull out 'some' of the troops out.

Then he doubles the amount of troops in Afghanistan to 30,000. So he's not bring the troops home at all.

Then he Obama decided he is going to set up missile systems in Pakistan. I think the fact that Obama kept Bush's Defence Of Secretary Robert Gates might have something to do with it!!!

He at first decried Bush's illegal wiretapping but then Obama legalised it??

Obama then reinstated the Patriot act.

When the press had a chance to read the Executive Order to shut Guantanamo Bay, the saw that it only said that Obama was thinking about closing it down. He didnt actually sign anything saying he would close it. In fact under orders from Obama, the CIA still has the authority to torture detainees, carry out renditions and secret abductions and transfers of prisoners to countries that cooperate with the US so that detainees can be tortured in foreign countries. And the prisoners dont even know where they're being taken! None of these prisoners have even been charged with a crime or given legal counsel.

So Obama isnt just endorsing Bush's crimes but he is also continuing them!

All of this within 3 months. Hate to see what will happen by the end of his 1 term!!
About Guantanamo bay, My understanding they have released many of the prisoner and sent them back to there country and obama have orderd guantanamo bay closed that is the reason they are returning the prisoner to there country.
Obama is still pulling the troops out of iraq, it maybe a different time line. the point is he is still pulling the troops out he has kept is word regardless of the time line. about the wire taping i dont agree with it, but it suppose to be used for tracking terriost, I am pleased with what obbama has done and so are the majority of american people. many world leaders are pleased with the way president obama is conducting business! so the people that are trying to twist things around need to stop and get over it cause president obama is the president let him do his job.
About Guantanamo bay, My understanding they have released many of the prisoner and sent them back to there country and obama have orderd guantanamo bay closed that is the reason they are returning the prisoner to there country.
Obama is still pulling the troops out of iraq, it maybe a different time line. the point is he is still pulling the troops out he has kept is word regardless of the time line. about the wire taping i dont agree with it, but it suppose to be used for tracking terriost, I am pleased with what obbama has done and so are the majority of american people. many world leaders are pleased with the way president obama is conducting business! so the people that are trying to twist things around need to stop and get over it cause president obama is the president let him do his job.
:clapping:You tell them Blueocean... Leave our President alone. He is doing an outstanding job. :yes:
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