The Obama Deception

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I knew that Obama wasn't going to change anything

I reckon a lot of people just got into the whole hype, which if it wasn't for his skin colour there wouldn't of been any, its a clever move though the whole CHANGE hype was alot of bullshit
If you study a cult (any cult), one of the ways it defends its thinking (aka way of life) is by NOT allowing critical debate of anything inside of the cult. Also, many of its leaders (or followers) are quick to resort to irrational name calling and/or marginalization of anyone outside of the cult. That's how the cult defends itself because any critical debate of the cult would expose the cult for what it is: A cult.

I laid out a very solid argument for why I believe someone to be a LIAR. No one so far has provided an intelligent rebuttal thus, far. In fact, no one has even attempted to refute what I presented in my argument. Gee, I wonder why?

If someone cannot carry on an intelligent debate without name calling and irrational mischaracterization of where I'm from or who I support then I am going to defend myself.

And mischaracterizing me as "bitter" or "enraged" is also an insult. It would be AKIN to me calling you "delusional" or "crazy".

Not really, I got those things from your attitude in this thread, the way you posted, at least I based it on something, you really come across that way here, i'm not talking about you overal.

I'm sorry, but anything that starts out by coming from Alex Jones loses credibility right away in my opinion.
So what?
Am I supposed to believe that MJ supports the politics of the govt. of Saudi Arabia (or endorsed members of the Royal family) because he had a business venture with a Saudi Prince in the 90's?

Should I conclude he somehow supported the Bush Sr. administration because he was invited to the WH by George Bush SR and gladly accepted the invite? Or conclude he supports Reaganomics because he was called out to the WH by Ronald Reagan and given an award?

Maybe I should conclude he believed in the Bush Doctrine(s) because afterall, letters were found during the raids on Neverland, written to GWB.

Should I conclude he would support Israel over Palestine (because he was seen holding an Israeli flag in 2004 during a trip to Washington, photographed with Arial Sharon and he was friends of Rabbi Boteach)?

Or should I conclude he's affiliated with the NOI because he's friends with Min. Farrakhan and EMPLOYED some of its members?

No, I shouldn't conclude any of that because that would make me an IDIOT!

The facts (at least those that have been made known to us-- who knows what goes on behind closed doors?) are that MJ does NOT vote and does not endorse candidates. Aside from that, he is an entertainer with NO boundaries and by the looks of it, an entertainer with NO political affiliations.

PS - That "compaign function" in 1992 is called the Inauguration. You should also check out his performance for the Sultan of Brunei (just don't mistaken that for Michael's endorsement of a Theocracy).

indeed. he performed or showed up for many world leaders, since he was little. it doesn't mean he supports or does not support their policies. it's just a gesture of respect for the seats of power around the world. he performed for the queen of england. he met Princess Diana. she had political views too. it's just a sign of respect. no one can tell what he thinks by doing that.
Not really, I got those things from your attitude in this thread, the way you posted, at least I based it on something, you really come across that way here, i'm not talking about you overal.

I'm sorry, but anything that starts out by coming from Alex Jones loses credibility right away in my opinion.

Therein lies the problem with posting on a forum: things we write, can and will be taken the wrong way (or the right way) by different people. Attitude is hard to discern (not always, but usually) especially in a post.

Anyway, just so that I'm not misunderstood: I welcome intelligent criticism, debate and correction (based on facts)-- cause I don't think I'm above it. I think there's a big problem with silencing of dissent in our society.

Dissent keeps democracy alive. The absence of it is what makes the world a scary place. :cheeky:

PS - As much of a shock as this may be to some in this thread, my dissent is in NO way, shape or form is an endorsement of Alex Jones as a person, his political affiliations or his belief systems. I actually fashioned my dissent on the actions taken by the current admin more than on any pseudo-documentary made by Alex Jones (I liked the documentary, but it was not my source for the critique). For a more thorough analysis of the dissent, one should check out Noam Chomsky's latest lectures on the matter. Again, I don't necessarily support everything he says either, but his critique is very similar to my critique. It's a "show me the money" or "where's the beef" attitude. KRS-ONE has also copped a similar attitude (in his case, he actually voted for the guy he critiques).
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indeed. he performed or showed up for many world leaders, since he was little. it doesn't mean he supports or does not support their policies. it's just a gesture of respect for the seats of power around the world. he performed for the queen of england. he met Princess Diana. she had political views too. it's just a sign of respect. no one can tell what he thinks by doing that.

I agree with your assessment.

It should also be noted he has friends from ALL walks of life. He is truly a "WORLD" figure in every sense of the word.
Thank God for Michael. He brings us together as the human race. :clapping:

He's one of the architects of the original movement behind hip hop expression and culture (prior to the "thuggish" over-commercialized corporate version that exists today). In fact, the movement he helped mobilize is arguably dead and buried. I mean, when's the last time you heard hip hop provide social commentary or get political on any front?

Will I Am is to KRS ONE what Soulja Boy is to Michael Jackson. No comparison because MJ and KRS are a league unto their own.
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So what?
Am I supposed to believe that MJ supports the politics of the govt. of Saudi Arabia (or endorsed members of the Royal family) because he had a business venture with a Saudi Prince in the 90's?

Should I conclude he somehow supported the Bush Sr. administration because he was invited to the WH by George Bush SR and gladly accepted the invite? Or conclude he supports Reaganomics because he was called out to the WH by Ronald Reagan and given an award?

Maybe I should conclude he believed in the Bush Doctrine(s) because afterall, letters were found during the raids on Neverland, written to GWB.

Should I conclude he would support Israel over Palestine (because he was seen holding an Israeli flag in 2004 during a trip to Washington, photographed with Arial Sharon and he was friends of Rabbi Boteach)?

Or should I conclude he's affiliated with the NOI because he's friends with Min. Farrakhan and EMPLOYED some of its members?

No, I shouldn't conclude any of that because that would make me an IDIOT!

The facts (at least those that have been made known to us-- who knows what goes on behind closed doors?) are that MJ does NOT vote and does not endorse candidates. Aside from that, he is an entertainer with NO boundaries and by the looks of it, an entertainer with NO political affiliations.

PS - That "compaign function" in 1992 is called the Inauguration. You should also check out his performance for the Sultan of Brunei (just don't mistaken that for Michael's endorsement of a Theocracy).

VSTREET!! You are being silly.

And a lot has to do with you believing that there is a probabiilty of MJ liking and agreeing with Obama. But I don't care what you conclude.

All that you mention above doesn't mean that he doesn't have an opinion... STOP DRINKING THE MICHAEL JACKSON'S PUBLIC PERSONA KOOL-AID (IF YOU DON'T MIND ME SAYING). Do you beleive everything that is said about Michael Jackson when you think it's good? It's nothing bad against him, but the man has an opinion.

I conclude that Michael Jackson keeps his political views so that he doesn't OFFEND members of his fan base that may not agree with his political views. That's the real reason why he and other celebrities withhold there political views. It's a Public Relations ploy that is used by many celebrites.

And again, celebrities don't participate in political functions of any kind if they don't support the candidates views. And again, the Event that people saw Michael Jackson performing at suggested that he endorsed Bill Clinton, the Democrat...:)
5. How is Obama going to take away the Freedom Speech or someone's rights to Bear Arms? He is not going to do that. When it comes to some of the Gun control issues, there should be some changes. And there are some assault reapons that should not be on the market for people to buy or own, like some of these military style type of gus. The fear mongers wants to say that Obama want to take away ALL the fire arms away.
As the former Senator of Illinois who lived in Chicago, Obama understands what guns have done to some of those crime riden communities.
Ask Americans who live in crime infested communities in some of the major cities and they would agree something needs to be done about the guns.
Ask Americans who live in communities where the crime rate is less to 0,
then they don't think anything needs to be done. If you are a honest gun owner who uses your gun for things like hunting, then you won't have anything to worry about.

In America, we are amazed how the crime rates in other parts of the world are very very low compared to America, thanks to the restrictions and laws that are put in place when it comes to owning a gun.
OK. First of all you asked how exactly Obama is taking away your 1st and 2nd amendment. There's a bill in the US congress at the moment that aims at regulating "cyber bullying" on the Internet. It's basically protecting against hurt feelings.

There's also a lot of talk coming from the Democratic side about reintroducing the Fairness Doctrine. This could just be paranoia from right-wing radio but if introduced, it's obviously a huge infringement on the freedom of speech.

As for guns, Rahm Emanuel talked about taking guns away from people identified as "terrorists". This includes, according to the latest DHS document, right-wing extremists, pro-life groups, people representing the alternative media, tax protesters etc. Obama was discussing just recently signing a treaty that would over-ride the 2nd amendment and allow this kind of gun-bad to be put in place.

Now, obviously most of this stuff is coming out of congress so to blame Obama is not entirely accurate. But he has a veto pen that I think still hasn't been used. He has the power to make sure none of this becomes law.

btw, I can go out and find articles and the actual documents referring to the things I mentioned above if you like. I just don't have the time now.

Now, I don't want to turn this thread into a debate about gun rights. But I'd like to address some things you said. First of all, the cities with the highest crime rates in the US already have tight gun restrictions. Mexico has gun restrictions, lots of crime.

In Australia we have heavy gun laws so I can speak from experience living in an unarmed country. It's very hard to get a gun legally. You have to be part of an approved shooting or hunting club. But it's not so hard to get one illegally. And that's what the criminals do anyway. Criminals are just going to ignore gun laws. In fact, they are quite happy knowing that it's harder for their potential victims to get a gun legally. I'd feel safer with a gun. I'd feel safer knowing by neighbour had a gun. You can call the police in the case of an emergency where some armed thug is trying to break into you house. And you should call them. But he could shoot you before the police even leave the station. If you have a gun you increase your chances of living to tell the tale.

Guns are mostly used by responsibly either for sport or self-defence. Just because some used guns irresponsible and dangerously don't mean you should unarm the rest of us. Guns provide security, security provides freedom. I like to feel free in my own home. You can't always count on the cops to come in time to save your life. And who can't count on authority to always be on the side of good. Who do you call when they turn on you, the civilians? That's why the 2nd amendment was actually written into the constitution originally.

I think that at least you should be able to own a gun for a self-defence purposes. Ideally you should be able to own a gun for any reason you want and you should be able to carry it with you wherever you go (except private property of course, then it's up to the owners to tell you if you can bring in a gun in or not).
So what is this thread really about? Is it against Obama? Against politics in general? Against, Democrats? There's no such thing is a perfect system. Every system and every place has flaws, and they all have people that are greedy and shady, it's human. It has nothing to do with one single man or party. Or even one nation.
So what is this thread really about? Is it against Obama? Against politics in general? Against, Democrats? There's no such thing is a perfect system. Every system and every place has flaws, and they all have people that are greedy and shady, it's human. It has nothing to do with one single man or party. Or even one nation.

shut up. you're spoiling everybody's need to beat up each other. :lol:

(just havin fun in this post)
So what is this thread really about? Is it against Obama? Against politics in general? Against, Democrats? There's no such thing is a perfect system. Every system and every place has flaws, and they all have people that are greedy and shady, it's human. It has nothing to do with one single man or party. Or even one nation.
Well I started this thread with a topic that I hoped would generate a lot of discussion and debate, not necessarily directly related to the original topic of discussion. That's how conversations usually go in the real world. You start with one topic and branch out. But I suppose what we're really discussing here is the power structure of the world.

Obama fits into that because he's the President of the United States, seen as the most powerful position in the world. But as we've discussed in this thread if you understand the power structure you'll understand that Obama is just a figure-head. And that's the Obama deception. People like to think he represents hope and change. But he's really just a fresh face for the global elites. He's working for them and he's the figurehead for their establishment. And that's not a change at all. That's been going on for years.

This isn't about one person or one party. In fact that's what I'm trying to communicate in this thread. Forget the petty party system that's been established to give us the illusion of democracy. There are minor differences between the major parties in every country and they govern slightly different. But the real big decisions are made by the people who really have the power. I've said it a million times already. Money is power so obviously those who control the money are the most powerful people on earth. Private banks run the world and they make the real big decisions.

So that's the main point of discussion here. Yes we've gone off on tangents and I actually like that. There's nothing wrong with going from one topic of discussion to another. That's how real world conversations go. It's all under the umbrella over the power structure and global elitism. It's all basically related.

But why I don't want to turn this thread into is "let's guess Michael Jackson's political affiliation". First of all, it's his business. Second of all I don't think it adds to your argument if you say "I bet MJ supports Obama" like that means all MJ fans have to support Obama too. The fact is he has kept his political views to himself and he has appeared to be very political apathetic when asked political questions in interviews. So obviously he doesn't want to share that with the public. That's fine and we should respect that. Who cares anyway? It shouldn't make a difference if he's a Reagan conservative or a liberal progressive or if he supports Saudi Arabia's absolute-monarchist system. It shouldn't change your opinion of MJ and it shouldn't change your opinion of politics.
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VSTREET!! You are being silly.

And a lot has to do with you believing that there is a probabiilty of MJ liking and agreeing with Obama. But I don't care what you conclude.

No, actually you're being silly you haven't got anything other than your opinion to support your opinion. Which makes the entire conclusion pointless and irrational.

If I use your rationale about his performing for B.C. not once, but twice (who is his friend, as is the Hon. Min. Farrakhan), then I can jump to my own conclusions and say pretty much anything I want to say about who he does or does NOT support. And that would be rather "SILLY" cause then my posts would resemble yours.:mello:

Based on what MJ has said in the public (we don't know his private affiliations or if he secretly votes), he does NOT vote or endorse candidates for religious reasons. Another reason why you never saw Mike campaigning for opposing DAs when he lived in Los Olivos (we all know he hated T.S. -- so you would think he would have championed an alternate candidate, right? WRONG.)

You're right in the sense he doesn't voice his opinion or likings or dislikings often in order to not alienate his fans. But you're wrong to say he likes or dislikes the current LIAR du jour. How the hell can anyone come to any conclusion without any critical thought or analysis?

Based on his speeches in NYC and London back during the Sony demos, I would say Michael is very aware of the deceptions in the press, the media and the HISTORY books (he said it himself that history books have got it all wrong in a lot of aspects). So, I would assume that if he is so aware of the lies in "history" books, he's very aware of the LIES and deceptions of those currently in power. If he's questioning the VALIDITY of history books, I know the brother is questioning the crap coming out of the false prophet's mouth. You don't think Michael is smart enough to discern a false statement or insincerety for that matter? Or do you think he's suckered by spin doctors purporting false "hope" and "change"?

I mean, the last I heard, Michael was questioning if "God" had told somebody if they could decide who lives and who dies (remember "We've Had Enough"). So, how on Earth could he possibly support a TROJAN horse candidate who claims he's coming into end wars in one place, but then escalates the troops in another? You don't think Michael is smart enough to see through that BULL ISH??? What, you think he's a sheep? You don't think he sees the injustice and hypocrisy in the new world order? I mean, if the man is smart enough to realize that history books are NOT telling the truth, then I would rationally conclude that he also realizes that the current people in power are NOT telling the truth. It takes critical thinking to discern that history books are lying to you. So, obviously he's a critical thinker.

I mean, take a look at his lyric "If they're for peace, why is there war ?"

That's a very good question. That proves to me he's a critical thinker and NOT a sheep easily deceived by the notion that "we must have war (or MORE of it) in order to have peace". In fact he ends by saying "only God" can decide who lives and who dies. Doesn't say anything about a political party or his friend B.C. or his friend the Sultan of Brunei or any govt. on Earth making the decision.

Bottom line: Mike is friends with everybody, but his friendships do not necessarily dictate his affiliations or his endorsements. There's a reason why you've never seen a "get out and vote" campaign featuring MJ.
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Unfortunately, God's existence cannot be verified.

I knew that Obama wasn't going to change anything

I reckon a lot of people just got into the whole hype, which if it wasn't for his skin colour there wouldn't of been any, its a clever move though the whole CHANGE hype was alot of bullshit

Non-AIPAC approved candidates need not apply for the presidency of the United States. Until we move away from the bad-and-worse, blue-and-red two party system and leave Israel to fend for itself and stop letting it control us, the status quo will be preserved and true change will remain unattainable. It's a pretty sad state of affairs when a country of over 300 million people only has 2 measly choices when it comes to presidents.
Well I started this thread with a topic that I hoped would generate a lot of discussion and debate, not necessarily directly related to the original topic of discussion. That's how conversations usually go in the real world. You start with one topic and branch out. But I suppose what we're really discussing here is the power structure of the world.

Obama fits into that because he's the President of the United States, seen as the most powerful position in the world. But as we've discussed in this thread if you understand the power structure you'll understand that Obama is just a figure-head. And that's the Obama deception. People like to think he represents hope and change. But he's really just a fresh face for the global elites. He's working for them and he's the figurehead for their establishment. And that's not a change at all. That's been going on for years.

This isn't about one person or one party. In fact that's what I'm trying to communicate in this thread. Forget the petty party system that's been established to give us the illusion of democracy. There are minor differences between the major parties in every country and they govern slightly different. But the real big decisions are made by the people who really have the power. I've said it a million times already. Money is power so obviously those who control the money are the most powerful people on earth. Private banks run the world and they make the real big decisions.

So that's the main point of discussion here. Yes we've gone off on tangents and I actually like that. There's nothing wrong with going from one topic of discussion to another. That's how real world conversations go. It's all under the umbrella over the power structure and global elitism. It's all basically related.

But why I don't want to turn this thread into is "let's guess Michael Jackson's political affiliation". First of all, it's his business. Second of all I don't think it adds to your argument if you say "I bet MJ supports Obama" like that means all MJ fans have to support Obama too. The fact is he has kept his political views to himself and he has appeared to be very political apathetic when asked political questions in interviews. So obviously he doesn't want to share that with the public. That's fine and we should respect that. Who cares anyway? It shouldn't make a difference if he's a Reagan conservative or a liberal progressive or if he supports Saudi Arabia's absolute-monarchist system. It shouldn't change your opinion of MJ and it shouldn't change your opinion of politics.

Thanks for the reply, this actually strips it down to what I was asking. I see what you're were trying to say now.

Although I definitely do not subscribe to how deep the rabbit hole goes according to some people, I do share some of these sentiments on a certain level. Money does the make the world go round, and throughout history, people with money and power have always been inluential, and some of these people get corrupted, are consumed by it, or are just bad people, but not all.
All politicians are just figure-heads. The only one that tried to be bigger than that was Kennedy (and to a shorter extent Lincoln) and both of them were taken out.

I don't like to add to the heat to this or add any tension but IMHO, I feel politics is all nuts.
Thanks for the reply, this actually strips it down to what I was asking. I see what you're were trying to say now.

Although I definitely do not subscribe to how deep the rabbit hole goes according to some people, I do share some of these sentiments on a certain level. Money does the make the world go round, and throughout history, people with money and power have always been inluential, and some of these people get corrupted, are consumed by it, or are just bad people, but not all.

Now, you're talking. :yes:
All politicians are just figure-heads. The only one that tried to be bigger than that was Kennedy (and to a shorter extent Lincoln) and both of them were taken out.

I don't like to add to the heat to this or add any tension but IMHO, I feel politics is all nuts.

You know that's right. :yes:
Dude, wth? Why are people discussing Michael Jackson's politics anyway? he's always been very respectful and bi-partison in alot of ways. Some of you all need to stop insulting republicans, insinuating they're stupid and all copies of Rush Limbaugh. and heads up guys-not all conservatives identify with the "republican" party.....and not all people who don't support Obama are Republicans or even right wingers.

What I'm seeing is alot of Obama supporters being kind of aggressive and insulting towards some people who aren't Obama supporters. and vice vera on a much lesser extent.

I agree with Timmy in a lot of ways. Unfortunately, I think, the people who really could make a difference don't get much notice.
Good news. People are starting to wake up!

Obama's Approval Index Hits Zero

For the first time in his administration, President Obama's "approval index"--the difference between the number of likely voters who strongly approve of his performance and the number who strongly disapprove, as measured by the Rasmussen survey--has reached zero, with both figures at 34%:

people are starting to wake up from what???...and I don't think I know of anyone who gave their opinion to this "survey"

So what is this thread really about? Is it against Obama? Against politics in general? Against, Democrats? There's no such thing is a perfect system. Every system and every place has flaws, and they all have people that are greedy and shady, it's human. It has nothing to do with one single man or party. Or even one nation.
:yes: :yes:
Good news. People are starting to wake up!

Obama's Approval Index Hits Zero

For the first time in his administration, President Obama's "approval index"--the difference between the number of likely voters who strongly approve of his performance and the number who strongly disapprove, as measured by the Rasmussen survey--has reached zero, with both figures at 34%:

Bob George,
See this is my point.... The right winged Republican network
Fox News uses Rasmussen polling all of the time and their data is totally different from the multi polls that are taken all at the same time.. I don't trust this survey not one bit.... And like the rest, I don't know of anyone who gave their opinion....
The Prez is marxist for what he is doing in the Middle East apologizing for for the USA and snubbing Israel. The disgrace continues.

Obama hid from his middle name, Hussein, during the election and now brags about how many Muslims live in America. He's a fraud.

By the way, he used taxpayer money to turn ownership of Chrysler and GM to the UAW which donated millions to his campaign. That's a payoff!
Hahahahah!!!!!!! Just amuse yourself by finding excuses why YOU hate Obama. Get over it. The man is unstoppable. And the man never tried to hide his middle name. They tried to use it against him during the campaign, REMEMBER?.

But it's being put to good use now. I love it when someone can turn a negative into a positive... DON'T YOU?




Obama is just everything huh? Extremist, socialists, communist, marxist, gay(yes, its a rumor i read, dumb huh)... I'm so sick of it. What has this man done that is so so destructive, so diabolical and devilish to be called every name under the sun?
Obama is just everything huh? Extremist, socialists, communist, marxist, gay(yes, its a rumor i read, dumb huh)... I'm so sick of it. What has this man done that is so so destructive, so diabolical and devilish to be called every name under the sun?

:D Rumor?????????????? Obama's life is nothing but RUMORS! But living with rumors is just a way of life. I guess that's the way it is with influential people................. The name sake for this forum will tell you that...:cheeky::cheeky::cheeky:
Obama is just everything huh? Extremist, socialists, communist, marxist, gay(yes, its a rumor i read, dumb huh)... I'm so sick of it. What has this man done that is so so destructive, so diabolical and devilish to be called every name under the sun?

Don't forget muslim!
Those polls don't mean anything, they're are randomly conducted with just a small amount of people in certain area's of the country, you can have those say anything. If you want to see if there's a difference, wait until the next election.
The Prez is marxist for what he is doing in the Middle East apologizing for for the USA and snubbing Israel. The disgrace continues.

Obama hid from his middle name, Hussein, during the election and now brags about how many Muslims live in America. He's a fraud.

By the way, he used taxpayer money to turn ownership of Chrysler and GM to the UAW which donated millions to his campaign. That's a payoff!

Marxist? Do you even know what that is?
I am aware that to some, advocating a more fair way of evening out economical and social differences is considered a sin of great proportions.
But calling Obama a marxist just shows a lack of knowledge in regards to history and politics in general.
This is the type of statements that reflects badly on people that are critical towards him. Because if you are to give critical assessment, and be taken seriously you need to be able to debate things on a level where your criticism to a higher level and show that you have a fair level of understanding of politics and of the situation on an international level as well.
Obama is not "snubbing" Israel. He seem to have a understanding that to get anywhere internationally, you can not continue the politics of the past. USA is in one of the most serious recessions to ever happen, and while this is causing problems all over the world the root of it is in the USA and the worst effects of the recession will be seen there. Combine this with the problems caused by the war in Irak, the fight for resources due to increase of population and environmental changes leading to a staggering 1 billion people who is starving, a very angry muslim world with a dangerous growth of extremists religious movements- and you have a picture where brute force is not the way to succsess. Unless you want a world war.
I think Obama sees this, and in order to prevent disaster he knows that creating a climate og negotiations and contact between states and people of conflicting interests is the only sane way to go.
This also means that some recognition has to be given to the situation in Palestine. Its a very, very difficult path he has to walk- given that in any camp there will be people who disagree. But if you look at the risks we are facing, and the need to solve the problems on an international level I think that he is doing a very good job indeed.
He is after all, just a human being dong a very difficult job in a complex world. Cut the man some slack, and instead of looking for signs of something bad try to give hope to this world instead of feeding the negative forces that leads to conflict and suspicion. We are one world, and all the people in it deserves that we do our best to keep it peaceful and sustainable for us and generations to come. In the words of Lennon: Give peace a chance...............
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