The Obama Deception

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I think it's rediculous too. And to add to my last post, yeah muslim too :lol: They can never stick to one thing, they go to another. I've just came to the conclusion that 'bama just needs to do his job, and eff the naysayers(mind some of you). And I still don't understand what the deception is; that he used change and hope as his mantra? That he made himself seem like Jesus(which he didn't, I'm just exagerrating)?
I think it's rediculous too. And to add to my last post, yeah muslim too :lol: They can never stick to one thing, they go to another. I've just came to the conclusion that 'bama just needs to do his job, and eff the naysayers(mind some of you). And I still don't understand what the deception is; that he used change and hope as his mantra? That he made himself seem like Jesus(which he didn't, I'm just exagerrating)?
The deception is simply that Obama's somehow different than Bush, Clinton or any other President that's worked for private banks and special interests.

Through-out the 20th century there's been one U.S. President that I can safely say worked for the people instead of private banks and special interests and he has assassinated. That's not to say his assassination was an inside job. There's no conclusive evidence that it was. But he attempted to give the powers of the federal reserve back to the U.S. Treasury, he spat in the face of suggestions that the U.S. should stage false-flag terrorist attacks its own people or it's own embassies and then blame it on Cuba. Just like every other President, once he got into office he found out what the grand plan was but unlike other U.S. Presidents he didn't like the grand plan but he was shot and killed before he could do anything about it. Again, that's not to say he was killed by his own government or anything. But it was convenient for them that he died. Just like it was convenient for them that 9/11 happened. But again, that's not to say it was an inside job either.

Obama's a liar. It saddens me that people think he's working for the people, that he has his country's best interests at heart and he'll make like better for Americans and in turn have a wider, positive influence on the rest of the world. He's been bought and paid for just like everyone else. And then people actually argue that he's somehow better than Bush. Better would imply different. No, they're the same. No one can be better than the other. Not in any way that really matters. All Obama's doing is continuing Bush's work but doing it on a larger scale and a lot faster because he's got more political capital to do. He thinks he has a mandate to do whatever he wants to do because he won the election by a considerable margin.

I'm just glad that I'm no actually living in America now and I get to watch it fall apart from the outside like a television drama. At least the disastrous results of 4 years, or God forbid 8, of Obama wont effect me directly, or at least I'll be effected long after you poor guys in America. I feel for you guys.
The deception is simply that Obama's somehow different than Bush, Clinton or any other President that's worked for private banks and special interests.

Through-out the 20th century there's been one U.S. President that I can safely say worked for the people instead of private banks and special interests and he has assassinated. That's not to say his assassination was an inside job. There's no conclusive evidence that it was. But he attempted to give the powers of the federal reserve back to the U.S. Treasury, he spat in the face of suggestions that the U.S. should stage false-flag terrorist attacks its own people or it's own embassies and then blame it on Cuba. Just like every other President, once he got into office he found out what the grand plan was but unlike other U.S. Presidents he didn't like the grand plan but he was shot and killed before he could do anything about it. Again, that's not to say he was killed by his own government or anything. But it was convenient for them that he died. Just like it was convenient for them that 9/11 happened. But again, that's not to say it was an inside job either.

Obama's a liar. It saddens me that people think he's working for the people, that he has his country's best interests at heart and he'll make like better for Americans and in turn have a wider, positive influence on the rest of the world. He's been bought and paid for just like everyone else. And then people actually argue that he's somehow better than Bush. Better would imply different. No, they're the same. No one can be better than the other. Not in any way that really matters. All Obama's doing is continuing Bush's work but doing it on a larger scale and a lot faster because he's got more political capital to do. He thinks he has a mandate to do whatever he wants to do because he won the election by a considerable margin.

I'm just glad that I'm no actually living in America now and I get to watch it fall apart from the outside like a television drama. At least the disastrous results of 4 years, or God forbid 8, of Obama wont effect me directly, or at least I'll be effected long after you poor guys in America. I feel for you guys.[/quote]

Dream on honey because it ain't going to happen. You will be eating crow just like all the other cooks who have to make up things on why the hate Obama. EIGHT YEARS!! OBAMA!!:clapping::clapping::clapping:...
Oh!!! yes, Obama is going to be an 8 year man and all of his supporters will be celebrating in 2012.:cheers:
Dream on honey because it ain't going to happen. You will be eating crow just like all the other cooks who have to make up things on why the hate Obama. EIGHT YEARS!! OBAMA!!:clapping::clapping::clapping:...
Oh!!! yes, Obama is going to be an 8 year man and all of his supporters will be celebrating in 2012.:cheers:
You don't get it, do you? I don't want to play your childish games of who's going to win the next election, Democrats or Republicans. This isn't a football match. You're probably right. The Republicans are in shambles at the moment and it will take years for them to get back to where they were before Bush ruined them. So Barack Obama probably will get elected a second time. But the point I'm trying to make is that it doesn't matter. Unless someone radically different who is not part of the establishment and can't be bought with any amount of money is elected, then the next U.S. President will be just as bad as Obama, who is just as bad as Bush, who was just as bad as Clinton etc.
You don't get it, do you? I don't want to play your childish games of who's going to win the next election, Democrats or Republicans. This isn't a football match. You're probably right. The Republicans are in shambles at the moment and it will take years for them to get back to where they were before Bush ruined them. So Barack Obama probably will get elected a second time. But the point I'm trying to make is that it doesn't matter. Unless someone radically different who is not part of the establishment and can't be bought with any amount of money is elected, then the next U.S. President will be just as bad as Obama, who is just as bad as Bush, who was just as bad as Clinton etc.

No Bob George, we aren't playing *your* childish games any more. The fact is, ALL MUSLIMS are NOT EVIL. Get it? Obama's trying to mend the fences that Bush and Company built up. False Fences. It's high time we admitted our mistakes and move forward. The Republicans are a party of BEHIND, NOT AHEAD.

And that is just too bad. I really could care less for any of them. All they want is to bring this country back to the 1900's....not the 2000's.

Obama is not part of the establishment. He made that abundantly clear with his last speech...

This speech could go down on the level of the Gettysburg Address, it's so good. And it is too bad that conservatives do not see Barack Obama as the true leader he is.
No Bob George, we aren't playing *your* childish games any more. The fact is, ALL MUSLIMS are NOT EVIL. Get it?
Well it's pretty evident in this post that you live in la-la land where everyone who doesn't like Obama is a Muslim hater. Where have I said anything even close to that? I don't think I've ever mentioned the word "Muslim" or "Islam" in this thread. I couldn't care less if Obama's a Muslim or a Christian. I hate both religions. Islam and Christianity, that is. I don't hate Muslim and Christians or Jews or any person who chooses to follow a certain religion. That's your choice. But the religions themselves are evil and headed by very corrupt people. But that's a totally different discussion. I don't know where your blind accusations that I think all Muslims are evil came from. That was completely unfounded. I'm not interesting in playing that game either. False accusations based on your prejudiced assumptions. I don't like Obama therefore I must not like Muslims. Because I don't like Bush does that mean I don't like Christians? Earlier in this thread I was called racist when I hadn't even brought race in to the discussion at all. Here's some reality for you so called "liberals". Just because someone doesn't like Obama that does not make them a racist and it does not mean they hate Muslims. Liberals love making assumptions like that yet they are supposed to be the ones who are open-minded.

Obama is not part of the establishment.
I could list all the news articles, all the reports, the videos, the documents that show Obama's connections to high-level, elite groups and his involvement with the establishment. Or you could just watch "The Obama Deception", the video I posted in the very first post of this thread. The documentary clearly outlines, with clear evidence and mainstream sources exactly how Obama is involved in the establishment and it really shows how Obama, more than any other President in history, is working for the establishment and plans to get more done for special interests and private banks than any other President ever.
Well it's pretty evident in this post that you live in la-la land where everyone who doesn't like Obama is a Muslim hater. Where have I said anything even close to that? I don't think I've ever mentioned the word "Muslim" or "Islam" in this thread. I couldn't care less if Obama's a Muslim or a Christian. I hate both religions. Islam and Christianity, that is. I don't hate Muslim and Christians or Jews or any person who chooses to follow a certain religion. That's your choice. But the religions themselves are evil and headed by very corrupt people. But that's a totally different discussion. I don't know where your blind accusations that I think all Muslims are evil came from. That was completely unfounded. I'm not interesting in playing that game either. False accusations based on your prejudiced assumptions. I don't like Obama therefore I must not like Muslims. Because I don't like Bush does that mean I don't like Christians? Earlier in this thread I was called racist when I hadn't even brought race in to the discussion at all. Here's some reality for you so called "liberals". Just because someone doesn't like Obama that does not make them a racist and it does not mean they hate Muslims. Liberals love making assumptions like that yet they are supposed to be the ones who are open-minded.

I could list all the news articles, all the reports, the videos, the documents that show Obama's connections to high-level, elite groups and his involvement with the establishment. Or you could just watch "The Obama Deception", the video I posted in the very first post of this thread. The documentary clearly outlines, with clear evidence and mainstream sources exactly how Obama is involved in the establishment and it really shows how Obama, more than any other President in history, is working for the establishment and plans to get more done for special interests and private banks than any other President ever.

Bob, put a lid on it will ya? Not everyone hates Obama. He is not connected. Stop listening to the Right Wing Messiah, Rush. Stop watching videos supported by the Heritage Foundation. Start watching some real news, instead of FAUX (GOP TV).

That's about it. I'm not posting any more in this thread. You've got your mind made up. And so do I.

And that is just too bad.

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Bob, put a lid on it will ya? Not everyone hates Obama. He is not connected. Stop listening to the Right Wing Messiah, Rush. Stop watching videos supported by the Heritage Foundation. Start watching some real news, instead of FAUX (GOP TV).
Again with your false assumptions. I have never listened to a Rush Limbaugh broadcast in my life. I've only ever heard soundbites and from what I've heard of he seems like a really hateful person. He seems racist and homophobic and I'm not down with that. Not everyone who's against Obama listens to Rush. I couldn't care less about the Heritage Foundation. I watch Fox occasionally but quite frankly I've lost faith in all mainstream media. If anything I prefer CNN because at least they attempt to be a little more fair and accurate. You've really got me pegged all wrong. Your saw that I don't like Obama and you quickly assumed I'm a "right-winger" who listens to Rush and watches Fox News. It's not fair to make those assumptions. But I guess that's the nature of the modern American liberal ideology. Put everyone into groups and treat them as part of a collective rather than as individuals.

That's about it. I'm not posting any more in this thread. You've got your mind made up. And so do I.

And that is just too bad.
I don't have my mind up. When you make up your mind you close it off to alternative ideas. That's what this thread is about. Exchanging ideas. It's not about attacking people based on an assumption you've made about them. I'm not interested in turning this thread into the same old false left-right argument that is turned into something almost like a sporting event on Fox News and MSNBC. I want to transcend that argument. All I am trying to do in this thread is to open people's mind to alternative ideas and if you don't want to open your mind, if your mind is made up, then what are you doing here? But if you would like to enter in to a real debate about who Obama is, who he's really working for, if in the bigger scheme of things he really is any different to his predecessors etc. then I encourage you to stay. But if you do stay, leave you false assumptions and stereotypes at the door.
Unfortunately, all of you have your minds made up. Because of the personal attacks and members not being able to discuss this properly, we have decided to close this thread for a few days. It'll just be a cooling off period.
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