The Obama Deception

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With all due respect, Raylo...I know what you are trying to accomplish here. But how about respect for the President of the United States? This stuff shouldn't be posted here, if you really want respect. This is a very hot-button that incites many to respond very vehemently about.
Questioning a politician's policies is not disrespectful Linda. And if someone wants to take part in such a discussion, all opinions should be voiced with respect towards other posters. Most people have good intentions regardless of which party they vote for (they just have different ideas about how to solve problems) - that should be remembered. People don't need to treat each other like the enemy. It also helps to actually watch a documentary before reacting to it. Otherwise just move on to the next thread. But whatever anyone chooses to do, do it respectfully. End of story.
Seems like you just wanted to go off on a tangent about politics no matter what Linda. At least you eventually caught up and realised what we were talking about after multiple posts about the wrong doco.
I'm well aware of what the Republican party stands for. And becuase they don't have solutions is the reason why they lost. No one is demanding that they do anything, but if you don't believe that the government shouldn't be involved in dealing with the economic problems, then tell everyone what you would do and The Republicans and Right Wingers haven't done that.
You're still not getting it. What would the right-wing thinkers do?... nothing. Why do you keep insisting they offer solution when their core principle is that government is not the solution to our problems, it is the problem. Do less, let the private sector and individuals do more. There are some specific things the government could do, actions it could take in order to do less, like lower taxes and cut spending. And if that's what you mean by a solution offered up by the right-wing, an action the government could take to do less, then the right-wing has plenty of solutions.

Lower taxes, letting people keep more of their own money which will mean they spend more, invest more, and the economy will recover faster. Cut corporate taxes and companies will be able to hire more people, reducing unemployment over time. The reason they are cutting jobs is because they are running out of money. The government can help that situation by not taxing them as much.

Instead of injected huge amounts of money into infrastructure, talk with private investors about leasing out public roads to private companies which wouldn't cost the taxpayer anything, except for toll costs. Look around the world at roads managed by private companies. They have a shorter commute time, less accidents, they are more regularly maintained than public roads. Private companies have an incentive to keep the roads good. Because if they aren't good, people won't drive on them, the government will consider taking back the road or leasing it to someone else. Can you imagine how efficient and well done a market-based infrastructure would be?

Let companies fail. No company is too big to fail. If they fail it's because they've been unsuccessful and we don't want an unsuccessful company artificially staying afloat because of government bail-outs, ensuring that the problems they cause will never go away. Let companies fail, flush out all the bad water, and give new companies with better ideas the opportunity to step up and take their place.

Cut government spending. The huge national debt which the US currently has really, really drives down confidence in the market. The private sector is not confident in the US dollar so they are waiting it out, seeing if the dollar recovers, moving all their money into other assets. This is driving down economic growth. The US government desperately needs to eliminate some of it's debt and take steps to sure up confidence in the market.

They are just some right-wing solutions to this economic crisis.

And there are Noble prize winning economists that believe the government should be involved and do a lot more. We know that the markets are going to recover naturally, President Obama wants to put measures in place so that the crisis will never happen again. That's what the Republicans don't want. :D
Yes but the measures he wants to put in place will slow economic growth, repeal economic liberties, without any guarantee that his plans will work or that a crisis will never happen again. In fact, it could be argued he'd ensure another economic crisis not too far down the line if he increases government control. You have to understand, a crisis is always seen as an opportunity to the state. That's not necessarily a good thing. What it means is that Obama will take this opportunity to fulfil his social-democratic agenda regardless of effects on the economy. You can be sure he's #1 priority is pushing through every liberal idea he's been waiting for since he was a young college student flirting with the ideas of socialism.
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You're still not getting it. What would the right-wing thinkers do?... nothing. Why do you keep insisting they offer solution when their core principle is that government is not the solution to our problems, it is the problem. Do less, let the private sector and individuals do more. There are some specific things the government could do, actions it could take in order to do less, like lower taxes and cut spending. And if that's what you mean by a solution offered up by the right-wing, an action the government could take to do less, then the right-wing has plenty of solutions.

Lower taxes, letting people keep more of their own money which will mean they spend more, invest more, and the economy will recover faster. Cut corporate taxes and companies will be able to hire more people, reducing unemployment over time. The reason they are cutting jobs is because they are running out of money. The government can help that situation by not taxing them as much.

Instead of injected huge amounts of money into infrastructure, talk with private investors about leasing out public roads to private companies which wouldn't cost the taxpayer anything, except for toll costs. Look around the world at roads managed by private companies. They have a shorter commute time, less accidents, they are more regularly maintained than public roads. Private companies have an incentive to keep the roads good. Because if they aren't good, people won't drive on them, the government will consider taking back the road or leasing it to someone else. Can you imagine how efficient and well done a market-based infrastructure would be?

Let companies fail. No company is too big to fail. If they fail it's because they've been unsuccessful and we don't want an unsuccessful company artificially staying afloat because of government bail-outs, ensuring that the problems they cause will never go away. Let companies fail, flush out all the bad water, and give new companies with better ideas the opportunity to step up and take their place.

Cut government spending. The huge national debt which the US currently has really, really drives down confidence in the market. The private sector is not confident in the US dollar so they are waiting it out, seeing if the dollar recovers, moving all their money into other assets. This is driving down economic growth. The US government desperately needs to eliminate some of it's debt and take steps to sure up confidence in the market.

They are just some right-wing solutions to this economic crisis.

Yes but the measures he wants to put in place will slow economic growth, repeal economic liberties, without any guarantee that his plans will work or that a crisis will never happen again. In fact, it could be argued he'd ensure another economic crisis not too far down the line if he increases government control. You have to understand, a crisis is always seen as an opportunity to the state. That's not necessarily a good thing. What it means is that Obama will take this opportunity to fulfil his social-democratic agenda regardless of effects on the economy. You can be sure he's #1 priority is pushing through every liberal idea he's been waiting for since he was a young college student flirting with the ideas of socialism.

The Republicans and Right Wingers always talk the same old garbage, TAX TAX, SPEND, SPEND, yet they are just as guilty of doing just that. Well cutting taxes for the rich people is what they are REALLY known for. Most of those people at those FOX NEWS SPONSORED "Tea Bag" parties couldn't begin to tell you what the tea bag party was all about.

But this time, there is someone is office that knows how to play their game. The Republicans and Right Wingers don't know what to do with themselves. Barack Obama is going to be successful. He will change politics in this country and that is what the Republicans are scared about. NO MORE WEDGED ISSUES will be used by the Republicans to try and keep the focus off of the dirty tricks that they have pulled for the last eight years, like TORTURING FOLKS. I know one thing, the Democrats have Obama to thank. Now they know how to fight and WIN!!!!!!! GO!!!!!!!!!! BARACK OBAMA... :punk:
So when does he start being a damn good President? So far he's tripled the deficit, taken over GM, prepared an escalated attack on Afghanistan, hired a cabinet full of lobbyists, Wall Street people, Bush people and tax cheats. I'm not one bit impressed. His administration is escalating the global economic crisis. But yes, Alex Jones is a right-winger, though definitely not a Republican, and he's nuts, but that doesn't make the core of what he's saying irrelevant.

Oh Gosh , why do you make himthe responsible of the economic crisis ...? the crisis started during Bush administration doesnt it ...? only 3 months and you are already judging his policy ..

For he moment he cant nothing against the escalating deficit started by the 8-years Bush Government .

he is diplomatic , with him the international relationship wont be the same , people here in europe urge to go to the USA again .
The Republicans and Right Wingers always talk the same old garbage, TAX TAX, SPEND, SPEND, yet they are just as guilty of doing just that.
I completely agree with you. I'm not on the side of the Republicans with this. I'm on the fiscally conservative side of this and that has nothing to do with Republicans.

Well cutting taxes for the rich people is what they are REALLY known for. Most of those people at those FOX NEWS SPONSORED "Tea Bag" parties couldn't begin to tell you what the tea bag party was all about.
Cut taxes for all, rich, poor and middle class. That's what I'm saying.

But this time, there is someone is office that knows how to play their game. The Republicans and Right Wingers don't know what to do with themselves.
Right-wing thinkers and Republicans aren't necessarily one in the same. If the right-wing position in regards to this economic crisis is that of fiscal responsibility, then that's not the side the Republicans are on. Maybe now that they're not in power, but that doesn't count. It's what they do when they're in power that shows their true colours.

Barack Obama is going to be successful.
And that's what the whole world should be worried about.

He will change politics in this country and that is what the Republicans are scared about.
He hasn't changed politics yet. He's just the same old thing all over again with a fresh face.

NO MORE WEDGED ISSUES will be used by the Republicans to try and keep the focus off of the dirty tricks that they have pulled for the last eight years, like TORTURING FOLKS.
I completely agree that the US shouldn't torture and I think Republicans should be ashamed for supporting it. But no more dirty tricks because Obama is in? Maybe no more dirty tricks by the Republicans. They aren't in power to do so. It's the Democrat's turn for playing dirty tricks now.

I know one thing, the Democrats have Obama to thank. Now they know how to fight and WIN!!!!!!! GO!!!!!!!!!! BARACK OBAMA... :punk:
If you think America voted in a new party to the executive office last year, you are sadly mistaken. The US, like a lot of countries these days, is ruled by one party with two separate factions. They both govern the exact same way but give the illusion that they are different. I can't believe so many people are fooling themselves. All that happens at the start of this year was the two sides switched. Everything Bush did that Obama is now doing is now good according to the left and is now bad according to the right.
Oh Gosh , why do you make himthe responsible of the economic crisis ...? the crisis started during Bush administration doesnt it ...? only 3 months and you are already judging his policy ..

For he moment he cant nothing against the escalating deficit started by the 8-years Bush Government .

he is diplomatic , with him the international relationship wont be the same , people here in europe urge to go to the USA again .

I didn't blame him for it. I said he's escalating it. The crisis started during the Bush administration yet, but the Democrats controlled congress. Both parties in the US are to blame.

There's plenty of things Obama can do to reduce the deficit. Cut taxes, which can actually bring in more revenue for the government if you're familiar with the Laffer curve, and reduce spending, which is the main cause of the deficit. Obama's done the opposite of that. He's signed off trillions of dollars in spending. He's only making things worse.

But one thing I will give him credit for is that at least he's talking about being more diplomatic than Bush. So there, I'm not 100% against Obama. In fact, I like him as a leader. I think he possess qualities that a good leader should have. He has the respect of the people. He speaks well and inspires people through he's words. But as a policy maker, he's disastrous and I think the whole world will feel the brunt of his policies when they take effect.
man, I'd like to see some of you guys as president. I bet you'd all solve the world's problems in what? Two weeks? Especially since we know everything about every situation
You're still not getting it. What would the right-wing thinkers do?... nothing. Why do you keep insisting they offer solution when their core principle is that government is not the solution to our problems, it is the problem. Do less, let the private sector and individuals do more. There are some specific things the government could do, actions it could take in order to do less, like lower taxes and cut spending. And if that's what you mean by a solution offered up by the right-wing, an action the government could take to do less, then the right-wing has plenty of solutions.

Lower taxes, letting people keep more of their own money which will mean they spend more, invest more, and the economy will recover faster. Cut corporate taxes and companies will be able to hire more people, reducing unemployment over time. The reason they are cutting jobs is because they are running out of money. The government can help that situation by not taxing them as much.

Instead of injected huge amounts of money into infrastructure, talk with private investors about leasing out public roads to private companies which wouldn't cost the taxpayer anything, except for toll costs. Look around the world at roads managed by private companies. They have a shorter commute time, less accidents, they are more regularly maintained than public roads. Private companies have an incentive to keep the roads good. Because if they aren't good, people won't drive on them, the government will consider taking back the road or leasing it to someone else. Can you imagine how efficient and well done a market-based infrastructure would be?

Let companies fail. No company is too big to fail. If they fail it's because they've been unsuccessful and we don't want an unsuccessful company artificially staying afloat because of government bail-outs, ensuring that the problems they cause will never go away. Let companies fail, flush out all the bad water, and give new companies with better ideas the opportunity to step up and take their place.

Cut government spending. The huge national debt which the US currently has really, really drives down confidence in the market. The private sector is not confident in the US dollar so they are waiting it out, seeing if the dollar recovers, moving all their money into other assets. This is driving down economic growth. The US government desperately needs to eliminate some of it's debt and take steps to sure up confidence in the market.

They are just some right-wing solutions to this economic crisis.

Yes but the measures he wants to put in place will slow economic growth, repeal economic liberties, without any guarantee that his plans will work or that a crisis will never happen again. In fact, it could be argued he'd ensure another economic crisis not too far down the line if he increases government control. You have to understand, a crisis is always seen as an opportunity to the state. That's not necessarily a good thing. What it means is that Obama will take this opportunity to fulfil his social-democratic agenda regardless of effects on the economy. You can be sure he's #1 priority is pushing through every liberal idea he's been waiting for since he was a young college student flirting with the ideas of socialism.

Bob George, with all due respect- we have cut taxes in the past 8 years. This is what George Bush did, besides getting us into an illegal occupation. You want to know where all the money is going? Look no further than here:

Now about your idea for privatization. That already has been done. Privatization means that business take on the expense of keeping roads safe. Do you think that businesses, with their eye solely on the "bottom Line" are going to keep roads safe? The minute the economy heads south, these little things lose their priority. We are talking about the safety of the general public. Expenses, in an economic downturn, get cut. And the road upkeep would be the first to go.


Thomson Reuters
US road privatization may hurt states -report
04.01.09, 03:49 PM EDT

By Tom Ryan

NEW YORK, April 1 (Reuters) - U.S. states considering road privatization as a way to close budget deficits risk losing billions of dollars in long-term toll revenue while ceding too much control to shareholder-focused private investors, a report said on Wednesday.

There were 15 roads in 10 states in private hands at end 2008, and 25 states are considering privatizing another 80 roads, according to the report by the Public Interest Research Group Education Fund, a Boston-based public advocacy group.

'Though these privatization deals seem to offer state officials a 'quick fix,' they often pose long-term threats to the public interest,' said Phineas Baxandall, chief author of the report.

The top five states that have privatized roads are Alabama, California, Virginia, Florida and Texas.

The key risks of privatization include bankruptcy, the report said.

'If these business models prove unsustainable, the public may be left with a road operator in bankruptcy who will not invest in maintenance and upkeep, or who will collapse at an untimely moment,' said Baxandall.
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Bob George, with all due respect- we have cut taxes in the past 8 years. This is what George Bush did, besides getting us into an illegal occupation. You want to know where all the money is going? Look no further than here:
When Bush cut taxes there was economic growth. Bush had solid economic growth for years until of course the last couple of years of his last term. What happend around that time? Oh yeah, the Democrats took control of congress. lol, but as I said. Both parties are to blame. And yes, I agree with you 100% about the cost of the war. It's totally unnecessary But it's not the main source of spending in the US. Do you want to know what is? Social security and medicare. It costs a lot to run your liberal social programs.

Now about your idea for privatization. That already has been done.
Yes, and if you look at where it's been done, it works well.

Privatization means that business take on the expense of keeping roads safe. Do you think that businesses, with their eye solely on the "bottom Line" are going to keep roads safe? The minute the economy heads south, these little things lose their priority. We are talking about the safety of the general public. Expenses, in an economic downturn, get cut. And the road upkeep would be the first to go.
The exact same thing can be said about the government running the roads. In fact, because the government doesn't have any competition, things like maintaining the roads, relieving conjestion, making roads safer will not be of any priority to them because they are not at a risk of losing the roads to someone else or losing commuters. If people have one choice, the government, then there's no competition, there's no incentive. Why would the government even need to make roads better and safer? The only time they'd be motivated to do so would be when things get so bad the public complains. But private companies are thinking every day about how to keep customers and how to gain new ones. I have more faith that a private company would manage a road better than the government. Every experience I've ever had, whether it be schools, hospitals, roads, parks, swimming pools, private companies always do a better job than the government-run alternatives. I went to a public school before I went to a private school. I've been to both private and public hospitals. If you have too then there's no way you can say you felt the public experience was better.


Thomson Reuters
US road privatization may hurt states -report
04.01.09, 03:49 PM EDT

By Tom Ryan

NEW YORK, April 1 (Reuters) - U.S. states considering road privatization as a way to close budget deficits risk losing billions of dollars in long-term toll revenue while ceding too much control to shareholder-focused private investors, a report said on Wednesday.

There were 15 roads in 10 states in private hands at end 2008, and 25 states are considering privatizing another 80 roads, according to the report by the Public Interest Research Group Education Fund, a Boston-based public advocacy group.

'Though these privatization deals seem to offer state officials a 'quick fix,' they often pose long-term threats to the public interest,' said Phineas Baxandall, chief author of the report.

The top five states that have privatized roads are Alabama, California, Virginia, Florida and Texas.

The key risks of privatization include bankruptcy, the report said.

'If these business models prove unsustainable, the public may be left with a road operator in bankruptcy who will not invest in maintenance and upkeep, or who will collapse at an untimely moment,' said Baxandall.

Here, watch this:
Cut taxes for all, rich, poor and middle class. That's what I'm saying.

95% of the tax payers are going to get their taxes cut under the Obama's plan, that's why that Tea Bag party antic was a joke. Most of those people that were protesting are going to get a tax brake. And Obama's tax rate will be lower than Reagan, Clinton and Bush 43. Bush 41 raised taxes after saying READ MY LIPS NO NEW TAXES.

And that's what the whole world should be worried about.

Most of the world supports Obama. Here in America, it's not the Democrats that support him, most of his support is coming from the Independents the group that both parties need in order to be successful in office. Also Obama has a lot of support from the Moderate Republicans. Obama knows that he can't have just a Liberal approach on how he will govern the country. That's what makes him different. Yes he will have to fight some Democrats just like he is going to fight the Republicans.

He hasn't changed politics yet. He's just the same old thing all over again with a fresh face.

Of course he is going to stick with some of the core values of the Democratic party, "FIGHTING FOR THE LITTLE PEOPLE", but CHANGE is what he promised and most Americans believe he is doing just that.

If you think America voted in a new party to the executive office last year, you are sadly mistaken. The US, like a lot of countries these days, is ruled by one party with two separate factions.

Well I have to agree with you on this, considering the Republican party was a spin off from the Democratic party. Also, there were many Democrats during the Civl Rights Movement that didn't support many of the Civil Rights Movement causes. I'm talking about the Democrats from the South. Many of them hated Dr. Martin Luther King. But we all know that they left the Democratic Party and they all became Republicans and they turned that party into a party full of people that have no tolerance for anything that helps people. But Obama is a politician that America has never had before and that's why I believe he is going to change how politics are conducted in this country. Also that's the reason why the Republicans are fighting with themselves. They don't have a new message.. I say go Meagan McCain. She is pointing out the Republican's flaws and pretty soon, the Conservative wing of the Republican party will crash and burn.
I didn't bother watching the video because of the fact that I hate Obama. The only thing that Obama did great so far was finally getting a dog for his kids. I mainly hate Obama is because he is a Democrat and I hate Democrats. Republicans make much better presidents than Democrats. So in other words I still miss Bush as president.
Well, to each his own. In my eyes, we have had more failures under Republican rule than there ever were under Democratic control.

Job Creation
Jimmy Carter, 1977-1980: 10.5 million new jobs
Bill Clinton, 1993-1996: 11.6 million new jobs
Bill Clinton, 1997-2000: 12.4 million new jobs
Total: 33.6 million jobs created over 12 years, or 2.8 million jobs per year
Ronald Reagan 1981-1984: 5.2 million new jobs
Ronald Reagan 1985-1988: 10.8 million new jobs
George H.W. Bush 1989-1992: 2.6 million new jobs
George W. Bush 2001-2004: 0.2 million fewer jobs
George W. Bush 2005-2007: 5.5 million new jobs
Total: 24 million jobs created over 19 years, or 1.3 million jobs per year
Government Spending
How much did the government spend for every dollar of revenue?
Jimmy Carter, 1977-1980: $ 1.16
Bill Clinton, 1993-1996: $1.25
Bill Clinton, 1997-2000: $1.01
Democratic Average: $1.16
Ronald Reagan 1981-1984: $1.31
Ronald Reagan 1985-1988: $1.38
George H.W. Bush 1989-1992: $1.34
George W. Bush 2001-2004: $1.27
George W. Bush 2005-2007: $1.24
Republican Average: $1.29
The difference between $1.16 and $1.29 may not seem like a lot, but the impact on the national debt is huge, especially when you consider that $1.29 applies to 19 years, and the budgets under this president are so much larger.
Increases in Government Debt
Growth In Debt Held By the Public [$US trillions]
Jimmy Carter, 1977-1980: 0.2
Bill Clinton, 1993-1996: 0.7
Bill Clinton, 1997-2000: -0.3
Democratic Total: 0.6
Ronald Reagan 1981-1984: 0.6
Ronald Reagan 1985-1988: 0.7
George H.W. Bush 1989-1992: 0.9
George W. Bush 2001-2004: 0.9
George W. Bush 2005-2007: 1.1
Republican Total: 4.3
The financial markets only pay attention to the amount of debt held by the public. This is the number that helps drive down the value of the dollar and makes bankers nervous about inflation down the road.
Growth of Debt Held By "Government Accounts" [$US trillions]
Jimmy Carter, 1977-1980: 0.00
Bill Clinton, 1993-1996: 0.4
Bill Clinton, 1997-2000: 0.8
Democratic Total: 1.3
Ronald Reagan 1981-1984: 0.1
Ronald Reagan 1985-1988: 0.3
George H.W. Bush 1989-1992: 0.5
George W. Bush 2001-2004: 0.8
George W. Bush 2005-2007: 1.4
Republican Total: 3.0
Debt held in government accounts is very much a misnomer. Debt, in the real world, is a fixed obligation to make a payment on a specific date. Not so for debt held in government accounts, according to this White House.
"The Bush administration opposes including Social Security and Medicare in the audited deficit. Its reason: Congress can cancel or cut the retirement programs at any time, so they should not be considered a government liability for accounting purposes." USA Today, August 3, 2006
This subject warrants a separate article, but there, in a nutshell, is the basis for the Republicans' "Social Security Reform."
In very simple terms, what happens is that the money contributed by everyone into Social Security, intended to build up a surplus to fund the baby boomers' nest egg for their retirement years, is actually used to reduce the government's reported deficit. Is it a huge scam? You bet. President Clinton, anticipating the problem, proposed some kind of undefined "lockbox" to prevent the pillaging of the Social Security surplus that's taken place under the current White House. Of course, the Republicans shot that down.
A bit lttp, but I'll share my 2 cents.

I've been aware of Alex Jones' message for a few years now, and while some may call him an alarmist, I think he's mostly right with regard to his claims of how a shadow government operates most of the day-to-day affairs in politics and other areas. Really now, does anyone honestly think we are being told everything and not having the wool pulled over our eyes? As for his claims regarding 911, I just figure that the government and its secret controllers have more of a reason to lie about the details of the incidents surrounding 911 than Mr. Jones, never mind the fact that the truth is on Jones' side (google WTC 7). Was 911 an inside job? Perhaps that's the wrong question to ask. I would ask, are there questions that have yet to be answered nearly 9 years after the fact? Absolutely, and that's a fact which should be absolutely repugnant to anyone with even the tiniest shred of a sense of justice. Why is the government so quiet on the issue, and why was the 911 commission report such a farce which failed to address so many of the important questions? Moreover, the hideous atrocities that have been committed subsequent to 911 should really make you sad. Over 1 million Iraqis and over 4000 USA soldiers are no more. Utterly pointless deaths all for the benefit of fat war profiteers and their associates.

And as for party politics? I don't play that game. If you vote for any presidential candidate, vote for someone that actually stands up for your views. Do not—I repeat—do not vote for the corporate sponsored red and blue candidates, unless of course you do not place a great value on your principles.
Here's some more information to consider:

USNews Column: Obama’s Post-Partisan Washington Failure all Republican’s Fault

By: Warner Todd Huston Two March 19 editorials on Obama’s failure to create post-partisanship in D.C., both from lefties, can’t be farther apart from each other in their conclusions. Marc Dunkelman’s in U.S. News blames everyone but Obama for the failure to invent that mythic bipartisan Washington while Mort Kondracke’s Real Clear Politics piece lays the fault squarely at Obama’s door step.
But, the differences in the two are not just in conclusion but in the journey it took to get there. Sadly, the journey the Dunkelman piece took to get to its conclusion went through Obamamania, into the Obamagobsmacked tunnel, then it took The One turnpike, and ended up parked squarely in Obama’s southern port… if you know what I mean? In other words, it was based solely on a sycophantic love affair with the Obammessiah instead of on solid political analysis.
We’ll start with Kondracke’s piece headlined “‘Post-Partisanship’ Isn’t Dead Yet — but It’s Very Close.” Mr. Kondracke’s piece was very informative and measures up nicely with reports from other investigators that have looked into Obama’s real record of dealing with Congressional Republicans. Kondracke reports that Obama’s “bipartisan” efforts are practically non-existent and warns the president that he better remember his past promises saying, “It’s time for Obama to remember all those ‘post-partisan’ campaign promises of his and find ways to listen to Republicans and accommodate some of their ideas.”
For all his ballyhooing of that post-partisan Washington, Barack Obama has done precisely nothing to begin that effort. Oh, he’s had a few dinner parties and late night cocktail sessions with Congressional Republicans, sure. But when it’s come to actual policy proscriptions, Obama has offered NO compromise of his far left ideas. Kondracke notes this quoting Sen. Lamar Alexander (R, TN).
The problem is that Bush-style mutual suspicion is taking hold. Alexander said that the White House is good about visits and cordiality, but that “when it comes to engaging Republican Senators on the merits of our ideas, not much has happened.”
Kondracke also quotes Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) to the same effect.
Ryan told me that, where the House is concerned, “there’s no collaboration or exchanges of ideas. They have isolated and ostracized Republicans and they’ve decided to go solo.
In my own discussions with politicians and those that deal with them I’ve heard the same thing. Obama has glad-handed a lot. But he has made NO effort to force his majority leaders in Congress to actually put that bi-partisanship into policy. Obama has made no effort at all to give Republicans any concessions and has allowed his Congressional allies to act with impunity.
Kondracke ends with this admonition:
Indeed. But Obama and his party have to play their part to — by listening to alternative ideas and taking them seriously.
And so far Obama has utterly failed in every way to act on his claims of wanting a bi-partisan administration.
In all, Kondracke’s piece was built on solid reporting. Kudos to him.
Then we come to the slop penned by Dunkelman.
Dunkleman spends his first paragraph praising Obama as the wunderkind that is ready to re-invent government, the next few flogging a pie-in-the-sky book by Ron Browstein talking about how the electorate is tired of partisanship, goes on to quote Bill Clinton, of all people. And then gets to his charge…
Two months into his administration, some have come to question whether the president has already failed in his effort to change the tone in Washington. Despite private meetings at the White House, compromises on key issues, and overwhelming public support for the president’s agenda, not a single Republican House member voted for the president’s stimulus plan.
The problem here is that Obama’s “private meetings” seem to be mere window dressing for the masses to lap up because the “compromises on key issues” that Dunkelman talks about have not happened. Not only was there no “compromise on key issues” but the “president’s stimulus plan” that Dunkelman is talking about wasn’t even his. It was the effort of Congressional Democrats written in meetings at which they excluded Republicans, unread by most everyone and all without a single part authored by the White House. The extent to which Obama was involved in much of what has come from Washington thus far has begun and ended with his sonorous speeches on the permanent campaign trail. Obama has not lowered himself to actually get involved in crafting legislation.
It’s a bit rich to call this the “president’s stimulus plan” when all he did was say we needed one and then walked off to let other’s actually create it.
So, what is Dunkelman talking about? It’s all his attempt to exonerate Obama on his failure to implement any bi-partisanship, naturally.
The new president may be a transformational political figure, but we ought not castigate him for failing to perform a miracle. His success should be measured by a different yardstick. Most important, we should gauge how well he maintains support of the so-called swing voters—namely those who voted for Bush in 2004, but against McCain four year later. No doubt that the Democratic base voted for “change” away from Republican government last fall. But swing voters piled onto the Obama bandwagon because he promised to end the gridlock. If his policy agenda stays in line with their political sensibilities, Republicans may be forced more often to buck their more parochial interests.
In other words, one gets the notion that Dunkelman is sitting under a sheet somewhere crying for us all to “leave Barack ALONE!”
Dunkelman does not once visit the actual truth in this editorial. He does not even mention Obama’s failure to actually do anything meaningful toward bi-partisanship. It’s all the GOPs fault as far as Dunkelman is concerned. He ends cementing that assumption.
The persistence of Washington’s polarization has proven that Ron Brownstein was right about the root causes of partisanship. But even if Obama’s political talent could not retrench two generations of partisan rancor in three weeks, all is not lost. Maybe now we can agree that the root causes of polarization demand more than inspired leadership. And that’s real progress, by any stretch.
Yes, all is not lost. We have the Obammessiah shining his light upon us. Who cares if that light only illuminates a path for donkeys?
Finally, there is a large dollop of historical revisionism on this assumed new state of “polarization” in Washington, too. Sadly, the empty reporting that posits that this is the first time in history there has been any hint of polarization in the nation’s capitol is completely untrue. Federalists and AntiFederalists would have laughed at such a notion in the late 1700s. Whigs and Democrats would have thought you a dolt in the mid 1800s. Heck, Republicans and Democrats got into a shooting war over their “bi-partisanship” in the 1860s! And for the next 40 years after the Civil War the GOP “waved the bloody shirt” with abandon quashing any hope for a bi-partisan Washington. For the Old Media to promulgate the feeling that this is the first time Washington has been bitterly partisan is simply a lie. But it is a lie used to beat up the GOP and give aid to Barack Obama, so the “news” folk don’t mind the deception too terribly… if they are even informed enough to know the true history of our political process.
So, while Kondracke’s piece is a fine example of some real reporting and analysis, the dreck by Marc Dunkelman, however, is a sad excuse for it.
I didn't bother watching the video because of the fact that I hate Obama. The only thing that Obama did great so far was finally getting a dog for his kids. I mainly hate Obama is because he is a Democrat and I hate Democrats. Republicans make much better presidents than Democrats. So in other words I still miss Bush as president.

I hated Bush but I really dont like Obama either and if you dont like him then you'll like this doco. Its not a hate on Obama doco, its just exposing him for the liar he is which is what ppl here have a prob with. It would be like me saying MJ is a liar. BTW whoever said they bet MJ supports Barrack, shouldnt speak for MJ cuz we dont know where he stands but how come MJ has met every Prez except Bush and Obama? The last Prez MJ visited is Clinton who is Democrate like Obama yet MJ didnt met Obama. Its cuz MJ probably has released the truth being the smart man he is.

Also Obama shouldnt even be Prez, he wasnt even born in the US!
Omg DI. You sound like a Rush Dim-Bulb clone, or should I say Flush Dim-Bulb?? Hey, since it's now okay to regularly trash the President of the United States, who cares about some really stupid radio talk show host who didn't even graduate college??? Do you guys ever think for yourselves, instead of touting the party line? Obama was born in Hawaii. And last time I looked, it was part of the US. And if that is a fake birth certificate, Hawaii is in some serious trouble. Especially now that Obama is Prez. Deal with it.
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lol You compaired me to Rush Limbaugh?:bugeyed Im insulted and amused at the same time! Didnt your mother ever tell you if you can say anything nice at all then STFU?:tease:

Even people like Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert who arent stupid people are saying things like, "Hows that different to Bush?":scratch:

Everybody wanted 'CHANGE' and they got that. They changed the face of the Prez thats all.:smilerolleyes: Same people are in control though and the thing is that people are too stubborn to accept the facts that this one person who was supposed to bring so much hope and change is now being likend to the person they hated the most, Bush. Bush and Obama arent really that much different. Bush was just dumber!

Im not worried though cuz it will obviously take time but eventually the Obama supporters will eventually figured out and have to eat their words! Its gonna happen sorry. The difference is Im aware to it, others are ignorant! Sad really. :cheers:
I didn't bother watching the video because of the fact that I hate Obama. The only thing that Obama did great so far was finally getting a dog for his kids. I mainly hate Obama is because he is a Democrat and I hate Democrats. Republicans make much better presidents than Democrats. So in other words I still miss Bush as president.

Hahahah!!! We Americans sure as hell is glad Bush is gone. That bumbling fool was an idiot. And Darth Vadar (***clear throat***) Dick Cheney is about to go down. We all know he was the one that really ran the country... TORTURE is what he did. Barack Obama Rocks!!! No one will phuck with the Rock Obama...:punk:
Omg DI. You sound like a Rush Dim-Bulb clone, or should I say Flush Dim-Bulb?? Hey, since it's now okay to regularly trash the President of the United States, who cares about some really stupid radio talk show host who didn't even graduate college??? Do you guys ever think for yourselves, instead of touting the party line? Obama was born in Hawaii. And last time I looked, it was part of the US. And if that is a fake birth certificate, Hawaii is in some serious trouble. Especially now that Obama is Prez. Deal with it.
@ Linda,
Hahahah! Rush Limbaught the entertainer is the leader of the Republican party. Also that goon Sean Hannity. Oh and that other idiot Michelle Bachman. Most of the people that says Obama wasn't born in the United States couldn't tell you where Hawaii is.:rofl:
I hated Bush but I really dont like Obama either and if you dont like him then you'll like this doco. Its not a hate on Obama doco, its just exposing him for the liar he is which is what ppl here have a prob with. It would be like me saying MJ is a liar. BTW whoever said they bet MJ supports Barrack, shouldnt speak for MJ cuz we dont know where he stands but how come MJ has met every Prez except Bush and Obama? The last Prez MJ visited is Clinton who is Democrate like Obama yet MJ didnt met Obama. Its cuz MJ probably has released the truth being the smart man he is.

Also Obama shouldnt even be Prez, he wasnt even born in the US!
The moderator said that we can not talk about Michael Jackson and his political beliefs and that includes you too.-_- But keep in mind Obama has only been in office for only 95 amazing days. Michael was at the top of his career when he met those presidents... Remember??? Before the allegations...
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The moderator said that we can not talk about Michael Jackson and his political beliefs and that includes you too.

I did say that we cant talk for him and we dont know where he stands :smilerolleyes:
Obama has lied? Not surprised.

News flash: Every politician, every last one of them, EVER, has lied. They tell lies, they tell half-truths, they say what needs to be said to make people feel better, to get a vote, and sometimes both.

The problem comes with what they lie about and the extent of the deception. Obama hasn't told any dastardly lies. If he had, you wouldn't need to buy a book to find out what they are. You'd be able to tune into Fox News on a nightly basis and watch Hannity and O'Reilly wear it on a hat.

Maybe this economic crisis isn't being handled 100% to the best that it could be, but I don't believe any crucial mistakes have been made yet either. I also question the right's ability to handle this situation, either with a hands-on or hands-off approach, when roughly a year ago they were insisting that the economy was strong and new jobs were being created at break-neck speeds.
Obama has lied? Not surprised.

News flash: Every politician, every last one of them, EVER, has lied. They tell lies, they tell half-truths, they say what needs to be said to make people feel better, to get a vote, and sometimes both.

The problem comes with what they lie about and the extent of the deception. Obama hasn't told any dastardly lies. If he had, you wouldn't need to buy a book to find out what they are. You'd be able to tune into Fox News on a nightly basis and watch Hannity and O'Reilly wear it on a hat.

Maybe this economic crisis isn't being handled 100% to the best that it could be, but I don't believe any crucial mistakes have been made yet either. I also question the right's ability to handle this situation, either with a hands-on or hands-off approach, when roughly a year ago they were insisting that the economy was strong and new jobs were being created at break-neck speeds.
:clapping::clapping::clapping:... Wow!!! You always know how to put things in the right perspective.... Obama's Report card will be released for his 1st 100 days in office and he is expected to get at least an A.:punk:
Obama has lied? Not surprised.

News flash: Every politician, every last one of them, EVER, has lied. They tell lies, they tell half-truths, they say what needs to be said to make people feel better, to get a vote, and sometimes both.

The problem comes with what they lie about and the extent of the deception. Obama hasn't told any dastardly lies. If he had, you wouldn't need to buy a book to find out what they are. You'd be able to tune into Fox News on a nightly basis and watch Hannity and O'Reilly wear it on a hat.

Maybe this economic crisis isn't being handled 100% to the best that it could be, but I don't believe any crucial mistakes have been made yet either. I also question the right's ability to handle this situation, either with a hands-on or hands-off approach, when roughly a year ago they were insisting that the economy was strong and new jobs were being created at break-neck speeds.

:clapping::clapping::clapping: to you Superstition!! great post!
@ Linda,
Hahahah! Rush Limbaught the entertainer is the leader of the Republican party. Also that goon Sean Hannity. Oh and that other idiot Michelle Bachman. Most of the people that says Obama wasn't born in the United States couldn't tell you where Hawaii is.:rofl:

And isn't it completely sad that there are some that just get their news from FAUX news? They are too afraid to look anywhere else to validate their narrow-minded views on the US and the this Gop TV is the place you find them all the time? It's time to open your eyes up. Faux News is NOT fair and balanced. Not by a long shot!
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