The Obama Deception

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Doing a lot isn't necessarily a good thing. Have you ever heard the saying "he who governs less, governs best"? I don't know of anything he's done that actually been good for his country or the world which his policies influence. And btw, I don't like my country's government one bit. Kevin Rudd is a social-democrat just like Obama and his idea of solving a problem is throwing money at it. Just like Obama.

President Clinton and the Republican congress left Bush with a $200 billion surplus, not trillions. Billions is still good though. But the deficit Bush accumulated in 8 years, Obama has matched in his first 100 days.

Both parties in the US are in someway responsible for the economic collapse. You can look back at some key legislation that was passed like the Community Reinvestment Act of 1977 (that was the Democrat's fault) or the repeal of the Glass-Steagall act in 1999 (that was the Republican's fault). But I wouldn't say the economic crisis is a result of right-wing ideas. Government intervention in the economy is a left-wing idea. This crisis was created by leftist policies, the government forcing banks to make risky loans so that poor and middle income people could get mortgages. That's a liberal, left-wing idea.

Actually, historically, Democrats have created the mess and Republicans have had to clean it up. Democratic congress under Bill Clinton had a huge deficit and a big welfare problem, Republicans were elected mid-90s and balanced the budget and reformed welfare. Also, the Republicans under Bush were doing alright (save for military spending) until the Democrats were elected in 2006. That really when the trouble started.

The tax payers don't have any control over the auto companies, they just foot the bill. The fact is, tax dollars should never have went to bail out the auto companies. Unsuccessful companies should be allowed to fail. That way the government can't use taxpayer dollars as an excuse to take over companies. How is the government taking over a company giving them to come up with new ideas. What ideas, outside of the military, has the government ever come up? Every innovation has come from the free market. The government didn't tell Steve Jobs to make the first personal computer. If new cars that run on alternative fuels is what you want, then government has to get out of the way and give the market the freedom to explore those ideas without having to jump through hoops and over obstacles that the government puts in place through restrictions and regulations.

He sais he'd have a zero policy on lobbyists. His cabinet is inexcusable. And no, by most accounts he didn't do a good job with his appointees. Most people want Tim Geithner out (including his supporters), most liberals were unhappy with him keeping Robert Gates on, a lot of people don't like Eric Holder, the CIA itself wasn't happy with who he appointed to head the CIA.

Latest intelligence reports suggest they're in Pakistan now.

Hey, Australia has been by your side since day one. And now America is begging us for more troops. I hope our government has the guts to say no. But they wont. They are kiss-asses.

i agree with your assessment about capitalism.
if gm cars suck, they suck. free enterprise is the reason we love Michael Jackson. if your product is great, the people will come. if not..they won't.

i feel better buying a Honda, than a gm car.
a gm suv or ford suv more than a bmw suv.

if people would make good products and know the good products they made, and have confidence in the right products they made, they would succeed. and there should not be a safety net to prevent them from trying to swim correctly, or drown if they choose not to. we shouldn't foot the bill, for 'fairness'.
i agree with your assessment about capitalism.
if gm cars suck, they suck. free enterprise is the reason we love Michael Jackson. if your product is great, the people will come. if not..they won't.

i feel better buying a Honda, than a gm car.
a gm suv or ford suv more than a bmw suv.

if people would make good products and know the good products they made, and have confidence in the right products they made, they would succeed. and there should not be a safety net to prevent them from trying to swim correctly, or drown if they choose not to. we shouldn't foot the bill, for 'fairness'.
Very nice to see someone still sticking up for the free market. This economic crisis has seemed to turn everyone socialist. People are actually arguing for nationalising industries. But I agree with you 100%. People should come to appreciate all the good things capitalism has given us. Like, as you said, Michael Jackson. He puts out a record, consumers choose to buy it because it's the better product, he becomes more popular. He decides because of his popularity and success he'll go on tour. Consumers buy his tickets because he's the better product. And all this is done without the government doing a thing to help him. And he's allowed to do it because he lives in a somewhat free market.
Doing a lot isn't necessarily a good thing. Have you ever heard the saying "he who governs less, governs best"? I don't know of anything he's done that actually been good for his country or the world which his policies influence. And btw, I don't like my country's government one bit. Kevin Rudd is a social-democrat just like Obama and his idea of solving a problem is throwing money at it. Just like Obama.

What is it that he IS NOT DOING? It's only been less than 100 days? And I can't speak for your politicians, but here in America Obama is doing what the majority of the American people want he to do and that is way more than what the Bush administration did. The Americans voted the Republicans and their policies out. That is why Obama won by a landslide. States that didn't even vote for Bill Clinton voted for Obama.

President Clinton and the Republican congress left Bush with a $200 billion surplus, not trillions. Billions is still good though. But the deficit Bush accumulated in 8 years, Obama has matched in his first 100 days.

The trillions that you speak of in Obamas budget is to be spent over many many years.( it hasn't been spent, the bill was just past a few weeks ago). It is money that needs to be spent for the future of America that has been put off for many many years by both republican and democratic presidents. President Obama has the courage to address what is really needed in this country in order to move it into the 21st century and he has been up front and honest with the American people. A great deal of Obama's budget includes money that is to be spent on the military. The Bush administration didn't include money that needed to spent for the miltary in their bugets, so it appears that Obama's budget is more inflated. Also don't get the TARP money that was approved by the Bush administration lumped in with Obama. Most of the bell out money comes from the TARP funds.

He sais he'd have a zero policy on lobbyists. His cabinet is inexcusable. And no, by most accounts he didn't do a good job with his appointees. Most people want Tim Geithner out (including his supporters), most liberals were unhappy with him keeping Robert Gates on, a lot of people don't like Eric Holder, the CIA itself wasn't happy with who he appointed to head the CIA.

I am amused by your exaggeration of the Obama cabinet full of lobbyist. Obama has taken more of a centrist approach on how he is going to govern. Right wingers love to paint all Democrats as liberals..... Now people are singing the praises of Timothy Geithner after they heard the details of his banking plan. Geithner doesn't have a personality I must say, but everyone knows he is the best man for getting the financial crisis in check. Keeping Bob Gates as Defense Sec during a time of war, was a smart move on Obama. Most presidents do. Of course the liberals don't like him, THEY DON'T LIKE THE WAR PERIOD. Gates is only going to be the Sec for another year or two so he says. Eric Holder was the best choice for Attn General. But the liberals want him to go after George W. Bush and Dick Cheney for war crimes and he said that he will not do it. And there are a lot of right wingers that don't like Eric Holder because of the Elian Gonzalez case when Eric Holder as the assistant to then Attn Genereal Janet Reno help orchestrate the return of little Elian back to Cuba which the republicans hated. There a lot of people who like the fact that Leon Pinetta is now director of the CIA. So yeah you have a few un-happy people all over the place, that is always the case. THAT IS POLITICIS... But that is what a leader like Obama does, he follows his own instincts and what is best for the country.

Latest intelligence reports suggest they're in Pakistan now.

Afghanistan, Pakistan.... What's the difference? They share the same boader. That is where the enemy is period. We don't know who is helping who with those two countries. Obama doesn't trust Pakistan and he has said so. But we all know that Osama Bin Laden isn't in Iraq, is he????

Hey, Australia has been by your side since day one. And now America is begging us for more troops. I hope our government has the guts to say no. But they wont. They are kiss-asses.

America isn't begging anyone for help. If Australia doesn't send troops, then you don't send them. No your government won't say no and I don't think it's because they kiss ass. It's becuase they know what side of their bread is butterd. Obama is smart and he is prepared to do what he has to do in order to get the job done... There is a new shariff in town.
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Figured I'd lighten things up in here...:)
Thanks Linda!! There are some funny cartoons clips out there about him and they all get the ears right... hahahah!!! Oh and the audiance is full of elephants. The symbol of the Republican party...... hahahah!!!
To stir the pot:

In this thoroughly researched and documented book, the #1 New York Times bestselling co-author of Unfit for Command: Swift Boat Veterans Speak Out Against John Kerry explains why the extreme leftism of an Obama presidency would leave the United States weakened, diminished and divided.

Audio/Video eBook:
So people say that Obama is not different than the republicans yet he is 'extremely left wing' and a 'socialist'. People need to make up there minds!
I was under the impression that this was actually a very good man, a friendly, down to earth person who's got the best wishes for his country/world....the moment he came into office i heard he actually froze the loan's of some workers at The white house that were simply getting way too much money on their bank accounts...i really liked that.

Also that he was gonna close Guantamo Bay sounded VERY good, finally something really good...cause that place is so unessecary and so ridiculous, and so damn unfair as well to people there....yes there are criminals there but also people who have never been convicted..come on now. But....Obama is NOT doing this now anymore?

Recently he was at Jay Leno's show....i think that was the show...and he seemed so cool. Funny, but also very serious and smart. Haven't watched the doc yet...don't feel like too. But just because there's a 'negative' doc, doesn't mean it's true.
Its complete Bullocks about Guantanomo Bay, He has signed legislation for it to be shut down.
Its not a negative doco. Its actually a liberating doco.

It is a negative documentary, brought to you by the same people who knocked Kerry down Unjustly and Unfairly. This "film" was bought and paid for by the extreme right wing. Please don't bother to "sell" it here. It is a pack of lies.

Here is just one example of the kinds of very blatant lies contained in Corsi’s book:
LIE: “Obama did not dedicate Dreams from My Father to his mother, or to his father, Barack Senior,
or to his Indonesian stepfather. Missing from the dedication are the grandparents who raised him
in Hawaii, especially during the years his mother abandoned him to return to Indonesia to be
with Lolo.” [p 49]
REALITY: OBAMA DID DEDICATE HIS BOOK TO HIS FAMILY … “It is to my family, though — my
mother, my grandparents, my siblings, stretched across oceans and continents — that I owe the deepest gratitude
and to whom I dedicated this book. Without their constant love and support, without their willingness to let me
sing their song and their toleration of the occasional wrong note, I could never have hoped to finish. If nothing
else, I hope that the love and respect I feel for them shines through on every page.” [Dreams From My Father, p

Here’s another example:

LIE: “Obama failed to discuss his father’s alcoholism and polygamy in his autobiography.” [p 24]
“Obama’s story of his father’s life is dense, presented in anything but a straightforward manner,
often glorified or embellished so as to mask much of the harsh and, for Obama, probably painful
truth.” [p 37]
REALITY: OBAMA WROTE EXTENSIVELY ABOUT HIS FATHER’S FLAWS IN “DREAMS”….Obama Wrote He Asked Himself If His Father Was “A Bitter Drunk.” “Now, as I sat in the glow of a
single light bulb, rocking slightly on a hard-backed chair, that image had suddenly vanished. Replaced by . . .
what? A bitter drunk? An abusive husband? A defeated, lonely bureaucrat? To think that all my life I had been
wrestling with nothing more than a ghost!” [p 220]

Both of these examples, and a long list of lies in Corsi’s book can be found in a document released by the Obama campaign called ‘Unfit for Publication’. You can read it as a free PDF here:…fit_cover.html

The facts also show that the author of ‘The Obama Nation’, Jerome Corsi, is a nutjob and a bigot.
Corsi has written extensively for nutty right-wing outlets such as WorldNetDaily. WorldNetDaily is truly nutty and truly right-wing. Its most recent highlighted articles include:

An article at documents that Corsi has made numerous bigoted remarks in blog posts ( Media Matters - MMFA investigates: Who is Jerome Corsi, co-author of Swift Boat Vets attack book? ).
Corsi has referred to gays as “sodomizers”, arabs as “RAGHEADS”, Chelsea Clinton repeatedly as “chubby Chelsea”, and Islam as a “Satanic religion”.
He said of former Pres. Clinton:
When is this guy going to admit he’s simply an anti-American communist? Won’t he and his leftist wife simply go away???? Enough already.
It is a negative documentary, brought to you by the same people who knocked Kerry down Unjustly and Unfairly. This "film" was bought and paid for by the extreme right wing. Please don't bother to "sell" it here. It is a pack of lies.

Its actually NOT a negative doco. Its an eye opening doco. Its only negative IF YOUR AN OBAMA SUPPORTER! Just do a bit of personal and logcial investigating on your own away from this doco and you will see that its all true!

This isnt extreme right wing either, its non partisan.
^ It is a partisan hack job, done by a right-wing fanatic funded by FAUX news, and put out just prior to the November Elections. And if you "ban" me for this, fine by me. I have just as much of a right to defend my opinions around here as anyone else.

Here is a bit about this partisan hack job (or should I say whack job)

Both of these examples, and a long list of lies in Corsi’s book can be found in a document released by the Obama campaign called ‘Unfit for Publication’. You can read it as a free PDF here:…fit_cover.html The facts also show that the author of ‘The Obama Nation’, Jerome Corsi, is a nutjob and a bigot.
Corsi has written extensively for nutty right-wing outlets such as WorldNetDaily. WorldNetDaily is truly nutty and truly right-wing. Its most recent highlighted articles include:

An article at documents that Corsi has made numerous bigoted remarks in blog posts ( Media Matters - MMFA investigates: Who is Jerome Corsi, co-author of Swift Boat Vets attack book? ).
Corsi has referred to gays as “sodomizers”, arabs as “RAGHEADS”, Chelsea Clinton repeatedly as “chubby Chelsea”, and Islam as a “Satanic religion”.
He said of former Pres. Clinton:
When is this guy going to admit he’s simply an anti-American communist? Won’t he and his leftist wife simply go away???? Enough already.

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^ It is a partisan hack job, done by a right-wing fanatic funded by FAUX news, and put out just prior to the November Elections. And if you "ban" me for this, fine by me. I have just as much of a right to defend my opinions around here as anyone else.

A bit aggressive.

This isnt anything to do with Fox News at all. In fact this points holes at Fox as well.

And this wasnt released until several weeks ago. And again its non partisan.

You clearly havent watched the doco otherwise you wouldnt be posting such ludicrous comments that are clearly not a factor and have nothing to do with this doco.

I dont mind you having an opinion. Thats what the boards are for! :)

Mon, Aug 4, 2008 3:22pm ET
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Unfit for Publication: Corsi's The Obama Nation filled with falsehoods

Summary: In its preface, Jerome Corsi compares his new book, The Obama Nation, to his 2004 book Unfit for Command. The comparison seems apt: Just as Unfit for Command contains false attacks on Sen. John Kerry's military service, a Media Matters review finds that The Obama Nation similarly contains numerous falsehoods about Sen. Barack Obama.

^ DI, this came out in August 2008. Enuf said.

lol Sorry but you dont know what you're talking about,

This doco is about Obama's decisions since BEING PREZ and how he is being likened to Bush. So after the elections as you claim. If you'd seen even 5mins of the doco you'd know that. Nuff said!
It was released in August of 2008. Please look it up on Google if you don't believe me.


The author: a discredited, fringe bigot
Of course, the lies in “The Obama Nation” almost pale in comparison to the bizarre,
conspiratorial views that Jerome Corsi has advocated in his broader work. He believes
that President Bush is trying to merge the United states with Mexico and Canada. He
believes that there is a literally unending supply of oil beneath the ground. And in
perhaps the gravest sign that his views can’t be trusted, he alleges a government cover-up
of the 9/11 attacks and denies that airplanes were to blame for the towers’ collapse.
And it doesn’t stop there. Corsi has penned a litany of bigoted, hateful comments—
crossing the line so thoroughly that even the right-wing operatives behind Swift Boat
Veterans for Truth disavowed him. This is a man who smears the Catholic Church, calls
the Pope “senile,” and regularly demeans public servants in vile sexual and racial terms.
In short, his record of attacks is disgusting and false, and so is this book.
This doco is called THE OBAMA DECEPTION (released March 15 09) NOT this Obama Nation you keep quoting. 2 different things. Again sorry you dont know what your on about.
So people say that Obama is not different than the republicans yet he is 'extremely left wing' and a 'socialist'. People need to make up there minds!

NOW!!!!!!!! he's FACIST, that's what these DIP SH!T REPUBLICANS are calling him now..:rofl: Let's see, he has been TERRORIST, A SOCIALIST... These jerks don't know what the phuck he is....
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And if there is anyone out there who thinks Fox News is fair and balance, you probably think pro wrestlers are really really wrestling.... Oh and I bet every last one of you that Michael Jackson supports Barack Obama.... TO ALL REPUBLICANS AND RIGHT WINGERS, STOP BEING THE PARTY OF "NO" AND COME UP WITH SOLUTIONS... LOLOLOLOLOL
I dont know why people think being a socialist is an insult to somebody? it would be good if Obama was socialist, but he isnt.
I lied. I am going to post one more thing. And then that's it.

Here's the truth about Alex Jones.


Jones, not Obama, deceives

'The Obama Deception' strives to convince skeptics with pseudo-logic.

By Rebecca Delaney

Published April 17, 2009
Rebecca Delaney

Oh, a postmodern life's rough, ain't it? It's so rough, we'll connect the dots of reality in any way we can to make the disjointedness comprehensible. Damn the truth because there isn't one. Paranoia will suffice.

That's the only reason I can come up with to explain why so many otherwise rational people I know have watched Alex Jones' "The Obama Deception" -- and seem to accept it. For those unfamiliar with Jones, he's the poster child of conspiracy theorists. He hosts his own paranoia-steeped radio program and heads, a site with the slogan "Because there is a war on for your mind." Oh, Jones was also behind "Loose Change," a quintessential 9/11-was-an-inside-job film.

Now, as easy as it'd be to call him a whack job, tell his followers to put their tin foil hats back on and commence with my happy, yahoo-liberal life, I can't justify that. To me, fighting my own personal ignorance means delving into things I know I'll find, well, ignorant.

So I watched "Deception" this weekend, keeping my mind as open as possible. In it, Jones mongers fear that there's a bank-run, global shadow government launching a scheme to enslave the world. Jones claims Obama and every post-JFK president have been little more than puppets -- Trojan horses spoon-feeding this, gasp, "New World Order" to America and the rest of the planet. No, I'm not exaggerating.

The whole thing's classic conspiracy theory: half-truths mish-mashed and digested into a dung heap of, ironically, deception. Jones connects mostly factual dots into a pseudo-logical pattern, concluding just short of telling us the omnipotent financiers ruling this shadow government are also bloodthirsty aliens.

Here's the problem with conspiracy theories: Jones and his ilk know the sinister conclusion they're after from the onset. There are so many bits of data about the world out there that, in an obsessive haze, they can pluck convenient "dots" to suit their hypotheses and connect them in any damn way they please. These "truths" conspiracy theorists concoct for themselves -- typically apocalyptic ones -- offer a sense of orientation in an overwhelming world and help them sleep better at night. Fittingly, conspiracy-types often accuse skeptics -- people who're savvy enough to check out the facts behind the conspiracies -- of turning a blind eye to the "evil" so they themselves can rest easier.

In other words, Alex Jones is a radio talk-show host, on the level of Art Bell. He is in it for Alex Jones, and Alex Jones period. He is making money off of the crap he promotes.

When us Progressives suggested that 9/11 was an inside job (and I still believe that to be true), people like Alex Jones were ready to throw us in the looney bin. So what does Alex Jones and his ilk come up with? That 9/11 was an inside job, and insinuates that Barack Obama has something to do with it?? GET YOUR TIN FOIL HATS OUT FOLKS. THIS GUY IS A WHACK JOB!! There is no "TRUTH" to his "documentary".

It's a PILE of GARBAGE. Plain and Simple!

In other words, those of us Progressives who called 9/11 were called whack jobs, while ultra right-wing WHACK jobs such as Alex Jones can do the same thing and it's now called the "truth"?? Oh puh-leeze. And do me a favor, and actually read those websites. They alone are eye-openers to your new hero Alex.
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If you knew anything about right-wing principles, you'd know making a demand like that doesn't make any sense. It's part of the right-wing philosophy that government isn't always the solution to our problems. So to demand of the right-wing that they start coming up with solutions is totally out of line with the right-wing philosophy. The only right-wing solution to this economic problem is to do nothing. Many, many economists (including Noble prize winning economists) agree that if the government did nothing, got out of the way and let the market recover naturally, we'd recover from this crisis a lot sooner.
Ok guys, just a general warning: please don't forget to post with respect in this thread. No name-calling or unnecessary generalizations and rants about other people. This thread is also not about Michael Jackson's political affiliations - which we don't know anything about. As I said, post with respect or not at all. Thanks.
If you knew anything about right-wing principles, you'd know making a demand like that doesn't make any sense. It's part of the right-wing philosophy that government isn't always the solution to our problems. So to demand of the right-wing that they start coming up with solutions is totally out of line with the right-wing philosophy. The only right-wing solution to this economic problem is to do nothing. Many, many economists (including Noble prize winning economists) agree that if the government did nothing, got out of the way and let the market recover naturally, we'd recover from this crisis a lot sooner.

I'm well aware of what the Republican party stands for. And becuase they don't have solutions is the reason why they lost. No one is demanding that they do anything, but if you don't believe that the government shouldn't be involved in dealing with the economic problems, then tell everyone what you would do and The Republicans and Right Wingers haven't done that. And there are Noble prize winning economists that believe the government should be involved and do a lot more. We know that the markets are going to recover naturally, President Obama wants to put measures in place so that the crisis will never happen again. That's what the Republicans don't want. :D
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