The MJJC July 13th 02 Vigil General Discussion From Page 36 [UPDATE: Post 1]

Re: The MJJC Michael Jackson Vigil And Celebration: July 13th London's 02 Arena HUGE NEWS UPDATE Pag

I'd definitely be up for doing something else as i was one of those who kept themselves to themseves both at the clubhouse before ( which i thought was a great venue by the way- well done for finding that) and at the O2. Looking back wish I had got more involved with getting to know people off here, still next time maybe.
Such a shame it didn't all go to plan but I think most people enjoyed it in there own way be that silently with candles or singing/dancing along to his songs.
I said earlier I was disappointed the o2 didn't give us some speakers not so much so we could blast music out but it would have maybe bought a bit of organisation to proceedings as too many people,myself included, were just milling around unsure as to what exactly was going on. No-one was really able to make themselves heard and loads just finished up going into the O2 and sitting in the bars, not i think because they were being disrespectful or just there for the occassion but because they were uneasy/unclear with what was going on outside. I kept popping back and forth between standing inside looking into the arena thinking about what might of been and seeing what was happening outside and throughout it was clear there were many different groups all doing there own thing. It would have been so good if we could have all come together as one.
Didn't realise the guys on the stage weren't part of the planned proceedings, sorry if they ruined it for people.
Maybe next time we could do something outside the clubhouse as seemed loads of space there. I know it has no connection to michael but at least it'd be for people all there for the right reasons and less likely to get gatecrashed. On his birthday maybe?
Re: The MJJC Michael Jackson Vigil And Celebration: July 13th London's 02 Arena HUGE NEWS UPDATE Pag

hey i just got back from the vigil...just wanted to register my disgust...i'm sure NOTHING to do with the respectful people from here, just to make that clear. I was one of the people with the balloons (white tank, braces, fedora..and sore fingers as i was knotting the balloons lol).

I got to the o2 bout 6.30. Cudnt make the clubhouse cos i hadnt slept all night due to being so upset bout the whole situation. I came down to say my last goodbye to michael, and to mourn with fans just like i had in LA and at the o2 the day after his passing. But I arrived to see not a vigil but a fan party. People on the "stage" (which was actually to be to put flowers and stuff down on!) singing and IMO trying to get the attention of the press, and people standing round in circles seeing who cud do the moves the best! With smaller groups actually sitting round holding their own little vigils. I understand that people had different points of views on what today should have been...a celebration / a vigil / a mourning / a party etc, and thats fine! What annoys me is when SOME people / groups prevent others from paying their last respects!!!

At first some balloons were blown up to be handed out to later be released, but as soon as this poor girl walked out she was mobbed by people snatching them like they were a party gift not understanding what they were for or even asking! they were just rude!!! So we gave up and decided to go round the corner and blow them up where we cudnt be seen and then walk out and release them. 50 balloons for 50 dates and 50 years of life. (btw it wasnt me saying those things bout train tickets but i know who it was...and it was at the disgust of the people who had just mobbed us, you should have come over, cos we wanted people from mjjc involved!) So we walked out hand in hand and released them. Lovely moment, and best part of it all. We then decided to all go have a break and come back and do the rest of the balloons to be released after a minutes silence for MJs TOD...this is where it all went wrong!!!

So we blew up the balloons and decided to go to the "stage" which currently had performers on to ask them if we cud have 2 minute without music to go up, and get everyone to have a minute silence and release the balloons. First we were ignored, then we were told to wait till the performer was done, we said that we wanted to do it on his time of death, we were told to do it 11 (clearly had no respect for the time he actually passed). We were not allowed to go on the "stage". When we spoke to the security he said "shes said she don't want anyone on stage apart from performers" i said "who's she?!" he said "the organiser...the woman in charge"...ERM EXCUSE ME!? THE ORGANISER WAS WITH US!!! AND NO ONE WAS IN CHARGE! grrrrrr. we'd been hijacked! If it wasn't for people here they wudn't have the wipe boards and stuff!! after some debate we gave up, separated with one person standing next the individual candle light vigils and let the ballloons go (the guys on stage and stuff cheered even tho they wudnt let us do it in the first place!!).

After that we had enough. It was clear that this was nothing to do with michael or people mourning for him. This was about the impersonaters trying to get in the spotlight and get some fame off of MJs fame. There was a horrible atmosphere and it was so segregated. So many people were so disrespectful, and were there for the wrong reasons. I feel sorry for the people who had come such a long way to say goodbye, and didn't get the chance.

OH and they had a minute silence after 11...cos they weren't allowed to have music anymore due to noise pollution regulations so they cud no longer make it about them!!!!

I would like to say thank you to the MJJC member who was on the "stage" who tried to stick up for us, saying that no one was in charge...shame they didn't listen, but at least you tried so thank you!

Im glad to hear some people enjoyed it and got to say goodbye how they liked. I was quite happy to sit in our own little group, swap stories, light candles, sing songs. We didn't want to be part of the "party" and thats was our choice, thats fine, but to stop us from showing our respects because they wanted to perform, was just plain wrong!

Sorry for the rant, but im so devastated at this situation. Gonna light some candles, watch my MJ dvds, and say goodbye in peace :(

i SO agree with you! That's why I only stayed for an hour or so...I simply couldn't take people chanting "Michael, Michael" and even worse "This it it, this is it!" How awful! That's something we would have chanted in front of his hotel, so he would show himself and wave... :(
I thought everything yesterday was a big mess and I can't believe those fans on the stage...what was that all about?!
Everything just felt so wrong to me and it was definitely not the right atmosphere for me to say goodbye to Michael.

What a shame! :(
Re: The MJJC Michael Jackson Vigil And Celebration: July 13th London's 02 Arena HUGE NEWS UPDATE Pag

I couldn't come to The O2 in the end yesterday as something came up at the last minute at home - I think from the reviews of the evening, I am possibly glad I didn't make it down - though I am sure I would have found a nice group of people to have a respectful vigil to MJ with

I can't believe the actions of some of these people....

I'd like to think that we could possibly arrange an MJJC event where we know that the people in attendance will give Michael the respect he so deserves
Re: The MJJC Michael Jackson Vigil And Celebration: July 13th London's 02 Arena HUGE NEWS UPDATE Pag

from what i read there removing after 16th july i think that sucks

and oh my gosh i missed this lookalike!!
i have to see pics!

oohhhhh that means i will get to see them as im going down july 16th :D

but you know what, even if they remove them, i think people are still going to continue laying things
Re: The MJJC Michael Jackson Vigil And Celebration: July 13th London's 02 Arena HUGE NEWS UPDATE Pag

I'm so glad that I am not alone in my thoughts on last night. I was on my own for the most part, felt too shy to try and 'weedle' in to established groups. I did meet a few lovely people that had come from Germany, I sat next to them on the wall and we shared some of our thoughts about Michael.

The walk up to the O2 on my own felt so sad, it should have been such an exciting time, to finally get to see him, the O2 is such a stunning place and I was just willing it to be pumping full of his music.

When I arrived I was a bit taken aback by the people on the 'stage' yelling and shouting, I just figured that we all have different ways of showing our respects. For me I was there to lay a rose and light a candle and be in the presence of others that felt the need to say goodbye.

I had so hoped that all of us could have sat down and lit candles together but it felt so segregated and full of people who seemed to be there to 'get on the telly'. I was shocked and disgusted at how rude people were, I was pushed out of the way constantly whenever I went towards a crowd to see what was happening. I gave up, went for a walk inside to the barriers where we would have gone in for the concert and then sat on the wall outside again. My husband came up to meet me at 9 ish and we went for a drink inside, I felt more like I was in the company of fans in the bar if I'm honest.

I brought candles in jars and lit them before we headed off, I also had lots of matches so I lit all the ones that had gone out too. That for me was the special moment and it really then did hit home that he had gone.

On our long walk back to the car we saw a lovely banner that had been placed on the fence on the way to the O2, I'll post a pic as soon as I can (how do I post a pic?) we sang along to MJ tunes all the way home...

Well done on the balloons guys, that was a nice moment.
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Re: The MJJC Michael Jackson Vigil And Celebration: July 13th London's 02 Arena HUGE NEWS UPDATE Pag

i SO agree with you! That's why I only stayed for an hour or so...I simply couldn't take people chanting "Michael, Michael" and even worse "This it it, this is it!" How awful! That's something we would have chanted in front of his hotel, so he would show himself and wave... :(
I thought everything yesterday was a big mess and I can't believe those fans on the stage...what was that all about?!
Everything just felt so wrong to me and it was definitely not the right atmosphere for me to say goodbye to Michael.

What a shame! :(

Exactly! How can you say goodbye to someone with all that going on? That's what got to me, we were supposed to be saying goodbye and I came away feeling that I still hadn't.

It felt like I was at an out of control "talent" contest.
Re: The MJJC July 13th 02 Vigil General Discussion From Page 36

I feel for that poor girl that got the ballons taken off of her..i think that was disgusting.
Re: The MJJC July 13th 02 Vigil General Discussion From Page 36

I was there...I too feel like I haven't said goodbye. I was quite shocked when we got there how loud and rowdy it was. I thought people would be sitting and talking and reminiscing. I thought it might have just been for a while but it carried on the whole time. I would have liked to have signed the wall and read through the messages etc but it was impossible with the loud music and people stomping all over the stage and everything. The atmosphere was all wrong for that kind of thing pushing and chanting and shouting. If you sat down you had to be careful you weren't trodden on! I know people deal with things differently, but the people that went for closure and to have a quiet time weren't catered for really. The o2 didn't do much either, which was disappointing. There was a lot of things that just weren't right to me. It got nicer the later it got, people mellowed out a bit and sat and sang to his music. It was sad and surreal. I'm glad I went, I needed to do something to deal with yesterday and what it meant. I'm so gutted today...I just feel so empty now knowing everything is just over and that he is gone. Awful. I took a lot of photo's and video's, I will post them later. People from here I met were lovely, sad I couldn't make it to the clubhouse. Hopefully in the future we can maybe arrange something just for people from here?

EDIT: @Gaz - thankyou for everything you did. That would be amazing if you could rent a building or something. Then I might finally feel the closure I'm so desperate to have that I thought yesterday would bring. :(
Re: The MJJC July 13th 02 Vigil General Discussion From Page 36

Was brilliant yesterday. Many thanks and much love to everyone who was there as well as this forum :) I lit candles and wrote on the wall on behalf of MJC (im sure it's already been done but i did it anyway). If anyone has any pics of me in my pink wings can they post them please, I don't have any of the wings!

REMEMBER...Michael was an HUMANITARIAN, not just the KING OF POP! xxxx

Gaz, just read your last post. I too was hurt by the fact that there was an impersonator with a huge crowd round him and having pictures taken as if he was the real Michael. It made it more like a sideshow than a vigil - inappropriate :( However I met a lot of genuine, loving and caring fans yesterday, and that's what made the day for me personally. Both in the clubhouse and at the 02 there were many people who recognised Michael's humanitarianism as well as him musical acheivements and although maybe this wasn't the place to say this, I thought that was very important. To everyone I met, thanks for making it special :)
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Re: The MJJC July 13th 02 Vigil General Discussion From Page 36

Gaz we all appericate what u did, even though i wasnt there - i thank you
Michael would be so proud of you for orgainseing this
Re: The MJJC July 13th 02 Vigil General Discussion From Page 36


I am at this point after hearing and seeing what I saw I am very much discusted by the hijacking by the impersonators and lime light seekers, THIS WAS NOT ABOUT THEM

I am saddened by the sheer disrepect towards those that wanted to quietly say goodbye or even have their say, instead I saw an impersonator and fame circus.

This is not what I organised nor what I wanted for the fans and members of MJJC.

I am truely sorry there were those that were treated like they did not exist, or were not important enough to be able show their respects to Michael in the way they wanted,

However to those that did enjoy the circus I am glad you did celebrate michael through his music with some singing and dancing,

And guys, yes we will be doing this again however this time I will rent a building and if your not a member of MJJC your not aloud in, if thats what it takes thats what will happen.




This sounds like a plan - and I am sure that any event arranged and co-ordinated by MJJC will be a success :)

Lisa x
Re: The MJJC July 13th 02 Vigil General Discussion From Page 36


I am at this point after hearing and seeing what I saw I am very much discusted by the hijacking by the impersonators and lime light seekers, THIS WAS NOT ABOUT THEM

I am saddened by the sheer disrepect towards those that wanted to quietly say goodbye or even have their say, instead I saw an impersonator and fame circus.

This is not what I organised nor what I wanted for the fans and members of MJJC.

I am truely sorry there were those that were treated like they did not exist, or were not important enough to be able show their respects to Michael in the way they wanted,

However to those that did enjoy the circus I am glad you did celebrate michael through his music with some singing and dancing,

And guys, yes we will be doing this again however this time I will rent a building and if your not a member of MJJC your not aloud in, if thats what it takes thats what will happen.



I remember standing there with you and Andy, and you looking on at this with what I can only describe as utter contempt on your face and with a severe sense of being deflated, when I released the balloon you said "It will find its way out of there." that was my way of saying goodbye.

Signing the message board, lighting a candle and laying flowers down was the way it should have been.
Re: The MJJC July 13th 02 Vigil General Discussion From Page 36

Was brilliant yesterday. Many thanks and much love to everyone who was there as well as this forum :) I lit candles and wrote on the wall on behalf of MJC (im sure it's already been done but i did it anyway hehe) if anyone has any pics of me in my angel wings can they post them please, I don't have any of the wings!

REMEMBER...Michael was an HUMANITARIAN, not just the KING OF POP! xxxx

Was that you!! i kept seeing you!!!.

Another one here feeling absoultly disgusted with the evening - i was I never went. My favorite part of the night was meeting a fan not from mjjc dressed as Michael telling me and snorlax (think you were there at the point) about when Michael brought him Pizza.

I think the club house was quite hard to talk to people as well - i know it makes 2 people to make the effort but just felt akward
Re: The MJJC July 13th 02 Vigil General Discussion From Page 36

Yep, I too was disgusted by what Navi was doing. Not the time or the place. And the way people were chasing him about was so ridiculous. I couldn't believe what I was seeing.
Re: The MJJC July 13th 02 Vigil General Discussion From Page 36

gaz dont worry bout that impersonator
As long as u guys got the chance to say your special goodbyes to mike in your own way- that all that matters
Re: The MJJC July 13th 02 Vigil General Discussion From Page 36

thats a shame people had to go and ruin it for all of you that got there
some people have no respect, it's disgusting

i hope you all got something enjoyable out of it though
Re: The MJJC July 13th 02 Vigil General Discussion From Page 36


I am at this point after hearing and seeing what I saw I am very much discusted by the hijacking by the impersonators and lime light seekers, THIS WAS NOT ABOUT THEM

I am saddened by the sheer disrepect towards those that wanted to quietly say goodbye or even have their say, instead I saw an impersonator and fame circus.

This is not what I organised nor what I wanted for the fans and members of MJJC.

I am truely sorry there were those that were treated like they did not exist, or were not important enough to be able show their respects to Michael in the way they wanted,

However to those that did enjoy the circus I am glad you did celebrate michael through his music with some singing and dancing,

And guys, yes we will be doing this again however this time I will rent a building and if your not a member of MJJC your not aloud in, if thats what it takes thats what will happen.



I think that's what needs to happen. I'm in disbelief that an idea for an event that was started here was so disrespectfully hijacked. If all those people had wanted to come along to join I'm sure they would have been welcomed with open arms, but they didn't want to join, they wanted to take over and get everyone looking at them.
Re: The MJJC July 13th 02 Vigil General Discussion From Page 36

Hey there, just got back and read the last page of the thread... I'm relieved that I'm not the only one that felt this was a lot different to what I expected. I was expecting a lot more respectful atmosphere. I kept refering to those on the "platform" as rent-a-fans. :p
They didn't even know the words to some of the most popular songs. And it was the same 5 songs over and over again. Just as I was getting into Dancing Machine's intro, they skippped the track because they didn't know it. A few lines of Earth Song were attempted... though they filled their unknown lyrics with "What about Michael Jackson?"
Re: The MJJC July 13th 02 Vigil General Discussion From Page 36

The only reason why I personally wasn't as disappointed as some here was because I didn't really know what to expect from the event. I did enjoy myself, but I understand that this is not exactly what MJJC had planned, and yes there were some being rather uncooperative. I had no problem with the impersonators, yet I guess the attendance probably made it difficult for some to give their tributes properly in their own way.

I would happily attend a MJJC-only event, and would look forward to it.
Re: The MJJC July 13th 02 Vigil General Discussion From Page 36

Yep, I too was disgusted by what Navi was doing. Not the time or the place. .

:bugeyed:bugeyed:bugeyed It was navi!!??? omg!
Re: The MJJC July 13th 02 Vigil General Discussion From Page 36

my daughter and husband were there. They were surprised by the noise etc and she had made some stuff to go on the wall and written letters but struggled to get near it. She text and thanks to you guys posting photos I managed to direct her through. Mind you she did tell me off because I told her it would give a bit of closure and be somewhere to contemplate and have her thoughts with Michael.....
Re: The MJJC July 13th 02 Vigil General Discussion From Page 36

can not post much will do when get home but thanks gaz! Was great meeting you! Sugar bunny great meeting you and your friends, felt for you when you saw the screen! Stace, ha ha got it right love ya mate! Lisa ,marie you made my day and part my night , nat . London fan! Love ya mate! Gonna make sure i get meet so many more of you next time and im going to write for you all bout when i met michael , mj kate short but very sweet x

Will post some pix soon as i can. x

We are much than more than a club now we are mikes extended family and as such we should not be shy in coming together x

Re: The MJJC July 13th 02 Vigil General Discussion From Page 36

Oh Im so sorry you felt like this, for me it was a matter of I would have spoken to anyone and it would have been really enjoyable for you to come up to me we would have had a nice chat, I saw many fans there but myself I wasnt sure who they were until the introduced themselves or they knew who I was.

Like i said it takes two to make the effort just wish i was not as shy sometimes to be able to say "Who are you" lol. I just got this on facebook










Please feel free to add the group and write on the wall the concerns!!!!!!!!!!!! I do and she keeps deleting them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hate people like that, so much !! posted some pics guys x
Re: The MJJC July 13th 02 Vigil General Discussion From Page 36

can not post much will do when get home but thanks gaz! Was great meeting you! Sugar bunny great meeting you and your friends, felt for you when you saw the screen!

Thet were DCM and SNorlax off of here :) nice meeting you to. Yeah guess you could tell i didnt like it to much :(
Re: The MJJC July 13th 02 Vigil General Discussion From Page 36

Was that you!! i kept seeing you!!!.

Another one here feeling absoultly disgusted with the evening - i was I never went. My favorite part of the night was meeting a fan not from mjjc dressed as Michael telling me and snorlax (think you were there at the point) about when Michael brought him Pizza.

I think the club house was quite hard to talk to people as well - i know it makes 2 people to make the effort but just felt akward

Hehe yeah that was me. I was worried that the wings were a bit much, as placards and things seemed inappropriate, but having seen what some of the other fans did i needn't have worried I don't think. The clubhouse was a bit awkward at first. I literally went up to the bar, bought a drink and introduced myself to other fans and met others through them, so after a few mins it was fine :) Just wish it hadn't been so crazy over at the 02!

EDIT: everyone in here needs MJJC t-shirts! I wrote my screen name and MJJC on my arm but only a few people saw it - will now buy a t-shirt as soon as i have the money!
Re: The MJJC July 13th 02 Vigil General Discussion From Page 36

I can understand why Gary is pissed, and I try to look at it like this way...
If I were an impersonator, then I'd come as myself and not as a MJ wannabe.
I've never liked impersonators to begin with, but in a situation like this it's disrespectful.

I mean, wear your glove and your hat - but don't put on a show like this gathering is about you.
Re: The MJJC July 13th 02 Vigil General Discussion From Page 36

I agree with what u said bruce!
Re: The MJJC July 13th 02 Vigil General Discussion From Page 36

I can understand why Gary is pissed, and I try to look at it like this way...
If I were an impersonator, then I'd come as myself and not as a MJ wannabe.
I've never liked impersonators to begin with, but in a situation like this it's disrespectful.

I mean, wear your glove and your hat - but don't put on a show like this gathering is about you.

I absolutely agree! That had nothing to do with showing respect...that was absolutely about self-promotion and he SO wishes he was Michael Jackson. I also never really liked impersonators and yesterday just proved to me once again WHY I don't like them.

(Sorry for the generalisation. Just how I feel at the moment).
Re: The MJJC July 13th 02 Vigil General Discussion From Page 36

Well that wasn't what i was expecting that's for sure :no: I too felt i never really said goodbye to michael and i was teary eyed going home on the coach.

I was at the club house but my daughter and i kept ourselves to ourselves really, although i wished i had gone up to some people, but sometimes when i talk about michael i get emotional so i guess i didn't want to show myself up. A lot of people seemed to be with thier own inner circle and i didn't feel i could just walk up and say "Hiya it's me".

Got to the 02 about 6ish and what a racket, what the hell was with the performers and the swearing on the stage i am sure michael would NOT have been happy with that. mj lookalike wandering around with the LOOK AT ME attitude with swarms of fans round him, i had to go into the ladies and have a quick cry, i know everyone is different and some people might want to remember him this way but i felt ill and sick at what i was seeing.

We managed to write our tribute on the wall and leave some flowers for michael, then we went home i just wanted out of there, we got the early bus back to york and i felt devastated, i wanted all the flowers and things in one place instead of scattered about with some people standing on them near the wall :(

Sorry for the rant and i did see some wonderful fans who i know probably felt the same way as me xxx